1 - . , J - - ' . - - 1 V , . . - . .- ! I WEATHER FORECAST ! worth Carolina: Fair,, continue nued -cid tcnFgtit and Friday. II South Carolina: Fair tonight and Friday.' 'itt,e change in tempera- 4i 6. FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE VCL XXUI, NO. 358. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY AFTEI , JANUARY 3, 1918 PRICE FIVE CENTB; - - 7"- H CONGRESS OPENED If TO)A Y iOR A LONG. SESSION OF WORM Wilmington DlSFA FILE CI Pi j ft jl III Pi-J 3 (I BACK FROM A HARD DAY'S WORK INTHEpDS ; 4i V at . . si;M5 , ! UITPU II! Or A PC ; "Smm IIIIUH ISi I LfiUL : liplpWWi I I I I I II I I B S 19.1 w U S : l: rf.-feoltr.;; ill r i i i i in i8iiii i II II E in s i nil ii iiHii imzmm:Mmmmmmn PTionrn TniTntiP : .; ! i I istnP it i f 1 1 I 1 1 y n i u lu l u uiiu: ii nninn rn r r ts nrmnr nninnssrnn ' mnnrm u nrnnur rn u M If U h h I r If b I KHh HS 'iMH ML LHl . i i m n i iwsiiiiJiiii m wj w m la iwi i i a i i MiB'S-a.ia , tatjai sri bi -a b ksipesh r. Savp heir Ue.mocracv : . ISU iiijuki LU I L 8 ; B 'JI3L ll UUIi! ! L IBMiilillitllMMMtillltl.: i mam & c . w - b si m m i s TflDC PS 1 1 cn TflD TUUM TUCVi yan rnny nsp&PTnnnp! ' i lu UL UnLLLU lUR I liHll lL HHJ 1 H m U ulHiJ n hi Rii!) iTfinw prnwinr; ftirisi nnnnsin nnr nr Tiir.msw nniininmn Adjourned Early Out of Re- : MUh m-Kh- sPect for Newlands and UUI1UIULIIU Bathrick OB RDI rilICi PRESIDENT WILSON'S r II U U LClMl J i ADDRESS TOMORROW RAIL RQADINK "A Crisis is Nearing in the Rvis so-German Peace Negotiations THREATENING TO RESUME HOSTILITIES; Labor and Finances Along With Coal Movement De mand Attention .Immediately Upon Hearing the ; President's Railroad Legia-f? J lative Program, War Quesv tions Will be Taken Up. '., 4 . .. German Demands for Annex-1 at ion Convince Russians Must Fight to1 eir Democracv WAGE QUESTION NOT TO COME UP NOW it,:L ' VJ I Brotherhoods Called Into Con ference to Consider Employ ment Matters Williams That Thev iscusses finances , '.y As..i i.itf.l I'rcssi. ;ii;i;il. Wednesday. Jan. 2. The i:ols!:fviki fonMjrn minister, Leon TuTky. declared today that the sov tTnaifiu uf the Russian workers would r::t con.- ::t to the German pfi'.c nro- cmperior wiinam uiscusses; Situation With All Branches of Government (By Associated Press). Washington, Dec. 3. After a three hour conference today with heads j. tho four railroad brotherhoods. Direc- ! tor General McAdoo said that some j (By Associated PrwwO. s':' Washington, Jdn, 3. Congress Ore assembled tadar after the holiday xe- cess and both houses, after sessions? of a few miutes duratloa, adjourned,' : until tomorrow in respect to the memories of Senator Newlands and ; Representatives Bathrick who died" durig the Christmas holidays. ! Both Houses will meet in joint ses- : sion at 12:30 o clock tomorrow, to:; hear President Wilson deliver his ad-; c dress making recommendations for le galization to carry out government op'. eration of railroads. Bills embodying the President's;: ideas already have been drafted and V are ready for introduction in both' UNUSUAL ACTIVITY AMONG OFFICIALS 4- ; m Tnuzky-s declaration was m:iao Aft Yesterday's Big Confer-i lie to iv ihe t Vntral committee ot the j . 7 . J . & col nci) of soldiers' and Workmen's ' ence, v on ivuenimann ana Dolegares during an address in whion fie denounced in scathing terms "Ger iLny's hypocritical peace proposal '" AfSHitinc that tlin government of Rus sian workers would not consent. t;i sm-h condin'ons, he said that if the- C-int Czernin Hurried to Brest-Litovsk j !?!... ... dress. Sneedv action on the neces- r ' i i ii,f ii i :-1 1 1 ( i i f i i im j Mrri iiiMTiT hi '.i n. , - t- --: aomo,t i m,i o,, T;. saryrailroad legislation is looked for.):: a trnarai roortiiiatnipnt nf c,m. , appose 0f the W alsh-Pittman Coal anlf i irer srherinlPs involvinsr o-pneral rnr-!0il Land Leasing bill and January J.U Vj ; -i i Itailment of traffic is now considered Ulf "'i?e Pians to v-Ote on the vvora.