1 " -c a T4?7p7rnpi7r act f V ' 1 ' tMW 4k ..... r North CaroMrv, Generally fair, s continued cold tonight and Thurs- :i Carolina Cloudy tonight and .', r.-Dbsb!y rain tonight alony -. csrinued cold. h.-r. C" ;: i- , ; : :i : tar I: Curt- IV. !,.!, '!, NO. 350 I II I II IW'-MMMWMMWMWmmmmm,m- lliMI . I. II III IIP II fafcwiTl , I , I ' LT'jT I WWfc- . VS.-:.. FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE , J7, 7.f 1! neiiral'flB' hAMT'hh'i: IrsishVn nf niilurnn ' ! - . s is iiHBBiiiin sana 'itii a Fuel I 8 B IIHB'-B . 1 SI F lr i-i I I nLLIIlU I U I ILULU WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA;! EDNESDAYAFTERNOONff SOMBER 26, 1917 7 PRICE FIVE CENTS. ; , 4a I , ' . .. v: - : '' - ,4 WILLIAPS FOR RAILROAD JOB (By. Associated Press.) :' 4 b y ji Skelton UtlL. . Hie currei Li St on, Dec. 23. Joiin Williams, -CQTiiptroller of fr t5ie currency, wag being -discussed .g ;'tfitiay. in" ojJiclai . "ctrci.es ..as the 4 fiA&tst .nrobable selection for i?Pf?- Railroad Administrator. '&' ihoirM Prosidenf -iWlson decided tp, appoint one. . . Administrator Garfield; Appeared Before the Investi- gating Committee Today TRY TO STIMULATE TfE Hi 1 Despatches Tell o 1 i Defection from ': -Lenine Forces ' OF GENERAL B'NG CAMPAIGN .Irelino's' Aoplied , Present Government' ,h Soldiers Refuse; -r..ac3 urows II GERMAN SECRET i SE1CE GiHCLES iatcd I'ross). An Important Arrest Made by Federal Deoartment of Justice Men Dr. Garfield Said the Adminis T ofsnnrl I VT Tn V--l . t-. . . i- operators m LHon to c.n-'i courage Production (I5y Associntod Prosst. Washington. Dec. 26. Fuel 1 A - 'V. s & A c?; vt tt nnnnn nnnnrn hesi s wmi M n k it l u iim kunrn uuiLULii-uii i yiiiiuiififyy ;!; i rooked PostofTice and Store istrator Garfield told the vt-tigal'njr comnTitfee today lliat eiijnifnt rra'old be compelled to p coal ?.nc? s?-H K at a rop.sonablT nrC!-' Some coal operators, he said, wew Senate, tn-i r ' , t - .ov. .'Yesterday Morning Governors Called Upon to Mobilize 1,000 Bricklayers for Pershing's Amy OTHER GALLS SOON - FOR SKILLED MEN Draft Boards to Go. Through Questionnaires and Report " Number of Bricklayers Available for Service making tiie greatest profits in ;nsiIored hih pficf .1 great produ; ;h pfictrt ;tion th.- Number cf M flly Assifl:itl Press). Washington. Dec. 28. The ne draft J machinery was, invoked i'or -Jha first time when Provost Jlanrhal General , Crowder made public today instruc i tions to ail Governors! crdlins i"or the IN CLOSE PURSUIT; mobilization of 1,000 hreklarer need- i ed for Gcnerr.l AMERICAN TROOPS GERM. AN SA VAGERY:---- BROUGHT HOME' AMERICAN ; TROOP& P0IS0SE0 REfl 4 ROSS BANDAGES A Plot to Spread Wholesale Death Among Soldiers Frustrated Sentry Found With Throat 5 Put A f I-4VI Roan ' !:'.-"-V':-: Captured i AUSTRO-GERMANS Strijce Italian Line at Different ;,' ; . Places Italians ReiriB - Ground- Germans T: f er Troops From East rans-v-!-i;;"' -..r ; i German savagery has been called of-2 v. M 'ersnnis at onc. Cleveland,. O., Dec. 26. A plot to poison Red Cross bandages and fi,.;;,m- r tho '.ftt nf ti,o Am spread wholesale death among, the- troops' in Europe.. An Amcricaii"Hfc soldiers of America, and her allies ' sentry kac teen found with tithrcwV'l has been frustrated here. ! cui and an official bulletin says': "hVk! Revelation of the conspiracy was- " J made today when it became known m"st have been kI1Ied after capture' ,; - ; that Department of. Justice Agents 'y a farce of Germans- which j mrprih;;' .were hunting the perpetrators of the.ed him. Information of enemy terror--;:;:'7'.'; deed. exicane Killed Are Now Hemmed a Canycn By Uni States Cavalrymen i !:ere nave been c r c : ons in Pe trograd j ;t the influence and1 7 ioi'-'hoviki v.as "v.T.niuj,-. ) such unr.niir. - in j les dated from l i Sunday and printed Implicated in Spy