iOISPATGH FOOD iiWln th PAGES TODAY 3 SEGTIOIiS . 4. ..I FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE f xXlV. No. 10 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY MORNI NG, JANUARY 20, 1918. PRICE FIVE CENTS2 North Carolina Social News !. ! J.." 1 i 1.1 !. j. LUMBERTON. mm Zi A -ill a& K erton. Jan. 19. The Lumber jed Cross Chapter lias toeen or ,ed ynih the foUowlng officers: E. White, president;' Mrs. R. laldwell, rice president; Mrs. W. tompson, secretary; Mr. Junius oodwin, treasurer; roembero of stive committee, the above-named 9r3 ex-officio and Mesdames H.' He blister and B. U Holloway, Messrs. A. W. McLean, W. H. phxej-, Stephen Mclntyre, J. A. pe The chapter starts -with, a .bersMp of 386. . and Mrs. R J. Britt, who were ei at Barnesville on the 27th ist month, have returned froxri honejTiioon trip which was spent lorida. They will be at home he present at the Hotel Lorraine, sa Viola Jenkins has returned Bennettsville, S. C, where she teen visiting her grandmother, Harriet Watson. . and Mrs. C. B. Sessoms have ied to their home at Badin, after ding some time here visiting rel- 13. s. J. E. Phillips is spending the : in Badin, visiting friends and ives. .and Mrs. H. W, John, of "Max- were Lumberton visitors this o C. J. H. McDonald-and son, of Pauls, visited town thjsjweek. . and Mrs. J. P. Brown and son, Hal V. Brown, of Fairmont, were i visitors this week. . and Mrs. E. Feldman and children, Eva and Rebecca, of ikie, spent several days this week the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. istein here. They went from to Fairmont, where they will other friends and relatives . and Mrs. O. C. Spaulding, of Maxton, have been" visiting at the home of Mrs .j Spaulding's .parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Townsend. ' General and Mrs. F. A. "TloTid- nt Hunters' Lodge, visited Lumberton this week. 4 4, fayetteville" 4. 4 ' Fayetteville, Jan 19. Miss Emma Greer, who has been the guest of Mrs. Archer Boogher, has returned to her home in Roanoke, Va, Miss Georgie Hicks, who has been the guest of Mr. H McD. Robinson and family, has returned to her home at Faison She was accompanied by her niece, Miss Katherine Robinson, who will be her guest for a short while. v Misses Margaret Jennings and Mary Williams left this week for New York City, where they will visit Miss Jennings aunt, Mrs. James Gray. Mrs. R. T. Rosemond has returned to her home after a visit in Greens boro, where she was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Sam Brad shaw . She was accompanied home by her sister, Mrs John H. Dewey. After a visit to her cousin, Miss Margaret Jones, at Sanford, Miss Ma rie Judge has returned to her home in this city. Mr and Mrs.. Albert Hogeland have announced the engagement of their daughter, Anne, to Dr. John de Jar nette Pemberton, of Rochester,. Minn., f ormerlr of this city. . Miss Hogeland is an attractive- member of the young eirset Dr. Pemberton is a graduate of the University of North Carolina and the University of Pennsylvania, and is now a member of the surgical staff of Mayo Brothers' clinic. Miss Isabel Bidgood was hostess on Tuesday afternoon to the members of the Tuesday Bridge Club. Miss LHelen Slocumb was an invited guest Miss Alice McMillan has returned to her home in Savannah, Ga., after a visit to her cousin, . Mrs. Thomas M. Green. Miss Annie Johnson,' of Red Springs, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Seavy Highsmith, at her home On Green street. The Woman's Study Class met on Thursday afternoon with' Mrs. John R. Tolar as hostess at her home on Anderson street. 