V ; . WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 1 5, 1918. PAGEr TEN. TF. i; - k f. 5 3e Vc CI; Mi Si; tie l Vl rr I : D: Br D: Or, D; D; D 3: it r !:: I; 3 Vs.', I re: J-..4 H . iP- (lc t. - r. ill lr 1U rrt o' tec r: I OF GOAL BY THOUSAND I However,: Campaign Captains and .Workers" Gratified Over Results DESIRED ; v.: v . ,'.,. The three-day , finance - campaign of 1 1 -was to raise $8,000, three-fourths of j. whjch is for local purposes and the ?t remaining fourth for the benefit of , -work at Blue Ridge, fell short of the Mesired goal by $1,790.07, but associa tion leaders and workers are well pleased with the showing made and the executive committee hopes: and expects -:- to push the sum . total raised ) officially cloaed, however, Thursday evening, with $6,210.93 either given or pledged. The fact, that the campaign, opened vlat a 'time when events were transpir f hjjs rapidly injthe city resulted 4n the .team captains being unable 'to give ttheir time as unsparingly- as- they I '; J would under other conditions, but all t late well pleased with, the showing I miade and the continued, activities of the assoclatlonon the big broad scale a.& heretofore are assured. I resents only about' 200 .individuals and Ethis means that the average subscrip- on was -approximately $25. The list i one. of the smallest - inthe rhistora f thet institution's campaigns ; and the yerage subscription the largest. I, CAPTAIN! COOPER HERE. LTransferred Eroi. Cape s Haiti to Port i Royal, S. C. v lCapt. Horace C. Cooper, U. S. A., and -Mrs. Cooper are spending a pe riod in the city with Cantain . Cooner'R parents, Senator 'and Mrs W. B. Coon- er, at their home, No. 207 North Fifth ;treet, and will be here for several idays. They but recently returned . jTrom Cape Haiti. Cantain CooDer hav- ' ' jng ' beep transferred from 'foreign !ervice and ordered to Paria TslanH fportr Royal, S. C. feRANOTVTliE MILL i OPERATIVES STRIKE Graniteville, S. C, Feb. 15. Be 'iween' five and sixhundred operatives, tmen and women of the Graniteville Manufacturing Company, one of the f largest cotton mills in the State, are 'on a strike for a 20 per cent. Increase 4in wages. The closing down of the mills was made necessary by the fwalking out of the operatives. Members of the Aiken county legis J lative ft3legatlon have appealed to the Strikers to ascertain if the mills are working on government contracts and f if they are to await a more opportune j' time to press their claims. There has ; been no disorder, & :- Get your Delineator f Brown's. AdvT ... today at LIKEiBOLT FROM ; HEAVEN'S BLUE 1 f 11- m n A bappy discovery of Cincin nati chemist interests women here i ".Your high heels have' nut corns on iron toes and calluses- on your feet, butwhy care now? .,;A genius in Cincinnati discovered a magic ether compound and named it freezone. A quarter ounce of this freezone can now be had at any drug store for a few cents. Apply a few 'drpps on your tender, aching corn or callus. Instantly the soreness - disap pears and shortly you will find the cqrn or callus so shriveled and loose that you lift it off with your fingers. -V i Just think! You get rid of a hard Corn, soft corn or a corn between the lioes,- as well as hardened calluses for a rew cents and without suffering one particle, without the slightest irrka tion Of the surroundine skin Just a touch - of this marvelous freezone on jBr,sore, troublesome-eorn gives instant relief. Adv. Your Have you made it? Have you consulted people who - are experienced in handling estate matters? Have you considered the advantages a Trust Companv offers in j the capacity of executor of 1, Many people neglect this Deaths an uncertain quantity. So DO IT NOW. 5 V I : - We -act as. E.Xfteiltnr ,rorlf l.11.. L- 1 - -' j : yourwill. 