: ; Ti 'y :v;v -THE: V : '? o-T.s, '"n-. r:,i-: V XTT' TV TT "tsi :T rrrS fS,.". t". sWn A .rn-n vSnrr -rr, TI WEATHER FORECAST North Carolina Cloudy and much, colder tcn:ght and Sunday; probably light ram tonight. x South Carolina Cloudy and cold er tonight and Sunday, MS n FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE fx VOL. XXIII, NOr346 WH:MINnTrVM NORTH rADHI INIA: ' Q ATI IR n A V , A CTr D MhrkM ; nrprmorD lOvfe PRICE FIVE CENTO, 1 - r . m - .. , i. i- ."..IT-', DIGGING FOR. WATER IN MID DESERT ' OF MRS. JOMNSON- ninirhitm - - r - ' fnnon rnBB!immnin J j ill a S""- j- Plant Said to Be Still Ablaze 24 Hours After Fire Was Started - FATflLLY'CRIPPLED GERMANY'S BIGGEST WAR ESTABLISHMENT FRENCH WARSHIP A halt in midst of the desert d inns tho- advance of the British tore cs opcrrtting in the Egyptian area. The men shown in this British official pho'.o c:c discing for water. , . 1 Manufactures Arms and Am-! ru:nii:io'n, anr ProV"Mv Em-j jloyes Nearly 100,000 Per- sons Closelv Guarded f SANK SUBMARINE MI BELIEVED TO RAVE BEEN UK! i Tiy Associated Pross). -tric!i, Hollond. Fridajr, Dec. 22. Admiralty per Wireless ' - Workmen from Essen. Ger siy that the Krupp plant, tho, (j-i-inan munitions establish-1 : .: : h 'en ablaze for 24 1: z. i The Frenchman Was Torpe- Johnson bounty Man Con ISEili W .GlsiiAs Train" y SCENE OF RIOTS i iTfi ORIB TROBPS FURTHER EVIDENCE OF GREAT POWER BY HELO PACKERS Large Meat Packers Were Rep ' resented in Directorship of i Junction Railways INFLUENCE EXTENDED TO REAL ESTATE Richmond Police Inquire Into Circumstances Surrounding- Poisoning of Young Wife" " ' , t Is- HUSBAND HAD LEFT WILSON THIS MORNING: ; Three Months Bride of Dr.' L.V I. Johnson, of Middlesex, N. ' C, Died in Richmond : -V , -J.- '! r a Week Ago doed While Crisng in the Ionian Sea MADE FRISONERS OF SUBMARINE'S CREW sumed When House Was Mysteriously Destroyed T TEUTONS Publication of Luxburg Mes- Special Train Loaded With Gifts and Friends to Training Camp Treasurer of Armour Com pany Had Bad Memory When Questioned About Holdings of Company (By Associi,tec Press). Washington, Dec. 22 Re-distribu- (by Associated I'ross). : C'fP'a Richmond, Va., Dec. .D;TLil;..''' uel J. Johnson, the young deritist whot'; took poison night before last; fii VViI-v k . son, N. C, after attending thefuner- rV1 al of his bride, Mrs. Alice Kniehfv: Johnson, who died here last Saturday; night, as the result of swallbwiili' what was believed by friends to'hftveA"'.; been an ordinary medicinal drug, :isc reported to have left that town leforevg ; ' i ithe arrival there today of ' detectives; K'" from Richmond, who are to. furtheriu-; I verngate uie case. ur. jonnson Isr.j i ported to have crone tn his hnm-Vnl:? Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 22. Ira Barber, I sages Otirs reople to Angry II.-! in:-1 IV. .l;int at Essen, the main epiab ;,' Mi .'he Krapp'3. the inrgest ac'iircrs in Clermany of amis ;!.--!is. enii)loyed about .J 0,000 ;;;t ;i n war. It has been ex p;;n ! ".! ::r?.ity during the war. Fact:; rei.it Inu to its present, size and the ii'ti: in m workmen are kept secret h;. the (Ifniian government. It was 1 1 j )';( 1 unofficially in October of last r. that about To.000 persons, in; ciiv.linsr, several thousand women, wfii' at work tliei-e and that 20,000 vi-;-h to be ndded to the force. a young white man, of Johnson coun ty was burned Wednesdav night with Demonstrations Destroyers and Aircraft Aided his gallon of blockade bcoze, accord-' GERMAN ATTACKS Warship, Raining Shells Upon U-Boat When Forced to Surface (l'y Associated Press). Paris, Dec. 21. A statement by the