Work on GERMAN WOMAN OF PROMINENCE history, but a stimulus ro tlu war demands. ; , Canycn By United Thft Fuel Admiriifitratn'' ssul ho jw.E -7 . little relief ia prospect for the fai1 roads until their operation was eeif-, f tralizee. , .1,1- . - (By Associated Press l War demands for biiuminUKf lrlrfa- r''exas, Dec. 2G. -Fighting wa-,-coal have tseen greater thfi'n jljfeHeved to be in progress today 20 mines could meet although 'thifaireil southwest of here, between increase or proanci'on tnis yeri i:r.. . been normal field testified ; investigat Fuel Admin'.stratnt Gvzi ted State?, troops and Jlexican b:f;i- who looted the L. C. Brite store . ail n:ak: rr oilier t! rlvaicu's a U i' j V iil - alleged the points; at defection J id Soldiers' constantly. th Pacific Coast Agent Von Eigel Working With Schulenberg fled today at the Senaf cc7lait? wno Jo1 ion. In an effort to allev-istto r&n.d ranch at conoitions, ne said, tne Fuel Aamjnis-iVniiTia- Mirhioi wplr'h ! Local boards are called upon the 1 ' j an-me questionnaires rev: being re- j turned and report as rapidly as posf?i- jble on the number of bricklayers of j draft, age available for serv'ce. On'y jwliite bricklayers will be taken either iy draft or by voluntary indued ic n into the military ;;ervifp ,-.h;-ouga . local beards. They will be for. area to the aviation section, signal .corpi at Kelly feld, San Antcnio. Texas. The pur- pc re to isin in driving women and children ' " ex-! , More than thrc thousand surgical from their homeg in the occupied sec ; in Toledo, were infected with a mys- tlons of m a?d Belgmm t0 mako ' ' terious greenish poison while in tran- 'room for German soldiers and war ma-- sit between Toledo and Cleveland, jteriat also has been given the AmerN y y ; Immediately every one of the band- can troops, A . ages was burned. Every effort was : South Df Juvlncourt, in the Rheim.'Vi made to keep the matter secret and . f chaffiT)agef the French havo: f it was successful until today. The, -7 , box of bandages arrived -from the To- carned out a raid mt0 the Germa;4'?IS ledo chapter .last week and was taken unes and brought back prisonersr .On , ' ' V to the warehouse. While women the British portion of the front'1 thera Candelaura yes'eriay, Fiance is not disclosed. which thev are to be used in were examining tne contents, a dark have been raids in addition to the- tXAt"TA are ccneral thi increase in (Ty Associated San Francisco. Dec. Press.) tration was laying emphasis on ctlni julrting production rather thtm regult-t? .ing price. -' j "When the operators complain that i prices fixed by the President are tqq (low, we are inclined to give th?ns the J6. A woman. benefit of the doubt." Dr. Garfield said. reluctance of tbe designated only as "H " and said to I Senator Kenyon asked the Vdn:jnis- two of his pa:-senf stage driver, and shoo? in Sam NeiH, foreman cf the Brite ranch American I ' luLUiilL. KJ L 9 - ( w - - sf f vork and the scarcity.be prominnr in German secret se'trator if be had information oi divirj.iccn border, raided the potoffice and ;Cvii . Th- main desire of the 'vice, directed tlv activities of Franz jder.daof some of the large ope w to ? general store on the Brite ranch, -ll !ki s is said to be tor peace, r o:T'pondeace cites instances :.-d:evik troops refusing to decliuins to att.ick the Ukra and permittir": :'ae Cossacks to them wi'i-Mn.t resistance. Schulenbeig, alleged master spy hela'auu "e " Lllitl n;! a presidential warrant, ai'l'.th, " to informal io-: divulged v?