WEATHER FORECAST r'- .IV'f - V;P -v', - & VK" -l I . Xi : 3 . r No,-th Carolina and South Carolina: s i'-vAvAV' 1 l7 "71; I 'W - Hr - yTM rTTHf' T- ' A A ATT i t ? ftC a i i rTT. -r f"! 1 1116 01 1-181 2 ps,Nrt0, ycioudy tonight and TuMtfay; , 7i SV .'7 J ) At-nfPl-. Mil jl I V t J 1 1 Jv 1 1 I !. L!rmer tonight; colder in West end 'It -i ; I VA VW , I I -H ) I f 7 OV A-Xx . 1 I '.1 f I If HI T I l II I : --U; - ' " -; .'.'' w. "FULL LEASED iWIRE SERVIGS; .h- V-'-' . - TTt- - .. v;- uM- VOL. XAUI, 0. 348. :IIHI HHI' BfT TliHIlGfr - '- -iJKI '' iu:Uiyii i LnUL UUIII LIILiyUL - - t . VJLMlNGlQN,?NOR DECEMBER 24, 1917 PRICE-FIVE OEJfr&St HI liGEIliE Oi ir BROTHERHOOD XH1EFS: 4- 7CAL,L5D.r ' J -rr ! VashiftgionwEGA24. President p Wilsoii has suiBJUlied the chiefs fT- pn'Mesia tfve. acents of the four 4- railroad -brotbeTholas to a confer- ence at the White Ifouse Thurs- a it la expectea tnai me Fresideat RGIDF CHARREI k win. outime 10 representatives .; sf Qf the railroad workers whatever'. Yoiincr Mirlrllfcs DrHsf ' vt & action he has decided is neces . r r n i- sary tq obtain more Ilcient traas- f Be Given a Preliminary . Trial January 3 HIS LETTERS SPEAK OF GREAT TROUBLE porta tiod in ihewar crisis. v t r 11 Ru?7i"s Submit Proposals in Accordance With Reichstag Resolution Letters He Wrote to Mother, and a Young Lady Before I Attempt at Suicide, I Made Public POPfSDESSKE TO AIL FAIRLY QUIET ON THE FIGHTING FRONTS Mr, IV. a Onpratinns Ritrr in Itaiv or Western Arena ' Christmas Greetings of the Richmond, Va., Dec. 21. "I vantei to be an honor to you, but a ??real f rouble has overtaken me, and I ani not able to bear it. . God only know, my trouble and just how it came about."' This was the farewell message of Dr. Lemuel J. Johnson, the 23-year-okl dentist, of. Middlesex, N.C. now held f ; r r r 0 ID OFFIEfcfiS ME IflT SO EFEEGIIIE EH WITH OKliS WERICAJSl ARMlE0Si iunng iiegotiauons l ropps Are Assembling, But There Has Been No Fighting : GERMAN OCCUPATION . IS STILL RUMORED Another Prospective Drive. In Italy Allenby Moves j its I't'ac IH)! v. iihcut aiftiexations and Mii'n'iiinities, the formula y the &rrman Reichstag in resolution last JOiiy, is the tlic Russian ppace .""ins ; discussed at Brest-Litov. :. BOW !Jf'-i! Tin' i:u.-si::n terms have been submit-1 ted ill' tral Pnui is. who have taken them un der ciiii.-iilor;i i l"n. Xo rniujuilsoiy annexation of terri torv :.t"l (luring the war and imme diatf r . ar in n of it, and no contribution- i" required from belliger ent countries are proposed by Russia. This is similar to the Reichstag reso lution which, however, was not ac cepted by D; M'chaelis who was then Holy Father Sent to American People (By Assot-inted Press). Rome, Dec. 24. Pope Benedict has iven to the Associated Press thisjC. Chxiatmas message for the American people: "The Holy Father sends to th3 peo ple of America his cordial greetings si nd prays that they may take to heart, p this time of strife and suffering the in the Richmond city j;til on charge of killing his bride oi French Premier Declares the Existing Ag Limits Are Too High' : . (T.y Associated Jrejs).. Paris, 3unday;.;l)c. 23. Premier Clemenceau has s'ent. a -circular letter ne to General Pc-tainr apd' all - the army three c'iefs pointing out; that the experi- months, which he wrote to his mother1 ence of three years', of 'war has shown before he attempted to end his own tna-t existing age -limits are -too high life last Thursday night in Wilson, N. r and that with a ' fw raro exceptions But No Definite Information of Teutons Entering Petrograd Germans Take Advan tage of Possibilities 1 ARE RESERVES FOR BRINGING VIGTOm V. f Q llll . ft I M 1 B M. iKyiHyibftiis IBUL. United, states Should fNqt , ' . Slacken War Preparations , ' , :V -: Says Baker ;; mi mm Charges that American Red Cross Funds Were for Bol sheviki Opponents WEEKLY REVIEW OF Y IT A O V Cm T A T"friKf' ':t ! ' lTXXl-aA M. M. J1 M. JJ. M. &,r'Vi...1.-'.- ' ' Allies Will Have Nbne.,ofw.; j man-Made Peace-Moraleiy4 1 Will Stick : ' : ',i?'