Ministry of Marine concerning the sinking of the old French (Jhateau-Keiiuult says that the war ship with several other vessels was REPULSED BY FRENCH ing to messages received here last j night from oJhnston county. Barber i who is represnted by Johnston's ! Considerable Artillery Activity sheriff as food for naught, i. said to' have bought the liquor and gone to the house of some negroes where Kiirly : the this year, there was" a stt ike attacked by a submarine in the Ionian K rupp works, said to have be- n due to lack of food. It was re norted that -lo.ooo workers were in- ro.ved n! ti-nt the authorities coir.-1 statement says sea at 7:15 o'clock of December 14. on the morning Continuing, the e got drunk. WWen next seen the cruisei jjouse was burned down, and it is sup posed all went wit it. Deputy Mar shal eGorge Moore telephoned the story to Raleigh late last night. Sheriff Grimes, of Johnson, knew Along the Western Front- Italians Try to Regain Lost Ground (By Associated Press). German attacks n Alsace have been fTtv A Ssinr'in tr1 TrfMaa 1 Columbus, O., Dec. 22. The first 'Trade section of a special train operated byj'Sation the State-of Ohio, bearing relatives and friends and gifts to the federaliz ed Ohio National Guard at Camp Sher idan, Montgomery, Ala., left here ear ly today. It consisted of seven bag gage cars filled with gifts sent from all sections of Ohio. The baggage cars will become a part of a special train leaving Cin cinnati at 6 o'clock tonight. Gover- guna iu his nome i .- C ,.1, n , k Alrr -,F Vl - rT-li-.J OrI , , . Dr. J. M. Whitfield, coroner of Richi v Stock lards Company was begun as nJOnd has requested the nolice r-.-to soon as the managers got wind of the make the fullest investigation of thei , Commission's coming investi nor Cox and his bride, and a pai'ty of repulsed, according to the French war office. The chief of these attacks at I Ilartmanns-Weilferkopf took the Ger- tlle mans into the first line French trench- Christmas presents for the soldiers friends and 300 Ohioans will spend holidays at Camp 1 Sheridan. struck on the i little of the details when interviewed ! fs' b,ut .m the engagement that fol-s there will be distributed Tuesday, at i ' iowea tney were driven . out. with over long distance, 'out revenue of-' ilti,r,, inoo8 k .v . . , I I 4-"J .-L UlUCi u.iziLa itIUUK attti-i , i i : . . i .i v . . . . activity -rt'.-rin ii ' oi r of Germany. "'iho hA trovoH th hintartp atwi rienes wooa m tne cnampagne reR- I-Zssen is in Rhenish Prussia, about ! same time bursting steam pipes which , , lion, Rheims has again been shelled t 1 WflllTl W;-f.4 H HI V F'HIIIMfl. I . hnttpfl it h men to the front, but little authentic ! board side in"the rerion of tfle stek,. j ficers here say there is little douot . the Frencn. fronV artiUery. mformatiou wfftMtttnb-.'cbin i " J2k2&&&& b that--Blhrr3desiroyea -because isasvbeeinlermitfespt-": 40 miles froni the Dutch border. Few places in Germany are guarded more carefully. No persons unknown to the German authorities are permitted tc vi-it the torn. The plant has been nidei several times by French and C-iMsh airmen notwithstanding its ii niiiable anti-aircraft defenses. Press dispatches last July said 100 P-rsons ihere had been killed in a raid b " French airplanes and that consid e 'bk damage had been done to the v.