, ' . , . 'v - ---,(. a yr ..-';-'. ,1 - if ii'if'i MM t. ill.;.-- is .J J 'i. J 5 . .3- si 0 j .I K m j tv.a Si is?: PAGE SIX- 1 -u WILMINGTON-DISPATCH, .TUESDAY- AFTERNO . ON; DECEMBER 23, 191 ? i FORMER CfUCUS GL01 1URDEREI Eddie Eckhert Removed from (By Associated Tress). Kansas City, Mo.. Dec. 25. Eddie Eckert, aged 25, formerly a clown with the Barnum and Bailey circus, ,was shot and killed early today by an motor car -with drawn curtains stop- xmideniifiod man who escaped. A ped on a corner in the outlying sec tion of the city, the driver dragged Eckert from the rear seat to the pave ment, steadied him with some diffi culty and shot hiin through the fore head with a revolver. The slayer then re-entered the car and- drove away. Before the body was removed and while several persons were gathered rbout it, a car drove up and the oc cupant alighted. Turning a flash light on he face of the dead man, he re marked: "Well. I suess Eddie's dead. BUSINESS SPECIALS MESSENGER SERVICE. For this service we use the Pos til Telegraph Cable Company's messengers. They will call for, your ''ads." Ift.the same mann and quick time as they new cover the city for telegrams, nignt grams, cables, etc. For further Information ao to "ads." call 175, but for teiegrapn service call "Postal Telegraph." 1 WANTEDAN ACTIVE MAN WITH I Some money' not' less than $1,000, f ,i We leave money in 'your bank-awt help finance; ' permanent- position. ,S Marine Iron & Steel Co.i Norflok, Va. tll-27tf. p . -y f- ' - THINGS, Copyright,; ' NEVER HAPPEN 4 iEVERY CITY AND TOWN IN THE country is calling Jor help for young men and women who can fill vacant places f-w no - cau suuuiuw-uo ivau and Jceep the wheels turning. , A few months.with us will fit you lor one of i these good positions-Hlace your feet upon le upward road that, leads to broader fields. f !use,f ulnesB" and un limited opportunities in the business world; The Motte Business college, Ibc Phone 706. 12-22-tf MEN WANTED LEARN BARBER Traev Taught quiefciy, cheaply, thoroughly. Kara while learnine. Write Mqler Barber Collegd, 1 W. Forsythe St. Atlanta, Ga. 12-23-14tj WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of issue when so requested Phone youi fder to 745. Gordon's News Stand. 10-'. -U : : Witnesses of the killing declared this j WANTED BOY, ABOUT 16 YEARS man, who nurriea away again, was . f e to learn printing trade. Good chance for advancement. None ex cept bright boy need apply. Dis patch. 12-24-tf the slayer killing wa: The police believe the due to an old grudge. AMERICA TD TRAIN MANY MECHANICS A Large Corps Will Be to Europe to Help Airmen Sent (By Associated Pressi With the American Army in Franco, Monday. Dec. 24. Extensive training quarters will be established in Eng land and France for a corps of several thousand mechanics to repair and care for the machines of American airmen. Washington has been asked to send to England 13,000 bricklayers and carpen ters and also a large number of labor ers for construction at the training quarters. When the work in England i is completed, the construction men will come to France to building quar ters here. It is inadvisable to mention the num ber of men who will be trained in Eng lai'd. It is sufficient that the army is determined to have more than enough efficient men available for America's success in the air will depend pn- j marily upon this corps of mechanics, i Flvine schools for Italian aviators I are to be established in the FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS RO- chelle Engine and a boiler to suit for a steamboat, also a Donkey pump and shaft and propeller and also a hull and all piping for a com plete boat. Phone 1711-J or 606 Chestnut St. 12-24-3tj MECHANICS HOME ASSOCIATION opens new series B. and Loan stock January and July of each year. Sud scribe early. Walker Taylor, presi dent. W. M. Cummings. secretary. 208 Princess St. 12-24-6U FOR RENT -COTTAGE . NO, 71.91 Orange with garage and wood house. Phone 1S74-J or 826. . 12-8-tl WHEN YOUR BOY GOES INTO THE Trenches see that he takes with him ' rcrir ortrait. He will treasure !H above all the gold on earth. Foltz and Kenri. 12;lsLtt THE MOTTE BUSINESS COLLEGE has just Issued its first catalog. It's a beauty. Write for one. New classes will be f ormed January first. Arrange to enter on that date. . 12-1 6-tf MANAGERS ARE ALWAYS WILLING to pay well for capable service and now more than ever before is the demand greater than the supply. You can .step into a good opening the moment you are prepared. We f have more applications than we can fill. We could place more graduates every week. The Motte Business College, Inc. Phone 706. 