s " -:; " ' ''fPAcgnia'l iSj-'.!! : .THE IWlLMlfe yAFtfj'.-.TFESPSJS'TrT r H ;sted treal South Carolina News . ' , niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiimi , It ems ENGINEER CRUSHED TO DEATH. was Caught Tn Machinery Saturday; Body Found Sunday. Columbia, S. C, Feb. 19. J. A. . wn machinist 52 years old, met .a Jnrrible death at Roy ster's pumping tation some time Saturday. He was engineer at the plant located on Hampton's Creek, one mile south of Sovster's, and it appears that he was ' l ne when he was mashed to deatn Iv the driving machinery. When he 'failed to return home at mlonial Heights, this city, Saturday Ut relatives phoned an inquiry, S ft could get no information. Sunday Inmin becoming alarmed over his a brother-in-law of Mr Sown went to tne PumPinS station, Lre he found the man's lifeless body entangiea m iu """w. FATAL SUNDAY SHOOTING. , r Boland Shot to Death by Kirk LeGrand in Columbia. imhla. S. C. Feb. 19 Kirk Le- rrand a voung white man, shot and n'Tosenh R. Roland, Sunday nmins. about 7:45 o'clock, on Ger- .., Btreet. near Wayne t .nranrt fired not less than 10 shots and six bullets lodged in Ro f V Knriv. The shooting corn iced at'the shop office of the Co vnmbia Newberry & Laurens Rail ed and the last shot was fired on rprvai street about 160 feet away, ih-n ' Roland fell dead. Roland pleaded for his life and the reply was lead bullets. LeGrand was employed by the re pair shop of the Columbia, Newberry Pd . Dn.'iAoH ond Poland baurens iuhuuu. was hit foreman, it is reportea uiat VaS . JUn nf Vila fnro. the flayer was - . , - evnise, or meir uubiuuuo arrested, and Calls New Pastor. Chester, S. C., Feb. 19. The Rev. John-Edwin Purcell, Jr., pastor, of Cannel Presbyterian church, Steeles Tavern, .Va. was Sunday called to the pastorate of Purity Presbyterian i cnurcn. it is tnougnt he will accent He is a native of Red Springs, N. C, was graauated from Davidson Col lege with the A. B. degree in 1917 and later at Union heological Seminary in Richmond, Va. He is , 33 years of age and married. He is said to be an orator and a splendid pastor. Six Men on Juries. Columbia, S. C, Feb. 19. For time immemorial 12 men have , composed coroner's juries in Columbia and they had to serve without pay. Sun day a new system went into -effect and six men sat on the jury. The men were paid 50 cents each. Orangeburg Military Organized. Orangeburg, S. C, Feb. 19. The r , ... u range nurg company or tne reserve militia was organized at a meeting held in the Court House after an ad dress by Col. Henry T. Thompson, commander of the regiment. Sixty- five men have already been enlisted and it is probable that the company will be increased to 75 or more. V. C. Crum, Jr., who was captain of the Edisto Rifles, was elected captain of the new organization. , " Vioir nositinna in theii man DecauBc ui - ; , . shop. LeGrand was arrestea, ana when asked for a statement replied he had nothing to, say. Boland is survived by a wife and three children. SAYS CAMP GREENE'S STATUS IS INDEFINITE Charlotte. N. cTFeb. 19. Passing through Charlotte last night on Ms return to Washington from a visit to Camps Gordon, Wheeler 'and Hancock; Secretary Baker said that "no definite change will be made, probably, in the status of Camp Greene until it has served its announced purpose tho providing of a training ground for the third and fourth regular army divi sions." He said that in the meantime ahlv would inspect the camp, in addition having an investigation hv members of the medical UiOUU - ' rnms of the army. The Secretary would not indicate what time would be covered in carry mit tvi "announced Duroose" of 1X1 b vuv - - - ramnaien. further than to say Tf mav ho a, month or so several months." He added: "Perhaps in the mean time it may be decided that it is ad: Four- Candidates for Mayor. Columbia, S. C, Feb. 19. T. I Weston, of Shandon, is a candidate for mayor of Columbia. For some time Mr. Weston's friends have been urging that he enter the race. Sunday he said he had definitely decided to make the