-111?1 them. ;. no i.iiev., liuv.ever, mat nug vtvci ie last thing -"1' h' ie on cording to informal io-: divulged ? fbv hv Fed' rl offerinffs. Seliulen- berg is said to have been active iniwere bsinS nlade- out believed it neC nlanc, to desiro bridges and nubile . escary to stimulate production. - ldings in Canada and shipping and in e ml to do. warehouses in Pacific oorts. Officials Half Million Dzys Lost (t'y- Associated Pressl '.nsr. i: ,rt,r ' . "'said thc.vipmau barely. escaped m-J .? the Baltic sailors at the Red y - ' -rK t, rairVniintm .forking dSys the emuv bn- the former are not -num-!, giv, J' of tbe labor o: 20,000 workmen Hon.:- was revealed in a letter founa a'vong his effects. It instructed 1 ' Schulenbcrg to meet gales. Investigation . aa:.'', tea? me woman nave been a.i ' a-ent of Wolf von Igcl. former secre tary to Franz von Papen. military ar- The order is i he first nmilioation of! one of them. the special occupational classification j that all of the bandages in the box provi.-.icn-a cf the new draft regulation, had been treated with poison. The bricklayers in auv board's iuris-i : - roops today were guard- riirtinn will he assfnhlf"? fn nni,-? -.f I yMrrm.Tri Kir?rrr?C!t I inu all cutlets to Van Home canyon, their draft number relationship to each Fr, .-.j,,- . er (Br Associr.'d Pressl. I IvTe-w York, Dec. 20 "Now itV, knit ting nerves" caused by concentration 100 Mexican bandit-. V "'other, but without regard to the men Christmas morning crossed the Araer- in any other occupation. General Crowder's letter to the Gov nors indicates that similar calls for Ucd men in other trades are to be miles southeast of here, killed Jficliael j ejected. Welch, a veteran stage driver and uia uvo :uexican passengers, wound d', Sam Neill, foreman of the Brite ranch and carried away booty esti- ' mated to be Worth $7,000. j After the bandits disappeared over j the rim rock- which uses abruot.lv -rx. rr Rio to conc'uer the I '"rain Red Guard is largely jfor a so'i.l month have been lost to Irke government's shinbuildinc: nro i'-'-rrd therefore that war ' ' kaine probably will not any serious scale. .. b-aders, the Petrograd :! (.f The .iorning Post j.) be becoming consci-! iv-s failure, while the f of Tlie Daily New.-; , i a tremendous and arow-, -a to the Bolsheviki ; ; in -ps. Men who formerly '".-m are turning against . ' b rman hirelings' is a ' -1 of denunciation. There her ir Los Av C1!,J1 through strikes and lockouts, R. -Sowed oci-B- St:ven3' of thp shipping board, to ..nowea o ci. , (nv tod fhe SenatP invsstigatine com- ac!:e ror of th German embassy at Washington and alleged head of the German espionage system in this cpun t Sh.a vas described as a person -;f ; :-.-:h and r-da-at ion. a brunette, ?.7 years old. c f (-e-di:: to Fe.leral officials, tlie woman sent Scbulenbersr to tha United Siates in 191-1 for : he all egad purpose of assisting in b.e maintenance ul contraband wireb-ss stations 'support ed by the Gorman &ov . - rumen t for the meeting the present purpose of gaining military informn v. ith counter nieasur-, tion and transmitting it to Berlin. '. :v.-''ncr is freely sug- Further revelations concerning ,..,1.- ,vf,ri,n,i nf vPi-tin" clnilenberg's adivi-ires. disclosed to- ue B' .I' heviki. This is tie talk as those who 1 i- . i -i.. !...-e waj nave aireaui creenish substance was noticed on tmery due!? but no large operations are 1 n;if of them Tnvtira.tinn shnwAd , - 1 . . . . - . ' - On the Northern Italian front the Austro-German tactics appear to be to-;. rlriko alternately at vital points on. eit'hsr s ide of the'Brenta. Checked at : Ivtonte Asolonc.last week, the eneiny b.agr struck toward the Frenvela valley. ;; v.-cstf the river. After two days ' of V.?-.;:, bitter fighting the Italians have regain--! V-v of mind , and hand en the needles, a I'em 01 aubi puiiiu ou. u-,.. ! Thousands of women in New York f l Del Rosso west of the river, and, JC1 i, 1 . j; . -r... 1 llti V V G L LC- ACU lllU IXUOII ITXiCl llQiLXr 1IU31 , r- o 4- hntnI o r in rr t r 111 I 111 3 -it;- .,...