North Caronna-fTi , - and not quite so cold ton.gnt ana Tuec-y. ly. Carolina Partly n cioucy cv'ts so cold tonight rand except probably snow in fc: r.r.o" Toe r.ortn ;t portion. FULL LEASED WILMINGTON, NORTH GARQLINA;:m6nDAY. AFTERNOON. DECEMBERS 1 : :! 9 ! 7V C-ZNT TBOTZKY REgiME C'iJELl? YBHK CITY EFFiCIEMTSAYS MESPONDE tv. -.-..-fl' -rsnfi!,, -.r-.nninp ii' Tthy A-'Tri' 1 "-V : : . Vij. )-v . . 7..-. .-. ; - . r . " 1 yflliifiiiiT) y L N i f i o i i. . y 1 1 1 ip lu ;fi ; r OVER TDUfiyBittiO .- y i . . .... - , j- . .j , ... .. irn-nv ; iLU U I UliiUllU ULUUUnLtlluU I , . , i k Delivered .1B . --x. f ; SI ILL 10 f Daily News ReDresentative i retrograd Commends Bol sheYiki Government WORLD DEMOCRACY WILL BE THE WINNER m American Kailroads Harve r the GVeatest Greg's Income Theirx History ' I HOWEVER, THERE! WAsV.j AHARTJVlETff HOUSES o; IU Hi I IIUOULUli U A Vi Attac Russian Foreign Minister, Says His Revolution is Beginning of a Movement "hich . Will Force Peace Receipts for l?l.7. Year. Ap- Families Shiver Overnd UU Cfl 11 V U Ul I ( proximate . $ 1 S8,'227, 185.- '. Oil'. Healeroairat -Tide : , A "AT; -V.- -" 1 . Gain o( $5 1:905,43.8-1 Aeains! British ahd Fight- .ontmues PF.ACE CELEBRATION RY THE BOLSHEVIK! Suncior Dele-'te Par c on. 2-i Witnessed r.n and German 23 Brest-Litovsk nee Not Asrreed blov.- i. h;-r:.l.: Briii -!! attack in;:, v; So1 Canibr. The British jpet1?;! i'.i German 4 thr.n two La Vacr; i which th? I' - struck her first strong . ' Western front since the j.' a great offensive and the ;-:l-v held it in check. The -, :' lesulted in heavy fight : :r-;yJe on a short frc-' . on :he":n end of the salient befc'.". The fighting continues, trackers gained a foothold in trenches hot -w er were re- art by cour.'or attacks, ine rur-i vnis on a front of more :ile- between Marcoinsr and :i- and nr.ainst positions British have held since the af-or General Byng's suc- (By Af?soc!nted iress. London, Dec. 31. The Bdlsheviki Grip er 2 At ! a n ti c cab c drd rc:l WcathcT' -in Years - FROM GUATEMALA OF EARTH SHOCKS Chicago, Dec. 31.-TaffiC on'Ameii government is extremely efficient, en-; can railroads . passed Uhe ( ?4,OOd,00( weather, ergetic and decisive though faced by ( 000 mark during thKlast.-year'foV con IOTErSE'SU'FFERINGS':- ; v;- IN NEW; YORK : CITY Death List is, Lengthening and v Cal Getting - Scarcer Re ports1 off Severe v Wekher :vWater But.Uriable td GetHFr-lr. TP1 EasterrtPoints ' ,; Many,,Other : Persons -Mur- f 1 J!C(B ' . " , t t-' "- ---,-, : J New Yojfc, Dec.-31.-rA lengthening NewCYorkDec.-31.- Bdo ' eerqt.-:-; 7Z-l . 7VU" 'a Pr winauns coai .' . , "r, supply" and --AVeather-Bureau officials' '.V. f:.i.;rTrrprtirtnns rt f ' tievi .opnril.lirao'lrino' Overf9I Vi-Vv; ftcrosVRi Assncda rros. ".",r . . r Er -TJiii ted'-Pteasl " cording to the Petfograd correspon-' Public today. i dent of the Daily News. The corre- on official, returns j spond'ent says Petrograd s more or- Commerce Commis derly than for some months before months of the yeaY; for the last two" - The gross reecir -WW wuavuuii vr ill L . lvC1 Thr Ifiguresabasedj pto impWi)iat' today & okt famine Tr . t pX . : irns o,the , Interstate f is -xmpendiiif to'cltfTiik fHarbin.lS- Quiet With Chl- Many Lives We're Lost and j tfie Boisheviki . took control. The peo- 1 00,000 People Rendered Homeless -pie may not like the Boisheviki, he j declares, but they obey them with j were placed at -$4,18g,227l8 c a: 'gain UNITED STATES IS HURRYING