- I .rnwW ff Kivof T; PJrU Am-K Al.t ' Tl. n ai . c ..i ?wtain. The rniestimi was disnisse-. ail's suffrage amendment. Zln r -V l : - . kY"U tH. U , I 1UC iC1 "aSf M??Ul Ofmeclltoday between Director McAdoo ana ! Huge appropriation bills are in prej Ficooco uciumc i romise i man in icaiy CSTaDilsned a Uovn to ts Norma nassencer traffic renresentatives oi araon i or eariy action m the House: On Draft Law i Record 1 ! cfril.- ' ! Eastern railroads. Later the question which a" Plans to consider waterV. i f was referred to the advisory council !,ovr' ue-.eiopment tms montn. Tne to,TT. I which will report recommendations ;Hcuuo also will consider as first on; 5J5rrL. I KfJ .!. A.KI J I tn at v McArirw nrnhnhtv (nmnrmw 'H? program tne Senate bill authoriz- !n 1 FYrFPT TWn MTTTVI! Railroad labor and finance question ' the treasury to purchase $100,;! fcrr--wi . w TJ,iali .1 ,. p T-: -i . OlVI (HI.') nf TTarm T j-ion V,T.r. , .eiijiasuu Lilt; ULWiiiiiuii ui uuetLui uc;.- J - - - u.-i - ct uvuluo. ONE MILLION SINGLE AUSTRIANS NO MATCH (By Associated Press). I .,-. t- o T 1 uuU o.-..c MRN WIM. DO NOW FOR TRAfMirn petmpu T:tr.i lowers did not acree to tree affvi hy tne tiitch in the 3rest-L.itovsk - - - . -,r- j. i4M.usi - o-a! ot the destiny of the Polish . negotiations, dispatches from Amster- D j -r, " ..i Lettish nations it would be ur-' -r15 . Kecommcnds 1 hat Congress Austrian necessary to defend the, Ru.;- uaiu """fe "c, 11UU1 m revolution. He said the neers has aruosed the activities of the ruM cm ers and politicians of Germany and I. Provide for Registration of Those Who Reached 21 After June 5, 1917 JXCTS .3 i Their Captors and Denounc ed Germans Teutons Lost 2.000, the French 50 Cheered j Two Germans Without Per mits Are Held Traffic is Now Allowed in District Theatres Onen Norfolk, Va., Jan. 3 After the shock caused by the disastrous fire of last Tuesday, destroying the Mon- The eral McAdoo and his staff today, along Senate r.oon plans to pass the House: with the movement of coal to New. cess proms taxes. England and the East. to discuss the general employkment situation under government operation. IViRS. WILSON JOINS Although the union chiefs. had no in-! JM IFVIWr1 lrOT? : tentinn of nrnir-, v thpir rtpmnnrls f nr ! V illVi rUUft . 40 per 'cent, higher pay at this time, it 13 nud-stocd their calse will be i of the i'ront would be satisfied, what ' tuul U1 &UL "c " ' Austria-Hungary. Rnrrsentatives from all the fronts ! rrhr. '.Hcnriefi tiC rnpptiTur rteriarprT ! Emperor William received yester t-crp? would defend the revolu- taf in join audience Chancellor von' Washington,8 Jan. Proves t Mar- Italian llLdSSJ-terli iff'Wthern -ar-"'" ,,r""d "aEd btS were , Hartling, Field Marshal von Hinden-', shsl General Crowder today reporting Italy, Wednesday, Jan. 2.the French ""rrfn 'rhp most rartimi P.oHhP.viln i 5 General von Ludendorff, r?