- . A PATHER ILM "d south Car Jeenepally ir; iwia-"0 .j Cnn- in FULL LEASED. WIRE SERVICE w CM. 1Q P A G E Srjt U isMTIQllj . ' i - - -f viV No. 40. -'I ..iiTA TH MllUf Hj IUJUHUKY ABOUT LOCATION IF ARMY CAMPS WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SUNDAY, FEBRURV 1 7, 191 8. PRICE RYE CENTSJll gasman Up Question WUU war Department. ?KS ABOUT ALLfcUfcLJ u Been Hinted That Influ xes Have Been at Work in Favor of Spates Ad joining This. Head of CarDenters and Toin- ers HelbVResponsible for Shipyard Strikes. : LABOR SITUATION A SERIOUS PROBLEM kion iff fBv Geo. H. Manning.) kishington. u. . i.-au- m. Ltinn to definitely determine ..W fir nOL iUI(.u wiii uuuu uuo n of army camp sues anu mvemment activities In favor Virginia to me r,f,riu ouuui -lino Ml tne SUULil, u.a,o uccu J TT T rArf- wmte tO Secreutry ui vv ,i ... it asking a specmc auswci iu mo LjtJon ana iwi i;tii; w -" W that nas Deen iuaue m uu honors in tne istaie uiai buuu a rase. . - A Via iTiltmi C nf carryins: the investigation to point or aetenuinmg wucuuci ui these other States have obtained favorable consideration than Mi Carolina, and if so whether i w' i m a I: Hiio tn the inactivity 01 me rtti Carolina Senators ana von issmen Or lO some yarutuuu oiro- li nf "Dull" the Representatives o: Hiia and South Carolina have h able to exert on me w ar ana 1tt departments. ri have certainly done all that latently could to bring camp sites other activities to North Caro- especially the location of a camp" Favetteville." said Mr. Godwin' to- . "We have been absolutely loyal the administration, have, put pa LABOR IN THE GOVERNMENT TO IKE suppress s Government Officials Con- sidering Every Possible , Suggestion for Set tling Unrest. Based n the most authentic re-' tforts obtainable, two conclusions vere possible concerning the situ ation In the Eastern theatre of war tonight: Rumania will fight-if she can. Russia won't fight if she can help It. The following United Press dis patches served both to bear out and upset this promise: Copenhagen Real peaoe negoti ations, between the Central Pow ers and Rumania have not been opened but preliminaries have be gun, according to a Berlin dis patch. Foreign Minister Kuehl man will soon go to Bucharest, former capital of Rumania. - Amsterdam The Bulgarian gov ernment has resumed diplomatic relations With Russia, a Sofiia dis patch says. RomeBecause ef the failure; of the peace negotiations at Brest Litovsk, . Germany - has counter manded the transfer of- troops' from the East fV the West front, Russian dispatches to the Idea Na- zionale declare. Copenhagen Warsaw was the scene today of Polish demonstra-' tions against the . peace .pact 4 "be tween the Central Powers 'and Uk raine, which gave the : latter re public a big slice of Russian Po land. The streets -have ft)een ." oc cupied' by policemen and Soldiers. All theatres and most of the res-, taurants have been closecb Amsterdam Reports confirming the one. that the demobiliratiori, of the Russian armies has MQt begun are published by The Weser Zei tung. The Vosslsiche Zeltung says Russian demobilization has , begun in the Caucasus and Armenia. NORTH CAROUNA GEIS "Washington, Feb. 16. Labor has joined with the government in 'an ef fort to suppress the strike of wood workers in Eastern ship yards. Under the most dangerous and unique conditions in the history ot America's organized workers the lead ers of many1, crafts today threw their influence., against William Hutchen son, chief of the carpenters and .ioin- pra linnn whom thftv nla.ce full re sponsibility in the walkout at Baiti- Four o These Institutions to more and New York. Succeeds General Sir William Robertson, Who Recently, Tendered Resignation. POWER OF THE CHIEF HAS BEEN REDUCED I EASTBAIiPt Wilson iHmw'BinnHt km - ihk 'jf . : APPfllNTFII IMF T(l MiKF FIIRTHFB 1M! FIRHT F(1R !:lt!; I II I VII I I I ImU Ullll-I IU llll II L. I Ulll I1L.I1 IlinU I IUM1 I Ull J)F BRITISH STAFF MOVES FOR PEACE ARMY COITRCXUl mm This Week is Likely to Bring Hereafter British Premier s Forth Statements From the Authority Will Be More C f Two Premiers. 