RELIEF rptiremen ce-sr-ful blow. In the cenrre the Germans were hold for no goin, but on either end of t'-e f treks drove Mio Germans from part or these positions and' resulted also tn the capture of ?om prisoners. Berlin c'airns t':':t f- ' l'ne positions and u "few hiinc'r::1." priFoners were captur id. Th Ge:T.i'!: have al-o'been active ?.t other points along the front, buv their local attack in the Ypres sector "id their raids northeast of Vrr'un1 brought no successes. These efforts follow upon heavy German fire in these 'hrr-e : ctors, Cambrai, Ypres r. may be forerunners v attacks. ii'an theatre there has been . v activity along the Norta Cernian airplanes again 1 Padua much damage be- monuments and buildings bombs. Three persons '. : :'J iliree wounded. ; '' va--ce alon, the Nabulus T-rumylein has beer- Ship to Be Sent With Supplies American Consulate Arch jy Believed to Have Been Destroyed Series Shocks offlciala. at ..New - Jersey - ;termlnals JVa startling alacrity and the government, of 1451,905,438 over1916, but desplter Claimed'-e&day'.that therewere - about ill?"e is oasea on reai torce. , - mia iuttcd&o "uttiueBS: ex: wasAi: vv The Constituent Assembly, the cor--decrease of $91,87S.i53 innet-jnoomeJlng transit con-j authorities admitted 4t woald -"bo resnondent hears, will meet, as snnn The net income for 19r?. wasv Sli)22.-f Ji mirchantc Vant Jhaiiiionoa rtU.JSulax' aeenf anA' '"fhVppInriiAT Pinrjl'fic as delegates from the Uferdine ar- 741,992.. Advancing 6ost' of -f oltoa-i aCau'ainntf -;-imen::Mmfterw3nlllrtVnriwnnl.: Becatxseof the cold, a. desir.e to jav ar-thfrf"' .rt?-'1? and-streetfigMin: fs-uriderswuv M auwmiuuua.Bijmjicain.s wno.were. ai-1 tjiv,-i-: , 't:- f- ent. it will not alter the essential Taxes for the directions of Russian policy although 753, an increase it might by weakening the govern- cording to the Bureau grim actuality '.Ten persons :had" per ished from Jfro cold .up'tc noon; - Polices-stations, theufereslibai-iGS, chants Die; instituuons . snd . 'available .for'use, as. shel-" een converted cipXo "refu- -city's 1 hundreds -of honie- thpusands -o poor amonr the TranSiberianVaiir'oaci ad;'m1whom-the 'Offering is - widespread., A surrounding . districts ! The U&wa, tomorrow.- it" was feared 'WOQldfW (By Associated Press). Washington, Dec' $1. Still without detailed information of the earth auakes which destroyed Guatemala i the flMTtin Rfivs thp pnrrpsnnnrtPTir live a 100.000 homeless, American offclals a?saulting front they entered the; t d DEepared to send aid to the tTrotek v. the Boisheviki Foreign Min-! 40, at line. ine tfntisn counter at- - v,t. ! ia k 1916 would be decided by social rather 1& ment at home, weaken it in its deal- steady increase in ings with the Germans. ? shown. Starting,' : Any attempt to turn out the Bol- lr January they sheviki government bv force would iUyeptember when result only in anarcy favorable to thcnew war . taxation of Ihe Exchata to th.ere registevd . ' v ( " 6ck4this;morniA announced- tb,o, egrees below.-?- m jnercury .stood. : ports were awaited from American Minister Lea veil and Consul ! Fee. Red Cross officials conferred with be sent forward 61. American war ships ordered to ; a? Gliiamatemalan seaport. While the American diplomats -are j than military . pressure quoted as saying: The German -democracy Tratzky is ; s jBiati-':c8.vAr. r. ; - . ,:r. " determined opposition ta the Red f - r-T.' aw, rv,tt. iraes to-ODiam. even tms scanty sup- owi ai-, i ucgrees. ' --. xvith iiiPOAtiooPT -urowas.oecame so large in rrontiar tmtnumhprpd ,nrf ,.'hii;S.hnoA . ana.oc rmMm). ,0 ft?l'.0".WJ river reuei Biauons .or ' driven fmm tWt- tto . vvcuuiki uuusu iOTjria:fl('prt'wiMiCB reserves naa-to do canea munication th Petrograd1 fehwtti'"'", ;u -r-. ca io jnaintain-oraer. -xnere is practi-irnt nff -ir , , ffAV- .