V F South Carolina N&ws Items miiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiinii HAM RESIGNS. , - - . xu- Atlantic Coast Line for A3ent Past Twelve Years. t . ' a c., Jan. 17 The-MuV i tirvvise today has the follow- nS f interest: ' in?01 nf the most important chang- the that &aa f thft resignation of J. to 1 uai .. . x. . . - -- year"1" ent of the coastline -rail mad cerned "fine ox l" uTiiiTtc the commercial mo . .iuuuuio es 1U, : tovpn mace m a numper or I. RaIU' so far as Mullins is con- g St-"' - f will mmfl as a- srreat TluS thP neoole of Mullins, for surpr- h.pn looked upon as an Mr-H -v.il nn'rt of the ereat Coast indespenu ( , ..S! Iine. S).!L. Vr Mullins about 12 years -we cttLu- "-.. .... --, - -n to sac . arm uuima :nn1'. . -ic-o tn "business, works StUCh. u- - ' almost night -and day at times faithful endeavor to keep up the a; cl las ing ceed the late Eugene Gil sr all these years he $ d Hntips that the aeent ,TlV iQUH-ai v. TuaBJ ...j norfnrm ThfiKft ' vrhi- AT-nPft eu .- - !S hp said here, have become tics. 11 iua-' . : . . ,c -r-- -i ...- his neann g-viug wj I heavy strain and -lcome.d. the i"1 : j -i j i x-- rauroaa uusixietsa, uulu Mr. Ham under opP1 ,o4it and passenger traffic, the. ex- consideration until the f olio Wine d v. the r House - of ,-RepresentativesTues-day night passed to third reading by overwhelming majority, the Australi an balot bm,r introduced bf Speaker Cothraa at the lastvsessrion qf the Leg islature; - -3 , " , . ... - - v THEATRE MAYOFI OF ROCK HILL. v , V. B. Blackenship Elected by New . Board -: of , Commissioners. Rock Hill, S.: C, Jan. 17. The new ly elected Board": of - Commissioners; taking -office Monday night, elected V. B. Blackenship mayor. ; iR, L. Sturgis, who has been serving as mayor,, vas elected mayor pro- tern. Dr. W. Q. Stevens; the, other member of -i the' board, , is, serving his - fourth year as a member.. The election (of various city officers willbe taken up later.' FIRES LAST NIGHT. day t nn i" 0 . v.o- orrnurn hcniHIv and ?oin too, the telegraph office is do . more business than , ever before, nd with all these increased:: duties Jr Oil lUC OClXXiC TTVXXVXXXfe wive, Jjf Hani lUUXlU. XU C XXXJ ,x.x u-uuin vjlity to stand up to the work.; "When asKeu uy v. icpuitw csibi- rhat his plans ror. tne iuture . - ... m j x Jf ! .pre he saia mat ne naa poi lujiy made up his mind. That he had been iffered vrorK m me ranruitu Bcrviue i-d had also several other projects j-view, but just which he would set HP on he was not able-to say. f jB X 11 3I -Air Ham s iamniar iaee-ai.xne ae- no- will be missed. He is clever and . r x It.. X A J : X icfomraoaaimg lu m. unuc .auu it till likely be a long time betore the Coast Line will get a man that will 5H this place as acceptable as he has. His many friends and that means everybody m Mullins hope J4;hat he will remain among us. He is -a good citizen, honest and trustworthy 4n ev ery respect, and Mullins cannot afford to lose such a valued citizen."- AUSTRALIAN BALLOTT. The Department " Responded to Two ' Calls Early Last Night. . The fire department responded, to two calls - yesterday ; ands quickly v ex tinguished flames which did: little -dam-age. The first Alarm was on account of a smaltflre at Burnett's garage last night at 7 o'clock, on Fifth and Wright streets. An electric : automobile' own ed 5 by Mr. George Hunt, caught fire and was considerably damaged before the firemen rivorked the: chemical en gine to good effect. ; About 9 o'clock last night the de partment was again called out and extinguished the flames in a small one-story 'dwelling ; owned by Mr. R. R. Stone 'in the northern part of the city. It is said that the damage re suited amounts to several hundred dollars. A lamp explosion is said to have been, the , cause of the firel . , Died in France. Washington, Jan. 17. General