? weather forecast . . tVDTT TKi J:-:::'v'4'-; r '' V, "v; " ' -iv""" '-"" .' VOL. XXIII, NO. 354. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNb AY MORNING, DECEMBER ,30, .;PRICE:FJVE , CENTS, UNITED STATES IS EXPECTED TO STJ N RAILROAD GAfult iMOSTOE'GDUWTRAGERMiflllSIiSPFO SElfiESTWTill BEINfi I TBilTOfi S Wii f .- V .. i l I '. K-S(i' Belief Prevails that Roads Will; The Temperatures Last Night Never Return to Private I Rahgeli From About Zero Ownership ; ; to 40 Below McABOO'S FINANCING PLAN IS LAID OUr Director General McAcloo Or ders Immediate Pooling of All Equipment PROMPT ACTION TO RELIEVE CONGESTION Atlantic Coast Line and Sea board Will Be Operated as Double Track Line Assist ants Named (T.y United Press) Wahincton, Dec. 29. The immadi ate riinn ot al1 railroad equipment ra? tonisht ordered by Director-General cf R u i roads McAdoo. in iL.'.r.al notification to a".i i l i : , . . ,7 K .i oil i ten: '.-hall be operated as one na tional s-y.--.teni of transportation." At t!;e rae time he announced his firs: appointment to his temporary ad-mHii-strativc stafi. Walter D. Hires. New York, was appointed .assistant pro-tempore to the Director-General. ALYed H- Smith, of New York, w; anpointed assistant pro-tempore to the Director-General in charge of transportation in the trunk lino east o Chicago, and north of the Ohio and the Potomac rivers. Immediate steps to pool dock-,-, car floats, lighters "and other facilities for distributing traf fic in New York harbor, including nrketing facilities now controlled by individual rai. :ds." also was order ed The Interstate Commerce Commis sion was requested to make an iuves tisation "cf conditions existing on al! tnmk line railroads in Eastern terri tories." ' Presidents of the Pennsylvania, Erie. Baltimore and Ohio, Lackavap ni. Xc-w Jersey Central and Lehigh Vclley rail-oids likewise were in structed to make an immediate study of terminal facilities on the New Jer stv va:er front at the port of Tew York. A repor recommending necessary readjustri-ents of passenger and freight schedules to relieve conges tion at the e terminals was ordered "as quickly as possible." MoAdoo's order directed establish ment of through routes where neces sary. Railroads were directed to ig nore shippers' desires as to routes 1 T GQRITROLLEDiPFAGE PROPOSAL NOT YET RECEIO Provide for a Government Corporation Similar to Ship ping Board Politics is the Only Danger Ahead TRAIN AND TROLLEY r SERVICE HAMPERED Traffic Tied Up in Many Sec tions Fuel Shortage Acute and Much Suffering is , Expected Inducted! f or Tampering With V ital Apparatus of Ameri can Torpedoes GOVSSrtASK FOR DEATH PENALTY An Effort to Regaih UiHoIillS f lroops (By United Prebs.i Washington, Pec. 29. The rjnited! IN NEW ENCUIND I Heney Brings to Light Start ling Methods Used on Independents Russian Proposition Will Not Be Favorably Received By the Allies (By United Press.) Washington, Dec. 29. Russia will (By United Press) Boston. Dec. 29. It took just two dav of sham auesti6nine: and -ro find n imPssible to place officially days ot snarp questioning ana tom bofore thQ Un?ted stateg any oeace examination by Francis J. Hene', 'proposals. counsel in the Federal Trade Com-' The State Department said tonight mission's hearing on the packing in-!1 could not accePt such formally, and . . . , . . . A ... , jthat while Ambassador Francis might dustry situation here, to establish forward therilt for the Department's the fact that Swift and Company con- information" they could not be Oc troi almost every slaughtering and cepted as coming from a recognized j pent that they tr ni,nt -M-m- T?o-ior,i government. ' mands of the brotherhoods for o ana aiso me niae marKet. for Russia, or for Germany if she Armed with broad puvvu to in-'seeks to put her terms before