---to Congrca on t'z Droarecs of in their recent successf fil'v -onsration ?rA the most' ardent peace advocate-. ; nance Minister von Roden and For-; the draft. c::pies5Cl for the fir?.; on Monte Tomba capturflijiiore pns-j ticell totel other ouildings on c-.scd by -the German ign Secretary von Kuehlmann. The time a. definite T.ramiaiAaiirL-cii .rosniCP . it.V Q-ecJetnat Je -. .A , - the citv. Norfolk has stt1fiT dnwn erl tn rppomfnenrt a eptipral itifrpns tion of hostilities is imminent ana i - su, 1 7 LU tur arm ft,Ql e. fn . i pSDeciallv for unorganized labor to coal to the needy. Mrs. Carl Vroo- erre". the belief that it is possible ; o . man Bundesrat, under the presi-..iuty any ether mek than those listed nessed the fight. j aain to lts normal state. The bar-; Pil fo u norfta mzed labor to man thassifjtant aecrJ in class one of the new draft oues- "n wa3 a record making fight in ; rea zones nave oeen restricted and; industripS Y,-here wpges are better, .of agriculture, put an automobile 'at ar! make effective a -email dency of Count von J)andl. discussed the Russian situation at the Chan- (im.;ro irr tvi-.it tho fiprmpn nr. ; tionnaire monizinT "domestic dif-' ccllor's Palace. Chancellor von Hart ;? rr-p'-incina: "Rrssinn? , ling had a long conversation v' t flht tO Save their rSv-1 A-lmirat t-on Tii-nit? tlio Vnvmor ATi. Wa shin trf nn Ton Q T. T-, TTrJ- ian"' LliJ Wilson took a han-1 today in helnins. matters .i soon p the railroad admin- .. . ua' lu utlI"ai. omh iti cr f h0 tne city s poor, suffering from coal nrpssin? trrniPrtnHr.ti nmMm shortage, by putting a Tiite Housr -Mstnr'railpoadv execntlvfe are prepar- mcftor tru&k- at the-(Wsptmat-etrtheT movement -ror rree aiStriDUtlon ' Of principle. mrr ' 'ldi'-ri'i i . 01' b ' i i ister of ilarine. and Emperor Charles ..ii' rcr, ;"!.-' sr;!M ! 6 '-r. 2 i says. m:'. Pl'i!'C!lj. ins; Toffn nT the Rl's!.!P'. 11 ' ' - j, l- T-k I" TJ- 1 ration to-rav sent an jjfficlu. ' 1 'ceivea m auuience noi. jvuciiaiev-, i fo i!,o rhair'maii of the Ge- :'- Polish Premier. 'r'-.n-Fi'a-viari pikI Turkish ' Foreign Secretary von Kuehlniann's s.-.ving- th- Russian v- return to Brest-Litovsk, after a hur-. :-!n ji !ie(resavy to conduct j ried visit, to Berlin, is said to have i'. .uc negotiations on neutr;Uj created surprise as did his confer-, suS't iag a transfer of tin! ence with Reichstag leaders who; ;( i ft Sitockhoiiii. The te:.--; vvere summoned suddenly. I i 'are; tn; i ''iines to tne ui -- i i,eaaers or an parties were pres- This classification excludes mar ried men' entirely, whose wives o: .families are dependent on them o siipport and other men with dependents. rrany respects ti vi I '! t .lr 1 1 ho declared 'The; only a few of the enlisted men are lhaj th icnen took more prisoners thaa tnev j now keeping people away from build-' of the Currei iau men engaged, which is airom: the 1 1, . . . tv K . i oral's adviso: , . .... , , - , iings that are thought to be danc . coords m military annals. They a!- questions,, di. John Skelton Williams, Comptroller the disposal of the distributors and ' ' of the Currency, and the Birector-Gen- other women in official life also Join--;: i or on railroad financial ed the movement. scussed with Mr. McAdco j ' the situation which will develop soon, General Crowder does this on the or.lv German? . . n . ,. . . jT11C- : o canuireu tneir nrst Austrian nns- nuciv.. Avhicii ir another mile stone xor The building inspector, the chief of .when railroad companies' bonds ml REV. W. C- fJYRD ; other obhsrations tnn due heretofore th.-y had canture I , the fire department and the chief of I ''in aiidi!ion to the l.iUO prisoner wu counted der.d on the t;rouni -vi-vil-w i .... i. i . , ... i i ij .i . in rrri KTs tAmil Vinci Vkr-if-t rin n Ati n uuiuut'i, di'A no one v ions uovv nsajiv were in i rn ne secure, as a resn : t ip natmh iaiui. coua uao uccu.iue '-cici a- , ., . . . .. .. ;,. the present the eavorns and under' ihv hushes.) that has been guarding that proper i tion of coal shipments, and a begin-! ch' 0'. , v,, SitS tion, but to 1 he perfect French military system ; since last Tuesday afternoon as a ' nin of the clearing up of congestion fL1nonen, Iououms 4i hin,i i. -. . . , . in rnilronn vnrris hv nholition or all1 i vj i iiiunt. i.iiniv.u in ill lu a v uni it ; i -i i m;.