' -v- 1 , Age .two Soutk Carolina News Items fuiiiiiiiiimnininmnira SOLD SWETNED 'WATER. SoVtfiers . Flimf lammed by Columbia Negro.; Colombia, S. C Jan. 30. Jesse Wil liams a negro, was - charged with ob- REFORMATORY FOR GIRLS. South Carolina to Take Forward Sep ''' 1 for Setter Morals. Columbia, S:l C, Jan, 30. Favor able action by the House ami Senate talning money under , false pretenses -is expected this week on tne MIL to recorder create the proposed reformatory for white' girls to be known as the State Industrial "School for Girls. The when he stood before the "Monday morning. ' snlriictra tosHflrtrt that S3.&3 was handed Jesse for a pint of lienor, meware te; pendfcim third reading buthennhey uncorked the bottle, m botti J- Jhe institution, if ' sweetened water is what came out created, wm undoubtedly play a large 'the -flask. They searched for. the. sweet part in preventing vice. .Senator Du Urater , dispenser and a week paseod; It. of Clarendon, to, the author of before "he hove in sight." When j.; the hiH Ix the Senate, and Mr. R 'Jesse was arrested and taken to thai tor. of Darlington, to the House. The Elation he carried a quart flask filledj women of the have already tak- f to, the brim with water and molasses. The recorder Imposed a fine of $40 1 ''Rescued Mule from Icy Water. taurens. S. (X, Jan. 30. Alfred Mc- Nincn, wno lives in me uiKom secuuu, ,had ? qilite a 'thrilling experience in trying to save the life ;of a mule be Klongiirg to a negro living in his com munity a day or two after the nig ; sleet storm the first of last . wek. iwhlleon a visit to his traps on ,Kv un Creek, Mr. McNinch discovered a jnule in a lake" of 'waf er covered over X with thick Ice, with the - exception of ' thepart " occupied by the mule. Evi dently the animal had fallen into tho lake while trying to appease ' his thirst. Calling to a negro 'bo who happened to be in hearing distance,! McNinch and the darky waded - intq the? pond, the water being almost waist deep, and after a hard strugglei "succeeded in getting the ' ? mule' td shore, thus saving it from- drowning. . ; C Chester Case of Menin&itis. , ' Chester, S. C, Jan. 30. One of the two children of William. Martin, 'a ne gro, ; :who lives near the outer con lines pfthe municipality, aid to have ;cerebro-spinal . mehlrigitls; Is dead. Martin is . a .' carpenter and ;has been working at' jCamp Jackson, and it Is thought 'conveyed the ' disease from there .ta';hiVrhpme;;The local board of health . has instituted a rigid quar entine .on, the- Martin house since ths cases ;TfFere discovered last week. Therels, a xlay . and night guard; about the-, premises. ' ; 'New; Mayor of .Kershaw. . Kershaw, S. VC, Jan. 30 fn a hotly contesVed. municipal election held Monday -after1: a5 spirited campaign, J. C.. Masjey incumbent, defeated'. J. D. fgTu&yey;. by ,a vote of .82 to 45 for. ma; M0i?eVRuraf potltee'mfn; Iurens S.; C.,'' Jan; 30The"Lftu rensldelegatiqii; to iheeteftliaskm; hlyr .ItMs understood, ' has; agreed f to Increase'; the 'number :6f rural .police- I 111611 ! TM cot&ition.. the - ground has fseven and ; abolish jthe Office pt,mm a istrate's constable in all the . town ships with' the exception of Laurens ;and afaton-tbill. to this effect is j tqtbe introduced this week, it is sta'd.' Thebfir wUT provide for an 1 increase of salary from $&00 to 1,000 Joreach rural policeman. r Retires from Practice. Walterboro, - S. Q., Jan. 30. W. ' B. Gruber;- who has been one of the lead lingL lawyers in this part- of the State for; the past 35 years, has announced bis intention to retire from the prac tice ; of hia profession and to devote hlsientire, time to his large farming interests. This announcement comes as a surprise to the people of this sec tion, who regard Mr. G ruber as an able i advocate. en steps to use their Influence to the end that the bill may be passed. The bfll creating the State Indus trial School for" Girls has a number of interesting features. The proposed institution. wiH-be for the custody and training, morally and industrially, of white girls between the ages of eight and 20 years. Commitment, to the school will be after trial of a girl in any criminal court In lieu of im prisonment pr after hearing on peti tion and affidavits alleging fncorrig bility, etc, in any probate court. The commitment processes are simitar to those now in use for the reformatory for white boys. Commitment will be authority for holding a girl at the girls reformatory until she Is 21 years old, unless sooner released by court proceedings. MOW TO RAISE NUMBER OF MARINES Recommended That the Num ber Be Increased From 30,000 to 50,000 (By Geo. H. Manning.) Washington, . D. C, Jan. 29. A movement is well under way to in crease the strength of the Marine Corps from . 