Per shing today reported the death of Private Isaac Jordan, . Jr.r engineers, on .January 14, of pneumonia. Jor dan's home was in Valdosta, 6a. T Bill Passed Third Reading In House of Representatives. Columbia, S. C, Jan. 17. In spite of a stubborn fight made to . postpone nniiRH ANY; Now's the Time to Prevent Its Serioua Consequences. '- You will not find a better than Br. Bell's Pine Tar-Honey, to pre vent your cough from developing, in to grave and even dangerous ailment. This pleasant balsam preparation is antiseptic, and quickly effective. When you take Dr. Bell's Pine-TaH Honey you check the spread - of infec-v hous germs, loosen and help eliminate the phlegm, soothe the inflammation, and relieve that grippy feeling. . Get a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar- Honey and watch your improvement from the first dose. Do not be satis- ed with half-treatment,: ; however. ake Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey, till your grippe, cold, or bronchitis is com pletely relieved. ' . ' GRAND. 52 DAYS BEGINNING TOMORROW LONGER: 1 W ' 1 remedy , LVlVlAN H.rHOWE'S TRAVEL , FES . . TIVAL. T - ' "l The development , of the greatest contribution of the ' Allies' in the world war, the caterpillar tractor, is shown in Lyman H. Howe's newest Travel Festival, which' comes to the Academy of Music on Saturday matinee and night, January 26, - Oddly the caterpillar, to which in vention is- due the . British armored tank and other , similar contrivances, is. the creation, of an American, Ben jamin Holt. The .caterpillars are playing - a vital part on the battle fronts sweeping ocer- trenches, through forests.: and across barbed wire, entanglements like a Juggernaut. Thus' far the- Central Powers have XU9UXXIB' xucuuauiviti. giauis..? ; The Howe cameramen caught the huge caterpillars a in thrilling action in the United States army, under , the skillful manipulation of daring "Sam mies," where the films we, taken -by special; permission of the government. The pictures show the ; caterpillar tractor dragging, long trains of army wagons up hill, across streams and through mud many feet deep. The speed which can" be maintained by the tractor, despite very unfavorable road conditions, is vividly demonstrat ed. Its remarkable agility,' based on its ability to go-up and down hill at seemingly ihpossible angles and "" to turn sharply within- its own length, is brought out graphically. The tractor pictures constitute an important feature of Mr. Howe's new Travel Festival, which "has as another headline offering J a. remarkable tour of 'China, taking audiences into the secret and sacred corners of the Cel estial Empire. For the first time the Forbidden City is revealed on the screen. A picturesque tour of Alaska is another big feature. These re markable scenes show the birth of huge icebergs in the North Pacific) grotesque totem poles, the modem methods of gold milling, and visits to the bizarre mining towns, as well as hunting and fishing excursions into val presents a fascinating ; visit to Coney Island, in which "'the spectator is taken to every one, of the famous resort's . itan-creating amusement de vices. The program, too, numbers cany new animated cartoons, said to be the best yet created by the Howe staff of humorous artists. acterizatioh, ;'Bab's Diary," .a marvel- ous and enjoyable film version of Mary Robert -Rinehart'S; famous, r"Sub Deb" gtoryr which ran, serially -in;-the Saturday-Evening Post and. created such nation-wide j comment everywhere. ' Marguerite Clark, T as everyone will know v who read this great story. ". is marvelously adapted by j her "winsome and vivacious personality to enact the title role in "this fascinating story of the litle subsleb : who wanted to be a grown-up bef ore her "family thought she was old. enougn. They can imag Ine Marguerite Clark in