V. RAGE SIX : I THE WlUSai H BERN HEAR PRO BIT10NISTS .A DAILY AGREEMENT. "Is there.no more, that you can do To help your country see it through?" ;Yes,, friend, there is; and when you " wake . JEach morning let your left shake ' Your trusty right, and there and then Say, "I'll not 0 to bed again Until I've done come little deed ,: To help my couuiiy in her need. Presbyterian church extend cordial in vitation to those of all other churches of the city to share ' with them the privilege of hearing the able , young woman discuss subjects of -Interest "I'll work and I'll economize; Ll'lT boost and I won't' criticize; ; Til lighten up the nation's load By bearing mine without a goad; ril carefully obey the laws iAndl)e an optimist, because -Before I go to bed tonight CTm going to help to win the fight V' xa ,5 ; , Selected. hand : to all The Red Cross Unit of . St. John's Mission will meet Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Full attendance is de sired and all are urged to bring scis sors and-thimbles. Circle No., 3 of Fifth Avenue Meth odist church, will meet hursday after noon at 3:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. F. I. Mallard, No. 614 South Sixth street. Series of Meetings Sunday. Secret Service Agents Are Busy ; ' (Special to The Dispatch). New Bern, Jan. 30. New Bern peo ple Sunday heard the prohibition ques tion discussed , from every anKle by! tral News, met their., deaths in Hon. Minor Wallace, formerly United building, the basement of which . was States Congressman from -Arkansas," used as a shelter. It is believed that and MrR. L. Davis, of the North Car-, two bombs struck the building as the olina Anti-Saloon League, these gen- i walls were blown in large sections tiemen speaking at several of the lo- and all the floors -collapsed. cai cnurcnes during the day. in aadition to, the persons from Mr. Wallace was heard at the Pres-the outside being, sheltered! in the byterian church -in the morning, at building, there was a large night staff Centenary Methodist church in the at work at the time of the raid.; This afternoon and 7 at the Tabernacle Bap-.accoHnted for the- serious mortality. Building SKelteriiig Women and Ghi!dreri:Destroyed by v German Bombs Liondon, Jan. . 30. A large number of the persons killed in Monday night's air raid, according to the Cen "A meeting of the rescue workers . committee was held this morning at 11 o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. - - . Mrs. E. T. Partin, of Sduthport, who has. been visiting friends in the city. ' returned to her home this morning. ,v-..v - Miss. Lillian Brooks returned to Burgaw this morning, after a pleasant I : stay here with friends. : - . . . . Vil&xs. C, P. Bobbitt, of Burgaw, spent 'Tuesday in the city, shopping, return i tag to her home in the evening. K 4 ' . ' PERSONAL MENTION, . Mr. C. S. Griffith, who holds a po- rsition with the VirelnirarolinaTIhftTn- i2al Company, at Lynchburg, Va.,;is preseni tist church in the evening. Mr. Da vis spoke at the Free Will Ban hist uuo ui me vtoucnmg incidents tn connection with the raid was the church in the morning and af the deatn of a minister, who, whenever Christian church in the evening. raid warnings were given, had been in Unusually large audiences heard tIie nait of visiting various shelters, each one of the addresses and these Monday; night; he. was advising people were thoroughly enjoyed and proved i who .had collected in one shelter, very beneficial to those who were Wflen a porno dropped on it, killing I ,"e minister and a number, of vothers. in the-citv. viaitlnff relatives. Accordinff to reports rer.eivpd hftrs ' " "? neutral xews says tnat ZD DOd -'-f' - . - loo i raoHir t.o.. l Sergeant David T. Duncan, of the secret service agents have secured ev- - l Mfss Ida Williams, of Goldsboro, Is ItBpending a period In tb6 city as ttv? charming guest of Miss Delia Smith I W0-' "-r Miss Lois Taylor has returned to j her home in Asheville, after a pleas ant' stay here with friends and rela :. itives,' - l ' ' . - " , j This afternoon at 3 o'clock the Ju j nlor Misison Study class of Grace ' Methodist church held a meeting in 'the church parlor. : " Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Whitaker, of Ra ;leigh, who have been visiting relatives . here, returned to their home this I morning. ! -;-". - ' 119th company, Camp Sevier, Green ville, S.