- nun smhs a nMinsi M enrs iipi. noon -- . T-- T i ... .. m Petr. ent at the conference, according to ; information in Amsterdam, and they ii.-; It m' the Austro- Gy-. informed Dr. von Kuehlmann they ad--'ihiiiitied . December VZ hered strongly to the demand that new-si vie . l IK' mess.-iuv. f1- Polnhtfuo- 1,. iimmnnPf1 n snPiifli. l ho -message ... -i. u. .1- hi direct c.mi.ici ,miu , 1v as possible. It is expected that ot : t !i-(!"tiiit!o:i ot national - , 1 i... i;ci.t!to,i of ' lilt: UrilKUlU Will. lts UI, esummaio tnat i.uuu, uuu men piiy sically fit for army duty, will be avail able from class one. Thi he thinks sufficient for military needs of the na assure the future supply needs he recommends that men who insignificant losses have become 21 years oid since June o. 191. (the tirst draft), and who be- on- a; :.( id, is consu. ered a g;od . estrains are allowed to walk at will come of the hereafter shall be added lighting erganization. But t he Austi'i through the streets of the downtown to class one, as they become avail able. This will insure, the general estimates, a supply of 700.00-0 men a n'i:t li! yeai police, today inspected the walls of ; of a unified and government controlled the Monticello hotel and found them i railroad system a week ago, the main; DIES SUDDENLY (By Associated Press) Ashevilie. N. C, Jan. 3.--Rev.' W; C. le-,s than so irer 1 vvithTwn T?nv n,p iCvlT ,-"7 B,;;" . priority orders. Surveys also are un-i - V1U "'a successruuy soae uidii dm ii i .. vitijciiwn. i1 oi tne nrst time since , , . . , of the most mnnrt'iTit noetiSmtcK. n ,i. .i,..' ... . ,. x. t j.. .11 .... . . , vderwav lookms to a practical noohnu ; . 11 lAsSh "uportant pastorates. n i The fii'tieth Austrian division, i he ' ti1P flre jn the Monticello started ped-'! were accu.aonied lo lighting Rus-j police and the agents of the Depart-: arrangement the Methodi.d church in the flout!.'-' He vas pastor at various times at Al a 1 1 1 : w. . v i,w i !..-.; Kiisiii ia.. .asnvi e. i enn.. iirp.p.ns.' r i lf i liiiii luiii uv r rv i ainc ' ' - . . Petroerad. Jan. 2. Adisnatch from ! boro N- ('- a"' other places. H-3 j.iur- !in: luuu.unan.-- uuu inj.- v. ur 'if moilt nf . listiee mep "lipadav .vlH ' ... , . . . . ti-qc oorv nn. K;.. wirit, i i. 1 ,.k.v.-. -,...v v - '-"i kipv l'cnnvts tnnr tip Krainian trov- iwui m uciauuiatt; m pon by the Bussian .U;ac.-jThursdav.s SttSsjon ()f lh( lloi(.hsr J they liad mc trained ri'eiH'h troops, was that rawness and the The indiscipline i nr! .-unpolled bv ther IUi.s-j -mil -miblie arid I he Central exectr- v"irhi;;i-!!.-; JIU.'l '. main comnuttee. I I. it' v;t riu)i-. tne v onsirss oi rr. -t(J.,tine ,C Ilie fimfprPTipP idiers deleirates sa;d t() luive been the outsit ; 'speeches of Philipp Scheidemann and. the official So-' STOCKS IN DECIDED UPWARD MOVEMENT . ! tw0 exceptions, have been released. PrnmeiH. has sent, an ultimatum to the S Central church, this city. He is surC rc.Ut'. j Tl-jrjt 4 rr fivnnntlniic nvn Tn1iaTirDc ITvyt- . - . i i ..-j ' -i K r ln.c lnMMv nnl tTTil" ; iiv- v -v, Hvw.,o ouuttuuco ux-; j5oisneviKi aemanaiiia: tnai mey wiio- ' jj au u. &uii, ;i-? mor and his son Otto, "who arp hpinfr i n:,. hi nn-i Iiani Rvrd. Mo v:p jihnnt voari'7;'! weresept away betore discphne an!;lield because they have not obtained ! state whether thev consider Ihe.w-d. their naturalization papers and have selves at war or at peace 'with '"X no military permits. All of the men : Ukraine. Shioments of sugar and (Tiy AsSfK-hitcd Pn-ss). 