V v.THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH, TUE5DiAT AFTERTQ QN,f ANUARr 29; -1918. PAGE FIV. ON gelk Williams Buys Building Occupied by, Themselves From Mr. Gaylord PRICE PAID WILL RUN NEAR $75,000 FIGURE as Handled Through James & James; One of Biggest Realty Deals of Past Months The biggest realty deal of the . year, snd one of the biggest for some time past WaS COUauiJ-iiXiatcu. a.. uuvu Tuesday when the three-story " Front street building occupied by the Belk Williams Company was purchased by the company occupying it from Mr. George 0. Gaylord. The actual fig jjre" were not made public, but it was understood that the purchase price will approximate $75,000. The deal Tas handled through James & James. The deal matting ine company oc- was one of the biggest of the past everal montns ana snows mat tne pplk-Williams people, one of the strongest and oldest companies of the State, has absolute iaitn m winning- tOH and uusmeao ucio. xu jo uut thought that any changes In the building are contemplated as it is in excellent condition. The building is a three-story brick structure, located on JbTont stret, De tween Chestnut and Grace, and it has a solid glass front "on the nrst floor. This arrangement gives the company ideal display windows. The building is equipped with all conveniences, in eluding elevator, and is conducted as one of the most fashionable, modern and up-to-date stores in the city. The purchase of the building makes the Belk-Williams Company a Wilmington fixture in every respect. arrangements oan completed and in event the invita tion that is to be extended is accept ed, Hon. William Jennings Bryan, for mer Secretary of state and one of Uie foremost men of the country, will bey carried on a tour : of Inspection through the city schools Thursday morning, plans of this nature wen being discussed Monday afternoon and have been ; gotten into tentative shape. It is not known definitely whether Mr. Bryan will arrive here In the morning or - on the evening train, but the .consensus of opinion is that he will reach the city before noon, and in event vthe train is run ning within an hour of schedule, am ple ' time , wilt be given for visitation of - the; schools. jAll- persons connect ed with the, schools are doubly anx ious for a visit from the distinguished commoner and-it would furnish a rare treat for the pupils. , As stated, plans are in tenta7e shape and if It can be arranged for Wilmington's visitor to go over die schools it win be done. Superinten dent John J. Blair is in hearty ac cord with the idea which ' was pro posed by one ,of his principals. Mr. Bryan speaks at the Academy of Music Thursday evening at 8:30 under the auspices and for the bene fit of the Young Men's Christian As sociation and already many seats to his lecture have been sold. BIN RED CROSS IDS 40J0J NURSES Enrollment is at Rate of 1,000 a Month, But This is Insufficient (By Geo. H. Manning.) Washington, D. C, Jan. '29. The American Red Cross is in urgent need of approximately 40,000 nurses to care for the American army. The Allies are also depending on the United States to supplement their nursing services. There are between 80,000 and .OW registered nurses in the United States. The have been enrolling in the nursing department of the Red iross at the rate of about 1,000 a month, but this will not keep pace ith the needs of the army, it is said. About 16,500 nurses are now enroled yith the Red Cross, of whom the ma jority are in active service, ready for mosiiization, or prepared for specified service. The fact that recrHitine' nf nrirs is not keeping pace with the military aeeas is because the and den -cayy Qemanri fnr- rnrcoo i a . -tint been thoroughly realized by the wom en available for nursing, and does not -rote that the women of the tuned States are "slackers." aceord- a to Miss Janp JDel ftnn rVi airman f the National Committee on Red ' ui JiUU. The Plans This Effect Have Been Gotten Into Tentative ; . ; V Shape - Provided be RECORDER'S COURT. POLITICAL POT IS : THREATENING BOIL J. Herbert Johnston Will Ask for Nomination to County ! Commissionership FRIENDS OF CANDIDATES CONTINUING VERY BUSY Opinion is That W. D. Mac Millan ( Jr, Will Seek to Remain on the Board Many Cases Disposed of at Today's Session of Police Tribunal. In the Recorder's Court