- (I'.v'd I'rcss). London, Dec. 24. Petrograd dis patches report that attempts are be ing made by the Bolshevik emissaries Washington, Dec 24-:Germany'R (By Associated Press). Washngton, Dec. 24. State' Depart ment officials today declared that the statements of Leon Trotzky, the Bo!- newest peace propaganda viewed as sheviki Foreign Minister, that the forerunner to an offensive in theVest,?-T American Red Cross mission, in 7tus- uness a German-made peace is accepts sia, was givmg aid to the opponents u A1 JA "0 to negotiate with the Ukrainians for!of the Bolshevik government, coald be " , - - . : A1 ! attributed only to his ignorance of the :sltould not for a moment induce usOv 'A a settlement of the differences which; facts A report fr0rn Ambassador slacken our perparations r for. war, t:t have arisen, and it is also reported' Francis on the arrest1 of Colonel Kol- says Secretary" Baker .today in his that the authorities of the new Ukrai- Pashinoff. an attache of the. Red Cross WPeklv review of the -militarv xithx-i v. .j mission, while in charge of a relief .. . - ..-'r ,:Vvr. ernment are ready to accept L.ain ha$J not cached the State De- tlon- " ' i - man gover proposals looking toward arrangement Declaring us innocence oi the true lesson of Christmas tid tli rt;pro.entatives of the Cen-,F.0n of God's unceasing love for man kind; the lesson of unfaltering courage r.n - ifice of s?lf. x " lore especially he calls upon the little children, to whom this day be longs, to pray with all their hearts to! charge against him, Dr. Johnson was reported as resting comfortably in the hospital department of the jail today. He was not required to go to court to answer in person wnen his case was1 ! culled. Detective Sergeant John Wily, commands are not 'effe tlvelv exercis- j ed at over 56 years for regiment. 53 tne Ukrainians and Cossacks, and of for a brigade, 60 'for a division and 62 the sending of more Bolshevik troops ti- cur armies will form the principal of fresh strategic reserves ijb- who brought the young dentist back from North Carolina, appeared in court and asked that Dr. Johnson's prelimi for an army corps. Under these con ditions, he added, general and field of ficers over these ages. must be given commands hereafter in the rear or placed at the disposal oi the Minister of War. ' .. i The only exception to this rule will be general oflcers recommended to retain their commands on the person al responsibily of generals command- a peaceful partment. j rne uermans realize," continues tne;;S' w'v i The State Department does hot be-.Latene1 "that within a short tima:;i:j; Tim ro nmnrn0 ti,. ,:eve rrotzKy wm persist m nis M.x ..... , 'tude. however, when he realizes the bedv "L ulliiUUJ' autiviLicn uu Lilt? UdH Ul f-rno ofofn of affniva A '--t n o-o. ! Y ments were made in this country some maming avai'al on the battleflelds; ; time ago for strengthening the amDU- of Europe. : r.M': lance corps of Russia with 78 arnbu-! "Our armies constitute .the-reseryes'Cv lances and other supplies much need- cf victory." ; ' ''l,' ed in certain districts. It was deeded j mhlv Q,r,-QTI, ,. ? !vsHv ,(;,lhio tn tu ,-,-o r 1 Tne review points out that the fight-v ; southward to oppose the Ukrainians. Apparently there have been no hostil ities on a large scale. T Many news dispatches from Petro- manian frontier. This was done with;lnS morale of Italy may be relied upon Treating With Ukranians. (T!.r Associated Press). one seems to have a different version. Many of these stories center around the reported concentration ' near the ! 