1 1 t"' Fatally Shot Himself at . the Headquarters of the. Cos sack Government LEADER OF A REVOLT AGAINST BOLSHEVIKI Killed Himself When His Government Decided to Resign Captured 20, 000 Prisoners Petrograd, Friday, Feb. 19. Gener al Kaledines, hetipan of the Don' Cos packs, committed suicide at Novo Thcerkask, headquarters of the Don Cossacks, during a session of the Xovo Cherkaska government which he attended. The government decided to resign and transfer its power to the local Workmen's and Soldiers' Coun cil. After., the decision, General Kal edines went to an adjoining room and shot himself. General Navaroff, who ' succeeded General Kaledines as leader of the Don Cossacks, ordered the immediate mobilization and arming of ail Cos sacks to fight the Bolsheviki tf oops advancing toward Novo Tcherkask. As leader of the Don, Cossacks, Gen eral Kaledines was opposed to the Bolshevik! and he was the leader of the counter revolt against the Bol shevik early' last December. On Jan uary 1, the Republic of the, Don was declared with General Kaledines as president and prime minister. It probably was the resignation of this government that led to his suicide. In five weeks during Jun and July, 1916, Russian troops under General Kaledines captured 20,000 prisoners In and advance in Volhynia, He was elected leader of the Don Cossacks in July, 1917. An unconfirmed report that General Kaledines was believed dead was re ceived on February 16 from the Am erican consul at Tiflis. DIED IN NEW YORK. by L. Sad News Was Received Here Relatives Tuesday Afternoon. News of the death of Mrs. T. Gwyn, daughter ol Captain and Mrs J. J. Mackay, of Raleigh, which oc curred in New York Tuesday morn ing, was received here Tuesday after noon by Mr. Samuel T. Ashe, editor of the Wilmington Dispatch, an uncle .THE- WTU4INGTW DISPATCH, TUESDAY : AFTERNOON. FEBRUARY-1 $ 8. I- 1 , ' r - . - . f .' ' '" .,9'.. . i, . r ii,-.. ; .-. . ' jiALEDIn 1 PAGE SEN URGES TO WOOD BE BOUGHT AND Coal Will Be Scarce and Cost ly Next Winter, Accord ing to Indications This is the first picture of the first Chinese crew in the United States which is in training at Columbia University. Coach Jim Rice is training them, so if the Chinese have the "making", an excellent crew should be the result. Copyright, Underwood" & Underwood. MONDAY NIGHT'S RAIDi HAVE NOT STARTED I GENERAL ELECTRIC TO WITHOUT SUCCESS London, Feb. 19. The attempted raid of German aviators last night was a failure. "There were no casualties or dam age 'in last night's raid," says an of ficial announcement. First reports from outlying parts of London say that the gun defense never was more effective than Monday when it prevented German aerial raid ers from reaching London. The Ger mans were engaged hotly by the guns which maintained an incessant fire for 40 minutes. Eventually the raiders made off toward the east coast. ONE-THIRD RAISED TUESDAY. Fire in Kansas City. Kansas-City, Mo., Feb. 19. Fire caused by an explosion of undeter mined origin today destroyed one hiiUrHn?' nnil rtama p-prl turn nthra in of the deceased,, and ,will .be leTOedjne business district, The loss is with sorrow by the many friends of the family. Mr. Ashe left Tuesday evening for New York. The remains will be shipped to Raleigh, where fu- neral services will 'he conducted and interment made. Mr. Davis Out. Friends of Mr. A, L. Davis; elevator operator at the Belk Williams store, ho was recently run down and pain f fully injured by a peg-leg negrO, on ja bicycleiwill be-delighted to know . that he is able to be out again, al though not sufficiently ; recovered to return to work. . He has been con ned to his room at No. 312 Nun street since the accident. Committeemen Optimistic and Feel Certain of Success. Five hundred dollars, or one-third of the amount being sought for use of the Salvation Army in war relief work, was raised Tuesday, morning, it was announced early in the afternoon. The campaign, has two whole, days to run as ,yet and those in charge are confident that the sum in its entirety will be raised. The committee wish es to stress upon all that the money is not used locally, but is forwarded to War Council headquarters by Mr. Jesse Roach, local treasurer. placed at $75,000. Three firemen were Injured. The police arrested a man who gave his name as M. M. HoadleyJ and held him for investigation in con-: nection with the fire. Hays to Dine Former Chairmen. Indianapolis, Feb. 19.