.. -. V - , ... ' . J v f . - ' ) L; WEATtf ER FORECAST " - 1 , , worth-iCarolinaTfFair- tonight ; not ' quije" bo cQltJ Jrf west portfcnjWed- ' ties day -f air "arid warmer, - s -v - South '4 Carolina-Faif ' and., hot 'quite so ,'colditOnlght' - Wednesday, 1 fair, 'wartner,, -T vOL;xxiuoy356r;;;:i ION A- Flames Were .Rasine Alone t This Af ternbonV: v CITY HAS BEEN PUT UNDER MARTIAL LAW Fires :3elieved i 'lncri n v. r x - - r-u nil it I I. it ; c iV- ir Wipes Out - Stores Monti H cello Hotel and Other Build- V: ings--Guarcls Placed . v "r - - ' -; r iSipt:iul tn' The liifipatcb.) : , v : Norfolk, Va., Janvl.-Granby, Street '"t Jewelrjr Store' of i Buchanan . and" Sou,, diagonally r.cro8Srtlie street' froia the :; Mcnticello Hotel, bursty into . tiarfies ; atr12:tl0 xTqlock and warr alrac" cur iiace within a few minutes time. nk fi men, are .-making gallant effort a to quench - the fire', -but without noiice " ; ' able result due to poor water . prea fS: sure. Thei police: are firpaly- con vinc-t!- ; ed. that -fire bugs are at work and are working along lines of this nature.-; Preparations are being made to or der out home guard- to "guard lanes of city. The Lennox Building, on Gran crtiranoy ana farewell streets, was IWofoirf:. .TTiow vac tinnfp r!rn kriT I nosedly fire-proof. The entire area about the';, fixe has been restricten and sailors and marinas , are doing volunteer police duty. The walls of the buildinr occupied by Buchanan had collar. -:d. At 1:45 o'clock nu merous other buildings are threaten- 'ed. All telephone service Is cut off. i " Martial Law Declared. - TBj Associated Press) J Norfolk, Va.. Jan. 1 Fire which j uhs mom I aesuroyea inree store buildings on Granby street and par- store tlally destroyed the Monticello Hotel, hal fa JjlcDCk away, with th loss, of one life and severe injury to several firemen has crossed the street from the Monticello. destroyed two addi tional store buildings ancTat 2 o'clock was raging in the seven story Dick son building tm Granby street. 'i'he. entire block opposite the hotel appeared to be doomed.7- All the city's able-fire apparatus was ordered, and aid was sent from the navy and Portsmouth. guiard and these with two companies of marines from the navy yard, are gu irdizig water front property, and paarolling thp .streets. enlen were handicapped in fignt- ing'r'Jhe flames by the intense cold The' fire plugs were rrozen and had to be thawed out before water was available. Two explosions, preceded the fir?t fire this morning and authori ties believe the flames were of In cendiary origin. Aregiment of naval reserves hae been called out to guard property, in forfolk and arrived in the city this morning. All hotels, banks and pub lic buildings are guarded, and no- ody is allowed to leave or enter any . f them unless vouched for J)y a re-' ponsiblo person . I One arrest of a suspect was made ' is afternoon. He was found exam- g some prominent buildings in Nor- lk and when questioned said he was department of Justice nan. This was denied by thejlocal' agents the Department of Justice Fire caused, by. two mysterious ex-: psions early this morning, destroyed Tee .stores on Grainy street -and al- f .cmplctely wrecked the.: Monti- lio hotel half a block away. . There uiiiltuv;t! ui two nuurs , ut . Jen th time that, th first fir wp ana v.n 1111 . . and the fire in the. hotel started. it is believed that the second and te aisaotioas one. was the result Bparks falling on the roof of Mot . Vnfrta T rv inP;hnrt imev ctab-1 tudey the achievements Of the other fire that had destroyed thre'e j tfl? acmocrctic maTemcct-in Germany enxed MonpabSeWlf