PAGE EIGHT. THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 16, 19 J8. Market Review Marind and Weather News " t ' .- COTTON. . ;.. 4 Wilmington spot .Charleston v spot - SaYanaali . . . . .Norfolk .. .. .. 32 1-2 33.00 . .33.00 ..32.50 . NEW YORK COTTON. ;; New. York,, April 16. There was J renewed excitement and a further 1 Sensational break in prices at the opening of the cotton market today.! while specialties fell back under the Liverpool cables reported the mil maximum break of 100 points permit ted for the day in the market today. ii STOCKS. V .4 - & New York, April 16 War bulletins received in the financial district short ly before the opening of today's stock market tended to depress prices moderately in the initial dealings. The leaders of the preceding session, including United' States Steel, CrucU ble Steel, Baldwin, Locomotive, Ship pings, Reading, Oils . and Alcohol yielded the better part " of a point, reaction; in General Motors, that stock losing 2 3-8. Prices hardened before the end of the first half hour Lib ber ore local opening with sellers at -ferty bonds were steady. the low prices, and there was further -active Liverpool selling around the local ring as well as continued gen eral liquidation. The opening was f 100. to 113 points lower on old crop - positions, with May selling at 27.95 - and July, at 27.40 during the call. La . ter. deliveries opened at a decline of 44 to points "with October selling at ,28.00 and December at 26.45 during : tlthe first few minutes. No fresh bear fish feature was in evidence, but sen ' -- timent .was extremely nervous and un settled and liquidation was probably r stimulated by reports that the break - 'in " futures had checked demand for both spot cotton and goods. The sus " "pension of a local floor broker was "-announced, but it was considered of little or no influence on the market, -i ' Cotton closed firm. ' -V- . High. Low. Close. Hifay ,. .. .. ..29.28 27.95 28.98 July . . 28.90 27.40 October. . .. .. -.27.75 26.00 December 27.40 26.35 January.. 27.35 26.10 28.59 27.50 27.20 27.06 i NEW YORK SPOT COTTON. j J New York, April 16. Spot cotton, -quiet; middling 30.50. NEW ORLEANS COTTON. :?S'New Orleans, "April 16. Weakness featured the early trading in cotton (j, here today, the . market losing 66 to "93 .points in the first . half hour of American Beet Suear 72 American Can 42 1-4 Amer. Car & Foundry " 78 American Locomotive . . . . . . 62 1-2 American Linseed . . . . . . . - 32 Amer. Smelt. & Refining 77 American Sugar 101 7-8 American T. & T 100 1-4 Anaconda Copper .... . . .... 64 5-8 Atchison 83 Atl., Gulf & W. Indies 109 1-4 Baldwin Locomotive 76 7-8 Baltimore & Ohio 52 Bethlehem Steel "B" 77 3-4 Canadian Pacific .. .. .. . .1Z71-4 Central' Leather 66 7-8 Chesapeake & Ohio 55 1-4 Chi.-, Mil. & St. Paul 39 1-4 Chi., R. I. & Pac 19 Chino Copper ... 411-2 Colorado Fuel & Iron 36 3-4 Corn Products .. .. 36 5-8 Crucible Steel 62 1-4 Cuba Cane Sugar 28 Erie . . . . 14 1-4 ...138 ...118 ... 89 1" ... 27 3- 95 .. 471-8 (bid) General Electric General Motors . . . . Great Northern Pfd. . . . Great Northern Ore Ctfs Illinois Central (bid) . . . Inspiration Copper . . Int. Mer. Marine . 25 Int. Mer. Marine Pfd 93 1-2 International Paper 33 Kenecott Copper ? 321-8 Louisville h Nashville (bid) ...1111-2 Maxwell Motors (bid) .. .. .. 26 Mexican Petroleum 93 3-4 v LOCAL MARKETS. : 4. 4 (Wholesale Prloes.) Eggs (scarce) .., .35c Butter ;v .. u. Spring chickens .. .. .. .. 40 ic 60c. Grown chickens 70 to 90 Puddle duck ... .... 60c. Guineas .. .. .