1 ilce President. ! ! . m urn oMLT rrk oMirTrTi tt- vt.t Bffit m i ntna -.. i-t if . POLITICAL OFFENSIVE MEETS A DEFEAIK m 4 Gen. Robertson Declined To P16 Fight to Break Dowji the Russia s Refusal to Eithe ; Either Be Chief Under the Morale ot Lnemy is Being Make WarS or bign r'eace; ; Vigorously Waged by Both Sides. New Conditions or Re main on War Council London. Feb. 16. Lieutenant Gen- Puts Germany in a Critical Position. , NEW ARMY HOSPITAL Be Established, one at Asheville. Tonight it appeared likely the car penters would go back. Official re ports - to the Shipping Bord indicated hat onlv l.fiOO are now' out on strike 4 v,Q Hfr0T-c,r.t vofia I wasnmgton. ueD. ix. jj-our new Meantime the wage adjustment army tuoercuiosis nospuais ana re commission announced a new stan- construction camps are to beestab dard wage scale and working program "shed at once, the Armp Medical for the so-called Delaware river and Corps officially J Baltimore districts, embracing 14 el e 1? wnrSL b2 yards. The wage commission decis- Col-. Ane11' C, Whipple Bar . x i vooj rack. Ariz., and New Haven, Conn. S.fErr lT:r, Soldiers with "incipient tuberculc- T ,iT rjlJf r sis" or generally rundown physically, a half for orme- ! as weu as well defined cases, will be The new schedule will 1 be used as a flent tQ inU for recuperatlon. standard tor all Eastern yards, the n, Qa Dnr,n,..,.H ninMiiii details. to vary according to local .con-1 ith cominencement of an inspection aitions. AS to tne open or wuscu nii i- nf Cnnthem rl.ritnnmMlt.R DV shop, the yards will be operated ac- Surgeon General Gorgas and Colonel cording to conditions existing befoie pm-h Health conditions at all the war. cantos will come under the closest Carpenters now striking can come of these commanding offi- O.K,KJLL9 UVG, U - - . it..-. 1 ' W 1 - , l . hHnri ahovft nartv .and believe uuucr mo uow wCCuiCU t w cere, me tour ana me aospii pijui ,vml- x - - I . lm- JI.A wteVAWAM . m- should be no politics in the, war turn w wow. i marked tonight- a new anv w Win location of governmental pro- now is over m .Uubuuu..v strengtnen xne ueaiuu ot auiw Its. But if the administration is shop, v -. ... soldier men. ' ; i t f0-r afatoa to. iftv notcnenson nas assea tur pnvu- Fiirtner. it is aesignea io moreao M w iu..,. v " J I -M i 17 1.. lx J .-I w ito, both north and south of ns, eges wmcn aoue uj. ui tne percenxase otcuweyuui our injury we wont stand for unions engagea in me biuii uuiiumS mrartea men. negisiranis wuu yvuuiu ,t lam eoine to eet the facts and industry nave sougni, v. xu. muwy, neretorore do rejeciea f.w tnK - n i . f xt iu ii. . i aw i nnoirmnn nr inR wreh ou usiuicuiinpnpv mwa.ru iiuie 1 iLii.ciM.iuu. 11111 , wo uie yeuyie 01 .vui lu vvdii uuua nuun vuc.u-" - " - I ' , . . ..- That thQ cifnof inn ia " IDoard. aeciarea toniRni. ine carueu- sent zo me reconBiH;uuu awov- ,t nas been detinitelv decided that ters presiaent conceaea me lais to ue wmupou n o pv,n,inH 4a Uh hniri to . Astabiisli an eaultaoie eventual assignment to canionmems abandon e as a traininer camn. so waee. but he has insisted, Macey saia, and tne tront. it there Is no hope of Fayetteville,that he shouldJiave control or wors- wh ma Vioon aorain aftoi- tho Inv onnrtHlons' In that Clause the mvu UUU WVVU MIMUIAU &-r& l W I w w - . I . - ip, obtaining it. Congressman open shop question comes out Ito TEUTONS MAINTAINING m ana a delegation irom ay-icnecK iurxaer neguuauuus. injure ixt rrxi V eTille -vrho railed on Secretary Never in the history of labor has a AXV1V11 111 l-a ier were told positively that Camp situation arisen such as that - con- eenels not to be abandoned. The fronting thB nation today.. Unrest ev- Washington. Feb. 16. The Central 4 Thich was complained of there is erywhere has been reported among Jpowers are maintaining full strength mgout, Secretary Baker said, and war workers. The causes have Deen on Italian front, 'sufficient to camp will be retained-even after attributed by labor to profiteering, un- nermit them to undertake offensive . 