12-22-tf t) NOTARIES PUBLIC ALWAYS A your service;; also Public Type writing Printing, Engraving, Hhih ber Stamps, Multigraphing. Harris Printing and Advertising Co. 12- 25, 27, SO. THE EXPEDITIONARY FORCE CAPITULATED TO SAINT NICHOLAS (Continued From Page One). fortunate, were provided with chicken or goose, so that Christmas promis ed a day of "big eats" in the zone. Taken all in all, the American army is spending a real American Christ- Unitedlmas in France- States for two purposes. First, the conditions in certain sections of the United States are better than in Italy, j and second, the utilization of training airplanes and equipment in the United States will save the tonnage involved in transportation to this side. Expedi tionary headquarters has recommended that the American government provide for the construction of schools, the - manufacture of p.irplanes and engines n Italian models and the feeding and housing of skilled pilots and students. The expense is to be met by Italy at a price to be determined later. It In planned to have the program become effective in the middle of 1918. PATRIOTIC SPIRIT RULED IN BOSTON POPE EXCHANGE SEASON'S GREETINGS Vy Associated Pressl Rome. Dec. 24. Pope Benedict to day received the members of the Sa cred College for an exchange of Christ mas greetings. In answer to in ad dress delivered by Cardinal Vincent Vannutelli, dean of the college, the Pope renewed his recommendations for j incessant prayers for peace. The Holy Father expressed hope for a brighter future and rejoiced at thy j liberation of Jerusalem. (By Associated Press). Boston, Mass., Dec. 25. Patriotism joined hands with the Christmas soirit today. In the thousands of homes of this city and its suburbs where last night the Red Cross, flags in ths win dows were brilliantly illuminated, the first thought this morning was for the children, but following colse behind it came the remembrance of the men in the service of their country. Soldiers, sailors and marines now in training in this vicinity were given a cheerful Christmas. Many organiza tions joined in providing entertainment and all the men received useful gift?. Bu tthe traditional Christmas observ ance was not neglected. Inmates of prisons, homes and hospitals were gen erously remembered. Aliens at the i immigration station, including 15 Ger j means, were given a Christmas tree ' and ,an entertainment. GIVE A GIFT OF LASTING SERVICE To appreciate my line of Solid Gold Jewelry you should see it. We take pleasure In showing you, or assisting you in selecting an ap propriate gift for young or Old. J. T. Burke the Jeweler, 27 So. Front St. 12-1 6-tf WANTEDCYLINDER PRESSMAN and feeders. The Baughman Station ery Co., Richmond, Va. 12-20 lOti SEE CHAS. FINKEL.STEIN FOR your, Diamnods. Watches, Cameo Broaches, Wrist Watches and a full line of Solid gold and Gold filled jew elry. Buy early and save money at Chas. Finkelstein's. No. 6 So. Front St. Phone 642 11-30-tf WANTED-OLD FALSE TEETH. Don't matter if broken. I pay $2.00 to $15.00 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail. L. Mazer, 2007 S. Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 12-9-30tj. GET OUT OF TKE UNDERPAID overworked class. Wear good clothes. Make money. Do the kind of work you like and live a fuller more active life. A course in The Motte Business College will enable you to do this. Ask us. Phone 706. 12-13-tf. FOR 25 YEARS I HAVE MADE A specialty, of up to date Solid Gold Jewelry. If you buy it for -gold it is gold, we tell you just what it is be fore you pay for your purchase, j. T. Burke, the Jeweler, 27 So. Front St. 12-16-tf JEWELRY FOR CHRISTMAS IF you want to give a nice piece of Jewelry or cut glass be sure to see what we have. H. J. Culclasure, Jeweler. 305 1-2 No. Front St. s12-16-tf U fW4 ' ' 3AVEO THE ? IS U i . sv'.yiryyy. -r r a caof-facf am' Mil j M RU ' V 1- l ""V .I'll r In I v. AV SW I ' 1. '" I 111 v .11 - .'--- ( ,- JPK . , j . 