3. This action was taken. m tne tuture, .tne premier declares,- capital ot a large torce of released . . ., . , . . v . no promotions will be made to the German war prisoners, to whom arms That the oodv of Mrs. Alice Kr.igat. j , e . . ! rank of general officers who have are being handed over, according to Johnson, the 19-year old wife of the i ! gerved only a sh0rt time in the line, some of the reports, dentist, may have to be exhumed if a j Tnis policy will result in placing at The ePtrograd correspondent of The coroner inquest is contuctea wan one: the head of the fighting troops, he Post says the Germans are making grad speak of the supposed impend-! the approval of the Russiati Red Cross, no matter how intensive, the German- Vs: ing arrival of the Germans there, The incident of money which it was j peace campaign becomes and bays- 1 which is said to be the universal top-j alleged Ambassador Francis had oi-j Tne fiaIlan tueatre once a,ain is ic of discussion in the city, but every red and the insinuation that itxwas;.tbe scene of imDOrtant'miiltarv acHv- the" Babe of Bethlehem that He may nary examination be fixed for January , mg -armies. protect their loved ones and give back to the world that peace which He came to bring upon earth." intended as a bribe to the enemies -of j the Bolsheviki, had no other signifi-1 ity. "The enemy, impatient of the delays i.omion, U3C 4. ueneral Antonori,iof the questions that arose oday. hopes, chiefs who know them well and the most of a commercial opportunity German Imperial Chancellor. Russia t!ie military commandant of the Pet:: Mrs. Johnson died as the result of SUgSests that countries .deprived of 4is inasmuch as Russian industries their independence during the war be with instructions to negotiate wJththefsIe toot cSntained Uson. WOTk' sa.m eip1 e are neaTl dea. and the. Germans . t f . , Ukranian rda in- an -Pffort fn tttUl . Used in promoting field and' subordi- have no compethon and have been reinstated and i.:at national groups, ymgan raaa m an effort to settfOK -How Mrs. Johnson, came -into pos- a aLL, -.w , .1 ; ,?.-,-.- .W-4 not independent befere-the w shall -p ainwences :oeiween t- 10, . r3..,- v?- tarian. It was merely the ordinary. v'?ncn have occurred in bringing about transfer of money through the euibas-, 'the successful penetration, of the Italv sy, sent by. the Red Cross and intended 'ian plain and the overthrow of the -V v. ThfstateDepartment regards the!Ian armies, has dispatcher further:- action of Trotzky as entirely unwar-1 torces to the Italian fron with a view ranted. I to achieving a decisive result. "The Germans are endeavoring 't-5-' ' , Gerii. '.Xr Scored point 14 - the- se. '- Jection of Dr. Von Kuehlmann, her ? Foreign Secretary, as permanent chairman of the conference. Emperor. William, it is reported unofficially, in tends V) go to Brest-Litovsk if the' dirk-nun s nr . there arrive at an aavfinont, tr nttempt to assemble all Europe;: n rulers in a peace confer ence. The German ruler is said to have declared that everybody wants peace. ( Th h. avy fighting Which has mark- ed the situation on the Italian North- em ii mt for the last few week3, hasj almost . ubsideiLand only local en-j (ountcrs have taken place along the; line from A.siago to the Piave. REPORTS IfJTEISE AERffll ACTIVfTY French and German Airmen Engage in One Hundred Combats That Dr. Johnson married Miss Kit'ght while he was in love with an other girl in the motive on which the police are relying in buildiug up their agouiM u' , wilsnn will eniov a On his way back to .Middlesex alter, . . (By Associated Press?. Paris, Dec. 24. Intense aerial activ Indi-. ity is reported by the War Office. In ; however, that the Austro-!rne course of 100 combats in the air 1 mit 1VT - ViirvfWi off o . 1rvuo oconni'ita r REGULAR CHRISTMAS Nokilani Lenine and other Bolsheviki whom the Soldiers and Workmen's Delegates wished to send in' to spread j their doctrines in the German army. L EXPLOSION 'S3" n ''iiM.wrsfiAi! rraspiPE to d"" ; (By Associated Press). ! Washington, Dec. 24. President old fashioned j T1 , declined to admit Trotzkv's attending his wife's funeral, Dr. John- Christmas, with a tree for his grand- j newspaper printed in German for son wrote several letters before taking ;"uicu u.u DunwuliUi u, u. ,army propaganda. The Bolsheviki are nniVnTi himself which he Durchased of his family. ine rresmenc ana ; negotiating with the Social Reyolu-.i from a Wilson drug store, where, it is Mrs. Wilson will attend church in the .tionists of the left for formation of a alleged he tried to