1 . m Jl I . . ii uiea now m training mere nave standardized wages ana eniorceu operations simultaneously aaong me idleness. entire Western front from the North Secretary Baker was told of the sus- AH denartments of the government sea to the Adriatic," according to circumstances in connection have heen eravelv concerned at the Rome dispatches to the Italian embas- the recommendation that the frond of events. ConCTess has inject- sy tonight. he abandoned, and nromised to inM fha sHnatlnTi with de- Auntrinn soldiers "born In 1900 are , I cU , 1 T imrocf!iti at l . . J t. ... . ....t Ti.u 4. 1 mn n Tannrran ""wu6oi,c tu uuaigca auu tu mands for everytning irom a genwrui on tne iuuuui hum, iwvw. vigorous action if they are investigation of labor conditions to Austrian, newspapers received in wn. The gossip in regard to the conscription of all workers. Rome relaYe that tuberculosis is rife vauae ut lue recommenaauon ior President Wilson has nreDarea to in Vienna, navms w troops. CONGRESS SPURRED TO ACTION BY LEADERS Unusually Busy Sessions on War Legislation Outlined For the Week. Washington, Feb. 16, The coming New Ydrk, Feb. 16. Premier Lloyd eral Sir Henry Wilson became" cjbiief J week will probably witness new Teu- George has" won his fight for control ui bvu uw-xiiiii armies hhukuu ton moves in the daylight diplomatic by the British civil government over the resignation of General Sir WiHu- L tuwitra yef neBu"uB. tne unu sn army. riereiier un liam Robertson. - - The Austrian Count Czernin is ish Premier's authority will approJtt- Although Robertson's resienation deemed likely to go a step further ml . mnr.n n mnuarv mftttem had been rumored for some time, in approaching President Wilson's ideas t,L i,tti fact, since the recent ,Inter-Allied War for peace. His colleague, the German ul luc PnnfereTine t Versatile, u. war not von Hertlins:. however, is unlikely to States. ' officially announced until late today, modify his stand, if German press That is the real significance of they; The official oress bureau in makine comment is any criterion. resignation or Sir wunam KODeixson, the announcement exDlained that FDr the junkers riding high for the as British chief -of-staff and tno ap-? the Versailles conference in extend- time apparently have staked all oi poitnment of Sir Henry Wilson as hid.. ing the functions of the permanent Hindenburg and Ludendorff and their successor. Lloyd-George s direcuon military representative on the council, mad promises as to the West front of army affairs will not be exercised. limited the sDecial Dowers formerly and other theaters. In this spirit, lit- so much in his capacity as .Premier Washington, Feb, 16. Under the held by the chief of staff. tie is anticipated here from the proD: as m his capacity as a member of the snur of demands from the nation's The government, it was an- able Hertiing reply to fpesiaent Versailles Inter-Allied conference.. - r .. i nounced. offered Robertson his choice Wilson's latest statement. General Robertson's resienation ;ls preparing to act on war measures tiv ho Tntor.AiUoH mnnHi. nr which brines the two sides any near-1 0 hn nnnnoo civilian rnntmi nf- . 