-.C., after spending a few days with friends in the city, has returned to camp. Mr. J. G. McCormiok, secretary of the Acme Manufacturing Company, has returned - from a trip to Atlanta, Ga., where he has been on business. Mr. McCbrmick. reports freight con gestion in that territory much more prevalent than locally, and stated that local freights are being handled fair ly well, comparatively speaking.N idence against several men in Car- the building. recovered from Firemen - and soldiers teret county who have been talking KJ1 still poUrmg. water on the burning too freelv of late nnrt TOhinTi to-ill ably cause their arrest within a few most severely. days on charges of making seditious remarks. George Alferman,Aa German, was Ambner.'ihe number was that of a woman who still clasp ed two small children to her 'breact. The success of the British airmen With Food Administration. Columbia, S. C, Jan. SO. Albert O. Oliphant has resigned as assistant secretary of the State Board of Char ities aad Correction, to become field afren f ,o citato ufl Amfni.tM. of he late Mr. Bryan Griffith Credle, tion. The resignation is to become -J? i me Mf daughter, effective February 1. !.C1 D ?radha.. No. 21 Johnson street oa &aiuraay mgnt roiiowmg an arrested at Moreheafl City a few daya afainst .tne German invaders during Ago on this. charge and was placed in fionaays ram nas caused discussion the county jail at Beaufort to await im some .uarters that a heavy, bar disposition of his case. rage over London during a raid ; is It is said that there are several ;f atner more Armful thkn helpful. It other Germans and pro-Germans in is said that the airboard should giva that section who have recently been .a,"nen a clear field in dealing severely criticising President Wi'i lth the raiders instead of employ son and the administration in gener- ins snn&Te which causes damage to al and telling others how they think PrPerty ad some casualties through me war Should be conducted , ;Af""S Burapuei The funeral services over the body February Mrs. G. H. Mathis, of Alabama, the South's greatest woman farmer, has traveled more than 20,000 miles and has given hundreds of talks on crop rotation and soil building. Mrs. T. W. Wood, after visiting her sister, Mrs. D. F. Wooten, at Kinston, for several, weeks, has returned home. ;She as accompanied by her sister, 4 4 4 TOWN TOPICS. 4 of Savannah, Ga. Mrs. Pugh and Miss ; Pugh left for Savannah, Wednesday. '; Mrs. Clarence T. Stewart, of Wash ington, D. C, is spending a short time here: with friends and will return to 33: Capital City Thursday. Mr. Stewart was up .to recently superin tendent of the local Pullman district and. Was promoted to the Washington pfficei "3f 4 fei i 'RED CROSS MEETING. The annual meeting of the ;Cr6ss .Society will be held at Chamber of Commerce 4 ..Basketball Game.-At the Y. M. C A. Tuesday night the Freshmen beat the sophomores to the tune of 28 to 18 in a fast game of basketball "Legs" Penton, the tall center of the Freshmen starred, and was largely responsible for- his team's winning. Preaching at Topsail. Services will be held at Topsail - Presbyterian church Friday night by Rev. J. S. Crowley, in preparation of the Lord's Red Supper, which will be observed Sun the dav morning at 11 o'clock. Services Thursdav wil1 also De held Sunday night at SnorninK at 11 o'clock. As matters ': ciocK. All members in the i of importance will come up, it Is de- neighborhood are cordially invited to sired , that a large attendance of the,be Present, i members be present. i v " H . Rev. H. W. Kbelling to Camp. Rev. ! f ; " H. W. Koelling, pastor of Pearsall Mo- ; large attendance is expected to?!1 fJf Chuh' ha 48 ;. participate in the entertainment at S1!6 t0reSWt at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hin- weSSv JSS5 le" ' lori, No.1919 Market street, by the afn L tht ST atmJ Junior Aniarv nf st ranvL e? . at that place. The good : -ctoct Wednesday 7 S , children will present a charming play- ' let and, games and refreshments will Dn illness of several weeks, was conduct ed from Centenary Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock by Rev H.A. Humble, the pastor, assisted by Dr. J. N. H. Summerell, the pastor, and the interment was made in Cedar Grove cemetery. Mr. Credle, who was 71 years of age, was a , native of Hyde county, coming to New Bern about 40 years ago to make him home. During his residence here he made scores of friends and was highly esteemed by all who. knew him. He was active in the Jife of the community and)-in .-.the.. -"Methodist church, of which he was a consistent member and his demise has caused genuine sorrow, not only among his immediate family but . among those who knew him. Mr., Charles Coplon, one of the members of the firm of S. Coplon & Sons, owners of Eastern North Car olina's largest department stores, is a firm believer in observing heatless Mondays, but he does not believe that it should also be workless and on each and every Monday during the time that the heatless period is in ef fect he will post advertising matter advertising War Thrift Stamps and War Savings Certificates. On the second heatless Monday, Mr. Coplon, assisted by Mr. Harry- Passman, put up a larg number of these posters and next Monday he will again be engaged in this work. A LETTER FROM MR. GARRETT. Oakland, CaL, Jan. 12, 1918. To the Editor of The Dispatch f Gentlemen: A " clipping from your issue of December 23rd has been "sent me and reached me here. In ordinary times, and under normal conditions, I should not pay attention to an ar ticle so Imbued with "malice afore thought." But at a time when example is fraught with unusual fever, an in cident should not be painted up as an example of bad conduct. Since 1835, the firm with which I am conected has used sugar In mak ing of the native scuppernong grape a product of national reputation, com parable to the Hungarian Tokay, or the Italian Marsala Thin. So kindly Are somewhat on' the order of the remark the pld colored man made the otK day to the" biting wind when it blew his hat off, M Whar wuz you last August?" Right now, in cold januaryr we do not think of white goods, unless we have that ability to see ahead that makes good housekeepers and good business men what they are. Better look ahead and realize that now, RIGHT NOW, is the time to ot your goods while prices are made specially for you. They'll never be lower- J Note These Specials ' Women's Gowns, made of long cloth, slip over style, embroidery on neck and sleeves, splendid Envelope chemise inade ,pf nainsook lace and embroidery trimmed, very dainty '? Women's Gowns, ; beautifully trimmed yokes,' lace and embroidery, others of simpler design Skirts made of long cloth tncked flounce of lawn, edged with lace "gSc Women's drawers, lace and embroidery trimmed ... ... ... ... ... ... 'tft Corset covers of very fine nainsook, extremely dainty ... v ..... ... ... . 9jc Ladies' Drawers, lace. trimmed .......... ..... ... . . . . . i 46c Corset : Covers, lace trimxned. .'....... i ..-. -.. . r-i ... . Teddies, full cut lace and embroidery trimmed . ...... ... ... .............',... I!! 5se Children's Drawers, cut Von straight of cloth, makes them wear well...,. ... igc ueauurui siarxs witn n-mcn nouncing or lace ana emoroiaery Gowns of nainsook, fine lace; trimmed, lovely models . . . . $1.93 41.98 j Belt- Williams Co. Carolina -tbongbc of theoses, and serving notice, on us that product of its-vineyard and so char-Hi,,-,. ..ia itably has the public been disposed to wards it, that with all of the prohibi tion legislation in the State, the wine production of the State was reDeated- ly encouraged by special legislation, structed until summer, so we stored in our Norfolk, Va., plant the sugar needed at Plymouth. If this is "hid ing" or "hoarding," then I have to re vise my understanding of these words. Without any secrecy, we bought in open market and shipped through regular channels an article necessary in our work, and stored