- Chairman Will H. Hays, of the Republican Na tional Committee, Tias issued invita tions to all former National chairmen of the party to be his . guests at a dinner at the, Union League Club, in New York, next - Monday evening, he jsaid here today. The next day Mr. Hays said he expected -to see former President Taft, Charles E. Hughes and possibly Colonel Roosevelt. WITH RUMANIA Amsterdam, Feb. 19. Peace nego tiations with Rumania, a telegram from Berlin says, it is understood, have not yet begun. They ' probably will commence Friday when foreign Secretary von Keulmann likely arrive at Foksheni to take charge of the German negotiations. STORM WARNINGS NORTH OF NORFOLK Washington, Feb. 19. Southwest storm warnings on the Atlantic coast from Norfolk to Baltimore were order ed displayed by tins Weather Bureau at 2 p. m., today. A storm in the Lake Region is moving eastward and increasing in intensity. Strong southerly winds increasing this after noon and tonight and probably shift ing to westerly tomorrow, are indicated. BOY-SENTENCED TO THE ELECTRIC CHAIR New York, Feb. 19. Paul Chapman, a youth of 16, was sentenced to death in the electric chair by Supreme Court Justice Kapper today. Unless Gov ernor Whitman interv fifties the boy will die sometime during the first week in April. Chapman was convict ed of killing a Brooklyn , shop keeper while a tempting with two other youths to rob bis store. "This is the: saddest act that ITiave had to perform since I. have been a member of this court," 'Justice Kap per said in imposing the. extreme pen alty. Chapman, addressing the court be fore hearing sentence pronounced! said : "I know myself and my God knows that I did not shoot to kill anybody." He declared he would -die ; with a clear conscience. CLOSE THREE PLANTS Washington, Feb. 19. The; Gene eral Electric Company has notified the Navy Departmentit it shortly will have to shut down three of its great plants, engaged on war orders for the United States and the Allies, be cause the shipping board's action in taking tank steamers of the Gulf Re fining Company for overseas traffic has cut off its supply of fuel oil. NO MORE WHISKEY WITHOUT PRESCRIPTION .NEW NAVIGATION SCHOOL TO -OPEN ! 7 WSSSK If Bill! Hi! Ill tail 1111 Pi iifflirq-MriMaTi-iiT--irr men to qualify as deck officers inthe merchant marine is to be opened soon at Tampa, the United , States Ship ping Board Recruiting Service y an nounced here today. The Florida school will be the forty second opened by the Recruiting Service. Twenty-five are now in operation, the others having been dis continued after training all the men available in their territory. Coulmbia, S. C, Feb. 19. G. Dun can Bellinger, judge of probate for Richland county, announced today that beginning March 10 he would re quire a physician's prescription be fore issuing permits for whiskey shp ments. Under the South Carolina one quart a month law the judges have been issuing permits for whiskey shipments on the statement of the ap plicant that the whiskey was to be used for medicinal purposes. The Legislature at its recent session pass ed a law, effective March 10, provid ing that a judge, before issuing a permit, must be satisfied that the whiskey is intended for medicinal use only. Judge Bellinger , holds that this will make & doctor's prescription nec essary. It is understood that other probate judges of the State will take a similar view of the law. A quart a month is the maximum amount al lowed for any purpose. Stress is Still being laid upon the advisability of all purchasing wood for use next winter by Mr. M. .S. Wil lard, as chairman of the County Fuel Administration, as coal is expected to be scarcer and more costly during the winter to come than during that now passing, and the following on the subject is hot amiss: "The United States Department of Agriculture has just issued a bulletin in which they emphasize the fact it is impossible to know how much coal there will be for general fuel pur poses next year. The enormous de mands made upon both coal produ cers and transportation companies will probably make the shortage more widespread and severe than this year. They advise very strongly that those communities that have the wood around them provide some time during the season a sufficient supply shall be cut and hauled so as to be easily available for next winter. They also advise very strongly that