V- t V- . - ' ' L " fi ML BECOME 'Itheatrr i nrnnuM nnnimnr , ft btrnVlHii rnwiwuL THfc WILMING'rON' DISPATCH, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 21, 1918 fi r ccaflor Francis Issues w Another Statement to the Russian reople sia v' evince i;hPftV ' ori bv the Tuesday, March 19. Rus entuaUy become a Germ.an ad Russians will j lose their ;f thev submit to trie peace i 1. Francis, me NOT A SERIOUS ANNOYANCE There are .many actresses on the screen and speaking stage who would give muuch to be bothered by a diffi culty that laltely gave annoyance to Mabel Normand in tfce making of "Dddgjng a Million," her first Gold wyn starring vehicle in which she is to be seen at the Grand Theatre next Mcwlay and Tuesday, Miss Normand, in character as Ara bella Flynn, the heroine of "Dodging a Million," is supposed to be a dress er m a fashionable modiste shoD ut-1 Ampriran aralmwa- ' uuouacicu ui iiaviug tiny guuu American aniDassa- j , . ... . . . , ,i o r t o t tt-1 oiir tha t . : people, laaucu nuui com! Russian '...,r!(an i to government in Russia I6!' would" resist the German Re lation He urged them to forget heir political differences and said ?,t hp would not leave Russia until ineliea vy i- '"The friendship .between Russia a tbp United States which has ex- tP-i for a century or more shouldj be augmented, rather than impaired, hv Russia becoming a republic, and i'meiicans are sincerely desirous that ;ussians be permitted to continue ee and independent and not become hippt sof Germany. "I have not seen an authentic copy th Deace treaty, but I am suffi- ripntlv acquainted withits provisions , know that if the Tlussian people should submit, Russia not only would, be robbed of vast areas of its terri-; tor', but ner PePle eventually would become subjects-of Germany. Rus sia eventually would . become virtual-1 lv a German province and her people would lose the liberties for which their ancestors struggled for genera tions. "My government still considers America an ally of the Russian peo ple who surely will not reject the proffered assistance we will be prompt to render to any government in Russia that , will offer a sincere and organized resistance to the Ger man invasion. "If the Russian people will be hrave and patriotic, will lay aside temporarily their political differences and be resolute, nrm ana unitea they would be able to drive the en emy from the borders ana procure, therefore, at the end of 1918, an en during peace for themselves and the world. ' models have gone -home, the forewo-l ijiaii, is uumpeueu to use ner to uis- It is no secret to the great motion picture theatregoing public that Miss Normand has a, figure and a remark able beautiful one at. that! and her difficulty was in the problem of coh ering it up so as tc lend complete probability to the pier at' that pcrTnt: In the first place, it is pretty much of a sacrifice for a pretty girl to ob scure her charms, even in the cause of art: but be it said of Miss Nor mand that she never hesitated a mo ment although it may be added that the action is not long under way be fore she throws off the camouflage and Is seen as her own radiant self. The began 'the camouflage by pad Then began the camouflage by pad ding herself around the waist with a wide stripe of cotton bating and then being fitted by her couturier for a jacket and skirt. But the couturier tiad been used to accommodating gar ments to the graceful lines of Miss Normand and lie made her a brjad cloth affair that succeeded, through its very simplicity, in making her look more charming than ever. PARRIS HERE. I DON'T COUGH ANY LONGER NOTICE OF TORECIOSTTBE 8AUE.t r Under and by virtue of power and an- thority . contained in a certain mortgage, uaieu Aytu ouu, 1110, uiu mwuwu uj m r. 1. Mason to tne undersigned., recoraea m Book 89 at page 99 of the records of tne office of Register of Deeds of New Han-' '; over county ; default having been made tb i undersigned, mortgagee, I will on March, t. 9th, 1918, at 12 o'clock, noon, at tne court :.v .i r-i-r. & far- MOWS the time tO prevent ItS house door of New Hanover county, in the ( I city or iimingior expose io puoiic