'IN late liv wav ol i'(jV(.rwt the endintr of a e :u-.iai;on of. occupied ter-;;(i in Ariicle It. however. Xew York, Jan. Stocks lo.)k ; .... i ii. . . 4- 1 . . . 1 1 -l -, . i. I as raOieo inuier a uir- . , , ..... T Am ICTK TWI -4Ilt)Sl -fl.ihU 111!' I IIU III., . . . i ,1 rt , ,1 -v 4- C? -... 1 Itf. t. Thrr .i jJi -.TrT " .'. ' u-Aiilr) vnwn'ir,v lw iunnl t vAntnw.u I- o-i - rti ining. "When the prisoners were brough; ii:. never saw a more miserable, pi; iiul, starved lot of soldiers. nen tne omcers were lined up j there were 11' Austrian and two Ger-i mans. The Austrians wei'e fold -tliey' i were examined by United States Dis-J grain to Northern Russia have been i trict Attorney Mann. tSmmor is a cut off. family connection of M. Winterman-' : i ---.- i- . . i iei, piopneiur ui a ueiicaiessen near i t he Monticellor hotel, who, with his i flPPOIWT FiHN with having told von Kuehlmann , en officers and.gentiemen. but t he Pwo wiff- Jc!a Wintermantel, was also ar i nn nnine smns or a eonanse oi .im- - ..ot-iari r., r. i,onnr.f it u.-.i illilU ins au.uuu- ui uip liunoiau nc;- i 5-o c.. I ( f Hi l i e; i f-e liefrnf l;l I MiT1 v " iwn.i imn. ...., .r. . I that h. people of Folan - i gotiations was piejucuciai to peace, -.nails which were sluggish yt the open- Wintermantel has a son in the Naval Academy at t'onhnid and portions oi ! i hey totd mm mar. to say one.uaj ;jn?.- soou iKumded forward. Iaders K-.: ::,,u i:, ;i;i Livonia demand inde-,that Germany-wanted no Kussian ter- ra:inirg several points. The pace was Uf .., ... separation from Russia, j ritory and to say the next day that; -ei by such investment issues as trans and Hiai the German occupation of; it wanted virtually all territory oc-j continentals, grangers, and New York Rv- i;rn i, .-j-itory did not apply to ' cupied. by German troops justified .Central.. Coal shares under lead of (listrfr-is which include most oi j Entente ' statesmen in declining to Heading also were materially higher. ue.sutn territory . captured oy iue piaCe conhdence in tne word or tie1-: presumably niwanttcpation ot an eari.v niairis ORM WARNINGS vvfiiil.l i-er-pive ,'v:.ellT thp namp trent ment given the French officers in lie j Annapolis and the son s diploma was manv. The group of Austrian officer : found m the house Wlth a book of j was impressed greatlv at this and -memoirs of eGrmany, with a picture. openly declared their hatred or t'1'- or tne ivaiser ana mucu merman mer Germans. A little later we heard the , ature. This son married the daugh Austrians cheerins and it turned out ter of Emmor, who cannot speak en- they were cheering their French cap it rs." i many's leaders. The Foreign Sec-, .-ohition of the fuel problem. Stean !,- rv i cnirl linwever. to have made shin shares craine . and numereu "com'plete explanations." j cyuipir. cuts Including the war .con- CONGESTED TRAFFIC ON NORTH ATLANTIC) it , renorted that -both von Kuehl-1 Tr-.,riinr the first", hmir was fairlv ! 