1 ' ' fl Front and Mmm Bank i& IrusfCo WITH THE RECORDER. One Defendant Discharged; Youthful r.i lavncr. mroiefl, V Trial Ofl&rronv . vnocB.iBttiurea tne - j? : , w4UBfj court, but there, was litUe of importance or DDl lu cme oerore Recorder - o-iii. nos u open in two or threA kuao In the case charging Louis Iiowery, colored, with vfni v .x." SjaSJ2- Pr . for-judgment waS vvuuuCu. upou payment of the cost. In the case charging . Johnny Smith colored with operating an automol .lx.Whout license, judgment was withheld until Saturday V The case charging 'Lonnie Mat- thews, white boy, with larceny, was continued until Saturday. Preston Howard with larceny, will ; hear his verdict wanuuojr, juugmenc navmg been Withheld until thaf t ) , , bJIXUC I : , The Case Chortrin'tr TMAia. Iai : fnlnya 1 . ' wrueny, was transferred mo juvcmm uocxet ana the de fendant then paroled with Probation Officer .Tohnsnri' in1nraH . j J VIV! Vl, iui o JfCIlULl of 1 2months. George Walker, col uicu, won ms case ana tne action .V.t 1 - umuiug larceny was aismissed. SUIT STARTED. FRIDAY. W. T. Justice Is After Damages -from , Bottling Company. Suit was started -in Superior Court Friday afternoon by W. T. ; Justice against the Christo-Cola Bottllne Com pany" through' his attorney, Woodus Keiium, issq. Complaint has not been filed1? as yet and it is not known on what; grounds the plaintiff is seeking to collect damages or in what sum. . FORTY CASES SEIZED. Deputy Marshall Kelly Takes Quan tlty of Cholera Serum. Forty, cases of anti-hog cholera se rum was seized at McNair 8$ Pear sail's ' place, No. 214 North Water street, Friday, by Deputy United States Marshall Burt Kelly. The se rum was seized under provisions of the Pure Food Act. IN SUPERIOR COURT. Entire Morning Taken Up in Trial of - Bryant vs. Hackney. -Taking of testimony. in the suit brought by J. N. Bryant against W. D. Hackney, Sr., consumed the en tire morning in Superior Court Fri day and the issues" were still being argued during the early afternoon. It is doubtful if the case is given the jury, before late afternoon or Satur day morning. VOLLEYBALL SATURDAY. Members of Business Men's Class Will Participate in Games. Members of the business men's gym .iaaa a tiio v. M. C. A. will engage in a game of volleyball Saturday aft- ... . 1 9 ornnnn nt & o'clock at tne associauon and all members are expected to be present. Friday afternoon ciass worn, was postponed as the gymnasium is to be used in connection with the Father and Son banquet. YOUTH! YOUTH! YOUTH! the Best Part of a Woman's Life Why Should It Vanish So Quickly? Don't let your youth go! And above all, don't lost your youthful -appearance through old-fashioned prejudice. Women who a few years ago scorned the use of face powders or cosmetics, now depend on them to keep a youth ful appearance. And this is equally true of the hair color restotcr. Con stantly, more and more wqmen are using Q-ban Hair Color Restorer to keep the hair dark and glossy and free from gray. Q-ban is . not a dye. This you can prove by trying it on your combings. Dyes stain them, inst.autly but Q-ban has no immediate effect. Qban is simply a delightful toilet requisite for restoring the natural color of the liair. Q-ban does not stal.i the scalp, wash or rub off or prevent washing or wav ing the hair. I3as!ly applied by trushing or comb' .ig through xhe hair. ' Sold by all 'gcc4' l;ot: - every where on Mour :'.vk. .'''M,v'iintee . J lice 75c. A.v. YOUR WL?. matter until it is too late. vio ucciy uciurc maKing Market Streets. win iAnq ' :i yt? v . .k, . -. - i r- 1 1 Scoffers and Doubters Why Let Prejudice Bind You to a Life of Rheumatic Torture? Be fair to yourself, you sufferer from rheumatism, no matter what form. Go to Jt. R. Bellamy's or any good druggist and get a package of Rheuma, the guaranteed prescription. Use the entire bottle, and if you don't think it has given you quick and sure relief, say so, and you can have your money back. Isn't that a fair offer? Can you see any deceit or red tape about it? What chance do you take? Absolutely none. Then get a bottle of Rheuma to day. It's a reputable physician's pre scription, altogether different from remedies usually perscribed, free from narcotics and perfectly harmless. Rheuma acts on the kidneys and helps to force the uric acid from the swol len joints and other lodging places. It pleases you in a day; it makes you hopeful and happy in a week. It has released from bondage rheumatic suf ferers who thought, nothing would give relief. It should do as much for you it seldom fails. Don't miss this money-back offer. A large bottle, sufficient -for two weeks' treatment is inexpensive. Adv. ' Conservation and Economy" Our Motto for 1918 FOR MEATLESS MEALS Salt Mackerel Fish Roe t Fresh Eggs Wilmington Grocery Company ' Office 'Phone 1 2 'Phones 13 and 14 127 Market Street. Put your money in 2 in 1 Tires and get, more mileage FAIR 2 in 1 901. N. Fourth - Phpne 738 BUSINESS SPECIALS MESSENGER SERVICE. For this service we use the Pos tal Telegraph Cable Company's messengers. They will call for your "ads," in the same manner and quick time as they now cover the city for telegrams, night letter grams, cables, etc. For further information as to "ads," call 176, but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." STRAYED OR STOLEN SCOTCH Collie Dog yellow and white answers to name of "Prince".. Suit able reward for information lead-f ing to his recovery. F. L. Pearsall Phone 1768. 2-14-3tj. AUTO TIRES WHEN THEY NEED repairing take them to The Fair, 2 in 1. We will fix them so that they are as good as new. 1-24-lmo. WHY DOES JEHOVAH PERMIT THE Great War? The prophetic answer is contained in "The Finished Mys tery." a handsome 600-page voluma just off the press 60c, delivered. Address Box 1044, City. 2-10-7tij. WANTED BOY ABOUT 16 YEARS old to learn printing business. One with some experience preferred. Must be ouick and willing to learn. Apply at once to Foreman. -Disnatch , office . 2-14-lf. FOR RENT FOUR DESIRABLE rooms either furnished or unfurnish ed. Apply 112 North Fifth street. 2-14-tf. FOR SALE TWO CYPHERS INCU- bators and hovers. Excellent con- dition. 205 Market sereet. Phone 252. . 2-14-2U. A BOY 17 OR 18 YEARS OF AGE wanted Jackson Bell Co. 2-14-ltj. SHAD, SHAD, SHAD SHAD SEA son is now on. Fresh shad arriving daily. Call R. C. Fergus, Phone 1637. . 2-14-2tiJ. 814 ANN. IS OFFERED FOR RENT at $35.00. Eight large rooms and location the -best. H. F. Wilder, phone 631. . 2-14-3U. BRAND NEW PRETTY BUNGALOW for rent. Carolina Court, "five rooms, . $18.00. . H. F. Wilder, Phone 631. 2-14-3ti. FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, buggy, harness, collars, hames and traces All very cheap. Also good snaking horse. Lingo City Metal Works. 2-13 tf. WHEN YOUR BOY GOES INTO THE Trenches see that he takes with him your portrait. He will treasure it ' above all the gold on earth. Foltz and Kenlrix. 12-13-tf WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of issue when so requested Phone your $rder to 745. Gordon's Newsstand. 