PROMPT ACT GAINST GliilP Felegram Sent, to Sena- Ji' v. --r-. r Simmons Asking His to Help in Matter rOMMITTEE FEELING CONFIDENT OF AID Hearing Before Shippin Board Asked With Regard to Proposed Action of the Clvde Line . Ti-.e first step in the effort towards ,,,iin- certain thecontinuance of c ;ule line steamship service in- TIKES CK4N u. thin port was taken yesterday af-jL,y both the city and the county 3x-u-:nuon at a meeting of tue special, bord. .g characterized 6y r. nnuino, o tne tnamoer tu yonx-. when a telegram was formu- inifd an 1 transmitted to Senator P. .M. s:nv.:u. asking that he use his.thi holds: tme Mother counties o n(t. in oenair or uus city ana.the eastern half of North Carolina, so (ion. . the. District Exemption Board, at i r i; ii t at the committee meeting ;Goldsb0ro, will have very little work Ale-srs. J. G. McCormick, Mar-to do wnfen the local boards complete n:, W .1; (obi. H. C. McQueen, W. H.-t.e work of classification. s; :!;!H. Giovanni Colucci and F. A. Returns to the city boards hero have Thnr.iion. The matter was thorough-j been coming in very fast for the' past iv ,ii-n.?pd. and the conclusion tstveral days, and the board U run n,.(h x! fiar the only chance for WibJng mighty close behind the number n.;nc'.'-n t- retain the present service ' pf auestionnaires- mailed out in its s through action by the United ,Vvork of classification. The pape; s arr St.u. ' Chipping Board, which now ng returned verv promptly, and !,,!-: control, of all shipping, both aside from the trouble caused by quite tiaii cc anic and coastwise. a number being improperly answered, Tiie Clyde line, through its repre-, which necessitates new papers having ,v;aivi here at the meeting of the! to be filled cut. the board hos 2.xper-rii.r.nlK-r of Commerce on Friday af-ienced little cause for delay. . In ic.noon. stated definitely that onlyjfart. th work has been going on with imp more i;io would be made by tbe,rcrri?rksble smoothness, sim mer Chippewa after the present To date practically complete returns V(.aJ. south from New York, ex-(have been made by the first one thou thai the 'steamer would make f and men to receive their paper". Of c lN tins port about everv 30 days! course, some of these are still out, i ' no t libound cargoes. The com- J some have been returned as imdeliv ,n,;ep there fore, deemed it useless ' pvable cn p count o defortive addrea 1' rdoavor to take the matter up and ouite a nhmber have been re 'the officials of the line for tba.tumed whfl are far beyond the liOOO :T;"n.--e of attempting to get , idfra; ion. Tin1 Rotary ine heartily with the Chamber of Commerce in the effort to secure a maintenance of the present service ;ii!l the rne?sage sent yesterday af-teino-n to Senator Simmons was sird bv Mr Marcus W. Jacobi i1 President of the l hamper or torn- the Chamber of Corn ; : e. and Mr. Roger Moore, Presi- of the Rotary Club. The mes - -c':, : a; follov.-s: iicn. P. M. Simmons, iiate Chamber. Washington. 1). C. Clyde L;ne threatens withdrawal , Ptpf ried to by the representatives o2 steamship service New York and jtne government for review by the dir Wilmington. Chamber of Commerce , ti ct board. In nearly all such coses, . ' mil meeting yesterday passed j however, the rhrnces are that the dis tron resolutions against discontinu-trct board will not. disturb the riassi r"f p -nrl showine imDOitant neces-! firatinn mH hv thp local hoar;!, the " - 1 J ..w. .. .... - ; t V. AJ 1 i:i aiiU ill CX UliAl. d 11 1.1 i:y of its maintenance. Resolutions janpeal being made in order that by re- j selections will give her r.mple op Vniished you by mail. City of Wil-view a close check may be kept on portunity to portray her art in all its ir.inton and INortn t."ai-j::na are ae-tr.e pending upon you to nave service re-1 t.