-AJ- mwT""8 Operating expenses Vere J2.S isass -1 sale:s -W :retu11 1 coal- merchants- ex- at Tc'chita -and- Verkhnc-U5insk. ,bnthf "XW;"A A?f y 1 ",s:, : . , an increase of i487,0l0,8C:ovf r S?1 ' P1!:3?1. toi? ch towns are. oa:th.o :iWm-?- '3!- . Net operatingrincome per ml ,Txneni. tiauy- oy tne uei 'Aamimstra-enan railway. JHarbinJS-uietcith1 ",; , placed ar $3,943, .net eturn d1s.?. roi;A TherT;. ' 5 87 Tier rfpnt nn trr'rnnitnT i-irr . viucr.c . .yttiuo jrcoiciunjr uuum uut u.6Udruiug tne DJiflKS, Stores and nil- , , , , . 7. . ed. In 1916; the nition s nejcoine was' C i.esmated: although XJs" known to. beiways' .; looks 299. a return of .6r4 6: per, cent, ri,.';;i" -r. , ,:,Jl.rrr- 6ftthWrcFtJat compels the f Poreatt- PoinfM out . that t sjTo. .further incren se the-J ,spr jousnes - or tae -coai- situation tne, eoayteams ters have threatened to strike for " A-'L'J'-lil. 1 "i 1 ..- great, innrensfi in hiKilwas wn' hand- merman . soveraiuem. .iv - itHerTr IT ' higher wes: ;Reeve Schley. Couhtv smn nnnoinies as tne oasis lor nego- .w wyuMy u vhuv . .... . - .,.; . ... ..i tiations.' and of derr. In ;h- 1 only ar :i era frorr have vah ing don" by incf v vrere A no;' road made b tine, sistaii' safe, attaches of the legatio and v..jijS- w. said, is on the point of revolt and i w i i iim iiiiiiiiiiiMi. r-r i ruin ir.ii : ' ment. An increase of 700 miles is i ? uei -aamimsiraiox, wi meet wun Tt-oTv Rfl-M the German offer was shown in the mileage. tne. men toaay, wnen ne wm seeK to Trotzky said the German offer was, settle, the difficulty by, arbitration. a victory ror tne aemocratrc move-1 , , .. ' Several large uptown apartment ment generally. Austria-Hungary, he nnngr HRnnrniTinai houses and manv smaller ones to have been shaken to Uie ground, i every country ,,n, Europe -is feeling TTnnffifial ndvif-es indinate that the luc1CBSUIC ul - The German attitude, Trotzky, added, means that the German gov ernments is wiser than most govern - of life. i f Tlt -v fliiontTiQlQti m in . of or Tnorinirt ! Mendez, was informed! of the dis-iments, because it recognises real fac- aster by the State Department and al-; t0?- 4. . ,a o aw0amt, nf nJ Democratia pressure, Trotzky is I'll IrynrnTrn Tnniinnti r Arr i r I yihil Ull LU I UU I U II I v II 1 j i - I 1 MOOERATtO Jf y tl- British forces in Pales- Four earthquakes apparently have: to reject their grrandiose plans of ,n..; thhr,rn Trvih r L,oi noomoi, n?tv . i conquest and to accept the peace in -,T .i ; m i .h tnflrB are neuner conuuerur uui , eqoL?J He admitted, however, The Weather Bureau Says Cold Wave is Passing to if British progressed three coast. In I':.-.;.J Sunday, the day was ?ivea uvc mark-1 b lowrr- Membt-r: train f.-:.( tors or' 1 1 '(jfrn.;M-! ;. the hre: -; Kueh!i:;;:i!! turning . Delayed ' indica'" ' of R .. asree tu thre is 1 1 settlor.-.-n sian U-ar.i habitants . futurf- for Cm- r,f , . srai,:,. rP 3" ' -K.:.. , tf- by a-' i to peace celebrations I ;.. :id-s of Boisheviki fol- uf the German and Aus- it 1. nations were specta ades. The heads of d :.