30,000 to about men. , Major General George Barnett, commandant of the Marine Corps, rec ommended the increase to. Congress POSTAL MONEY QRDER IS THE SAFEST WAY Advice to Those w Sending ; 'MoneytotheSpldiers . ,r , vp. France " Chester Pastor Resigns. ': Chester, S. C, Jan. 30 There was a union service Sunday night of the churches of this city at the First Bap tist church to bid the Rev. H. A. Bag by, D. D., of that church, adieu, he having resigned recently. The set mon was delivered by Dr. Bagby and was' a' brilliant effort. ' -' Becomes Bank Cashier. Walterbpro; S. C, Jan. 30. Mar ahll' G. Gruber has accepted a posi tion; with the .First National Bank as cashier, , to succeed W. B. Loadholt, who recently" resigned to return to his home bank, the First National Bank of -Fairfax. Mr. Guber has been a suc cessful farmer of Walterboro for a number .of years and is. a young man of abuity. Grain; in Good Condition. Laurens, JS,. C.,. Jan, 30. Since the weather lias - moderated .... the smai rain " crop shows signs . of having weathered the -hard .freezes in a re markable manner.; Cabbage plants, too, that were transplanted in the fall are abarently" saf e ' so far. The last Thursday when ho was given a hearinsr before the Naval Affairs Com- speedilyhztittee of the House of 'Representa tives. . - The movement is favored by a large number of Senators and Congressmen who are highly- pleased "with ' the record of service and efficiency estab lished by this branch of the armed forces. Testifying before the House Naval Affairs Committee, Major General Barnett asserted that the Marine Corps needs at once approximately 13,000 more men to meet the Navy's program of additional ships and men. There are now a large number of marines in France, he said, the ex act, number he could not make pub lic, and the program of sending a large number more over to cooper ate with the Army makes it desirable and necessary to increase the strength of the Marine Corps. General Barnett went over with the committee in detail the number of warships called for in the Navy's pro gram, how many marines it would be necessary to plaqe aboard each ves sel, and demonstrated to the full sat isfaction of a majority of the commit- ttee members that the 30,000 men now in the Marine Corps will' not be sufficient to man all the ships with the proper quota of marines, much less spare many, thousands for serv ice in the trenches in France. The committee will keep this tes timony of General Barnett in mind when it' begins framing its annual ap propriation bill shortly and the pros pects are that the Marine Corps in crease wil .be recommended by the committee to the House. . The , Marine Corps, in the minds of many the most popular branch of the armed forces of this country, has been more than trebled in strength during the past 18 months Previous to August, . 1916, the total strength of the corps was 10,000 men. On August 29;--irao34hgress in creased the enlistea-streiigth from 10,000 to 15,000 men and authorized the President in case of emergency to bring the increase up to 17,400. , : (By Geo.' HJ; Manning). ; Washington, Jan. r 29 Persons . who wish to send ; money ' to the men in France should transmit it through' the 50,000 postoffice domestic . money . order sys tem and under no ' circumstances should currency beiseni through the malls, :. it was said 1 bp Postom.ce De partment officials, today in answer to made it Impracticable for any ear' gardening: and -not i, farm furrow has nrnthis month. Usually' the farmers can sow grain in January if he so de sires, but this season has been excep tional. In many places much cotton remains in the . fields unpicked and, of course, is pretty badly damaged. Board Finishes Its Work. St. George, S. C.r Jan. 30. The ex emption board for Dorchester- county Saturday completed the classification of registrants' under its jurisdiction under the selective draft act. The for. warding of records to the district board is now in progress and notice of classification by that body will be posted as rapidly as . the papers are returned to the local board. : K K Join The . "Kill The Kaiser Club" Buy purchasing Thrift Stamps w. s. s Buy War Savings Stamps Everywhere on Printing Company Wilmingt -F You Wish to Get Your DRUG ORDERS Filled Promptly. PAYNE DRUG CO. Harry e payne . .': Tkrift N otice! OS Save and economize. Keep the pennies and