1 I - ' V. V VMV. wM.9 w I w - - I VUO TT 11V WWU-J - vrwa. Mma nine Iiia ftotY unrlor tho now I inefiinftr Is a SLGD LOWarU UU clC I ; 1 ; enH TxrVirk MficirA Hrit CSliTSii t5n i. LrS conditions. Robertson refused both tual peace table conference. J i,h military leaders to exercise full) rtulroaa control Dili until it is voted l j , . . i ir:utn. nvf vo Pi-aoMant T - ... . tJij.; V. rti- n proposiuons ana presremea, uis resiB- mcu uyuu, uia. jurisdiction over the uritisn army, un-; n" ?2f , H a ? be,c- nation. . Wilson can spUt Austria off from her hampered by orders from Versailles:; complisnea before Saturday. The Tha t.av MnrKaanttiTA nn thn wr over lord. Germany. The President i Wn, io iui.f!n0'1 Wa7SJ Council will be announced within a himself believes it canbe done and miiaxy adviser and there l8 ; rCT,"' vm " Vr f ' Cr few days, : . . . I Pat once .. " little doubt that he will continue to uuio im oiuw Alum mo Rnhorfenn Tioa iolH th A Tinst nf rhlftM Df. maQB Willi AUSLria. I i iu. i y,ta n,imnnal rnb QiotDmAiif hv nircflr flonaral Mr-.l . r "I V". r r" . f mMn Lilttl- aa i"luv""" " , Adoo that he is being embarrassed . sllr.CP.eded General Mu'rrav. a shortening of the war. . President rV!. JTim-- and hampered, by lack of legislation. r-:i wn- wn relented WUson intends, in any case, to con- "T. Trrrr Senate finance committee Monday tn British army at the recent Ver- tinue hiapolitical offensive agamst Russian government?- will take up-the $500,000,000 finance tj woo Kr i.KimrT the Central Powers i whenever oppor- w. e ine r"? - 5v!nJ' i A. t.i i ii i oc4too wmwwivi, y.-. ., . . . . . loroice on neare neeotianona at uresi-i . Bimpe ior e&rrjr :pnB?uLiUua w jw? on1 won Senate. This measure also Is badly ta -,g84 He saw active service in wanted ly..uie administtation. - - - :. Afghanistan and South Africa Senator ovennatfs . supminiuee Defore tne present war. Will put me uuibuiBB iuuvub uu cue i one ot morale,; and eTerjrtWng ttat feralowett F38' ffaS GERMANY FACING week.- - ' - ' The Senate appropriattons commit tee now on the diplomatic bill expects to conclude its -labors soon .o? take up the urgent deficiency measure. eats into the morale of one aide or the other is at this stage a long step on the road toward closing the struggle. CLOTHING SHORTAGE TteYING JO FORCE A HIGHER BOND RATE DRAFT EVADERS AND With the French Armies, Feb 1 (By Mall). Material for the clothing and equipment of the army has now De Washineton. Feb. 16. An attempt come so exhausted in Germany as to rertain bie banking interests to threaten the supreme military, com- fnr.fi 41-2 ner cent, interest rate Ml TDTM7DI7DC: CT 17 17 mand with the danger of being un-ln thA r0mine third Liberty oan was Uiwwuriw abJe to poQ the war Tnig is Igeen by Treasury officials here to- . especially the case with the material night in the sudden decline of. Lib Apache, Ariz., Feb. 16. John and for Germany is dependent on rtv DOIlds 0n the New York Stock Tom rowers ana iom dibbwuo, imports from foreign countries oeiore Exchange. evaders, wanted ior iae murueir the war stocKs Deing exnausiea. ttirAo nfnmm are fieeine toward the! its, mnfession of this state of Mexican border tonight, pursued by thimirs and above all of this danger of I a company of United States cavalry being unable to keep up the war be- I moult nf lonntv aneriTrs ana ..h.a nv f q iarir nr various maie OUU -CW yvooo vy. vwjmm - 1 v.auou vri. va&v - cowboys. rials is made In a recent oraer issuea The outlaws are armed and a oattio i to the German army Dy urana viu.r la expected. The trio concealed them jtermaster General Ludendoff, taken selves xintil night, then slipped fom lierman prisoners through the-circle of pursuers. (Continued on Page Eleven). CHARGES AM i abandonment of Camo Greene as Itaining camp which has now be- quite general, is to the effect an officer at the camD became oecause Senator