s V .i ,V-4 S ' s':-' '- Vi'j,' THEWILMINGTO 6m JDEGEMBER 2 91 7 - PACE SEVEN ,1 - - - - ' -n 1A iT-i-':..;- isfe. tsv3tjr ' v-- ' - y. "t-w WiriTERPKKVRIGHWvrLlJ WRlGffTSVIUf: lEAGil The Old 4RimbIe: Wit: EAST BOUND. X v. -WESTBOUND.- I I i mm i c5 GIFT ST0EE This year premises you the same low prices, the came high quality that we have been giving you in the past years, and as in the past oiir c uaranteea-g with every article yqu4uy. Our clocks are now complete. LefiJs show you c ur wonderful values in Diamonds i .a Vallieres Silver Sets Fountain Pens French Ivory Set Watch Bracelets Umbrellas Watches :ca k Neyr York; -Y.Accordins taDr. Woods Hutchinson pronounced by the Flearst newspapers as the world's foremost writer on medical subjects, "three-fourths of: us ovfir -t.h a?p nf tliirty yeata. hare riggs disease-and that its cause is due to srerms onnnld i . Dugs." wedon't Know rr. Hutchinson, i but the following distinctive features ! tire observable "in : the treatment of nggs disease by patients - using pyo rigg: The progress""of me disease id promptly arrested and soon RtnnnprT I ine COIOf Of ttlft tnimS 1q restnrbH tn ?i ' ' W -" . . v- - . . ' healthy pink condition in the course of A : Scene fronv Gus Hill's Minstrels, A caderny of Muzte,- Christmas Day, iew aays. , unaue reaness Of irums' - - t - Matineava ftd Ninht. uisajjpepars. lnnammation, soreness and sensitiveness disappear. Giima build up and fill out, receding stops. Separated teeth come, together. Loose teeth tighten up and bleeding of gums ceases. Pyorigg is a new prescription specially for Vigs disease which El I :omes in the form of a medleated mas- Something - out of the ordinary in I : feAhic? "tays w,h?re. n the way of r Minstrel entertainment Gus Hill toldi "To fill in his own I that Gu; jLfigure," i ing dispensed in original packages, , price one dollar, at best drug stores, r mcludnig Jarman & Futrell in Wil- mington. Advt : i d hundreds of other gift things that can only be found here at the prices we ask. ms. nneveisiein NO. 6 S. FRONT ST. PHOtfE 642 i IS DUt. unaffeetfiri hv saliva Q-nrl is Ho. iuay .ua expectea ai; ifle.ACauemy or Music matinee and night on Christ mas Day, when Gus Hill's Big Mins trels .make their initial bow. to Wil mington audiences, if the promises! of the business Manager of the Or ganization, are fulfilled. '' " That gentleman says it is one thing to engage a company of artists to give a performance, but when it ( comes to utilizing the talent to the matter. You have to hand it to Guo ;Hill for doing th'ngn right when he starts out to accomplish anything, says the agent, and the first thing Mr. 0 'Tf ' BE m. Much More Than Year Money's Worth The Original Economy Fabrics Ellverbloom. St. KlchoVaa and Qudien Glow for skirts, dresses a: for all scasoDS Honor doth 5254 in. wide. 8 12 to 9 ots. to tho yd., for hard wenr suits, coats, ski Exquisite patterns, permanent finish, pniirknteed by na for durahility and fast colors. You will feel DRESSED U P all thebaic if joo wear tbese goods. For sala by leading retailers. LESHER, WHITMAN & XIO., Inc., 881 Broadway. New York City P. S. Act nn this advice. If vour dealer does not keen them, iuat cut out this ad. caste it to a postal card, put your name and address on it with the pi name ct your aeater ana miu n to us. v wu ocu uui MuyKi vt. uuto aua auvue iuiu w vu. . i.ui.jm ga !irrqr:.arCT!vrpii.iiyiliJ.lirii:BgKm jS ill J B McCABE & co. figure." And yet, some persons con-; . elude