the nick Hejs, the dimes and quarters. Bringjhem here and lend ivfi0-1 government. BuyTlirift Stamps and War Savings Certificates from ri Savings Bank ome S. Sc Buy War Savings Stamps Everywhere. v A 7 VV the declaration of war on Germany the President authorized the' enlist ment of the corps up to 17,400. On August 10th, last, Congress author ized still another increase of the Ma rine Corps to 30,000. The strength of the corps now is 33,000 men and 3,000 reserves, a total hot 36,000 men. Although the law only authorizes a strength of 30,000 men General Barnett has taken advan tage of the fact that during several months shortly after the big increase was authorized there were tar less than 30,000 men enlisted, which left a balance of authorized pay over suf ficient to now pay more than the au thorized strength. Before August, 1916, there were only 342 officers in the Marine Corps. There are now 1)250. An ironclad rule has been laid down that all fu ture officers of this corps must come from the ranks. This bars the way to all outsiders who may wish to ob tain a commission in the Marine Corps through taking an examination sUch as is done for the army. The enlisted ranks of the Marine Corps are full aid the' recruiting branch of this service has thousands of applications on hand from men waiting for an opportunity to enlist In this way the service is able to the- question as to the host .means of sending, money oyer there." 4 Many "" fathers,: mothers, sisters, brothers and . other relatives and ized the difficulty of sending tig pack ages and even small -ones through the mails to the metT in the : trenches in EYanee, ' and ? it has ..occurred to them and they could send money over, more quickly and let ' the . men ' make the purchases on -the other side. Large numbers , of them have been puzzled however, regarding the best method of getting money over and have , sent many inquiries to -Washington about it ) "po not send currency, of any kind through the mails; , the Postomce De friends of men at the front have real partment will not let it go forward, if it is discovered; send it over by do mestic money order." said Mr. S, M Webber, Supt of Foreign .Mails. "The Postoffice Department has been doing its best to discourage sending' money by mails and to encourage the use of the money order. If the letter or package gets lost there is no recovery if currency is sent: but if a money order is lost a duplicate will be read ily issued. "The money order will be cashed in France at any of the American postoffices, and French or American money issued, as the men desire, continued Mr. Webber. "If American money is sent over there will be dif ficulty of exchanging it for French money ' "The Postoffice Department will not accept letters or packages containing currency for France If the contents are discovered." Mr. Matthews, chief of the Money Order Division, said' that reports to the department showed that general and liberal use. has been made of the domestic money order in sending money to the men in France, and also by the men in sending money "back home." The department has permitted the use- of the domestic money order in sending money to the soldiers in France instead of the foreign money charged. r - Mr. 'Kram, the. auditor of the Post JTHE. JNVIS1BLE BIFOCALS - When the emergency came afteyjoffice Departmenl.'sald that financial reports coming -in show that many thousands of dollars have been trans mit ted. between the United States and France through the .domestic money order system. Major General McCain, the Adjutant General, U. S. A., said no rules or regulations have been issued by the War Department with reference to transmission of money between the TJnitdfd .ajles and the soldiors in France, and that it was a matter for the Postoffice Department to handle A young woman from Cologne has just been admitted to the ministry by the supreme church council of Baden and will exercise her profession in institutions Having many women among their occupants and give reli gious. Instruction. description used at the front have been built at Quantico. There the men build and live .in trenches, bomb proof shelters, under ground passages and rooms, under ground first-aid hos pltals and every other device adopted in Europe. They are being trained by the pick of their officers who have had sev eral months experience fighting in France, and by a number of French and English .officers and men who choose its men and obtain men off have come directly from the Euro- the highest physical and mental fit ness While it has been difficult, in