IHE' WILMINGTON DISPATCH, MONDAY AFTERNO ON, DEC, 7, I 9 1 8, PAGE FIVE ALLOWANCES FOR . , p i NEW PRB 1ZATIQN OF DEPENDENTS MADE . - . '.. M- --"" u, Minunderstanding Ex- ists Among People Re- irding lhis matter Senator Simmons ' Comes- City's Rescue Razing, Buildings ,for Fuel to MEW ; PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IMPRESSIVE raOES OBSERVED jwiii'-iiiiif ''''If y , i r " IB Good 'Attendance" at - Meeting and Patriotic Resolutions ' Adopted - , gai Handsome new 1 Building For- mally Presented to tHe Congregation I 1 is. A Y-: ' i , a . n . Mi1 GOVERNOR BICKETT : (Special to The Dispatch.) New Bern, Jan. 7. Four carloads' of coal,' en route to some other noint. have been diverted to. New Bern for the ; us$e of the people of this city, according trt a tplAPTAm 7i ?rVi Mnn Edward Clark has received from Sen- LARGE AUDIENCE AT TT?C cTATCMPMT ator F M Simmons who was in the ISSUES ST Al LIVlE-N J cIty last week and wha had seen at first hand the Buffering which has "been endured by local citizens during the present cold weather. Just where this coal "is coming, from or. when it is expected to arrive is not known. butit may roll in at any ijxue auu as soon as it ? reacnes the ciiy.u win De placed on sale. Mayor Clark, upon receipt of the message from Senator Simmons, tel- . i fhia ceraDnea tne atTreeiation nr thA nan. ?tv ana county . t --------v- :- Local Exemption' Boards En ter Upon the Last Week of Work of Mailing out Paper to Registants SERVICE LAST NIGHT Elders and Deacons- Elected and Ordained and new Church . Launched into ious Life of?City congrega- -At the annual meeting of the Eman cipation Association, held ;onr January 1st, 1913, there, was an unusual large -attendance of the ''colored people of the city. The usual order of business was transacted and . many interesting addresses made. The following resolutions were i adopted:'" ' - ' $ "Mr. President and Members of the Emancipation Association: "The mills of God grind slowly but surely. "Since last we met in this manner many changes - have taken place. And in view; thereof, -we .your committee beg to submit the following: "Wheras: Many" of our ' comrades have since passed into the beyond due to death from natural causes, dis eases, accidents, suicides, murder, hanging, lynching and mob violence, , 'Ii The annual meetng of stockholders in The Wilmington Sav " -ings and Trust Company, will Be held at 1 0 p'clock A. M. , 1 - Wednesday, January 9th, at the offices, of the Company, No. : i v Jj.0 Princess Street, WilmingVon, N. C. - X " -1--- J. U MIi-iAMS,Cashier,' f t "Resolved, , further, That this Asso ciation extendi a hearty vote ; of i tic ui lien 13CI H H.II41 amhii rw i rnn krh i - - entered upon the lasp weeu . that hia fpnrt to tion of the-Church of the Covenant . v work in mailing out question fuel shortage here were creatlv 1 sltv was formally oreatiized last nisht whilst the war the most astrpcious t thanks. 0 .QHtrfl.ntR under the selec- preciated. : with imnfessive : services in the beau- all times has claimed its toll; and ; 'First: To the Pastor anX Trustees . - - Ill I 1 4.. I - - " .- 1 avvirp act tne last quvv iw ..9w . w-. wv .y ununivui SP' UL ' ... I HlIttflTftd nf Mrt ' lnd'do. nt i1iiirwul I anil fha Vim-inn nrnvshtn ttto iTm. be sent out aurin0 iue beinfir'turnlshed to ? Jew Bm-t klW nrekentfifl tn thA ntrrtxrtnr Church for the very - eicel- ttive Ipers to part of the "Whereas, many of -our homes have of the St. Luke A. M. . E. Z. Church since beei torn asunder, large num-J for their very cordial hospitality. ient out aurina uw afe being'furnished to New Bern ,beo- alW Dre'sented to the conCTe Nation b era haying emigrated Worth enticed "Second: To the Choir of Central week. The county boara nift aa thft rpunit nf tfiA miTi.nfr4A h?v nV ttv, s thither bv ' industrial advantaees de-l Bantist Church for Ui- - , - . . 