Overman in- wed a bill in the Senate to in into snobbishness of Regular onicers towards the enlisted Another story is to the effect the officer was rniiTidlv een- hy the Deonle nf r.harlntte he- he refused to shake hands with HMSted man to -whom he wne in. itm K ' A 1 t KtoeeH . z. . . . "- i Wilmington lvian nttuscu ui .. " ui. a anro in 'nor ntra 'rna - ' c riwan so the story SoeB, was me highest P.harspter anil aAiift. f and in every way except army -uai lu me omcer. I A POSTOFFICE EMPLOYEE Giving Valuable Informa tion to Germany. NAVAL ACTIVITY IN BRITISH CHANNEL Xjondon, Feb. 16: -The English chan nel h been the scene of unusual na .roi 0MMtv durine the past few V CM V. . mwm " araeilrst The Germain destroyer raid, in which one British trawler and seven drifters were sunk early Friday morn ing, was followed this morning.'by the bombardment of Dover by a German submarine. One person was killed and six injured. y , - , The Mail tonight announced mat in TPrVrw . (Special to The Dispatch.) thtr ve waters four enemy -i-rv VlLltUUf Washington, u.y., r "i: had ' been destroyed recently. ACCEPTIIMT A UPIRP es were filed with tne unnea di "LriilXb A DKlDL .wfl n0rartment today against t uoiuiuvu - . . nn iir - u i imi , i postal cierit m ariAIu r iw i U- REPORTED BY HAIG Rusta.r. A. E. Hergenrotner, a Irs n ', ' :c": A0 captain a- rhA Wilmineton. N. C postomce. Cental urePfJ rn??,FallS' T" The allegations accused-him-of being r.-v1 sureeon of the second mo- , a,o onfl to have se- -mc3 of the TwentD-eiehth UI."1, n govern- Tendon. Feb. 16.-Sharp fighting de- LTU. was todav ronvinf i creuy auppuvu - . V7' rrta on British no- rt here f ""h ment with valuable iniormauou - r nf TvU 2280 7 01 epung a DriDe "iftort th roneh tha Wilmington office, sitions in the neignpornooa m.Y Y'W, to lisft liia r,n mitted mrOUgn-Xne.VV 111111116 Db nh.roV UMaM Marnhnl securing th. ,;ru" J A. A Dostofflce inspector is saia iu quene . U Ull M. cTP I n llll I llh I - - I T T M tftTOrT011 III II Field Marshal ,wi " I . t.A tiro war nfflne tn- P Pv.i; m t L"" hi-im working on the case ior some riaig reyui - re. Pa "'wn, oi . tb;e Department, it Is un- night, LWu?-' h0 13 now tatlonedMJJ.e the fate of "M . ... . J : . 3 V.I1 Bums w. , vJthe nostal clerk within a short time, sidings, hosme , aeroa Emnrv-ezJ:r. Cu. ujr - - - MrtTnor is a dispatching lets were Domoeu ,wwiua, ' r1-" rve a year - r1Q amisatlons the statement saia. Clem m tne "-r .t Tar, landed insld filed fl.cra.mst mm. it i - r . . ann- "T. A f . J ui uuo " . . v, .gntaino nf the and ItS OCCUyn.il LO wcic lucmc l"ovu- n -few hurs later he left to he conveyed . to the. capteins or tne ana its u f , . 0 ocatence. Keil and Nicana -ueniittu o"ii? - ZJm asked him if he terned at ;Wiunins? W n ;T 0 sa sentence that could .P aPP--" - DasH v.Q tnonv as hA mi to me n-aioci m AD UJOaiv-u- derstood, will determine the Men in railway . stations, railroad One hostile air intact ers. linnorPJ"r honor' except that prosecution df the war. 1 yruBci.ui.iwu w. '4.1,-. 1 .A T10H free access to the . , - ot vporc nu j 1 m ottt arrnromsr ur lug ancga- dl,floSt a nhv-i v!L.uIS thfa information to a r tted that until a short the captains of these interned ships. "f dn :,aa(1 been addicted to the Hergenrother is a native or cava- ria, and soon eiw us "T".in foreign country came to the . Unite! States with bis parents. He has been mployed in tta..TZ paster at Rn.:- u to The rHsnntrli r ib -'"Klnn ta - ' 1 cjuuwjs" . .. . . 