- - - . 2 ... 1 - ' . ,,. t ..-..--,7 -iS.. . i CdTTON. ft LOCAL IdARKEtt, :'v.:r.:al i 2D .29 1-4 2d llil til' jo"'''' eai'i.v of tlu vuni'1 v u; ; NEW YORK COTTON. York. Dec. 22 The cotton w;'.s very quiet early today tone steady on covering. Dy yesterday's late sellers. This been aue to tne raiiure or ml auviues tu snow any sign weakness suggested by the s oi laws-e4.fciuay wuiie inere !o some buyiLg on encouraging ; in the Italian front. First were two point! lower to ten nier but active montns soid w w , J Wholesale Pricesl Drice rulil! i - i 1 .1,1 nVntm 1 r. t- i 4- : I mu res during the early trad ;;n January touching 2&.5G and ::'.i'-t. Business was con?para ..aiei scattering accounts .11 .nosed to hae been pretty ened "P for over Christmas, irpcrted that a committee sit- verpooi win apportion gov p;:ce to individual cotton r exporters for January' in; v iu!y Wil'1' veil t tin- ; aril ill' '1' sliii'l''' - flUPlll'" Ocu.'i - losed steady. High 29.70 29.17 28.84 28.52 1.27.30 Eggs Butter, lb ... Spring chickens Grown chickens Puddle . ducks v Guineas Beef (dressed) .. Irish potatoes (bag) . N. C. Hams, lb . . . . ' N. C. shoulders & ribs Cabbage, 100 lbv ...... Hides, green dull Wool, free burr Corn, bush .. . Bees Was Salted hides . Tallow ... Onions, 2 bu., silverskin Onions, 2 bu., red Peanuts ; . . .... . : . . , ... .43c 36c ; 35: to 50c .,70c to $1.00 50q ......... 35c .. 12 to 13c .. $4.50 . , . 35 to 37e .....3033c $2.50 . 17c- .........55c .. $2.00 ..28 to 30o 18c ,10 to 11c J. .$4.50 ...$4.50 .$1.90 $2.00 LIEUT. S0L01 ,- 5 . k : - CTOCKt. Spirits Rosin ..... Tar Crude Receipts: Cotton Tar .44 ND . $3.50 at 16c i . . $4, $3, $3 1.72 .94 New York, Dec. 22.-The excessive dullness of today's stock market fore shadowed the impending holidays. Dealings - fell: below normal and em braced only the better known issues. The strength of foreign bonds, iTClud ing Russians, and a moderate demand for shippings, oils and motors was almost the sole feature on; the . con structive side at extreme gains of 1 to" 2 i-2 points. Steels and similar equipments were hesitant, yielding fractionally in the later dealings. The closing was irregular. Sales approxi mated 175,000 shares. Liberty 4s sold at 97.04 to 97 and the3 l-2s at 98.48 to 98.24. ifiliE Closing Low bid 29.48 28.98 28.67 28.35 87.22 NEW ORLEANS COTTON. , u Orleans, Dec. 22. The price of fl! ,!! v. .i depressed one to two u s i"i the opening here today by ., iin- orders whicn came in over-i hit: a moderately good demand ,::v; .: v.) alter the first call the mar- (in! better. At the end of the first lu; i Si '.,. . prkes were 11 to 13 points ::lav's close. ra i losed steady at an advance in li points. SAVANNAH MARKET. Savannah,- Dec. 22. Turnentine . i a r 29 68 yuiei-. o sales, none; receipts, 190; 29.15 shipments, 284; stock, 25,621. 28.82 Rosin firm; sales, 973; receipts, 1. 28.49 ;233; shipments, 1,839; stock, 3:),356. 27.28 Quote: B, D, E, 6.15al7; F, G, -H, 6.12 1-2; K, 6.65a70; M, 7.00; N, 7.30; w. u., .ou; W W., 775. AT ST. JAMES. 