10-V-tZ Don't matter if broken. pay $2 to $15 per 3et. Also cash for old gold, silver, and - broken jewelry. Send by parcel post and receive; check by return maiL Will hold goods 10s days for sender's approval of my offer. Li Mazer, 2007 So. 5th St., Phila Pa. . ; 2-15-30 y. WANTED I WANT TO RENT A farm and plant about forty or fifty acres in tobacco, and also about that much in corn. Address Box 63. Clarksville, Va. 2-14-7ti. FOR SALE. TWO LARGE MULES, 1,200 pounds each. Reason for sell ing will put on auto trucks. W. T Farris, Prop, Farris' Bakery, phone 626-627. 2-8-tf, UNREDEEMED VICTROLA CABl inet Style, in first-class condition, worth $100.00, Unredeemed price $47.50. Call at Chas. Finklesteins, 6 South Front street. Phone 642. 2-9-tf. WANTED TO BUY CLAr4 cotton rags will pay- 2 lrS cents per pound.. Bring pr send 'them 'td the Queen City Cycle Co. 209 Mar ket St. 2-11-tf. FOR SALE GOOD HORSE, BUGGY and wagon. Reasonable for cash. Apply 504 Red Cross street. 2-14-15-17 WANTED A GOOD MAN WITH $1,000 or $1,500 capital to become a part ner in a good business. Address Box 92, Wilmington, N, C. 2-13-tf. WANTED STENOGRAPHER FOR general office work. Write to Typ ist, Box. 73. 2-13-ti. FOR RENT 112 S. EIGHTH ST. five rooms; $9.00, water free. See M. C. Darby & Co. 2-13-tf. FOR RENT 114- S. EIGHTH ST. five rooms; water free. See M. C. Darby & Co. 2-13-tf. WANTED AT ONCE ONE OR TWO experienced job-press feeders. Har riss Printing and Advertising Co. 2-13-3ti. CUT WOOD FOR SALE HARD wood and pine mixed, sawed and split for heater; cut three months. Half-cord $3.75; cord, $7.50, deliver ed. 'Phone 1250-J or 481-J. 2:5:tf $5.00 PRIZE GUESS THE NUMBER of Mazda Lamps in our window. City Electric Co. Pythian Bldtc., 206 Princess. l-31-2w. TOLEDO SCALES NO SPRINGS. Honest weight. E. A. Shands, Jr., now representing Toledo Scale Co. in this territory. Phone 630.. 12-29-tf. I!III!lllllllll!I!IIIiil!I!llllllI!llliIII!!li;iI!llllll!l!I!IIHIIllll les 1 W. B. THORPE & 00. 1 3C S3 i Water and Ann streets s Phone 789o - -- g Builders Suppl iniiiiiiiauiiuuiiinimkiHiiiiininiiiiiHiiunQiiuuuiiniis M ANY a boy thinks he. will save when V, time his salary is raised. And when he is u?11 be saying that jit is .too late to begin to save As a matter of fact, every person, young or 'j to save a part of their income ALL THE TIME U1 Your accourivyvith . this bank earns 4 ner T30undedOuarterlv. 1 THE PEOPLES SAVI CORNER FRONT AND PRINCESS STREETS WHY NOT HAVE A NEW s JJJ'iLJLJLl Nifty Straws MISS ALMA BROWN VULCAN PLOWS One h orse ' ... 8.50 One and one-half horse . .,. ...... ... 1 2.00 Two horse 1 5 00 NEW GROUND PLOW :, 13.50 Cape Fear Hardware Company OUR 21ST SERIES OF STOCK WILL OPEN SAT URDAY, MARCH 2ND SUBSCRIBE NOW Progressive Building & Loan Association Coca-Cola Grape Juice Mint Julep Banana and Vanilla In Buckets and Cones Phone. 520 Join Uncle War Savings Club Buy War Savings Stamps. A profitable, simple secure investment payings 4 per cent compounded, deemable at any time upon ten days' notice, issued in two denominations, 25 cents and $5.00. 25 cents and $5 seem small amounts but remember that a single strand in a cable has no strength but thou ands of these stiands bound together uphold the Brook' lyn Bridge. Do your bit, A country worth righting for is worth savin? for. W. B. Cooper & Co. . , . Wilniington, N. C. .1 T " UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT BONDS Subscribers to LIBERTY LOAN BONDS will please call and make settlement for their subscrip tions. This Bank will also exchange BONDS for INTERIM CERTIFICATES - The MuMin Mtional Bank a .young man. Then, he thinks he will H NGS 1 JL1H Silk Hose 3 J nmiT i inifl Buy War Savings Stamps Everywhere SODA FOUNTAIN MENU Grape Fruit Ola Lemonade Ice Cream- PAYNE DRUG CO. Fifth and Red Cross Stl ams J !