eai9 SeriOUS COnseauenceS. I for cash to the highest bidder, the foUow- Wimlnsrton. bounded and described as fol- You will not find a better remedy lows: ti riio tK7io.T9r.HnTiev tn TiTp. I Beginning at the North-west lntersec- T ;lr, r"4 Ulon of Third and Queen Streets, run , Vent VOUr COUKU lruiil UCYCluyu- uw tUn Wa,nol anl in ha Nnrhpn - L 1 . ?r 1 a grave and even dangerous ailment, mie of Queen Street seventy-five feet; iMl' This pleasant balsam preparation is thence wortnwardiy ana parauei witn antiseptic, and quickly effective. Wben - ' "7 with f Oun stt you take Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey forty.flTe feet; thence North and parallel' you check the spread , of infectious with Third Street thirty-three feet; thence: . - I m . a s 11.1 ii.k J . Pin , m germs, loosen and help eliminate tae p;"1 7u!l" B. . ' " .. m I one hundred and twenty feet, to the West, 'pniegm, sootne me mnamauon, auu ern ilne of Third Street; thence South- relieve tnat grippy reeling. r.Pt a bottlA of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar- Third Street ninety-nine feet, to the point bney and watch your improvement f .SwRS? t rom the first dose. Do not be satis- 0ffiCia.i plan of the" city of Wilmington. fled with half-treatment. nowever. North Carolina Take Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey till your grippe, cold, or bronchitis Is com pletely relieved. Still sold at 25cxtoy all druggists. Adv. Dated and posted this the 5th Febru ary. 1918. PEOPLES BUILDING AND LOAN AS SOCIATION. , By Wodus Kellum, Attorney, : 2-7-la 20 4 30-Thnr. mm I J1.S'-, Vb. TOMORROW'S EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTiO AT THE GRAND. Making Arrangements for Coming Of Captain Leslie Vickers. Mr. A. K. Farris, a representative of the Treasury Department, and one of the government's dollar a year men. spent -today in the city in con ference with Mr. Fred W. Dick, chair man of the local Liberty Loan com mittee, relative to- Monday night's address, when Captain Leslie Vickers and other speakers of National repu tation will launch locally the third Liberty Loan campaign. He leaves in the morning for Charleston. Mr. Parris is authority for the statement that Captain Vickers is of the same type as Captain Daid vFal lon and this means that t it would eb impossible to keep the 'crowd from the Academy of Music. Captain Vick ers and his party will reach the city Sunday afternoon and his address -will be delivered Monday evening at 8 o'clock. -No admission will be charged nor will any subscription or 'contribution be asked for. JULIAN ELT1NGE. Mr. Eltinge, the well-known femin ine impersonator, who has recently finished his second Paramount photo play, "The Clever Mrs. Carfax," the first one having been "The Countess Charming," recently gave out his rea sons for deserting; the stage. "It certainly seemed aueer at first to be getting up at about the time t had been used to going-to bed and the other . wav around. But now I like it a million times better and wouldn't . change back. "There are many reasons why I en joy this the first being that it seems healthier. My complexion has im proved tremendously. . This sounds odd for a man to say but if I were not acreful about complexion and fig ure, where would "The Clever Mrs Carfax" be? "Another reason is that I believe the early morning hours to be the pleasantest part of the day. I never knew much aobut them before, but on closer acquaintance I like them "The Clever Mrs. Carfax" is the bill at the Grand Theatre tomorrow The Soldiers' "Comfort Kits" ! Are not complete without a box of Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder to shake into tbe shoes. The Plattsbnrg Manual tMses men in training' to shake Foot Eaie in their shoes each morning. It takes tie friction from the shoe, freshens the feet and gives instant relief to eorns, ban ions, callouses and aching, swollen, tender feet. Allen's Foot-Ease B been the itwdartf rem eel yfor PTer 25 years. Try tt to-day and mail som packages to jour For Sale - No. 1 North Carolina Peanuts. No. 1 Virginia Peanuts. Small and Improved Spanish Peanuts. Red Spanish