a mu nicipal wood yard shall be in opera tion in every town and at work build ing up the reserve for next winter. "The State Fuel Administration of New York, foreseeing an embargo on coal next winter to those communities which have access to supplies of wood, have inaugurated a vigorous campaign to build up a wood supply in every community in the State of New York so they may be provided against lack of fuel next winter. In fact, it is very probable that coal will simply be refused to those communi ties which can get wood and there is no town better situated to secure an ample supply of wood than Wilming ton. "The United States Department also refers to the action of the Conserva tion Commission of Canada where they have established a definite or ganization for utilizing the large sup ply of wood available, for fuel. They are prevailing on the City and Muni cipal governments to go Into the mat" ter definitely and invest a moderate amount of money in building P a re serve of wood whenever the coal shortage makes it necessary. "The County Fuel Administration of New Hanover county cannot urge too strongly upon householders and others the necessity of providing now for as great a supply of wood tor next wintftr'e na oc rtrva&ihta T is nnt only probable that our comnunjity period with START INVESTIGATION OF HOG ISLAND YARD EXECUTIVE BOARD NAMED AT MEETING Lutheran Campaign For War Relief Funds is on. in Full Blast . Messrs. J. H; Render, M. G. Tienck ea, Ernest Strunck, George Heyer, Fred Fuchs. John Rulfs, fit. L. Vollers, Carl W. Polvogt, Eduard Ahrens, J. G L. Gieschen, W. W. Kock, J. G. Kul ken, Martin Schnibben, "Fred Hasaa gen, G. J. Seiter, Jar? s Bowden, Wil liam Otersen and Dr. J. H. Dreher were named as an executive commit tee or board at last night's meeting of the congregation of St. Paul's and St. Matthew's Lutheran churches to have active charge of the campaign locally for the raising of money to ."be used in war work. Mr. Henry Bo nrtz as county chairman by virtue of his appointment by the State chair man, will have active supervision of the work of this committee, and Mr Rehder was named as treasurer. The campaign for raising of this money is on in full blast just now and little difficulty is expected in raising the city's apportionment $500. The dollar a member method will be em ployed and in this manner the sum total desired can be easily raised without inconvenience to anyone. rne Monday night meeting was well attended and of a very enthosi astic nature. Interesting addresses were made by Mr. Polvogt, Rev. F. B Clausen and Rev. G.W. McClanahan, and also by Mrs. O. J. Kreps, of Co lumbia, S. C-. editor of the woman's page in the Lutheran Church Visitor rne campaign win e orougnt to a close on Sunday afternoon next. ONE DEFENDANT ACQUITTED. Case Charging Dave Epps With Viola tion of Prohibition Law Continued Tuesday's docket in Recorder's court was rather heavy, but a number of the defendants were granted continur ances until Wednesday or later, and although jjourt was in session for a considerable period, there was little of interest disposed of. The case charging Oscar Berry, colored with the larceny of an automobile tire, was perhaps the most interesting, Ker ry's arrest growing out of Saturday soibit's affair when Officer Leon George caused Berry to drop his over coat and cane when ke discharged his pistoL Berry was discharged as not guilty, the State not being in posess sion of evidence that would convict. Willie Johnson, colored, charged with It is not ;larcehy was paroled for a six months' Probation Officer John will be denied a full supply of coal, but that local dealers will be prohiD-; ited from furnishing consumers more than a limited percentage of the amount used by them the past winter." DEATH OF 4JTTLE GIRL. Washington, Feb. 19. Investigation of all phases of enormous expendi tures in the building of the govern ment shipyard at Hog Island, Penn sylvania, has been started by Secret Service men and other agents of the Department of Justice. Upon the return to Washington to day of Attorney General Gregory it became .known that Solicitor General -k..t 4 1.1. 1 n V K place among those now training ' sea- dent Wilson. It is expected that in line with the President's suggestion the Attorney General will name a special assistant to conduct the investigation, but this probably will not be done until after the preliminary inquiries now under way have developed reports upon which to work. Passed Away Tuesday Morning Vis iting Here With Reiatlves. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wal ters, Ipt Maysvflle, wiil sympathize with them in the death of their infant daughter, Sarah, which occurred Tues day morning at 8 o'clock in this city, where she was visiting with her moth er. The remains were sent to Mays vflle Tuesday afternoon for interment and burial. Spain Prepares Note to Germany. Madrid, Feb. 19. Further represen tations to Germany respecting sub marine warfare will be made by Spain in a note which is being prepared by Premier Alhucemas, upon which the cabinet will pass tomorrow This note will take up the torpedoing of the Spanish steamship Geferino near the Ferro Islands early this month, and of the Duce Di Genova in Span ish territorial waters. NEW ARMY DRAFT TREATY IS SIGNED rrttift FOOD CARDS MAY BE NECESSARRY IN U. S. A. This is the official l0d card which it is proposed to issue for Lodon and the home counties, od which will serve as a standard for the whole country. Note that there f 6 four sections for different foodcommodities and butter and margarine fe the first to be rationed. The remaining spaces, will be -filled in witn e names of other foods. These caards'will be issued to individuals and ot households Copyright, Underwood & Underwood. Washington, Feb. 19. Signing of the army draft ' treaty between Great Britain and the United States was announced today. The new British ambassador. Earl Reading, affixed his signature to the document as his first official act in Washington. Under tho treaty the United States many draft into ' the military service tween the ages oi 20 and 45 years, while Great Britain may draft Ameri can ciitzens livicg within its jurisdic ton betwen the ags of 21 and 31. . A separate convention along the same line is being negotiated by the State Department with Canada. Texas Legislature Called. Austin, Texas, Feb. 19. Governor Hobby today issued an official proc lamation convening the 35th Legisla ture in special session February 26. Eight subjects are submitted by the Governor for consideration. . The first five deal with a liquor regulation pro gram to provide a dry zone within 10 miles of a military camp of instruc tion and to regulate commercialized vice, Swiss-Austrian Frontier Closed. Berne," Switzerland, Feb. 19. The Swiss-Austrian frontier has again been completely ' closed by the Aus trian authorities. Flying Cadet Seriously Burned. Dallas, Texas, . Feb. 19. Victor L . Dennis, flying cadet at Love. Field, was probably fatally burned when his airplane burst in flames while he was attempting to make a landing today. He wa flying at an altitude of about 100 feet when he tried to mke a nose dive. He gtruck the ground, wreck ing the plane and the gasoline tank exploded, covering the aviator with burning gasoHne. Dennis' home is in Detroit. i son, after a charge of larceny against him had been transferred to the juve nile docket. The case charging Dave Epps, col ored, with violation of the prohibition law, was continued until Wednesday He was discharged in the case charg ing him with assault on a female Judgment was left open in the action brought against Willie McCoy for va garncy. One unfortunate was up for a drunk; judgment was continued up on the payment of the costs. Easy to Make Tl Pine Cough Rente Thousand ef famflie "mtcm hs, prompt rMoiU. JteexpcqBivc aa& sfe about $2. j 41- You know that pine is used' m ell Brescrintions and . rezoediJ - rr3 - , x ! 1 eouffBS. x lie reason- is tiiav pme c eeveral peculiar elements that' remarkable effetft in soothing an ins the membranes ol tae thro chest. Pine is famous tor this n Pine ou2ft eynrps are eombmai ine and svrun. Ibe svruir nar iiallv clam cramilated mnr Noihinar better, but why buv itf 'T easily make it yourself in Ave m 10 maKe me oest Dine couca that money can buy, put 2 of Finer (60 cents worth in bottle, and fill tu with home-mad svrun. This rives von a full Hint than you can buy ready -made (o; It is pure, good and very pleitii children take it eagerly. - - "J You can feel this take hold "of i or cold in a wav that means br m . . - -l , a me eoujja nay ue urv, uoarso kq; r may be persiste&tiy loose iri iormaiion oi poaegm. ane cause same Inflamed . membranes am Pines and Syrup combination w; it usually in 2 hours or lea. .Sp too, for bronchial asthma, hoaj or any ordinary throat aliment. PineX is a hiarhlv conceirtrttti1 pound of genuine Norway pine j prompt results. v.'