--irks. stopped the engines. The captain at once manned the hand steering gear and steered so as to utilize the mom entum of the ship and approach the chnrp whirh wac in si.wht Pasnpn?.' ers and crew were ordered to their ! was recently raided. There is disagreement as i by the Germans. In Flanders, the tO i Rpl a Christmas exercise at which the Governor will deliver an address. . Thee CpaiirSkarteifS by the It was brought out in testimony be fore the commission today that the same day a Federal investigator ap peared 34,480 shares were divided into 17 portions. The object of the sudden transfer, as it appeared from the testimony was to- conceal real ownership which is alleged to really be with the great meat packing concerns. The day a Federal agent walked into the offices of F.-H. Prince and Company, in Boston, the 34,480 shares were split into one warrant for 18.480 shares and 16 warrants for one thou sand shares each. Evidence to show that persons con nected with all the large meat pack ers are represented on the board of 'directors ofWcagi0tJnncli6a State, gifts . were sent hero Instead Railways Company, operating the terminal railroads ot tne unicago whether te house was' the shack ofltivity, though less intense oecause of the negroes, who left the helpless ; fog. An offensive movement initiated by white to struggle with liquor and fire, j o i i i t ... l, l, : . wucinti uai uer wtts uuiutu iu ma 6wn house. FURPORTED WILL IS BREAKING TO PIECES fi'a 1".? ii-., ( Hy Associated Press). Honolulu, Dec. 22. H. Keakoha. one of two witnesses who signed th-3 pur : ' will of the late Queen Liliou-k-'ani naming "Princess" Tehcrsa venu as chief legatee, today repu '! his affidavit, which was said to ii signed in the presence of r.,i -.n't fnnff!fr1 it hnH t.pnn ?i! i 'inder pressure in the home of "i'rinc ?ss"' Belliveau. A mem.! jury investigation into tho P"!'i")i-(! will was ordered recently i S; hi Kamakaia, whose name .';r! to have been on the will as a v;i!ic.--s, later declared he was not pr-( 1,1 when the will was signed, but lia'i .'Vip-nded his signature in his home at I he request of the "Princess" i'i i-;ii. 1 boat stations at the sound of the ex- j plosion. Torpedo boat destroyers, which formed a part of the convoy, dashed in the direction from which j the torpedo had come and volleyed ' shells at the spot where it was pre- snmpfl thp snhmarinp hart mihmprfi'P.rl. I "While the boats were being low- i reports from Petrograd indicate a seri ered from the Chateau-eRenault, the ! ous division in the Peasants' Congress enemy submarine came up on her j which has been in session there for a left. The cruiser had sunk to her gun- A SERIOUS SPLIT IN FEASANTS' CONGRESS (By Associated Press). London, Dec, 22. The meagre news ports, but nevertheless the gun crews ' fortnight. The right wing led by M. remained at their posts and opened Tcernoff, insists thatall power shall a hot fire on the submarine which ; be7 given to the Constituent Assembly promptly dived. A second torpedo; wnich win decide upon peace, the land fired shortly after struckthe teau- refo Renault on the starboard side tor- M ward. She sank by the head a few left is dominated by the Soldiers and minutes after the captain got aboard : Workmen's Assembly. A". I attempts a patrol boat. All passengers were;to heal the breach haye failed The saved, but 10 memDers oi tne crew! are missing and are supposed to have been killed by the explosion. GROUND GLASS IN CANNE DTOMATOES v:.i C'i fi- 1: (ii 111;, ( hr. i i ' - t . , :y Associated I'ress). I)e(. 