THR WILMINGTON -D PAGE EIGHT y Will AFTER EFFECTS . 7,v OF MEASLES Mother, Who lives in Ten nessee Mountains Where Black-Draughtls Relied On in Many Troubles, Says it Made Her Boy Sound and Well. ' 1 : - " "I ' I-Coal Creek, Tennf Up in the moun tains, quite some distance from town, lives Mrs. U. S. Fritts, who relates her experience with Thedford's 'Blaclt Draught as follows: . "My - little boy, James, took sick w-itH diarrhea . about five years ago. , , and was badly swollen. He had the lecture. BRYAN ON THURSDAY Be Intertained by -Dr. Sprunt 7hile Here ; All arrarftements looking toward the recepticli- aed entertainment of William Jennings v Bryan, who speaks at the Academy of . Music Thursday evening at 8:30 o'clock, under .jtlie auspices and . for the benefit of Ihe Y. M. C. A., have been completed and tickets f6r his lecture, on sale at Elvington's, are going rapidly." Mr, Bryan" will be entertained in the home of Dr. James Sprunt, while here, and will also be invited to visit the schools in event he reaches the city sufficient' ly early to permit this.-. He will be met at the station by a representative delegation of citizens and . prominent men of the city ' and- county will oc cupy chairs oh the stage during his measles -and this was. no .doubt, an after-effect. I made him well by giv ing him Thedford's Black-Draught. I gave it to him. three times a day for a month. I firmly befieve it saved his life. 1 . We always keep Black-Draught in our "house. It is our doctor. Always " : -easy 'to get and prompt-in giving re lief.'; -; A small pinch of Black-Draught af- ",ter'ea,ch meal and at bed time for headache, stomach and liver trouble, 'and '"we are well the next morning, t - It- certainly works wonders some times, and saves no end of trouble, re- lieves pain, and there is no need for another, doctor. y; J -have recommended Black-Draught to all my neighbors and will continue x to recommend it." . Thedford's '.- Black-Draught is a ptire, vegetable herb liver ' medicine, acting gently, yet promptly, on liver "arid 'bowels. Thousands of people, everywhere, have found it to relieve constipation, indigestion, biliousness and many similar disorders! J , Try Black-Draught. Your druggist sells it. Adv. - ; HOSPITALITY TO SOLDIERS. r Chamber of Commerce Committee Dls-(--cued Plans for Entertainment. ' The committee of the. Chamber of '''..Commerce, which has had the enter J tainment of Fort Caswell- soldiers un der-; discussion for some time, met 1 Thursday afternoon , at the Chamber to make further plans to take care i of the week-end visitors from the fort. Chairman Roger Moore, Capt. E. A. Metts. Dr. A. H. Harriss, Rev. T. P. Noe, Mr. J. Haughton James and Mr. s J; B. Huntington -were in attendance. .Plans for lodging the men were widely discussed, as it developed that there was much need in that direction. It 'is desired to do this at' the least :" possible cost. Additional cots will be placed at the Y. M. C. A. and the ' hotels are being asked to make room. . !,The regular dance will "be held Saturday night' and a basketball game has--been arranged for at the Y M. C. A. The ladies will also have their regular entertainment at the-Y. M. C. A. Saturday afternoon from 4 to 6 when refreshments will be seryed. . Mr. J. Haughton James was made treasurer of the entertainment and hospitality, fund and all contributions . should be made to him. RECORDER'S COURT. Little .of Interest Transpired at To- - - j day's Session. - In . the Recorder's Court today Charles Brooks, Willie Faison and Al bert Faison, all colored, charged with gambling were made to pay the costs and prayer for judgment was con tinned on their good behavior. ' Robert Hankins, colored paid "the costs on a charge of vagrancy, and was advised to find a job. E. W. Ward, white, who was before lire tourt nesday and taxed with the costs in .two-cases, was again up, chargi with assault with serious in jury, 'Ida Ward,- a white woman, who The coming of Mr. Bryan, one of the foremost, men in the country-and certainly one of the most widely known, is being