4. ' MOUNT OLIVE. ' Mount Olive, N. C, Jan. 19. Miss Rachel Kornegay, who is teaching at Rocky Point, spent the week-end here with her parents. Miss-Analee Best, of Warsaw, has .recently been a guest of Miss Annie Rose Southerland. , Mrs. W. E. Ormond, of Wilming ton, visited Mrs. S. A. Byrd this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Waters and Mrs.; George Waters and two daugh ters, Misses Ethel and Mary Lou, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Butts earl ythis week. they made their home recently. They have been visiting their sister, Mrs. J. N. Maxwell, at Red Springs, N. C. Miss. Ria Scruggs, of MOntvale, Va., arrived this week to spend- some time with her sister, Miss i- Eliabeth Scruggs. . J:- Mrs. Geo. H. Brooks and Miss Mag gie Horn, of Pittsboro, N. C, after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Brooks, liave gone to Hous ton, Texas, to spend the winter. . Mr. arid Mrs. J. R. Griffin and chil dren are spending a few days visiting Mr. Griffin's father at Marshville. 4. HAMLET. Hamlet, N. C, Jan. 19. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Boylin are spending several weeks In Florida. The condition of Mrs. Dora Kendall, who has been ill with grip for two weeks, is unchanged. Mrs. C. C. Tart and little daughter, Adylee, are visiting Mrs. Tart's par ents at Lilesville. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McKay spent some time at the depot aSturday wait ing for the Charlotte train, where LAURINBURG. Laurinburg, N. C, Jan. 19. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kersey, of Laurel Hill, were Laurinburg visitors this week. Mr. and Mrs. C, D. Norton, of Lau rel Hill, visited town this week. Mr. and Mrs.' Hlnton James have recently moved their residence to the Wilkinson house on Church street. Mr. Maurice Rutner, of Springfield, Mass., has been spending a few days in the city the guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. Bergman. Mr., and Mrs. D. Oscar Wright were Laurinburg visitors this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Williams spent Monday night in the city with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sanford. Mrs. Willi ams and Mrs. Sanford are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Williams have been liv ing in Savannah, Ga., and are moving to Wilmington to make their home. Mrs. E. C. Mann and little son, Ed ward, who have been spending some time here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McEachin, have returned to their home in St. Matthews, S. C. CHADBOURN. Chadbourn, N. C, Jan. N. C., Jan. 19,--Mrs. Stanfield, who spent several days in Fairmont visiting friends, has return ed home.- - Misses Hildred Leonheart and Mil dred' Woodward have returned home hifter spending a few days in Florence. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Moore, who have been visiting relatives and' friends in Titusville, Fla., have returned homo. Miss Jessie Williams, who has been spending the holidays : at Lakeland, Fla., returned last week. ; J Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pearson return jed this week after spending several idays at Black Creek, j Miss Sarah Pearson has returned 1 to resume her studies after spending j the holidays at Black Creek the guest of her parents. Miss Ruth Inman, who is teaching at Lake Waccamaw, spent the week end at home. The closing of Jim Jeffries' hotel, as a result of Los Angeles going dry, has caused Tom Sharkey to return East. The old sailor heavyweight had been employed at Jeff's hostelry for some time. $ WHITEVILLE. ' Whiteville, N. C, aJn. 19. Mrs. Bertha Smith and Miss Lollie Powell have . returned from a visit to Miss SallieGarrell at Tabor. Miss Maggie Hall, of Wananish, was in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hobbs have re cently moved here from Wilmington. MK Hobbs will engage in the insur ance business. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Smith jsassed through here this week en route to Garland, where Mr. Smith becomes agent for the A. C. L. His friends will be glad to learn of his deserved pro motion. They formerly lived here. 4 NEW BERN. . tj New. Bern, N. C, Jan. 19. Miss Ol lie Grady of Tuscarora, returned home this week after spending a short time here visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Ward and daugh ter, Miss Emily, have gone to Raleigh, where Miss Ward will resume her studies at St Mary's College. . Mr. and Mrs. John Cook and chil dren have left for Raleigh, where they' will make their home in the future, j Mrs. L. L. Dameron has returned from a visit with relatives in Green3-( boro. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gardner, of Bos ton, after a pleasant visit here, have returned home. Miss - Mamie Royall, of Norfolk, is spending some time in the city vis iting at the home of her brother, Mr. H. E. Royall. . Mrs. James Bryan went to Golds boro this week for a short visit. ; Mrs. J. W. Rawls has returned to the city after a visit with friends at Vanceboro. Mrs. Bettie Hawkins returned this week from a week-end visit to More head City. Miss Rosa Spruill, of Ashwood, was in New Bern this week on a shopping trip. Mrs. W. P. M. Bryan is visiting re latives and friends at Washington. Mr; and Mrs. H. W. Gibbs, who have been visiting relatives at Beau fort, have returned home. Mrs. Herbert Lupton, of Tarboro, has returned home after a visit to relatives here. Mrs. Jacob Chadwick - has gone to Beaufort to spend some time With relatives. Miss Dorothy Lawis, of Beaufort, who has , been visiting Mrs. H, I. Crumpler on Broad street, has return ed to her home. .v U warsaw. t u t, Warsaw, Jan. 19. Jackson Day was celebrated by the little Confederate Chapter, C. of C, when they were:en- leriainea dv miss LiOis uest at ma n , r home of her parents on Wednesday ( afternoon. The exercises nmneri 'with 1 1' t!i the regular ritual, after which MlssC Evelyn Anderson read an address byj ' ! the late Chas. B. Aycock, eulogizinj:l i n . i' Lee This was followed by a general j liji discussion of Lee and Jackson,' aft- er which "Stonewall Jackson's Way ,,! was suncr as a chorus by the chapter, f ohh Miss Sallie Faison Best then readwM "Marse Robert Is Asleep." The "pro.r" gram ciosea witn tne singing or .."Uia'i r time confederates. A. new member, Miss Florence Johnson, was admitted. The young hostess assisted her mothJ er and Mrs. D. E. Best to serve v de lightful sandwiches and iced drinks at the close of the meeting. L. The Woman's Club held an interest- h M mg meeting on jmaay alternoon cr H ? I last week at the home of Mrs. C.-A. '-' Womack. Routine business was dU- j patched, after which the subject ''of jj j civic improvement was introduced by 1 1; ,f. Mrs. Erie Best, and it was decided to t'? ;! ask help from the railroad company !: in converting the site of the old de the district meeting of the Federated J,.f j ' Women's- Clubs of the Ninth District?! ,l some time in April, if the district '; ! president can make arrangements for i the desired speakers to be present Jrj then. It was also decided to have ran K'' j. entertainment at an early date, a' spe- 1 : j ' : cial feature of which will be an:old I I r time spelling match; and part of the L ; " proceeds from which will be donated T j to the local Red Cross chapter. v Fol- f i; lowing the business meeting a -pleas-lj f , ant social hour, was enjoyed, during tU' "ks f i (Continued on Page T iH !. It ' ' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin fr HtlUSE FURNISHINGS SAGIIFICEIs :xzr:c . 1 TUESDAY MORNING 9 O'CLOCK - 1 frnm Keen most satisfactory. We are displaying additional Bargains, having just completed moving the stock to our own store. ' " 'JSyi Our entire stock and that purchased from A. D. Brown estate will be sold one week longer at Sacrifice Sale. Prices are advancing daily, and many of the 25 h items we are-selling will be worth double next Fall. I EE;;1 SALE Will CLOSE Next SATURDAY -lift Cash. Orilv fiir 4nv mnrp fo nnrrnafif frhesft . Rarorains. Mail rrHr crivAri srwar-ial atrtnrion Xrm SfnrMxr fT ti Art Squares and Rugs We advise purchasing your future wants of these ar ticles. Fall prices are being quoted that will make you pay almost double the price quoted below 9x12 Axminster Art Squares, Worth $35.00, our own stock and that of Brown's are offered this week for $23.50 Small Axminister Rug3 to match at reduced prices. $12.50 Crex 9x12 Art Squares in Greens Browns, Blue, Greys and Red Our own stock and that of A. D.. Brown's are offered you at special" price, each $8.75 Also, 8x10 size : .....,.....$6.90 And 6x9 size ..r ....