01 1" Closing High Low bid jr-turv 28.57 28.41 28.53 Mareii 28.15 27.98 2S.11 M.v 27.94 27.77 27.92 .; v 27.74 27.59 27.71 26.55 26.48 26.47 Atchison Baldwin Locomotive Baltimore and Ohio Behtlehem Steel "B"' jr Canadian Pacific Central Leather . . . Chesapeake and Ohio ....... a Chicago, Mil and St. Paul , . hChicago, R. I. and Pac. Ry. hChmo Copper Colorado Fuel and Iron (bid) . Columbia Gas and Electric (b) , iCoan Products Crftcible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar -. Erie General Motors Great Northern Pfd. Great Northern Ore Ctfs Inspiration Copper Int. Mer. Marine pfd Kennecptt Copper Louisville and Nashville Maxwell Motor Co Mexican Petroleum Miami Copper Midvale Steel Missouri Pacific (b). NEW ORLEANS SPOT COTTON .Vw Orleans, Dec. 22. Spot cotton :-' and unchanged. " Sales on the ,.' I n. to arrive TtTD. " Low middling : :'ieidl !i 2:.13 good mildling Children of the Sunday School To morrow Will fiive Offering. The regular session of the Sunday ! American Beet Sugar (bid) school of St. James Episcopal church j American Can will be held as usual at 10 o'clock ' "nd Foundry tomorrow morning: Afterwards at the morning service of the church the children will attend in a body and make their offerings at the opening of that service. Every child is expected to bring a ' . 78 . 54 1-4 .- 40 1-2 . 69 .129 1-2 . . 57 Z- . 43 3-8 . 37 5-8 . 16 7-S i 38 3-4 . 32 1-4 . 291-; . 281-2 . 48 , 26 3-4 . 13 34 : 93 1-4 , 811-2 . 24 1-8 . 39 1-2 79 30 1-8 ,107 . 211-2 711-4 . 26 413-S 22 3-4 65 34 63 1-4 Letter Received From Former vizerj inow w nn rrersti-; ; ing's Forces ' Oil ' fetters from "Somewhere in France" are at this tune of more than pass ing interest. "Lieutenant : Harry M. Solomon, who received his commis Sion from the first training camp at Oglethorpe and was one of the three officers 'commis sioneoV' from this citv who volunteered for France, aas writ ten a letter to Mr. Ike Loftin, of this city, in which he expresses felicita tions to Mr. Loftin and" tne. boys of the local Council of U. C. T., of which Lieutenant Solomon a prominent member. The letter follows: "Somewhere' in France, "Nov. Z4, 1917. "Dear Ike: Just a line to let you know that I am thinking of all the boys and wish you'd wish them all, including yourself, a . very merry Xmas. Hope that youare all doing well and th.at U. C.- T. work is as good as usual this year. Am looking forward to the time when I can tell f you and the boys what has happened over here. Would be glad to heat from any of you any time.. Very best regards from, ;. "Sincerely, "HARRY, M. SOLOMON. "2nd Lt. M. G.: C6. No. 1, A. E. P." Lieutenant Solomon is a son of Mr it' J. NEW Tr-. BTl JT T Tk. TAB ? ti b it f i K - I . V. .it jr OF DQLL CARRIAGES ARRIVED .... . - . ... Choice stock,new; and assottedjtyjes V. 1 Order NOW 7 for ristmasie w. mnroe ,m mmBmm The Home of DependablefFiarmture 15,. South Front . Street til. Jil ..mJI .! inn t r " "Vr.!. to lyifiLL ooys BOUND TO C T Charged With Breaking Into House and Taking Many Articles FIVE CONVICTED ON CONSPIRACY CHARGE notive 49 ' V-;a".. Refining (bid) or C'entrr.l -iii CHICAGO GRAIN. -;."). Dec. 22. Favorable ,weath prnsiecL.s for a larger move- :h the cio; had a bearish ef- :ei ioday on corn. Selling, however, j :i:r of an aggressive character, (ii-ni; i; ;;e i at ions, which varied frori uTi . inged figures to 3-8c lower, were Christmas stocking well fi::-d, 'o-' gether with the money eri"o: :ii : I stockings will be di3tr:b'.?trd i. ; district nurse to les3 forlunar;' ! . dren in time for Christr..a, r.rj.l : money contributed both by jlr? :i ! j dren and the loose plat 2 oco: mi .: ; the congregation will bo r:I:;o :m , : j sine aisirict nurse to nr! : to :.nj . . ; i.fort and pleasure of llu ic-i.