-fr SATURDAY, AFTERNOONMR 191 . . I! V; ' . ": ! work'dunns . the P , - '"W ' 0 - I I iS!J H IdLltlDLll Uf '11 i in sis'! i r 1 4 AS Jfl a- '1.1 "5:U "i .1 : 1 if I; . V,' .T' 1. 1! ..1 w t if i 5 4 ! vli 1 1 n if 1 .15 BUSINESS SPECIALS MESSENGER SERVICE. For this service we use the Pos tal Telegraph Cable Company's messengers. They will call for your "ads." In the same manner and quick time' as they now cover the city foi telegrams, night letter, grams, cables, etc. For further Information as to "ads." call Njut for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." CA83ACE PLANTb EARLY Jt - sey and Charleston Wakefieid, Sue- COSS Oil, l'ldl uuiv.ii, liv-l f c sped, immediate shipment. By ex press 500 for $1.00; 1.000, $1.50; 5,000 at $1.25; 10.COO and up at $1.00 f. o. b. Young's Island. S. C. Delivered by parrel pot, 100 25 cents; 1,000, $1 7b. Enterprise Company, Inc., Sumter, S. C 10-3 we fri sun tf CHRISTMAS CARDS, PRINTED, EN rrra vpfl or mbossed. Time to order now. Also uenerai ivumuieiuoi , TTir finer an ri MiiltieraDhine done X A lin ing - I right and on time. Harris Printing A?,r rr, 1 9-K.mrwwp.-fr sii tf CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTEND- ed to the public to view our exhibit of Xmas -flowers and potted plants at our display house, corner 9th and Iledcross. (All grown in Wil , minston.) Will Ilheder, Florirt. WILL CLOSE WORK 01 ESISTE Mr. Jones Did Not Like Re quest for Payment for Damaged Roads A special meeting of the Board of j County Commissioners was held yes- ( terday afternoein which time Chair-, man McGirt called attention to to the ' damage being done to the Wrights- ville road by the hauling of heavy I loads by the employees of Mr. Pern-1 broke Jones, v.-ho owns a large tract, of land on the road. i A letter from Mr. McGirt to Mr. Jones was read, in which it was ask-, ed that the damage be paid for and that the cause of the sr.nie be re-J moved. A letter from Mr. Jones to j his superintendent was also read, in which Mr. Jones oJered that all' work on his place, which had to do: with traffic ever the road complain-; ed of, be stopped, mentioning the j fact that $100 a day which has been j put into circulation, would now cease. Chairman McGlrt's attitude was ap proved by the commissioners, after some discussion. ' Councilman McCaig appeared be-! fore the bonrd and asked the loan of the county truck for the hauling j of wood, and the mater was left to ; Chairman McGirt and Superintendent j Burnett. The board also agred to sell j the road roller for $1,200 and purchase an improved roller, which would give better "service. The election of Dr. R. B. Slocum as health officer was announced to the board. Mr. J. B. Hewlet was re-elected fish inspector for the ensuing year. Coun ty Auditor Orrell and County Attor ney Bellamy were instructed to per fect nlans for the better heating of the Court House. The road committee will look into the advisisability of cutting down ex penses by reducing the number of camps, though no furtiier action was taken by the boarfi on this point. CHRISTMAS EXERCISES. Sunday School of Calvary Baptiet Church Has Special Program. The Christmar. services of the Sun day school of Calvary Baptist church will be held tomorrow morning aj 9:45 o'clock. A very interesting program, entitled "Bcae on Karth," ha-, been arranged as follows: Son? "The Prince of Pdacti Is Come." Prayer. Class reports. Lesson taught. Song -"Hail I he Prince of Ilcavuv" Three primary recitations." Reading "Christmas Bells." Reading "Ring Out the Tidings. Rone ".fov Delia Sweet Are Ring ing." j Reading "When Christmas Comes.' I Song "Christinas Bells Are Ilin- j ing." i Reading "O, Slar of Light." Solo and chorus "What a Blessed ! Message." j Exercise "Peace on Earth." S Song "Some Benediction. Happy Day. DIE AT CAMP. Brother of Wilmington Citizen Victir. ', of Pneumonia at Camp Sevier. j Mr. W. H. Best, 401 South Fourth 3treet, yesterday afternoon received a i message telhng of the ueutn of Uis , l brother, Mr. Jawper L. Best, at CampjSEED POTATOES, SEED POTATOES. Sevier, S. C. I Just received several cars Maine Tlie deceased was a member of the i Grown. Do' not. wait, send your or regiment commanded by Col. Metis, I dets immediateryi. Bear Produce and and enlisted at Rocky Mount. Death I