this morn ing a charge of violation of the pro hibition law against Josie Malone, a likely prove an interesting one. white woman, fell flat and the prose-new candidate is one of the county's cuting witness was compelled to pajrmost substantial farmers and has been the costsfl when the court adjudged a member of the County Democratic the prosecution to be, frivolous and .Executive Committee for the past 12 With the time given candidates for filing notice of what they intend do ing drawing rapidly to a close the po litical pot passed the simmering stage long ago, and while it has not come to a boiling point as yet it is threat ening to do so. The crop of candi dates continues to increase with each day and ' ordinary street , corner gos sip is now of things political, the av erage man, being willing to change from war subjects for a few days. The latest candidate to announce his intentions is Mr. J. Herbert John ston, of Capo Fear township. Mr. Johnston is after one of the two va cancies that the Board of Counry Commisioners will offer. County Com missioner J. T. Kerr's term of office expires shortly, and while he has not announced his intentions, the under standing is that he will not seek re- nomination. - Mr. Kerr, ' however, may decide on going back and in event this decision is made the race be tween he and Mr. Johnston would The malicious. or 14 years. He has been closely af filiated with the food conservation movement and is known to practically 0VS1ERS W UNUSUALLY SCARCE AND PRICES HIGH Activities of Jack Frost in Sealing up Norfolk" Beds ; , Felt Appreciably Here . y The lowly - oyster v often referred to as the succulent bivalve and other ti tles with equally as much meaning, has joined the aviation service and Is apparently now trying . to establish nev records for altitude. And it all has resulted from the activities of Jack Frost in sealing up the beds around' Norfolk. .Norfolk oysters are bringing the highest price locally in the history of the trade, wholesale prices in Norfolk having jumped to an even more alarming manner. The freezing in of oyster steamers in Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries it is said, is largely responsible for the present high prices and scarcity of a food that was recommended by Hoover as a meat substitute. No oysters, so to speak, have ar rived in Norfolk since the first of the year and the natural result has been a scarcity of the bivalves here and in other cities that depend upon the Virginia metropolis for supply. Whole salers are facinga proposition in their efforts "to supply regular customers with oysters in sufficient quantities to hold their trade, but are doing ev erything in their power to help re tailers in meeting demands made up on them. Oyster steamers Tiave been frozen in for periods of five and six weeks and although heavily laden with cargoes have been unable to make port. Oyster shipments out of Norfolk since the first of the year have been the lowest in the history of the city. Enforced suspension of navigation, resulting in non-arrival of oysters, employment and wholesalers and ship- has sent openers in search of other pers are expecting difficulty in return ing these men or finding others to fill their places with the return of normal conditions.- Much" Buffering has been caused among families of oyster openers because of the en forced idleness of the heads of the families and shippers have in many instances supplied families with suffi cient food to exist on for days. In another case against the same defendant and Emma Evans, in which everyone in the county and city. an anray was tne cnarge, tney were both adjudged guilty and jointly paid the costs. E. W. Ward, a white man, paid the costsin two cases in which he was caarged witn assault on a and obstructing an officer. Vera Grant, colored, was given 30 days on the farm for appropriating a pair of shoes that Old not belong to her. There will be one other vacancy on the board, as Commissioner W. D. MacMillan is now serving by appoint ment a term that expires with Mr. female jKerrs term. It is not known wheth er Commissioner MacMillan will seek nomination, but the general opinion is that his hat will be in the ring. Representative L. Clayton Grant, who represented New Hanover in the last Legislature, hasT not fully decld- thro