, - y- it r t 3 V 1 1 t v PAGE-FIVE V in; SlilSTIS IDE OCCASION MMY PEOPLE JBYOUS fmi ICDfiOER'S COURT "iNJiiit'StSisioi i "11 Li; ire ' . i'CO! of the City Have . Contract Presented This Morti- ing With Scenes Common in Bygone Days " RED 10SSI0ES '1 m GOAL OF. '''fltliOSifl bered Today - THINGS WERE The tiir.e was, ahd not so very Ion? ago, when the police station war one of the busiest places orf Christrmui morning. That was in the "good old1 days '-when the saloons were wide 'openaJid Christmas- was celebrated Christinas Camrjmfrf-f 6r Mem- bers bnds in Joyous Cele- - laEation- ' '" ' MAY YETVftEACH SIX THOUSAND "'KOVIJJIiU rvJK AL-L. by many persons with'overdoses-oflh intoxicating goods which they dispens 11 ( h canizations ; Ot ua ia? arunns on cnristmas Eve: n.T r " . A , . i , . 1 T M. Hat 111.'. M"I I P V . were Kainerea in dv tne no inn. anrt n i it-' ? T - real reason existed for holding court, jon Christmas riiorning. , :1 '";! j It was nu'te different this morning .-hen Recorder Harris called his court . ,lf. i to order, and took up the docket of aiarn msofwarringMHa caes ready for trial Iu the goodliess Id alarums ot war ring or nis heart the Recorder yesterday U'-lU' . . l J ( ;tv" Lnaeavorcu iu h Every Home Where 1 here Was Need ESS RUSH reached and One of trie Best RecoTd$dn Whole . State " ' is Established it:.' in this " tie brave Announcing the, riu'mp&antly suc cessful end of thie i' toeStiership cam paign of the local Red Cross last nisrht 1. VrITi " :! ' the shoppers are finding every article aetendants might not have to spend ZZS Jr.,1 . Ajoytcu iu sBe me niemDeFsnip . . -.i i floiirlr Vi i f in fTa An4 2i ij f -() ntries tne oia worm, mo wcui mere sxiruuia , n.stles alone with its any:ffr di,sPsal .this morning Merchants DTid -a Bjg ' Christ mas" Tfade Alleged De. W .v-.f Vsertb? Arrested f tSpecial to The dispatch) . New. .Bernr &ec. 24.-Never before has there :been as majiy eager shop pers on th streets of : .Nfe Betn jd.ur ing one day s lias beent the case ?tb- rday and the local merchants have had their hands mil atvenaing " to r' the wants of the local anti visiting shop pers. , . " ;" " ' ' " - .: Every train arriving in . the city this morning brought scores of ...visitors who had come to the city tomake -fi nal holiday purchases and these, add ed "to the hundreds off local -buyers, filled'the stores to the very doors. The stock of goods on exhibit and sal'here is larger and - more varied at this time than everhefpre and roll contain 6,000 names. And it! looks iduu u.; Rhristrtias rtav it, iail.;ti,rtt the peace and TV' T 7tT T 1 II .7 of love over the coun- rnl1p1 fhs0 T.-uV. membership of the Wilmiheton r.han- , . " """. tor. Mftb. m.-tJj.zuL . ' w iu auciuuuu ounsuaas uay is i itmas season iaus .n.,,.. a,,f . migntxiy like she is right, for the total arts and minds turn to- UtUe doin In ; order to take care of the , large amount of increased business Post master L. G. Daniels has put on addi tional Kelp m the localoffice nnd' ev ery effort is being made to speelfly ::ir night amid th-3 hills tVlo fif . ... , . x 525.-"the1 eoal nf K.ftnA hn ! m hlazme star lingered . x,r:,, .... ho i,a,t, - li.,- - . ,.,r wherein- was to nummeiuu oace department ;r:r' , ta . I A larger amount of mail will .be- . . . tiiere were-no arrests tor nrvmkpn- ' uuucu kiui lu ame to maKe aioutsinuu'. of a whale sorrow highest possible point. y In fitting celebration of the last day of the campaign, and in keeping with Christmas Eve, the Red Cross aud ness made on Christmas Eve. The high price of liquor, which is being ii largely has tho day negotiated for at private sale, at. $10 p; o in Wilmington. The Per Quart, and the strict enforcement i.ncl offices, ond t'.ic ab- of the "bone dry" law are assigned as mvds upon the streets the reasons for this drunkless Christ ,s section, have given a mas. the city, while service! One case for violation of the fire cracker ordinance, and two caes of disorderlv conduct, were nuirklv Hie. Dosed of bv the ftYptin nf tht rrtt ! ne' ctyt in each case and the Recorder's Court i through the Red Cross