looked forward fc) with genuine pleasure by all. The subject to be discueed, the relation ship of man to government, is one of peculiar interest toall at this time. Leather Shortage Hits Uncle Sam. Washington, D. C, Jan. 30. The eather mail bag which has beencar ried by Uncle Sam's letter carriers ever since the establishment of the free delivery service wil soon become a thing of the past. The war, is re sponsible for the passing of the leath er bag, as it is responsible for many other changes that have come about in everyday life during the past year or so. So much leather is being used for military purposes now that it has become exceedingly scarce and is to be obtained only at a very high price. Under these conditions Uncle Sam has deemed it wise to practice the econ omy which he has been preaching throughout the land. Consequently it has been decided to do away with the leather bags used by the carriers and to replace them with strong canvn bags, which may not wear so long .s those made of leather, but are mucn cheaper and ' answer their purpose equally as well. JUST EtlDS From Victory: to- Defeat. By Ad , Co-tern r- 1 Cash and Carry System. - Indianapolis, Ind Jan. SO. Indian apolis housewives are soon to be con fronted with the alternative: of doing their own marketing or seeing their cupboards go bare. As a measure of wartime economy the cash-and-carry system is to be put into effect day after tomorrow. by order' of the local food administrator. The rules will apply to the entire field of foodstuffs distribution. The grocery and kin dred trades have greeted the an nouncement with expresisons of ap proval and the prediction is made that the innovation will help mate rially, to reduce the cost of living. Housewives are not so certain of this last-named point, but are hopeful that the prediction may prove correct. At any rate they are ready to give the new system a fair trial and to this end they are preparing to "go to market" and are ransacking cellars and attics in search .of the old market baskets that were long since discard ed, ' - J STEVENS REPRESENTS SHIPPING BOARD z THATS .ENOOGW! M OOtsV VANT TO HEAR ANt EXCUSES - I TOLT VOU WHAT vOUUO HAPPEN 1 YOLK FIGHTHNC AGAIN A WHEN WE GET HO fE Tl tin PRESS" ort hour mnp that writrt . w A TnlNvx t Hfc AW lT-!!ii .X 1 - r PLEASE; UONESTT r DID HT START vr- IF YOULU GiVE HE JES ONE MOKE CHAN tc AS .UVE: . n0tiE5T ?T yo x BUSINESS SPECIALS MESSENGER SERVICE. For this service We us the Pos tal Telegraph . Cabto. .Company's messengers, . THe ctU for your "ads,w 1 In the sanfr " manner and quick time as they now cover the city for telegrams, night letter grams, cables, etc. For further . information as to "ads," call 176, but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." WOOD FOR SALE HAS BEEN CUT from two to four months. Sawed and - ready for heater. Hardwood and pine mixed. Half cord, $3.75; cord, $7.50; delivered. Phone 481-J, or Phone 1250-J. 1-30-2-1-4 3t Washington, Jan. 30. Raymond B. Stevens, vice chairman of tha Ship ping Board, and George Rublee, of the Board's legal staff, are to be sent I to London as permanent representa tives there of the Shipping Board. k SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARP- ened. Double edge, 35c; per doz., single edge, 20c. J. T. Scarboro, Room I, Davidson Building, Char lotte, N. C 1-30 Wed and Sun tf. England has 60,000 women volun tary hospital workers. CAR DOF THANKS. We desire to express our heartfelt thanks tothe organizations of which FOR SALE FIVE PASSENGER Ford, in good running order. Cheap if sold at once. E. S. Hancock, care Wilmington Furniture Company. l-30-3tj. is said-to Te mixed up in the same!otir loved one was a member as well affair, Is charged ' with 1 a . similar of tense - Itoik maxteta will be heard by 'Jhe Recorder Thursday morning. U lAlt; other cases were 'continued. ' MR8. FLORENCE BURRISS. beloved Woman Passed Away Early 4 - Wednesday Morning. - JBIrft Florence Burriss. widow of Mr. Robert B. Burriss; of No. 608 South Fifth street, passed away at her homo Wednesday