a block awayT almost v Sfg Jorce ine.l-flrpenter ijuiiamg, .at me .wnie., . - - vi' this morninsr. All of the upper part , --"Whatever Dariv.mlefcrbe in nowor .iiv xirHi. i iih inn iiiifir-'iii w iui,it i n .m v . - r. 3he7nr spTeadlto oi g?ms capturedthe -booty include the magnificient dining room o j Sjf oS ;uUdin ine!ud several trench Quick-jUie .fth- floor, and the lower floors thai the methid 'of'morert undjn . J Sterim f1refbadly damaged by water, , More Uon in Plnnm ntVo ifirs in r n Mteht blae at i stroke is :the change frornvdefenlirt? Uthe time,, were forced to,fleebut tH nrnSiJ avail outi yarfl" aio from the other - " - . i wuuu-: iU.,uMt up . wu,,vuw Hale fighting the flames on the!Since the advent of frost. ;, h floor of tbe hotel, Charles Mc-j " A jit. W. H. Railpv . WnspmPn OT TT son, r. PSmith. W. J. Monroe and id .Matthawa vr hfldlTr hurnprl red. All of t.ks TriAn hnniArl flnd stant Chief Bunting was , slightly rwise imrt. worp xani in tho hn It 7aV IthA Ainir ZZC?iL.:Z"AZ t - v i jjuufi U141 uauieu iuc V of Ladderman McCoy and the In- others.-,; The men were t under thP hiimiT,r timWo rT irescued from cremation by their jues. Assistant -Chief r P.nrittn'? 1 wy, narrow PKcan . w nien fought the flames while , ic ; TM fiAGNlTUDE dFj AM . . -PI : . nri t r more r i nan a i nousana rris- j : oners and Many Guns Wefe ; ; Captured I OFTFIllVElViCTl NOW IN OPERATf ON The Blow Marks Change Fpcom Defensive, to Offensive By the Allies on the Italian X (By Associated Press). ' Vf Italian. Headquarter ; in Northern : Italy, Monday, Dec, 31. The inagni'i -IT: uuaue , ynaouer. auu seven, large TiitNiin mm ir ITALY BRHWii (.?3ZZ-fit enemy. has been on the offensive trttt.J T ' ffVii the Italians delivering telling -defepljt 15 believed that all win be. provided sive blows. ' -J. - li, : Now, however, the French " liave fhe fire was discovered thh, monv turned the scale and the enemy ia be ?-f ,about 7ocl?cS in the flf ing attacked in this sector for .the K?tchen fa. the .r: I first time since, he reached tae riave. :Jenl 111 andL? , P?i"Sl The scene was southeast of Monte Tomba, a low snowless. mountain, just t n thiVPiavA wtrp fha AiiioH lines turp into the mountain region. Here the artillery preparations be gan Saturday, but the main bombard .. - . , , . , ment began at noon Sunday and 3n - creaseu nouriy until tne enemy was Jeluged by the French fire. -It was then that the crack French infantry . swung' forward in steady lines from Osteria Di Momerera and Maranzine, a front of about two miles. The heaviest forces were on the right wng Italian and British airmen, at the same time, attacked the enemy from the air. The. struggle was comparatively short .and sharp with most of the fighting on the righting. The artil- i lery had so damaged the enemy po sitions that, he was unable to make nT1v- offoifiva rstannii. TlVf -rvoti fTi losses were comparatively lnsignm cant It has been established that no forces are being moved away from this front and that no new rorces are being .brought here. ,. ' 'i- . " A ALUED AIR RAIDS STIR UP GERMANS . (By Associated, Press). London. Jan!, "1. Allied air raids over Germany. are awakening the peo- Die .to a. recognition.. of: their, rulers' mistaken air ruthlessnes. according to the Amsterdam correspondent r of iThe Times'. -There is great nervous? nesa throughout Germany, especially in the more exposed parts, he says, owing to the r roported intention of the Americans to invade Germany by air. The object is discussed tin- ivfirRallv" t.houeh efforts Naro -inade to calm anxiety by declarations about "American bluff."' ' Tne expiosions vJn munition ac- the correspondent adds, arej u, rirmon ml taw antTjrtri. .r." - "' rT ' T! . IL" ues anxieiy, not oniy uecaustjjut tu ,ui. ,-it -t, . .l. J,'i,.x .t-. it.