1 , - w VA v V tlWMUft' V . fcWii I MJ AA. WMU9 UUb tUXU 111 ' I . . jfonorl . m its WOrK Dy lall-1 rAA rn-nAnr, wtii .v 4 Lib. a lii il.i. kjoil tham nf hnmA. n. fa.t riftd.rlT lent "mTisir rftnderpd- KB Deeil UOMw""' . I vsuiuwu. uiui, nfiXJIV-Ll wutt, 18 ;IIUW OUl IUH ttO a XliillU 1 1 iUi LU tUCli ytU1" I i - - Ii"-3 ..ntn otatirtTIATTT R11T- I J , . J. i. . I . ,:W-- -ft. j - .1 J i i J ilnnlrof 0UHira "rivti. IT. PnMl Inre to receive certain stationery sup- Un progress , and many , localt residents eats; Mr. anil Mrs, Alexander' Sprunt, demonstrated during the Selective ijes which are expected in today, are today warming by" Area iw&cti pta as a thank offering for 50 years Draft Campaign of May last when it , 3 pf success in business. Other Pres itwea ii uuj. t,. , . . i "w, uiiu uumiwjj.u4 'ouoou wiBiiu uucurvues ui nits uicy bus swhi e tne uausea anu naa qeenM the eveninsr' in kuestionnairea wiU .ff. less and its utflfeafiof a? el Is ;the order, that all the congregation,? iM. the wore oi wiu- pest methoa ot cisppsingipmt. might join in the services at the itirobably tase anuiuw u rnere are a number or otner most timely and eloquent address of was found that there was a-dearth welcome, an address the delivery of for emen between the ages of eighteen which would have done credit: to one and thirty-one; and, of maturer mind and much npflr "Whereas, January flrst 1917, found years. ' our country a neutral one so far as "Fourth: To Kachel Howard 5 Dud- TtnilVtilnaW krinmAV, -r n -A-nlfhA Wrtrlrt War vras coneernAd. htrt isi lev for the readine of the Emanci- two weeks, and perhaps a litue iongMnga ln New Bern thit' ai otess iArire auftlmce nreivt. to naTtlfcioiae today one of the biggest factors to patton Proclamation. ji Tha members Of tne board. so far as oneunancT is (!onflmf am ti v tha toV wklftli trinst h Tffervnod":with I "Fifth: To Rev. H. A. Parris. M. 1 working as speedily as possible, but if necessary, thesV: will Slso be torn zxMon. wh&i begtna its nifer'nxost uni the consummation of tnings and D. of the St. Mark's P. B. Church SHtis necessarilya slow Job. down a&dUurnM toto f uel fw the-l)en- ausoicionslv tills' readjustments of the affairs of the who as orator of the day not only ? The local yuaiuo x. :- cm OI me peppie ortne city. Tfr tnnnarirur TirAr :oJisA.riA,nAh earth, in which readftistmentstthe He- capmvated ms. auaience oy tne aeptn haessage from Governor Bicicet. witn county, convicts .coneitocut ofl Icrg ;of -thes nw cQngregafton,: Ru f gro seems destined to play a con- of his knowledge of natural philoso- heems to exist as to aiiotmenis ior existing situation tod ttttere?isr.not so n W Wnnrtward .Tnt RiiorrTr Prd "Whereas. The scales of justice tervals he punctuated so masterly Uepeadents of men caueo una me much-suffering nbwasvwasthe case pearsailf l4cy Hunt and W. time and again, during the year, ap- from his. fund of happy and tetse ut- carnce, auu ivi " - a icn ujb hsu. i ttA3?i. nn.w'. KirAA T rw noratiflv iari haon wPlchtPfl rinwn nv I r AWlTiP.eH. Dtlt also lnBUirea Wixa llcity is asked. . WaiKd Aw sNe Rlver. ;carr: W. P.rSpnmt,,U E. Hall. wJ Injustice to, and indignity of tlw ra e8T2 ? Ir6 vis.,W. S. Johnson7o. H Brown, D Tennessee disgrace, the Houston. mis- Andlastrbut,notsleast: To our re- C. Jones and C. P. Gorman: Board fortune,-and the like; and, maining veterans tor peing wnu ns of Trustees. Messrs. R. B. Slocum. I "wnereas, tnere are men or au toaay unaer buui uuiarwawo weawr hit? nepenaems wuu wmc iu0m wiae ai unentai, nas neen walked through misapprehension go away sot- across by pedestrians, this being done xowfolly, and txnnK tnw FHflay by Atlss AHce Brite, Harry jAn. w Mflirt..w:.tt races who. desnite nosiUons: onnor- er conditions. it is vcij uiuo uowen, iuvm ttuiu ana Levm uarra- " j.v c ' i..,4x. j t,i,i w Vt -crj t tt- Towrt t a Just preceding the serviees the agencies, allow their feelings' to domi- Bonner, W. H, Moore, F. W.Avaaat, cnAniai