22. Major General Carter, commander of the left wing has a slight mapority. Officers of the Baltic fleet have ad- "The torpedo boat destroyer, over-'opted a resolution protesting against latets reform which places supreme command of the paralyze the fleet and prevent in the hands of the body of loaded with survivors renewed the at tne tack on the submarine under the)the water and then on the surface whenj she appeared for an instant only to;wi11 submerse nreciDitatelv under fire of i fleet the guns of the destroyer. Two sea nlanes then bombed her. The siibma- the Italians in which they launched seven attacks against iiic? enemy front west of Monte Asolone is claimed by the German official communication, to have been without success. In the region of Doiran, In the Eastern war theatre, artillery activity continues. In the same war theatre British troops have carried out a suc cessful raid in the region of Lake Butkova, capturing one officer and 54 Bulgarian soldiers. The publication of telegrams sent by Count von Luxburg,-former Ger man minister, to the Berlin Foreign Office, has resulted in riots in Biieo nes Aires where crowds of people as sembled and demanded a rupture of relations with Germany. A mob m the Calle Florida was dispersed after a fight with mounted police. Guards again have been stationed around property owned by Germans in the city and police are guarding the of fice of La Union, the newspaper for which Count von Luxburg obtained a subsidy. Congress is expected to in sist upon an explanation by the gov ernment of the conditions revealed in the Von Luxburg telegrams. of direct to Camp Sheridan and will be taken there at cost of the State in what is perhaps the first instance of the kind on record. MILLIONS OF GERMAN PEOPLE ARE STARVING i i 3 4 v 5 & elected sailors and makes all posts; ' elective. The resolution of protest 17 8r"LL" wvv cu 1 ' . rine probably had been struck by a j declares that the reform if carried out, j shell so as to make it impossible forWju paralyze the fleflet and prevent iher to remain submerged for she j peace on a democratic basis because appeared once again and was imme.U0 impotent Russia peace will be die (By Associated Press). London, Dec. 22. According to a Renter's dispatch from Amsterdam, Vorwaerts of Berlin, in a plain-spoker, attack on the system of Herr von Waldow, the German food controller, declares great masses of German peo ple not only are hungry but are lit erally starving. The paper adds that agricultural producers and rich resi dents in towns are living . in plenty, as hoarding is no longer prohibited. "Every war profiteerer and mil lionaire," says the. paper, ""has his kitchen and cellar full of ham and bacon, the middle class ekes a pre carious existence, spending all it pos sesses on food, but forty millions of the masses are starving and are Un likely to sit silent. "We might have within a month an absolute catastrophe in Germany and a collapse even worse than Russia, resulting in a German defeat and loss of the war." circumstances in the takine of noi- son by both the bride and her faus-V-1 band. The Richmond police weret quick to get to work on the case," two i' officers having visited the home of the s- ; -i dead girl's parents yesterday, but oh -O s tained little information, the bride'si-.-u ' de?ith having occurred while she was ; ' on a visit to the home of Mrs. FvlV Stutz, in this city where the fatal -JifkxM dose was taken. " . m-v-; Reports of Dr. Johnson's engage ' -ntient to another young woman livlngS' -Y I in Middlesex and his alleged failure'--;tv ' to announce to his friends that A. ho f ; ha a been married here three months," ago, io miss Alice Knight, 19 years olo, who was,a stenographer; in the vlf' Medical College of Virginia, vrher&M he was a student, are ' being invesi-H tigated today. Dr. Johnson ; gave; out . '. no statement while he was in tho ' Wilson hospital, where he underwent;'. treatment after taking poison, "but is T ; reported, to have told his