$4.75 27x54 Crex Rugs w .$1.15 26x72 Crex Rugs .......$1.35 All to match the large Rugs. Carpets and Mattings 11.75 Amber Velvet Garpet, Beautiful patterns from A. D. Brown's stock will be Sacrificed at, per yd.. . $1.23 $1.00 All Wool Ingrain-Carpet, 36 inches wide in as- sorted colorings Sacrifice Sale Price, per yard. . . .65c SOc Fiber Floor Covering today for floor covering, 36 inches wide, 1 pp., Brown, 1 pc Green; figured, Sac rifice price . .T". .35c Straw Mattings today are worth 60c a yard, during , these five days we offer our entire Stock at '..35c yard 26 inch Crex Bordered Hall Runner Green and Brown, Today's price $1.00-per yard, Brown's stock and our's on sale for, per yard .75c Linoleums and Congoleums Our stock and that purchased of A. D. Brown, represent ing about one hundred pieces are offered 5 days longer at Sacrifice Krges. 1 72 Inch (ijipoleum, suitable for Rooms, Halls, Kit chens or Bath, Worth ?1.50 per yard 5 days longer we offer the stock at, per yard ......98c ?2.5U Inlaid Linoleum , for Kitchen or Bath Rooms Sacrifice Sale price, per yard $1.98 36x72 and 54x54 inch Congoleum Rugs in assorted patterns Sacrifice Sale price, each .....$1.25 Square Linoleum Mats, for Cuspidors, worth 25c, Sac rifice price.... - ' 15c Cork Carpet, today's price $4.50 per yard We offer our Stock of three Rolls for, per yard $3.50 , The above prices does not include laying. Window Shades 3x6 feet Opaque Shades, green, ecrue and white, spring rollers, price -. 42c Same in 7 feet ......... . 50c Linen finish- Shades, 3x6 feet, in green cream, and white, sale price : 70o Samu in 7. feet . . . ...... 80c Duplex Shades, 36x84 in., green on one side white on the other; today's price $1.50; Sacrifice price..- 85o Shades made to order during this sale at Sacrifice v prices. Cretons and Draperies 75c French and Linen Cretons, 36 inches wide; price special at, per yard . . . . . ...... . . .60c 60c French and Fancy Cretons, 36 inches, priced special at, per yard .,. . . .45c 50c Fancy Cretons for Bags or Draperies; priced special at, per yard 42c 35c Fancy Cretons and Ticking, priced at, per yard 25c Furniture Tapestry Covering Never again will this opportunity be offered you to have your furniture re covered as now. We have priced Browns and our own stock, at one-fourth to one-third off regular price. Lace Curtains and Nets ':fi;: Our Stock and that purchased of A. D. Brown repv sr: - J fa a Stnrlr of nwrlv 52.000.00 Everv one shonlrli : .SLJ ' i i be able to satisfy their wants. One lot of $ 1 .50 Lace Curtains in White and Ecrue to be sacrificed for, per pair . . .98c $1.75 Lace Gurtains, in White and Cream, neat pat terns for Sitting Rooms or Bed Rooms, sale price, per pair fTT. .$1.35 $2.50 Extra Fine Lace and Net Curtains, White Cream and Ecrue, neat designs, sacrifice price, per pair $2.00 . .2 JUt 1 1CUI1 lJUUll, 1X1 W 1UIC VJCCUU CUIU lil UC, OOVll- ?mm Ul IVC .................. MW ' , 20c Plain Scrim. in White, Cream and Ecrue, sacri fice price , . . . . . . ." ...... ........16c Dotted Swiss worth 20c today, sacrifice sale price . . . 12 l-2c -ri'i i i .M if i mi t: Blankets and Comforts-- A few broken lots of these at Sacrifice prices, tocldse out during our Sacrifice Sale. Trunks and Bags and Suit Gases s A complete stock and you will find the reduction from twenty to twenty-five per cent lower than the regular S price. Be on hand Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock and attend the 5 days Sacrifice Sale of Houae-Furnishings. Bargains for everybody. Housekeepers and hotels ; -J SnOUlU nOt let Ulio iiiunc.y ociviiig uppuiL unity paoo unnvnu. V ' '.; ? Brown's Stock House Furnishings rHE G. oP LVOGT COMPANI 113 North Front St. Wilmington, N. G. Brown's Stock House . Furnishings Sacriticed 4 ! : 4 t Sacrificed lllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllll i. ;1. - ..MMIIMMMIIMinilllllllillllllllllllllllMlllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllH llllllllllllllllliiiliiiiiiii,,,,,,,,,,,"M"" V : l . . .

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