Service Flags ndimirnpfi j uispiayea . m tnousanas nwl" ' handled this month than ih any pre Merm "CM PtS -y t- i 1 - e ' i - w - w - ieers and filiffP, Of Wrifb Ural I dnnn mnA spurt to reach the highest possible ... local orn.ee,. iroscmasier uanieis ue lieves. antfhe' lg d6inig hr3 best to takf care of vthe situation. ' . Of course there will be delays in (U e 4.U ., lXJitUH.ct.KeS I CcHJllllIK 111C (Jit V ctllU 111 Lite r2?.'AI?r .i ltvCTy Of thdie Which are sent away ho churches have oeen ;lie dav is in reality a church bells, the sweet voices of the carol singers heard in many sections . from New Bern, but the force at the J local office is doing everything with- n!' th? people have baen rr: once of loved onos, ir:ii!y reunion? during the ,son. arid most horrtps uio Imppy by the joy that rrhins the happy faces ; r'i!il:lrcn aglow in the pleas . 1 . :hc visit of Sata Clft'is, : 'ii much of unselnshn'-s T'. o poo.- ye have wit.h- ys i .i:e i ere, as in all other t'i these rtv0 been generous--,h,prrd. If thero has been city that vv-as overlooked. pirii of Christmas was ban " count of poverty and need. the lights streaming ...... . - muuii aa yusaiuic auu aic asiuug iuc assistance of the public in every pos- HEAR THIS PLEA s ot window$J i , a, A V oi 111 lo L411CIO J ICCiJllg while at the same time reminding all I of the intimate relation of the Red ' Cross with the true spirit of Christ mas. At 9 The colored lawyers of New . Bern are doing everything possible to aid the registrants under- the selective draft service law to fill out their ques Good Will Toward Men Would Be Helped By a Little Sugar' Please aa- . . . tionnaires and are doing this gratis On this Christmas day, when ail . At o clock the various bands Of considering it their patriotic duty, hearts are meant to be joyful in re- Sinbrs gathered at the Kett Cross J Several hours each day are given to membrance of the advent of the neaaquariers in tront ot tne pqstonice i thi& work by the colored lawyers and ennst cnild upon eartn, and an nearts f'culf! ho uplifted in the memory of that event, there comes a call of a voice in the wilderness of despair,- yet raising a hopeful tone, begging' for sugar. na m one gret cnorus again sang t.hplT assistance alone this line is-Dror- the old Christmas songs, while a large ( ing of real worth and is appreciated number of the thousands hurrying j by the a(jvisory board, along . Front street stopped to listen Robert A. HoDkins, of Hobucken, At the conclusion of the smging Mrs. ' Pamlico county, is now in jail for L utnDert iviartm announcea me spien-: safekeeping until he can be carried nf "n nvorsieh most x t . - j i j. .11 ,i rl i r rociilt Vi n f li o V i- i- nttoinofl o nr i - .. ... . not irom any int?n- iow, n is Knuwn oi an women, auu ioi. mi- "o"":u 'back to Camp Jacitson, uoiumDia, a. rrovi been mad j to most men, in the city that there is no thanked the people of the city for the ; frorA' which place he is claimed sugar, or at least that Uiere is not uen.v cu-urauui! wmui uau ueeii to have deserted. enough to really furnish material for shown, concluding with a dramatic re-1 Hopkins was arrested at Hobucken : ...... or' Ciirir-tmas into every t ' of -Christmas pervades lincton homes today le- philnnf hropi ei efforts of '..lien has oeen f"ors towards ranking r;rv -iv'. nil homes bright liir- Yuletido season. niy wnrke-- -distributed 125 vp'Mrrdav pflernoon to ns .t'Iip-- in '-o city. The baskets .r.vluntly filled with provisions r., -.'t.z - errnugh to last o faiu- ;. wrok or longer. , ; -;,!" pvenine at 7 o'clo k, ' : v:i i :i Army will hold its reg't- irar. tree celebration at the :;--uInu?.rtors, at which time : :'i o children will be ontor- Tov.-. fruits, candies and sifts hea,rty co-operation which had been any sort of conversation fit for sucu ciiai ot My Has ana Your iag? , by deDUty sheriff and at that time day as tnis. me snortage con- ""' wm -uwuij I Fred Spain, from the - same town in , Pamlico, was in company with him ! but Spain agreed to return to camt iirto so cuiucuu, u.iru M, voluntarily ar.d did so. paign for new members, last night !y T1 natrirt,-c citizens of Pamlico i at j. . i. i. . i -i rr . 