morning at 3 o'clock fol lowing a long period of JU health. Tho deceased, who was 39 years of age, is survived by a daughter, Miss Evelyn, "and & son, Mr. Greer B. Burriss. Four ..sisters; Mrs. W. P; Burns, Mrs. T. W. MInt2,.Mrs. O. C. Burriss, of this ciyt, and Mrs. H. E. Swann; of Hopewell, Va.,' also survice. A brother, Mr. J, B. - Oreen, lives near Bolivia, Mrs. Burriss was a woman of splendid char acter, dearly beloved y all who knew her ; and -the. sympathy of the entire community is extended the bereaved family. ; Funeral services will ,be conducted from the Church of the Good Shep herd at 3:30 o'clock Thursday after. noon and will be -in charge of Arch- - deacon Thos. P.' Noe. Interment will be made in Beilevue cemetery. . , ". i . i - Mrs. E. P. Brown, of Regina, Sash., on her way to Oklahoma was passen- o srer on a train which became snow- . lx)jind near Burlington, Iowa, and she " tookvher place with employe's of the road. in' shoveling snow from the tracks - A BRITISH TORPEDO :'m m GUNBOAT IS LOST Londqnf uesday, Jan.' 2?.--The Brit ish torpedo gunboat Hazard was sunk iri the English channel on January 2S as the -result of a collision, 'the Ad miralty.: announced tonight. Thrde men wero lost. J as to the many friends and neighbors for the numerous thoughtful acts of kindness and sympathy, shown Us dur- A. J ' J . mg . our recent great Dereavemen;. MRS. R. M. MURRAY AND SON. Ql MKT WHEN n KIDNEYS BOTHER WHILE OTHERS ARE CLAIMING service, we' are giving it. Have your battery registered at our place. Wilmington Storage Bat tery Company, 2L N. 2d St. . 1-30-lti. The torpedo gunboat Hazard was built in 1894 and measures 1,070 tons. She was 250 :fet long und, her normal complement was 115 iien. " , ' - Take a glass of Salts if your Back hurts or Bladder troubles, you. No man or woman who.-eats meat regularly can make a mistake by flush mg me Kianeys occasionally, says a weu-Known autnonty. 5 Meat rorms uric acid which excita the kidneys, they become over-worked from the strain, get sluggish and fail to Alter the waste and -poisons from the blooa, tnen we get sick. Nearly all rheu matism, headaches, liver trouble, ner vousness, dizziness, sleeplessness and urinary disorders' come from sluggish kidneys. -, , ; The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or - your back hurts -or if the urine is 'cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage or auenaeg oy a sensation of scalding, stop eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any; 'phar macy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before -breakfast and-in a iew aays your Kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and Jmon juice, com bined with lithia, and has beennsed rof g&nerations to flush andVstimu late tho kidneys, also" to neutralize the acids in urine so it no . longer vctipea irritation, tnus enamg Diaa der weakness. - : ; , - '. Jad Salts is inexpensive and can Aot injure; makes a delightful effer vescent lithia-water drink.which every otxq should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean 'and 'active and the blopd pure, thereby avoiding .. serious kidney compucations. Adv, - . ; LAY ASIDE SMALL AMOUNT weekly grows mighty fast The Carolina Building & Loan Associa tion opens new series Saturday, February 2nd, at 123 Princess, L. W. Moore, Secretary, l-30rlti. LOOK I AM SELLING BEST NA tive beef round steak 25c lb. Lorn steak 25c, chuck steak 20c, roast 20c, ; stew 15c, native pork 30 to 35c per " lb Ham, bacon, sausage at cut prices. Hoytr- Kennedy, phono 670. l-9-30tJ FOR RENT COTTAGE N NO. 719 Orange with garage and wood house. Phone 1874-J or 26. 