- , elzmtlleiv pnymcal director of the e Berlin claims the capture . of y&& , Westside . M. C. A., who adds that. . prisoaers and. the gaini.of the ..his only patients showing sympoms Col Del Ross which: later' was .lost to nf t hp ripw w.ir-tir.-if- pnmn aint. have : ' . -6 " K-xivx T been women. Dr. Welzmiller says! , rV,r.XrrT HAleiiaiv TmcAan a,'. 3 women. says , Lcon..;Trot.zk.y, the Bolshevik Foreign - Grande, the soldiers, who weer in close pursuit, fired many rounds at them and are reported to have killed and I p,.fo ,1 rr j . o f i alio ui V CJsOi I UUiiU clt fcjr-J. jrhre js .liable to hf- anefdemic.jj:. pxotested:to theGeraifiiis': .or"kniftinrrves- knitter againt learn to Knit propeny. tne oners . the Eastern front, but also hasofderedSf: the -following advice as a remedy. Rissian factories to ston the manufac-Cv' mittee. LOSS CF TOBACCO A GREAT MISFORTUNE ;;! vri,1 arJivities cor- riverl. Tbe Bolshevik d -'.' a res definitely that a-mred Kharkov. Nicol- ;re;i.t aiKng the Fkratn- o.aVsa. The Co-saeks VI- dav. showed that in Pebruarv, 1014. he inserted an advertisement in Spo i kane, Wash., newspaners. looking to the purchase of a tract of land on I winch to colon i.e several hundred I .Spanish families. These families, 1 Fedral officials said, were Hindus and the purpose of their colonization was to permit them easy entrance into wounded many of the Mexicans. The shooting compelled the bandits to abandon the horses on which they carried away the loot. Colonel Geo. ; T. Langhorne, in command of the : American forces in the Big Bend, ex- pected -the pursuit to be resumed at-daybreak. (Bv -WoeiatPd Pro,.) I 'henthe banaits attacked the London. Dec. 11 (Bv mail). Tobac-1 rauch' XeI1- Vl"ith nis vrife and a num" : ro w o npwMitv rAt o ivi.v of ranch hands, barricated them- clares I.ord Rhondda, ' he food con troller, in a statement published Lead to Belief of Disaster Canada where they military information were to obtain and facts con- ngther.ing of their hold ; cerning the movements of Canadian .one ot tne re-i vessen to assist in raiaer wareiare mnm nreeisr. than !co::ducted in the Pacific ocean ov the a similar nature i a me nnthing more isj fforts at reconciliation: i-haviki and the rkrain-i Geianans. The colonization plan did not materialize. Some of Schnlenberg's activities, according to the authorities, have been traced to Oram Chandra, a Hindu on f1 .'trial here with 30 other persons chars;- tne- : - , i , j . : . r . .... t - olt ne-nint lritish rule in India. rrnkabiy and demand (Ram Chandra made several payments oeing maae,'of monfiV to Schulenbere officials said. K by the most ignorant j Schulenberg. according to Federal 'o by the troops of, officials, was a deserter from the Ger 1 t-arrbon. man army and was actuated only by il; t the Bolshevik com-, the hope of financial gain. They said Irvine, although vain- be would not admit his connection !. 'nf the discontented; w'th tbe woman agent. from, the oanital. A) -h from -etro'rad savs! MEMORIAL MASS IN 1 convening of T)btv is said to have; on here. "We must have tobacco," h tays. "I bejieve that its loss would, be a national misfortune. It means aiaeh both to the manual b;j "r and to htm who works with his b ra ids. Men would eat a great deal more if they did not have tobacco. I hold that the deprivation of it would work great discomfort." - v Some system of "rationing", tobacco is forecast by the newspapers. selves in a house unti' United. States ' soldiers had been sent to their as ' sistance. ; . Cavalrymen were sent to tlie Brite ranch in automobiles. When the raiders sighted the approaching cav alry they abandoned the work of pil lage and rode off the rim rock to ward the Southwest. I At the point where the bandits i dropped from sight of the pursuing j troops, there is an abrupt decent of .mere than 1.000 feet. When the sol idiers had gone as far as possible they 