tho, Ec vestigate all conditions of the meat ' tente, would be the neutrals caring - (By United Preas.i New York, Dec. 29 With tempera- States goverumen. .s m the railroad !th A(nrnnrt!lf,Vo os ko a r....! J.th-es.TabV Teader, adm nS J - ( "S? i part of the country was tonight in ticn officiais. . - - j the gripof the most severe -weather The scc.or.tl day o: Qirec tor-Gen oral J of .the: year. In New York and other McAdoo'3 administration of the roads ; cities in the East the coal shortage, hay convinced these executives, hei3'sacute; There was suffering among Pl.,ns to create an organization, the; J imauuiitj. uuiisiiuuLiuii ui wuicn v'ii'kept warm prevent the roads ever returnmg to1 At Atlanta, Ga., a drop from 20 private ownership. . I above zero to 10 or five above "by This conviction dominated railroad', Monday was the forecast today. Tho wiiu vviifji vQkJiujiui via vivo v wti. y i rrn l - ei f 11 3 tirATt German-American Employed in Torpedo Manufacturing Plant First Arrest as Trai tor Since War Started is critical.' A ssiirsrftv ucActii , 6iBuLiu made by the Chamber of Commerce partment wresting, war freight from congested i shows that there ig nQt than 1,- pany, in n'lT : ',000 tons of coal in the city not' So (By United Press) New York, Dec. 29. Chargedv w'-th 4 having tampered with vital apparatus the bearings of torpedoes intended tor American warships Paul Hennig, a naturalized German, is in jail here tonight J.he first victim in the coun try to be held on a formalindictitien of treason since the United States en tered the war. To Lieutenant O'Shea, Annapolis graduate, goes the credit for having discovered . the plot that might have resulted in destruction of American warships by their own torpedoes. Heu- ng was foreman of the gyroscope ue- of the Bliss Torpedo Corn Brooklyn. - TEUTONS; CAPTURED WEAR JERUSALEM W German Troops Sent -From J Russian Front to Strqngttifezi ' the Wealring Morale of . " the-Turk; T: (By United Press) " . Washington, Dec. 29..ermdl5Vi visions, fresh from the. Russian 'and T" . Rumanian fronts are in -'lunteyp:;;;'-'-v. ' erating with the Sultan's .forces -i an effort to wrest the: Holy ? Land from the British and restore the -'fast i V failing Moslem morale, accordinel to ' v:':: official reports received in Washing, V" . ; Under the direct command of :Gen..' v t, j eral Falkenhayn, of the German .eri-i$;tfe j eral Staff, four TwrWish- ' MriairmaM&--l nr. a a v - - ' ,. i.LS;''1ii-v-:-,;Tv-'?' ingenious was the traitor's Avork L--! nrftiiio-h tn loot mrar Mnnilotr - lllp Is allfiffH trt hsva fnrriisrl nn tlint eventual government ownership is; Th -.otlH- GfQ rtf tr, ,r niJv under mirrnnnir. oYnTIli,tln o. ; bupyiy us suuri in. many sections.' i'vi'- "vij-"i.i.u5 ucaim6s ucn Train and trolley service waside-!cate machinery which guides the tor- t ..j.-. ,,t... ' '.moralized. All trains were hon , ; er i nn interview with th-' Up" late- 111 Northern New York trains J nce, obtained against him. He mu--ater m an interview with th . una-, difficulty keenine ud steam ow. tilated, other pieces of the machinery, od Press, one of the highest railroad naa aimcuity Keeping up steam, ow ; Unes - were scratched on deli- ?,tfl 4 ua ,5,i!ing to the intense cold. rine unes, were scratcnea on aeii- industry, the Commission Here;."