- ! n. ; I nate. - j in helping their chiid:-fi t ; ; gifts worthy cf ts.o objects to . it . ; I they will be dQvclcJ. (bid) HELP F0R C0URT. Too Two White Men Had Entirely Much Whiskey in Suit Cases. R. B. Batson and T. Erwin Cheek, HotkI by a slight rally in some both white men, who were charged ' , (with violation of "the bone dry" lav. Oat s eased down with corn. Hogs appeared before United States Com rarK t strength lifted provisions. imissioner A. S. Williams yesterday Tiiidn, though was very small. I afternoon and waived examination. !':i; rcr.;:.':ig ...... lie-public Iron Sinclair Oil Southern Pacific Southern Railway Studebaker Co. . Tennesse Copper Texas Co Tobacco Products T-Hirg und Refining 691-2 93 . 55 3-8 16 3-4 63 1-2 951-2 77 33 1-2 42 , 381-2 20 3-4 67 7-8 74 27 5-S 77 3-4 22 5-8 4-5 12 125 1-4 45 Detroit, Mich. Dec. , 22.- Albert Kaltsc.hmidt,. , wbo with . four. z offers was convicted in -Federal Court early this morning, on )a conspiracy charge, was sentenced a few hours later to four years in Federal ; prison at. Fort Leavenworth, and-to pay a flue of $20,000. - Mrs. Ida Neef, his sister, was sentenced to three years in the local .Willie - Perry and Jobn Stanley, two houge of correction and fined $15,000: colored boys, were before Recorder jFrjtz A Neef her husband, and Carl Harriss this morning charged with . Schmidt and hiu wie Maria, were luuseoreaiuug. me cuaige giew ""sentenced to two yearK imprisonment n.j ivr, o qi nf ti,,-,, nuv or,,i of tbe taking of some articles from has for many .years been One of the the-resence of Mr. Ed. Boushee sev most prominent young men in the city, efal nigttts ago, while all the members i and his wife was sent to the Detroit! of the, family are said to have been absent from home. neia w. F . jones from the city, the court he was neia, novever, to answer to PERSONAL MENTION. : , A iV ... . - - : - Cadets George -Ayent, George TieH- k ; ; ken and Seare Murrell " of the Stati j i.i A & E. College, West Raleigh, arfe home for the holidays Mr Seminery, Philadelphia, came yesterday for a, stay .Avjth his parents J, J uuitug tuts vjunaimas season. -tt Mr. Corinth chief inspector for 'th'o-t Atlantic Coast; Line, at Rock Moutt'y was in the cify yesterday. . Mr. Edward Hanson, flaw student1: and fined $10,000- each: Schmidt' will at- U18 uuiversuy, wasmng-i Hserve 'his term i Fort Leavenworth j '' fT M s a wif, at tr thA nvm J rivals m the city to spend the Yulo.Wt House of Correction. Franz .Raspa, 70 j . ' TT , , : ' ; - years old, a Gernan, was the only one Cadets Willjam: and CaA-1 Hahler, Of. of the six acquitted -en all three counts. Mount Peasant college are home to t spena . rne unristmas ana JN ew x ear ' holidays." . v.-.. Miss Louise Qiescb'en and Miss '-'-j'. Seminary,. Philadelphi a came hdme '- ! Kenneth Otten, ot Mount Airy '-4' home ': MEDICAL OFFICERS. !;vk r.r.d Western ill cm Pacific Cities Gas p. vlvr.nia ... Lurg Coal (bid) Consolidated Copper. & Steel New Hanover Medical Society Annual Election Last Night. appointed J. C. King, Esq., to appear itwo other indictments pending against At a meeting of the New Hanover ihe defendants, but they said they him. Medical Society, held last night hi nt ioWVfir. and sn the case1 The counts on wheih Kaltschmidt tne rooms ot tne cnamDer or merce, the following officers were cftUqTmearine for the defense. foot in the United States of a military elected for the' coming'year: .r j ' jrWas brought-out that a gun, some; enterprise against Canada; conspiracy President, Dr. H.. B. Hart.; vice- ' shells and a pair of gloves, which vere to dynamite the Detroit Screw Works, president, JDr. Houston Moore; secre-j jjfle by Mr. Boushee as being hi sjand a plot- to destroy the St. Clair tary-treasurer, -Dr. Bascom Cro6m; Urdpeiiy, had been found at the hdme j