campaign. Three other candidates . have already announced These are Mayor Griffith, R. J. Bla- lock and E. M. DuPre, member of the present city council One or two other names have bsen mentioned in connection with the race visable to abandon some of the na tional guard training camps. III . - J WmLasr - PIRECTrON WILLIAM FQX CHEER UP GIRLS GOOD Chorus Is'.Conijiose, dof Good Looking Lot of Girls keep the aiiof JI5QW Sieasicloiess In the Stirring Patriotic Spectacle, "For Liberty," at the Grand Tomorrow. i ft GOOD TIP FOR RHEUMATIC FOLKS Vegetable Preparations Super ceded by Mineral Com pound Unearthed Down In Mississippi. ( Cheap As Dirt and Drives Out "Rheumatiz." BRITISH CASUALTIES LOWEST IN MONTH London. Feb. 19. Casualties in the TiiHtiBti nnka reported during the week ending yesterday totaled 4,106, divided as follows: Killed or died of wounds: omcers, S8: men. 1.005. Wounded or missing: omcers, iiy, men, z,44. British casualties reported in the week just ended reached the lowest total recorded in many montns. Austrian On Ukraine Front. Amsterdam. Feb. 19. An agree ment has been reached between Ger many and Austria-Hungary wnereDy in the event of military action being necessary the German troops will bo confined to the frontier of Great Rus sia and the Austrians to the Ukraine only. This announcement is made in a Vienna dispatch. Urgent Deficiency Bill Passes. Washington, Feb. 19. The billion dollar urgency deficiency bill, carry- in half a billion for the military es oKHAmpnt and larf?6 sum for the naw and other branches of the gov ernment, was passed yesterday after t, hv the House without a record vote. a hi-tMiHor-areneral of the United States Army, drawing a minimum sal 9rT of $6,000. receives several hun dred dolalrs more than a marshal of France and $2,000 more than a general and field marshal or tne uermau. ar my. Waking up mornings stiff and numb -with rheumatism won't let any .man or woman do. much work and when the pains get up around the shoulders and arms damp mornings you can't do anything at all. Climate has a lot to do with it but So use rubbing or waiting and the dis covery of Acid Iron Mineral down in Mississippi gives most anyone a chance to soon be free from such troubles. One man, Mr. J. B. 'Wat kins, of Troutville, Va., writes: "I suffered from rheumatism so bad I hadn't been able to raise my arm above my head and couldn't get my coat off for a long time, and damp days a dull throbbing pain in, my shoulder, especially at night drove me crazy almost, but Acid Iron Mineral was recommended and one little bot tie did the work for me and I want to recommend it. I can now use my arms and shoulders freely and even amp chilly mornings I am not troubl ed in the least Its use proved its merit and I'm for it all the time." The big percentage of 4ft,edlcinal iron Acid Iron Mineral is, of course, hat results in such blood troubles, &nd the compound is so strong that naif teaspoonful makes a generous tor affpr meals. erybodv tip Ad a imn Mil u a blood tonic and purifier and eradicator of Wc acid there's nothing like it. The 8 outstanding feature is that it toesn't injure the teeth, cost is but 'ttle and and it does the work quick- :lir. Most stores have it. Adv. TELLS INTERESTING FACTS The Cheer-Uo Girls ODened - their week's, engagement at the Royal theatre yesterday and were well re ceived both in the afternoon and at night, and heavy attendance is ex pected throughout the week, as the company's offerings are put across with snap and vim that is refreshing. The settings give one visions of road companies and all song numbers are handled in a very pleasing man ner. the chorus working smoothly and harmoniously and being especial ly effective in the ensemble work. It is composed of extremely good look- mK young women and is very diverse fled in that it includes both blondes and brunettes, and one whose hair is as pretty a shade of red as one cares to see The Cheer-Up Girls will be at the Royal for the entire week with three changes of bill and if the two new bills to come are as