- 7rZrZZ' o ia.. Lr"' . In Detroit with the temnerature ' cate workings .that would cause a tor- brought out startling facts regarding1 many is trying to have Russia present vate operation again. This authority i near zero, fuel officials were consid-spare some German shin HoW combination methods, all tending to the Brest-Litovsk proposals to the Al : expressed the railroad execucivea'.; ermS closing the schools and church-' e Hennic has been carrvMn'oTi hi! pq rvxxrin or m o onnrro ra nr nra i I - . . o force the smail retail dealer and in.Jani the United States in the hope , . . . tlmt they will '''catch on. dependent rendering and slaughter-. However, there exists here no spir ing companies either to sell ou; or it of acceptance. The United States lease to the controlling element. jP-ld tne iUH'es have set their terms as It was shown that stores and plants ! elimination of the German autocrat throughoiit New England camouGag-jC power to inflict militarism on an ed under various names are airectiy unoffending world. And, big though the task may be, all the nations are "Masr6tcaTTy on -until that "goal iia3 been achieved." While a formal presentation of Ger here in the near future, Heney an-n-iany's terms to the Entente would nounced and there was promise of .undoubtedly have to have "comsidera under the control of the Swift in terests, ' The session of the investigation which closed today will be resumed startling revelation in his carefully worded statement: "We have only scratched the surface." Heney spoke with calm conviction and throughout the hearing ne caus tion", officials here said tonight -igahi that this would not mean "favorable consideration." The State Department declared pos itively today that thus far it has not i? i i views as iohows: t - aIZ X work is not known; but he has been That McAdoo-s financing plan-; Jhe temperature dropped to one under surveinance 'for -the t tvro through a government corporation to; below zero m New York early to-jweeks yesterday the indictment puy ana sen ponas win constitute a j "'&ui aiif a uay oi near zeru weaiu- chargjng treason was returned against structure which can never be untangl-; er. A - minimum of. five below was him and oday it became public when ed so as to permit resumption of pri ! forecast. I Hennig was arraigned vate railroad operation. j Reports gathered by the United The penalty is death, $10,000 fine, or i nat wanted dot Proven- operates the systems with politicians; far South -as Texas. - Hennig was naturalized in 1916, two an eventuality the executives ex-; Temperatures as reported from years after the outbreak of the Euro Pect. ! various cities follow: ipean waT. Authorities believe he That in payingHhe employes higher, Tupper Lake, N. Y.f-40 below. .'took this step as part of his plan to wages the government will face a de-j utica, N. Y., 22 below. ! avoid internment and' work as an ficit at the end of the fiscal year. j st. Paul. 28 below. lament of Germany in event of Ainer- ffnvprnmpnr ownPT-snm 1.. , Truss miiciw 1 iiht rnp. nciin ijikks i n n j .. i i 1 i , . r : ' j if. , j'?ai a iwyi isuumvjii.. . ucun by the stockholders and wiilje romtbAfla OTSamrouS unless Mc AHoa rTJeWerTUOloratroana stretches' a3 sdemand the extreme nenaltv" V fl ne man . division hate'-Afceeii :tbrbwn VV-. ; against General Allenby's' expedition- ary forces along th line s from Jatf'U": . through Jerusalem, -to the JordaiH i That the general ; break N down Turkish morale was- causing; the -TeU' ' ton war lords . considerable concern rjA has been known . for some time r by : 1 ' 5 :. j Entente military officials Iti.was l-?;; not believed probable that Geniiany v, ) yuuiu uuusiuer . snaing leuion SOI- ," : . ; . : dJers in large numbers into ; Mesopo ' ' - i tamia or Palestine, however.' '.' General Allenhy's report today how-.-- r j ever, brought confirmation of the! r i "v - , suspicions. ; Developments in , the "past.-- tewVlA j days , along the Jerusalem jront ' has . ' shown the insincerity of Vienna 'dis-'yK I patches stating that the .Central :V6vr:WiM: -l ers would make no attempt . to , re-f-: . . i take Jerusalem. "-' 'ij$J(i$l;. ) "On Dec. 26, 27 and I General? 