Mds.' Co. - ' - ' ' 12-21-2t resulted from pneuKlonia, follow-in measles. The remains wul be brought here for burial this afternoon, ji., t,,1aotpfi to reDort at our oj." ! UU1 'Ti::, 5,, r-nK 9:00- . ! W "iatore;i2-22-tf 1 4 ?iIN ! Gold Jewelry you should see , it. ! We take pleasure ln; supwrn you, ! or assisting you in selecting an ap ' propriate gift for young : or old. J. x. ! Burke tha Jeweler, 27 So. Front St. 12-lG-tf uAWTFn CYLI NDER PRESSMAN I WANTED CYUNutn I and fpoders. ery Co.. Richmond, Va. 19.0ft inti r SEE CHAS. FINKEUSTEIN FOR your Diamnods. Watches, Cameo ; Broaches, Wrist Watches and a full line of Solid gold and Gold filled jew- j elry. Buy early and save money at j Chas. Finkelstein's. No. b bo. from St. Phone 642 11-30-tf ; ;WANTED OLD FALSE TEETH. 4 rinn't matter' if broken. I pay $2.00 to $15.00 per set. Send by parcei post and receive check by return mail. L. Mazer, 2007 S- Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 12-9-30tj. WANTED AN ACTIVE MAN WITH Some money not less than $1,000. We leave money in your bank and help finance; permanent position. Marine Iron & Steel Co., Norflok, Va. ll-27tf. EVERY CITY AND TOWN IN THE country is calling for help for young men and women who can nil vacani places who can shoulder the load and keep the wheels turning. A few months with us will fit you for one of these good positions place your feet upon the upward road that leads to broader fields of usefulness and un limited opportunities in the business world. The Motte Business College, Inc. Phone 706. 12-22-tf .FOR RENT COTTAGE NO. 719 ! Orange with garage and wood house, i Phone 1874-J or 826. 12-8-tf j ; I WHEN YOUR' BOY GOES INTO THE j Trenches see that he takes with h!m ' your portrait. He will treasure !t j above all the gold on earth. Foltz I and Kendrix. 12-13-tf THE MOTTE BUSINESS COLLEGE hsis inst issued its first catalosr. It's a b. auty. Write for one. N?w classes will be formed January firsf. j Arrange to enter on that date. ; 12-16-tf j t MANAGERS ARE ALWAYS WILLING to pajy well for capable service and now more than ever before is the lemdnd greater than the supply. You can step into a good opening ! the moment you are prepared. Wei have more applications than we can i fill. We could pIp.C' more graduates . pvpvv week. The Mott: Husmess College, Inc. Phone 706. 12-22-tf ITS AN OLD SAYING THAT EVERY- thing is easy when you know how You will find this to be very true regarding office work. Stenography, bookkeeping, hiph'n accounting, business letter writ.ns. penmanship thse and other branches featured in our conrs.-s are made readily, available to every ambitiour? boy or girl, man or woman, who has then ccurage to make the start and thejj determination, to complete the course. The Molt Business Col lege. Inc. Phone 706. 12-22-tf i WILMINGTON HAS AN UP-TO-DATE jj and well-equipped Business College! in every respect. No excuse fo-; any youag man or woman to go without; a business education. Catalogue fur nished on request. The Motte Busi ness College, Inc. Phon3 706 12-22-tf GET OUT OF Th U7IDERPAID overworked class. Wear pood clothes. Make money. Do the kind of work you like and live a fuller more active life. A course in The Motte Business College will enable yo" to do this. Ask us. Phone 706. 12-13-tf. FOR 25 YEARS I HAVE MADE A specialty, of up to date Solid Gold Jewelry. If you buy it for gold it is gold, we tell you just what it is be fore vou nav for your purchase, j. T. Burke, the Jeweler, 27 So. Front! St. 12-16-tf CITY MERCHANTS MONDAY BE- ing Christmas Eve, we will not work tho city trade but will be open and make deliveries of all orders until one o'clock. Will work the trade Wednesday. E. L. Mathews Candy Company. 12-22-ltJ i LOST BETWEEN CENTER CAFE and Kress' a small black pocketbook rontainine: $4.50 and a money order. Reward for return to Center Cate. 12-22-1 tj MECHANICS HOME ASSOCIATION opens a new series B and L Stock January and Julv of ea"h year. Rub scribe early. Walker Taylor, pres-.- dent, W. M. dimming, secretary. 20S Princess St. 12-17-6t JEWELRY FOR CHRISTMAS !F you want lo erive a nice piece of Jewelry or cut gl;ss be sure to see what we have. II. J. Culclasure, Jeweler. 0f. 1-2 No. Front St. 12-16-tf WANTED FIFTY ABORERS, white or colored, to clean land. Guaranteed three years work. Ap ply M. Lance. Carolina Beach. 