v - "J "r-i. 3 1 1 i 31 .T 4 . PAGE FOUR C THEU WILMINGTON DISPATCH, TUESDAY" AFTERNOON,-DECEMBER, 25, .1917 THEH 10 Published DAILY AND SUNDAY; BY DISPATCH PUBLISHING CO. TELEPHONES: General Manager's Office.. Advertising Department. ; . Circulation Department Managing Editor City Editor 1 being-worked;, la- neat-- Graphitevitle, ? station, on the Western North -Carotin j, railroad, in McDowell county 1 All these deposits have been mined to some extenrintormer times, qui I rot on (C scale to firfly develop them. .j This was especially so of the tin de l pcsais..- y .. ' I m,aS,.tvl.n .rrTilW sfHT-rw e'iff 41; Capital frbm beyond the State is. pn Bvoflcn lonrt. pAinaflTioacK.i I '", lll,,.'..-J -- , - 11 ; - i I1K fll- B H HH F RB - , iK . f H Hl.il! H ."HUB - t - f t---. v t 1 ULP i.ULiw ar:w'i?j'lKkfj' ft m i is- nE a-. H n n I i f . ' v ' a j - s - , t r;a EJLEPHANTA;fSNOW CLEANER T;jvr 'it i .lit Tf.w intprpKtpd in all these dev:lon- "1 r.ients and because of the necer .iLios i . . .205 caused by the war they will-ncAv sio' ?5 .ir - J v - 5.-4 side end limbs, rheumatism, Jirujba-1 go, neuralgia or whatever the trouore niav be that sives you paim just ap- ! riiv Millpi-'s ' AntiacDtJo Oil (known-Tsxa ! probably be fully developed and raartu Snake 0il) and the pain-3. will disap- ( T; to produce in paying quantities. Ihcrej pear almost like magic. Thousands FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE. '. nr, nuKt ohnnt tiio ordnJiHo unfi r.n.. ( Ji roiirhoiit. 1 he ccuntrv are now findm;; MTMBEJt OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.; r f Ji ... . j. wondcttal Qll . -Associated rr J? exclusively tt- per deposits beiftg of quality and quail- J,, , n . ?i?eJ " 1 " 1 "fspatche credited to it or not otberwls ;tity to maKe mining, profitable at tnis gratlfying results. It's a doctor's shou VlASii a ah 5hti of 2- lin'- Of the tin deposits ther.o ha. wilhin. ifself and should be in every . . ; . i .1 1...... t.linci heroin ura T . r i i i 1 . . , publication Byitiai uispav- . uevn uuuui Jiy iiie ramus or jiuiuc also reserved pcrts who have examiiied them of pay in? quantity and quality of the ore, while others. declared there were great "50 things in store for those who would SY MAIL: naiiv nnd Sunday $6.00 niiv and Sunday. Sir Months. . .$3.00 naiiv and Sunday. 3 Months.. Sunday Only, One Year. $2.00 undertafle the work in scientific man- DELIVERED BY CARRIER: ner. rn nnfi Rnnriav. ner week 15c, Or When Paid in Advance at Office. Daily and Sunday, One Year $7.00 nr,iiv and Sunday. Six Months. . .$3.50 Dai'y and Sundayfl 3 Months. .. .0L75 Sunday Only, One Year $2.00 $ tf ag. tgr t . 4 .f. 4." ti STATE NEWS. iAccept no substitute. This great On is golden red in color only. Every bot tle guaranteed, 25c, 50c, and $1.00 a bottle or money refunded. Get it at Robert R. Bellamy Drug Co. Tbe FroifresBiver Railway of the South. Effective Nov. I3Uwl916. ton, N. C, as Second-Class Matter. DEPASTURE OF TRAINS FBOM WILMINGTON. No. 133 :55 P. m. Train for Charlotte and intermediate Points PULLMAN PAJT Entered at the Postoffice in Wilming-- Professor Collier Cobb of the geol- LQTTE. ' i wo. i o:uu a. m. j rain ror uuarione ana h -remediate Points. SLEEPING CAR ' . TWEEN WILMINGTON AND, CHAR . - TE. Ooeu at 10:00 P. M. fox'Fassen- ji . . . . j . t Hrivai. up tkaiak at llijll rx irl Avenue, New t otk , MuvcriismU stutlv ol- nickeliferous iron ores of - '- 14 12-;40 P. M. Train froo Charlotte ar,d IntermeULtte Tonus. Pl'LLMAJV i'ARLOIi CAR BETWEEN CHARLOTTE AND WILMINGTON. ogy department will sail from Nc?' York with a party of his students t". foreian Representrtives : hoct of the wepk for Rantiasro. fnh,' Frost, Green & Kohn, Inc., 2Z5 F'fth . -ere goes to make a speciai Building, Chicago. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1917. the. Or) elite region of Cuba. One of Professor Cobb's former pupils. De Berniere Whltaker, is in charge of r?l:10-"a!TWviS mining work there and will assist Pro- ( aK ktwkkn jharlottk and I fessor Cobb and the university stu ; dents in every possible way. These Isn't it remarkable that wives who j oreslre very valuable in the manu hdve been givi;:;T tin'Ir husbands cigars j facture of the nickel-iron steel, so nec- 1 for Christina:-, presents for yearj never ! essry now in indusfr5"! work Chap- lenrn that vou c;::u go uy tne gauay;v i uv" """"-'- " colors of the bands er. WILMINGTON. PASSENGERS MAf REMAIN IN SLEEPER UNTIL 7:30 A. M. For detailed information and regorvay tions, call on City Ticket AgenL Ortoo Hotel Building. Phone 1T8. ? , R. S. KOONCB, T. P. A.'" Wilminaton. N. C. JOHN T. Wt)ST. D. P. A.. Raleigh, r .-.v.:::vX::W;K -TV' y. OF -: '-.i wswsr Mrhtcaic da?. Oi his gay Me Sxtend to One and M Our g heartiest ,4 reetmgs and Wishes for a Mem Merry Christmas 6 Opposite the Post Office (Incorporated) NOTICE OF LAND SALE DEED of rncsx. Under and by virtue of tiie power of ale fnmiiiiiarl In n r-pr:iin i)fp,I it Trust ' "-xo- I . i-toi. t. Iftrh hv of FVh. 1017. liV Ales. The Buncombe county fuel adminis- The most rabid "anti" will admit that tration has taken charge of the dis-nation-wide prohibition will accom- tribution of coal fn Asheville and all olish one eood thing, for those follows ! orders for coal -ust pass through the . ' K nrmmrt : hand3 f R- A- ''-ithvr. Mr. Lutlier wno make me . .r. .: was appointed yc.terday and begaiiln. Koonce and Lettlo T. Kooncer his lfe, the country denouncing tne leuiuu ( hs duties this morning. Where there1 to c. B. Griffiiii Trustee f r NeeahaJi T. ; Rum will find their occupation gone is no actual need for coal he will rc- j &V tUek or at least so profitless that tncy will fuse to O. K. an '"rdor to the dealer; j questetl by the Trustors and Cestui Que r,, tr. tv it nn -id o to work ! hoarding and fc. "ne vrill both be j Trust. I, the undersigned trustee, will sell hr.ve to give it .ip nd rto o oik. ; heli0(i at public auction to the highest bidder for , ... , . ... I casn, at the Court 'House door, in the ; suft"J Ji " i city or viiminpton, acw uanover county, The Columo.a fc .es &ugsKt3 i1- r.ufficient for its needs if it can be ; Stnte of Nprth Carolina, on, Friday, Deceiu pome of tho?e snobbish army offcers j:operly nrp vmnecked huban!. and are trv: sr-i the. . ' t,, j ,, Af r De charge of the situation. The coal deal-! New Hanover and State of North Carolina, H to even i.p u.- p - -; : ers welcome the change and the poo-! despised as follows so. The difference is the private, niea5et; There w'll ' T, , . , , . . . jl pic eea iu ut pieabt-ir. iiiei r.ojrinnins? rt the Eastern liue of Carolina 1 3 are forbidden to show resentment aE"., price fixing by the committee. i F.each Avenue South at the point four hun- & the henpecked husbands are afraid to ' Asheville "'ires. i dn'1 aUiX fift-v 450) feet notfhwardly from J ; . h. point where the said Eastern line of; I do so. j ;;trolina Bo;:eh Avt-iiu? South intersects I Rowan j.rmers fairly romp away the northern line of Atlanta Avenue; runs.