4 . - ( i ' . '"- ' TTlLMINGTQjOISBATlCH,: SATURDAY AFTERNOON: DECEMBER-22,-1917. t PAGE SIX 1 '-'B-, I" 1 'l it' 1 .;-- mm' i3 .""V ifii f.fr-. it y IV ! --A J . Presbyterians;'- fcirilf . : " f" : '"' 'Zi? -First ehufeh. corrter Soul Third 111 I" lllf He shall see many ghosts betore rSed and the murdered andjthe city yesterday . - y The Tn torture shall arise from earth and mam And close about him, mute and shiui- wis i And ever 'first and foremost to eyes, d streets ana trom his . tile sea's vast plain, The little children -shall come oack again, The frail, crushed blossoms o th saenhce. And in their eyes no fear will be, nor wrath, rniv p rhild's bewilderment at nate And in their hands no lifted menaco ' well; Yet these frail shadows shall obstruct his path. And at the last, or be it soon or late. These helpless hands shall push him into Hell ! . -By Theodosia Garrison of The Vigi lantes. I Mr. W. W. Koch and family have ono to Nev yern to spena me nun-, days with relatives. j Mrs. Lcuise McCarver is spending i t i i 1 : the Christmas holidays with relatives and friends in xTt - YiUe, Tenn. -A- -"- -A- The regular C:ic?: of Ihe Cantwerl Dancing rchoo' will bn held this even ing at 8:4c, a: Hibernian Hall. Miss Ethel Ormll the Teachers' .Tr: Greenville, N. C, i holidays. v ho is attending :i ng school at at home for the Miss Louise . "vin ton leaves this 'ri?dri.:9. Fla. to spend morning for Sp; the holidays with her father :" of S14 South. Fifth Mi?s In a Whaler street, will ler.re tocjay Christmas with her untie, Hill, at 3now Hiil. N. C. to pend Mr. H. B. Mrs. C. D. O.-.-Harry, of Colrr'1;': the holidays w'Mi ents, Mr. and " In addition to chicken salad will Te? Room over thx ?l! and little son. :. T.. C. will spend Ira. Orrell's par V. Montgomery, j :- i ho regular menu, ho f?ervrd at the 1 ? ViI;ni?"Ttn Sho'i t Company this .Oo'cloek. : Rev. J. H. Shore, presiding eldr of the Wilmington Dlscct, has re turned from a vis't to hi- - her at Rural Hall, stopping to visit friends j . at Fayettevilio en route. j Miss Ruth Jones, of Lumherton, w'll J spend the holidays with her father, Mr. G. P. Jones, r.nd her sister, Miss Joyce Jones, at the Colonial Apart ments. Lieutenant Harris Alderman, a member of 28rd Aerial Squadron, at Camp Talliaferro, Fort Worth, Texas, is here spending the holidays with relatives. iz. -V. " 4 VV Mr. J. B. Montgomery, -of Baltimore, znd Mr. J. P. Montgomery, of Raleigh, are at home to snend the holidays with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Montgomery, No. 719 PrPincess street. ' 'Ar -X- Mrs. J. S. Wcstbrok, Miss Charlfe Westbrook and Miss Elizabeth Mc Gowan, of Wallace, have arrived in the city and are the guests of Mr.' and Mrs. Robert Ruark, at Carolina Heights. Mr. J. Curtis Williams and family, formerly of this city, but now living at Jacksonville. Ma., passed tnroue;h the city last night en route for Clinton to spend the holidays with Mrs. Wil Hams' mother. . ' - Messrs Wnodus Kellum and W. V. ' 7-v&.- aorncys. left last night for j N"ffolk. Vav. on professional business J . R!r. -'John J. Blp.ir. siiporm-endent of . ' take city- schools, hs ,s;one to Hib i Piflst to .snend the hotiujp-. He will ; return to the city Dacember 3i. Illl!iniHIIIII!IIHI!llilllllilill!lll!llllllllill!li:il!!lillI!lll!!; I Store Open Tonight 1 -Until;9 -o'Cipck "S" - T'-' g Shgpjn thje morning hpurs if pgssible i USEFUL GIFTS v If you Hooverize Trade at BROWNS 5 per cent discount by the . CASH 'and ' -1 a n t- - r t-t a! s . . . . . ft- Black ? ' 