same on our premises where it : was used. Shortly after the shipment to Wil mington I received a letter from the refinery from which it had been pur chased, stating that they were inform ed we were selling the sugar they had let us have for manufacturing pur this being the case we could not again, under any circumstances, pur chase any , sugar, from them. -I imme diately disproved . the-. : statement. showed that we had not sold a pound of sugar, received- an apology from JJST2S? ft..! tho refinery for having acted on to correct information. About the close of the . vintage I think it was in October or November I found -.that owing to a short grape crop, we would . have some sugar in jnobn a break near the corner of F and Grace streets stopped traffic Additions. Messrs. 13. a Period of 2o minutes. Later at HOtK en I A ii;;t.. it is u nprinri nr n mfmitaa T of i v. v. J mi,. x , , - , -'t-" iivii nuuinn, Messrs, l.l. mmuico. uaici clt U hf entanment to cne Fleet WiUiams and James H. Morse ! o'clock a wire broke at Seventh and " ni- inSe a, are among those Whose names have!pncess streets, but, on account of XfT 7( heen added to tne honor roll of ScJ lateness of the hour, no serious ,get off within one block of the Hin- John's .Lodge of Masons, by -reason of delay was occasioned, ton nome. (being In the service of the, country. 5ppak-5 TMiinc&nav aokik, 'A number of members of St. John's Representative Breece Here. Rep CiB iT sf?t AmS?N- Lodse have been granted provisional resentative A. B. Greece, of Fayette--T - Sprunt, of Tsing-Kiang- limits to enable them to join a new vme, was in the city Tuesday. He Jen,Chma, will speaK. to the women lodge being organized at Camp Sev-, came to locate a colored man known Sf 5f f Z 1Jl , uTe 3.m 0f ier Genville, S. C. Jheae have r.ot as"Sharkey", who recently jumped the First Presbyterian church Thurs- been put on the honor roll. his bail at Fayetteville. Mr. Breece day afternoon at 4 o clock. j was successful in his quest and took Miss Sprunt is a daughter of Rev.; Trolley Wire Breaks. The breakings his man with him when he returned i , vunicr ui Liuiiev wires in rwn rvinnoo n-n : luih mornme'. S . , " " vw lllO I , w "xj. mi luusu unes oi me naewater Fower Co ' ton; S. C. ' and Is visitins: relatives iand fripnria n TuAnnr a i , . ' mi, . :V 7 vauoou a suuri aeiay in car At 5:40 o'clock m the after- the-city. The women of the First service." iniiiiiiiiuiiiiiiHiniiiiiiiiiiiniMiiniiiiniiuuniniiiiniiinMuiiiiuniniiniiiiiiuiiii' Butterick Patterns For Spring are Here It has been ascertained that the sale of But terick Patterns to women who are making or learning to make their own clothes-has greatfy increased. Indeed, in some instances, the re ceipts from the Pattern Departments in the larger stores have trebled p amount. NEW SILKS, WOOLEN AND COTTON MA TERIALS ARRIVING DAILY; A D Brown Co. It PAYS to trade at BROWN'S. anginniiiiuiii English Recruits Leave. Messrs. James H. Colling and James Dick, Jr., after passing the preliminary examin ation, have been admitted to the serv ice of the British army and have left for. New York to report to the British mission for final examination. They will be asigned to the Canadian Expe- uiuunary forces. Hotn of these gen tlemen have made their home in this community for several years. False Alarms Troublesome. For tne tmrd time since Saturday night tne nre laddies have been comnellerl to answer alarms which proved to be false, in addition to two false alarms baturaay night, another was register. ed from Box 67, at Tenth and Castle streets, at 12:45 Wednesday morning. An investigation is beine made and the guilty parties, if apprehended, will oe aeait witn. QHICHESTER S PILLS tadio! Ask your Dr Ohl-ebee-tor't liiamond hra: for , VniB in Red r.d Hold BetUic bos. sealed a-lth Blue Ribbon. no otner. Jior tr ranr years kaowiis Best. Safest Alwavs R rw.' SOLD BY KUJfiGISTS EVERYWHERE Two Registrants in Service. Tor- porai K. c. Burnett and Sergeant Wil Ham M. Jones, Company A. 105th rer iment.of-Eengineers, Camn Sevlen hav notified the local selective draft board tnat tney are in the service and had npt