1 - u. t...f Mer s ; 'u' Feb- 16. Roy E. about ten years, ana tnwjf k. Qay to h uj ie irresi-1 charges aerogawij' - . . p . c, "c yusimaster at Spring that have been preierrea. OBBERS COMMISSIONS ON COAL AWHED Allies could not have ndt been' Served . better than any other than the Brest- If, Litovsk. Although the Bolsheviki ; have repudiated any alliance with the ' - Western democracies, a closer bond .T;, ly man iormai agreements exists oe- : tween East and West in the opposl-f.v-Uon to the - Central Powers' military; V isms. As long as the Bolsheviki - re- -main loyal to their anti-militarisUc ideas they cannot make peace .with, Kaiserism; and Germany must conse- ;p quently keep a considerable part; of the army in service along the east front. LIEUTENANT BAGLEY ' MARRIED SATURDAY 1. LEAVEN OF HUTION YAHG IN BELGIUM NORFOLK IS A REAL price to Retailer After April 1 LIGHTLESS CITY came Whether Bought Portsmouth. V lis the only real South. hgh Feb. 16. Norfolk tless city in the From Mine or Jobber, WIL LRESUME WAR. . Amsterdam, Feb. 16 The Ger man mission has left Petrograd, according to the Frankfurtain Zei tung, which says it has the news officially from Berlin. The German government con siders the armistice ends Monday, the Zeltung dispatch added, and a .state of war between Russia and Germany will beimmedlately re sumed. . ' ; Washineton. Feb. 16. Jobbers After the downtown districts in I commissions on coal ranging from 15 other Southern cities began to shine to 30 cents a ton will be abolished airftin. Local Fuel Administrator Bel- April 1, the Fuel Administration an- RAMVfe TniVnt,- Serious Re- lamy House, prohibited the lighting nounced tonight. . Reports Indicate oeriOUS re f rainbows that were, wont to Lower coal prices to-consumers are distance to the Germans open the soldiers and sailors throng- expected to result; . .. . a -ktcii, n Kir oa1 oTierators who Has Developed. no reason, but that the lights should set up subsidiary "jobbers" with the not shine. sole function of collecting this com- Washineton. Feb. 16. Tne leaven g0 the marines, tne sauors, tne a- mission cauaeu tuiDoi, j . . n,trht wan helleved to t.tnva tha honttital men of Ports-1 ministrator Garfield. or refuiuuvu iahio-" " ' i iut.v1 I : . . . . .. ... he worvine in occupied Belgium. mouth. the visiting Englishmen, After April 1, prices to retailers win - . . . x I - . . t ii Ii it.. . . nnol la nnrpho a nnu D.iiWun trovernment canies 10 Fronrhmpn. Italians, ail visitors w oe me & 0.1x1 c nucuiw wi o r the legation-today told of mob prison- Portsmouth, walked through the bus-Jed from jobbers or from mines direct p.wion MHes. Leeation offl- hr.e distHots with the only light Prices at the mine will be increased cials peering deeper, saw open revolt upoh them that' shines from the jew- "slightly," the Fuel Administration 0 . . . I . . l ii.j . V. n o TMAiint trot in hp lie against the Kaiser an imminent dob- eiry store wmaows. buhch, mo cv.w Ribilitv V termined. Jobbers will have to make Attempts by the German govern- ( AVE BLOOD FOR tneir expenses out of this increase; meTbTgun January 30 to split Bel- AVt rUK " . istration, it is believed, hit hardest at ;t Ain . iToh ifi Eme5t take "jobbers" and under-handed prac- ment, it was said, is;fanned by treach- 00 assistant at the tWj. among oal operators who ery of a Belgian pouticai group Known b hospital at. Camp McClellan, is KtJ -T.Z. . as the Activists, which is supporting rec0vering from the effects of solely to obtatothecommision al the German scheme to cripple the na- a patriotic service rendered a fellow lowed bjr the government tion by subdivision. soldier in a time of dire need. AtLth fWJ film Mobs tramping the streets of Ant- "gtte Charles H. Smith, of Com- Pinitted to JhnTa werp, Brussels and Malines have de- H 114tn mfahtry, ,was believed gj at th e jnto, a commsion of fie5 T?aY to be dyin?bytttehos traUon 'JutooS .w -our.rr,r.rV 4 we "J.1" rL.,r- mi," o Plan of the Fuel Administration that SKS tion i?Y , JJS f-nilsslon will eliminated, but have : been deported. Tne Belgian has gone on the operating table and I -7 w wTi . v.. fr,,nv BrnfMtMi tn r8,.