- .tiii.-.i luy .J0 BRIDGE OPENE15 111 J " , ii'"tt-i l (By Associated Press). Chicago, Jan. 1 A railroad bridge across the Ohio river wmun r Is j ex- to expedite traffic between the North and South was fonnaliy . . . . - . ,vf.i- t.. tween Mtropolis, Ills., and : Paducah Ky, rjmemideand a quarter j lenth, 'and was buVt" jointly by .the juicago. tJurimgion vui vmncy ;iiu the' Nashville. Chatttnooga and Louis railways. WILMINQTON, NQRTHCAROUN'A; TUESDAY 'AEtER NOON? JANUARY. 1 , 1918 NDfiFOLK'S VflflOSt ire tipper Part bf the Mon-1 ticelln DrnvHTT, - : "I FAMOUS HOTEL IS 7J 1 Germand will askStRussns to heir Morning . - ; them iA Griforcing ;lsia!peace term? ' r r- , ipn tht? Entente Allies'. ,Trbtzky is well SPARKS :from -NEARBY - il vem inDP CTADTrri rrPlth tllf . ueceKstty-- of ooncKidin; - rlKE Ol AK1LL' 11 peace and is doing-his ntfcost to stim i , ' . , . iulate a revolution m 0f;many. Fra FlamPs DifirrtvprAfl CnUn te'1 'at thfronCJalready har Roof About "? O'Clock- .Firemen Hampered by Frozen Hydrants ( By Associated Press). Norfolk. Va., Jan. l.-Fire caused by sparks - falling on the roof from - an - ,f, .,,,,,1, ry?t - Dnt "lu!", lA vujii cue uicmai wuuu ti urauts irozeu una iv was -lir.i to DuiJ(1 nres auom tnese pmgs - xq thaw them out. After the hydrants v;e$e opened tiie water pressure was weik and the names gained ueaawayj jttre stream could reach tne Top ; floor. . ' - lisned between Russia and the- En Enlisted men. both sailors and sol-jtente Allies. -, - T. j d:crs,' assisted the firemen in fighting i- . - - ' H' the flames, wltkh quic kly spread from ; ono. end of the building to the other. ; When the roof of the kitchen fell in.j it caught two firemen, both of whom j b iing badly burned and tJtherwiffe in- ' j v.Ted. They were huried; to the St. Vincent s hospital. .. , . Tlie fire was U16 result, it .is1 betievi Rd of smntiipr tire 'that started at 4 o'cloc-k and destroyed three vstore, on:; , : . Granby street, about a half block om-Qi j vvy r RoarJ ; Dieonlvprl the Monticello It L;thought that a i Mia LH S UlOlved spark blew from the first fire to the : .and a Cabinet r ormed By . roof of the hotel over the' : kitchen ' McAdno where the blaaewaBnrstsevfi..:--- - v flames soon reached ..thp. eleVatOr.iaft-;.. ;-f4 (By United Press) and with the draft from- thatOpenfag; : 1. Oraers went were quickly; swept to. other parts of to Eastern railroads last night from the hotel. : - iT v Director-General JWcAdoo to clear "up Many of the guests of the Rttil; bd j freight congestion regardless of pre just fallen to sleep after watching the vioug government priority regulations, fife, a few .hundred Tard alvajr, whu pa8senger Schedules and any hamper they were arpused : Jy.rthear. ghat ins: -practices .under the old competi the building was-anre. v. ,f T y. - tive, system, and to pay special atten- ;The Monticello llotel waBx)ne ,of the t "td movement or coat and food. best known hotels m . . they, entire South. 4 It has entertained some of the most, prnimueut ueuyic iu mo wuuuj.i 5SLH8 ivwi, uu.-uu, au :r,CrX;rden in.thevEast and a committee of more than $1,000,000. For "eight or 1 - r Vw V - j-hMAIwn A XT TZ pZ hvrJI r H CrnZve who fte tJmtlSiS Cons0lve,.wno t3 aiso manager. 01 tnt ew Belvedere, in Baltimore. The Monticello Hotel has 215 rooms. TWENTY-TWO MILLION RED. CROSS MEMBERS .. . . '. ' : : '- " - ' - ' li Washineton; Jan.s 1r-Sixteen mil - 1 w v ; i h NKiir h i.mi r hnr.i '.'..-', lion new names' were added. 