-inocl. Please spare no dffort to do, that is being given a majority ot the -o. If your investigation shows it clerks in the general offices of the necessary to present matter in per-; Atlantic Coast Line railroad here, and son to Shipping Board advise, and I when the call for men comes about the will have large delegr:cn present j first 'of March it looks like serious in v: that purpose. This service r i reads, will, be made into the ranks of ben maintained for forty years andjth1 young men employed there. A is now cnlv steamship service to this Priority of the clerks are unnamed, nort Large quantities of freight !r the claims for deferred classjfica now for shipment by this line'tion where made on account oi bein? ;.nd ai,-o in New York. Owing to ' erf a?ed in an industrial enterprise, railroad embargoes discontinuance necessary for the winning of the war. el t lis service will comDletelv "Pot-1 tie us up.' ".MARCUS W. JACOBI, "President Wilmington Chamber "Commerce. "ROGER MOORE, 0 ! , "President Rotary Club1 Untie theer is no disposition men who deaired deferred classitfca-anv.i- the business men of the city tiJtJ by reasQn Gf their employment. n d-puir. the figures of the steam-, The clerks who were on strjke for 51 p company- which were offered to'al, of November could hardly state show- that the line as now maintained tTiat their services were necessary to not profitable, yet there is a de- the carrying on of an enterprise nec f 'Vd r, eyinK tnat this is brought essary to the winning of the war, while about largely from other reasons , at the same time admitting, when th?n that there is an absence of car- answering another question, that they noes offered for transportation. For ;3d lost that much time from a "nev ene thing, it was stated that it was es-sary occupation. During the dura- southbound voyages of the tion of the strike the officials of the reamer that were showing a deficit road stated, and reiterated, that the and that northbound voyages showed fosd was able to do without th3 serv a reasonable profit. To offset this it ices of the men ort. strike, and that i Continued on F&ge Six.) ' (Continued on Page Six). .9 MAKE TRIPS THAT IT NOW TAKES YOU THREE Hours to cover with horse, in one hour with Smith-Fcrm-?-Truck. -GET RID OF EXCESS EQUIPMENT, YOU MUST OWN if you are using horses, and keep your hauling and deliveries at maximum efficiency With minimum, over head charges. --GET AWAY FROM ' THE LOADING STATION AND maintain an average speed of 12 to 15 miles ari hour. This la- Smith-Form-a-Truck measured ability. i" , -C - - . - THiS !S A STANDARD ESTABLISHED BY SMITH Fo;m-a-ruck in over 8CX5 lines of business. ROBERT G, BARB ock St. fjim itaitH..-i'r when-paid toiparati mmm ' r X : -. V I - jnnnHHHHUUQU UUUUUUll U:UUUUUUUUUUU "rTZZSH v.fw mArfttfnna wn-nontfica'tcS i. -That , noa-esseatial industries wm the " -" -?.:'1 ; - I rtn HrrtftLS nut ! THELOEftL BOARD Work of : Classifying Regis trants is Befng Rapidly Pushed jForytrard COAST LINE CLERKS GO IN FIRST CLASS Next Call For Men , tQ Enterf) . 1 raining, Camps Will Make Heavy: Draft Uporf the General Offices The work of classification of regis trants under the selective service act now being speedily carried forward excee(Jinsly small ber of ap- peals beingr entered from the decisions escnecl By. the boards, it. the same t. i t J- ;L ii r a re.'rumDer. DUi to pa" taai roniDieie re t v.--.-i .been received from the a? i v, : . .1 VV!luIt! ,ui icfiouiau, s ojj- rroximateiy r.orrecx. from mis num , hev, all of whom have been classified i in accordance with the information .supplied through the answers in the : npestionnaires only 20 have appealed ftnm the decision of the city local Vrtol. r(1r, to thp mrrort r-hiv.