1 a ii- h i h tit rtf- hrn vrilir hfiorort a aay as inis. ine snoriage cuu- WOa ucui.. tir.ues. though the stores have ob-t Archdeacon Thos. f. rsoe, who as tained enough to go around after a fashion. Yet comes this plea for su gar, hooked on at the same time with a plea most in keeping with the spirit of the day. With all due respect to everybody, and a-meaning of no harm, the, pleo is herewith given just as received: "Look Well Look Well Take Time and Read and Learn What 'you Read Dont Trie to take advandide of -your chairman of the executive committee. has so efficiently directed the cam- sued the following statement: county are expressing themselves in -as campaign manager tor te eu flr lcl.ms aKainst desertion and Liuss utisiiuas mciuuci &iiiy uim, i desire to express my prcfoundest thanks and gratitude to the spiendid body of workers who made the cam naiirn so easy and especially do T and loyal citizen- have no sympathy for the young men from' that county who follow this ccurse. ' The big "drive" for one thousand members which has ben waged by tnanK tne patriotic ana lojai ciuzen- 1np. ros? Societv has not Friends Just Because, of the War it snip vviimmgron ana .ew nanovei ( turned out af, wel as was expected is gcd-will that this War is going oin who have made our work a veritable woul(1 be tbe case and the society has and he could surfer it to Be Wors let -laoor or love. it is seiaom inaeeu ttc nnv that his Will Be done on that a comitiunity shows such 'iii b received by the ohil-: Earth As it is in heaven and he Wdl enthusiasm in giving as our people. fce attained i . i iU n finnnL-'cr Viqvq ovViihiturl in this flrivp i several hundred members yet to se cure before the desired number will ; tendance. :Tk . mo. will maintain thr- high m of giving, hitherto set by this : ;':. P.coves of basket?, were thi.-. morning to nom3s l u- Pi: ' iirr-d i ; most urgent. The Ljks bute liberally to worthy .vill from time to time dur- vip.ter make further efforts to- IW 'vine the needy and alle tifleiir'.g wherever it may oc- Assoriated Charities, which Bring us out moore than QuonKer nave exniDitea in tiiis uuve. Th camoaign vdl close tonight nni nrov Tiiit--nipn:p lp,- "This camoaien comes after many I . r m,,. -ay titIto i ICl US VYaitu a.iia f ' - pa UVUX.V eiUZ.CU L'l lcyv uii" ' us have some Sugar." , financial campaigns in which Wilming- j hafl nQt already become affiliated with i ton has made a record and yet we ' orKanlzation ic urged to do so j have gone well over the goal, vve were. -th t further delay and to assist ! o e rar tnr rr om nprc unri wf navfl CONVICT LABOR TO nnTTTnr T-T TT-f I fKUUULt rULL J enrolled 5,450, including about 1,800 - ! Juniors in the schools. A splendid rec- Washington. Dec. lb convict - , ord of which Wilmington feels justly; bor is to oe usea m vugim tu i proud and for which we are justly the fuel administration's plan to pop- grateiui. ularize the burning of wood in place It .g nQt fair to seiect an individual of coal wherever possiDie. ".from a ctoud of workers that have in the great work done by them. wdiieh is being n a list during the whole year,. Food Byrdf Virginia fuel admmistra- dQne such fine team work yet j feel ' . to it that no on eshali suf-jtor reported that arrangements nad that ft speciai word should be said for ':r things that mae Christmas;. completed for each of the aMTav, wKnco vetrnrf, h hftfi ;,n. SPREADING INFECTION. io,r day in the year. Ah calls o0 ronviet camps in the State i ;t that no one snail su:-i , for. for the day at least to t-MUif'i.l sunshine, the balmy :i:;.ny deeds of love and good i rei ved to make this Chrisi joyous and glorious day of op Earth. Good Will to Men.' i cut 100 cords of wood for public con sumption, at a cost estimated at $2 a cord. ' ' FUNERAL OF PITTMAN. several whose record has been un usual. "Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Stover have j kept the headquarters going in fine I shane and have added many names Seaga Kir Ro Seagate Baptist church. Beautiful . flo-, on rol designs were laia on tne ncsu mound, in Bellevue cemetery wnere T ". r77rT7r777f while Mrs. Grainger and Mrs. Harriss ite. the services being conducted & wonderful record ag di ev. J. L Shinn , of the & magnIflcent ; Held at St . ! ' ;if Q-r-moTif was made Seagate Yesterday morning v.