10 thetat "jta own -request andnairie'';-Vsbing. thenation's' cronfln'' additipi.; memhflrshin rolls of the'-American-RedtmWaW oinr -flw ft to $2,500,000,'; provided Tor the" same Cross,; as the result of the Christmas Membership" drive; Henry P. Davidson, t hairman 1 of the ; National .Wax - Coun cil, announced today." The " organlza tie -i now . has ; a membership of v 221 COO 000. ':. -'- . ' ; " ' ' , ' - RUMANIAN MINISTER REACHES AMERICA x (By Assoclatetl Press. t An Atlanti" Fort,1. Jen Dr. Con-1 . I ct-fiii tiTi : A n trpTa.cn - Who fffl S rfiCfint! V f . appointed , minister 'from "Rumania -to AMJ wao:.lS- f1Wrfli difribntion In .North in Uhp TTnited '?t?ite? ' the - flrt offlcWl 1 wilt assist on operation promemsj vu .vashgtonan rAenttvr- of h isocount!' v to " m-t wara unamoers,- irauic airecLori xue jingtoncspen; tmamqm w j.ropreseutattyr L'B1! X nd . Adm'inrratlon . who fwillinkvaJi eToniyr ihenablinfiUhe t - .erica, arrive - ua u s"-J r r r-r.7r-t. of tipj.ir)chi - 'ijf naelesco is aso at ' general cnange 01. irauiu; aiw vv iuwsrn-imponaii parcaJt'-.uie-iMtJw xkk t -.rJ'c?v--,- v.-v ;, I ' - " ' s 1 : KSof a rifectal Rumn ni wf"l - Hines, assistant o tlirectOr-day program' !"v 'V;r' ;' FTJLt LEASED WIRE SERVICE SEIWEW FOR DEMOCRACY PDIGES ON S , . - CorrespondentDpubts Wlieth Federal Trade Commission Or er SeriousnesB of "Such a r 3ers An Exhaustive Inves t Step is Realized j HE SAYS TROTZKY IS " DOING BEST HE CAN iAdivises Ailies ioif Aid in tncouragms; v:: Deiiiocratic Movement : in -Gmany, Started By Bolsheviki t - . . : U-Kmdoa, -Jan-dT-i'iePerograd cor rponden erf 6 liajly NVs woudort wlicUiei' the daiei- of iV separatt J'eace , is WalizeU j;nj?lald. lie saj.- it, would bk dpfeatfbCprnian dem piracy ; Jirdjtiottruring virtual enslatemeiJ;.t Jssia, as it i would ? bn ietoryA toi-iilie military i--. "w ir? ' u:-i-fe' : -"It.hiay.itnean'fiaW.lHQiuch morr than -Russia's: neutra)ityf we make no moret soemr possiMe that the jVjufst-u uuuu copu'oi, or nemy ot j fleers and enormous -Quaiftities of rev j piutionary newspapefs-printed iu Ger Uuii are, being distributed. , j "I am convinced ouf .oly .chance in -feating German desires is to nub jlish terms as ne'jr,' the-Russian terms as r0Esil -?Sl?rt iSiprSS i hand in the prorxjsed' conference helt in Russia, if wo, id ihkpnmnpiii ir f . , . . : " . WIer joining he government, The Petrogfad con-e.bondent of the Times, who is ..visiting in i London, con- tinuea his ; anti-Bolheviki statements today. He says it is not unlikely that the Germans, who are ttPn the reat advantages they expect Lrom ? "ttsaian revolution, will suf- ier a grievous aisa.pDOint.ment provide- ed the friends of the Russian nation Offer it a helping hand. He immedi ately imjplies that the Russian people : wm not continue to submit to Ger- man exploitation through Bolsheikl adventurers, if a closer union in estab- iiliMBIT 1 Hf the wt Wh .wo notified that . oon they might be call- -t, iment to help lighten the traffic bur- 'Government officials jwas created to HENRY WALTERS Irt ! work out a plan for diverting export Smeht war work will be asked of, Con toTorts Soth of New-York.' giess soon after the holiday recess. - , , , .... T .i .ti, inrt itom h, nna -.if. it. Quantities of coal were started-to! il U V WUKAUUU VU i V'UL' f V 1UV? OAIUUO 11 uiir - h niriuTifi r n ru iiuvu t ri u .a nririn ts shortage" there and briorty'-? Orders ' 1 '. nrafa encrnana fM rr3Aa Elaef nf the 'nT0-oit xrki, , ot,4 f river to ,the: extent; necessary to' clear, up congestion ax.T- l Ai-xZ&L ' i 1. 1 m nn, 1 1 1 i-r i.iiiit-: 1.1 11-s 1111 Ki;i.ur n 1 r- ! pWi Viissnivpil tho raiirnad rar hnarfl members. "One of .