1 AO III ARE YOU A MEMBER OF THE RED CROSS President Wilson wants every American Citizen to be a member of the American Red Gross Society. The cam paign for members is now on. Place your name on the Roll of Honor today. You can join at this Bank. THE PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK . Corner Front and Princess Sts. UNITED STATES Liberty 4 per. cent Bonds For use at the Holiday Season, we are prepared to supply $50 and $ 1 00 bonds. The Murchison National Bank Wilmington, N. C. METAL PRODUCTS COMPANY. PACKING HOUSE LABOR DISPUTES Substantia! Increase in Wages and Abundant Provisions Given. Mr. George P. Gaivin, general man ager of the Carolina Metal Products Company, yesterday addressed a letter to each of the employers of the com pany stating that after January 1. they would receive an increase in wages of 10 per cent. In addition to that, a generous sup ply of provisions were presented to each one. This consisted of flour, rice, . oranges, apples, mixed nuts, lard, can of milk, can cf tomatoes and a can of corn. Mr. Gaivin is an executive of fine ability, and his wisdom and foresight m granting a voluntary increase itf wages is the subject of much favorable comment. fc (By Associated Press). Chicago, Dec. 25. John E. Williams, fuel administrator of Illinois, early to day was appointed referee in all labor disputes arising in the packing house industry of the United States during the war. The appointment was agreed upon by representatives of pekers and laborrs after conferences with Presi dent Wilson's labor mediation board which started yesterday morning and did not end until nearly daylight this orning. The packing houses repre sentod were: Armour and Company, Swift and Company. Morris and Com pany, Cudahy and Company, and Wil son and Company. The agreement ai fects all of their plants, focated in Chicago. Kansas City, Denver, St.. Louis, Ills., Okhoma City, Sioux City. Iowa, St. Paul, Omaha, Neb.,- and St. Joseph, Mo. SHOP EARLY- - BUY NO-DUST FLOOR OIL Have your Floors and Furniture well polished before the Xmas rush. Delivered to you 15c 'PAYNE DRUG CO Phone 520 Fifth and Red Cross Sts. WANTED 300 LABORERS AT BA- din Aluminum Works, Badin, N. C. 514.00 to . $20.00 per week, 8 hours per day. Permanent inside work and regular advances in pay guar anteed. Pay every Saturday. Out side work for a few. Homes for families $5 per month; water, toilet and electric lights in every house. The negro section in Badin has high class public school with competent teachers; community . building with moving pictura auditorium, public library and lodge rooms for men and women. Ample police and fire de partment. Fire deDartment operated by colored men. White and colored physicians. ' White and colored mer chants. Boarding houses for single men equipped with toilets, bath rooms, steam heat and electric light? Board $3.50- par week. Badin is 31 miles from Salisbury. N. C, on Southern Railway and W. S. S. B. Railway. Special inducements to men with families; new and modern home provided same day family ar rives. Transportation furnished Thursday, Decsmber 27 and Monday, December 31 nt on the Seaboard. Will leave Wilmington, C, at 3:55 P. ,M., Lumberton, N. C. 6:19 P. M., Pembroke, M C. 6:44 P. M., Hamlet, N. C, 8:05 P. M. Meet me at the station. E. W. Kinlaw. 12-22-24-26-3tj ITS AN OLD SAYING THAT EVERY- thing is easy 'when you know how. You will find this to be very true regarding office work. Stenography, bookkeeping, higher accounting, business letter writing, penmanship these and other branches featured in our courses are made readily available to every ambitious boy or girl, man or woman, who has the courage to make the., start and the determination' to complete the course. The Mott? Business Col lege, Inc. Phone 706. 12-22-tf CHRISTMAS CARDS, PRINTED, EN graved or embossed. Time to order now. Also General Commercial Printing and Multigraphing done right and on time. Harris Printing and Adv. Co. 12 -mo-we-fr su tf : (HOLIDAY FRUITS AND CANDIES just received. Two car loads extra fancy Winesap aW York Imperial Peaches, Onions, Canadian Rutabaga Turnips, Green Cabbage, Paper Bags, ! Wrapping paper. Fine assortments pail and package candy. Call andf see our stock. Bear Produce antlj Mdse. Co. No. 14 Market St. Phone 452-453. 12-12 Itf WILMINGTON HAS AN UP-TO-DATE and well-equipped Business College tin every respect. No excuse foj any young man or woman to go without a business education. Catalogue fur nished on request The Motte Busi ness College, Inc. Phone-706 12-22-tf For SALE Choice Seed Wheat, Seed Bye, Seed Oats, 1.000 sacks Hester's Wheat Middlings, 300 sacks green coffee, assorted grades, ' A fall stock of Serv-Us Canned Goods, Cereals, Spices etc. Please write for prices. D. i. GORE COMPANY. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS us Money Order and we will send Send $4.12 you $5.00 U. S. Bond, due Jan. 1 , 1 923. W. B. Cooper & Co. Wilmington, N.'C milium iiiiiHinii iiiimiiiiu iiimmmumiiimiiiiii 1111111115 M erry Christmas 1 To each and all we wish a Happy Christ mas to be followed by a Prosperous New Year. The Home Savings Bank NEOUN SOLES HakM Walk in Pic Attached by Marc SULLIVAN, Kin of Shoemaker 17 N. Front Street. Phone US. T7 lyi A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL 6:1 Builders Supplies (W. B, THORPE & CO 1 Water and Ann streets I Phone 789. J ilI!ilIIIilillllllll!!!;il!!l!:!llllllllllUlllll(llllll!llilllIlimiffl A. 0, Schuster Diamonds Jewelry. Front and Princess. We Specialize in the Manufacture of Rubber Stamps LeGWIN PRINTING COMPANY 8 Grace St. Wilmington," N. C. A Merry Christmas to Our Friends and Costomers! . : At this holiday season of gladness and good v fellowship, we extend to you our Cordial Greet ings and thank you for the good will you have ' ' shown us. 4 CITIZENS BANK A MULTIGRAPH LETTER IS Ex actly like typewriting Finest of all advertising mediums. We make them.l. Public Typewriting, Printing and Enf raviner. , Harris Printing arid Advertising Co. - 12-tu-th-sat-sun-tt 'WAITED THOROUGHLY COMPEL i fpnt young lady for bookkeeper and I stsriographer. Position January 1st? ..Apply In own hand-writing furnish-1 i ing references and stating salary ex pected. Apply P. O. Box 731 12-24-St j X ply M. Lance, Carolina Beach. 8-31tf:liS WANTED FIFTY; LABORERS .,wutreiPko1ard. tto clpan , land,1 inranipea three years work. Ap- An Illustration of the Best Life Insurance Policy Issued Amount $10,000 Double Indemnity ' It death occur by accident while on a train, trolley, steamship or oth er common carrier, the policy pays V $20,000 instead of $10,000. Disability Protection -If permanently dwabea before age 65 from any., cause accident, blind- - ness, paralysis, tuberculosis, in sanity, or anything else all further premiums are waived and you receive an income of $1,000 a year for life. At death the full $10,000 is paid, le gardless ot the premiums ; waived and the income already paid to you. Annnal ;Cash Dividends This policy pays dividends ' an nually after the second year. 'Had this ..policy been taken out in 190i t&e'"dlyidendsfor. 1917 alone would l have been $100.00. The longer it Is carried -the7 cheaper it becomes and the hiore it is worth. ' v ' i J Loans ., Afer, the- seoond year you can al jways borrow from one-third to two " thirds of the amount you have paid ; ,in :'.w'thouf jeopardizing the policy, , Jnna.;vftu icin insure "the loan mat- ' f"ng; the pj&licy free of , debt in case of , death. - r- ' Age "at Issue, 85 raid-Up Extensions After you bave carried this policy for three years you can stop paying and the Company will carry your in surance free tor six years and 193 days. After 10 years the company will carry you for 21 years and - 311 day s, and so on. Amount Obtainable This policy may b, obtained in any amount from $1,000 to $25,000, the latter sup being the Company's limit for this particular policy. Payments may be made annually, semi-annually or quarterly. Policy Becomes Full-Paid At age 55 all payments cease and $10,000 goes to your heirs when ydu die,' or you can have $6,090 in cash for yourself. - The Company - - ; tThe issuing company- is fne Strong est vin the world assets $866,988,841. 57 an dv it does business at a lower ' cost than any other, which accounts for the "large dividends returned. to policyholders. " If you need life insurance you want 1 thia contract. Exact details for your own age gladJv furnished on request. --V--f? " jG : X. DICKINSON . Agt. . Telephone .859.. , Office 101 Princess. ''., v THE 1918 Christmas OPENS Club For White For Colored , ( Friday, Dec. 21st Peoole 4 p. m. to 6 p. m. ICUpiO to 9 P.M. People Saturday. Dec. 22 3 P. M. to 6 P. M. American Bank & Trust Company Front and Market Sts., Wilmington, N. C. Christmas Books and USEFUL GIFTS accepv They All the Important Books of the Season.. Books 1 l j 1 u 'ClTrnwrr'f1Tr -l-TTC O OnflD BOOK. make compact and handy parcels. to send to the BOYS iw Aiur . Attractive NEW THINGS in Holiday Novelties and Fine Stationery. Leather Goods, Kodaks, and a .thousand useful articles suitawe presents Christmas Cards and Calendars in great variety. C. W. YATES GOMP RlJlistmas Gifts- -rist Watches " Tbol Chests Military Mirrors Flash, Lights Velocipedes Pump Air Rifles Perculators Meccans Sets Toy Wagons Skates Knives and Razors Carving.Sets" CAPE FEAR HARDWARE CO. READaUSlESSaD , 4 ,3 : r-' " . f v r t

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