-itrian delegations to . i: conference. Dr. Von . nil Coum Czernin, are re- i: rer?pective capitals. . u-'.it's from Brest-L5t(vsk bile the representatives :!! the Central Powers !v.-' of the peace terms, !!" :ihy in the preliminary , r '1 quefftion concerning Hum from occupied Rus "' hi order to give the in i rninity to decide their !i-rusfdv'es. " forts at Kronstadt.- the ... p.rograd, has -been ' ;-xnlosion, according ' -Y'iverl in London. Bes-'ihirke-ifan . are reported ' "d their independence, between the Boisheviki 'nts is reported to be "'irbln and Irkutsk. Si IvalerHnes has been re "1 of the Don Cossacks 'min-g majority. throughout , the city are said to be without coal and thev tenants tfeen notified that they gas grates and gas am. i beaters ! unti a supply 'could be obtained. It was also , reported today that unless a supply was forthcoming immediate- flEHSHIIED -W, .'".. I'-,, - , - vicinity 'continues to .shivejr' today tron , tltb cold?c December weulerk', th-3 ii!i&Euij;:ueii'U'ii'TOVMrvv'edi'ne:,n!yyreattri'" v tenants have j Newspaper Says Lloyd-George funeral thr to Talk Peace Offer With , 22J Clemenceau (By Associated Press). The mercury stood al zero' at Scloclc' Sunday morningr rising' 14 degrees ' 4 during the day andT again frtll! t tour aegreeB a Dove zero at 3 orciOCk. n ; this morning. -Snow Vas i falling v'i"? ; the Piedmont sectionpt'NorthCaTo-; lina early today, according to reports; .V, to the local . weather bureau. 'vi;' !'.; oughout the State iscaus-i , i ; suff eving on . account of s. the shortage of : fuel. . -"v 2x tshrd cmfvy -) . vMFW - IbQ Snowstorm.- in ' South; Carolina.'"6r-r'' Columbia, S.' C, ' Dec. 31,- A ; jsnow V 4 ,'fL -i- My, several downtown office buildings, London,. Deg. 61. The Manchester 'storm is raging throughoutSouthCa1;1 II M I . tincludiijg one of the largest in-the jGuardjan says it is the intention of olina this morning, according. tarei lhf J city,: would be forced to shut down the Bfitrsh government, when the Aus- ports to the local Weather Bureau ac?Mi I v I i their heating plants.' ' tro-German terms Of peace are' pre-contuating-'tlie already' t acute . jcohdV-'-." ithat such a peace ctiuld hardly .be achieved unless the Entente Allies sity seismological instruments cate the first shocks were felt on Phriotmao n ! orht cHnrtlv aftfr mid n ie-ht A Second series of shocks loin the negotiations. . day, December 28. .at 4:23 p. m... but ! tat'GeiW the hnarieat shfwlfa came at 5:57 D. i nnoi-nKoT- OQ Tr nn-' m., Saturday, 1 were for the purpose of eonfounding Allies and winning,., sympathy. Sea COLDEST DECEMBER ON COAST SINCE 1880 FRENCH MAKE iGAlNS. . These Russians oppose a separte the one Which caused the most dam- i Pce, but say the next word belongs Qor to the Allies. age. j a C10SE POLITICAL B E OUItTEfl WELG01WE FDR HEW YEAR j Range Was 40 Below Zero in Vermont to 34 Above at Miami- Four Above Zero at Raleigh Democrats, 211; Republicans, j -New lott wm vDiaic ?HQ. Ir, 6r ! Usual Except for War s bS y lllUVvA4Uywv) J j Vacancies, 9 Restrictions STP'PT rrOCFMFMT CI7 rHrLD LABOR LAW (Bv Associated Press), Washington, Dec. 31. How" cloe the political balance in the House wiirjtne fashion of former years, except be when Congress re-convenes on 'Tar, ithat tonight th war promises to place (By Associated Press). Berlin Dec 31. French .forces on the Northern Italian front yes- S 4' terday took the offensive. In ihe f afternoen the French infantry 4 penetrated portions- of the Aus- tro-Germth