-these. Hale Holden" i-tAT. ,a tJr,.i;,o.4-.,i-,! The food, administration will aslr for Zf Ll ?lf $3,000,000 to make a total of $4,500,- trtn Jw-'ofcls4 to itfor Wcurrent fis. f ed . '"UP; the machinery. yer , in, addition to : amount at which- the the war ! board has Created .,3 ;froin the president's hundred within: the last nine months .to co- mmioii ;dollar ,3 ; , , . . ordinate; the roads of the country. . v The NaVv .Department already, has , .Other . members of the. WdyiSf'- for $55,000,000, deficiency appro ory cabinet are John Skelton WilhanM prati6n. ' ' -- Y-vr?-. i -" : ' v comptroller of the currency "jWhp will .-. -' -.' ' ' ' - bar j charge r of 7 flnancial questions V ciiiMTrlSJ YSf arising out -0f .government' bperation B W AJJjV ii? Henry . Walters, chairman ?:pfJthKWlTHOiroj mna:wnxi"K:v:wr.::?';C';i : WILL IN WESTIBATt : - y v.j:.- .i " . - .4---.. - - icanitH tigation At Once FROM RAW HIDES TO , FINISHED PRODUCTS 1 Cost of 'All lherT.nnrls ' 'Will Be Examined Into Believed Somebody is Mak ing Too Much Profit JBy Associated Press.) Washington. Jan. l.; Hides and 'eather today -were added to the list f necessities under investigation by he Federal Trade Commission, to de- .:ermino why ;the. '..price of shoes is '"ex-! i'eedingly liigh" wnile unusually large stocks 0 raw-materials are alleged o be held in stqrag'e Inquiry " is to be made promptly to ascertain the reasonableness of the profits being made bv all persons'' hand ' ing leatlier articles. - It is expected hat investigation will commence at he source, and after threshing out h.e 'prices recieved by the packers for he, raw hides, will go into the ' ex pense's of tanning, manufacture and jven distribution. ; Information obtained by th& Com mission's? ; investigation n obtaining lata oh which government contracts ire based, is said to have been re ponsible for the decision to make of dat record of all the details of the Vide and reather industry. Indica tions that the. Commission .also may nave obtained information personally n the cost of shoes was seen in the resolution authorizing the investiga- m which recites that it has been "common experience that exceedingly Commissioner Davies, who is in "harge of the meat packing investi- gation, will direct the hide andleather :ndustry. -. The Commission's resolution, says: j '"Whpreas it is ' nmmnn ovnortPTiria i "hat exceedingly, high prices are now -?hargedfOf shoes, which are a 'prime lihcesiiyC0 I'f- for leather, pro ducts enefanyi; andft V : :;.-J.. ' fiyhte&k 1t is-explained ;thafuntis large . stocks Of hide's, and . of tanneries, leathrfaetarie factories, aria ; operating' far short of, heir, capacity; and ' '.'.'- "Whereas It-i Jn the nublic interest to promptly . a scertain the fact as to" the reasonableness of the present rices of hides, leather, ghoes and oth r Important leather products and as to the reasonableness of the profit be r made In their production and dis tribution: . 1 "Resolved, That the Federal Trade Commission make : an investigation of the above matter not duplicating' the date- already being gathered In con--'otioii with the meat investigation and not duplicating ?ny data being gn1herMl by the War Trade Board or other departments of the govern meat; "That the necessary additional force 1 w emDloyed to promptly carry on big work; " "That necessary arrangements be made with the President for fund,-, to meet the expenses of this investiga tion: and "That the Advisory Economic Board he directed to promptly submit a plan, and, estimate of expense and recom mendations as to men for this investi i?ati0'n.! . - Congress Will Be Asked to Appropriate $1 ,338,000,000 for War Work ! . (By Associated Press). - , Washiuston, Jan. l.