river tunned at Potrt Huron, delegates to the State Medical Social ppne of the defendants by the police . Carl Schmidt and- his wife were ty, Dr. C. P. Bolles; alternate, Dr. Ven the police went there irmefl convicted Qn. one count, and Mrs. Neef John W. Tankersley; member of the-a warrant for their arrest and a I and her husband on two. lBoard of Censors, Dr. WTalter C. Gal- e!arch warrant. The defendants did1 ;: loway, to serve with Dr. T. M. Gredn !n0 RO on the stand, when asked if Our money cannot buy bread and Ttfeev desired to make a statement. I meat in Europe for our Allies, fot ir They were bound over 'to the ' next, (there is little to buy. We must give Receives Charter. twm nf Snnerinr Court under a i500;them food REAL food. To do this and Dr. C. P. Bolles. Com- Lr, h anrA hv ttiA otmrt without, omii:- was convicted charged the setting on; lege, Roanoke, , Va.t ? came aome yea-" -'. days with their paarents. " Miss Mabel Vefsell, of the Normal College, Charlottesville, Va., was' "C among the cpllep.ans i-who arrived home yesterday t o spend tne holidays at home. ' . r Miss Myrtle.. V 'oilers is ome for the holidays from Borritt's SUildo, New York City. j The City Taxicab Company, with an bond, each, lh default of which they authorized capital of $25,000 and $3,y were taken to jail. 000 subscribed, n the title of a new Union Pacific 103 1-2 United Cigar Stores U. S. Industrial Alcohol U. S. Rubber United States-Steel . . . Utah Copper-j : . Wabash Pfd. "A" Westinghouse Electric. . - Willys-Overland A. T. & T Illinois Central (bid) i" - .- ' onrnnrn t inn whirh rpopivful its .har- Cameron '-are the organizers. The ter yesterday Messrs. W. D. McMil- new?jcompajiy. will take -over the . busi lan, Jr., H, J. McMillan and B. K nessfbf the City Livery Company. we must conserve by substitution What's in a name? a young fighter named Willard,- and he's eager to Tight at every oppor tunity . ' S . Exequaturs Cancelled (By Associated Press). Rio Janeiro, Dec. 22. A decree has i been Dromv.litA1 panrpllin."- thp PTn- PjDVidenCe haSlnimtnrS nf Clar-mar? onfnr qo .nnoillo : of neutral countries in Brazil. The de cree is directed agaiast theh consuls of Austria ?jid Holland. u i- tar )k& cart better to sign the late than not at all. and were bound over to the next term : Atlantic Coast Line food 0i Federal Court in the sum of $300 jon a joint bond. They are represent 'ed by the law firm of John D. Bellamy and Son. administrator's notice. The men were arrested upon the Having (jiialified as Administrator of arrival of the Northern train Tues- !; L.uM su-s. all persons indebted to day when Special Agent Phillips and .".V'f" :m' he5ebJ required to make Deputy Marshal Kelly overheard a : 1 : . t r - payment to the undersigned,1 , . . . J. ... M ill p-!-. ns having claims against said conversation about handling three fsi.n, art' notiHed to present same to my . suit cases lightly, and the arrest fol- "")'. .loiiu u. iJellamy & Son, wlthm lowed iiHMiuis irom tnis aa'P or tnis notice will lif . !-a 1 in bar of recovery thereon. liiN 17th day of November, 1917. FRANK SUGGS, A'lminisrnitnr of Estate of Richard Suggs. Gulf States Steel (bid) Seaboard Air Line 8 Sloss-Shef. Steel and Iron 33 1-2 United Fruit 110 Virginia Cara. Chem. (bid) 32 General Electric 1221-2 shortly afterward, when some 30 quarts of whiskey were found in the baggage. Of this 25 quarts were sent to the James Walker Memorial ! Hospital and 5 quarts are being held as evidence! The food problem is an individual one. You and all others have in it a personal responsibility. When sugar is needed, buy fruits instead of candy, cream and soft drinks. It will be better for the body ia wpII as heme a patriotic aci. no 1 - r . F Hfflf.' '.