RnmmiMimi named for tMe I nate their being in actions and words I R. Boisseveaux, J. h. layioiv deceived them. It Is very ntue unner Bowen, Alvtn Traitt and Levin Carra- stcod that the government supervises waTf 0f Oriental. wages paid to soldiers who have wiv- The river was covered vw4th ice. from es and children, ana senas aaa w m tnree to nve inches deep, and this was latte: t direct, but that dependents otb- str0ng enough to hold' tHe weight of organization of the church met in thus constantly leading them into - ;fo ,nH rhiinren must cet UhA ho.i.io.f;. .,Hi.. the pastors study to recelYe new trouoie, ROBERT SCHREIBER DEAD. )-..-. t' r - ' : . - . ... . ... - .. . l The Corbec: Co, Wholotale Dietributor. Wnaaiagto ' i, u WKn h. xL. .j.-'- . i momhora a tntai nf i fx .TATnrtt "Tneretore De it jesoivea: ?.aJ AV:Tth; aS " eaSy ted Irom oth r of "First: That we' the" proud and Passed Away at Jame,,, Walker, Me- reus iuc 6'"" aj. uiH. I a i. j ... ; toinotJnn 'mAriil UAthti Laflt NIaht tne city to.tne new cnurcu, ana eiguti sra.i.eiux .jucud, w , loA'TfTr--.-- . : .' V r MASS FOR AMERICAN i.oiii r-n nmfeoBiAn of fkffh this themftv-f ourth year of our free- Mr. Robert TSchretber, oi AuauDon, making a total membership of 111 dom purVourselves - on. . record as a for many years a master painteT for & XTT-k mrwoii rtn kin .i . i trunm v n. UtnnnHv nf tho nonn a vhn tin 1a1. me Tidewater fOWer uompaay, Aiii-r riuiiYun jjuji xxmUfxB. uw,.t, . ' .r ' : : " : thA .taS wiw Memorial hos. " " rr TV lC,i ;-jAfc- n.tiifl-at: If :5,' o'clock last: Tcmh AmAn a v, ,-.tt orean recital was raven oy xu. xi. wixi iwa vycu w,iw-?if'v'.-- v f; r . -.7 : Ha Tfln am,.. Wn, Munson. Opgaiils of the-Jrst Pres- tion in all matters, tnat we wm our erican and French oead were said in WA11 Ui DC1, - JlJlV niii and had lived here for about 25 the churches ofVrance today on the latter church lead the congregation- bres into fabnc. of govermnent-pro- ;lJJ?? Ster of SbiliS' occasion: the national cietiratidn al singing and rendered a number of tectt and fan into ; a flame the jeyp. - J?&Z WCS At special selections., during tne ser- spark oi respect; anc w 77 rnW faTorto cobin- He- McClure. D. D.. pastor "Second: That we fully recognize ".T ,7 V' Zi I of the birthday, of Joan of Arc. her birthplace, the little village of vices. Rev. A. D jcome miles to worship at the little 1 . j . - ' . -i i ii . I xl am! 4-i-tNrk1.3rri 1TB TY1 0 Tl V during the "services and knelt in the Uces. Upon motion of Mr. W. D. Mc- agencies to enlist our sympathy and snQW while mass was being celebrated. Craig the name of the Church or tne co-operation money. . There is another misunderstanding that is general. The government not only pays a portion of the soldier's wages to the wife or children, or both, dependent upon him, but it supple ments this allowance from , its own treasury up to '$50. Many dependents think they have received their all when this partial aid is, sent them, hut they will receive more. ? The following is the statement from frWPrnnr Riritett in the effort tO traighten. out this matter: To all Local Exemption Boards, "Gentlemen: "Complaints are constantly coming me that indicate that dependents ;f soldiers do" not fully; understand T.nat is necessary to De none iu. wuoi v UNION SERVICE DAY. ZL"?: ."ZJZrZ.-' The weekly union prayer meetin "In the case era wife or child the, vT,a. t, law rnmnPls an allotment of a por- . r . 