buy a deadly drug morning and later either he or some . coalition governmenv. in November. . member of the family will distribute ( The trial of persons who have been One of the letters which was made! gifts to about 50 children residing j arrested by the Bolshevik authorities public in this city today, by the police." near the Country Club, where theiwas to have begun yesterday before a President plays golf. mliitary revolution court, according to was addressed to a young lady cf Zeb- ulon, N. C. More than 125 turkeys were distrib uuuns nowevei, iiuii mC u.w .ine course oi iuu comDats in tue air!was nQ(. plainly written. but appeared Germ will again initiate a strong filirjn, tup, iast ffiw davs th Frnoh! !,i nf nw hoart 1 , . . 1 1 uavu uccu n-1 J ' J A 1 " ' - "1 have always loved you ana an m uted to White House employes today intention have been good," read this as gifts from the President. ! letter. "You are the (the next word The president and Mrs. Wilson in an effort to reach the brought down 18 German "machines. offf-nsiv at. least. . , . ,.., v,ait The announcement follows: before sev ere winter weather naitb . Iarsf- :-( operations. Raid.-, ;nnl local attacks have been always have been. Trouble and mis fortune have overtaken me." Refer ring to her as "dear" and "dearest", he writer continued: "I want you to have all the jewerly I have ever given carried our. jn sectors up tlx Germans z tack on tin at all oihei On the right bank of the Meuse (Verdun front), the Germans made two he Ypres and Verdun raids against our small posts near Be-jyou. You may be ashamed to wear it." Western front. The zonvaux and Caurieres wood. Their! Later on, in the letter, Dr. Johnson ; ri-f I slishtlv in a local at- efforts were repulsed by our fire. The i wrote that he was "caught in a trap tpres-Staden railway, but artillery fighting was rather vigorous points on both the British on the left bank of the river, in the delayed dispatches from Petrograd. A dispatch from Tashkent, capital of Turkestan, describes the lynching , under horrible circumstances of Gen- follow the precepts of classic strategy ;" and by a successful" eneyloping niovo- .'intent -to, effect; the-destruction--of 'i.Vff0ii "It would appear that they are anx.v . w uuuctuuu Lneir xtaiian aaven . iure in a manner similar to the pre vious campaigns of Russia. Serbto,ki and Rbumania, where, as a result of "s 3 U ; i Serious Accident During Fire!the strteglc enevolpements gamed at - . v - D o , relatively small co"st, vast tracts of ' i in rJasement Ot Savannah territory were conquered. i ' lv':; ! Hotel "Enemy pressure continues intense - v i aiong the entire front. l7'; (By Associated Press). "The Germans hope to drive tn3vf.v :'T Macon, Ga., Dec. 24. An explosion of 1 talians" back to the Adige, anticipat-i'X- a gas pipe in the basement of the Hotel'"15 8U5h a reverse would have a lisin- : Dempsey at 4:i'0 this morning, fatally lte : injured policemen John Alexander and r i .... . . . -i iia walked through the snopping district : erai Korovitchenfco, vho was Keren shortly before noon today and were sky;g military commander in the prov greeted with "Merry Christmas" by.jncc many in the crowds. The President The Italian embassy has made a for acknowledged the greetings with I mai protest against the pillaging by smiles. and l-'ienrii front.-, they were pulsed. Thi- artillery has been ex tremely ;K-:ive in the Ypres and Ver- uun .-(: !r. Gf-n : ,-I Allfiihy fully ;. civ;, nce along the Mediter Ian-;-!, f-o.isv north of Jaffa, Palestine AftT , : i, 'mop- : : and God only knows what my trouble have been. I want you to come to my burial. I have always loved you and to my re- sector oi ueininccurx. un ine remain der of the front, the night was calm. you shall be the last to come "On December 21, 22 and 23 our nur- mind before I die j suit aviators were very active. Our - i,. bpjriin success- Pilots engaged in one hundred corn has begun succebir ,v, n. lcils, iiiusi ui lucuj uyci luc uruuau lines. Eighteen lierman maennes armed men of the apartment of