TTiontha nn tW rnada ed on what he Will do, but there IS when a charge of vagrancy had seem-a strtmS probability that he will op ingly been made out against him. I P,se Congressman Hannibal L. God Later he produced a roll of money jwjn- candidates are taking fuU wQB mo trt h Wmrt i advantage of the time allotted for fil th mm nf 2K until tomorrow morn-iIng notices, however, and he was not ing, when he will endeavor to show;prep"e t0 say Just wnat action ne where." ASSOCIATED CHAknES IN SPLENDID CONDITION All Old Officers Re-elected at Annual Meeting Held Tues day Morning At the annual meeting of the As sociated Charities held Tuesday moraine Miss Carrie Price was again flnd; elected secretary of the organization. Miss Price is now rounding out her twenty-fifth year In the service, hav ing been with the Charities since its establishment in October, 1893. -Reports Tram the Ministering Cir cle of Kind's Daughters, the What soever uircie or mng s -- ou: , xvo VtL U1D 1MU oss has already equipped and seni Recorder George Harriss will stand for renomination . to succeed himself and his friends are offering the argu ment that the Recorder's court, under his direction, went on a self-sustaining basis for the first time in its his tory. Many of the wiseacres are pre dieting that he i will be opposed by B. G. Empie, Esq., former Recorder, but a statement to this effect has not been made by Mr. Empie up until the present. The prevailing opinion is that the Recordership will furnish the warm est race in event the incumbent is op posed by the former Recorder, al it. i r"n ja r i - mougn anenn George u. jacKsou, :n the opinion of friends of former Sher iff Cowan, will not have a walk over, Mr. Cowan has not stated positively that he would be in the race, but the opinion of friends is that his hat will go in the ring at the proper moment. The boxing game is about to be re vived in Chelsea, Mass. Some years nmnrhtpr ago Chelsea was a great boxing center and Sons and the Red' Cross Societ important" bouts of the day were read and ordered filed. Mrs. E M. Gregg submitted a report for the abroad i 7qh ' , i Travelers Aid and made a special ap- the ti aJ nT f0V6Ce TfPeal for the support of the institu i??5oo I,7; S Pr0vid.ed Son. Mrs. Gregg stated that 3,500 u f r8 Lfr home service . had been helped during the Wtonltn." She desired to impress upon aout 2.000 rL .CTIIthe public the necessity for co-oper- ' -uuxoO Ul KaUlAtlU 111 L J i I. 1 J 1 u a pitals,- am units aT,H T7:T atton in tieworic, 111 addition tr f Via nnMAe, t.nli'nr 8 Pi army and navy nurse corPS arP a rvbuc Health nurses uty in the sanitary zones sur fading the cantonmente, . 89 are Rei r directly under the American three 0s in France' 12 in Romania, Greece and one in Sergla. ' rue entrance of the United : 3 icio tne war, the number of nurxes entering nurseo train- Public " le J ear before Jn orilm. ct the armv'and navr. the- modified somewUic 'is Tim - .Jullnien;s ior enroi!u.nr. r - i. me K6 ;ttti lo. i .J m year- V u owercu ia zi ,nd in spccl cases nurs fcl.0(i fmay e accepted. .smaller ii" lor nurses have been pln.'ed 'o"ldfe(iM list and aplicants A1;u on their merits. , to,4 Cross nurse's assign 'o alI-Heco iary n03pitals automatic- ur ii i if id iir rna ani'TT T-ir snment e corps, and after their as- fto LO Quty are no lonzer under W "ision or direction of active over; auty, anient and the These nurses, when on are entitled to the same war risk insurance tfS fcu. aua navy officers and enlisted need of funds to carry it on. All the old officers were re-elected as were the directors, and Senator W. B. Cooper was elected; to succeed the late Mr. James F. Fost. " The of ficers are: President, Rev. A. D. Mc clure, D D.; ; vice-president, Mr. Phil ander Pearsall; secretary, Miss Car rie Price;, treasurer, Mr. 3. M. Boat wright -The reports "showed the organiza tion to be in fine shape and the hearty co-operation of all j?resentvwas promised for the ensuing year. S Try Making Your Own jC Cough Remedy in Ton can save about $2, and have n a better remedy than the ready In made kind. EasUy done. If you combined the curative proper ties of every known "ready-made" cough remedy, you. would hardlv have In them all the curative power that lies in this simple "home-made" cousfh syrup which takes only a few minutes