1 1ES UP rilRTILlZER! through the downtown section, are ' mann and Count Czernin,- the Austro-; active, but assumed greater propor- ' y Assoc Jilttid I TOSS. ! If nncrj.i'inn Foreiem Secretarv. re- i i Iglish. Emmor arrived in Norfolk on fly a few days ago. i The theatres, which have been clos-, i ed because of the military guard and ! the requirement of permits to pass mm faith IN THEIR REPRESENTATiVES COUNTRY (By Associated Press.) : now open again. A"; : hington, trnm r Jan. 3. Northwest j Bolsheviki Names Officials for England, Sweden and I Switzerland :A i New Year's ireetines Show v I i r d t- 4." C ' ',?y Associated Press). - . Hopes tor Kestoration Of , Petrograd, Wednesday, Jan. 2.i; Their Land !,Three appointments of Russian repre; ' ; sentatives abroad were announced tp- V (By Associated Pressi. i day by. the Bolsheviki government;: Washington, Jan. 3. Belgium's tin-i The appointees arc: ' shakable faith in the ability of the A1-! Ambassador at London; M. Litvinoff. lies to recover her territory lost to Minister to Switzerland, M. Karpin- iln n -- o -X iTiraHorc in 1 Q 1 d ic TPfl ort- S'lfi turned to Brest-Litovsk, where they market fairiy boomed during the noon ), trae-nr!rtanA ' fnniiitioc voct 'bRI I liJHfcK KtCtlVfcU J. kovt v., PPttnrR rpr-fiivert !' Minister to Sweden. M. Eorovskv-Or-' ,DenSlttetee xcep ELEVEN WOUNDS I by King Albert from the various j lovsky. clue xltltierS LO JDOSlUll, CAtcui .;iu --. .no.mintinnB tt'SiaM i rttintrinTa ..n.l cnof i!i lio c Ktirmir. waft . " w . i. - . o . 1 . it n . it ; ChWike Bav were issued today. 1111 ucw mowuvuvuo' ' . " ""'" farm crops are accumulating in the! , J branches of the government and made, inree appomiees were exues un-; - In- 1.., t.-...,. . -. fj.-0 rr... t Trn. ' r, o.Q . . . Kisr fertili7er nlants alonsr the A flan-1 TonHor. Ton 3 One nf the most OUbllC here today by the Belgian ie- uei uie impeiini guveiumeut ii' vvuiiiiier tsureau. iuui.auuu me JLieiyzng vuuxo aiu6, .tut. tT;rUc(i Sates steel came into tur- . : . ; ,'. ' " .. fforp tlint n riit.. enmp Histancfi i.aHir.tr tn h pnAn fin t Rorialist news- .,vi-." ..,;.,T., ; ,- tic beaooara. it was saia toaay tnat : remarkable officers ot tne Britis3--feLiuu ' "- m UAOLUI KCbiJ.-Ks U wi w iUUUlilK AiiwuK wuw-w t,- I l I Ml r IH lM C 'Tll IL tX U. Ull O LU Jl. ... . . ' . . h South Atlantic coast, apparent- naner. commenting on the Brest-Lit- to nn mernirrht. rain of two nnint. at one Plant Here, tnere are bU,0U- army now fighting fn 1 ranee is Brig- tons of acid D'hosnhate in one Dile artier-OeriRral Adrien Corton d Wiart 6Pf.f.- i- .i,:. f, t..u. i tv,, o-..cT-r.rr.."! ; .. i -ni 3 awaitmc shmment. This muse hp stnnp tho nresent war besan he ha.s ; broqueine on oenau oi tne capinet. - ',-,,," uuillieny Killer flH"- vuli ivutuiuiauu -". fe"'-1""- union Lvo vt.t.3 uuai;cus aim - - . , , i aTqv tho TTincr enter hia ranital a o movea Deiore more can oe maue, it Deen wounaea eignt times, nas lost "" - v Eon and tonight and also snow on gays 1;C! southern coast of New England. . The Bolsheviki government has. rr "May 1918 be the year of justice vurnea over to revolutionary tripnn--. and reparation;' declared Premier! ala on charges of resistance to the BoisneviKi aurnonties tne ioiiowmg:-i; : Colonel L. De Maier. Russian miU-Vs Germany now reveals her Eastern i peace gims. Everybody In Germany. Russia ahd Entente countries now Ip.uthers also strengthened points. to n woumieu eignt wv, ua xui - he after these' tarv attache at The Hague. eye and an arm, and has gained j a Victor, ana may ne, aiter tnest., Yachontff in Tanan- Colonel -' a,weRStnn the. nistiuished Ser-' years of suffering emoy a long era ofi Ja1- " ln ..,J,a?f' .llUi; CECIL SPRING-RICE SA.YS HIS FAREWELLS knows thatshe is not aiming at a i just peace -without annexations and' (Br Associated .Pressi. indemnities, such as von Kuehlmann! &snmgton, Jan. 3. Sir Cecil depicted, but at a peace providing for Pnng-Rice. the British ambassador, an enormous increaas in German mil 7 -"ho yesterday'announced that he was intaiy, political and economic streng ?oirig home on a leave, saw Presi- fa. rit Wilson today " to say farewell. 