1 PAGE? EIGHT- Tr-'nv OON,;J ANUARY 7, 19 Ifif. V?" S CfltOROJ'MEN : WILL CUT t mnn hm UUU UI1 NEXT TUESDAY Fuel Committee Today Set in : Motion Unique Scheme. ' . . to Relieve Famine ' The decision was reached Thurs day - to set aside next Tuesday as ."Wood Cutting Day" for the colored menvof the ity, and plans were adopt ed;' for the observance of the jlay which it is believed will mean at :'leasW300 able bodied men at work for the day in the woods on the land j of the Tidewater Power Company hus kily "engaged in the effort to supple i ' ment the supply of fuel for this city, i T A' conference was held Thursday by ;'j a "committee from the colored Minis i j terial Association with Mr. Hugh Mac ' j Rae, and later the outline of the plans then formulated were heartily ap h "proved at a conference with Mr. W. H. , Sprunt, chairman of the special fuel committee of the Chamber of ; Commerce. f The plan is to mobilize as many col ored men as possible at 8 o'clock on i Tuesday morning on the tract of for- est, land near Oleander station, on : the suburban line, which belongs to i the Tidewater Power .Company. Of ! the wood cut by each man one-half j will be donated to the . Associated Charities, and will be hauled into the i city for the , use of that organization free of charge by the teams of the j city The other half will belong to jthecutterrto; be delivered by himself. Eaeh man reporting for duty at the time stated and putting in a day's Heork will be given full pay according to his regular wages by his employ - erH In cse a jnan works who is not , regularly employed, he can either take i for himself all the wood he cuts and jdeliver it at his own expense, or else J by equally dividing the amount he Icuts himself and the Associated Char jlties bis own portion will be deliver Hedlfree of charge. yThe committee of colored ministers j consists 'of Rev. J. E. Jackson, Rev. H. Moore and Rev. J. A. Bonner. When the plan was unfolded to -them they: were enthusiastically approving, and, each -one stated that he would c himself so utilize the. day. The plan i will be announced at all the. services in the colored churches on Sunday, . and the various pastors will make U especial appeals to the men of their ' congregations . to join in the work. V While it was of course not possible at this time for the committees having the ..scheme in charge to personally ; get in touch with all employers of ! labor in the city, yet the committee from the Chamber of Commerce was so sure that employers would consent : ' to the action taken that it was ap proved, and all employers in the city are urged by the committee to agree to 'the payment of the regular day's r wages to ail the colored men who will j.Vivt. 1- x a t - .. uu uu wora. Lowaru supplying WOOa both for themselves and for the Asso ciated Charities. The committee e3ti mates that' it is much the cheapest method, and the most efficient, that has been suggested, and each of the ; members wants to see it made a de cided ': success. ' . j There will be overseers present to make r careful records of the amount of wood, cut by each man, and to see ? that equitable distribution is made. T A ticket to the employer for the day's ' wages will be given to only those who accomplish results worth while. The committee nas urged that the an nouncement of the intention to par ticipate in this wood cutting day be made1 to the employers on Monday, so-that there will not be the confu ploit which would result from a large : number of laborers dropping out of the. industrial life of the city for one day without any notice. FORMULATING PLANS TO TITHE SOL ENTER DIERS Committee had - Profitable Meeting vto Discuss the ; Matter This Afternoon THE EDWARDS WOMAN TS STATEMENT Peclares First Story of Killing Moutos Was to Protect '-'".' Sturm ; (Special to the Dispatch). . : Fayette ville. N; C, Jan. 17. At the request 5f .her couc sel, Rose Edwards, -;Svhor was Tuesday sentenced to :;o years ins the State prison, with Leon .Sturm, for the murder of Angeles 'Moutos appeared 4before judge George Connor in the Superior Court here yes terday and retracted statements mad by "fcer Tuesday which placed on hc self the greater part of the blame for Moutos death, and, told the court that she bad testified as she did in order - to- protect Sturm, the companion wita whom: she: waa traveling at the time of the.. commission of the crime. The young woman further stated that she assumed ; the larger part of the blame because SturmitDld her to do so. r r Following the woman's statement, Rev Jol S. Snider, a Baptist . pas tor, made a plea for the girl and ask ed the court to Isend her ta some place other than the State prison. Judge , Connor readily consented to do this if some institution where the young wo i man can legally be sent can te found. : The Judge also said that he had sus pected that the woman story as originally 'told swasnot entirely true, but thatlon .the face of , her "own tes- , tinxony he could not do otherwise than give her the same ' sentence as that' imposed on th man., Judge Con nor reserved his fjnal decision. . -; The Edwards girl in her statement yesterday declared that Sturni.had for : !!dea her to receive men in ;her" room . --3 that when he foundMoutpa ther. ! . 