- ;ifi.atl-on - AJ th'ose whfi have asked r,r dtr :ferred classification by reason of ac- Irkultural or industrial' reason.i, and it v-horn si?rh dpfprred clnssification I has been granted, are automatically worR of all the local Doaru?. -J ctass one, A. is tne ciassincanun " . r r jy me local uaiim. A number. ot the men found in an embarrassing position when they , rcaeneu iins pai t ui men quuua inaires, and the officials of the raiV Iroed were in a position where little help could be extended to any of the j . irfc-rIiKoWv" : required, it.shall be al tneratp;or is exteunea iqina ate, . ' ' c al CT I 'fir.. wii,,iQTi svi 'thar. wenirp rivnt. onlv, except that 6 per cent. !-?nsion appliesalso. .to those corpora-.sidered .berore; a-;final move, is maae. veys of ...-... .. . . u I natlirUiiV . IllftllV v v l? v. . , . . . . . . . - ' . 1 . , 1.1. . , n . I HE WILMINGTON DISPATC BEiFfliCEPlSBBIIIWi "ML fltflHOSS l ISBillGHT Talentecl Artist Will AMst L6 ' cal Singers in Rendering r -program OLD FOLK SONGS v WILL BE FEATURE ist of Singers and Full, Pro-. gram to Be Giveri" By the - Treble, Clef Club is, . " Announced to The, Treble tlef ' Club rconcert on. m. McLe& will anve oh next Wednesday evening, January 2,v;edneadafMh. stay. Of nearly tare promises to be one of the most at; weeks in Wilmington for the purpose tractive musical events of the season, i assisting the: , citizens of this cits, It will be given for the benefit of the Red Gross in the Hemenway school auditorium at 8 : SO - o'clock. A ; income taxes. .. , Mr. McLean" has been number : of 5 Wilmington's most rep-!wlt.n this department for the past four resentaUve women will act as patro-ipars' n p.ert . . - 0 J lie is a North Carolinian, his home .:e- nesses, and be present " at the con- lR3 at LilliJigton,. and he already .has cert in a body, r The : ushers' will be a number, of friends, Jn- the city. He the younger society girls, dressed in 1s assigned ; here by' CpIlectQr of Tn thottMnti toa r : ... tcrnal Revenue J. W. Bailey for the Top S StC? f SS. uniforra- purnose of aiding in this- work witb Izea fLv h "'f.ecorated St charge to the people, and his rv flags of the alhed nations as well as ces wj f"aQubU; be very much in .With ferns;and palms, and the whole deraand j McLean will have an setting will be one of patriotism and ;offlcc, in tlje Federal Building, and - S!r-r , ! will' be here from January 2-through i iS ?hZ ieCOnd concert .of j janUary 19. the Treble Clef Club, which was . or-1 The fiijng Gf an. income tax return ganized last winter by Miss AnnaUr. th onvemment is nn easv matter Graham Harriss. The concert given last spring by this women's choral club was so thoroughly enjoyed by all who heard, it, that their enthus iasm is the best advertisement for the performance to be given njext Wednesday night. The following list of prominent lo - cal singets will testify to the quality of the rendition of the" program. Sopranos: Mrs. George S. Roylan, Mrs. iu. K. Bryan, Mi's. A. Bascom Croom, Miss Katie Foard, Mrs. Charles F. Green. Miss Florence Hav- of thc,en. irs. ivi. ti. Lrongfeilow, Miss garet Nash, Mrs. Henry C. Riley, Mrs. Hensrth in a statement recently issuea Wm. G. Robertson, Mrs. Wm. O. S. N' Collector Bailey, which carries con SnthoriaTiH Mrc a TtTiir-o-r Tknmn 1 5irlprfiblf valuable information. The AK7. At ill Ul LU1 1UU1UU" son, Miss Katherine Vollers, Miss Catherine Williams. Contraltos: Miss Margaret Corbett. Miss Anna Cavanaugh, Mrs. Robert ,.7x . - " H. SiZit iil ",. b. nece3Sary to prepare Elizabeth Wu Accompanist The club wi Meares Harriss, violini, and Mr. William G. Robertson, who will play!J tine Haughton, of Philadelphia, the soloist for the occasion. Miss Haughton adds to a voice ot unusual beauty, a personality of great charm and magnetism, and her simplicitv and beauty. The pr0gfam follows: progf; Lalian. (a) By the Sea Neapolitan Air. (b) Sleep, Noble Child (Old Christ mas Carol) Cherubini. The Treble Clef. (a) Alia , Trinita Beata Old Italian. 