'continued the pursuit on foot to the edee of the rim rock, where thev did Attacks and Counters (By Associated Press) Rome, Dec. 26. Co Del Rosso and some expert shooting at the fleeing Alonte Val Bella on the Asiago pla bandits at a distance of more than 1,000 teau were re-captured by Italian forces yards. in a countor attack but it was found impossible to hold them, the war of fice announced today. ; l New- York, Dec i steaship Tuscarora, formerly a j vessel and requisitioned by the Ship ping Board for Atlantic service, with her entire crew of 35 men, is believed to have been lost at sea somewhere , north of Cape Breton island, accord i.a: to advices revived in shipping cir cles today from Nova Scotia. The crew of the Tuscarora was re cruited in New England uorts. She was . commanded by Captain Crowell, of Cape Cod. In Septeber the ves,id was cut in two on the lakes, towed through the Wei land canal, and re ioined at Montreal, from where she sailed for New York, December b. The last word of her was receives when she passed Farther Point on the St. Lawrence the following day. To day advices were received in ship ping circles here that parts of a bridge, pilothouse and deck tubers tx.. "iivi ti CtOllWtl 't j St. Paul island, about 30 miles north- j east from Cape North on Cape Breton i island. Shipping men believe the Don't hunch over your knitting; sit ture of munitions. He did not indicate upright and when your mind tells ( whether his government would tatke ,ron vou her-'e knitted enough, quit, any other step against German viola There are ?,G5 days in a year and ticn of the'' armistice. ' - , vou can't finish a sweater in a day, j Peace negotiations at Brest-Lotovidc sol- apparently are making little progress. , K Idler, or a sailor. . The Germans have delayed their.au it : ' hi'?: oc tiip .mrnVni 'no" matter how much you love swer to the Bolshevik terms and it 's reported that the conference will be transferred to Stockholm shortly, v In THREATEN TO BLOW Jr o J,jMtl Vr r iLiiLcO the meantime the majority party in the Constituent Assembly, the Socialist: Revolutionists, has convoked the As-: sembly to meet January 2, despite Bol-. shevik disapproval. ' - - ,f If- Secretary Vilson 111 j wreckage is I steamer. from the missing lake ULLLU U3I Ul 1' IU! uu mm u Aft 3 Ull 11 Lib ! UinW - i ; (By, Assofi.-ited Press). j j. Washington,.-Dec. 26. Secretary of, (Labor Wilson today is ill from over-; Wvork on hi lone; trip through the ; West mediating labor disputes. It lb j 'met known when he will be able to re-i time official duties, though his ill-1 i ness is not. regarded as dangerous. THE TEUT rinerd. has de- l;ef in ?h" ;rlerlt.ion ' ureernTpeut !o onen A c-.cp-p-hl v and has :nmi;h guard o a-Hi thf nf qo vs' k v SAN MARCO CHURCH Poles Divided Some Desire Emperor of Austria, Others Want a Pole COITIONS PEBSHII'S OF ! 1 NT PIAVE RiVER . - (Bv Associated Pressl. Sacramento,- Cat., Dec. 26 In a let ter declaring nine bombs had been phteed in the' executive mansion, capi toi building, police station and resi dences of "two head officers of the Sirte has Deen received oy uuvenior Stephens and turned over to the police, it became known today. The letter de manded that $50,000 be placed in "a rock pile" presumably near Oakland, Ca'l., December 31, at 3 o'clock. HOLIDAY GIFTS IN ITALIAN TRENCHES The Enemy's Only Stronghold On the Western j Bank (Bv Associated Tress). Vem'ce, Tuesday, Dec. 25.' Holiday gifts from the American Red Cross were distributed in the Italian trenches alcng the lower Piave today by B. Har vey Carroll, Jr., American consul at Venice.. Each man "received tobacco, sweets, a handkerchief and other pres ents. The local commanders and their men were enthusiastic in their expres sions of thanks. ' TWENTY FATALITIES a'vfeS'fi IN TROLLEY WRECK ? (By Associated