1 ne ambassador, it -is expected, will . "These intentions must strengthen no'- return to the United States in . the . war-like of the Entente. Ger present capacity. many intends really to annex terri- , .tories she' now holds. Her excuse Moscow Banks Seized. that tbe populations, or these rerri- Washington, Jan. 3. News of the tbries have declared , their willing Bolsheviki seiTiirAnf x-nta in ; Mos- nes to be servered from Russia. is; up. reached the - State . Department ' true. .Individauls may.- have done sp, - today, in dinlftmatisnntrt.Asv whichJAbyti was added, and unless some of it is an shipped within three days, the plant in succession the Distinguished ser-. " irnkel Russian militarv . attache ! T.-i1l haro to rlnoo hppqnsp nf lnrtr nf t-;- f-nAay Vinnria (maa. Qn.!glt'IT dnU pi Ub pel liy . . , . . ,, ti "w v vic. v-ucx, Tixx i n-i- i T3i., i,n itome iviaor ienerai i ermoien. xvua- !. Allies;' said Count Goblet PJVIL FOPULATION storage space. 'several Belgian decorations. I Tf to5o rlor.1 -rorl o t tVio nfFiro nf Vi. ni1 Pi.ni. rl a WTiart fa S4. xrearo FORCIBLY MOVED Soil Improvement committee of the old and was born in Brussels, the , f Gf "ciosSnd viction T . States have asked of the Bolsheviki ! , National Fertilizer Association that if son of a prominent ofCicial of thej"J' IH L t?a t SJS tLm i authorities what disposition will, be ; " : : i 4.t-s u i e .Hr. m 4. . tt. ,v,4. more ana more ieu mat witn uiei' 4... v fBv Associated Press) uuSc ucay uj. icniu,ci vcic uuu Angio-rigyyLiau .juyciumcui, auu iV70 ae bound to fall Or to win -tO F -ograd, Wednesday, Jan. 2. The delivered to the farms on time, it nephew of the Belgian l minister of , go ag tQ bri n about a peace which Gen;- is are reported to have trans- would mean a loss in the nation's justice. He fought m the "Boer wari. no(. make vain the dreadful hard ferred .00.000 rivilinn Poles and LUn- next year crop of nearly five million ; at the age of 17, and was thrice js'hl inflicted upon our -country' Then uanian:' forcibly to Germany. 'bushed of .wheat or other grain. wounded while serving with the Im- , u. ,prt hv. n..r k-nr ir. r'AH-c-i.l sian military attacne at juonaon. " t 1 3 T7 ..!. . . TTfAA made of the foreign property in the,-': foreign banks when the banks have,:, become entirely nationalized. ' '"'rie-al Komiloff. former romman er-in-ch the mo has arrived in the District of the Don Cossacks. (The death of General Kom iloff was reported unofficially on Tues day :x v The government i perial Light Horse, I gether he has been so that alto wounded li uef and one of the leaders in , FAMOUS WRITER OF "-tueiu agEJiibi DoiBUBvmi, vt-.. w ,Tr, nr i' tag. .. uVr-Ci- H21V1-N UtUU wheu. the present, war, broke out vlhe went to East Africa, where he ...-.,. : i,j r ,we shall go back, led by our king, in-i Norweaian Steamer Torpedoed.; to a liberated Belgium."' j (By Associated Pres. On this day," read the; message; London. Jan. 3. The Norwegian ; ; foreign office reports that the Norwe- tian steamer Vigrid (1,617 tons gross) from the Chamber of Deputies, "we Belgians are entertaining the firm 1 hope a that the Almighty will grant I v (By Associated Press t. r..,: tt.-.t 9 'An-.d was severely wounueu. ; xue -o-ugiw-; during tne new. year. : tne restoration 3 ho ' are: Under, arrestjin built in 19iat Bergen was toroedoed ; and sunk while on her way from.Ba ri to Rouen says a Central ;News dis patch fi-om Copenhagen . today. Five ; thi fort roc. f, Peter-pnft y.t. i K ' - -

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