positions on Monta Tombaj the German general staff announced today. ? ; fa J 4 J. -ft 'i . stuited officially, to return stiid reasoned 4 j George has - .arr i according to the ' iwith Premier Clemenceau on this sub ,'ject. . y : ' i- -. - a serious tions caused by the fuel shortngca.?A''7V--" ". reply. . Premier' Lloyd-thcavysnow began- falling in nolumtiia'"' anged to visit France,; justbefore 8 o'clock -this morning' and'VS ' newspaper," to ; confer, covered the groundtioidm'---'l'wt3sirt9X temperatures, repoftefl.. this-i'morjitfig' was 12 degrees above zero, or four-do- '7 -green higher than' the reading lyester ft day morning, -which -was the coldest; i December day here in 31 years:; rhe, '. ; (By Associated "Press). Washington, Dec. 31. Some moder ation beginning tonight, of the cold wave was forecast today by the Weather Bureau, for the- country from the Ohio Valley eastward. The cold wave, is now passing to sea. The intense cold has not been equ alled in the territory south of 'New i and' inland BRITISH REGAIN v BEST POSITIONS -. (By Associated Press). London, Dee- -31 'The British in successful. counter attacks ' on . thei Cambrai front have regained the more important territory on Welsh ridge taken by the Germans in yesterday's attack-,. tjie . war office reports. The Austro-German terms referred to -are those presented by the repre sentatives of the Central Powers at j present cold: spell, ; though; by -many the negotiations with the Russians at j to be a - record-breaker; does,; not at :' Lrest-Litovsk. . These negotiations ,proach the record low mark, of iwo'de-'t! were interrupted for 10 days to jivejgrees below zero recorded here in h-v r the Entente Allies Opportunity to state , ruary. 1&99. , - fh . l. :v - whether they would join in them. A political, point in the Austro-German outline eeptance no annexation. ONE KILLED,.NINE INJURED IN MINE Snowing ;n Athens, Ga." . V; v . -Athens, Ga., Dec. 31,-The ; second -: of peace' terms was the ac-tsnow of the winter began falling nt 3 V- ' of - the Russian - formula of ok;Iock-this niorning and at 10 .o'clock - ; or indemnities. kas reached fa dep'.f three inchlM " ' (By Associated Press). .1 New York. Dec. 31. The. new year win oe "';";-. I part of that region, it Is stUl colder York, along - the coast since December 30, 1880 mere Bag , airtsauy . uwju . a. muueia- CTI ir A T1AM AI TTt IMH Hon of temnerature. west of .the Ad-I ixjium r KJLW palachian mountains and in the Eastf METHODISX CHURCH Gulf Slates, although over a greater :, "J1.'",M Himdreds- 'of homes are without' if uel" C. City ( .ndt county :. convictsx havo i been A employed "in cutting and hauling, wood .vjO : from the country to relieve tho'-sUu ation. : . '.. " ' jmi-:-- 'New England Still, 'SuffeVlng ; ii Boston.' Mass.: 'Decj-l.-Newntr-:''' land was still feufering today from " (By Associated Press) , ' ' ' - J Scranton, Pa.,' Dec: 31. One man was killed and; nine , badly burned in larti,.l - Vw".r : clally recorded far this sectionT: In thiaC; ' rnJi Lf tL T?iL J Cir?HV ,W-Early the temperature remained, below , f'ili. to make, matters : If r., r ;-rp., . "r! r-.r; t- n-v.,-.. "A-. r t'-o ..,' that the uory 3 ir shown by this summary maJo bv South Trimble, clerk of the House: Total menibership, 435. . Democrats, 211; Republicans; 209; -indepeadant Associated 'Pwisl. . r. anA4M Q.. - 31. Effort c or thf-"- ' -. . . . . stamp of ! Tnbor committee to! Tne vacancies are oy resioUrSLt0f8 