Press), Pittsburgh, Dec. 26 Mrs. Adelaide Bongiovanni, who was injured in thn ; : street car. accident at the South Hills tunnel late Monday, died in a hospital ! -today, bringing the total dead to 20. !r ' ; Mrs. Gongiovaani, the wife of a lead-' , : ing restaurant owner, stated soon after he was taken to the hospital that she lad lost diomands valued at $10,000. in he wreck. FRENCH WORKMEN ON AIMS OF THE WAR (By Associated Press). . '? Clermont-Ferrand. France, Dee. Sfcf-i'-t its national conference here, the ; ' General Conference of Labor today adopted almost unanimously a resolu-; v,- TO RECEIVE AID tiourefemng to the war aims set forth purposes of the Russian revolution-- ' DRAFTED SOLDIERS (Bv Associated Press). Venice, Tuesday, Dec. 25. A memo- the!rial mass was celebrated in San Marr A-.semblv church today in commemoraticn of thy ci-ard regi-' deliverance of Jerusalem from liie (By Associated Press). Amsterdam, Dec. 26. In an inter view in the Vossieche Zeitung of Ber lin concerning the selection of a lead JQ Senate Committee jer lor tne new Kingdom or ioianu . . . , , Prof. Kucharezski, the Polish prem-1 lima v.-uscu uuurs uy ier saj's: Returned Officers "There is a strong leaning among certain classes for what might, be' called an AustroPolish solution of Be- (By Associated Press) Italian Headquarters in Northern Italy, Tuesday, Dec. 25 (By The As I sociated Press). A general com- manding an army corps on the i Piave front took the correspondent ; along the line occupied by his corps : todnv anrl nninted out thf Anetrn- (By Associated Press). ! German nest on the west bank of the Washington, Dec. 26 Conditions in river which is the only foothold he ihp niie5tJon esneeiallv as the Poles the American oversesas .forces and Na- has succeeded m maintaining. ' .. . s -1 , 1 Aw n j r 1 ii. trians are Eimost unanimous in the opinion iional Army training camps were de-; As the party moved forward, it the th"t no member of the Polish nobil-''scribed today to the Senate Miltary. was noted that the defense had been -i-.-f -':.-.): a '-cM-.ibl v significance masmucn as tne aabi , ,. i thnH dorlnrerl thev would be 111 of San Marco bv tlie noiiciay. -fv should be chosen as king. Jumper-1 rouimmiT, ont-ji it iuuji-ujj ub "h"'.' "'s"1 u'6""" j1" suuucn Instead cf this, there were fervent : Charles commands strong person-!nto war operations. General .officers rush of the enemy would meet tre ! demonstrations over the expulsion of- , sympathies in Poland and there of the National, Army, just back from, mendous resistance. The : defense 'the Turk from the Holy City. J adv0cates of the plan ol inspections trips in France were called comprise a string of trenches forti- i ir,;:. -vrr.c-r rmAd irin!riy the committee which temporarily fe for defense with masses of tang- '"Ii"' ' vno arnc?, , ;ut" .-i; inont postponed further examination of Quar-, fied for defense with mSsses of tn?- e detei-iTiination to 1 ' -L 1 , ... Ol iue cuuutijr., mo W """ '-it,,,,) anTi Sham ! ..I 1C l VliV. CLJ-t V. Jill. VJ 1 . A. t 1I.U. however, that the r;'r-;e the Germ arm -''"b'v bv isrutinsr tic--h'i;;ilv opTo-,rd bv wbo ;.)t,l-v- ' t ! ( r, c o f f m any case. STEFANSSEN RETURNS. Ottawa, Dec. 26 VUhjairaur the: are man i'vT 7,1 rA7 wwtermaster General Sharpe. y thoughtful Poles who , t.fiRHfvIne. ineludi yx... ..oowvi..U , i J 11..' 