received their questionnaires, in consequence or wmch their names had Deen puDiisned as delinquents. These "u uocu wna me colors since ast July. "World Tourists Dismissed Hollanders; who visited' the city Tues day on tneir way' around the wofia were taken in custody bv: Chief of lice Williams Tuesday afternoon and Buojectea to an examination and search before , District AttornRv .t n Carr. After a thoroueh examfnnHnn the tourists were turned loose.' They UlUI! Women Prepare ! Thousands of women in the South have overcome their sufferings, and have been cured of woman's ills by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This temperance medicine, though started nearly hall a century ago sells most widely to-day. It can now be had in tablet form as well as liquid, and every woman who Buffers; from backache, headache, nerv ousness, should take this Prescription of Dr. Pierce's." It is prepared from nature's roots and herbs and does not contain a particle of alcohol or any narcotic. It's1 not a secret prescription for its ingredients are printed on wrap per. Send; 10c. for trial package to Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Pierce's Favorite Prearrintinn or,unJ it would do what , ii is recommended w uv,. XU U1U more good than the doctors ; I had several and none of them did, me any good. Doctor Pierce's- Favorite Prescription is the only, thing for weak, broken-down women. I feel like anew woman after 155 lbs. snfl nA fcu 1" if" T V; 'v' w my Hits. Agkks Tatum, 175 L. Green St icononc oeverages. To produce, the class of wine identified with the name scuppernong, granulated sugar is nec essary not optional. Always,! there fore, before each vintae hand the supply of sugar necessary ! Norroll not Immediately needed, and to preserve-the juice of the grape j 1 wrote to the refinery, offering to turn The only difference in lf17 thn inl oyer to them for distribution when previous years was that with notice ' needed on tne condition that they re of a probable shortage of sugar we place lt as needel y us. The reply exercised normal business iudempnt i waa tnat would not and could. and between Februarv and Juha w nt undertake to replace It, and that stored in our own plant our'nrohahio , if we expected to need sugar later 1 needs for September, October and No-1 had Dest hold what we had. Shortly vember work. after this I was called to California Our Plymouth plant was not con- 011 business and Immediately on hear ing tnat there was comment on our having sugar that was needed I re turned to Washington, D. C, explain ed to the sugar bureau of the Food Department there just what sugar we had, and agajn offered to turn It over, asking an assurance from the board that when the necessity arose we" would have the sugar replaced. The board declined to give any guarantee of its return, so I, from their office in Washington, gave instrucitons that the sugar be sold. The sugar was turned over to thre brokers and since my return here I am advised, has been sold without profit to us, and if my advices are correct, was distributed largely among soft drink manufac turersthese perhaps meeting jfurj the patriotic reauirementa of ,votrr' Raleigh correspondent, - ' suppWe this use of the sugar meets with the spirit of conservation. Now, let us see if this, sugar which we used met with any "conservation" idea. We expend annually betwen $300, 000 and $500,000 for berries and grapes. Without the use ot, sugar, we could not buy and . convert into a sa lable article, a dollar's worth of this fruit, We do not buy a dollar's worth of fruit which, t f f our business' were closed, would have a market In other words, this money is distributed to farmers for an otherwise unsalable crop. . " . x The product a light, practically non-intoxicating wine is j sold (of late years especially) chiefly. lo foreign residents of the United States, who, accustomed to drinking wines at home, look upon them and use them as necessary article of, diet, replac ing in a great manner the meat diet of Americans. Tourists and sociolog ical students abroad tell ; us tnat drunkenness is practically unknown