4 Aiieby's report reads, '.'The enemy :: V i cu a. uuiuucr ui ueterminea ai-; - ighbdrhood ": of Bir: Nebala tlttxdl'f'C i Turkish - di vision is 15,000 men, inK- That the railroad chiefs feel some-j what humiliated by McAddb's plan for sweeping control. I The United Press informant who' (Continued on Page Six). (Continued on Page Six). ed astonishment bv his knowledge of had terms either Russian or German. facts of which even the witnesses except the cabled Swedish press ver- nade no effort to conceal his chagrin; at the purposes of the government, j said: ; "The roads will never be unscram-j bled again after the war. Not a sin-, gJe- person with any comprehension' of the true situation expects that the government will turn back the lines to j their former management. Govern- most of them meat dealers and ren-.sins of the Russian dering. company officials were ignor-! ne effect of the Brest-Litovsk con ant. Most of these facts will not!ference already manifest is the m cheer the big packing interests. jternal dissension in Germany. The Witnesses told of mysterious jPan-Germanists are clamoring against threats, subtle intimations thati""- "u u,""uus- "u iuuwumit, freight delays would result from fciT ot5er gFUp3 ' , t session has caused a deeper consider ation of a general peace than any thing to date. their refusal to listen to "reason j and of pools to control the trade and squeeze out the "little fellows." It was shown that time after time against the combination, only to be over whelmed or bought, out in the end. Dealers, in an effort to escape the influence of the controlling company, often changed to other markets, which 'in nearly every case turned out to be a change only, in so far s location was concerned. 1 I J WfMll1 u ' .,, a ' independent plants fought between carriers which might inter fere with expeditious movements of freight were ordered abrogated. The on; or follows: "All officers, agents and employes fci ?-,rh transportation systems may con; i rue in th performance of their teeu '.-!! f'i'.fies. reporting to the same o(lico!r- ; . heretofore and on the 3arce tTirr o1' employment. "Any oPcer. agent or employe de siring to retire from his employment shall evo the usual and reasonable notice to the proper officer to the end teat there may be no. interruption or 'Dipairrnerir of the transportation sorvicn I'pfniired for the successful conducr o: the war and the needs of fne3.1 commerce. "All t ranj-i-crtation systems shall be operated .- a national system of tan? rrii i a tion and the common rnd ior.r.i nf eri..-, being in all instances iteld p:!'uiv.ount to any actual or sup Posed r-'.:-()orate advantage. - ! All terminals, ports, locomotives. Air Fighting Reported. (By United Press) London, Dec. 29. Intense air fight ins was reported by Field Marshal Haig tonight. A hundred bombs were dropped yesterday on an airdrome near Lille. In general air fighting 13 hostile , machines were driven down and two others forc-d to alight out. of control. ATLftNTA lib FA A BAD SITUATION Coal Yards Will Stay Open Today to FtirnisK Fuel to Needy OVER A TiUSID SOLDIERS DEAD RUSSIAN DELEGATE DEN OUNCES PEACE , OFFER OF TEUTON ment ownership is not a disaster. Ui " , will only be a disaster if politicians! T are put in the stead of practical raii-! Declares that Brest-Litovsk n - . j-irt.. innpiriiMi Turstoce. want Conference .Revealed Bol- DJ I T RH Uuf MAN ment ownership. They think only of; SheVlKl 1 reachery llflLLlUlI BMUIlinil dividends. Under the present arrange- ment their securities are practically ARMEl) UPRISING i guateed. What s the difference toj AQAmST BOLSHEVIKI rpt- r f 4-Y s to i 1 rnn A Vt aqo Viovq tr I von . 