Peanuts. Irish Cobbler Seed Potato.. Burt Seed Oats . -Velvet Boan Meal. 50 Tons 16 per cent Acid. Please write for prices. D. L. GORE COMPANY Strictly Wholesale. WILMINGTON, N. C. Dr. Wells Returns to City. . Rev. Dr. J. M. Wells, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, who lias been North on business for the Gen eral' Assembly of the Southern Pres byterian church, of which he is mod 'erator. will return home- -tomorrow after an absence of several weeks and will fill his own pulpit at both trip moraine and evening service Sunday. If the Cubs win the pennant this vonr it will hp aeainst the law to print an interview with Larry Doyle A number of 'years ago when was "the" reporter on a small daily newspaper in Ohio a wild melo drama came to town. "The advance man was Hugh D'Arcy. He was the bard who wrote "The Face on the Bar-Room Floor." Since then I' have met a couple of presidents and char- lie Chaplin but there wasn't the thrill about it there was in meeting D'Arcy. On Broadway the other day the 'crowds rushed to where a taxi had struck a pedestrian. The pedestrian was D'Arcy. He was carried to the Green Room Club where he lives. They wouldn't serid him to the hos pital. The members took care of him. He has recovered. He was out for the first time on his seventy-fifth birthday. He was given a life mem bership in the club, a purse of gold and a watch. He made about $10 out of his famous poem which has-been translated in every language. Cordurovj Costume COMPENSATION BILL VETOED BY DAVIS Richmond, Va., March 21. Gov ernor westmoreiana uavis jesim- day vetoed the Workmen's Compensa tion bill. The veto came as an an swer to the refusal of the General Assembly to give in to the Governor's demand that the administering com mission be composed of State officers serving ex-officio and not of salaried men trained to the work and able to give it close attention. The Govert l 1 J 2 l.-JJ nor s campaign .pieages muiuueu a. promise against creation of new orifices. A REM HAIR SAVER AND BEAUTIF1ER THIS IS THE AGE OF YOUNG WOMEN SALE OF VALUABLE CITT PRO PEKTT Under and by virtue of the power vest- A In Trip sir CommlsHloner .annotated in a certain decree made and entered at tha f, '"' December Term, 1917, of the Superior ' , :. j Court of New .Hanover County, in a cans "' fH:,V! County, North Carolina, Is the plaintiff and James B. Elkins and wife, Louisa Elklns, and Paul Caase, Mortgagee, are defendants, I will offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at tbe court bouse door, in Wilmington, said County, at twelve o'clock, noon, an Monday, April 1st, 1918, the following de scribed prbperty, situate, lying and be ing in the City of Wilmington. County of New Hanover, and State of Nortn Caro lina, bounded and described as follows, to wit BEGINNING in the Northwestern lrn Fpund at Last 8hows Results Once or Nothing to Pay. at iiuw.iiiuumkinu A j xr iri.L. 1.1 I JL-lof Third Street between Davis and Parsley Jia women Willi uic uwiv streets, and one hundred and fifty-seven f-m i - (157) feet from the intersection of Third IOUtn. and Davis Streets ,and runs thence North- it la th vnrmt? or westwardly along said line of Third Everywhere, it is tne young or icrni. Here's good news ror men ana wo- young-looking woman who is maKing westwardly in a line parallel with Davis men whose hair is falling out, wnoUjjQ most of the wonderful opportuni- street one hundred and fifty (150) feet to halrl whnsfi sealDS are tflv ' ThP ernnrl nn alley extending Southwestwardly from " -"o , I ucn iui n uuicu , wuuj . a- . , . . , . . , covered with dandruff, and itch like things are not those who seem to XlZl LT.' fhS maa. Ynn don't, alwavs have to wear white, filmy things to be comfortable at Palm Beach. Though the weather Us always as warm as midsummer in the North one can be comfortable 5,nd cool in this lightweight cordu roy. THIRTY-SEVEN ON THE CASUALTY LIST The Jack Dempsey vvho was given the K. O. at Portsmouth, N. H., the other night evidently doesn't carry the same brand of biff as does the California' curly wolf of the same name. EXELENTO 11 3 DTI cannot be made Straight W7 It CLF s7 f m 1 Pe is of a girl well JBntomanyofyou. ?you know that sev ' mouths ago she had r1 long. Now her 5 oft, silky hair is P'pnda of herself and Fe' .friends. Her hair u"ie result of usimr EXELENTO OU1NINC POMADE HichiaaHair Grower and not a kinky remover. It Stops falling hair, re- M ?,0ve3dandruff. feeds therootaof the hair, n "aey returned if results are not as we present. Try a box. Price 25c by mail n receipt of Btamps or coin. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE . Writ for particulars E LENTO MEOICINB CO. ATLANTA, OA. Healyour child's sick skin with "9 Th e minor skin troubles to which infants and children are subject itching patches, bits of chafing, rash or redness so easily develop into serious, stubborn affections, that every mother should have ResinolOintmentonhand to check them before they get tli2 upper hand. We recommend Reslnol .'or this with the utmost confi dence becauae of it. harmless ivrXntt andlts iuwi in healing: ectema aad m11a.T serious ltln diseases. LAST TIMES TODAY ARMSTRONG'S Garden of Mirth COMPANY PRESENT "A NIGHT ON tut unnomm I li l nuuoun Some of Saturday's Latest Song Hits The Most Gorgeous Ward robes Yet the Funniest Show You Ever Saw Any good druggist can now supply ness. you with the genume Parisian sage Don't let gray, streakek that is guaranteed to quicKiy sxop toss of hair, promote a new growth, en- as it is, will be refunded. Thousands can testify to the excel lent results from its use; some who have passed their greatest useiui- war(llT jine Cf gaii Alley Southwestwardly towards Davis Street forty-one (41) feet; with p-rnv tnence in a soutnwestwaraiy airecnon uu l . .B1J' .BVtr - . w parallel with Davis Street one hundred and or raaea nair witn us iuu. ui a6 iwu flftv (1B0) feet to tKe beginning. Same vrm nf vnnr rhanCfl. YOU can easily holnc r.rt of T-ot a in Rlor-k No. 321. ae- tirely banish every trace of dandruff jn alj its youthful beauty as many cordinjr to the official plan of said City nair vjoior n,etLUier uaoiuuauj. 26th dav of Febniarv. 1918. Q-ban will not dye your hair. It j. a. McNORTON, dmniv iM-lncra 'hnrTr thft natural color Commissioner. fAa.rd halrlnpss now have 'abundant j i t HcrV,f,ii niia,t ran. 1 1 a w 5 w thnrs. I ailU giuaa. xl 13 a, udus"'-'-'" " i hair whilfi others who sufferea fori 4.V-. t v pnnfnsnH - ' - I II II IMI I H II I M11II1IU 11U L. ! . . . r with HnnHnifF anrl itr.hin? head , .- v I STATE OF NOKTH r :"7 witn nair ayes anu utuei &uou yicy- New Hanover county: got a ciean, cuui ca.iy itj-tci juoc a. i" arations. Q-ban will not stain tne in the Superior Court. day's use of this splendid treatment. , wash or rub off. It does not Alice Larklns and Husband, John JLarklns, No matter whether bothered witn wftvi diomnnnin? nr wavine falling hair, rav hair, dandruff or itch-L. Thomaa Harriss, John J. Furlon. et al. ing scalp, try Parisian sage tonight. g ld b all g?ood druggists every You will not oe aisappomLea. mere where on Money-Back Guarantee iat nothing so good ior any iorm or Pri 7cP A dv hair trouble, it s easy to use, aei- iatolv rtrfiimfirt. and will not color - - - v-.1 or Uris Or StreaK tne nair. rt. rt. Bellamy I K idneV OUITererS nave rCCl- nearine that Samuel Harriss was omitted NOTICE. A certain lot of land on the North side of Queen Street between Second and Third Streets, being part of Lot 6, Block 74 m the City of Wilmington, N. C, having been sold for division among the heita of Bristow Harriss, deceased, and it ap- New BUI Tomorrow U22 will supply you and guarantee money refunded if not satisfied. Adv. ing of Security. as a party defendant as one of the helfa at law of said Bristow Harriss, and is now made party defendant in this cause. ,.o1W fl .acuta whPTl VOll NOW, .NOTICE IS HEKBBI ! know that the medicine you are about I the said Samuel Harriss to be and ap- To Apply Sage Tea Look Young! Bring Back Its Natural Color, Gloss and Attractiveness. to take is absolutely pure and con- Hou8e ln Wilmington, rN. C, on March tains no harmful or habit producing 2Sth, 1918, at ten o'clock A. M., and show j-.. cause, if any he has, why he should not Swamp-Root, kidney, 4 Washington, March 20. First