' THE -WILMINGTON 1 DISPATCH, FRIDAY 'AFTERNOON. JANUARY fl; 19 J8 PAGE SEVEN, j)e OR O.YJ-&?iff&y&N&fr& to' THEATRE- ir-w-:.-- p.f-i&.;', - sot, - lip - iSSe tern ill alHmb sds lit m 1 Havana Cuba. With the arrival here yesterday of Alfredo DeOie, the champion three-cushion player, and his challenger, Chesebrough Otis, every thing is in readiness for the approaching three-cushion championship match of the world, which will be held at Payret Theatre here on the nights of Jan uarj 10, 11 and 12. , - Noted Speaker at Bar Meeting. Xew York, Jan. 11. Eminent speakers from Eriglahd' and Canada as veil as the. United States are on the program of the forty-first an nual meeting f the New York State Bar Association which began its ses- biuu ueie Ltua. xne minai session was Dresided over hv -Chnrlfiss P5: .X a JS mi. ?i! . i - f Hughes, former asspejate . justice of f . the Supreme . Court of the "United States. This evening- Sir Frederick -E. Hughes, attorney-general Of Great Eritain, delivers the annual address.' At the convention dinner tomorrow night the noted guests and speak ers will include, the .Puke of Devon shire, Governor-General of Canada; Secretary of State Robert Lansing, and the ambassadors of Great Brit ain, France, Italy and Japan. . Ohio Society to Hear Roosevelt. New York, Jan. ll.The Ohio So ciety of New York has completed elaborate arrangements ;f or its -annual dinner to .bejEmST tomorrow ight at the Waldorf-Astoria. Theo ore Roosevelt has accepted an in tation to attend the function and de er an address. Another prominent weaker of the evening.-will be . Sir rcderick E. Smith, the British at-orney-general, who is to be -heard a the subject of British ideals and 'ms in the war. IE NEW CALOMEL A PERFECT SUCCESS C'alotabs, the newly perfected calo is absolutely purified from all of 'he unpleasant, sickening and danger 'f qualities of the old-style calomel. hr' new Calotabs are rapidly taking Place cf the old-style calomel tab . as they are much more, eff ectivo a liver cleanser and system puri-. -" yet are entirely free from all ob--ionable qualities. . The new Calotabs-are sold only in iginal, sealed packages'; price, thir-'j-five cents. Your druggist, reeom menda and guarantees, them.?--adv. NOSE CL0GGE& FROM I COLD OR CATARRH AP?Iy Cream in Nostrils To Open Up Air Passages. Am what relief! Your . Clogged ystnls open right u, the alrpassagos vTJr head are clear and you cai !Se freely-' No xBtoas- hawking, r:llEs, mucous discharge, headache. - Jfaeas no sf m trvU-n v t ft if oath a. at your cold or catarrh Is gone, ""at stay stuffed up! Ge$ a Bll 4nS8i0 Ely'a Vrexm Balm from your TOst now. Apply a . little of -this trilt if' antlsePtic cream in. yourno--fcian. etrate through etery, air S HE nf the head' sootheand heal bran! , n' mflamed - mucoutf mem Crps yu Instant relief; -Sirs cam Rain. I . . - J4ra L B JUSI wnax every cum I Ifg it? sufferer has Tteeri seefcmer. Alfredo deOro World's Thr&e Cushion! Bill laid Champion- 50Yearsa0o your jk . NEWS E gghg&L P W fir CouKs e Golds r sold .considerable, too, End now it is known the nation over as the standard cough and cold remedy. Successful and satis factory because it is quick act ing and safe. Doesn't upset the stomach nor does it nauseate. Use it for that mean .hacking rough, and in all stages of grippe. Get it at your druggists Always Lead to Better Health Serious sicknesses start in disorders of the Stomach and Liver. The best corrective and preventive is Dr. King's New Life Pills. They prevent Con stipation, keep Liver, and Bowels in a heal thy condition. Effective, mild. J . n m The Third and Biggest of the : Week" BIG