the embassy's first secretary. It is reported that the Germans are moving troops from the Russian i Northern and Western fronts to the ! fronts. Big Armv After Kalendines (Bv Associated Press.) Pett-oerad. Sunday. Dec. 23 A Cau- Auji;. fOIl!!!,,-. Maf-i!ni year,, i. HOVe; liy (;,.;,. ed t! Mrol, Ilie;- inn me iani -j", - names or eras f (It n-nrl , the plain or anaiim were destroyed : K;wns near tne ranr n.i were brought down. Of these 17 fell in! casian army of 100 000 men is advanc- hed to the ground and m uu "l T, 1. During this period I Kaledines, the Cossack leader accorc- s ii rail, who has been in (, . ,. t tnrin: our bombarding squadrons dropped ( m" '."-""- - ty tons) ' I,ie iJUltit , N 1KI 18,000 kilograms (nearly twenty of projectiles on railway stations. fir. ho Allied armies un tne tolieS( encampments and other obiec ront for the last, two tjves Dehind the enemy's lines ." ie i'ii recalled oy i ncuv-w He will be succeeded Uamaut, who command- I- ! i !! ' 111 . . . . i !i i : . . Ii forces in tneir urnnam. ;::sr of Verdun last sum- DEMOCRATIC PEACE DECLARES TROTZKY Us !-,- explain.-! t(l j.;,.,. Ass""i:itoil Press). Pi. rj . - ;. l;-,y, Pet'. 2'-'. Leon Tivt-zk-r- il- ilolshaviki foreign mini.'-'r. 2,,oid;rr; !;, ;, note issued by fhe T!a Va - ;i'm. ,...110,1 lAcpnii Koulens. !!; :!. iimlnr in Russia, and thai the Bolsheviki wisho.1 t' n'inritile ot a nemu- Wati r..u (-,.; H aving fothe people the r'fhr to (li.j.o-p of themselves. The afrbas.yior having asked him what he oul.j (f, jf Gernianv refused sach a ar-''. Trot .!;- answered that then Pace would not be signed and the Maximal j;u n.ight be led to wage a revolutionary var. Trotzky added "if Public On! n Ion v.-r, nnnnA tn Slirh a - - - ' -1' 1 ' - t!ir fi!ii';'io ,-i-,t.t1S) tlion !-,- nr- c'iderl by 5-ayincr that if the Bolshe- ar trv ar n-fj GERMANS ATTEMPTED . . RAID ON BRITISH CENSORSHIP PUT IMMEDIATE RELIEF FOR SOUTH CAROLINA ANOTHER COLD WAVE MOVING EASTWARD (By Associated Press.) Washington, Dec. 24. The cold wav-i which caused a drop m temperature oi 40 to 50 degrees in the Dakotas in 24 hours is sweeping eastward, the weather bureau announced today nud is expected to reach the Atlantic coast by Tuesday night. Pnld tvfivn waT.'Hir.s have been is sued for th nnppr lako tegions tonight' oy btates were issuea Dy uie iuei au and for the Ohio valley and Tennos- ministration today to provide immedi see Tuesday where lower temperatures ate shipments to meet acute condi are expected Tuesday. J tions in several towns in South Caro- Ilina. VAicrD wn uriM lnikfl-iiv fiuaiuuin THANKS SOLDIERS (By Associated Press). Washington, Dec. 24. Formal or ders to coal operators in several near- niii rnacipn! ma ii i mi i V v nil Organization of the Bureau (Special to The Dispatch.) London, Dec. 24. German troops lyesterday afternoon attempted to raid the British positions southeast of i i ii. -iw.v,j r .. . . 4 i..4 . . driven off, the War Office announced; Began November I , DUt Unly today. The statement .reads: Now Published 'Last night hostile raiding parties! which attempted to approach outj (By Associated Press). lines in the neighborhood of Monchy Washington, Dec. 24. Censorship Le Preux and west of LaBassee we: e Qf foreign mails, authorized by the (By Associated Press). Amsterdam, Dec. 24. Emperor Wil- ,liam visited the front north of rdun on Friday, according to a Berlin dis patch, and in an the troops forts. "But for the calm and heroic warriors on the Western front," he said, "the enormous deployment or German forces in the East and in Italy never would have been possible. The! fighter in the West has exposed hero- ically his bodv so that his brothers or' RED CROSS DRIVE NEiRINSI TS COAL Many of the Districts Have Secured Their Quotas, Others Close tire. Plate glass windows along Cher ry street wevo wrecked when thhe gas pipe blew up. The damage is esti mated at more than $10,000. When the fire department arfivea Chief Jones noticed gas fumes. He telephoned the gas company to shut l off the gas, but this Aas done ' too late, the