8-31 if HOLIDAY FRUITS AND CANDIES j j ira t r ecii i'efi.u Tb car loads extra fanrV -WinfisaSiancl York Imperial Pearhes Onions, Canadian Rutabaga Turnips, Green Cabbage, Papsr Bag, Wrapping- paper. Fine assortments nail and' Package candv. Call and see our? stock. Bear Produce and 452-453- 1 12-12 ltf . AUTOMOBILE ? OWNERS! HAVE your wora-ojut tires double treaded. It, makes them better than new., See the 'Fair 2-In-X1 Auto -Tire, corner 4th Vl - -, . assortment- ,m we;. vuy,psv ?ldwost. Prices.rYeager eparnea A -MULTIGRAPH LETXERIS' EX- :UVo: tvniwritinff:V Finest of allj . ortvrtiRin'ff , mediums., " We .vmakel - them. Public .Typewriting, Printing , ; 'Einirvtivinir Matn-ia-Printinff and i i ': AdverWsinr Co:y ,12-tu-th'Sat-sun-tf TOYS AR& NOT-RLENT(FUL .THIS year in spite. ot; what is ciaunea Dy Zva n nnntrarv Rut we havy - rnnfl ?nnniv --.oi. vwnai--.-. uie affords. ;- Visit eager- uspaniueuc ; Store. 12-22-tf Aft X ! W-'il . I HAVE FIFTY HEAD OF NICj miibs surf horses for sflJe. un i.as Hayne road near J Wriehtsboro. j Wul ne nere everv n;ty. . wjuhmuw Vook them over. Will, sell for caslj o- on time. Phoni 439-5 J. P. New Ion. 12-22-lt WE DElFvER ALL MAGAZINES ON rate of Issue when bo reauested Phone vom rder to 745. Gordon News Stand. 10-r."-JJ wNTPn-30fJ LABORERS AT BA r""! J Willi vvuiab, u" w. 14.00 to $20.00 per week, 8 hours per day. Permanent inside work and regular advances in pay guar anteed. Pay every Saturday. Out side work for a few. Homes for families $5 per month; water, toilsU and electric lights in every house. The nesnro section in Badin has high class public school with competent teachers; community buildingwith moving picture auditorium, public library and lodse rooms for men and women. Ample police and fire de partment. Fire department operated bv colored men. White and colored nhvsieians. White and colored mer chants. Boarding houses for single . men equipped with toilets, bath rooms, steam heat and electric lights Board $3.50 nr week- Badin is 34 miles from Salisbury. N. C. on Southern Railway and W. S. S. B. Railwav. Special inducements to men with families; new and modern home provided same day family ar rives. Transportation furnished Thursday, December 27 and Mondiv, December 31st on the Seaboard. Will leave Wilminsrtbn, N. C at 3: 55 P. M., Lumberton. N. C. 6:19 P. M.. Pembroke, N. C. 6:44 P. M., Hamlet, N. C. S: 05 P. M. Meet me at th station. E. W. Kinlaw. 12-22-24-26-3ij TOYS LOOK MORE ATTRACTIVE IN your store than anywhere else sahl a customer yesterday. It does us """good to know our works are being appreciated. It will do you good al so to realize this is th- right store to trade. From the habit trade at Yeager Department Store 12-22-tf j5IJJJI&I JEWELRY SILVERWARE i A. 0. Schuster Diamonds Jewelry. Front and Princess. rranarararararailj WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Send us Money Order $4.12 and we vill send you $5.00 U. S. Bond, du Jan. 1, 1923. W. 6. Cooper &Go. Wilaimtou, N. C 4y;HI!ininiiI!!l!nlH!!l!llliHIl!mHH!IIHII!ll!!lllHni!l I 2 j s V. B, THORPE & GU I i .... . ..- , ... . . : . i tt Water and Ann streets S3 Phone 789. ! CLOCKS . in Builders I i! .- - ' V'.? if-:- - - sill ..... . Ki"-- 4 v y . - -iij. . - ' HP4 -W- Si! ' 'smMyvfr. mm Am : . - . i . : II J II if il . II e! I J 4& V ii 1L.W V RILS U-alUS , Life is a gamble. We never know just when we will be called to the great beyond. But isn't it a wondrful satis faction to know that your dear ones are provided for after you are gone? Are yours? Insure now. Leave your family in comfort. Put your money where it will be a good investment and protection at the same time. We represent the Most secure company in the whole, world. Let me tell you more about it, arid begin the New Year by providing for those whom God has given you to care for. CLwe Read the An Illustration Insurance Amount $10,000 Double Indemnity If death occur by accident while on a train, trolley, steamship or oth er common carrier, the policy pajs $20,000 instead of $10,000. Disability "Protection If permanently "dhsabfed before a Re 05 from any cause accident, blind ness, paralysis, tuberculosis, in sanity or anything else all further premiums are Waived and you receive an income of $1,000 a year for life. At death the full $10,000 is paid, le parrllesa of the premiums waived and the income already paid to you. . Annual Cash Dividends This policy pays dividends an nually after the second year. Had this policy been taken out in, 190i the dividends for 1017 alone would have been $1C0.00. The longer it is carried the cheaper it. becomes and: the more it is worth. Loans 31 After the second year you can al- ft - ... 