the representative, say that i Gus Hill is lucky. Watch for the big illuminated street parade at -7.30 on Christmas Eve and the parade on Christmas Day at noon. ' Tht- matinee prices Will be 50 cents and 75 cent??. The night prices will be from 50 cents ' to $1. Tickets will go on sale at .BlvmgtQn's Monday jnorn'ng at 9 a. m. ' Leave . "Elt)oeri t- - .Center.. , for TTInter P'rk "A J50 A. M x6:50 8:00 T . .9:00 " M i 10:00 " - U:S0, " '.1)0 M 1:10 " ol5 ..Z'SO - 3:00 " S:S0 " t 4:10 " ;..4:S0 J i. 4:50 " ' 5:80 " x0:10 . 6:40 " 7:13 " 8:15 " 9:15 " .10:15 " 11:15 " 6 TATO "Electric TCentce? i .Centre for TTrightsv'Ie !6:50 A. Sr. x6:50 " 8:00 '' !8:00 : 9:00 " J0:00 .. 11:30 !l:00 P. M, 1:10 dl!55 . :30 8:00 h 4:80 i "5:S0 " x6:10 M 6:40 " 7:15 " 8:15 M 9:15 " 10:15 " 11:15 " t- ... -i.v. jjeave'.'". 'Etectrfc v for" . Beach . :lveuves for I " Leave Wrisbtsy'le ' . for 1 "WllmlDgton 4 Wilmington 18:00 A. M. f 10:fl 11:80 "j !l:otj P. M. .-. .' . . . . ... ".s:oo"p. at. ..... 6:15 A. ST. 7:15. x7:20 - 7:5 19 :15 A. Al.i:. sit j. 19:2 M 10:43 12:15 a a 4 !iri5 I 9 I MS I - o xa ...... aa.l ........ t aT i If t I ! 10:20 ! 13:25 r; M. xl:W, " !1:M 2:55 3:00 8:55 ft:25 " ',' 6:00 " x:4S " . 7:10 M 7:45 " , 8:45 " 9:45 " 10:45 - 11:45 - "rj Leave Wilmington V . ft-Sft A;liC !7:S6 x7:Sl " " ' -01" C'i i :41 , 7 198 ; 941 r-' no i M ;v 11:06 s 12:86 r. M S:01 . 13:06 " : V o3:ll ' . ." o3:507- " "' 4:06 o4:30 -," o5:l0 M V 3:38 - . !:11 6:56 " 7 :2t - 'i 7!si '';;. 8:5 "t;1 9:6 '. i V l):ft 1 11 :56 " I iSPECIAL FOBT DAYS . Leave Front and Princess streets evry linif hour fiomv2 to 5 P. M Leave. Beach every half hoar from 2:15 P; Ml' -ivf i. Practical Christmas on. m 1FTS Useful Gifts Are Appreciated Most of All Many useful thiugs are here m wide variety. Might we suggest, lor instance: A new pair of glasses for father or mother. Automobile spectacles for the friend who drives. ' A caiuty little gold eyeglass chain. Silver or Aluniinnm Fancy Cases. EYEp EXAMINED FREE DR. VINEBERG MASONIC TEMPLE !ii!i!ii;i:i!;:!i:!!iii!1iiiiii:':i:ii!ii!i:iiI.iii!i!iiiiii!iii:ir .... Daily except Sunday. 'Sunday only. xBeach transfer ear connects with th's train nt Wrlghtsvllle. ' oSuperceded by half-hour schedule Sunday, afternoons. . v FHElGHTv SCHEDULE ( DAILY EXCEPT , SUNDAY.) Leave Ninth and Orange Street 3: 00 P. M. Freight Depot open from 2:00 to 3:00 P; M. o 'atW -a Hill did when he decided on a Min strel troupe was to , summon . James Gorman , to h;;; presence. Mr. Gor- 17 a q a nt nrsr. dwqq 4 Msitjnj.- m. sw,l.v:--,-' I SPECIAli NOTICE This table shows i he time at which trains may be ex PNTFRS PR-OTPST I pected to arriVe at and dbart rom the several stations, but. the arrivals aud de i wT) rrr ' Tt rr, jl-partures are not sTuatanteea, New York, Dec. 22.--A caSlegrajn J ! saying that the . peasant Congress in't Russia' adopted a resolution protest-; s ing' against the policy of the Bolshe viki: in arresting members of the Con- j J stituent Assembly, has been, received here by the Jewish Daily Forward, from itr; Petrograd correspondent.. The message reads: man, wlio is the general producer of "A very important sitting of tiio; 1 all x)2 chan ana Harris s Musical prp-l Per,srnt'-' Gongressr was neld toaay. J Mr. Hill laid a blank contract before the famous producer with the magic 'name Gus Hill srgnedat the bottom, and laconically raid, "Fill in your own figure," but give me the best Certified Public Accoun- tants. j ' Room 810 Murchison Bank