- i liw Daw Qhinn Tito f,mprai of Mrs. Mahalie A. Pitt-1 pecially handsome design The Wilmmg- , Tvnnprrflnhical union sent anes- LUU J fwO "art. -.: of Mr. R. L. Pittman, of The paiiDearers weie. i o-r, r i i.i tYinmina' i mm uai i.it-9 ' 11 c.Tlnpk from the residence at Thomas Hill ana vauguu Messrs. Lis-Summerlin, MAKE TRIPS THAT. IT NOW TAKES YOU THREE Hours to cover with horse, in one hour with Smith, F-rm-a-Truck. - -GET niD OF EXCESS EvSUIPWiENT YOU MUST OWN if you are using horses, and keeper haulinfl and deliveries at axriTium efficiency with minimum over head charges. ; ' ' " - -GET AWAY FROM TrlE LOADING STATION AND. maintain an average speed of 12 to 15 miles an hour. This is Smith-Form-a-T ruck measured ability. corps of helpers. "Special mention should be made also of Mr. W. D. McCaig for his fine work at the Coast Line offices and Mr. J. H. Curtis for the great work done among the labor organiza tions of Wilmington. They have writ ten a splendid record. Mr. F. W. Dick as division leader and as treasurer has been invaluable. A special word of thanks is gladly given to the press Keep Children at Home if Contagious Diseases Exist in Community. (Special to The Dispatch) Rjaleigh. N. C.. Dec. 25. Dr. A. MeR. f Crouch, State Epidemiologist, is warn ing mothers to exercise extra precau tion during the Christmas season to keep down the spread of communi cable diseases. He says that Christ mas parties, public entertainments and neighborhood crowds offer fine onnortunities for the infection of not magnificent . Tvmoaipa who'oninEr cough, scar- Ulll iAi-viJiwt r. -j ' let fever and diphtheria to spread," but of even the more serious diseases of grippe, pneumonia, and' spihal men ingitis. He advises mothef s to keep at home all of her children wlub have any symptoms" of illness colds, sore throats or fereyishness and" to let no child leave the house if there is a case of diphtheria or scarlet fever in it, or ket no child who has not had measles ' and whooping cough leave the home for their generous assistance in :ac-f tliere is in the house a case of compiismng uur ui6 wbh. either disease. "To all the workers and to co-op-, According to TDr. Crouch, these re erating citizenship of Wilmingtoa? and quegtg ar6 not issued to place ar iin wa avnroce tha Vl l crVl o c: t ' ? i -i . mArtiara (till. ivew nanuvci wd Aiioo i-" , more responsiuiiity uyu uiuwio u. appreciation. We have gone well over tie top.' The books will be kept open for new members until January 1st. "THOS. P. NOE" THIS IS A STANDARD ESTABLISHED BY Fo:m-a-ruck ir over 800 lines of business. SMITH tional Army. ROBERT G. BARR 4- ing the holidays or to deprive the L children of any of tneir nristm& pleasures. They are only what tne law requires at any time and are in tended to help mothers not only ir ... .t Iaitii 1 rln ios Vllt IF SEVENTEEN AMERICAN I g5 cSSS a proba OFFICERS IN FRANCE- bly saving their lives at a time when ... -r.-- (contagiotfs diseases are most easily Issocliitea Pressl j-contracted. ' '' With trie Anerfcan-Army in France, j- Crouch says that he has a fur Monday, December 24. Seventeen ,tber 'reason for asking the mothers general officers have arrived in France t(. tae particular pains with thei: from the tJnited States for a tour . cnn$ren in regard to contagious dis the'AnieTiean zone and tne British, and eases . at this time and that is, the? French and, probably, Italian fronts.:: , th rate from these- diseases is When they complete their studies . itf. in. January after the Christ tny win Tefurn to me unuea ouim mas holidays when Tney aTe m feetter equipped, it is believed, Jo dit cemier, or before Christmas. This in r'ect the training activities of the Na-; crese in the death rate has been at tributed to the spread pf tne aiseast by mingling the sick with the well .at parties, and other gathering ptacef during the Christmas holidays. If there's' no- contagious diseases in the community '.there is little or no dan, ger, he says. SPEED KINGS IN , GREAT RACE TODAY : (By Associated Press) Bakera-Fields Cal., Dec. 25.