- ' H-: lo I ' I AUTOS FOR HIRE for - Pleaseure Drivinp, Dances, Wedding and Commercial tify Livery Co. Phones 15 and KINbERGARTEN GIVES PLAY. Large Number of Grown People En joyed the Exercises. The Marion Sprunt Mission Kinder garten, at Delgade, held its closing For SALE v,"i !: I '"Ml . .,, Wheat, Iffskrr's Wheat Middlings, -n-i'M rufTep. assiorteJ graaet, i; f Scrv-l's Canned Goods, ;.:c-fs etc. 'ac write for prices. I (.ORE COMPANY. NOTICE OF LAND MA LSI DEED OV TRUST. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust, exe cuted the 10th. day of Feb, 1317, by Alex. II. Koonce and Lettie T. Koonce, his wife, to C. B. Griffin, Trustee f r NeedhaJi T. Lloyd, all parties of Orange County, State of North Carolina, and being thereto re quested by the Trustors and Cestui Que exercises yesterday afternoon, with4 Trust. I, the undersigned trustee, will sell the giving of a fine play by the little children, whose ages rano from 3 to 6 years. The large number of par ents and friends, who attended, en joyed the play immensely. Misses Robbie Mclntyre and Neena Wood3 have had charge of the Kindergarten and the splendid training of the chil dren reflects their efforts. Miss Mc lntyre arranged the production of the play. Santa Claus appeared on the scene bearing a bountiful supply of gifts for the little ones, and they joyously car ried their presents home. The mis sion is supported by Dr. James Sprunt and the work being done Is most excellent. at public auction to the highest bidder for fnsh. at the Court House door, in the Htv .of Wilminston. New Hanover County, State f North Carolina, on, Friday, Decern- j her the 28th., 1917, at 11 o'clocK, A. M., .a eertain tract of land lying and being sit uated on Carolina Beach, in the County of New Hanover and State of North Carolina, described as follows Beginning at the Eastern line of Carolina Beach Avenue South at the point four hun dred and fifty (450) feet northwardly from the point where the said Eastern line of Carolina Beach Avenue South intersects the northern line of Atlanta Avenue; runs thence eastwardly and parallel with said Atlanta Avenue one hundred (100) feet; thence northwardly and parallel with Car olina Beach Avenue South sixty (60) feet; thence westwardly and parallel with At lanta Avenue one hundred (100) feet to the eastern "line of Carolina Beach Avenue South; thence southwardly along the said eastern Carolina Beach Avenue South (60) '7 x. NEOLIN SOLES Makes Walkln a Pleasure Attached by SULLIVAN, Kng of Shoemakers ont Street. Phone BM. feet to the point of beginning; being oth ! erwise described as lot 2 in block 29 of the southern section of the plan of Car olina Beach as plotted by J. L. Becton, Civil Engineer. June-September, 1913, and duly recorded in map 2, page, 1, of the re cord of New Hanover county. This Deed of Trust is duly registered In the office of the Register of Deeds for New 9 IP" SSI B. GRIFFIN, Trustee. We Specialize in the Manufacture of 1 "IN THE DAY'S NEWS." Rt. Rev. John Joseph O'Connor, bishop of Newark,- who today cele brates the 40th anniversary of his or J dination to the priesthood, is widely Iknown as a Catholic prelate and edu-i Hanover County, inv.Book 96, page 160. mm ' . T inrr 1.0. 