12-8-tf SHIP CAPTAm KILLS MATE AND HIMSELF An Atlantio Port, Jan. 30. -With her captain lost overboard after hav ing shot his first mate dead on hor deck, the Swedish steamer Angelia put into this port late yesterday, af ternoon in command of her socond officer, bound from another Atlantio port to a South American port. On the 27th, according to the narartive of the 22nd, Qaptain A B. Walrus be came deranged from drink and in ah argument shot ancL wounded the first officer, G. R. Furst. The deed seemed to sober him and when he realized what he had done he stood upon the rail, fired a bulelt into his head and Jumped overboard. The second officer took command and put on all steam in an effort to reach , this port in time to get surgical aid for the first oflIcer. Death won the race, with land in sight. Customs house officials took charge of the craft when she arrived in port. WANTED FIFTY LABORERS, white or colored, to clean land. Guaranteed three years work.. Ap ply M. Lance, Carolina Beach. 8-31 tf WHEN YOUR BOY GOES INTO THE Trenches see that he takes with him your portrait. He will treasure it above all the gold on earth. Foltz and Kendrix. 12-13-tf CAR ORANGES, CAR APPLES, CAR Irish potatoes, lima beans and black-eye peas just received. Send us your orders. Bear Produce and Mdse. Co. (wholesale) Phones 452 453, Wilmington, N. C. Ja 22-tf AUTO TIRES WHEN THEY NEED repairing take them to The Fair, 2 in 1. We will fix them so that theyare as good as new. 1-24-lmo. FOR SALE SEVERAL TYPEWRIT- ers;. craboA paper; typewriter rib bon and . other office supplies ; note book holders; business phonograph; oil stove; embossing machine, per forator and surplus printing and of fice furniture. Cheap for cash. Har riss Printing and Advertising Co, 1-25-27-29,31 OLD FALSE TEETH WANTED Don't matter if broken, v pay $2 to $15 per set. Also cash for old gold, Bilver-and broken jewelry. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mall. Will hold goods 10 days for sender's approval of my oner. Lt. Mazer, 2007 So. 5th rSL, Phila.. Pa. 1-15-30 tl. W;&,S.i WARSAVINGS STAMPS Issued by the :.XJ S: Government to assist in financi rtur war nfrain4tstrHT Central Poivers. . . I ' ' Thesd ;Staitfps7maturein ;1 923 and net the ow 4 per cent .Compound Interest. Though you may not t! able to do but ajsmall Dit, remember your country is J? ing you to do your part . Will you do it? . 7 stamps for sale here THE PElpPLES SAVINGS B CORNER raONT STREETS it JoiiiilJiiGle wars ams : dlub ORDER EARLY FARRIS' HOT SUP- per Rolls. "They save nours in the kitchen." Phone 626-627. .. 1-23-tf ONION SETS Alts, IRISH COBBLER Maine grown seed potatoes, just received several cars; send us your orders; do not delay, Bear 'Produce and Mdse. Co., (wholesale) phones 452-453, Wilmington, N. C, - ja 22-tf. UNION SETS AND IRISH COBBLER Maine grown sed potatoes and Ruta boga turnips, just received several cars; send us your orders; do not delay, Bear Produce and Mdse. Co., (wholesale) phones 452-453, Wil mington, N. C. ja 22-tf. PRINTING OF THE BEST QUALITY, quick service, Engraved cards of all kinds. rHarriss Printing and Adver tising Co. 12-mon, wed, fri, tf CABBAGE PLANTS EARLY JER sey and Charleston Wakefield, Suc- - cession, Plat Dutch, from pedigreed seed, Immediate shipment By ex press 500 for ?1.00; 1,000, $1.50; 5,000 at $1.23; 10,000 and up at $1.00 f. o. b Young's Island, S. C. Delivered by parcel post, 100 25 cents; 1,000, $1.75. Enterprise Company, Inc.; Sumter, S. C, 10-3 we fri sun tf MARRY IF LONELY; FOR RE- suits, try me; test and most mic ; cessful "Home Maker;" hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confidential; most reliable;- years experience; denonptJous free. "The Suooessful Clnb," Mre. Purdie, Box 556, Oakland, Calif. 1-27, Feb.-3 , The theological faculty of the Uni versity, of Heidelberg "has- given its first permission to a woman to N try for a degree-in theolor. . - -0 CONSERVATION AND ECONOMY ; O ur Motto for 1918 Your patronage solicit ed, subject to all patriotic restrictions of Fuel ancl' Food Administrations. VimillGTOli GROCERY CO. Office Phone 12 - 27 Market St. Phone 13, and-14. UNREDEEMED WATCH. 80LID gold, 14 carOt, Hunting case Long ines movement, worth 45.00, unre deemed price $27.50, at Chas. Fink elstein. Phone 642.: 1-23-tf FOR SALE PINE WOOD DELIVER- ed any where In the city $6.45 a cord Phone 4702. 124-7UJ. WE DELIVER ALt MAGAZINES ON date of issue when so requested Phone your erder to 745, Gordon's News Stand. 