pleasing as tfce opening one the completion of their engagement will be regretted. WENT OVER PIG. Just about the neatest thing ever seen in a tabloid musical comedy show in the South was presented at the Royal for the first times yester day afternoon and last night with the presentation of Hoey and Mozar Cheer-Up Girls, with the greatest combination of vaudeville acts, spe cialties and musical comedy that Wil mington amusement lovers have ever 4 44(t)44i44'44l4ai4 witnessed. it piayea to p&cjmsu . j, nouses, ana win unaouoteaiy w r W3J.131 XUOA M3N tU UU 0J Llli UUgUUUl I.UO cuvxu ,9, Chief among tnem is jeanene aviy-i r j,l Aa a j, a i.!aiBM (Bv O. O. Mclntyre.) a aisunct nix. ana caiieu iur ixixu7 i ., - nt Tho ris. mrp nt verv annearance. Miss Mo- vpecia.i vuiiwiwu. w - ' - ' 1 n.tnh 1 or ia nnoQBgseH of a Vrt1f.fi Of remarK-1 ittcv-. nnfl Hpnth and nut New York. Feb. 19. The comic ar- over both high and low register in an tists cartoonists and sketchers of the mi wmwm Mmm W I -rA Crr"T CT C rVUllri ). much more aoertasable title ttan tte ,7 big MmrtihMi 'to New York. It will be original. iut just ine same, uienau T; ,.- nw in nan- " nvn th Plaver's Club' in "11" .1 I . A. XL.. L 1 I Willi W H.l 111 IJllllO,!! UATt 1.U DVTUn w PUlllCLUlUlk 1U w w - w million or so wuu uougnt tne ooo. r ' , ,, T a I t-i. ta fnr actnra are going: to sorrow over the loss of ana mozar m m " the old title. They will not, however, aa e6f J3U1Me "' T. , y i il. ii t i annpais 10 hvhivuuk. iiid uoj uo nir. uri . Stay away iroin uie jiicvures on taao AaMa or,A xrat nr ' mu ivv,aQ a tn h known i- HA -i 1 rm'-mmsi LI m mm. m Z m mrmm MM I HFI III CilOtl HtXj LCI UOUVCD MA . I 11TT 11CH - v pretty a "Sidney" as ever Mrs. Rme- tor in comedy songs were other de- as The Gargoyle. -Incidentally, It is r , i , " m T-i j I KcrVitfni foatnrcfl i tr,ii Ho nno rtf the most Dreten- nart areamea. xrue coaramsn is "&"ViW" , i iL y . . . xr The big onening bill will oe repeat- tious buildings of its Kina in tne city ed today ana tonignt ior tuo Comic artists are among uie times. nalrf nipn in New YorK. very iew ui thorn eet less than si&.uuu a year wim ANCIENT TGYPT Goldberg and Bud Fisher garnering 1.15 Willi- ; F ! Pure Chewing Gum a ctec II M M w CATARRH -:o:- I RAWLINSON TRAVELS EAST. Transcontinental trips are getting to be more than common now in spite of Dad weatner, inei snortages ana I " . T,Hrina1 RtrPts of the annually. paternal .advice against pleasure Vr" A1rTan(lria. Egynt. is Every J,EI Garden's, first ly Evening .Post which stood out as .TnUriTA mottm Picture vehicle, which is to De long as it coma ana prv. rc T' tt -v: i. j seen at the Grand theatre Degmnmg nity ana circulation. sal features. Herbie came on to spend seen f " i ry,., T tn he ahout the most nrom j nRTI WlOIlUil V OUU J. UvOuwJ . I Ii. o I A faithful reproduction to scale of some one hundred thousand dollars ne of ttie principal streets of the annually. paternal vp pxure Alexandria, Egypt, is Every newspaper in ew " travel by the railroad .regulator. Close j f r,Wwv;.s nroduc- has its comic artist-even the state- Quickly Ended by a Pleasant,M5eiI Killing Antiseptic The little Hyomei inhaler is: ms of hard rubber and can easily be c$ ried in pocket or purse. It frill Id a lifetime. ' Mi Into this inhaler you pour a M drops of magical Hyomei. This is absorbed by the antisep ctqutq wUhin and now you are rea to breathe it in over the germ mxe; ed membrane where it will speed begin its work of killing catarrlj germs. Hyomei is made of Austrairj eucalyptol combined with otner an septics and is very pleasant to breatij It is guaranteed to banisn catar; bronchitis, sore throat, croup, coug and colds or money back. It clea out a stuff ff ed up head in two minut Sold, by R. R. Bellamy and druggie everywhere. Complete outfit, including inha' and one bottle of Hyomei, costs t little, while extra bottles, if afti ward needed, may be obtained of a druggist. Adv. a slight vacation in the metropolis with friend lonely wife, whose stage On the lot back : of the Goldwyn Using profession for the young man mmt mw IL . 