1 t ' SHOT B NEGRO careful thought to compensation for j Social Revolutionists Threaten their lines was indicated by this offi-i -rl. i t a : A : After FUiner SliaVttlv 'Wnurirl lO' ioKc up rtfias -vyaiiiL ;-- Trotsky.Lenine Govern- ed, Mrs. Bullard Drove InT ment An Appeal is Issued! truder From Home cial discussing the probable baais ror i taking over the lines by the govern-! ment. The $10,000,000,000 worth ofj bonds issued by American railways is f- the least the railroads would accept, and, he pointed out, not all of the equal amount of stocks could rightly b. called ''water." There is good reason for believing . (By United Press) Stockholm, Dec. 20. Denouncing th (By United Press) Atlanta. Ga.. Dec. 29. With the Deaths in United? States Army Since September 14 Num ber 1,391 tier;; ftTP vif- herc-toTo-f to ins (By United Press.) . Washington, Dec. 29. one thou sand, three hundred and ninety-one ro to i,e fully utilized to car- to 10 above oy ' njnuj American troops in this country died s t;rpose, without regard to fiyeJy Monday the coldest weatnei 0f the year Atlanta wa3 faced tonigbt, between September 21 and December ign ition of routes by ship- with a serious coal shortage. 14, out of an average total strength : disregarded when speed J a survev of the situation made to- during that period .of 916,722. r-.-v of transportation serv- 'day shoe.d there was barely enough This was at the rate of 6 per chou i 'i -: be promoted. 'coal in the yards to last over Mon- sand soldiers per year as against a c-reements between en r- day. - ' rate -of 17.45 during 118&8 in the nrr be permitted to inter i A committee" has oeen appointed to Spanish-American war, 6.56 in 1899; rr.pcditious movements confer, with railroad officials to devise ( 4.83 in 1900; 4.68 in 1901 and 2.80 routes which have not means of' bringing coal into Atlant- t in 1916. -'ieen Pithlisherl because pnd unloadine it tomorrow. While the rate for the thre? ruling or other causes are At a meeting of the Chamber omonths period ran higher than the -blished and used whenever Commerce tonight Secretary Walter, neace time figures cited, tne increase 'xpefhij.. efRCjency of traffic will Cooper declared there ' are as . many j is attributed . to. . the fact of a , larger f,-v-; -ri :;t r d in such through-rout- need of 'coaL men together from remote sections no; ;f-o thereof shall be by the, All coal yards will remain open to- mnducive to measles, and when irnfr or yh;T.r,ofc hntiT ohii hi mnrrnw tn hss.'ndtfi emereencv orders. , , j Z rrT l if o c? rlQQ 'hofan fill: TJ '" !ho Director by wire. Such Orders will: be limited to tWOrca-e jn many camps, im:amonIa is i ( --'"Hn : rutjuuic ui laics tnu uaiicio iix cov, vaovi tnTl DrOUgilt Oil, (Special to the Dispatch) Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 29. Mrs. N. P. Brest Litovsk "peace conferences" as I Bullard, wife of the Seaboard freight Bolsheviki treachery by which the agent, was shot and slightly woundeii that the brotherhoods placed the-.t Germans, ostensibly accepting the tonight in her We3t Raleigh, home oyi They were repulsed with heavy ; losses. Later we launched a determv fned counter-attack on the Turkish right flanks two divisions, our troops advancing to a depth of two and half ; miles over a nine mile front. San guinary losses were inmcted upon ' t the enemy." : :. Capture of a large number of Cer. man prisoners was also reported in , " Allenhy's dispatch. These were iden;U tified as belonging to the 701st Ger j;;: man regiment and are , believed to have recently arrived from the Rtfs- ; sian front. '-AAi Today's dispatches rrom Romellif:I dicflta- that the Tontnno om 1 " -" '.x.ut.wup lUlltlUU - ing their tropp movement toward S: i Macedonia. British successes in Tur. " v key , are , reported to be having a de-' ; cidedly unpleasant , effect on Bulgari-1 t- Tl tnprolo V '. i '.'i'-'i I The temnorarv nnxnfliMnn. nt- tkritie.M-i.