1 .ri n - t , I 1--- . - r- Mn l- j nss Catherine Rulfs, a student at aaiem uuc, uao - spend the holidays'. ATr Rov PoIvoKt, students at Roan- !oko College, Salem, Va., is among the rr. r"V.Tnofnrias K "K Mrs. Louise McCraver of this city ' left today to spend tne nrisimas I holidays with relatives and friends in Mr. Louis Hanson is off on a furx- SC, eVaFR CMFW YJP JPJPoioo iough from Camp Sevier, and is receiv- I. . i , 3 - C 1 A 1 lug tne giaa nana ot uia uiuet wui .friends. -He will be here about ten Idays. I X j At tte annuai meeting of the con ; CTeeati6n of the Church of the Good Shepherd, ho'jl last Wednesday even-j ing, the foi' o wing were elected vestry- men for t'.ie ensuing year: Wardens, i Messrs. J. H. Murnss, J. M. Liord; ves- trymen Messrs. D. D. Barber, Herbert Hewlett Horace F. King, G. A. Bishop. C. H. Hubband, George I. Wind and J. S. Poovcy. FUNERAL OF MRS. t r.iDGEN. Was Held This Morning From Resi---;nce Hnterment ot trsllevue. T The funeral of Mrs. Lucy Pridgen, iw.. of Mr. C. F. Pridgen, who died ' af her home in E'ist Wilmington Thursday night, was held this morn ing at 11 o'clor-'c from the late resi j dence. and intern::.-".- was at Oakdale Rev. J. HrltfcCraeu'-n, pastor of imn Avenue ' Mcthodift church, conducted the services. i Give children f fruit juices, ookies instead kes. 'fruit breads and fn cr candies and rich ( hrictmas candy that requires At tie or no sugar is a gift to our Allies i as well as o the receiver. PRflHieiTinBS SUSAR SHORTAGE i - j Witness 'Tells Committee That More Sweets Used in "Dry Territory (By Associated Press). Washington, Dec. 22. Charges that the Food Administrations plan of handling the sugar situation gave the refiners a chance to combine to fix purchasing and refining prices we--? made by Chairman Reed of the S n ate Investigating committee, and em phatically denied by George" M. Rolph director of the sugar divisino of the Food Administration. These refiners met and agreed they they would buy only through one com, mittee which would coavrof me sup ply and fixed a "good fat price for their refining work," declared Sena tor Reed. "Why didn't you arrange to buy the Cuban sugar and then go to the re finers and say that tbo one that bids the lowest for refining gets the work?" "We didn't have the power but I approve cf a fixed refining price, as without it some refinericis would have all the supplies and sojme nothing," replied Rclph. Rolph denied that o represented the company for which he is general manager, but war, a representative of the peoplo when Senator Reed asked if the. people worn representd at the refiner.';' meeting held at the investi- gation of the Food Administration. Prohibition was added to the cause3 for the present shortage. RolpK said consumption had been ir? -creased in the South by 'soldiers' who drink more soft d links, chew more gum and eat.more .candy than they L did when they could procure liquor. I 1 's, S3 Gat Hosiery FOR MM Thejiext union-prayer. meeting sei - corner. Souay Third and Oran:e streets. ' Rer. n-John M. , Wells, D. D., pastor., Therci will be services at thfe church on &unday at lH a. m. and 8 p. m., with 'preaching by Dr. Wells. His subject for the First chuf ch, morning sermon Willi be ;:reace un " . . . D Earth," and at the-evening service, . Mayor is Authorized ' to-Fro-Tho Everlasting Arms.". Sunday i ' WovJ fnV Citizens school at 9;45 m. Christian En - deavor at 7 : 16 prm. Midwee1 prayer, maaitn'nr'A XXTarl n ad A A tr ft i ' S r TV " Trt Vcn are cordially invited to