among the inhabitants of France, and Italy, who use wine as a part of their diet. Wine is-ar. art of th soldier's ration of France and Italy, and re ports say that par soldier boys quickly acquire the habit of substituting, in part the meat ration, with the light wine of. France: . ' . Mr. Henry page has ,himseir,on oc casion . expressed ; to ine possible ac: cordiwlthj th idea that lighjt native wine, such - as vean be produced from North Carolina's incomparable scud- pemong grape, mignt be the ultimate icle Sam asks every home to do its bit and save food Don't Waste" is the cry. There is no waste to Carna tion Milk, and it fills every milk need in the home. It -will keep for several daysaf ter being opened. Use as little or as much as you need. The rest will keep fresh and pure until needed again. Ask your grocer for Carnation, The Carnation Milk Products Co.. Seattle, U. S. A. And this hope, which I thoroughly subscribe to, has led me to fight on for the survival of the wine business. believing that ultimately a conserva tive course would prevail. ' My conviction is that public senti ment' is against first, the saloon. a next, distilled Mquors. I do not be lieve that, even with woman's suf frage throughout the United States, the making and use of light vines would be condemned by 10 per cen of the adults in the United States. In closing, I merely comment on tt( reference of your correspondent Ml my being "not unknown to the pec- )le of Greensboro's purilns," as bee out of place and in bad taste. Very respectfully, PAUL GARRETT, Former Health Commissioner Sap rotated Iron Should Be Used in Every Hospital and Prescribed by Every Physician Attributes His Own Great Physical Activitr looay at uver bO Years of Age Largely To His Person woe ji iioxatea iron. Ti!Sj.V .ill SWAf?p'&l,eti8 r constipation, ifeadachei dizziness, colds and Grip received great benefit, also have -'oaeS' the Favorite rvaaMtnt ..j i.rS Medical "DisCOVflnr n t.hn t a mflw SS$.Jts M feel safe in re'com- WHAT FORMER HEALTH COMMISSIONER KERR SAYS TAf" Jealtb ComJalssionetof the City of Chlca- dffferont n,i?,rtUne1 tlmCs to recommend vif 111 fedlclnes. mineral waters, etc. Never T i e 1 gono on "ford as favoring -any nr ticular remedy, but I feel that in Nuxa ted Iron taKen luxated Iron myself -and exnerienced it health-sirta. strenffth-buUdinff effS, and in 5e interests of the public - welfare, J , fael if m v cluv past my three-score years and want to say that believe that my own great hysicaBtlvity 'I Iron and if , my endorsement shall induce .- take Nuxated Iron, and receive the wonfl f ,i tonic benefits which- I, have received, I rtS SJffi r1 thRt 1 made a Option to mv life-long rule in recommending- it. Prom mv o-n experience with Nnxated Iron, I feel that Jt s such a valuable remedy that it oneht to , TV? eT.ery hosPital and prescribed by everv physician in this . country." ., Dy every Former Health Go: 1 err oner. City- df Chicago. ..Former Health CoinmU er Kerr has riven years ol life flhtingr for pnbiic . .... fhcr cM la His ono u - It was he who introduce ti-toxin for Dlpnii"'- Chlcao's Health I'Prt,cl .... Mn9 it. ni77-flol the nuik " I ilr-i prising 'results. :-KaZTS ?JV kSV. A. A. LI CI I Hllll 7WffkTT1- uch a great variety of me nor secret remedv, rn-to , drneeists rgranic iron products, it ma. anjure -the teeth. ' - tUOf atomach; on tie -j remedy in, nearly ll - nrfactnrers.f hare jsun : mended by physiciana vaes, 1 not a, patent out one whlefi ' whore.-. Unlike the oftg? vttsny assimilated' malce them blacky doT , xu. iB a mos xurms or indigestion oown conditions. , tkS A .. 7 fherew ed to ssre the lives ' sands of babies. -e . duced the an-v"-' , -..!.. i.na been w- Hit over -" took care of the . intere ... tt U public beaitn. . n that the wiaespr- . . trnnld ' . lessen the worries ff les of Healtn rd of public health. ' - - - k. "s L -, T r ' ' 'r-f .TTT! r-- Green Vrvg-store, and bv a forfeit Ho.(X t.&iffi 'iS W man ofrwoinan nne7h U SaverfonJ -r in four weeks' not at-least flAnKi ' aso oner to reruna jwi - ispei HjiS A trtJSenftllind narance in ten days' time. It is all good druffgw