&i activity m Palestine and Mesopotam- K' j ia because of heavy , rains has giyen ' General Falkenhayn ample opportun-" - lty to re-organize the scattered Tiirk. n iV - ish columns, and to rehlbilitate" the depleted Turkish ranks with Teuton troops. . . r i'r To what extent the new Turk'di-j A'isions will'-be -able to check r Allen hy's advance is problematical,., fcut v milftary critics here are ; confident that a tct back will only be bt 4 it t temporary nature." ; ; : - ; '! Russian terms, would apply their own, an unknown negro who forced an en- ownership views before President Wil son at last Thursday's conference TTrVi o,n fhov ran oisofl thir wa?PS n n- peals., The President was inforniedj the. Russian negotiators, returnea nere umCU. of the railroads . rejection of the de- from the conferences today. He She returned the fire after being mands and is understood to have prom- brougllt word also of a concerted wounded and thinks she marked hei Mcon Hard Hit. ":.'-'.;: '.C (By United Press) - - i';K" i --: Macon, Ga., Dec. 29.-i-Macon people '-; ff,-a at aiai-.ciri nno nt I trance and fired uDon her when he 2re experiencing the coldest weather . ... -.. ... u a o fthe year. The thermometer was 20 V - . isod the brotherhood leaders a settle ment of their wage problems soon-. According to the railroad execu tives, McAdoo's financing "plan is to form a government corporation, mod eled along the lines of the shipping, board, to deal in railroad securities. above at 11 o'clock. The city is prac- .-' tic.ally withoutxwood and coal. Nearlr; ali the churches in the city have call'"-. ed off the night services " tomorrow ' X Officers hope to trail him through tx"feUl"eci:use n )ae?ia reamer ,ana-:r;. .. ..- - . ia!so to save fuol. There, is a great - :. ' the snow, though blizrardy weather LOQi nf cnfrar,r -t-. uc ,nuuiu icws, i.Ujlui u.nv,s , Dlows irestt tracks over and maKeB.thc citv The Russicn delegate dispatched tei-'the Path dlfficult mowmptit aeainst the Bolsheviki now. visitor worse than he did her. forming by his own party, the Social! Revolutionaries, Stitslavski d eclared I rrofinr, it nnin'tftd mit l ograms to supporters in Russia, Urg. uuv-" " J ' r j;t l 1, , . would be furnished with government j " ouuc ute m iu capital. It would buy railroad bonds the- lling o f a So- ,r,Qt o.o ,ir- cialist conference at Stockholm to dis- Te National Guard shows .the sm': r,i e ,( be observed, but any he would issue permits allowing v" .j-igj.st mortality rate. With 753 f'i --'-li whiles or rates or orders as deliveries on Sun-lay.. He is willing deatl. . out of a strength of 327,480. y rc-te - be found to conflict for the dealers to use the : citysani- . annual rate; per thousand stands tkr . 'if nur'30ses of said proclama- tary carts or any. other city vehicles The National Army follows " t.i ( 'rr ':if Arifo nwint nm of ia-v onTfc riT Q Tl V RRT'Vlftt 111 lxIKLA.'1 ls Ol:Ioi- sJiall he. hroiifflit immf.itc o. fa -nr. Xno hf ffftllVGrV but SUODlV with 4S4 deaths out of strength of i 'annual rate per -ri r:r7TK-w V.i thousanl of 5.1. The regular army n.i wl. iaua 1111,11 iiiK ucucniOT.r i.i.- . oot ooo mV!nn. an 'armimi TarP-TlPr T-x .. 4, A- a ! -fc-AMnr- Knt ennntv uiaaius. ':" ncto,. V- trMrh. 144 deaths out of jswynw men, 1 . i , . 11.. ...aaj innr 'nr a rate .01 z.s. .: Gpnoi-i .r . , 'iic general pooling, cury Qroppeu tu mo f-;-"" wuh - .rrnwfne sunnlies of . warm 'ii a f'.nr nn cmnhao h thaf nil rMonir' fnnatotA.nr.IfnnrR ies ami lutiu-, .... "i 3' r ii-ir 41 i i - T . A ' . . . . . lermin-i rnr-ifc, . kiln kniMin wmtM hsk-.clothing a dc " ruejn the deatn rate - - "iLlil 1U LtJC 1 llll.l. Hit 111 ! XYtL. til n 3 UUU11V t -r--' r. could not be marketed to the public, and would later sell them like Liberty bonds when such financing would not interfere with war finances." Leaders in both Houses are ' claim ing certainty of government owner- ship after the war-and have already I Th ,s ial Revolutionary party - 1 til 3.L 61111. 