-1 with the GOVERNft.tiN i CTU inc. n m i i- ! tr0R bank ROADS. With the aid of one of the largest occupants of the Central Park Zoo, j Keeper Snyder prepared to receive visitors. The elephant was hitched to a snowplougli and took great deligth in doing his bit in clearing the walks - ii in the park in. the vicinity of the menagerie. t apportioned and for this rea-1 bc'rt 'sth-- I01,7, 'cl0(;k A- a;; ...... , . . certain tract of land lyinfir and beintr sit ! administration has taken . nated on Caronna Beach, m the County ..fij $1.25 Silk Hose for Saturday and Monday SATIN HATS, COLLARS HANDKERCHIEFS MISS ALMA BROWN ROYAL THEATRE BUILDING. i prize money which the Win-1 tll01ue eastwardly and i)arallfil with said I k offer innmll- for the best : 'V 5,"!,ti Aven" ,)n, !-""'lifl (100) feet;: tv orreib annually ror tne Dest . t,ien,.e northw:-.rdly and parallel with Car-1 1 j3 lei WASHINGTON DX OPPOSITE CAPITOL and UNION STATIC: -J Absolutely flew, ond fetrictly Modern Resxowned for its High Service and Low EUROPEAN PLt: Room per day (54 without bath S03B5 per day with bath All Rooms Gutddb Booklet (or the asking E3B5SBC W. T. rNIGHT. Mi.v;. hiy production to the aero. Rowan j ...5ii,u Beach Avenue south sixty (00) feet; nrs Deen -getting tne Dest ena or tne i oi;ir.M. paranei wuu At- ; ft, fi,: ! ianta Avenue one hundred H(X)) feet to the ! that when Congress reassembles after V:fs.):i 9 filNlcril llto lit Cnriitiii.i R.umli ,Fir t!ijiuitu nrv. nisi lir-jnj, jii , muhii: i nonce sonrnwurtl v niono- the snifi Mr. W. D. Graham not only took the j ste.ti Carolina Peneb Avenua South (01) -i.m . i.-i. i. . 1 v.;.- leer to ine itoiut of IeriiinnrT : liiti" ntli. 15 will urge upon th,t body the necessity cron on th, acre. Two things in,- "sttion ofcarf 1 of the government taking over the press themselves on Otir mrnd m t hi;-, i .-in-n r.each as plotted 'j.v j. l. r.ecf.n. railroads and operating them during connection, and they a:o these-that ! in TZn?f h,. r,0v?nri nf thp war Rowan lands, and others too, can grow i conl of New iiauo-r -o.7ntv 1 i t r n very profitable crops of hay, sirahi thfi records show a laree in-' office of the Keplstcr of Deeds for New ! tn spv in (on-1 ,i. . . xi.muvcr county, in liooK IH . nase UMl io say to u.i crease in the tonnage tacn year m . ti! nv.w o m ' 1 feL J w Mr. Wilson has annonuced that would have somethin gress on the railway question when it case of the winniiig production, convenes. But what line of action he Mr. Graham's production per acre this Will recommend is unknown to -.he 1 year was far ahead of the prize acre fivcf i-nnn flirt livi 7D? TXTOro Aff Pl'fn ub.c and w.1. probably so rem!, '-.-.- f til Mr Wilson sends his message to ... ........ u ; lT"'JC""w3wx--.-rp-jnl rw i ers are maKing liiasuiiiuciit aina cui Congress or addresses that hotly on tne year And the encouraging thing ir, subject. Not only the public, but the that the progress is not limited to( high officials of the government are ig- j hay by any means Salisbury Post. norant of MrVilson's plans. If bar definitely formed them he has cun' j 4, TRENCH DICTIONARY, INSTAL- fided in no one from whom the news-'4. MENT NO. EIGHT. 