all "these ser- , vices 'streets, Rev. T. P. Allen, pastor. Sun- bers which the local Red Croas So day morning service 11 . o'clock, Sun- ie-ty has for -days been planning, is day evening service T:du o ciock; sun- I day school 3 : uo p. m. ; mia-week pray- er service Wednesday Sp. m.; ladies Society meets following prayer meet- r; J'-rotnernooa on Monaay mgnt at b o clock. St. Andrew's, Fourth and Campbeli ' , Rev. A. D. McClure, D. D Preaching at 11 a. m., and 3 p. i p ui. Junior Christian Endeavor at' m. Sabbath school at S:S0 p. m. p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at . may be sufficient to carry on the work 8 p. m. Seats free. n tveieome. jof the society. Pcarsall Memorial. East Wilming- At a rheeting of the board of alder ton. Rev. H. W. Koelling. pastor, men held for the purpose of discuss Sabbath school at 10:30 a. m. PrjxfchM irig -'the shortage of fuel in this city.. ing at. 11:15 a. m. Christian Endeavor . Mayor Ji;awara uiarK was piaceu m at 7: SO p. m. Prayer meeting Wed charge of the matter and was emppw nesday at 7:30 p. m. A welcome to ered to $200 n getting a supjrfy . jj jof cord wood to this city. ' Harnett Street Mission, Eighth art I Mr' fD' L?7tIld,?!5K tt u tin1 -several hundred cords of wood front Harnett streets Rev W M Baker and a few.mlloB up Trent river evangelist m charge Sabbath schoo and thig wH1 be cut by the county cori. at 9:30 a. m. Preaching each second iVicts and brought down to New Bern and fourth -Sabbaths at 7:30 p. m. fon flats and .will be taken to the wa EPISCOPAL. St. John's. Third and Red Cross. ctrPfti Fourth" Sundnv in Advent. I Rev. R. E. Gibbin, rector. Holy Com- i munion 7:20 a. m.; morning prayer, ill a. m.: Sunday school, 4 p. m.; evening prayer 8 p. m. Visitors are cordially invited to attend the? 3 ser vices. Every pew free. St. Paul's, 16th an Market strc'l, Fourth Sunday in" Advent, Rev. D. L. Gwathney, rector. Holy Communion at 7:30 a .ra.; Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.; morning prayer and sermon at 11 n tp fvnln? nravpr fit f r. m. i On Tuesday, the Fe.st of the Nativity. , -r.sn u, ooiav.mtinnnf HMv I commun on rr f.o nna lit a. m. un , j w Hollis, superintendent; a Christ Wednesday, Thursday and Friday af-j mas serviCe Win be rendered: Jvn ter Christmas morn ng prayer will be; ior B Y. P, U. 6:4& p. in,, .-Sunbeams said at 10 a. m. Visuwa cord:- on Monday ?: 30 p. m.; a unrise. ser ally welcome. Every seat is free. ( vice Christmas morning :piayer meet St. James, Rev. W. II. Milton, D. D.; ;; ing Wednesdjay nigfet; , SarB. Y. rectpr.. Holy Communjonrat 8; Sun-fx tj. on Thursiay night. Acordial t dny-schooT at 10; Morning prayfcr, and sermon at 11: evening prayer and ! j sermon at 7:45. ' Everybody welcome; - come and bring a friend. LUTHERAN. St. Matthew's Evangelical,' corner ; Fourth and Harnett streets, Rev. G.,W,. McClanahan. pastor. Services at 11 j a. ra. and 7:30 p. m.; 'subject fqr morn-l ing service, "A Man Sent From God;"j student George Bowden will preach in I the evening; Sunday school at 3:30 p. f r'.: services Christmas Day at 10:30 1 a. n. All these services will be held .n ino sunaay school room m oraer to co- Tve fuel. The Sunday school j Christmas services will be held at 7:30 I W dnesday evening. The Woman's I Missionary Society will be held Thurs I day at 3:30 p. m. A cordial" invitation ! is extended to all, St. Paul's, corner Market and Sixth streets. Rev. F. B. Cia-ji,- pastor. Morning service at 11, topic of ser mon, "The Happy Christmas Como 3 Once