7. HflV M KIVIAr. TlAHLOr. KflV. .1 . tioa of the soldier's wages ana uui " v.. " "l 'h -t . , is supplemented by- scheauie oi loancewith which, you are familiar. "Tvii: "U.Hh rQOr.At tn, rtflnonflftnts other bb, ana tue seumu yuuni; id w than wife or child, it is necessary for., dially invited to attend. I the Boldier himself to make-a volun tary allotment of his pay and then re quest the additional allowance made Iby the government. In other words. line dependents must seek their relief Ithrough the .soldier. I have no doubt trains off from many schedules, is pat in many instances soldiers .re the optimistic view expressed by a "collecting their entire wages and send- Coast Line official yesterday. It , is Kev.,.A. JJ. MCiure, u. jlj., . pastor oeouuu. iuw warm friends who will remem- of St. Andrew's Presbyterian-church, and highly appreciate the many evi- 75 and chairman of tho commission on deuces of willingness on thepart of 1JHSS one brftne? living in Hamburg, Germany. The funeral will be conducted from the establishment of Mr. James F. YV V XJ.W.V V J uwk; '.JSLJ' Thousands of Dollars -mMM - To raemferroourr re -y- ourcfieck, . Ifr We-suggest iKat -ysouaf oncejQinvir ' Cllib now open for E948, CITIZENS BANK Corner Second and Princess Streets. Covenant was adopted as that of the 'T'hird: That we pledge our finan- w tomorrow afternoon at 4 new edifice. The Scripture lesson cial And moral support to tne nea was read by Rev. J. M. Wells, D. Cross and Y .M. C. A. movements, D., pastor of the First Presbyterian that we identify ourselves with the church, who selected Ja portion of the conservation campaign, tnat we nwp eighth chapter of the Gospel of St. to reduce to a minimum the ardous John, and prayer was offered by Rev. task of the present w.egistrauon cam hArxxnr t WnwAil nr. wa.iIs then ail m of tne government ay ieuu- AUUin v . -w-. - - - ' ' I gr a ' m ' " . delivered an inspiring sermon, tak- ing all the advice and service we o'clock. Interment wiirbe in Oakdaie cemetery. RECORDER'S OOURT. jSeveral All Traces of Scrofulia L Eradicated from the System By thegreatest of all purifiers. A commoiif mistake in the treafr xnen! of scrofula has been the use of mercury -and other- mineral xnuc- SAME TRAINS TO RUN. That there will be no curtailment DI-trains m ana out or uus ciljt un -t iT,OT,,rA1 tXffnrA of-Ood. and account of the government cutting u and, of Cases Disposed of - at This Morning's Session. Tn fhA Rp.nnrd fir's court this mornine intr an hi text. "And ve shall know can. and by personal self sacriflceJ nH1a WnTmaT, a colored bov charsred r.s h fect of whih is to bot- he truth and the truth shall make and that we stand by the govern- with stealing a bicycle, was sent to tie tip the impurities ' in , the bipod, ye free:" ' ' A ment now, as we have always stood, the farm to serve out an unexpired and hide them from the surface. Dr. Wells pointed out that tne and will torever, reau w ucwuu term, from which he naa oeen paroiea Presbyterian church holds the Bible 3 cause. Alex Bizzell, another colored, boy, "Fourth : Tnat we piace . on reuui u was up f0T firing a rine witnm tne city our earnest desire to see ignorance j limits and was paroled in the custody Jug a portion of these to their depend- also thought that the Florida tourist 'S8 Through fafth municinamv cuts the dependents out of receiving anything from the government. If the soldier will go to the officer in the Icamp and make an allotment of his ages and ask that the additional -al lowance provided by the government he sent to his dependents this will be fione. Please eive this r the widest publicity possible and call this infor mation to the attention, of all depend ents of soldiers' in your county. "Very truly yours, "T. W. BICKETT, "Governor. faith, containing the truth of the re- and poverty removed from our midst 0f Probation Officer Johnson for the velation of God to man through and pray tnat it win not oe ions ue- period or 60 aays. . who i the truth refer- fore the government tnrougn our own Virginia Chestnut, coiorea, cnargea will so enlarge our ea- with maintaining a disorderly house, and industrial facilities wag iet off with the costs and prayer of Christ made free. that our hopes my De rea-:zeu. for judgment was contmuea ior si ThA inflnfinne of the churcn upon "Fifth: That we reel very Keemy niontns. illustrated by the thesufferings ana