SURPRISE Specialty Features With Today's Big Bill by . ALLAN RICHARDS AND HIS DOLLY VARDEN S Second Chapter "Tho Secret of the Submarine" GIRL 1" VMtROUD AS LUCIFER, ' Dyun in the Triangle .play "Regener ates'' at tha Grand theatre on toniorr row. -'J., .''''"f1' '- He was proud ol his ancestral home and of his influence and. above" all, of the blue blood -which coursed through his veins. "tVho wtts your grandfath er?" was hig first question when he met a stfungerand on this hinged his whole character. - The one desire of bis life was the union of his two grandchildren, Cath erine. Ten-Eye and Pell Van Dyun, fox it meant the perpetuation? ol the family name without a break loathe pvirity of the blood, , And r then came a grim tragedy tvnich at one blow shattered the ow man's dearest dreams and left him a broken man. But it remained for tho tiny hands of a child, through whose veins flowed the Van Dyun blue and the red blood of the commoner to open the eyes of this proud old man iaj:his growing Triangle play, "Regenerates.' At the Grand Today. A BIG EMOTIONAL FEATURE. In one of the artistic scenes dc signed for Lois Weber's production of the big emotional feature, "Even As You and I," the "feature of the Grand Monday and Tuesday, doves play an important part. - Outside the window of a Sculptor's studio the birds fly about and alight on the caves of the house. However, one day this week a dove flew through a broken window into the studio set. It knocked against a piece of statuary which went crashing to the floor. It took two days to replace this bit of property, which cost over $200.00. A Scane From Lois Weber's Stupen dous Production, "Even As You and I," At the Grand Monday and Tues day. Save the food and help the fight er fight. Triangle Pictures-Present i HBuoens WitSi WALT WHITMAN In generates A Story of Thrills A Play of Pathos A "The Rs s a trucks prompt on your ing f rom 1 half. W niiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii iituiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitfiitfiiiiiiu ' ' NEW BERN. 4 New Bern, N. C, Jan. 11. Mr. and Mrs. TG. N. Ives visited at Newport for a few days this week. Miss Mattie Shields, of Durham, is spending a few days in the city with relatives. Mrs. Bettie Hawkins has returned from Morehead City, where she spent a'few days. Mrs. N. M. Edwards, of Morahead City, made a short stay in the city this week. Mrs. W. E. Haynes, of Raleigh; U the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Crum bier, on Broad street. . Mrs. N. H. Hdwell, of Norfolk, Va., who has been visiting Mrs. S. J. Phil lips, has left for home. Mrs. W. A. Allen, of Greenville, S. C, is spending a few days in the city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A D. Ward. Mrs. R. L. Shaw and children, of Norfolk, Va., who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cavenaugh, have gone to KinstOtt to Visit relatives. Miss Elsie Pugh, of Oriental, who is teaching in one of the schools at Greenville, left for the latter point this week, after spending several day. I U.to--a-.4tt,t-, ZmX.touJi . We unloaded this week delivery Let us ngure your hauling prob us ngure lems ana snow you ho w to draya ge bills. We have four ight delivery cars to ton and Do MacMillaji nere." Mrs. Carroll has gone to-Hou eton, Texas, where she will spend eral weeks. Mrs. H. A. Tolson, of Durham, is l-here for a visit, at-the home oIUMki F. H. Aberly. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. T. C . Etheridge, and child have returned to their home mdal thought for those stationed at Kinston, after a visit with friends in FGrt casweU, ienative pianB were for tms city. v -( mul&ted. for the work. It is the hope Mrs. w. a. Alien, of Greenville - a C. ig here on a visit to her mother. Mrs. A D. Ward. Miss Kittle Poole has returned to her home at Claytoh4 N. C, . after spending some time her, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Blades. KofiCB of administration jmund Bear and. Mr. J. Haughton -iISSA8 thtf baJlZv2Al L,3"' James. Captain Metts.was placed at signed ha this day qualified as Admlnia- j . a . J, ..Bai-w,At-trator of Maria a. Fosgate, deceased, late 1 the head of the. entertainment cotn or the County of New Hanover. Ail per-, mittee, Mr. Davis On . transportation, sons indebted to the estate will please' jnake"' Archdeacon Noe on - commercial- rela immedlate settlement. All prsons hotdiiiff ; tiens, and Dr. Harriss on hospitality, claims against eaid estate are hereby no-1 titled to present the same to the under-; ':r - "... ; . fiicrned at Wilmineton. rorth Cnrnllna. on or before the 4th day of December, 1914, or this notice will be pleaded in bat- of their recovery. This th day of December, 1917. THOMAS W. TJAVIS, Administrator of Maria A. Fosgate, de ceased. tATTinlTiinin rtitrvM nuuniAiu huu UAta, Attorneys. "SOMEWHERE IN FRANC - na n.iiiatfa.rht. . r three earloads and can give your save money sizes on hand PLANS FOR $Q!ut)IER6. gev--isPe'a' Committee Plans to Make City Mere Attractive to Men: At an enthusiastic-meeting held in the rpoms pf.the Chamber-of-Com-nierce of the special recently appoint- , amt othfer needs 0f enUa'taed men," wttn of the committee to co-ordinate the work 'of all , the local ". organizations; and to make the city more attractive for the' men both by improving tha transportation facilities and the enter tainment features in the city. The committee is composed of Mr. Roger Moore, chairman; " Capt. E. A. Myetts, Dr. A. H. - Harris, Thos. W. Davis, Esq., Mr. E. P Bailey, Mr Sig- Is elfet!r fs Ireattsg t ll$&ZLl7$i .Sad will aot stfictur. .J5?ieJ?JiCDWys i-arwl Post if desired Price $1, or u bottles $2.75. ep&mi 6 "MB EVANS CrllfMiCAL CO, CINCINNATI, O. E" ON THE WAY TO THE m. t , Jh n U-V r r-. i i IT IT i i 1 i ill i II III III rwsWlTTTsrTTi'MWnSMBSMBMBWBS b 1"1iiswTb-Sbi biMiiI I I i is :. 9 -t r B . x . i! -.uu-tw a iiw w ii 'I niii ii .iii'i'iv ' nn-wninj" I'yiiiihiiwii inwwiyifTnrr-rwnai is niTii mil ifiiiiirTtnnrin-iT : - , ' ' - ' ; Jl v r : V ' -mm mmm mm rang Important to all yotaen Thousands upon-thousands of vromeu " Women's complaints often prove to ; be nothing else but kidney trouble, ,' the result of kidney or bladder .Cis- r ease. . . . , :: ) i-'V If the kidneys are not. in a healthy ; condition, they j may cause the other organs to become diseased "'.-'r.V?y;r; You may suffer pain ih the ; -bttKU i headache and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irrtrfe j. 1 l a i .1 JK a . -. ia,uie ana may, db uetyuuueuv, makes any one so. : -.' n--: But hundreds of women claim that ?. Dr, Kilmer's Swamp-ROot, byrestoringl health to the kidneyy, proved to : be just the remedy , needed to overcome 4 such conditions. - A good kidney medicine, possessing real healing and. curative value, shoul- be a blessing to thousands of .nervous,, overworked, women. -; -sgH: CtUU at4AV wvwiv what Swamp-Roo) thegreiat kidaer v liver and Madder medicine. w'ULdO 10c them. Every reader of this, baner. rW ' has not already tried it," by. encldslnkf ten cents a Dr. Kilmer and CoTang-1 . hamton. N. Y.'. may receive 'samtlo ize bottie by Parcel Post.; VXon caj purchase the regular ; medium : ana large size bottle at all drug , store 8. v ay "t-. ' - - - FRONT . i--.--. i S ft Zu 41 i