1 m . iv mm fin I 1 I U I M - . . ; . . . i nt-nriin q TTort i ,pp in. j.. mere waa 1 vnn nas tamui. m aco. name is Koberta Arnold, and tq tare ' c rpnm-l out of California with of sundry othermatters ctosdy t e 2t acjae idea maktog the dog charac anmg ta -the well-knwn 'SLnl and rtmctterY Editors at first didn't like the care pertaining envelope. -:o:- tural feature of Egypt's "golden city" idea but the public did and he was nf th a Fourth Century. Still pagans made. 400 years after the birth of Christ, After he got a flying start he had Romans, Greeks and Egyptions wor- tne misfortune to lose several hngers shipped in marble temples the old on right hand and he had to learn p-oHa of thftlr fathers, while the Chris- rt Hrw all over again with his left. tians, but lately free from three cen- Cartoonists who have grown rich N the capable hands of such a airec- for ns Txids Weber, staee experi ence is one of those things which count not at all. At least, that is what Miss Weber herself thought when she saw Mildred Harris for the first time. The wonderful success of "The Price of a Good Time" is due to the wonderfully expressive face of this sixteen-year-old star, who never trouped or even recited. Twas the night before Christmas" before she was elected to a motion picture ca reer. And now comes the announce ment that she is to have taT in the nicture vers Marv Roherts Rmehart's famous novel K-" The producers have chosen to call it "The Doctor and the Woman' $100 Reward, $1005 J The readers of this paper will De. Jie,i j ed to learn that there is at least 5 . dreaded disease that science has beenT to cure in all Its stages and that - Is tarrh. Catarrh being greatly inflneni by constitutional conditions requires stitutional treatment. Hall's Catai Medicine is taken internally and acta.tP tha Rirtnri on the Mucous Surfaces of. v System thereby destroying the foundafij; of the disease, giving the patient stream: by building up the constitution ana jii ... . 1 J l. uta.V ! Bisting nature 111 uums "-o " T-ru proprietors have so much faith in the;-; a Live power 01 nun o awnii. W&ul,-J!i thou nirar lino m nnnrpn ijo'iir.i 1 any case that it fails to cure. Send list of testimonials. v Address F. J. CHENEY & CO.,.TOie Now comes Ambassador Gerrard stalking' through filmland with his story of "My f our Years in Ger many." This production, which is said to be very startline, is expected to haveva profound effect on this f martyTdom, still prayed in . the New York field include Briggs, country, though it w i0-? dark caves and secret cellars in con- Webgter Kirby, Fox and Cassel. Most propaganda film. It as the nrst mm stt eril of fresn outbreaks of per- .n h nrosent cron of cartoonists are thus far produced whicn nas any 5- RPfMltio - 11T1(r 'An imder thirty-five portunity to fPan Jf The Greek-Egyptian temple at the ' In he past few .year sthere has been Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c.-Ady ftX. Jr'r&m tead of the street was tne m swrn-. demand for tne kid cartoon, tnat is j dlT nosine structure m tne great sei. m onmip Rtrins annealing to cnuaren anything else is misunaerewwu xjtc i ronfl was 115 feet high from the 'tonf5t. sa. foot of the steps to the peak of the nd dronned a cartoon job roof and 140 feet wide. The street, f th wd cartoon. He has just :o: of the width or tne xempie, ww inna t4 a vrimicW cTmTvrww- feet long. On .each side of it were al . AiLtir urjuit luiowiivwiMj r'X' i v i ndiai v . A for two vears. Mabel Nonnands score or more of small snops, nouses, Harriman. with his "Crazy r. Mi;irev is to see the light booths and similar structures. "Raron Bean" is This hriHiant eomedienne's A force of 50 men worfcing seven h,nARf salaried men in the fihn was made two years ago, and dayr a week for nearly tnree lvorld of the comic strip. He lives ddi,. " 1 , ,r , t i J - -)ai;fnm1i nrl wmiA 1 1 . ..an rxrft-ttywrt' ft 1 nuiir tn b rremenuuus Bkcuc tne leading ior a .yr w L "5 oa wa nhotographed it was Ion of Mrs. release aate. ix, u w j. b"r..v 1 snn man and forecast of excellence ciaimec ior iw peopiea uy Mill 1 L xuc w. , - . 