4 paper men could get a tip. All reports j ' as to what he intends to recommend T ki Over Relieving: the force in C. D. GRIFFIN, Trustee, 4 - to Congress are guess-work, pure and simple. The guessers have gone so far as to declare that the President has decided upon Secretary of the Treasury ;!c Adoo as the man to take charge of the consolidated railways system that will be placed under government control. The Washington Post declares this alleged contemplated action of the President to be "one of the most reas suring developments of the week" and that "no man in the United States is .10 well qualified as Mr. Mc Adoo to tal e control of this situation." This laUer y' f V declaration may be true and still Mr. McAdoo not be able to take control of t the situation and manage it success or .. " fully. It is a most stupendous under- 1 -:- taking. It strikes us that to con"; with i :r- the present railway situation th3 man ? put at. the tread of the consolidated system must be one not only of extra ' ; ordinary natural ability and high busi- , ness qualifications, but also well ac- ' quainted with the system of railroading -i't in this country. Can Mr. McAdoo till V: the bill ? Is there a man in the coun try outside of a few of the prominent railway men of. long experience who t' " cculd take on his hands the manage- v .' ' ment of all the roads and make a sue- - ces of it ? Isn't it doubtful if any one of those railroad men even could raan- -.. - age the nation-wide system success- C" fully?" a trench Tank A new type of British armored car. Taube German for dove. A type of German airplane used early in the war. Tchinovnik A small offieholder under the old regime in Russia. Tear Shell A German chemical shell that temporarily affects the eyesight. Territorial An English soldier that corresponds to an American militia man. Tin Hats Steel helmets. Also name for staff officers. T. N. T. Trinitrotoluol. One of the most powerful of high explosives. Made from toluol treated with nitric and sulphuris'acids. Tommy Atkins Popular name for Eng lish common soldiers. Tommy's Cooker A special kind 01 alcohol stove for the trenches. Tovarish (Plural Tovarishi) Russian word for comrade. Used like the "Citoyen" of the French Revolution. Train Sanitaire Hospital train. Traverse A detail of trench construe tion to prevent enfilading fire by the. enemy. Trench Candle Also called ration heater. A short length of newspaper rolled tight, pasted together and soaked in melted parafine. Trench Feet A disease of the feet brought on by cold and wet. Turtles German hand grenades. Typewriter Machine gun. NEW MINING INDUSTRIES. The war has caused renewal of de velopment in three mining industries in this State which had been atarled some years ago, but had been allowed to languish. They are the mining of tin, copper and graphite. ; The tin mining is in the Kings Mountain section near the South Car-. olina line. The copper mining opera tions are In Granville county on th Virginia line and also of a deposit in Guilford county. The" graphite deposit Charlotte News There is no excuse at all for getting optimistic over the report that Germanv is p-oing to make a peace proposal. The Kaiser, is more than likely only playing again to. the grandstand, the grandstand this time being compo'sed chiefly of his own, sub jects. He -wants to make a bold chal lenge of their faith in the enterprise, to submit terms' to the Allies that will be honeyeyed with words, but aimed directly toward giving Germany the (chief part