More"; evening service at 3, topic of r.ermon, "Love Thyself"; Sunday school at 3:30 p. m.; Christ mas day service at 11 a. m. Tuesday. Sunday school Christmaa exercises at 4 p. m. Special Christmas music at all services. Visitors are "cordially invited to all services. METHODIST Bladen Street, corner Fifth and Bla-. ! u streets, Rev. E. C, Sell, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. J. H, Shore presiding elder of the Wilmington district, will preach at the evening service. Sunday school at 3:30 in the afternoon All the mem bers are urged to'attend. Strangers and visitors are cordially welcome. -Fifth Avenue, Rev.. J. H. McCracken, pastor. Christmas serviced, preaching at 11 a. m.; Christmas sermon 7:30 p. m., sermon, 'subject; "rne Gospel of Hope"; special Christmas music by the choir; Sunday' school 9: 45' a .m. Strangers and the public cordially in vited to attend all these services. L Christian Advent church, corner South Fourth and Church streets, Rev. J. T. John- 'son, pastor, residence ' 425 South 'Fourth' stret. V Sunday sch6oi-"at 10 'a. n.p r. preaching at 11 a. m. subject for morning' sernion. TherVoice of God in Twc Divisions"; preaching at night at 7 subject for night ser mon, "Is Pa(je Near." The Christ mas exercises will be on Wednesday night " :The; jpdially invit ed to all the3e serytees". ' . '. First church, pock street!: Preach ing services IljanScf'' 7: 30 p. ini. Reynolds. Services pight held in honor of te youJ;b the congte gatibn who are4 wltliS the' colors; ser tton subjectJ'C Sacrifice1 in the Light of ,I?is:s;acB,tAu t9? 45 a. ' m. " Christianndfeiaof 6 :45 p. m. ; Junior ' KrMeavBi- c : 30 : p. Prayer meeting efvery; Wednesday fright at '8 o'clock. The-public is cor dially inyited to att'efid' all these ser vices. ' j ''';'," Union . Services. BE1 PEOPLE mini , r - - rXT ' v - V tfeeuirig n r . " - New -Bern, Dec. .22. The : great i j. t rA. .m 4-tA.nnnf4 Tinw mum. 0n-and scores of names have been ad(jed to the list. - Three teams are Vdrkingrthe city this wiU continue for three days and the fnembers of the society trust t that they will be able to secure the ; nurn Der 0f members which have bqen allotted t6' this"'pface. ' - , old, members whose membership is wm,f t(V bvnlr are heine asked to pav up tneir &nes now in order that ter plant, from which point it will be distributed. The wood will be sold at $1 per ipa l vices will be held Monday in Bladen Street Methodist church, of which I Rev. E. C. Sell is the beloved pastor. This is on Christmas Eve and ought to be well attended. The service will begin promptly at 5 p. m., and will rs f I tmi a Caw r tinlf Virtfii TMl 1 0 -.1 rl fir WliLlllUUU 1U1 a, iiaii. IIU Lil . JiVV4 X will be chosen by the pastor of the church, as in all these services. BAPTIST. Calvary, Rev. J. A. SuHiyan, pastor, ' Sunday worship 11 a. m.: sermon sub- t ir, 4. oi.n n :.. For Christmas?": night, "Crowded ... . : Welcome is txterfled.to ail tneSC ser- vices. - & 8 3 is 7 HE woo Flat-irons, Different Sizes Heating Pads Curling Irons Disc Stoves 1 -! - Titie PHom28 O' ! tJ-J i 111 nmi ir i While we were writing this ad, we received the official appointment as Agent of the War Savings Stamps. We are at your service in this connec tion, and shall be glad to explain the idea, and to supply you with these most patriotic Stamp Saving Emblems. Uncle Sam thought enough about the Delivery Problem to make several suggestions. We hope you will think enough about it to lend us your val uable aid by xarrymg what you can, and