aeatns 01 bo unuiy civilization was examples of the Greek church in Russia, the Catholic church in Italy and Spain and the Presbyterian church, in Scotland, Switzerland ana HaJftdi The government 01 tne iat- - UArWItt shown to be that of a re- 03SISEaiaiajaiBiaiai5l3iai form of government for which the cnurcn nas stoou since lu a nr nmrarioa in one form or an- Tt is kinder to sav that a man or JL iXX vV 1 rs w - - 1 " w i Aicr- fhc naat vpar and extend worn an is ienorant tnan tnat tney are 1 i.v.:. VA.tit ..ii. a to Aiafatrarn tno niririll our sympatny to - iueu ucicxcu pu scmnu w vw -- nT1pq cries of starving numanity on xne si-rth- That, our slogan for this other side year for future years shall be, "Let -r-w , 1 f A Form-A Truck And Saxon 110 Dock St. Phone 546 davs of the Reformation. The grow th of the. democratic form of govern ment was bneny traced, ana TJr. I Wells showed that when the fathers 'established this government of ours they turned to' the church for the model. Today three-rourtns or tne world is under a democratic form of overnment. with the remainder rap idly changing to the same fornvand this, he pointed out, is largely aue to the influence of the cnurcn wnicn received it through the JNew Testa ment. ' - Followine the sermon the new eld ers and deacons were ordained and the building wsj formally presented to the congregation by Dr.v.McUlure nn behalf of the donors. Dr. MCiure announced that the dedication serv ir.ea would be arranged for an early date, and the services closed with tho Hindne of "Blest Be rne ne That Binds." . . ' President Enjoys Glaze Storm Washinston. Jan. 7. President Wilson: went to golf this morning in the worst glaze storm tne. capital has suffered in years. Although the streets were so icy that the usual mntnr cvele escort had to De lert behind and all Washington slid rath er than walked or rode to business. the President insisted ,on his morn ing recreation and the WLdte Housa automobiles crept out to tne unKr . The President evidently enj joyed the Ice icovered course. us get together for Health, .Justice, r-rAniHrm. the dissemination of knowledge and a sound , and stable jrovemment, a government of tne peo pie, a government tnat win insure to every man, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. DIED Robert Schreiber. died at James Walker Memorial Hospital 11:45 last night. Funeral tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon 4 o'clock from Woolvin's funeral establishment. Friends are asked to attend. The imourities and dangers are only added to in .this way. For more than fifty years S. S. Si has been the one recognized reliable blood remedy that has been used with Wghly satisfactory:, result for 1 Scrofula. Berhg- madfe r6i ' the roota and herbs of the forest, if , is garan! teed purely vegetable, and absolutely,-; free from all mineral imjedltats You can obtain S. S. S. . from . any drugstore. Our chief medical adviser. 4 is an expert on all blood disorders, and will cheerfully give ypu ; f ujlv advice as to the treatment of .your : own cae. Addcess Swift Specific f Co, Dept F Atlanta, Ga, ' ;l Black, Purple,BrowD, Goid,Gr.ey andTauie Safin Hats. A. XS Satin and Straw Hats. sgaaQ Velvet Hats at Cost, MISS. ALMA- i does wonders for sick skins That itching, burning skin-trouble which keeps you scratching and digging, is a source of embarrass ment, as well as of tormeit to you. . Why don't you get rid pf it by using Resinol Ointment? Physicians pre scribe it constantly. In most cases,' it stops itching instantly and heals eruptions promptly. It is very easy and economical to use. . ' Sold by all druggiets. ; Reinol Oistraeat boald usually be aided by Kestnol Soap. 5 mmmmm Best quality, Tan RawKide and Elkskin Leathers ; . Viscolized Double sole, bellows tongue to top. Full and ' ' ' ; Half Cut '" : j X . If interested in good strong shoes, SEE' .Wilmington's' Largest and Best Shoe Store r