1 ' J Naw York, Dec. 26 Through a new-, weer vmuauy uu Vv;' y formed organization composed of. faring the position of the French members of local draft boards in great, ; ; workers could be expressed in similar ,'. ;,. er New York, plants are being made terms. The Federation was instructed , fj-. for aiding drafted soldiers when they to employ-all its efforts to induce the ; . : return from the war. John H . Hallock ,; French government to make - a clean;- v.: v president of the organization,, in dis-J Public statement of its conuitioi -cussine: the plans today, said: . . f peace. ' ;,y.vvC: , "The local boards will have well- geared machinery which can be used to help the men selected in their dis trict to get civilian v jobs on their re turn. "We can be centers of information at any rate. And while the war lasts, FISH SKINS USED ; IN MAKING LEATHER iHy Associated Press.) -. vv4 ' Washington, Dec. 26. Quality Sand ;r; besides helping to raise armies, the ( price of Bew fish foods put on the .mar-Yf'r-Q boards can do welfare work among thsjke-t through the assistance . of ' the;: Peri-i,-;' ' families of selected men. The . local ( partment of Commerce; must conform ;? boards7 have already made a -consider- 'to 'standards set up 'by the.-government.'.';, ' able start in looking after; .needy,-or the producers will not ljsap the-beaf;;;;,-;-. esses " lofit nf rffifinl ropnmmpnVlatinn rtf enr! ' .; . . " ' v 4 t" 'S8 4 4 -1 - ib rtORtnone . re;jee ne?rnt:ations at A. anno0fl Artio r-nlnrer. "A ..J LUi.Cill'JWC.l, x- - -'-v.r.o the Germans & iot heard from in a letter recei- :.,vs;f tt, .( j.. oiro hv tbo of sufircge nas Deen aaoptea- . -Mr i,, )" ;n the. Stefanssen. head of the C i: --M vrin n' the n i : dian Arctic expedition, has m . venfuil peace con- in the far North since 1913 v" lately there has been some '"i.vumv, nrp offered in h.is iaf e.ty' L,ra1,, prefer an indenendent Polish '"f "" ,"& " ; ous sfiarp projections. ,ir!f a? LL L hn F, O'Ryan, of -Camp Wadswortn, EnterinK the first line t?encnes the on the throne . South Colina, and Major-General Jdd- al the way. The ground in 0nwe S nostnone the appoint- ?C" 3oh Greble' f pamp Bowie' front: was covered with low .bushes Thfi committee closed its doors to .. ... - .. .... lnk. i o.,,. .f0nmDt . tne waters eage. nemna tms ran a UVUl VJl j 111 IX X W iVJ till K J i-v i'wud.ua' vt. ' the American expedition high earthern embankment originally i efit of official recommendation of such - 'foods. -':,.'.;; ,. 'vi--v';- f i Secretary Redfield said today? that -! -,an official label "recommended;, by.-- , ' f' WANTS GREEKS TO ENLIST, idie Bureau of , Fisheries,,-asv iy Associatea iress.) v provided tor. all new nsn products " ' Washington, - Dec. 26.: Greece which meet the, government require-v" v 'fr wants her citizens in the "United 4 . ments. - - . - ."c-':-: S 4 States to enlist in the American ) Leather shortages are : being tltl- army. Not only will she suspend ; gated by:the u3e of n?h skins, '-.samples' ' v i punishments which . ordinarily fii of which have been put on exhibition ;v v 4 would follow enlistments of i inthe secretary's' office. A soft;: plia-r ; " . 4 Greeks with a foreign power, but :ble leather suitable ffor shoe-uppers or: t ma. rf. tlCUiariV Wiin a view 10 we. eaittu- abroad. His testimony regarding SUI-' . jwiuug ae .Hiueucau auur. -mw -v uues ui a wuaie."- iue swa i a pw, - v.. been Jishment cf n - Polish army, we must: Science 'of--rifle and other ordnance v" M -4s j- p is tne suostance or a note rrom tne poise proaucea a tine grain,, tmcK leatu- ind " undertat-o tt -- 0r:C(1 cf a. king be-1 equipment clothing and other supplie--; . '-shelling, ln the foreground were Greek government delivered today. ?'''cr, shark Skin ircas tanned into a coarse, i",:; 'w. fnr that time' and aiterward submit of General Pershing's .forces, the com-i three large ; farm houses that , had at the State Department. ; ' ; tongh-leathcr. for-mechanicaf purposes 1 - - v- -" !' it to" the approval of the -Polish par-'mittee felt, should not be made -public. J been lorn to pieces, by Italian shell 1 iament to be created and thq, gray -fish produced acceptable 4 .leather for bookbindins. v ; civ T:tg Six.)'; I ;-.. f M2 v t V..Vj- fj.

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