15th Century. (b) Sur le Pont d'Avignon French, 16th Century. (c) Le Coeur de Mamie Jacques Dareroze. Miss Haughton. French. (a) La Marseillaise Rouget de l'lsle. (b) My Little Heart Old French Chanson. (c) The Swan C. Saint-Saens. Violin Obligato Mrs. Meares Har riss. The Treble Clef. (a) The Lark Now Leaves his wat ery Nest Sir William Davenant. (b) Have f You Seen But the Why to Lilie Grow 17fh Century. (c) I've Been Roaming Horn. (d) Leezie Lindsay Old Scotch. Miss Haughton. English. (a) The Skylark King -Hall. (b) The Lass With the Delicate Air Dr. Thos. A. Arne! Soprano Solo Miss Haughton. The Treble Clef. (a) Indian Lullaby Thurlow Lieuf ance. (b) Chinese Mother Goose Rhymes Bainbridge Crist. "The Mouse" and "Mother is Sleep ing." . .. (c) No More George Henschel. (d) Cuddle Doon Sidney Homer. Miss Haughton. American (a) Ashes Of Roses Huntingdon Woodman. (b) Carmena H. Lane Wilson. . vThe Treble Clef. Tickets are on sale at Honnet's Yates' and Munson'-s. Admission 50 cents.' . , . HEAVY SNOW. City Gts Covering of ,White Accom panied by SmalNSized. Blizrard. Wilmington experienced the first heavy, , snowf alj. of the winter yester day; afternoon and last nignt, tne sr.uw beins accompanied by high , winds and j extrema 'cold;: The : snow began : tlv'-'-m'ie-rnooh and CQatinu.ed -fit? fally well into the night, at midnight the streets being: well covered witn about an inch with many deeper drifts where the wind had piled, it up. Thej city escaped-v the extreme low nrAA onnilib-'h tO tren- L ' . . iJ" a tr. the i about seven davs aftprwarri on ii wi ! the cave of Bethlehem. In the fourth . Mrs. H. E. OKeefe. Ul i,-.J,nrC hio death. scene, Miriam is rewarded by her 11 be assisted by Mrs. . " , o.i.'.,?,i i Rav PnVo woe hnm ii:i, ..- blind father beinir miraculouslv "ured. a : j ' 7. -, 1 s - waa tiian intAfflst nn pnniQrat.fl obli- i e Prescribed by the authorities at t sections, ot liic uwuii. u n. umti. . .. . - . , onit all-those wno ae- eat ions coniaimag. a . wcaueu .ia. wwt. r"!.v- light in real" wintry Weather. The ;or no, deduction,, clause may now be high wind" which accompanied-' the; released, niJJ,pajl'djQyw:tpttePspp.3 Mnr Vmarfo it na rtic.ulaflv disagree-f entitled . to. receive;the. same. v.. In abteout of doors, and drove thu usual t 11 - COMINB HERETfl ' 11 WM i.- S - Mr. A..JVI. McLn ElFfected to Arrive in the City Next , Wednesday WILL HAVE OFFICES' IN THE POSTOFFICE Most Folks Are Now Liable for Income Taxes to Gov--- ernment and He Will Help in Making Returns and the surroun.dingL territory, in mak- inzj the proper returns to the govern- riient for the , purpose of- listing their uhis year. Under the provisions of the war revenue act the incomes rud- iect to taxation have been reduced to the thousand dollar mark for unmar-1 -ied persons, and the scale is graduat ed upward from that point. The pep aiitien proVJded for failSe to Vake 1 proper returns are heavy, and all wh,o j feel that they may come within the provisions of the law are urgsd' to I call upon Mr. McLean during his stav n the city, and get correct inform?.