by having what you cannot carry sent right up to your house. If you have had anything laid aside for you, please notify us to deliver right away. BELK The Toy Shop and the draymen will be allowed to charge 25 cents for hauling it in the city limits. According to reports reaching this city, the people in the nearby towns are experiencing a shortage of coal as well as those in New Bern, but there is no lack of cord wood and ihu : - - i variety of fuel is taking the place kf coal ana is nuing me oui jul as well. This .section is blessed in having thousands upon thousands of cords of ihard and pine wood, right at hand and,! i as Ions ?.s this is to be secure-j t lu t1,51" nrtut8 S 0 o u it can be cut auu Drougnt to to ah. Friends throughout the StMp vil! learn with regret of the critical illness of Mr. J. J. Tolson, Sr.. tax collector for the city of New Bern; and who was Thursday stricken with an attack of apoplexy while in his office in the' mnnicipal building. Parties entering the office to "attend ptfcusinessUnatters found MFTTol&oi.1 in a critical condition, e was carried OF THE "Give OFIS ElectrimM -1 - This Ghritriias" A Practical & Suitable Assortment t)f Elfectrical Ap pliances on Display at Our Show-Rooms Table-Grills Electric Toasters Chafing Dishes Percolators If you are not- 3o not lelay another day.. Many have al ready been disappointed because they could not get just the toy they saw here a few that? 'We have them for sale have the pick. We hope we can still supply you with the things you want. The children will expect them. WILLIAMS to his home where medical attention was , rendered him. a reyun lousty awm me ucuomc v as to the effect that there was no change in his condition. AlA. V !l Jl J.1 i 11. . J .aunougn n is saia inui me wuuus in Craven' county are filled with the finest holly seen in this section in many, years, comparatively little of this decorative material is. being brought to this city for disposal. Large amounts of it have been shipped to the -.North from the Bast em part of this State, and the ship pers have received a high price ior that which they have sent to that sec tion. I Swine growers in this section are. I not affected by the recent request , upon theia not to kill their hogs at this time. The greater portion of tht fresh meat slaughtered in this 'county is disposed of on the local and nearby j markets and th supply on these is by f-r& mean6 larger than the demand. ::- ; ' Thousands of hogs have already Immersion ' Heaters Electric Heaters - . Sewing Machine Motors Vacuiim-Cleaners Phone 28 days ago, but whose fault i and those who come iir st !! s CO. Third Floor , been slaughtered in the pa:- fe -v j weeks and hundreds of others v ul uu me marnet in ino cou j the next month, i The Craven county comic's . , 1 . -ve:'c. ivesieraay: taicen to a co :;t miles up Trent river, whnv toe i in next week or two they will no on gaged-in turning into cord wood ,hou sands of tree on the land of Mi. ,1. i. - Williams, who has donated seve n! - hundred cords of wood to the c iy isi :d in - New Bern and which is to he u relieving the local fuel situation This wood will be placed en flai-. and brought down to this city an J will be carried to the' electric light and water plant, from which poir.i it is lo be distributed to the public at a price of one dollar per load. Before a load of wood can he sn- j cured it will be necessary to all at the City Hall and purchase, tickets 'ami -tfc-ereak be exchangeA for thu wood at. the plant. y -A , : v '':'-:V WW