the- role where the sub-deb jumps into, a bath tub full of : cold water wearing her very best party- dress, when she "was caught writing a letter to her little v sweet heart, and the many other fascinating and humorous touches to this' great est story by this great author. ' - The Grand believes every patron will eitherwant to see this picture twice or N will have friends whom' they will wait to send to see .it. , There fore it has been booked for two days, Friday and Saturday, i and. .notwith standing: the 'fact that, the new Mar guerite Clark features , are the most expensive features ever booked at . the Grand,' , they will be presented at reg ular : admission prices, in order that ( apacity crowds , may witness them. -' Paramount Presents Marguerite Clark IN "BAB'S DIARY" Mary Robert Rinehart's Famous "Sub-Deb" Story . Positively Her. Greatest Paramount v; Production " Matinees 10c Nights 15c AS GOOD AS CLAIMED. Wally Holston treated Royal pa trons to a distinct novelty in the. new bill presented at the Royal for the H first time yesterday and to go on again today and tonight for the last times. It went over big before thr: pleased audiences' and was a distinct innovation in popular priced amus? ment lines. . Wills Lady Minstrels - is the way the show" is billed and il is someth'ns th like of which has- never before seen ' eft- the-Royal stage. This.- com pany prides itself on picsentins the mosi rremeel and higia class populv-r priced show on the road,' and is cater ing to the yery best patronage om, and the big opening show proved no exception to this rule. It is a min strel show in every sense of the word and remarkable results were achieved by the 12 artists composing the or ganization, some of the acts going over with the snap and vim that char acterizes the very biggest minstrel organizations. A special scenic set ting added greatly to the show, and the chorus work was remarkably well done, with some very neat and origi nal costumes along new lines. This bill goes on today and tonight for the last times, "The Raw Recruit," their third and last bill, going on tomorrow. AGAIN TODAY WALLY HELSTON PRESNTS WILLS LAIJY MINSTRELS - - A Genuine Minstrel? Show With ; Big Special Features ' ' SPECIALSCENERY And Big Chorus Specialties-Concluding- With a Funny . Satire' on a Trolley Car. NEW BILL TOMORROW MARGUERITE CLARK. MargTKrite Clark, the most win some and ylainty star on the screen, the star whom every man, woman and child in the whole world just simply adores, is to pay Wilmington a visit, staying for two days this time, begin ning at the Grand tomorrow, when she presents her greatest screen char- f.yiF u cuia- raSg . . , Pimm? $.:.m : i , w2&riwk : - ' The: Attraction at tht' Grand ! rFlday and Saturcfcv, . ; h ; ;. k Sage Tea Darkens Hair to Any Shade onH! Stay GryJ -:HereT Old-tljne Recipe that Any body can Apply.- The use of Sage , and Sulphur for restoTins: faded, gray hair to its nat ural color dates back" to grandmotbV era ume. ssne usea it to Keep ;ner hair beautifully dark; glossy and at tractive. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appear ance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. . But brewing at home is mussy and out-of-date.. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a bottle of--Wythe's Sage and Sulphur Compound,' you get this famous old preparaton, improved by the addition of other ingredients, which can be depended, upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist says it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can Jtell it has been applied.' You simply dampen, it and draw this through your hair, taking one. strand at a time. By morn ing the gray hair disappears, and after another application or two, it becomes beautifully dark and glossy. Wyeth's Sage and . Sulphur : Com pound is a delightful toile.t requisite for those who desire a more youthful appearance. It is not intended for the cure,, mitigation or prevention o Uiseasek Adv. . FORECLOSURE SAX.E By virtue of a power of sale contained In a certain mortgage deed executed ry Herbert E skins and his wife Viola Eskmai recorded in Book No. 81 page 335, et seq. in the office of the Register 'of Deeds or New Hanover county, the undersigned at torney for the . mortgagee, "Mechanics' Home Association" will on Monday the 4tn day of February. 