- Hon with regard to the matter. The matter of making out lb in- Mar-!ome tax return was ueau wit.. c:l t - - tstement is herewith reprinted in "OMnin vmir blank return from the.nrnied place and, despite his indispo collector's oflice in the custom i; i-,ttnr nsvt of th is month. ''" u f,-, vmirihad served with eminent shpcps. .;; qm.irt be entered under th' hnd'ng .lo you may tlif?.1 eo ne was pastor ot Mt. Ulive -.wnor of a bond, the' interest fion-j M. E. church, this' city, and then which should be entered under this j ho was a presiding elder of the heading, ps ijicome from alt orner sources should be entered. The vari - -ui amounts referred to constitute tross income. The matter of deduc - . , j -si tinm is men tri;en up aiiu i un orV . -The ,i;fvnrP hPtwfien th.? two -.-ill be the net income from which he specific exemption is deducted n order to obtain the amount . upon ich the return is properly filled out n this respect it should be sworn to before an officer with a seal and the I return filed in the collector's office .. ... -) the district m- wnicn ne resiues. ju or before March 1. After the collec tor's office has verified the returns a -ctice of the tax due will be forwarded j fo the taxpayerspn or before Tune 1. j The payment of the tax should be: made on or before June loth, It should be borne in mind by the i taxpayers having a small income that personal expenses are not a proper ieduction under the -Federal Income j ix law. such as living expenses, rent c. In other words,' ait . individual who is married, living witn nis wire. Wrin no children receiving a salary of 't 200 per annum, other ift- would be entitled to an exenrp- :ion of f 2,000, with no alloWahco for household expenses, making the omount taxable" $200 at 2 per cant., or "a-$4. .tax. An extension of time ha's been granted for the filing of returns for the year 1916 by non-residents, alien individuals and corporations, and American . citizens residing: or traveling abroad, .Wfio, because of war conditions, have not been able to file their returns of income for the period mentioned, and subsequent years may be filed for such' periods as may be necessary to and including 90 days it t- or. fha nrnpiaTriatloh of the. President of the United States - announcing the j e'ose. 'oi iub . ?T V, ri a", these cases a statement suuum ; attached to the return in orde the commissioner of internal re raay determine that the filing return was due to 'kreasonable and not ,wilfui neglect. 'Income paid, by citizens or - resi - dents o? the United States is subject to withholding of normal tax at the i-.Tir : -rtrtioTi- Hftrivpd from .inter-; est on bonds and mortgages, or deeds) 0 trust etc containing a so - called 'iov and' 'no deduction' clauses, No" Amount of iWorne" paid to a ooart- reT-ahin either domestic or foreign, s J 'to.' withholding of income tax at the same sourceV . . Jn lieu of the withholding of. nor mal tax at the source heretofore, r s- quired from incomes .paid to citizens tf- residenfe of' theVUnited States, I tl".ere-. sliall furnished 'ro- tn-t-nq of information' on forms for. that "purpose, which will be furnished ''Normailtax I withheld fiom income! iaid to citiiena or residents of the TTriit tfltps Idurin the rear 1S17. 1 in aue iiiuc.-. . each -vcase. wbereitbboldjn of . noj I PASTOR Pneumonia; Cuts Off in His Prime One of the Leaders of the Race- . (By George F, King). Another sudden death of a promi nent colored person has cast a gloom over the better element of colored J people in this city, and in many see tions of the State wh,ere the late Rev. DIES 5UQ0EKLY A; L. Price, gifted colored divine, hasslChurch. Dock street, at in. m. "There li eifdidly. He died 'at 10 j". m. Friday night at the parsonags of it. Zion A. M. E. church, on Fifth street.:. . Although modest, Rev. Price was hitrncely interested in his religious (v.orK anct country, and a very striking example of his devotion was that be spent his last public labors