1 Thta NTmr OS 1Q17 ajcator. rorn in wewam m oo.j, hc ., jceived his A. M. degree at Seton nan (College, at the age of 20, and went u2930t 'abroad to complete his education lorj s . isMiaf-thJmeTcS' coifiV ilj SEABOARD AIR LINf: RAILWAY 'Rome and tne university or bouvaiu, t-, , .. t-a ; TThituil ' in .Belgium. nemi-mug iu luc. uuiicu States after his ordination inl'S77, he spent the years from4878 to 1895 as a professor of philosophy and theology at Seton Hall College. In 1895 he be came pastor of philosophy and theol- ne-v at Seton Hall College. In 18 he j became pastor of St. Joseph's church, in Newark, and in 1901 he was elevat ed to the bishopric. Rubber nips Sta W!!I PRINTING COMPANY Wilntinjton, N. C. ""ace St. '! NOTICE The freight warehouses of our com panies in Wilmington, N. C, will be closed Tuesday, December . 25, 1917, fand Tuesday, January. 1st,, 1918, ex cept between the - hours of 9:00 and 10:00 A. M for the delivery of perish able freight. ; L . , X MEADE, I Agent, Seahoar4 Air Line Railway Co. ; , . t ? -V tt.EtiLIOTT4, Agent,. "Atlantic' Coast Line Railroad;' Tbe ProarreHnlve Railway of the South Effective Nov. 12th. 1916. . DEPARTURE OF TRAINS FROM WILMINGTON. No -13 3:55 P. m. Train for Charlotte and Intermediate Points PULLMAN PAF LOR CAR, WILMINGTON TO CHAR LOTTE. ' No. 195:00 A. M. iTaia for Clmrlotteand Intermediate Points. SLEEPING- CAR BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND CHAR LOTTE. Open at 10 :00 P. M. for Passen gers. RBI VAT. OF TRAINS AT WILMINGTON No. 14 12:40 P. M Train from Charlotte and Intermediate PoInTs. PULLMAN PARLOR CAR BETWEEN CHARLOTTE AND WILMINGTON. No. 20 12:10 A. M. Train from Charlotte and Intermediate Points. SLEEPING CAR BETWEEN OHARLOTTE AND WILMINGTON. PASSENGERS MAY REMAIN IN SLEEPER UNTIL 7:30 - A. M. - ' ' For detailed information and reserva tions, call on City Ticket Agent. Orton Hotel Building. . . 'Phone xt8. R. S. KOONCE, T. P. A, J Wilmtngton. -N. C JOHN T, WEST, D P.' An Ralelh, t Special Attention to Mail . Orders Every Holiday Shopper will find useful Gifts from the complete stock assembled at Jacobi's and they are Gifts of Practical and Permanent value. AND IRONS ALCOHOL STOVE ALUMINUM WARE BATH ROOM SCALES BREAD KNIVES NUT BOWLS with CRACKS and PICKS CASSEROLES. CASSEROLE PIE PLATE STEAK PLANKS UMBRELLA STANDS GIFTS FOR MOTHER BUTTER KNIVES BAKING DISH FERN DISH, . With Flowers GRAPE FRUIT KNIFE JARDENIERES PERCOLATORS N NICKEL COPPER TEA TRAYS "PYRE'OVEN WARE TAPE LINE DUTCHESS WATCH DAZEY CHURNS SILVER SPOON ' ' SILVER FORKS SILVER KNIVES v THERMOS BOTTLE THERMOS CARAFE SUGAR SHELLS SHEARS SCISSORS T RAMEKLNS SANDWICH PLATES FOR FATHER ASHTRAYS BRASS CUSPIDORE ELECTRIC- STAND LAMPS CARVING KNIVES HOUSE MAIL BOX THERMOS MOTOR ' OUTFIT SHAVING BRUSH GILLETTE RAZOR GILLETTE STROPPED SHOT GUN REVOLVERS SMOKER STANDS SMOKER SETS SHAVING MIRROR s TOILET CLIPPERS ; EARL WATCH ' -- FOR BROTHER AXE THERMOS SUIT CASE HUNTING COATS GUIVI CASE LOADED SHELLS - PATHFINDER WATfcrl POCKET KNIFE , EVER READY RAZOR FLASH LIGHT FISHING TACKLE LEATHER PUTTEES RAZOR STROP SHOTGUNS SKATES SMOKING STAND STEWART -: FQg THE CHILDREN POPGUNS v BOY SCQUT KNIFE ' BRACES AND BITS HAMILTON 22 RIFLES LITTLE SCOUT RIFLES POCKET KNIVES FLASH LIGHTS HSMiMERS HATCHETS ' r LEGGINS LEAD PENCILS HANDSAW SKATES . PANTHER WATCH -. HANDY WORKER DRINKING CUP ARMY arid NAVY RAZORS HANGING BASKET LUNCH KITS SWEETHEART AND FRIENDS f ' UNCLE SAM KITS WRIST WATCH EMBROIDERY TABLE KNIVES 7 , SCISSORS LEATHER PUTTEES MANICURE SETS DURHAM DUPLEX. N. JACOBI HDW 10 and 12JSouth Front St., 'I I I ... ,y ' f i Special Attention : Mailf . , OrHer - 2Z fl A, - i