to rreDare. Get from any druggist 2 ounces of 3?inex (60 cents worth), pour it into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. The total cost is about 65 cents and gives you a full pint of really better cough syrup than you could buy ready-made for $2.50. JTastea pleasant and never spoils. Thir Pinex and sugar syrup prepara tion dts Tight at Jhe cause of a cough and gfives almost immediate relief. It loosens the phlegm, stops the naetr wu r.Imm DAlaved on Account of woa 1CfcUJ anu neuis me sore, lrri WorK Being peiayea on - mcwuhi i , h w .', . Illness ef Superintendent &Tid bronchial tubes. tjia wnrk on tne drainage aistnvii ...n Ka 4 i n , in. tne southern part of the county hasf A day's tese will usually overcome the DRAINAGE DISTRICT. been delayed because of the illness of Mr. H. M. Hodges, of the boutnern Drainage and Construction Company, of Kinaton, N. C. Mr. Hodges suffer ed an attack iOf pneumonia shortly aft er his arrival here and has been at James Walker Memorial Hospital bat tling' against the "disease since. This 4s the second drainage district to be established in the county. - Mr. J. I. - Becton? civil engineer, Is in Mtiimi of 'tie work. 'The project wlll vepe held there. STORE ROBBED MONDAY Contents of Cash Till Taken ; Left No Clue The retail grocerp store of Mr. Mat Jackson, Castle street between Sixth and Seventh, was forcibly entered on Monday afternoon and about $18 stolen from the cash till. Mr. Jack son was unable to say whether his stock was molested,, but Is under the impressfotf-that tmff thief or thieves satisfied themselves with whiat money they could find. . Officer L.eon George, of the plain clothes depart ment, who was on duty in that sec tion, investigated, but was unable to find anything that would throw any light, on the identity of the guilty party or parties. Entrance to the store was effected by forcing the back door. The rob bery was in broad- open daylight while Mr. Jackson was observing the half holiday authorized by the Fuel Administrator. SURVEY OF HOUSES. Made By Chambef of Commerce and Sent to Shipping Board. Mr. J. C. Williams has recently pre pared a survey of the housing facili ties of the city. The report has be9n sent to the shipping board and ac knowledgement of its receipt was had Monday. The survey, which was prepared by Mr. Williams , at the instance of the Chamber of Commerce, shows that Wilmington is ready to house several thousand people right away, and points out that this is a distinct ad vantage over other shipping ports. CELEBRATE LIBRARY DAY. Washington's Birthday Set Aside for Collection of Books. , '.Library Day" will be celebrated this year on Washington's birthday by the children of the public schools of the city. During the month ,of February an effort will be made to collect as many books as possible, for the schools. The effort will culminate in the celebra tion of "Library Day" on February 22. At . that time all donations of book wil be checked up and due ac knowledgements maae to ine aonors UNION INSTALLATION. ftta ordinary tough and for bronchitis. croup, whOoping cough and bronchial asthma, there is nothing better. Pinex is a most valuable concentrated compound of genuine Norway pine ex tract, and has been used for generations, to break up severe -coughs.. ' To avoid disappointment, be sure to ask your druggist for "2 ounces of Pinex' with full directions, and don't accept anything else. A -guarantee of absolute satisfaction or money prompt ly rerunaea, goes ,wun tnis preragj?i it rerunaea. coes witn tnia wenamHrnij i leave m aDsence irom'tjamn-jjevfn Pythian Lodges Combine to . Induct New Men Into Office. A Joint installation of officers will be held by the Clarendon and Stdne wall Lddges, Knights of Pythias, Tues day night at Castle. Hall.On account of the observance of heatless days. Stonewall Lodge will, not meet Mon day night. Clarendon Lodge has in vited Stonewall Lodge to join in the Tuesday meeting. Officers of both lodges will be in stalled at the meeting and the mem bers are promised, an excellent meet ing if they attend. Thrift w. s. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Stamps 25c - War Savings Certificates $4,12 Ask Us About Them The Wilmington Savings, & Trust Company PICKERTS AI GREETED BY SPLENDID AUDIENCES Capacity Houses Witnessed Both Shows at the Royal Theatre Monday The Pickert Stock Company opened strong at the Royal theatre Monday, presenting "The Only Son," a drama In three acts, to capacity houses both afternoon and evening. The efforts of those making up the 'cast were well received, the crowd being in the right humor for a bit of the isad after weeks of vaudeville and was anything but stingy with its applause. The Fickerts neea no antroaucuon lor there are few people in the country who have not laughed and cried with them during the past years and they and those who have associated with them have lost none of their ability to please. The between acts are util ized for light vaudeville sketches and this eliminates the tiresome waits that ordinarily sends the male theatre goers hustling to the corner drug store. The fact that the Pickerts are offering plays of merit;' dramas the have not been worn threadbare. stands as aneverlasting monument to their credit. In this respect they are in a class to themselves absolutely. Their opening bill waa pleasing enough. The story is interwoven with pathos to a marked extent, yet all back by. the husband who had Judged rashly and harshly. Ralph W. Cham bers, in the leading role, had ample opportunity for the self sacrificing he ro stuff and took full advantage of HOTEL WASHINGTON D.C. jl . I j OPPOSITE CAPITOL and UNION STATION Absolutely Ifew ui Strictly IXafara Renowned for it High Service and Low Rates, EUROPEAN PLAN Roca p y , $1 .50 witheutbath aii.y J Reeaviy $2.00 with bath sad t ; All Rooms Outsido Bookie for the asking W.T: KNIGHT.'Maiustf 'i ? it His part was not overdone; how ever. In fact the Prckerts keep a wide margin between themselves and that class of acting. - Less interest ing and entertaining offerings . have been put on- by road companies and real money accepted at the box office for the privilege of passing inside. CIRCULATE LETTERS MAILED. Southern Seaboard Cities Urged to Bestir Themselves. A circular letter has been address-i ed by the Charleston Chamber of Commerce to the commercial" organiz ations of all the. larger cities border ing on . the south Atlantic and Gulf coast ..urging them to use their influ- ends well when the - wife is taken! ence ,yith their congressmen for the establishment of shipping depots at Southern ports. Until the recent congestion caused by war conditions, the ports of New "xork and Norfolk were the only ones considered necessary for the use shippers. : Now that the congestlcil has become 4 acute, the necessity f o quier ports is ciearij eauwu &oa w 1 government is looking elsewhere o shipping facilities. y It is pointed out that the fiouthen ports are ice-free xand are little use at present, so that they are easili ?; available for government use. i Wil mington business men hare . - beei working on the proposition for xnor than a year without, however, realia ing their hopes. The concerted e forts of Southern seaboard cities' inai : bring -the matter to a head. , :- v. tfhe year 1913 showed the largesj pionsmp m Tne mstory oz rue jnixe( ,165 entries were received, as . agains' f ,11 in 1895,. the first year. the open al held. Prescripticns FiUed - Patent Medicines Erpect Ice Movement Wednesday. - Wheeling, W. Va., Jan. 29. River men hereoday predicted that the ice in the Ohio river would begin, to move tomorrow... The river Is frozeappm shore to shore, fine ice measuring from 12 to 14 inches.. . Nothing doing in the way of a Le-vlnsky-Greb contest at Cincinnati, lievin'sky cannot get a long " enough C When you need drugs or any Dther merchandise that is usual ly sold in a modern drug store, let us serve you. , The policy of every, department of this spe cialized store is Highest Quality, Efficient Service, Modern Prices. Our Prescription Department is managed by the best trained, registered pharmacists, and your doctors orders are carried out explicitly. v In our patent medicine section one may select fr6m scores of successful remedies. All the finest lines are repre sented in pur Toilet Goods Sec tion. . Stop at our Fountain. Cigars for discriminating smoker. n roilst Preparations Jarman & Futrelie You will find it convenient to order over the phone, Call No. !21! or No. 212. v i; i : I ; i' tv 1 ! ,C03t 1 the nfilrtord- ct S2&S2 i 1

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