-40c Beef (dressed) 1 to 14c. Irish potatoes (bag) $5.00 Irish potatoes, Maine grown, Irish Cobbler deed potatoes. 150 lb bag $6.25 N. C. Hams. Ib .. .. .. .. S2 to S5: N. C. shoulders and ribs .. 30 to 32c Cabbage, 100 lbs. (scarce) .. ..$4.60 Hides, green .. 17c Wool, free of burr .. Corn, busneL .. $2.00 Bees wax 30 to 32c. Salted hides ... Uc . 10 to 12o . . ....$4.25 $2.252.20 .. . $2.15 .. . $.75 $5.23 J. OilU VT .. .. . . . . .i Onions (2 bushels) .. . Peanuts, N. 0. and Va. Peanuts, Spanlst .. .. Apples, Winesap, bbl., Oranges, box NAVAL STORES. Spirits 40 cents. ilffijOTI XlUBiU 11UVU1U5 UUlUgi K SJiSJSl ! Tar $3.00 and 13 1-i cents. Crude? $4.00, $4.00 and $3.00. NOT BELIEVED THAT MARINES LANDED Washinatdn, April 16.- Dispatches to the Navy Department today from Rear Admiral Knight; . commanaing the American Asiatic fleet and to the State Department from consular rep resentatives still made o mention of activities of American , forces at Vladivostok. Recent press dispatches from Harbin said that reports -.. reaching there from ' Vladivostok told of the landing of American forces. Officials now are convinced that refugees saw a party of marines on shore leave or a quartermaster's corps and thought, it was a landing party. BREAK CAMP RATHER THAN BE TRANSFERRED Houston, Texas, April 16. Approxi mately 100 men belonging to various organizations In the headquarters trains and military- police companies broke from Camp Logan yesterday and escaped when an order was issued transferring them to other organiza tions in the division. All but two of them have been captured - and will probably face charges of conspiring to mutiny, it was announced today. The majority of the men were from the old "fighting seventh" guard regi ment of Chicago. ; FIRST PRISONERS TO REACH AMERICA NOTICE THERE WILL BE A Busi ness .Meeting of the W. L. I. to night . directly after drill. - 4-16-lti STILL ENTERTAIN HOPE FOR COLLIER CYCLOPS Washington, April 16. Although no word haskcomd today as to the fate of the bife'nayal collier. Cyclops,, miss ing iince&March 14, the Navy Depart ment refused to give up all hope of her safety and will continue its search for some clue '-'that might solve her mysterious disappearance. Navy officials themselves hold dif ferent opinions as to what has be come of the ship, some believing tliat she was sunk by a bomb placed be fore her departure from a South Am erican port, others are of the opinion that she was sunk in a sudden squall and still others are inclined to be lieve she was captured by a German raider. COMPLICATIONS OVER CHARLESTON YARD businers. Selling was general and 'the market was nervous and excited j Miami Copper 28 3-4 " witl 10 to 2R noiiilm bvtween trades, i Midvale Steel 45 7-8 "Cotton .closed steady, J8 to points up May . '. . . iJuly .. .. ; i October -. . s i December. January. 48 Mo. Pacific j New York Central High. Low. Close. Norfolk & Western . .28.55. 27.29 28.43 Northern Pacific (bid) .. 27.52 Ohio Cities Gas 26.43 I Pennsylvania ... 26.14 Pittsburg Coal . ,27.75 ...26.65 ..26.31 . .26.30 26.40 25.39 25.02 25.00 26.03 NEW ORLEANS SPOT COTTON. Ray Consolidated - Copper Reading Rep. Iron and Steel .. New Orleans, April 16 Spot cot- Sinclair Oil & Refining vtpn, nominal; unchanged: sales, 100: j to arrive, none; low middling,, 31.00; middling, 33..00; good middling, 34.25. f;Receipts 5,649: stock 447,327. i LIVERPOOL COTTON. : Liverpool, April it. uouon: snot. raiet; prices weak; good middling ,23.24; middling 22.71; low middling .22.19; 'good ordinary 21.19; ordinary - .20.66. Sales 4,000 bales including 3,- 300 American. Receipts 18,000 bales, including 14,600 American. Futures - closed weak. The only business in ;new contracts was at a penny decline, ! the minimum price. Closing prices 5 were: April 22.67; May 22.38; June V 22.13; July 21.92; August 21.72. Old . contracts (fixed prices): April 21.26; -KApril-May 21.18; May-June 21.10; . .June-July 21.02. jv COTTON SEED OIL. .