1 and it must be admitted that it is a from the Universal. Miss Norm and is now working" at the women. Goldwyn Studio & JHrt Liee, leasea Nervousness and General In dispositibn Arising From Rheumatism Cured Absolutely;': MORE CONTRACTS LET FOR DESTROYERS One fi of Ironized Paw- Pa Affected All This and He How Feels As Well As He Ever Felt in His Life, C3 Masonic Temple. Feb. 19, 1918. W'i-MINGT0N LODGE NO. 319, A. F. and A. M. Regular communica tion this, Thursday, evening at eight o'clock, for the tran saction of business. All members urged to attend. Visiting brothers welcome. B? order of the W. M. C. P. GORMAN, , Secretary. S C ntrr T: H Pardoe, of Arlington, Md., said "Ironized Paw-Paw has cured me absolutely of nervousness ana gen eral indisposition arising irom rheu matism long continued and seems also to have cured the rheumatism. I was a great sufferer before I began the use of Ironized Paw-Paw one bottle has effected all this and I now feel as well as I ever felt in my life. Don't let doubt stop you from mak ing a trial of the leading remedy. Ironized Paw-Paw. Call at any drug store, test the King of Tonics meet tw -Man who will explain every- thins- fiiiiv to vou. It costs you noth ing- and may save you hours of agony, We claim that there is no excuse for a person to be suffering irom ay troubles or anaemia Paw-Paw is just as sure to cure stomach troubles and indigestion as water is to quench thirst there is work. We have the unim peachable testimony of thousands of people that it -has qured. Iron, every body knows, is the real producer of rich, red blood, the destroyer of every anaemic symptom and ya muscle buil der. Nux is the conqueror 01 au neiv ous disorders, it strengthens ana vi tiia thp whole body. On sale and reewnmended by Elv ington's DejendSjble Drug Store. Interstate;DrurCcanpajiy,-Inc.rNe,s' Washington. Feb. 19. Contracts for a number of destroyers in addition to hose provided for in this years great building program, nave Deen piaceu bv the Navy Department. Secretary Daniels announcea tms nau uccji made possible by the unparalleled speed with which the shipyards were turning out destroyers making way for additional ones on their stocks. About a dozen new contracts al ready have been -awarded and it is understood others are to follow. The exact number of destroyers now un Hpr construction never has been an nounced, but it is known to run into the hundreds. CAN ANY KIDNEY MEDICINE EQUAL THIS RECORD COTTON SEED FOR PAST SIX MONTHS LOOKING AFTER VISITORS. Provide Sleeping Quarters for Men Here for Week-End from Fort. Plans looking toward the housing and entertainment of soldiers in the city for the week-end were perfected at yesterday's conference between members of the Red Cross committee , - d business in ana tne n". r.Z Thomasville. N. C, in August, Chamber ot commerce wun . g Root was one of the very tmiforms are regarded as privilege best sellers I have earned and I can ?SketT All steps necessary for the recommend it to my customers, as .a Proper' housing of the visitors are to reliable remedy for kidney and blad- from the fort rlr troubles. De vakvu. a V t iT o iBtnmftr bring nan nflTTlfi TO CUJ 111 Lild 1U""C 1 UlUB ilC Ci c with the full knowledge that they back a bottle or report that Swamp I in Yorba Linda, California, and while his comics appear all over the coun- I try he comes to New York only once over thrift vears to Sign a contract. Most of the cartoonists ana comic otrin men do their work at horde. Some submit their ideas before pub-1 lication but msot do not. It requires about three hours work a day to turn i out the average cartoon or strip. He stood before the desk of a hotel in a" room whose pillars were or car- the tapestries such as a nabob could scarce afford, the floor! irxu with strange woods, tne ceu- insrs of gold. - "o - .... . I 3 "I wish a suite and oatn, ne saia. The clerk stared. "Tt will be $25 a flay." "I make thirty," the man