explosion occurring in the i meantime. Policeman Alexander and Mr. Truman, who were hurt by the explosion and who will probably die of their injuries, were standing on the sidewalk outside the hotel building. The sidewatk was wrecked for a dis tance of 50 fet. The two men were blown high into the air. FIFTEEN HUNDRED (repulsed. "Yesterday afternoon the enemy en 'deavored-to raid our positions south east of Ephey but was driven off."1 the Dvina and the Isonzo might storm (By Associated Pi-ess) from victorv to Victory. The fearful . Washington, Dec. 24. Reports to Trading-with-the-enemy law now is in battles on the bloody hills around Ver-the Red Cross today on results of its full force under a board on which dun were not in vain; they created I campaign for 10,000,000 new members . T ' t. y ,i 'new foundations for the conduct of.showed some divisions had exceedeu ,'3 iriJSlUllli;c, vv cll auu iaij nv"1"- PEACE PROPOSAL EXPECTED TUESDAY the war:' ' 1 TEUTONS FORCED BACK, l:c its, the War Trade Board and the Con:mittee on Public Information are 4 reprc rented. 1 f ' The board plans to carry; on the (B AssoCiated Press.) work with as little interference to le- a Rome. Dec. 2!4. Enemy forces 'ing Alabama Louisiana 1 .... . . . . ' J 1 4-1 A eitima o correspondence as is pos- 4' which had crosed tne Piave river s aw uau giuu cYCim tuuoauu u.Ci their quotas and others were pp jproaching figures set for them. The Central division which voluntarily raised its quota from 1,189,000 to 1. 500,000, expects to exceed the higher figure, and the Gulf division compris- and Missis- -i:moed to the resistance th-sy niefing within Russia, the cniin- V,"oij!ri n n.;vpn nvpr tn nnsrrhv. Hie !lav 1 T 1 . i II tfS-QH as note concluded: conversation, which is correct "-'i'. ' 'if TTOlKt ho pniiaiHorod a -3. rft- j ns no new relation between the ximalist government and the 'vultea state (By Associated Press). Rome, Sunday, Dec. 23. The report -that a new German peace move is at - at Piave Vecchia have been driven 'its quota. -Oregon has gone 28,000 over hand, is supported by apparently re-.sible. The work of organization was haftkW()ltL. river, the war hfflea '..its Quota notwithstanding bad weather liable information which has reached begun on .November 1 and at the re--.j, mrcunces. 4 which had been cause of etteriding the high quarters here. It is said tnat on gt of the government, the news , On the mountain front, the state-. time hcait to the end of the week in Christmas Day, Emperor William will. ... . . ... ment says, the Austro-Germans several divisions. ,v. , icsne 9 declaration containing peace , as . not published at tnat ume. Da88ecjtne Italian positions in the Pennsylvania today was within &2,- AiroDOsals but whether explicit condi-j The board is in close co-operation Osiago sector - in the rested of , 4 00.0 of its quota of 3.1 S2 000 and the tions of peace may be expectea. or,witn te British -and French censor Buso Monte vaiaetia, out stopped rcuu; myisiuu wuh-.hvw, ui ine merely another maneuver intended to' R ni r- 'n- with censorship a the Italian rear positions f rem 467 ,000 .- expected. . Reports from the throw1' on the Allies - responsibility forfmp. " . "J 4. where the .Italians are counter at- Potomac division indicates much nard tnrow on iu ntlTin i,- of foreign mails the present censor- tackina with eatisfactorv Tesults, work will be - necessary theree i: th conunuauue vi mo " r . ,!.. .r . . . . . . . - . . .. wn - j 3S.' certained. i ship 6f wireless and cables. fr 4 4 "4 .quota of 356,000 is reached. tV TV r4- n-ItrftH -i h n 1 : f . John A Truman, proprietor of the pool !""' f , , T u ,P OIT Ponging, . "r room in the hotel, and badlv damaged s?cia eaval. m Italy, as the basmeent of the hotel. The ex- !ley old m Russia after -their victors1.--. plosion was the result .of a fire which ln"! camPaigns of 1915. ' V s started in the pool room. I .No patter how intensive this new: fUi:. Three -firemen were overcome by the subversive propaganda may be, neverr . v , ; , . fvmes of the gas while fighting thei188' wo can confidently-rely on ttid-g--" lisuiius iaurai oi me Italian people, r, .