1918, at 12 o'clock m, at the JCourt House door of the . county or New - Hanover sen at poouc auction ror cash, to the -highest bidder the following described 'land and premises: Beginning at the Northwestern intersec tion of . the Northern line of Wooster, street with the Western line of Seventh street anu from thence running along the Western line of . Seventh street Northwardly . seventy three (73) feet and six to? jncnes, thence WeBtwaraiy and In a line parallel with said line of Wooster street sixty-six (66) feet, thence Southwardly and In. a line parallel with said line of Seventh street sevnety-three (73) feet and six, (6 lnc&CB to the Northern line of Wooster street ana thence Eastwardly along Northern line of Wooster -street sixty-six (Gtt) reet to tne place of beglnnnlgf The same being a por tion of the Eastern parts of lots 5 and.C in Block 64 In the plan r the City of Wil mington, N. The said parties aforesaid having defaulted in the payments accord ing vto the terms- and provisions of said mortgage -deed. - , W. B.- McKOY, Attorney for the Mechanics' Home Associa tion. ...... l-14-21t "W'l" PAGE THREE To Stop a .Persistent, : Hatking Cough The best Temedy is ene yti c&a easily nmke at hotne. Climp ; bu Tery effective. ' ThonsaThfiA nf twviti1 nnrmntlv TiooHTitt in every other , respect are annoyed "with a persistent hangin?-on bronchial cough, year after year, disturbing their sleep and making life - disagreeable. sIt's so neeuiessi tnere's - an old - nome-made remedy that will end such, a cough easily and quickly. - 1 - Get from any drucjrfst w2 ounces of PinKX?.t60 cents,worthi;pour it into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain it at OTice. Grafliiiillv hnt. rutpIv vrm will notice ;the phlegm -thin out and then disappear . altogether, thus- ending a cough that you never thoukht would end. It also promptly loosens a dry or tight cough, stops the troublesome throat tickle, -soothes th irritated memhrsiTieA that line the throat and bronchial tubes and .relief comes almost immediately. A day's use will usually break up an or- ainary., xnroai or cnest cold, and lor bronchitis, - crdup, whooping cough and bronchial asthma there is nothing: Detxer. ib xastes pleasant ' and keeps perfectlv. ' f Janex is a most valuable concentrated. Compound of cenuine Norwav . titib tract, and is used by millions-of peo ple every year lor throat ana chest colds with splendid results. v To .avoid disappointment, ask your uruggiB ior -z va ounces of -Finex" with full directions and don't accent anvthinsr else. '. A guarantee of absolute satisfac tion or money promptly refunded goes . Mi ji ' ts rm Tr. . j-v . 'Til Shov; You Corns Peel Off l" EverPeelaBananaSMn? Thaf sit! "I should worry about' those corns -I just put some Gets-It - on. Corns used to pester the world into a "frenzy, : enduring pain, digging, slicing toes, tinkering with plasters .. .... ' r- ...... . ...... . .... t- f r7--"--v.T-f- , 1 1 - Ill ' ! : I "nr : FH mary j ji llr honored the makers of Pompeiarr toilet prep-1 PI ompeian Gets-It' Puts Ton Feet 'in Cloves at Ends Corns Quickly. and tape, trying to fix a corn so It wouldn't hurt. But now no one in the world "should worry," because th moment you put "Gets-It" on. it- xoeans the- end of a corn There is nothing in the world- like J Gets-It" nothing- as sure and cer tain nothing that yon can count on. to take off a corn or callus ev - erytirhe. and without daiwer. The i-r. ptw that 'Gets -It Will not get. It never Irritates, the flesh. . ; never makes . your toe - sore, Just - ?wo drops of Gets-It aad:nter the corn-pain - vanishes. SJiJfy ' you can peel the corn right oft with, your finger and there yon. are- corn-free and ' happy With, the toe as smooth and corn-free as your palm. Never JhaEpened before, did Ge?Tbottle--of -Gets-It- tofly from any-drug store, you need pay no more than 25c, or sent on, re eelpt of price by -E Xawrence s co ' Chicago. 