Lieu tenant Frerick C. Klakring is the only officer appearing in todays acs na.lt. v list of 37 names. He was wounded slightly. Today's list shows three men kill ed in action, two died of wounds, two died of accident, eight aiea oi ais- ease, nve wounueu seveieij' diiu i wounded slightly. Lecture at Hemenway. Mr. Ottis B. Hinnant, City Boys Work Secretary, will give a lecture at j the Hemenway school torrrrorow after-; noon at 4 o'clock. His subject will j be, "Instincts or inuanoou. tru trons and friends of the school are invited. TO THE PUBLIC. fRANn) TOMORROW 4 Paramount Pictures Present The WorH Famous Woman Impersonator Julian Eltinge In His Second Great Screen Impersonation fThe Clever Mrs. Fairfax" You Cannot Tell When He is a' Woman and When He is a Man 1 Common garden sage brewed into teaspoonfUi doses der remedy. The" same standard of purity, strength and excellence is maintained in every bottle of Swamp-Root . Swamp-Root is scientifically com pounded from vegetable herbs. It is not a stimulant ana is taicen in liver and Mad- gale of the property to P. F. B. Prica .5 " Xi-i. p .. . t i. T wax ; wm a heavy tea, with sulphur added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant. Just a few applications will prove a reve lation if your hair is fading, streaked or gray. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An easier way is to get a bottle of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound at any drug store all ready for use. This is the old-time recipe improved by the addition of other ingredients. While wispy, gray, faded nair is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful appearance and attractive ness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, f-rno one can tell, because it does it &o naturally, so evenly. You just damp en a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morn ing all gray hairs have disappeared," and, after another applicfion or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant. This preparation is a delightful toilet requisite and is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. R. R. Bellamy will supply you and guarantee money refunded if not sat isfied.- Adv. It is not recommended for every thing. According to verified testimony it is nature's great helper in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and bladder troubles. A sworn statement of purity is with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamn- Root for Four Hundred and Fifty Five- Dollars (5455.00) should not be confirmed. This 27th day of February, 1018. W. N. HARRISS, Clerk of Superior Court of New Hanover: County. 1 a w 4 w Thnrs. ( v'jpj STATE OF NOKTH CAROLINA, ' ijld Cunty of New Hanover, I-fv In the Superior Court, gtfl r Nettie M. Blair - vs. Trm -i$&S Andrew Blair, Jr. ' NOTICE. notice, tnat an action entmea as aoove nas been commencea in tne superior court or . w i New Hanover County, for an absolute 41- m.Ao frnm the hnnHa nf matritnonv on tha , itr erounaB or iornicaiion anu auuiirj , iuiu I . . . -. -. .1 A. 111 A ll. X 1 A1X IVc - ' .. - Ir you need a medicine, you should tne sam oeienaani m . ,L LllAl 1C IS A CVjJ Ull W - -5 f " f -fs have the best. lAf th Snwrior Court of said County, to mi':-tii If you are already convinced that De held on the 1st Monday in April, 1918, ttM Swamn-Root is what you need, you at the Court house in said County, In Wil- JHjfeS'i will fimd it on sale at all drug stores minglon, North Carolina and answer or ' I t'si s " ... . . . flmnr to the comnlaint in said action, oft 5;.b!', in bottles or two size, memum ana nlainfm will nnnlv to th Court for -ml large. However, if you wish first to try this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writ ing be sure and mention The Wilming ton 'Daily Dispatch. Adv. the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in saia complaint. This 19th day of February, 1918. . W. N. HARRISS, Clerk Superior Court. I sincerely thank you for your sup port given me for Register of Deeds, and solicit a continuance of it in the second primary, and trust enough will be added to insure my election. Respectfully, B. FRANK