3 killed the Greek.: ; . I- - 1 The general committee of the Cham ber of Commerce that is preparing, to make Wilmington more attractive to the soldiers stationed at Fort Cas well, and which is devising ways and means of making the city more acces ible to the men, had an interesting meeting this afternoon at which the chairmen of the various sub-committees reported splendid progress in their respective efforts. Mr. Roger Moore is general chairman - of ; the committee, and-plans are being rapid ly worked out for the work to be un dertaken. It was decided today to send a num ber of representatives to Fort Cas well the first of next week for the pur pose of conferring with Col:. . A. W. Chase, the commander, and the other officers and explainingwhat it is pro posed to do here for the benefit of the men. While many of the plans are already in process of being carried out, it is ielt that Col. Chase . may have valuable suggestions to make, and the members of the committee desire to work in full harmony with the army oiticers Dr. A. H. Harris, .chairman of the hospitality section of the committee, reported that the . responses made to the appeal for' beds and furnishings to provide sleeping accomodations have nol; been nearly sufficient for the needs of the committee. There is available ample sleeninsr' Quarters. but there is an urgent .need for more Deds, cots, mattresses, pillows , and bed clothes, and all who will furnish these are requested to call Dr. Harris or Mr. H. B. Branch. These articles are asked ot be - loaned, not given, and they will be returned when the need for their use is over. So far onlv about one fourth as much as is need ea nas oeen offered. At the same time the response to the call has been very encouraging, and the mem- Ders or tne committee reel confident that responses fully ample to answer the requirements will be forthcoming as soon as the people of the city gen erally understand that they are want fed for the comfort of the men while sojourning m the city. Capt. E. A. Metts, of the entertain ment section, reported arrangements made for dances each Saturday night as one means of entertainment, and that the matter of extending hospi tality is being taken up with the diff erent fraternal orders. Thos. W. Davis, Esq., of the section on commercial relations, stated that efforts were being; made to get ad ditional boat service between the city and the fort, and that the stampi Wilmington and the Wilmington, erunswicK ana southern railroad are being asked to grant courtesies for tne oenefit of the men. Mrs. Pemberton. of the Y. W C. A.. stated that organization had prepared to gjve a tea on each Saturday after noon ior a montn, witn the same ar angement made by the Red Cross Society. The occasions are to be made most pleasant socially, and arc expected to prove very attractive. Other organizations of the women of the city will supplement these efforts. Mr. J. C. Williams, of the section on friendly relations, announced plans completed for furnishine the snlriier with full information about the city. They will be given announcements with regard to the various things planned for them over each week end, and this will be given them through printed matter to be distributed : hv the Boy Scouts, who will meet the boats on their arrival here. Archdeacon Thos. P. Noe, of the feection on social service, was i today and unable to be present, much to the regret of the other members of the committee who appreciate his'wiso counsel and energetic efforts in pro moting the general plans of the committee. BUSINE&Sl - ;?HINGS TrlAT NEVER HAPPEN s PEGIALS MESSENGER SERVICE. For this service we use- the ; Pos tal Telegraph Cable Company's, messengers. They will call for veur "ads." in the-same manner I and quick time as they now cover the city for telegrams, night letter grams, cables, etc. For further information as to "ads," call 176, but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." SEE CHAS. FINKELSTEIN FOR your Diamnods, Watches, Cameo Broaches. Wrist Watches and a full line of Solid gold and Gold filled Jew elry. Buy early. and save .money at Chas. Finkelstein's. No. 6 So. Front St. Phone 642 11-30-tf WHEN YOUR BOY GOES INTO THE Trenches see that he takes with him your portrait. He will treasure tt above all the gold on earth. Foltz and Kendnx. 