approval. of the child labor, of Representatives .Intzgeraia, -vnrnn r isp of war time necs-fani Bruckner, of New York, ' and Ad- ' QOr?:ment ! presl'iamsom Georgia: deaths "Of Repvesoni tVtho9 PrcSitats BatlOhlo M !'i"t ptrict enforcement iinois, andvabsences on army sernc "t only will " of life and health, ricncy and economy than the seasonable average. ffl rrvr TnTir VrT"Tr ronnrto f ha its stamp1 of tmoderationon j lowest temperature at ,8 o-ctock this of a sister. ' to be , mahageti by the viviality of the celebrants. Hotels , .n of. any point in the coun- Southern 'Metfaodist church -to assist and .restaurants- "'ltry; :it was 20 degrees t,iow zero boys to . acquire ' an education at Pul many guests as in times of peace duc Twin the nrevious 24 hours aski '-Boys',. School, under the terms w X thel the coldest das . 40 degrees below of the will of Boriet L; Johnson, prob- zero-at XNpruinciu, y t., aucurumg tu "u'v "r, ,uu -.w. j--, Weather BurOau reports Offcial tem- j ; ' . ' ' T r tiflratiires :at 8 o'clock this moriiin? '.-' 'Kf ! f. The explosion was caused by wnrsA' fhl wn.hf :o i ,.., lwiHaer Th? a PDCket f gn fest wind.. The minimum w (By Associated Press) - , , ' ,7 7- ' ." - - - ; ' . i oeiow ana .at a. m., it had. nsen .only ;, y PulasL Tenhrt?l)ec;'r31. Property i orv -, -T, v' t.w.t "three degrees. : Lateiwhen -the ternv i"- ' valued at 150,000 is left at the, death OyJlJiEs lELeJAJ. 1 lUiN ' perature .nad; climbed, to. one degree ' Adnllnis- fsr nOthins. Food and the ' high prices , prevailing for wines and the 1 ? . orders indicates that showed the "below-zero line to extend . - ipsa generous proporuuuf,. , . -;Tl'n- vi watcn; partly a,kqt. aT.ri PoWiri Hdinw ; (ByAssociated-Press). -r soldiers ana sauors u 7 tt . r : - -. w ... -ai v,. ..nth "ira-iiir n -nQo .Iran mnnn r contribute 'of. Representatives jonnson.&ou ; ,? ed ; neater numDers tnau "-. , but kota, LaGuardia,: y new. xor. au ff). 0 America enterea tne war. . Vf3"1" VT" i itali,anndxinced here -tod'iy iie Vl"?'---IuKy oi encaiv" njercnant ,f TifiiTitz nf nn o. -j- -- ai tmcagu auu iuuiauyuuS o ouu.o, t -. . TU-. ,.i. , . , i snips ana crews . engaging submarines 'i. j j. a NEW RECORD IN EXPORTS. tl-at no i.1 ir-ref0l. -tiona; lPeRt!y tf"iil ;'... ftjr.rt,... ' . m. . . JU AAV r situation created by.VVf t.T;Tt r,B." wrote the Pres- v "e interested , than ev- ' " possible in throvring "i . - .: r1 ." . ' .i - - (Rv Associated Press). -nd children in order Washington, Dec, 31. America s !5e or iniurious bur- exports were estimated '.today-at r "i upon them. I am. the Department, of Cominerce to , 'ad indeed that the have passed the o,vvv,vvv,vvv P(.i Tnnrir in -191 new '-bJffh record., '-w nrsn 'mil. n,,ing its labors and 'ex- Importa werejess tnan ?4.wu,wut-y Labor committee i )a8 dil- 4 . i,ri-"nce in this- 1f in so, it is .contribut--ox of -the. r:,y and economy of pro- ' wiH be more in me preservayon-T 1 , ih " - 7 AMERICAN AVIATOR FALLS TO HIS DEATH .- 1 . . ' 'fUy Unitftl Press.? . , 'Paris, Dec. 31. An American avia tor was k'Ued yesterday while making a test 'flighty at an aviation center bo fore French and American pilots tind observation, aviatijrs. 