10-7'J TOLEDO SCALES NO SPRING8. Honest weight B. A. Shands, Jr., now representing Toledo Scale Co. in this territory. Phone 630, 12-29-tf. THE MOTTE BUSINESS COLLEGE, Inc., offers superior advantages to those seeking a business education. Positions secured for all graduates. Write or, phone 706 for catalogue. , 1-21-tf. FOR SALE THREE, NICE YOUNG mules and three horses. All good stock can be seen at our, machin ery yards, Lingo City Metal Works. ns-os-T .-.., WOOD LONG LEA PINE WOOD. $6.50 per cord.. Phone 15 or 1018-J. mm WANTED MORNING WORK. ANY Hsind accepted, but stenographic pre ferred. X. Y., carev Dispatch. 1-23-ltj CUT WOOD FOR SALE READY -Tor heater. Hardwood and pine mixed. In cord lots, $7.50 per cord, . delivered. Call 'phone 481-J, or , 1250-J. l-28-3t Miitiiiiniiiiiiiiiii!tiiiiiiinxnuiiiTnnii!iii!xniiiniinimiiiitU l(b(J,.j Builders Supplies I W. B. THORPE & CO. I & Water and Ann streets ' s I Phone 789, - i Buy War. Savings Stamps. A profitable, simple, secure investment paying 4 per cent compounded, re deemable at any. time upon ten days' notice, issued in two denominations, "25 cents and $5.00. 25 cents arid $5 seem small amounts but rememb&r that a single strand in a cable has no strength but thou ands of the3e stiands bound together uphold the Brook lyn Bridge. Do your bit. " A m. T r ? ,1 i .-v country worm ngnung ror is worm saving for. W. B. Cooper & Co. Wilraington, N. C. , Lick A (2hrift Stamp and help lick the Kaiser. Thrift Stamps. 25c. War Savings Certificate Stamp $4.12 C. W. YATES COMPT Buy War Savings Stamps Everywhere. rrr. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT BONDS Subscribers to LIBERTY LOAN BONDS will please call and make settlement for their subscrip tions. This Bank will also exchange BONDS for INTERIM CERTIFICATES N The Murchison National Bank VULCAN PLOWS One horse . . . r .$ 8.50 One and one-half horse .............. 1 2.00 Two horse . ..... ....... c. 15.00 NEW GROUND PLOW . ......... 13.50 Cape Fear Hardware Company An Illustration of the Best Life Insurance Policy Issued , Are at Iasne, 85 Pald-Up Extensions After you have carried this poua -for three years you cun stop payui and the Company will carry your u anrance tree for ix years and iw days. After 10 years the company will carry you for U years and days, and so on. Amount- Obtainable This policy may br , wntained In W amount , from . flflOO to $23,000 tne latter ftn being the Company's for, this particular poKcy. Fayroenw may be made annually, s;ini-an nually or quarterly. PUcy Becomes Full-Paid At age 65 all payments cease ana 510,000 goes 'to your heirs when yoa die, or you can have $6,090 in cas for yourself. The Company The Issuing compns- is the strong- Aflfc In fh world nsspts SS66.988,MJ-- 67and7lt does business at a Amount $10,000 Doable Indemnity . If death occur by ; accident while on a train trolley, steamship or oth er common irrier, the 'policy pays $20,000 instead of $16,000. Disability Protection . If permanently disabved before age. 65 from any cauBe accident, blind ness. . paralysis, . tuberculosis, in sanity, or anything else air further premiums are waived and yon receive uu income of $1,000 a year for life. At death the full $10,000 is jaid, le gardless of the v!inTemluni waived and the income atmdjr paid to yon. Annuel Cash D!iridends This policy paJVlfiffidends an nually after the Mcondyar. Had this policy beenjXa&Wymtvin lOOi . the dividends for, 0317, alone would hare been $10a0CLl th longer, it is carried the cheappjrUtbecomes and the more it iw5rtb7 After the second: yeat you' can al- cost than any other, which accounts waya borrow frontmHblrd' to fwo4(1 for thfe large dividends returnea t thirds of the imonht iTnn fc.v n. in without jeopafdlxlng' the policy, and you can insure the loanmak ing the policy free of debt in case of death. , . ; policyholders. tf yon need life insurance yon want this contract Exact details for yonr : own age gladly furnished on reaou C. L. DICKINSON. Agt. " , v Telephone- E59.. .OfflceOl , Princess. v J c 1 jiniinnnn; lonistnianinis - t