assisting the young men of his race in lillins their questionnaires at the store of Jeryay's, on Seventh street. Last Friday, a week ago, he, Riddick Diew and the writer, served at the above- jsition, he came across town to serve country, tie reurnea nome lrcm th. re d. strick,n ,he - .r,, i various points in the State. Several uiti, wmcn ne ,-ervea 1 several years. i.ast month his, I conf rence sent him to Mt Zion A. i - E. church, this city. He was, an ' meal (;hrjsfirv mnn qphnlnr offr.nti'va , ...t pieacner ana pastor and a strong i'ac-, -Ui t sooa among nis people. t He leaves a Widow and seven Chil-i i dren. His son, Eugene, recently en-js a New York attorney with a rec Usted m the Navy and is now station- Jord as counsel f or, the Louis vil'e and .M at Charleston. He will arrivo inj Nashville from "1893 to 1901, and for time to attend the funeral tomonpw ithe Santa -Fe since 1906. it 3 p. m., at Mt. Zion church. Allj. He is at present chairman of the of the presiding elders of the North Santa Fe's executive committee, an va,u:mu wuicicute.w ius tauruii, anu otiice hehas held since 1908 in addi m.cst of the ministers of that con-; tion to his legal duties for this sys terial union, will be in. attendance. FUNERAL OF MISS GROOM. Held' at Family Burjjal Ground at Currie "on Christmas Day. (Special to The Dispatch.) Currie, N. C., Dec. 29. The funer- al of Miss Janie McDuffie Croom, daughter ibf the late Mary Elizabeth u ouun tjuuyan vjroom, wno aieu on Christmas eve was held ' at the family burial ground, near the old Jiorce, on Christmas Day. Miss Croom was 70 years of age, She was a woman of excellent ities and her passing will be 'regrat- ted by manr friends. She was a de-1 voted member of Caswell Presbytew ian church, and lived a true arid sin cere life. . . , . The funeral services were conduct ed by. Rev. Western, of Burgaw and many floral tributes' attestea the es-!, teem in which the deceased lady, was held. , . Pallbearers were, honorary, Messrg F. R. , Orf. Vivift. Kfillv A C.nrl ti x tn. f Bell! Clyde Moore w' M Manklee'Air lvp.iJ and, William Chadwick Miss Croom is surv ved hvfonr xik- f ',3"i3. L7-.T". : ' "7,7. , . --. . - rvv" . -"AVA- " that . "nyjt- Z2-a- n, t .W irencars,wiii'gp.aown pne spread, anti-draft movement And impli venue fcW-, w t ii Jroacfc and come back tne other Joacrert. eating a preacher. . 1 - of tt.e i. t if t n -mCT, . . nJ5s , wii e . tne . ruie tor mr-jua - - . C., and Mrs. L, M. LeGwin, -Wilming--! freight. Local, trains will handle -in- " . - - ton, N. c:; Mrs. JohB. .Cobbr Atkinir-territory line as - - - ".t Currie. Messrs. George F. and. H. Croom are brothers, living at -Cuvrie. '':- - ' In Greece the best man at a wed-; trunk lines .between the same points - ting occupies a very responsible and, vill be divided witb regjiect ',to freight. by no means always an enviable pd-i'frid passenger service. One will oar- dtion, for if the husband happens to ; ry height almost exclusively between lie, it is his duty to look after theithrough points; the other mostly pas-j .widow, and the children, if any. 'o; file returns on a fiscal year bas - r place of business m the ilnued UTDan ana local accommoaation pa?- tno alrcost inevitable Increase" In war Jiates.- - ) scngei service. ' ' j flight tending to off set this increas- "Referrine: to corporations required! It was just here thatv private man-! cu efficiency, it inay be nec'e'ssarv.f or i aunng tne year iyi, it .ia :,ae3jr-.m ble to have all returns made upon a prescribed form, and in accordance - --f-'T . , -.