dead bride's parents earlier iitae "weenie IwouU I rerurn td Richmond later to tnvestl,",'. -gate her death. ' - " " " : h Officer Left Richmond Last ''NlflhVf Richmond; Va., Dec. 22. An investi-' ' ; gation of the death here last iSatur-i I,; 'day of Mrs. Alice Johnson, 19-year-old i bride of Dr. Lemuel J. Johnsdh, aged i? i; 23, who, according to the police, at- -;C;; tempted to end his life. Tuesday, night W at Wilson, N. C, resulted in John F! Wiley, a sergeant ' of "detectives " being tr; t sent to Wilson to learn th clrcum-. : stock yards, was introduced today by Francis J. Heney, special counsel, conducting the Federal Trade com mission's investigation into the pack ing industry. ' , " Frederick W. Croll, treasurer of Armour and Company, recalled to the stand today, testified also that the in fluence of the packers extended to the real estate situation in Chicago. Attorney Heney said tnat uirectors stances surrounding Johnson's alleged : I Spoor, and Thayer and Fitzgerald of attempt to poison himself. ' Mrs.iJ HP ylllCilgU dUllUtlUil nannaj, the Central Manufacturing District property, where many arge firms are located, as trustees for the Chicago Junction Railways and Union Stock !"vartment of the Army, h3s j diately covered by a ram ot snens. , tated by the imperialists of tie ne -latii:. io commanders of every i One of her gunners was swept over-;mV- m 1 1 ! hell vhile in the act of STANDING PA1 his division warning ! board by a rjass had been found in . limine' his niece and all the others' .f canned tomatoes and j jumped into the set while the subma- UNITED STATES IS i w inc. ii were oemg neicirme san ije a stone torn to pieces i shiinuent to army can- U,,. irwnh o-nn Thp nrisonern num-i , a UJ X ' 6,"""' ' K-legrams were sent af-, b 22 among them, the captain of - t,n v-iih HiTifon C Cla- , . - (P.v Associated Press). he local bureau of the j the "marine and two officers. I Washington Dcc. 22.-Secretary r Jus.ice, who informed ! m . -a1XL1 HT K ! Lansing said today that no informa- ; of the discovery of the I MEATLESS MiJNCJbMbA .1 . ! tion of the terms of Germany's ex- -I A M17U7 (tr AMOIIFI ArF"i pected "Christmas peace" offer has hau.sdi said he would stari: an i'iii at once. TO S' i !', reached the State Department and the (P.v Vssoeiatcvl Picssl. j aunuue ul luc uuiicu oitiics iu w en Washington, Dec. . 22. Mefils3a peace negotiation was unchanged, nr'nee-meat, another culinary triumph J What purports to be an outline of in the art of food conservation, "nasi the peace terms has been received been brought to the housewives of tno here through neutral diplomatic chan- i country by the National Emersercv nelg The attitude of the United ANDARDIZE COTTON LINTERS AsHoeiated Press) u. l;ec. 22 Pra .ins; cotton lint.ers is being! :ii lv i up, Ipanion of purapkinless pumkin pie and --,e co-belligerents reparation ! ' 1 .1 - '1 !v Cen-M tmont of a cri-1 ginsreness gmsreroi eau, i restoration, by Germany. M'.-cialists. Handling and mar-' The new mincemeat, officially do- . is b'-ing studied and ;scriDea as a cainouiwgc . c-nsda Restricts War Charities ( 'awa, Ont., Dec and a "camouflage", was tred ion is trring tviven to the on uuu uuujo wti - m .. ; i ( awa, unt., uec. zl. Aiier wuar '.'ii.