KING. TO THE PUBLIC. I desire to express to you my ap preciation for the-splendid jvrte re ceived by me at the primary and to assure you that 'your confidence shall lot be misplaced. J. FELTON HEAD. BECOMES LIKE PICTURE) ( Fluffy, Soft, Silky, Long POMADE HAIR DRESSfMCL. Tu,c!itiv rTfiimed.uot sticky or rummy Hcrolin stimulates aud nourishes the roots or tne nair causing uaywi w., stubborn, kiniy or short hair to arrow soft, long-, silky, easy to manasre, so you can do it up in any style. Removes DAN- DRTJFr and Stops iivjhiinvt -.ii.r. Don 7 be fooled. Be sure you get HeroUn. Sold by isrug mores or SEND 28 CENTS (stmmps or coin) for able box HCROLIN MEDIOtNB CO., Atlanta, Crla AGENTS WANTED STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of New Hanover In the Superior Court. Lilly Williamson V!. Randolph Williamson. I2TICE. The defeiidant'tfoove named will take notice, that an action entitled as above has been commenced in tne Superior Court of New Hanover County, for an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony on the grounds of fornificatlon and adultery; aud the said defendant will further take notice that he Is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said county, to be held on the 1st Monday in Xpril, 1918, at the Court house in said County, in Wilmington, North Carolina, and an swer or demur to tbe complaint in said action, or tne planum wm appiy to tne court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This 25th day of February, 1918. W. N. HARRISS, Clerk Superior Corrt. 1-a-w 4-w. STATE OF NORTH CAKOZilNA, Treasury Department: Raleigh, March 4, 1918. NOTICE OF SAXE. Sealed proposals will be received by me as State Treasurer of North Carolina, at this office, in Raleigh, North Carolina un til April 1st, noon, for the purchase of all or any part of tne following iionas: $500,000.00 Permanent Improvement Bonds Dated July 1, 1918, as follows: $100,000.00 Mature July 1, 1928. $100,000.00 Mature July 1, 1929. $100,000.00 Mature July 1, 1930. $100,000.00 Mature July 1, 1931. $100,000.00 Mature July 1, 1932. The Bonds will be sold avt par to the per son bidding the lowest rate of interest not exceeding- 4 ner cent. Bonds paid for in run on April 1st wm j be exempted from all taxation including Income and also when constituting a part of the surplus of any bank, trust company on other corporation. Apply to me for blanks upev. wmcn to Did. B. R. LACY, State Treasurer. 3-5-su-tu-th-4w. NEOUN SOLES. Makes Walkln a Pleasure Attached by SULLIVAN, King' of Shoemakers N. Front Streat. Phone 523, .'5 A.t I: I Mmm. 1 a w 4 w. - J. ' i I ttH ' iB.tu TbL Es .oSfftl. ?f MCAHadROOFCABDHlllH ttl m NOTICE TO , CREDITORS L.EGWIN PRINTING COMPANY. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of New Hanover: In the Superior Court. Eustace Norfleet, on Behalf of Himself and Other Stockholders and Creditors of Ie Gwin Printing- Company, Who May Come in and Make Themselves Parties Hereto, va. IjeGwln Printlnr Company. To All Creditors L.eGwln Printing Com pany. TAKE NOTICE that, ln accordance with the decree made in the above entitled 'cans by His Honor "Judge C. C. Lyon, at Eliza bethtown, N. C, February 22nd, 1918, all creditors of Lefewin Printing Company are hereby notified that they are required to file their claims, duly verified, before th undersigned, ln the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, on or before the first day of May, 1918, and all such claims not s filed by said date will be barred. Dated this 28th day of February, 101?. JOSEPH W. LITTLE, Receiver LeGwin Printing Company, 1 a w i w Thurs. .ffXS'isV V" 14 eoabtetlem . KiieaWlthoct fiat., tOL .Om Bath,- tt.00 ssA FRAKK KOmZ. Wm(St i l"l;i vi;. It Is effaetlrs Is traatrai 't unnatnrai usenarswi v j , ..v i ana wui not iinerars, i, : Relieves tn ltoidsys,;; : f : 1 1 irroaTava. - f ' .: f -. tataaAl BmH tssival PHss fl rtU Knffljssi M L. ave UMaP WSkSVSaSS A SMS $ Ttfa bYARS WWAIVAbWUU, WUWWM1I w i t n iL -r. ' a Relieves' CAT A RRh 'of i I WM $ j f BLADDEtMll w counterfeits. i r '' ' i 1 m - Aft A ft rt rT 'l? T'V ' .H :-4?iv

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