-ij Beware of substitutes. Ask yon rist for '2i4 ounces of Pinex w rectioBs, and don't accept itr else. Guaranteed to give ahsnluti faction or monev nimm . jriBEX VD.. XT. .VYAjne. ISO, 1 '.';.'! Suit Started Tuesday. Suit was started in Recorder's court Tuesday by the Acme Steel Goods Company against the Oriental Ice and Development Company of Pamlico county. No complainf has been filed as yet. Why Shamed by Blotchy Skin If ywi are a snfferer from fficzema or unsightly pimply skin, yoa know just what it means to hare that humiliating, back ward feeling about meeting strangers and oftentimes friends. Many a time you have looked into the mirror and wished that your skin would be like other people tiiat you know, "without a blemish." This wish can be yours for the asking. If you., will fo to the druggist and procure a bottle of K D. D., the greatest of all skin remedies, apply it according to directions, in a short time your skin will be as soft as velvet. Com in and ask for a bottle today on our money-back guarantee. Ask also about D. D. D. Soap, that keeps the skin healthy. IB) ID) ID) Standard R. R. Bellamy, Druggist. EMPTYING THE ENEMY'S TRENCHES is accomplished with remarkably small danger to the attacking party. The hand grenade and the trench bomb can be hurled from cover with comparative safety, and accuracy of aim does th rest. The photo was taken during practice at Camp Dewis. Copyright Committee on Public Information. Underwood & Underwood. HOW HE QUIT TOBACCO This veteran, S. B. J imphere, was ad dicted to the exces sive use of tobacco for many years. Be wanted to quit bui needed something to help him. He learned of a free book that tells about tobacco habit and how to conquer it quickly, easily and safely. In a recent let ter he writes : "I have no desire for tooac co any more. I feel like a new man." Any one desiring a copy of this book on tobacco habit, smoklne and chewing, can get it free, postpaid, fcy writing to Ed ward J. Woods, 1815 B. Station E. New York City. You will be surprised anl pleased. Look for quieter nerves, stronger heart, better digestion, improved eyesight, increased vigor, longer life and other ad vantages if you quit poisoning yourself. WHEN WEAK OR RUN DOWN by ehrento r &cut threat ead lung troubles which often decrease efficiency fc&d menace lite Itself, try ECKMAN'S ALTERATIVE This i calclttite trPft ration posses e5 of marked tonic value In addition to Its remedial .qualities. Contains no JH oohol, Nareotio Or Kaalt-Formine Drug. $2 size, bw S1.S0. $1 size, new 80c rle includes war tax. All OnissUst. The Logical , Treatment Direct Quick Effective For the Most Obstinate Cases Sold by all druggists 5 AID SQUARE H0t VW4 ST rZl OF BROASW KEY? YORK EVERY comfort and convex! ience. On direct caf Ifrtei from all R. R. Station, an1 Ferric. Tw minute walk Is the finest ahopa and - eatrei ROOMSi 125 with pnvSegv of ba& 31.SO per day 75 with private shower fcatfi $2.00 per day 150 witk private bath $2.00 and up V08 Qub Breakfast Special Luncheon 1-hnner a la carte t atderatejncet .. . J. Fred Ssyers Maaagiaf Pared "Btta Tfcam Knt nrEemodelei and Eanippt NEW MANAGEMENT i ' CAFE and ROOF GARDD, 1 '--ft r Tat AATIIlJtAtlAB m . As 1 wia a.j apeeuu vaaj 4 and ufieotttw ' I SiteWWtfeoat Batk, Vita Bath,- 9SM aa FRANK lOMSLaW H a ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF) f'i Hotel Ckels West Xweatjr-Third St., at Sereotl!; NEW YORK ciryjii Europe an Plan r 500 ROO 400 BAlw Room, with sd Joining bath'4( $1.00 ana $1.50 'l suites, parlor, beilrom and bathM and upward. Club Breakfast, 2Se ap j! Spcfial LnneJeon, 59c Wp, Table d'Uete Dinner $L0 Sp!, Cnle attached. - ? ! 7 To Reach Hotel Chelsea.' 9' From Pennsylvania Station, 7th Air car south to 23rd street; , 5 Grand Central. 4th Avenue car tevy 23rd street: -i1 Lackawanna, ii;rie, Reading, . Balta ' and Ohio, Jersey Central and L Valley R. R. stations, take S3fd ii crosstown car east to Hotel ChJ Prlucipal steamship Piers, Foot i 23rd street, take 23rd street i town car. WRITE FOR COLORED JttAF 3 f THE jRTOi. Wilmington, N. C- r Wilmington Best Hot U American Plan one bloT from Wrightsville Beat car line. t F. .W ARMSTRONG, Pro h i ! Mi K t t. ! ' 't T I h 1 i i t. fir 1S id I 4 .1! I ir t j si: IV V

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