4 1.:...! ... wa; ijfs borrow iroiu uuc-iunu w tliirds of the amount you nave paid in wUhout jeopardizing the policy. i nd ,nn can insure tne loan mas- ins the policy free of. debt in case of death. C. L. mCRINSO! Agt; Telephone 859. .GliriistC;Qifts-- 3lH Wrist Watches Military Mirrors Flash Lights " Velocipedes " Pump Air Rifles Perculators CAPE FEAR HARDWARE CQ. 7 - i jiirof-V ad. below ass; 2at of the Best Life Policy Issued Age at Issue, 35 Paid-Up Extensions After you have carried this policy for three years you can stop paying and the Company will carry your in surance free lor six years and 103 clays. After 10 years the company will carry you for 21 years and 311 days, and so on. Amount Obtainable This policy may b.,wotained in any amount froin $1,000 to $25,000, the latter sum being the Company's limit for this particular policy. Payments may be made annually, semi-annually or quarterly. Policy Becomes Full-Paid 'At age 55 all payments cease and $10,000 goes to your heirs when you die, or yon eau have $6,090 ia cash for yourself. :; I Hie Company The issuing compaiij- is the strong est in the world assets $86G,9SS,S41. 57 and it does business at a lower rost'than any other, which accounts for the larse dividends: returned, to policyholders. ' If yon need life Insurance you want this contract. Kxact details for your oWn age gladlv furnished on request. .Office 101 Princess. Tool Ghests Meccans Sets " Toy Wagons ' Skates ' -Knives and Razors Carving Sets YOU; A MEMBER RED'GRO President Wilson wants every American Citizen to be a V, memlier of the American Red Cross Society. The cam : paign for members is now on. Place your name on ; the Roll of Honor today. You can join at this Bank. THE PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK Corner Front Statement Condition THE MURCHISON NATIONAL BANK of Wilmington, N. C, At the Close of Business, November 20th, 1317. RESOURCES: Iioans and Discounts . .$ 7,5&5,091.S4 U. S. Bonds (at par) . . 1,426,850.00 Bank Building 494 900.00 Bonds ind other Se-.. curities 468,400.00 Customers' Liability Acceptances .. ... .... 1,050,000.00 Cash and Due by Banks 4,598,665.15 $15,633,906.99 f Novembe 20th, 1915 November 201 1916 . November 20th, 1917 TT C McQUEEN, President W. YATES. Vlve-resiaenc ; M. F. ALLEN, Assistant Cashier J.-V. Grainger, EXPRESS THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT IN A PRACTICAL WAY The Home BECOME A MEMBER OF THE RED CROSS V THE 1918 Christmas OPERS For White For Colored People American Bank & Trust Company Front and Market Sts., Wilmington, N. C. i - -. . Christmas Books and USEFUL GIFTS -All the Importcnt Books of the Season; Books make most accepv able and lasting gifts. Everybody -enjoy ,0DS fcAMPS. make compact ahd handy parcels to send to the BOY b i exy Attractive NEW THINGS in Holiday 'K iMe t Leather Goods, Kodaks, and a thousand tv?riPtv. presents-Christmas Cards and Calendars In gieat variei. C. W. 'YATES COMP' 1 N(W FOR XMAS Save time and Money by" coming direct to us. Bracelet VVatc e LaValiers, Cuff Links, Stick Pins Toilet and Manicure SeM, RingsfFountain f ens, Gold, and Silver Handle Umbrellas, Se Novelettes, 'Cut Glass, Clocks, Novelties,! Etc. A MASONIC thTI sib, IK and Princess Sts. LIABILITIES: Capital Stock 1,000,000.00 Surplus and Net Profits v-,9,945.2o Circulation -O.OOoioo Special Deposit Bonds. 15,000 00 Acceptances 1 .050,000.00 Depcsits. 1 '.148,961.73 $'5,633,906.99 '.242,911.53 ".441,245.68 12,148,901.73 DEPOSITS. J. V. GRAINGER, Vice-Prsi.ieiit - uaAiiirin, asnier. w. &. jutiwaui, Assistant Cashier. Jr., Assistant Cashier. Savings Bank - ( Friday, Dec. 21st Club ppnnipj 4 p.m. to 6 p. m. ,uvr 7 p. M. to 9 P. M. Satifrday. Dec. 22 3 P. M. to 6 P. M. TEMPLE JEWELER f j ana tJiaaen, puone 35. ll-Z4-30tlj niiiHiiiiiliiiiiiiiiinuiiS. t t V X f ! , 3 '-'i-X:, f Hill 1111) 1 I V