some instances, to obtain men for the army and navy, the Marine Corps has ex perienced no trouble in trebling its strength and establishing a reserve and waiting list. The establishment of the rule that all officers must come from the ranks has created, an added incentive to join the corps, which has now in its ranks many hundreds of college graduates. Reports of the manner in which the Marines in France with General" Per shing, under command of Colonel Deyen, have acquitted themselves have been gratifying alike to the Ma rine Corps officials; Secretary Dan iels, who has charge of the corps, and the War Department officials, who appreciate the fine cooperation of the sea-soldiers. . The Marine Corps is preparing to send many thousands more of its men to the trenches in France. War training camps are maintained at the recruiting depots at Port Royal, Paris Island, S. C, and at Mare Island, Cal. The men are given a preliminary war training at these camps, where con ditions are very similar to those they will encounter in France, and are then sent to the finishing school, at Quantico, Virginia, where about 5,000 men are kept in constant train ing." At the Port Royal and Mare Island camps the land is low and wet and tne otner conditions of terrain nnfl climate are about the same as the jnen' will encounter "over there." The Quantico training camn ia Raid to excel anything of Its kind in this country : or on the other side for training men in every trick of the war" game as it ris now being played. ean battlefronts. FORECIOSURE SAXJE. By Tirture of powers of sales contained In two rtain mortgage deeds executed by W. A. Simon and Ms wife Annie H. Simon recorded in Book No. 88 page 691 etseq and C. F. Howell and his wife Jessie N. Howell recorded in Book No. 92 pag 427 etseq in the office of the Register of Deeds or Mew Hanover County, the un dersigned attorney for the mortgagee, "Mechanics' Home Association", -will ou Friday the loth day of Penruary 191S at 12 o'clock m., at the -Court HoVSse door of the County of New Hanover sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder the following described land and premises, to wit: First Tract. Beginning in the South era line of Wright street at a point forty one (41) feet and three (3") inches west of its intersection with the Western line of Fifth street and from thence running Westwardly along the said line of Wright street fifty nine (59) feet and nine (9) inches, thence South in a line parallel with said line of FNifth street- ninety fly (95) feet, thence Eastwardly and paraded with said line of Wright street fifty nine (59) feet and nine (9") inches,and thence Northwardly and in a line parailed with Fifth street ninety ' Are (95) feet to the point of beginning the same being parts of lots 1 and 2 in Block No. 20 in the plan of the City of Wilmington. N. O. Second Tract. A lot contiguous to tne above. Beginning in1 the said block at a point sixty six (66) feet South of the Southern line of Wright street and one hundred and one (101) feet West of the Western line of Fifth street and running from said point Westwardly and parallel wrtn said line of .Wright street sixty lour (64) feet thence Southwardly and parallel with Fifth street sixty six (66) feet, thence Eastwardly and parallel with said line of Wright street eighty two (82) feet and six (6") inches, :thence North and parallel with Fifth street thirty, seven (37) to tha line of the first lot, thence West valbng tho line of the first lot eighteen (18) faet and six (6") inches and thence Northwardly al ong another line of said lot twenty nine (29) feet to the place of beginning the same being part of lot Mov 2 in said block in i;ne city aforesaid. - The said Darties flforsald havintr default. ed in the payments according to the. terms and provisions of said mortgage deeds. W. B. MC KOT.. Attorney for the Mechanics VHome Associa- tioa. rimljr-' .1-15-30 ; jtt.1 . Afford a cdmfbrt which is appreciated by those who want near or far vision in one pair of glasses. t ; , ;' They keep your eyes young in. looks as well as in usefulness. No line, seam or lump to blur th. vision. . ; ' EYES TESTED FREE Dr Vinieberfif Masonic. Temple After fulfilling the duties of her po sition for nearly 25 years, Mrs. -Annie 3. Leiscaring, of Allentown, the old est of the factory inspectors of Penn sylvania in point of service, has been vetired on a pension by order of Gov. Brumbaugh, , . , . rOBKCIiOSUBE 8AIE - By virtue of-a power of - sale contained in a certain mortsraee deed executed dv Herbert Eskins and bis wife Viola Eskm