-Aa uW,t nciency appropriation 01 ..approiimuw- ly $1,338,000,000 for the army, navy, itr tci vv v 111111 111111 rnr tna o rmv . n si w food administration and other govern - The largest item will bo one of $l, - i . i a.iiiiii imi iiii i iir ni in r. nu.ia.i li . t. ww.vwfvv w w " -w i h A A A A A A VI A f . t 700,000,000 - for tne . quartermaster COrtS: fOr . SUDOlieS: $450,000,000 fOr ordnance and J140.00OJO00 for ensi- ne. - - - ; : - Department of Agriculture will i iuc jjcaimioui. ui ii51.ii.u1.1ujc m iall'Fior i6.000.600 ' for "the-ntfrchaseof . - ' fc - seeds to be sold to farmers rlQE'rgplen-: HOES AN APPRQPRtATIQN 'otedatohce 31 Z' - ikri 0 if hi:1 n c dt n c t Wr: , - - : : -I MEW YORK STILL SEVERE WFATHER Twelve Deaths Many Hos pital Cases and Great Suf fering Reported WEATHER BUREAU PROMISES RELIEF Slightly Warmer Tonight, Much Warriier Tomorrow White House Conserves . Fuel " (By Associated Press). New York, Jan. 1 DesDite a slieht j break in the zero weather that has benumbed New. York for three days, the city faced another day of suffer ing and inconvenience to its busi ness' life today. Although fuel administrators assert nearly 150,000 tons of coal are piled at tidewater points, the ; problems of transporting it' here has been rnder ed diff icult ::'i3wlng .to the: congestion of.all water and ..rail routes. Mean- TV uuc 1,, bins, and the" reserve supply-is' near ly- exnausted. , " ' . ' School, officials say that at least ! 150 schools are short of fuel, but an ( atterdpt will be made to re-open them tomorrow after the usual holiday va cations. On the East Side and in Other, poor er sections of the city, cnanty work ers reported hundreds of cases of intense suffering. Already, 12 deaths because of the cold or accidents caus ed by the cold . have been reported in the Metropolitan district, while the hospitals have treated many cases Of. exhaustion or frost bites. ' Relief Promised. Washington, Jan. 1. Relief from the cold wave in the East was promis ed today by the Weather Bureau. It will begin to grow slightfy warmer to night. , , - While the liast is suffering from the cold the western half of the country except in the-Pacific States, is en joying decidedly warmer weather. In the South temperatures below freezing are. 'predicted -for tonight, extending into Central Florida. Much difficulty is being experienced ; by ' We government in heating build ings taken oyer for- temporary war work of executive departments. In one bureau at certain periods of the day, work - is -suspended and the. em ployes promenade or dance to the mu- ,sic of phonograph records to restore circulation Since the cold wave be- gan heat lias been cut off from - the famous East room and other, parlors and ; the State dining room of the White House to conserve coal. New England Shivering. .. 'ealw Boston, Mass., Jan. 1. The relief 1 promised, by the - Weather Bureau j - . , u- .i Tj - ,JxfuI !?TU fUL:e rcmy nere noverea ciose to: tne zero marK, ana tne brik wind this mornmg was still 1 r - -Measures .taken to relieve the suf feiing. of the many families who were without- fuel -had proved', effective,. f,been found impossible jio provide an ""- ,mvv v. ;j.v f - - - i adeduat auppliC.wam 'v shelter t. was . ; . given in churches, halls and school houses WAR TIMEjECONOMY f IVf hVTi RY RANICi; - f--:i v . -. ; (By Associated Press). . Washington, Jan.: l.