-o -r-. r ---7.. of the fact that it wil be Impost-jnues. But by;the government taking ible to. furnish these, blank forms I control, "it guaranteed the line, carry- nd instructions at present, as will. in? '".empties the lines normal income; : orations in making excess -profits : tax ' ?turnsjvtlie;f time witbin;-iU.v.stieb 3turns may . be filed in the case i of ' 'lese corporations whiose- returns are im tbisfileddn; 'o f NOTICE The annual meeting of stockholder iii i The Wilmington Sav ings and Trust' Company wili be held at lO-ocJock'A.M., Wednesday, January 9th at the offices oi the Company, Nc. HO Princess Street, Wilmington, . C. ' v i 1 - " " J. L: WILLIAMS, Cashier; X s REUS . AT NEGRO Children of St.' Thomas Cathp - lie Church to Give Per formance Today (By George F, King. Cne of the most inspiring and in i tf. resting plays, of the Christmas sca- I son that has been staged in; this city will be presented today in the base ment of St. Thomas' Colored Catholic Was No Room In the; Inn", is th, title of this deeply religious play, ft ia among the foremost productions for a Christmas' play for young perform ers. Thre are nine principal and a large number of subordinate charac ters to take the parts of angeis and shepherds. The natal day of the child Christ is vividly portrayed and cre ates a profound religious fervor. The synopsis evinces keen appreciation of the spirit of the play. The time is the first Christmas eve and the placa is Bethlehem. On this occasion Miriam, the youngest child of the Jewish fam ily. -begs her mother to shelter Mary - ; W?hJt wfojjd During A dime will be collected to help the religious and educational wovk this j J U1" 10 ""vw w wwieu j People. r . -ic, n v g .ju O KiULIlUAUO TO BE OPERATED AS ONE GREAT SYSTEM (Continued From Page One) Tlirpr.tnr McAdnn'a nasistant lr,nirht tern. Hines is an authority on govern naontal and railroad problems, espec ially " those connected with gove ment regulation of railroads. He was born in Russellville, Ky., February 2 1870, , and ,was married tc Alice Clymer MacFarlan in 19,00. He is a member of the leading Washing ton, D. C.. and New York City clubs. Alfted Hi Smith; McAdoo's assistant, n uireci. ciiarge,, oi cransppraxuyi,.- -s m'esident of the New York Central lines j Throughout the day McAdoo look- ed over his first steps in the great qual-jPrcDleai before him., The - War Board in fyrthgranee of their plans to aia, ordered the oper- ating committee of vice presidents, stationed at Pittsburgh, Pa., to . come to Washington and establish nead- quarters here. ' " ' McAdoo's. operating plana as far as could be reliably forecast tonight Single track lines through the 3am e territory will be operated as one double-track line. For, example, the .At lantic Coast Line and the Seaboard during, t.hft bRiVit. hf-ftip.!'- at present. a - A ;somewhat similar system will be ; uniuwea -wiin passenger uamc. various tiroes, of coneestion.HwO big -i A drastic cut will be- made in intsr- agenient was iprcea to aamititg au-; ,uv u uuien pnoray lists ana let f non-var cciild not legally, and would not will-' mgly 'Jeopardize tneir corporate Jnterf esta by sacrificing .high freight re ve-, ana takes frbm. the other line the sur,, f plus;t ryenue obtained from the. swre efficient and exclusive right to move Increased freight. J;-:rit-r. i iJThe ieff ectj on ;industriesalojag, the various railroads, -from sys- - PAGE :FIVE 3. S t 1- 1 lSr:r-f'' V,- N'S RECTOR ! Rev, R. E. 11 Gribbin "' Leaves Soon for Special Work A oil- r , - " r j Amonooiaier coys -v SEilGE A farewell service will be tendered . on Monday evening at St. -: John's " Episcopal church to Rev. R. E. Grib-' -bin, the rector, to whom an indefinite -v .