recorded in Book No. 81. page 335 et seq., in the office , of the Hegister of Deeds of new uanover county, the undersigned at torney for the mortgagee, "Mechanics Home Association" will on Monday the 4tn day of February, 1918, at 12 o'clock at the Court House door of the county of new tianover sell at public auction ror cash, to the highest bidder the following aescrioea iana ana premises: . Beginning at the Northwestern intersee tion of the Northern line of Wooster street witn tne western line or Seventh street ana from thence running along tie Western line or beventh street Northwardly sevencv- three (73) feet and six fsj jicnes, thence westwaraiy ana in a line parallel with saia ime or wooster street sixty-six 66) ieet, taenoe soutnwardly and in a line parallel with said line of Seventh- street sevnety-enree (73) teet and six (6 Inches to the Northern line of Wooster nn thence Eastwardly alone Northern Wooster street sixty-slst (tW) feet to the! piace or Deginnnig. TDej'kame being a por tion of the Eastern parts of lota 5 and 0 w uiocK o in ue plan or the City of Wil mington, N. C. The said parties aforesaid having 1 defaulted in the payments accord ing to the terms and provisions of said mortgage aeea. WBv McKOY, Attorney for the Mechanics'' Home-Assecia tion. l-14-21t our w Sayings Stamps From the School Children. Sigri the Blue Post Card. "- j ; s w Buy War Saying Stamps .venjwhere SAVEBUY FORVICTORY . WAR -SAVINGS STAMPS. . ' ' iasuetf rbV rinedtatesr''GbveVnment ;r- I FOR SALE HERE CITIZENS BANK Cor. 2nd and Princess, AUTOS FOR HIRE for Pleasure Driving, Dances Wedding and Commercial 0 City Livery to. Phones 15 and 315. FOR SALE M0 Barrels Gore's Fancy Syrnn 50 Barrels Gore's Fancy Molasses, 500 Bags Gore's Fine Ground Meal. iinT By7"16"68 Seed at8' Wfl D. L. GORE COMPANY Strictly Wholesale. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOTEMBXB IB, lilt. WHITER PARK, WRI6HTSVILLE, WRI6HTSVILLE BEACH EAST BOUND. WESTBOUND. IrfNm . Tmt lave Lear Leave Lear cSS? "Sti? cSSSS6 - intsVle Winter P fer tor tor 'or for tut Winter P,rklWrightv1 Beach Wilmington Wilmington Wllmlagtw ! iM A M J:TO A. H. 6:15 A. M. 858 A, It xi5t f A x:50, ............. M.v.;......; !7:1S tm i:oe " rs:ee S:M a. m. ,,4..... 8oi t:0 . S:0 . 8:$0 : 10:s " 10:9 M:0 rl5 A. M. 9sso " 19:38 " 11:S0 11:80 " ll'M 19:25 " : - H:00 tl:M T. M. 11:99 SC. .............. 19:83 M !10:31 1:1S " xU:10 i.. 19:S " !10:M 11:08 - 1:05 " 91:55 Itil5 :'.' 1:Z5 T. M. W:88 T. tf, ..r0 " tsSO , xl:SO 44 'StOl - S:00 S:09 .1:00 F. M. 11:45 atM J2:M - S:S0 . M ... 2:SS S:88 M o4:10 " .. oS:00 - o3:ll " ..4:80 4:80 4:80 F. M oS:50 " e:50 8:45 M S:S5 " 4:06 N .5:80 m 5:80 o4:80 - xS:10 " x6:10 M o8:10 " 0:40 " 6:40 , 5:15 5:5 :M 7:15 7:15 6:00 6:11 " 8:15 " 8:15 M x6:45 " 6:66 " 9:15 9:15 " 7:10 " 7:tl " .i0:15 " 10:15 " ..4 7;4 - 7:81 " 11:15 - 11:15 8:48 " 8:56 - .. 9:45 9:58 " 10:45 " 10:56 ... ..w : 11:45 " H:6fl " SPECIAI. FOB 8TJNDAYS Leave Front and Princess streets every half boar from 2 to I P. M, Leave Beach every half hour from 2i45 P. M. Daily except Sunday. iSunday only. zBeach transfer car connects with this train at Wrigbtsviilo. oSuperceded by half-hour schedule Sunday afternoons. . FHE1GHT SCHKDUXE (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY.) Leave Ninth and Orange Street 3: 00 P. M. Freight Depot open from 200 to IM P. U, .SPECIAL NOTICE This . table shows the time at which trains may De pected to arrive at and depart from the several stations, but the arrlmli and a partures are noi guarantee?. v THE FOWLER CULTIVATOR The v Fowler Cultivator saves time, saves labor, savs atrirk. and so makes money for all who use it. The fact that the Fowler works entirely above the roots of the crop, and at the same time makes a perfect dust mulch which conserves all the moisture in the soil, results in the early and complete development of the plant and a consequent increase in nroduction nr acre. This is where the farmer makes his money.4 As a labor-saver alone, making possible the cul tivation of eight or nine acres a day wjth one horse, the Fowler 'is worth several times the price asked for it. It has such a light draft that one horse or mule can pull it all day without being overworked. til IXIV VUJmv corn, cotton, tobacco, peanuts, melons, cu cumbers . and other crops , which are plant ed in rows, the Fowler is far superior to any other cultivator now on 4jm- :M.Xm:: v the - market. Price $12.00 'rhjiJo':' ' Sold and. Fully Guaranteed by N. JAIOU nflnUvVARE COMPANY, WliSHNGTON.N.C ,

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