1 rrtrVic: fmm tlio r5nif'l rpnnrH tho Railroad facilities, . experts aRree.-Bolsh3vikl.-nomchomlng the trick of are now from 25 to 30 per cent, uen- j calling their" own preliminary parlia cient compared with the necessary de-i'pojjg with ana0uncement Of cuss general peace. - - .. Evidences multiplied today r that great forces are growing in.'ltussia against the Bolsheviki and that , the Trotzky-Lenine regime have now been brought to the dire necessity of trick ery to deceive the people. threatening ahV armed uprising. Dis- mands and with the value of the roads estimated at $15,000,000,000, some idea a coalition" with the Social Revolu tionaries and the members of the The young woman heard the ne gro breaking into her house and in vestigated when the intruder came in. Her injury in the. left arm will not dis able her even for a day. Commissioner Graham, Of the De partment of Agriculture, today re fused the petition of the National Hog Cholera Preventive Commissioner restore the - licnese taken from Coi pany two weeks ago. Major Graham declared the concoction affected pre vent cholera and recent t tests showed it - utterly impotent The remedy people put up a hard fight, but Major Graham was obsurate declaring label was deceptive and mis representative of remedy's virtues. 4 l of the amount of money needed ta Radicals here denounced this bring the. systems up to the require- j "ccalitioi- as clique." They said "coai-mc-nts may be obtained. itiori revoiutiohariea - were not exist- Public money, and lots of it, must jcnt how .and, "that the object of the bo uzol, Congressmen say and Just i whole, scheme was to detract ' atten r. ;;:iportant is its re(turn to tho pub- j ti0n from ' the Constituent Assembly lie treasury. - - the meeting of-which hasso far been "It would seem almost impo3sibl. prevented by theBolsheviki.".; 3 to get a fair return ot, this money .alt-..; The great pan-Russian railway un er it was once sunk in , the railroads, ion, hitherto neutral,' is now announc- if the systems were returned to pri- ed as thoroughly anti-Bolshevfki.t vate hands after the war," said Rep- -Even -Maxim Gorky.- who. very, re- adYoca" J0 pera "a a t; keep.the fires fg and.a nlmbii "ot the iA"' yAC ' ; J. 7conrr)Wner Hlnes' -aPPOifltedrne day nd night and fnvlte th pubt such time-as .c tonaiues nme n , the'.goa6r ;; .v....t v-,$. (Continued on page threeJ football squad., r ;.v . r iHP'X, 4 4 : 4 , w'A'i ''-'a "sxA-''A-iA,. -' -! '-"- - COMICS AGAIN MISSING. . : Owing to the failure of the Ai ft. v 4'lahtic Coast Line to itaake' dellv- -";: - ery, The Wilmington IDispatch' j ' again todav without comic ( sup- plements. The comics were .:'ship- ' i - ped from Boston, Mass.; on " De-T'y "r X U cember 15th, , vias Merchanta & '.'"'.- ' Miners Line, to be turned ovej 4 : to the A. C. L. at Norfolk. A We -frwere notified by the A. C. L. early ; .in the week of the receipt bf thejfr p ,:;'-;- way :bill, but the; comics had not'l,' arrived up to yesterday after?-I-V 4 noon.v Similar trouble was, .-ex- ' .. perienced during the month ' nf f November -when the comics were 4 ' c GIVE UP HOPE OF II fT1 l22K?!5-SJ?, '1 FINDING AVIATOR; Printing in;-the hope- that Ihe . : : ' - i service. ;:would -'..pelmprored'bttt1 , , (By United rress.) ' ' - ' our first yveeks experience has: -v Pensacola, Fla., Dec. 29. Naval an- shown'np'imprpvement:'-We'h6p:4-.V-.:-thorities here have given .up hope of they will arrive - some time.; That" ; finding' Aviator M..' F. Crowe and- his is all . we can j promise, but . we 4 ; machine, lost In the clouds Wednes-'V want to assure' our 'i subscribers ifr V 3aj ' . T w ' - that'(it:isthroutii6 tat'pfottr8.:'i''.'; Crowe was a-resident of iParkers-lthat-they fail c to receive their v