-. leave of absence has been granted."'; Rev. Mr. Gibbin will, leave -shortly after the first of the yea for Green ville, S. C, where he will do special -v-duty ias a volunteer chaplain for the ,v Episcopal, church among the . soldiers -at Camp Sevier. " re -V I'- The services will begin at 8o'clock, . and . Bishop Thomas O. Uarst will t preside. An address will be deliver- -' , ed by Rev. Dr. William H. Milton on the -ork of the War Commission' ' of the church, of winch Dr. Milton. U " -a .member, explaining the hopes and' plans of the commission Ifor the ' . work to be undertaken, among the , men hi the training camps of country." Rev. Mr. Gibbin. yill .ilc - ,. liver a farewell address to vthe : par-,-'":? ish. - The vestry of St. John's church re , cently granted a leave of absence . , to Rev. Mr. Gribbin for the duration of the war, or for ' a longer period if , . found necessary, - in Order that '. ho -might take up the work in the campiv for which he had been selected by ' -the War Commission. ; Coming hero from Atlanta hardly more . than a . year ago, Mr. Gribbin -has made an exceedingly fine impression upon the 1 people of the city, and has been very -successful in the work 'of St. Johns parish. While it is realized that he is answering a very important call . ( of the church, and of tuu country, keen . regret is felt at his leaving the city, and there will probably bo a large Attendance upon this farewell service in his honor. . MET THE REQUIREMENTS "A Good-fcr-Nothinn Husband"" Pre sented to Tvjo Satisfied Audiences "A Good-for-Nothing Husband" was the attraction at the Academy? of Mu sic yesterday matineu'.and night, and. despite the young blizzard which. was raging, two pretty" a:ood- sized ' audi-u. 1' r ences witnessed and seemingly cnjo 1 i.u. r - . mi . ... ed the performances.- The show claims , no metropolitan prestige, com- ing merely on its merits as a popular priced attraction of the better class, end as such met the requirements. Ther were a number of bright 'spots'', in the performance, the humpr; at v timies being fnlpeilinfe,. as was the flights Into' the realms of pathos3., -Of.' ' xjourse there was no greatiblg presea- -tatiori of heart-throbs, for If there -had been it would not have been a popu- , lar priced performance, but thre was' sufficient interest to hold atientionr enough humor to chase away the 6o--. r erness produced by the more .serioUs lines. All in all, the show is good for its class and is worthy of patronage Slacker Arrested. (By United Press) Pensacola, Fla., Dec, 29. Federal cfftcials today arrested. 24 of "33 slack era indicted at the last . term vof the Federal . court at Gainesville, ; The ar rxt followed the apprehension w of fire residents a few weeks ago charj- j ed with resisting the authority of jov- necessarily be slashed in. the re-ad- jjusfmerit is not considered by.Iadmin- istration Railway experts. "irovernmeni; control is going to 1 t rease " tho earrvinV ranaritv nf 'th lines-enormously," said one officiaL This niay permit during the i war many so-called unnecessary: Induv tries which, woufd have been forced out "under private railroad manage- jt was admitted, however, thai, with government contior to adopU and' ex- products take their chances, adciittod- ly, slim. The ; sweeping pool -order with t!;e first-appointments in the railroad au, r.ini strati on marked t6'. first. 'entering of .the .gbvernmepjtatato' actual ? opera- ' tion;' of the roadIaEtift.Vifbadjust- mertts, need for which brought, govern- ment operation, wereat once set n motion.;! Surveys? are t; being made lfoking to : still 'further ' changes in a smgie unit, wita oraevea sur conditions at the port-of New Indicated, that the first step will cteat "awav ihe "nlresdv mrisf tnrr ccijgesUon; at; tsealpoard and;;opnn Middle Western gateways, " I

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