replied. His hands, strng and calloused, show-1 ed how. He sauntered anout among the millionaires whose fortunes ne had helDed create. One of them eyed him narrowly. "He is a rorerunner, naif? the cantain of industry. "Soon they will own it all." Washington, t'eb. 19. Cotton seed received at mills for the six month pe riod ending January 31, amounted to 8 544,509 tons, crusnea z,vu,ozs tons and on hand January 31st 870,808 tons, the Census .Bureau toaay an nounced. Cotton seed products statistics ior he same peirod were: rued oil produced, 816,166,391 pounds; on hand, 192,940,119. Refined on, proauceu aoa.onwio nrvnndsi on hand, 208,430,610. ' , i j j i fino cot Cake ana meai, prouuetju j.,abo,oui nna: on hand, 155,888. Linters, produced 694,682 500-pound bales; on hand, 289,168. Hull fibre, proaucea lzu.ya Daies; on hand, 9,372. Imports of oil, 5,019,272 pounds; ex ports. 23.037,572. RTnorts. of cake and meal, 17,250 ons; of linters 113,096 running bales It was only in 1835 that bull-baiting ased to. ranj will be taken care of. DON'T BE BALD Root failed to benefit their case. It is a remedy that has given entire satis faction. Surelv Swamn-Rodt Is a prepara tion of merit; had it not been during all these years, there would certainly a erpftt howl going UTD How to Make Hair Grow Strong, ThicK country and it would Lustrous on Thin Spots. have been banished from the market, . . a but to the contrary it has increased in If your hair is i"""s - - " r saies and now Swamp-Root still leaus another day but gef from your drugg st pother preparations I carry for its n nar.kage of Parisian sage, the really " faonekidnev trouble. efficient hair inyigorator.-jJontBuy - suffering with, kidney or trouble would not go wrong itberore, dui uj nsins swomp-Root, ing a penny. Parisian sage is guaranteed to grow tn toi falling hair, cure dandruff and scalp itch or money refunded. Ifs a scientific preparation that supplieb all hair needs. There is nothing bet- r Parisian sage is in great demand by 1 discriminating women because it is delicatelv perfumed, not sucKy Letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bihghamton, N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co or Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size rren v and makes the hair soft, lust- bottle. It will convince anyone. You rous and seem twice as heavy and at- will also receive a booKiet or vaiuaDie Ir- informaUon. telling about the kidneys If you want to save, your, hair and and bladder. When writing, be sure " . : - i h Qii moanB Tine Parisian I and mention rne. vtmamsiuu. uaij easeaww-.V"8"."'?, 4 (PRANF J TOMORROW US - m WILLIAM FOX Presents GLADYS BROCKWELCi In an Imposing Patrlotlo 1 Spectacle "FOR LIBERTY A Photoplay of the Present Dtyi'Ji III VIA IIWWI. , .wpw Fervor Matinees 10c Nlght',15cSi; About the busiest persons in New Vrtrir dnrins- the critical Deriod of Colonel Roosevelt's illness were the two telephone girls at the Roosevelt HosDital. It was impossible to an swer all the calls but they am tne best they could without eating or sleeping. The overflow had to be taken care of by James Stanley, a singer, who almost had to go to the nospitai nim- self. He hannened to have a number and so he was kept up night and day answering the misplaced calls. At last he got tried of telling in- ouirers they had the wrong number and so he replied that Mr. Roosevelt was better or worse, according to tne newspaper bulletins. One frantic in quirer called up Mr. Stnaley just be fre day break with this unsought mes sage: "Tell the Cfrlonel that Mike Hicks called. He'll remember me. I'm the fellow that shook hands with him at the depot the day he came to allentown." Cows to which the phonograph was nlayed while they were being milked are said to have given several quarts of milk a day more - than . they - ever did before. HOEY AND MOZAR'S? CHEER UP GIRLS In the Big Musical Comedy Success 4( LEAVE IT TO POLLY TEN BIG VAUDEVILLE SPE CIALTIES WITH THIS SHOW t Matinees 15-20o Nighte 20-30c j 43 U ?! 1 h i i l Englaa ; . x it.