-. vtiAr hM increased slightly and the jobber will ralUaiUcilL lias v wv - eaCn time a Liiit ui uiuuu uwo fcF-t 1 , j . . .' . . .th.- German. Chancellor. Peeling naferred from hia healthy body In- b? "quired to look to the operator for imvuguuub v"v? j j n LvF iUC cxuauiatvu am w. v- w . vices indicated, is at wnite. neat. soldier, Just how successful even an open New York, Feb. 16. Surrounded only by a small group of immediate -relatives and intimate friends, Lieu . I tenant Commander David Worth Bag-. ley, U. S. N., and Miss Marie: Louise , Harrington, of Colusa, Cal., and Washington, D. C.T were married .in:. . the Belmont hotel here tonight. . Rav. Dr. Herbert Shipman, pastor pt the I Church of the Heavenly Rest,' oftlci-' .': ated. ' ' -V - Lieutenant Bagley was in command. . of the American destroyer, Jacob : Jones, when it was torpedoed last De- . . cember with a loss of two officers and ' 64 men. He is a brother of Mrs Jp-,V . sephus Daniels wife of the Secretary -of the Navy. ' ' .' - Mrs. Bagley, too, is related . to 'Sec-, retary Daniels. They departed alter, the -simple ceremony for a bifef honeymoon "somewhere in the v." South." Later they will establish ; their home in Philadelphia. fc s Mrs. Bagley was unattended, while ' Commander Frederick Poteet, of the United States Navy, acted as . besti.: man. Lieutenant 5agiey is so .ana his bride 22. " -1 rinm. aivinr Flanders political auton omy nave precipitated a serious cri sis, the catties saia. ropmw reeUL- uprising would be, however, fwas ques tioned here tonight. ' During three, years of iron-heeled suppression. Germany, it was point ed out, has vastly weakened if not al toeether abolished the resisting pow er of the littie country. Her-manhood by thousands has been deported into Germany.' Tbjose remainiig have been - poorly nourished, and : . ground under a reign of terrorlsin. , LONDON AGAIN RAIDED. London, Feb. 16: London was be ing raided by hostile air forces shortly after 10 o'clock - tonight. One bomb had been dropped on the city up to - that time. . The enemy airmen" crossed ' the Kent coast to reach the city. This increase, however will not equal the commis sion now being charged by the jobber and the retailer will be able to aeil cheaper than he is now doing. "The jobber is essential to the con duct of the coal business, and the Fuel Administration has given careful study to the' best means for insuring him a . reasonable compensaUon for his services, while at the same time eliminating ' fictitious commissions which were ultimately paid by the consumer." . 'M MYSTERY SURROUNDS ESTILL SPRINGS CRIME Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 16. A spe cial from Estill Springs, Tenn., where ; Jim Mcllherron, a young negro,' ijras : burned at the stake by a mob. Tnes. day night for shooting to death Jesse Tigert and Pierce Rogers, young white men, and seriously, wounding? Frank Tigert, says the mystery stn7- rounding the negro! crime is still m. solved. The negro's victims, it ;la claimed,, were total strangers to him and no words were spoken before Mc llherron began shooting. . Under. te,: rible torture by the mob beforel hisi death, Mcllherron refused - to : divulge any reason, but did try to implicate the son of a respectednegro preach-, preacher as the instigator, but to 110 avail. urn Brutal Murder Discovered Detroit, Feb. 16-One of the most , 3 brutal murders in the history of De. ; : roft Aatne-to He-ht ton ifl-ht." when thft ' hodv of a beautiful woman. - annar-- ' i): ently .27, was " found in a lodging . house' here. The girl is believed "to have been strangled by a man. .who; J accompanied .her to the rooml last -; THe'ht ' . .... . - - f . .... . . .. n

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