12-13-tf MOVJ . FF ' ' HFQF. OSS iKir arpN AinOtliKf FOB TKIV FIBM VTrtRfF WtK5 Al DPAnv zvmIV. ALL I ET (UNLESS I 4T 35' I r. vmihaA MAM - W FAP DON 7 QU IV-1 f XOU i VM 5UQF. TMF ;FlCtA. wuuuv ?unoui v.L' M1&.IF .- VOL Iff MLAOV fit tvN Jof ptR yea. 1 vTTT llllllllllllllllllltillllllllllllllllllillllllllll!, - To Subscribers, United States Government Loan ---i Bonds . We are how prepared to deliver full paid subscriptions to bonds of both the first and second issue.. i THE PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK F. W. DIGK, President J. HOLMES DAVIS, Cashie CORNER FRONT AND PRINCESS STREETS y . . . - MANY NORTH CAUIA POSTMAS TERS NAMED More Than a Score Tar , Heels Nominated to Serve Four . More Years WANTED By' couple without Child ren, three or four unfurnished rooms for lighthousekeeping: Must have all modern conveniences. Ad dress "B" ; Box 593. 1-17-itj ORDER EARLY FARRIS' HO"TSUP- per Rolls. "They save Hours in the kitchen. Phone 626-627. 14-30-ti WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON . date of Issue when bo requested Phone your rdsr to 745. Gordon's JNews stand. 10-7-ti m. m m m m m. m amtmmm mm m actly like typewriting. Finest of all n a n i w rv - TXT 1 t 22 auvciuauiB lueuiuiua. yc mane them. Puhllc Typewriting. Printing s , and Engraving. Harris Printing and S Advertising Co. 12-tu-th-sat-sun-tf THE MOTTE BUSINESS COLLEGE oners young men ana women step ahead to success. Write, ior & catalogue or call phone 706. 1-9-tt S WANTED FIFTY CABORERS.il white or colored, to clean land. I Guaranteed three years work. Ap-1 ply M. Lance, Carolina Beach. 8-31tf 3 WANTED AN ACTIVE MAN WITH Some money not less than $1,000. we leave money in your cans ana help finance; permanent position. Marine Iron & Steel Co., Norflok, Va. ll-27tf. Builders Supplies LOOK 1 AM SELLING BEST NA- tive beef round steak 25c lb. Lorn steak 25c. chuck steak 20c. roast 20n. stew 15c, native pork 30 to 35c per TT id nam, Dacon, sausage at cut prices. Hoyt Kennedy, phone 670. WINESAP APPLES. CAR LOAD just received. Also Seed Irish Po tatoes. Canadian Turniis. Onion. Eating potatoes. Peaches, Prunes, Apples, Beans, Peas, Wrapping Pa per spices and Candy. Bear Prod. and Mdse. Co., phone 452-453., 14 MarKet St. 12-27-tf W, B. THORPE & GO. I Water and "Ann streets I Phone 789. iwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisrsnriniiiiiiiffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii TOLEDO SCALES NO SPRINGS. Honest weight. E. A. Shands, Jr., now representing Toledo Scale Co. in this territory. Phone 630, 12-29-tf. FOR RENT COTTAGE NO. 719 Orange with garage and wood house. jnone 1874-j or 826. ' iz-8-tr We Are The EXCLUSIVE AGENTS IN THIS CITY Chri It is as good as Candy can be made. A fresh shipment just received. WILMIIIGTOII GROCERY CO,, Office Phone 12. 127 Market. Phones 13-14 THE 1918 stmas IS NOW OPEN 5 CLASSES 25c each week amounts -.. .$12.50 50c each week amounts to 25.00 $1 .00 each week amounts to .: 50.00 5c progressive amounts to 64.00 5c reducing amounts to .01.L.1,j 65.00 American Bank & Trust Company Front and Market Sts., JVilmington N;:QJ' p ...... ; OLD FALSE TEETH WANTED Don't matter if broken I pay $2. to $15 per set. Also cash for old gold, silver, and broken jewelry. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mall. Will hold troods .10 days for sender's approval of my,! oner. i. Mazer, 2007 So. 5th St., hila., Pa. 1-15-30 tj. FOR SALE Nice Jersey Cow. Three years oia. jprenens January 29th. win. wens, .rnone 1148. 1-17-1-tj. FOR SALE Fiftv Cords of wnnd I b.&u a cord delivered, in cord lots. i'hone 4702. l-17-3t-j. FOR SALE ONE ROUND sion dining table. Cheap. 405 S. Fifth street. - War Savi Club am PINE WOOD Delivered anywhere in tne city. ?6.50 a cord.. Phone 7503 J. l-17-7t-j. Buy War Savin gS Stamps. 'A profitable. simple, secure investment paying 4 per cent compounded, re deemable at any time upon ten days' notice, issued in two denominations, 25 cents and $5.00. 