111. : Sold In Wilmington and recommended as the world's best corn remedy by R. B. Bel lamy, Green's Drug Store. Mission Phaa macy, ElvJngton Pramacy, Smith Drug Store. Advt. We Specialize in the - Manufacture of Rubber Stamps LeGwin Printing Co. Srace St. Wilmington, N. C. 0RTOJN Wilmington, N. C. Wilmington's Best Hotel, American Plan one block from Wrights ville Beach car line. F. W. ARMSTRONG, Prop. ... 1 " 1 . ' ' . .' - . . . , BOSREE'S "GERMAN SYRUP Why use ordinary cough remedies, when Bcschee's Germany Syrup has been used so successfully for -fifty-one years in all parts of the United States for coughs, bronchitis, colds settled In the throat, especially lung troubles. Lit gives the patient a good night's rest free , from coughing, with easy -expectoration In the morning, "gives nature a chance to soothe the inflamed parts, throw off, the. disease, helping the pa tient to' regain his health. ' .25 and 75 cent -botties.-'Sol4Jiy.iGEeeiL'3 Dzug AUTOSTOR HIRE A v -for Pleasure Driving, Dances Wedding and Commercial City Livery lo. : Phones 15 and 315. '4 is adored the world over for her ability, character. and youthful charm. Miss Pickford has again honored the makers of Pompeian: toilet arations by posing exclusively for the 1918 Pompeian Beauty Art Panel. Above is pic- tured only the head. Tlie long panel shows the full length figure in beautiSal colors. Size of panel, 28x754 inches. Act:Store value 50c. This panel and a sample of (Pompeian NIGHT Cream sent for only 10c See coupon below.! POMPEIAN Night Cream Brings" Beauty WTiile TTou Sleep Faithful use of Pompeian NIGHT Cream every nigtit upon retiring makes the ckin regain or keep its fresh, , ; velvety, youthful charm. In beautiful purple and gold jars atf the stores, 40c and 80c. v - ."' - v Guaranteed by the makers of Pompeian MASSAGE . Cream (which exeTdses.ani youth-i-fies the face);and' . Pompeian HAIR Massage which removes deadly dan- ' . druff and beautifies the hair. 4 .f 5 ! s m 10c and this cocpon bring yon a 1918 Mary PidcSxd Art Panel and-sample . of Pompeian NIGHT Cr eam. , Tear off cocpon . Now - - 1 i .1 I (Stmmpa accepted, .diszia prefrmd) v " Tie Pmpsba Mf g. Coq . . . . n - ' 2100 Seperior At., fterelaBd, 0. Nam.... - Addri w- - i City. .Stats... . .. . . . i Write very clearly ill- War Bread in Greensboro. -Greensboro, N. C, Jan. 17. The cit izen of this cit who eats Vhite bread is a rarity, fdr the article known as white flour is not available to the local consumers, dark, or "war bread being the order of the day here now. The dark flour contains 95 per cent wheat and is the output of local mills in accordance with the food adminis tration's recipe. : Black Creek Bank. Chartered. , ; : . j Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 17.The State . has chartered the bank of Black : Creek, Wilson county, with $10,000 j paid in capital. The institution da I tobegin business with 100 sharehold- ' era. N. B. an R. E. Davis, of Fre- ! mont, and W. T. Bass, of Black. Creek, are stockholders. f COLD WEATHER N Ash Cans Ash Sifters ' Coai Shovels Fire Shovels Hot Water Bottles , "Columbia" Sheet-Iron Q "Vortex" Heaters- Box Cast Iron. Heaters . Thermometers . Portable Fire Grates I Jacobi miima v vyit 10 and 12 So. Front St; ' ) ',t; i ! : t ' . i ' III n