of that which she set out to attain. Then, should the Allies be fool ish and blind enough not to see through the eventual purpose in the scheme and accept thhe proffer, well and good. Should they refuse, the Kaiser would point his finger to his subjects and in stentorian voice de clare again that the war. "for thp if perpetuation of theh empire" will have to proceed, not of his violation but Practical Christmas GIFT Useful Gifts Are Appreciated Most of All Many useful things an? here in wide variety. Might we suggest, lor instance: A' new pair of glasses for father or mother. Automobile spectacles for the friend who drives. A dainty little gold eyeglass chain. Silver or Aluminum Fancy Cases. KYES EXAMINED FKEK DR. VfNEBERG MASONIC TEMPLE f7 r - Every Holiday Shopper "will find useful Gifts from the complete stock assembled at Jacobi's and they are Gifts of Pracfical and Permanent value. ill V I Vtff&J 13 AND IRONS ALCOHOL STOVE ALUMINUM WARE BATH ROOM SCALES BREAD KNIVES NUT BOWLS with CRACKS and PICKS, CASSEROLES CASSEROLE PIE PLATE STEAK PLANKS UMBRELLA STANDS GIFTS FOR MOTHER BUTTER KNIVES I BAKING DISH g FERN DISH With Flowers GRAPE FRUIT KNIFE JARDENIERES PERCOLATORS NICKEL COPPER TEA TRAYS "PYREX"OVEN WARE SCISSORS TAPE LINE RAMEKINS DUTCHESS WATCH SANDWICH PLATES DAZEY CHURNS SILVER SPOONS ? SILVER KNIVES. THERMOS BOTTLE THERMOS CARAFE ' SUGAR SHELLS SHEARS $ Cor. 11th & Mar Jtet Street Europenn PhUadelphJjw Miwrnlivtmi 'jam fi! r Better Thao Ever , ThorougMy Moderuizftl . Bomodoled and EatoPP NEW MANAGEMENT M CAFE and ROOF GARDEN la connection , fipocial Cjulf'r'fireakfRtta and Luriclie6Hr Bites Withost"Batli, $1.50u Vrifh Bath, $9.00 ajid .up- FRANK KIMBLEV StgU'G v m - ' u W i nsto n-Sa! em-Mo reread City-Beau-fort Pullman Sleeping Car Line Be comes Wlnston-Salem-Goldsboro SleIna Car t-ine. Jouthern Railway System announ ces effective with. last cars Into and oul; of Beaufort Sunday; Aug. 12th, the Winston-Sal e-Morehead, City-Beaufort Sleeping Oar liae. wiHbe shorten ed to Winston-Salerh-Gpldsboro Line. Car will continue to be nandled on trains Nos. 232-112 and 111-237. For further details fl.sk Sourrir because of the determination of the Railwav Svstern Ae-fits nr address .t tftntnte to wipe Germany off the. face O. Jones, Traveling Passenger Xgeat, or uie eariw, 4 , i ttaieign. c. v f4 Special Attention to Mail: Orders FOR FATHER ASH TRAYS BRASS CUSPIDORE ELECTRIC STAND LAMPS CARVING KNIVES HOUSE MAIL BOX THERMOS MOTOR OUTFIT SHAVING BRUSH GILLETTE RAZOR GILLETTE STROPPER SHOTGUN REVOLVERS 1 SMOKER STANDS SMOKER SETS SHAVING MIRROR " TOILET CLIPPERS EARL WATCH FOR BROTHER FOR THE CHILDREN AXE " POP GUNS THERMOS SUIT CASE BOY SCOUT KNIFE BRACES AND BITS " HAMILTON 22 RIFLES ITTI E SCOT IT R TFT m?TNSATCH pocKET KNES EVER READY RAZOR ... LIGHTS HUNTING COATS GUN CASE LOADED SHELLS FLASHLIGHT FISHING TACKLE LEATHER PUTTEES RAZOR STROP SHOTGUNS SKATES SMOKING STAND .STEWART . HAMMERS HATCHETS , LEGGINS LEAD PENCILS r: HANDSAW T SKATES PANTHER WATCH HANDY WORKER DRINKING CUP - SWEETHEART AND FRIENDS ARMY and NAVY UNCLE SAM KITS RAZORS EMBROIDERY ' - fi Mfi! HANGING BASKET LUNCH KITS WRIST WATCH TABLE: KNIVES MANICURE SETS SCISSORS , LEATHER PUTTEES iK DURHAM DUPLEX KMAPOBFHim. COMPANY 10dfldJ-2-.5outh Front St. : I - : ' - - 1 : H B $ 1 X'O 2J f I a 1 1 r; 1 i :isl Attention to : Mail v Orders N .-. --a s if y.

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