-y linters. ". ' . jnounced it perfect and called ror collJi ons, tag days and bazaars for l ie :'ieat demand for this more. . . i war. charities will not be allowed by ' "i! mills have increasedthe I Half a package of seeded raisins, t1)e Dc-ninion Government, unless p.u ' -' -! s from about 50 pounds lialf a pound of prunes stewed witn fthorizeJ in writing by the governing j::.;rutte'v ir,0 nounds ner ton of lemon juice and peel, one quarter cup bCAY Qr a registered war charity asso- 'tiwppt rider, four tablespoons brown r"-n iiriee and low quality, the mat- sugar, chop the raisins and prunes-toj fng in cennection with various so-call-,r,. baiting, and felt makers, as well gether, and the result is said to be aed war charities hi various parts of wmcn win ac-i Canada have led the urvernment to ae 1 ; ,. ''t;i: ()', U Oil v V . sr IP v V Vr V r V j ! t c i i -w-tfs- teggmmi ass i K'.v JUL. - .x ' X, WrAWX'VSiSflW"" w ! WILMINGTON MAN'S j BROTHER IS DEAD (By Associated Tress). '-it a tr - cc mi I ureenvine, s. uec. , al. j ne ! death of, two enlisted men of the 30th Yards Company. , Croll was asked whether the Ar mour books showed all the compar-ie in which the firm was interested. He said they did. "Dr Armour and Company's books show they are interested in any cot ton seed oil?" asked Mr. Heney. "Yes," replied Mr. Croll, "but I can not recollect the location of them." "Do they show that Armour and Company were interested in a large string of plants through Texas, Ar kansas and Tennessee which stood in the name of Louis Ehle, from 1907 to 1917?" asked Mr. Heney. "I don't remember." Mr. Heney read a list of stock yards in which Armour and Company were interested, the list including the yards at Louisville, . Denver, Fort Worth, L Jacksonville, Jersey City, Pittsburg, Sioux City, St. Paul, St. Txuis. Portland, Ore., and Toronto, Canada. CARELESSNESS WAS v CAUSE OF ACCIDENT (By Associated Pi-ess) Spartanburg. S. C. Dec, 22. Cor poral Charles Volkenner, Company B Johnson, according to the police, diedr. v : . after taking what she told her friend3 . was an ordinary medical drug, which, . :; l-however, might produce death if taken in cuff im'nn f nnnnf itir "iJtL , Sergeant Wiley will go from Wilson .. to Middlesex, the home of Johnson,' where he will investigate reports ' reaching the police that Johnson had .. not announced to his friends his mari' : riage three monts ago, and alsoTe- 1 ports of 'his engagement to a young'- woman there. "v.'-; Engaged to Another Girl i-i'Ci-'- Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 21. An investi-'iyi' gation made in the hotel room, at Wil- ; son; near here, where Dr. L. J. John-' son is alleged to have tried to v end X '' v'-: his life following the death in Rich-S ; mon of his bride of three snontlisj're- vealed, according to reports received tl h here, letters purporting to have been; ; : written by "the young dentist: In one the writer said his troubles were more V than he could bear, and one addressed. to a young woman of Middlesex,; toS whom, according to Richmond police," ff , Dr. Johnson had been engagedl One v 'of the letters told of the writer " hat--; :; 'ing "ruined himself" trying to protect ; the character of another person. r division. Camp Sevier, is .announced Jl.0th -Field Artillery, has been tried at divisional headquarters. The dead are Private Frank A. Beasley, Jl5th field artillery; next of kin, father. Brantley Beasley, Gleason, Tenn.; and Private Jasper L. Best, 119th infantry, next of kin, brother, W. H. Best, Wil mington, N. C. Pneumonia following measles caused the death of each. TWO KILLED BY TRAIN AT WILSON -sr-. si.