25 cents and $5 seem small amounts but remember that a single strand in a cable has no strength but thous- uiwjv ouauuo UUUUU tgCLllCX UpilOlQ LflC JDrOOK- lyn Bridge. Do your bit. A country worth fighting for is worth saving for. W. B. Cooper & Co. Wilmington, N. C. LEGAL HOLIDAY J (Lees Birthday) SATURDAY JANUARY 19th, -1918. being a LEQAt; Holiday, the banks of this CITY WILL NOT TRANSACT ANY BUSINESS. Wilmington Clearing House Association. -THOS E. COOPER, ,Secretar.y Wilmington, N, rr JOIN OUR piHiiHiiinmiiwiiHiiiniHnininninmHfflimniHiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiHiiHHiinHnim (By George H. Manning.) Washington; Jan. 17 Preaont Wilson sent to 'the Senate yesterday I the nominations of North Carolina postmasters to serve! another four-vear tprm o others to be postmaster at nffirea r-a. ttan the everv-dav-accifients -p.nt.s. cenUy advanced to the presidential ' bruises, scratches, etcthat hap- pen to their children ? What is More TerribletoMothers . " " """"mmininillllllllllll Christmas Savings Glub sDifHHiiiiiiimmDiminimmHiiiimmiiimmm Opened Monday, December 3 1st You will find it an easy way to save money for taxes, insurance, vacation as well as for suunny days. You'll be happy if you save. The Home Savings Bank Wilmington, X C. V class The postmasters nominated tn aarva another four year term are: Ahoskie L.T. Sumner; Apex, A. C. Hughes; Belhaven, Daniel Windley;-' Chad bourn, E. J. Britt; Chapel Hill, Rob ert McRae; Elizabeth City, Andrew L Pendleton; Enfield, H. S. Harrison Fajrmont. Stephen P. Wilson; Fre mont, William Flowers; Kittrell, Ira Hunt; Lrtimberton, D. D. French; Mar shall, John R. Swann; Mebane, J T Dick;' Mount .Holly, R. p. Gardner; Plymouth,; George Waters ; Reidsville Robert Montgomery; Rose Hill, Wil liam ; Fussell;. .Sanford, Samuel V Scott; Thomaayille, Cepha L. Harris Troy, John F Saunders; Vineland G W. HU1; Wake Forest O. K. Holding-' Warsaw, D. lEBest; Winston-Salem R. S.; Galloway. ' Those nominated to serve as " post master at the offices- recently ad vancedito the Presidential class t are Camp Glenn, : Sallie Bangs; Halifax Xittle Fenner ; Highlands, ' James Mines; Jackson, . John Buffalo Man. ieaf jwoerc jcimenageana Mars Hill V.'-O. Connor- - 7 ' Noah's Liniment stops the blood, deadens the pain, takes away the danger of blood poisoning and heals the -wound. It as antiseptic. Noah's Liniment is the best single preparation any family can have in their home. It is a pain remedy for internal . use as well as a liniment for external application. Noah's Liniment is excellent for colds, coughs, sore: throat and toothache. Made in Richmond, Va. by Noah Products Corp., and soldbydeal- An Illustration of the Best Life ' Insurance Policy Issufed fot wm wean Amonnt $10,000 Double Indemnity If death occur by accident while on a train, trolley, steamship or oth er common fcarrler, Jthe policy pay $20,000 instead of, $10,000. Disability Protection If permanently dluabned before age 65 from any cjlitseaccident, blind ness, paralysis,? tuberculosis, in sanity, or anything else all further - premiums are waived and you receive an income of ?1)00 a year for life. At death the full $10,000 4s paid, le gardless of the premiums waived and the income already paid to you. Annual Cash Dividends This policy pays dividends an nually after the second year. Had this policy been taken put in 190i the dividends for 1917 alone would have been $100.00. The longer it is carried the cheaper it becomes and the more it is worth. - -, . I,oan After the second, year you can aV v ways borrow froni "one-third to two- thirds of the amount you have paid In without Jeopardizing the policy, and oa. can insure the loan mak ing the policy free of debt in case of death. . - Agre at Issue, S5 Paid-Cp Extensions After you have carried this policy for three years you can stop paying and the Company will carry your in surance tree nr six years and 193 days. After 10 years the company will carry you for-.l years and 311 days, and so on. . ' Amount Obtainable This policy may brrisT)tained In any amount from flfiOQ to $25,000 the latter sum being the Company's limit for tJtfs particular poKty. Payments may be made annually, semi-annually or quarterly. Policy Becomes Fall-Paid At age C5 all payments crmse and $10,000 goes to your heirs when you die, or you can have $G,090 in cash for yourself. . v The Company r- , The Issuinfe compnj- is the strong est in the world assets $SGG,D8S,S41. 67 and it does business at a Ibwer cost than any other, which niWnnt. for the large dividends returned -to poiicynoiaers. , ... If you need life insurance you want this contracf, Exact details for your own age gladly furnished on request. C. L. DICKINSON, Agt. Telephone 859... Office 101 Princess. HOW IS THE TIME TO TRANSFER YOUR FILES Office Filing Appliances of all kinds. Steel and' Wood Transfer Cases. '" Guides and Folders. Box Files and Card Index Cabinets, Record Cards. Office Stationery of every description. Loose-Leaf Ledgers and , Price Books. '-Blank Books of All Kinds Commercial Calendars. 4. C. W. YATES COMP' ' 1 One horse . . . . , . . . ... ... $ 8.50 One and one-half horse . . . i . ;V . . . 12.00 Two horses ,. .-. V 1 5 00 . raw ground pmw';' ; ; 1 3.50 Cap Hardware1 Company sews 'V -- -