-rA num ber of well known automobile drivers were to compete today in a sweep itakes race here. In practice. yester- " No More French Elections fT.v Associated Press). Paris. Monday, JJec. 24. The Cham, dav-Louis Cheyrolet drove a mile .on ber of Deputies today adopted a rs 7. ' ...i i tr.Q.v in 4R seeonds ninHon PTtendlne thel4rms of all elec tne circuit uu - - ". . 7."-"- : t VN , - 1 - i.linping' two-fifths or avsecona irom.tive omciais m vT - - ' L ' . n k n n H1TV 1 XI' world's Verd' time' made hf Dis:- of ?the warv No elections; will bo belt 110 PRINCESS STREET lis?. "fr-.- - - jLAfSJ The Movini Picture People Find Tim 'Between Scenes to Help: the Red Cross in Its Big Winter Drive. Uiisy flngrsrs, everywhere! . . The j'arn manufacturers 'have never experienced such a tremen dous demand for their product, even in the balmiest days when proficiency with knitting needles was more than a qualifying vir tue in the society of our great prrandmothers. Today the neces-. sity for universal -.skill is greater than in those other days which have left us so many beautiful pieces of handiwork as heirlooips; millions of boys in khaki and blue are clamoring for the warm, worsted garments which the Red Cross is collecting from almost every household in the land, and as winter approaches, the demand increases daily. Is it any wonder that women are winning their iirht for suffrage? ' Milady no longer gazes lan guidly through the plate windows nf her sxftly-cushioned limousine as she rolls down the avenue. She is busily occupied with her knitting needles, so engrossed with the new' work of mercy that she seldom looks up when the traffic policeman semaphores her ?ar to a sudden halt. Downtown, In her husband's factory, the girls ire staying a half-hour overtime ;ach day to make these . same standardized p socks. helmets, wristlets, and "sweaters, and some of them may be seen on the street cars and in the subway on their way home, still knitting. It is the same everywhere, at the fash ionable resorts and on the farms. Every community has been touch ed and is responding, nobly through its local organizations. The moving picture folk pic tured above are "knitting their bit," too. Not long ago they formed a knitting circle ont nt the Triangle studios in Culver 1 iifc' Citj Cal., to utilize the time of the actors between the "shooting" of scenes for the big feature photoplays. The lower- corner shows some of the actors grouped about in happy competition, with Jack Livingstdn "trying on" one of the . sleeveless creations of Belle Bennett, a well-Jcnown Tri angle beauty. Just above, win some ."Winnie" Allen, star of a recent patriotic play, is getting' r eady to "bind o'C . a while tha eirele reveals Margery Wilsoi making muffler, dainty ulse of a .mere man. corner Ireno tlve clumsy hand(s oi In tl.e. upper left Hunt; another Triangle favorite,' is comparing results with Belie Bennett. And tho work does not stop when they leave the studio. One ?i,r.'d a h?lf million knitted pieces are needed at once, and the "mcvis" 2olk axe at-t olackerg. ' ' ' ' ' ' m.xmmrr:- When the Sandman COniies i ..... '. " .. . . . i , .... -. i ' ' ' ' Kiddie on one side Perfection on- the other, nd off we go to the nursery , f , Be sure the little tellow doesn t get chilled wile yea undress him. The Perfection Oil Heater is portable, easily carried Tipstairs or down, wherever extra warmth is needed. Economical to buy and' to use, prompt, energetic, reliable. Now used in over S j 000, 000 homes ': ,!'' Behaves best with Aladdin Security Oil eight hours, of aolldcomfort per gallon. STANDARD"; Olt, COMPANY - (New. Jersey) ' v-.:' ... .... Charlotte. N. C. ' Cbarleston, W. Va. ' Charleston, S. C. t : Washingrton, D. C. Norfolk, Va. ' Richmond, Va. i ' V BALTIMORE ? r MD. ,.: . . . Nc - - ZD I :- . r "A '':v(,- - 'V. A.1 :. - s