- fchrV yr t-- "3: Wilson, N. C, Dec. 22.Joseph Har rison, a prominent citizen and his son. iLuther Harrison, were killed here last night, when a freight train of the Nor folk Southern railroad, crashed into j j an automobile in which they were rid- :mg. Luther Harrison was drivms the car. There was a, third occupant. Mrs. Harrison, . wife and mother of the two persons killed. She was unhurt. by a court:marital at Camp Wads worth and found guilty of criminal carelessness in connection with-, the killing of Private Antonia Massiccuhis tent mate. The court-marital imposed sentence of one year in jail. It is charged that Volkenner was explain ing a new rifle when the weapon was discharged, instantly killing iMacsuc ci. Testimony taken at . the trial showed that both men were good friends and that there was Jno crimi nal motive or intent. Volkenner is a native of Buffalo, N. Y., as was the dead man. ' ..,'- THE CITY OF NAPLES WAS TORPEDOED Albert Spalding, the noted, violinist, has cabled from N Reinvest Bond Interest iXiv Assnnlsttori Troco Washington. Dee. 22. C. Si Pfiarp.fi I was not attacked by a. Urboat An Atlantic Port, Dec. 22. The Brit4 Ish steamship City; of Naples, reported a few days ago to have been sunk by la torpedo off the British coast while under convoy of destroyers, arrived ihere today It was learned the vessel but !.,ev no v.- ; i'oi; t ;, i i . i j . . . m "somewhei-a in casnier or tne unitea states Treasury; . w. P c . i o4, ,-t,o?; Ashe was seriously, damaged and DHt ru,n,tfot,, 'maotlaon mincfl nififffi WniC.n WU11 EC' IlnTiarta hnvn Ion r 1 : i lirVprnTTlPnT TO IP.- J i oiicts I lid I. uc nets wuu it . vuililllisr-- r " " "-"to u T?t. mi hnreru ;.. 4. . . . , j !iu tA Tvi?T,oi.at5nTic i,T. . a;i cJfiinr nnn o nnw a.flrst t Piitfinaiit with persons wu(KDresentea interest cou-5. .. , ,,K "T.- , - uie past, nave aoanaonea euro wilu me auuuu.,uuU,u,.(. .. . ., ,0. OKJ : ----v.." " " i " -t . n , jmation snowea tne enect or tne ex- ;r,u'Mrf i j. x n i rp.,-0 . matfoo ; wnr rlmritv wn,'lr .thfi American Exneditionarv forces. 1 pons Of the nrst LlDertV Bonds fOrjii , . . ' iu a large extent., rrau- wouuosb xoou,j. . ",rp -"" v' 7 . . . . T ' -.:.-.-". . , piosiqu was negiigoie .na ine Snip re- entire production of linters ) .As 'turkey, does not violate the meat- will be required .to register with thelTce violinist; enlisted last June as a payment tcreinYest the proceeds an snmed hervoyage .tfThe accident oo heing used for war munition iless day. Christmas dinner may thus Secretary of State In Ottawa. All ac- private In -the Aviation Corps of the - war Sayings stamps, Most, complied, curred onf November 5, when the fleet . 1 . A counts of registered societies will be Signal Service. . i lmmecuateiy. j - f was five days: out from port, t i, 4 rl '" 7C 4 , ?.' -.'if?."' So "OFFENSIVE" PEACE (By Associated Press) - Petrograd, Dec. 22.Lebxt'-fr' Trotzky, the Bolsheviki Foreign -;t. . Minister, in addressing the Coun- -V cfl of Soldiers and WorkHien, . said if the German ! Emperor bf; ! 'SJ, fere'd "offensive" peace terms'the;;,!; "We did not overthrow iCzarra S .to kneel before the "Kaiser," he 4 cried. - v . '.UJt. :i'7' Continuing he "'said; -i ''J&f- "But if through' our., eihauStiOtt,l..:- we had to ; accept r5".the'-.-': ; Kaler's).?' r terms, we would do soi to risei; , with the" German people against I ? ., German militarism." .'v ' ;' ' 4t 4 4 .. 4 . rl ! 4 4 n A. -' MORE MONEY WANTED t BY NAVY DEPARTMENT -----; V- 1 11 . . --..')' " 1 (By Associated .Press).;- . ' ' - -. Washington,' Dec. 22. Almost? $o0,-; . -O0Q.0OO in further appropriatipos7'tdv complete war preparations during the v : present fiscal year, has been asked in- deficiency; estimates -submitted to Con-f , gress since the holiday ; recess , began v last- Tuesday. . The ? Navy "alone jias ; 1 asked for more than $45,1)00,000 of thi3 y and ..the :-largest single -item is j $15.-" 45S.50Q for naval ordnance and ' ord nance 'Stores. ' i V -r- r v- ? . V N 2 . .V