B!dg. the gpiiei I s Phone 996. WILMINGTOlU, N. C. of entert 3 minstrel production to be had. And "Jim" Gorman, did just that and pos sibly a little more. In dayr. gone fcy a burnt-cork was put together ever night. Today it J ehevlki with a vote of 360 to 321 is produced exactly like a big musi-j cc.l extravaganzn, with the same at-i Prem'er Leuir a in person addressed , the Congrefi, and in a lenrjtvy speech ; defended the attitude of the iioisne vik? towa'd 'he 'Constituent Arsem-. bly and r aid that the abor council j ought ti bo considered the highest au-j thority. j "Notwithstanding Lenlne's presence the Congress, passed a resolution pro-. test'nrr e gainst the policy, of the Bol- $1.25 Silk Hose for Saturday and Monday SATIN HATS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS MISS ALMA. BROWN ROYAL THEATRE BUILDING. tainment, inilli!i!ifH!iiiII!l!ii!i!ii;illIjil!!!lliliijiiiiii!!iiiJ!i;!Hifj rame J ames Gormc tention to detail that characterizes! In New York they call it an "inter the general run of that type or style! national wrestling tourEjiment.' L and it was tins liut. Ji h.ounws .swu, .uu . . an who has so many feel better when they let down easy. a HI ,' ,M,, i, - ',-' Hjij.. r- HiiiHiiiiiJiunHHiiiiiBiiuiiiHiiiiiiimiiii - ' ' x s' "' s -. ; f .--' t . ,t to i4l CHRISTMAS MATINEE an! NIGHT sisajjajasaBiJJ..'jausui.r GRAND ANNUAL TOUR OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST MINSTREL ORGANIZATION GUS HILL'S MiiMiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi i L WHITE COMEDIANS ! I : i 1 1 1 1 1 1 II ! ! I ! I ! n ! ! ! I M I ! 9 1 ! 1 1 1 1 ! ! 1 1 i - ALL WHITE COMEDIANS I SINGERS AND DANCERS ALL WHITE : WITH 0 G W ON r Direct From a Forty Weeks Engagement At the New York Hippcdroms Bdl MAZIER Will. a. E John P. Rogers John Burke Ed. Latell JackMcShane Thos. Hughes . Artie Gros 5 Herbet Willison and 50 others 5 VVATCH FOR THE BIG STREET PARADE AT 7:30 CHRISTMAS EVE S AND CHRICTMAS DAY, AT HIGH NOON. 5- E Maitinss 5ccnd 75c PRICES Night 53c, 75c, and $1.00 Scat3 Go on Sa!? Monday at 9 A. M. at Elvington's iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiizsiiiiEursiiiiiincn.sESir: H What The Baltimore Son .5 5 Says About It 5 E "AVorth going rriiles to Virginia-Pilot, Norfclk B. 5 'Best seen here in years." E Richmond Times - Dis- j patch - E E "The cleanest minstrel S E show ever, played here.' E E. E'&ln!:Qre Star : E E "Good Comedians, spien- did singing, and real dano E . s E mg. News Snd QbzezvQT, Ral- E. E eigh E E "A genuine treat, out of 5 Best seen here." r ... .mifell - ..iE"; ' : ' a ' 1 n" ' . trarn i . rniiEJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiinitiiiiuiiiJiii.niiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiuuiiiiiiiii! .n!ii.'ii:;!!n;ii!i3fn!sun2i:!n:i!!i!Ei;j:ni" EDDI MAZIER'' . " and ':: Wm. H. THOMPSON f GEORGE WILSQN .; i,llw.lmiiI ,l,,iMnu,i,,,,,,,,,iniiiiiiiiimm m W 4 111 . - - . . i 1 at sail V'LL VOU VTOP YOUR MOANING AND BE ON VOUR DIGNITY AT THIt WEDDING - DOENT TE ErRlOE LCCX MftTURrL! Vur , a , rf. . . . ... WHILE THEY ARE CiN' 4obo-eYE to THE efOE - ILL ME FEET A LITTLE, J. RET- xmmm. J I I v - r.l VtaVjCMWAJ .fc.-.t-.-.v.-jrai.-.-it'iT. . ' WA'bNT IT A WONDERFUL -VEDOlNq - THEY CERTAINLY TT1FIEW ENOUGH RtCE ANO TH1H AT THEHI r I HAD A tHEVi. ;om4-" irizf?- tuf-n ' I rm ' VHERE ARE -YOUR. THREV .TJiElM AT T'HEiOE ! j 1 .; : r-. r . i ' A i Jr rs. mm 4, -Sj. ct.' :.,:Vri i,r-.'fv,'v: Ai: cX -;;,r;. ' u mmm-',, - -. t' "Jr. - 1