-A campaign to ' impress the necessity of war time ec- baomy upon the people is urged. of rhe bvuiks,of the . United States in a ; New Year's messagegent out today aythe FederaLReserve Bwd,U The :hankscharged with PRICfi FIVE CENTS A Financial Statement Issued ; 1 oday by the 1 reasury - Uepartment " DEBT OF OTHER u ; BELLIGERENTS MO& Percentage of Debt is 2V! -2! Per Cent; Other Allies" 14; Per Cent ; Teutons 28 V-Cent Below the Estirnatexr , Washington, Jan. 1. The 'United States enters . the new year . with';a national net debt of $5,6lS,000,fb6, more than five times greater ;'than; when it entered the war nine months ago, but only one-third of the debt which promises to develop by the first s of next j'ear. The debt per capita. is about $51, and the percentage - of ' debt to estimated national wealth Is 2 1-2 'per cent. S'iv- me Treasury financial summaryv statement, issued today for. the first since last June 30, shows that actual - disbursements during 4he first , half of the fiscal year have fallen far be low the estimates particularly;' for the military establishment. . An en- pormous prospective in War .Depart ment expenses, for big munitions and materials contracts to be filled in the spring, will raise the government but-';? lays at that time, but officials; feel some doubt that ordinary disburse- rrxsnto-Vwitl ron"h tha ,i19 fVftA finn1 ments will estimated for, the fiscal year endin next.: Juse- 30. :' -,, ; : " ' - estaensnment up to December I was $1,311,000,000, the estimated' Outlay; for the whole fiscal 5'ear is" $8,790,000,- uuu. -rne wavy spent ?4Z5,poo,ooq and the estimate for the year is $1,300,000. ' 000. Shipping . Board expenditures were $118,000,000 while tne year's es timate is $901,000,0000. . , - ' Great as the national debt seems- to the country, whose debt,beforethe ' w was only a little past the bijlion. -dollar mark, it is only about ; one- fourth that of. eiyier Greats Bsifmn,'; France, Russia or Germany. Tfi(Pd$bt of all of America's co-belligerents ir,. about $34,000,000,000, or 14 per . cent, of the estimated wealth of those na tions, and the Teutonic allies! debt is about $40,000,000,000 or 28 per cent. of their estimated wealth. : . ' . . JAPAN TO ADVANCERS CHINA A BIG SUM -,. ' ' 1 . . ;.. .. fBy Associates Press). " Pekin, Dec. 31. (Monday). Tho As sociated Press is informed ' oflicially Japan is negotiating an advance ; Ho China of 10,000,000 pounds sterling fpj : th. purpose of improving the .status of, the Bank of China;;. The negotia tions are being- carried on; with the knowledge of the American, BiitislyJ French and Russian banking groups in the syndicate which with Japanese, and German- representative, was form- ed before the war . to finance China.?: T.be terms will be similar thpr;; vuuis japaxiese uuvu-ucu uuuer.nio wu- . ditions of the reorganisation loan, .but ' tho. other banking groups will take- ooBart in it on account of the' refn-. al ofthiiXovernments to permit tho .: . sending of bullion to China. .;'' . A9a,n Qui., on Bri.ish.frontV wftv ' Liontion, Jan. I, rateyt, iwrwu wave,' . , jr 7i -hnfh ,Tinndon. Jan. 1. "Except: roron- side., in the neighborhood of rleux- wr"heUe and southeast of ns - - - . WQr statement ispued today regarding operations on -tho-battle front in France, . "there U nothing of special interest to. report." U : COAL COMING. Washington D. -Jan. l'Tii f 4 an ill wlndthat blows nobody , any good. Because, the b-r-f-r ze- v ro weather made an -impenetrable Ice pack In the s watr& about of coal from thWest Virginia , . u-,,ri f,a -Vi -mines, pasingu toough. -tAYlr ginia, harbor the .eEng v. ports wereUied up tight,, In ot- :derrto; keep the fuel moving co v the; people at, allv hazardg, ttt Tnel Administration Moday rder-