'Although the wind was. blowing -violently,' hr made a loop "successfully-but on attempting repeat thefeat ne ien.v ne,waEur intr' -wTiPn nifV-'f . but 'insisted upon IN (TPNOPQWIP beIow zeroatl5:80 o'clock, the Weath- :r : ' ' V?7f lj;er? Bureau announced that:thecrest ofr 7 -; wo 0i;.rt S 91 , : 1 conditions more nearly approaching . : ". JKfsSSr.4 lr-RelaXation ine midwinter formal wouM ptA : several phases ofthe voluntary ;cen- auring the. ncxl rew days.:' 7 : sorhip, . observed :hy, American news-i Great. Sufferina in NwVorfc-. . - papers . since the -beginning of,- the New York, Dec. 31?-Nothihg to indi- ': that -has held the'Tcity ' in; its " grip! t' tor the past two days greeted shiv&iv - . ing ..Ijfew-Yorkers thisv morning. !Nbc .-A in 30 years has this" city" buffered i its'' it- did Saturday andyesterday, 'ami, ' ' hopeless of relief,,, was : preparing' o ; ssnffpr -Ao-nin' tndav At ft aV rn; war; is the commit tee on Public Infprmatioh in revised reguations7ffective tomorrow. . Requests that nothing be bublish- ' ed; tending to disclose the namesiof from 4 above at Raleigh- to 34 at Miami, Fla., and New Orleans, Jack sonville rnd Atlanta, reported 18 and . 'M-w..t(nn-ii, a Acuity Jn having ' them universally J UMobils'8. - - 'A'p-nwio fiWn Two-Tinr." . observ Union ; of Defense Raided. momefers - registered 7 decrees- nclow i - c -u. A j. L a m n:iM - itivu cava znoou ' ty -as- . ... ... - 2 . j t.;i - . v. - ' Kl. IjOUIS auuvts auu ivausas wljt . , , . , v i J and giving onformation rep-arr1inr' rtrv. istm wuue Teuorx irom OUtlVine flia-; . . . ' Kr oh annomr.RQ ; -o niomaiiR rei! p..?iii -" t-- '"r o f a..a - . . - . - a 14 aDOve. ' - sentaHve at' Washington" or frWWt,cr. iKa Smith the. ronirALwatt v SentaUVe at VVasninglOn- OIViOV- - i . '; --xI-iA'. ,a .'sfiVfirff rftSTPPa nfrotlv V. n',.- rr :.;r-rro :r ernor '"Estaban cantu, of Lower '"avo "w" 15 , -tz "y-"::' A-rrr',A ;r, ."v.r Jfr r'aUfhrriift- -4 : i - ' ' 13 expiamett unomciany - that these ; u seyen v -1 saia, ; tnis tore- v, . " r troatc. ot' Kntfttitoi Wh?h . w vk- - 4therewill" have to rbe many ainputa-, tions of frosted fingers, stoes nd7 ears j ( p.City officials and workers predicted that,- today ' there "would !e more.widespreadj'distress'than y ester--day, when' thousands ;.enabled' by f the ; Sabbath , idleness to 'remain indoors " Into the open 1 Addea suffering; frdm . cold, the city's face' to face with a coal on Page Three?. i yJdr.l'StilsOn' refused to discuss wer cnanges.ana aaaiuons or min-!- his announcement further than to -or ' character are. made. , l: . ,. , lurnHoiiaii, . . .(-say tnatne was tcmeqt nerc to- j - , ? : : - , , - . Petrograd, Sunday,. -Dec. - 30.The.7fo ri v -a nersonai : reDresentative of , Counter M easures' Against French. - eommissoh -appointed' td" J preventa -tantu'. 'and-'expected to 'receive - Vienna,' Dec'31" (viaV London). -k " . ff , " a. Xl A. aaQ 1." i . a" i-i." fmDortant TUu.-.ana tne traae.uaiuuct? axx . jnitea . l.-; smflr-;rn -rnTnt-Hdes premiseiof the .Union, f or fense of,- nointment. . ' ."--"--- ; tare'in course of preparation in the tn thefr e'-r -1 11 lit) r nun. i mum li.uvi t. ... , , , , . . -t . . . - i 1 .. . - - 4 - lUa ''"ryr Jhluu -his last breath the observations; tn constituent t.AssemDiy. Aqouta v, - .vx ?,t ; ..;. . Amnte, iomoa &rea, ice. war onjee an-unillionsre -.' i ju j.' a . hi- h&t. made "' aczen arrests, were maue. , -p p v p ,t , r v wuuees. . --w 7, - tContinued I - .:, 7' v,.' k-" ' " 7 ' f- -7 ' : .7 ' " -r . . - " ' 7, - - .-7.7.(.,., lv , - t- - r " - r -7 . 7' -7f ' - ;;.,;v'.;- .A-r---4 V.v-iVvA "vr5"rO C"'--A;- Hi-7.-; -a-A',;;,, ?-,:-t?; vvr;-. 3..-?-j; A. - v:7 -v.- :

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