- --v-. "Along the Western front the ene- my has continued his harassing raidsi'svji V with a yiew to keenincr the. Allied s-V, 'forces on the alert. However, nonoof : ; the engagements recorded in the West v ' are of more than local importance v ';'V.r:'',!'S "It would appear that as a forerun-; I ner to the German offensive, heralded ' ' to be launched in the West, an inten" siye peace propaganda is to be inl'' f tiated. -'s::s:;- "Careful examination of the situa-vD lion reveals that the enemy is again " , ' j preparing to sue for 'peace before vie- .' .'' itory.' --'s j 'Information from various source he -' I confirms the reports that the Germans' , ; , iWT.lllf? Vi O ire t-'hn i.mU 1 Is ' '. fv.lL.LJlU Ai riAJLlrAAjntilitary situation is such that they . .'. -. ' ai'e able to dictate the terms of peace. ' uoiiFoa u iThey' threfore, threaten that unless- -V h f v n Innn i 24 -"een hun- this dictated peace is accepted by the- dred killed, 4,000 seriously-injured, 20,-!Amed powers and ourselves, theGN;- 000 homeless and total property loss man forces now being concentrated on : ' amounting to $50,000,000 was the esti- the Western front, will break through i ' mate tpday of destruction and dam-! the Allied line in the' West v.'.; age caused by the explosion of the: "The various reports of immediate V; Am munition ship Mont Blanc, December f peace proposals by the Germans on '. 1 6, which wrecked and burned an areafscemlngly favorable terms should not . ' V " of two and a half square miles in the for a moment induce us to sla'cken'o'urV' north end of Halifax:. , (-preparations for wah , The estimate was submitted to thej "It is only necessary for-us to re-'r '-- : ' General Relief Committee by J. H. call that during the Christmas season ':" 1 Wingfield, an expert, who made a de- of Ias: year the Germans put forth ) -tailed examination. -The figures Wfere.VCiry similar peace rumors li'ife i vMiiBiueiing me general military. 5 ' . situation in its true light, it must bei understood that the Germans realize y that within a short time our armies, i ; ' iwill form the principal, body of fresh! .-' .i-aiegic reserves remaining available -for action on the, battlefields ' of , Eih VL rope..; , : -...i-r::w;is,; ' is our duty, therefore, in looking monument on the Place Cojacorde, jtotne futureto realize that if we pre . which during the years before the!to -fulfill the pledge , we made jn :ea-:'VP: war was draped with crepe and for'teinS the war, if we are to fight ifiifj.'.iv which flowers and bunting were sub- war to a successful conclusion, ; we 're stituted in August, 1914,- today - fliea m?? ss.ume the - fuliv responsibility ii -T the Stars and Stripes ; alongside the? ; tests ..uponus,; Wearethe y:;' - French tri-colors. The American and ,m me struggle; we have thc regarded by the committee servative. as con- AMERICAN FLAG PUT ON MONUMENT (By Associated Press). Paris, .Dec. 24.' The Strassburs reserve man-power and -.. the French flaes were raised over the mon-l . . I TTlPfn 9Tlin4 I nnr timent to the Alsatian city yesterday, , . . -,... afternoon; in the presence of lM wltortK i reserve: neotia s uppn., American Ambassaaor Sharp .Rennrt!, tha rrT rdi ? ' number of delegates from st- large : 'element, ot the SX of natives of Alsace-Lorraine ition.;estiecialiv in Rm th ' ; crowd and a cieties ot. natives or Alsace-Lorraine ltion.;esoeciallv in f?AthRm ".vi r were present. .'. . (tral Russia, with the terms of the " - The flags were raised in the name, armistice, have led to-the forniationof ll 0;' of the general Alsatian-Lorraine As-jan active: opposition, wljich ' It is be- 1 sociation of America and" the World lieved will ... . . ... i . ' ...w . ww... A Uifcjl. ' (111 ' Ctl-V - , ucaguc ui loia.iwi 'mo j conn- j vomiio . tu tjiiiorce ,me pproposais tion of Aisace-LrOrraine. j agreed to. by the Lenine government."- ytjr rilt wri 1! it f i t ii i - 'J ts Kit A, S

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