- New York, April 16. Cotton seed' - oil market, no quotations. IS- CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. -Mr Chicago, April 16. Hogs: Reecipts . 26,000.. Bulk 17740 .to' 17.75; light :17S5 to 17.82; mixed 17.10 to 17.85; heavy 16.25 to 17.70; rough 16.65 ;o '16.70; pigs 13.00 to 17.00. ' Catt?e: Receipts 16,000; steady. Na- " tive steers 10.80 to 16.75; stockers tahd feeders 8.75 to 12.65; cows and fheifers 7.50 to 13.75; calves 10.00 to - IF, 00. ' t-. Sheep: Receipts 14,000. Steady. - .'sheep 13.00 to 17.85; lambs 16.50 to " 21.25. " SAVANNAH MARKET. Savannah, April 16. Turpentine, "firm 38 1-2; sales 58; receipts 222; "shipments 201; stock 231,506. j -Rosin, firm; sales 574; receipts I63; shipments 166; stocks 97,248. - Quote: B, D, E, 5.25; F, 5.27 1-2; G, H, I, 5.25; K, 5.5?; M, 5.75; N, ,8.30; WG, 6.50; WW, 6.90. Daniels Rides in Airplane. -Washington, April 16. Secretary v .Daniels was a passenger today with Lieutenant Doherity, a naval aviator, In, a 20-minute flight over the capital. . A service hydro-airplane was used. 20 5-8 69 103 1-8 S2 37 1-2 44 53 1-4 24 3 8 80 80 27 -2 82 3-4 21 5-8 Southern Pacific Southern Railway Studebaker Corporation 37 3-4 Tenn. Copper 17 1-8 Texas Co 143 Tobacco Products .... 53 7-8 Union Pacific 118 5-8 United Cigar Stores 88 1-4 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 1231-4 U. S. Rubber 53 U. S. Steel 91 7-8 Utah Copper Wabash Pfd. "A" Westinghouse .Electric Willys-Overland American Tobacco A. C. L. (bid) Gulf States Steel (bid) . . . S. A. Lu ..' Sloss. Shef. Steel r Iron . . United Fruit 123 ' Va. Car. Chem. (bid) 411-2 CHICAGO GRAIN. Chicago, April 16. Excellent plant ing conditions had a decided bearish effect today on corn. Opening prices which ranged from 1-8 to 3-4 lower, with May'1.27 and July 1.49 to 1.49 1-4, were followed by a sharp additional break, especially in the July deliv ery. Oats, like corn, showed weakness on account of bearish weather and war advices. Provisions were de pressed by the liberal lard ' supplies during the first lialf of April. Grain and provision prices: CORN Mciy .July OATS A.pril M&y PORK M&y LARD Jfly July RIBS May July .. .. .. Cash: Corn, No. 2, yellow, 1.70 to 1.72; No. 3, yellow, 1.65 to 1.66; No. 4, yellow, 1.45 to 1.55. Oats, No. 3, white, 89 1-2 to 90 1-4; standard, 90 to 90 1-4. Rye, No. 2, nominal. Bar ley, 1.40 to 1.78. Timothy, 5.00 to 8.00. Clover, 18.00 to 28.00. Pork, nominal. Lard, 25.52. Ribs, 23.55 to 23.80. Columbia, S. C, April 16. On his return from a trip to Washington to day. Governor Richard I. Manning is sued the following statement: with reference to the ship building Would Release American Products; 'Washington. April 16. Reports that -1 Danish importers seeking to ftrce a , release of -j American products .nave been circularizing merchants and manufacturers in the United States, hinting unless they are permitted to purchase' what they please their trade ; will go to Germany after the-war, has. drawn from the War Trade Board as surance that everything possible willj be done to safeguard American om-' merce. r -IN NEW YORK CITY A Good Room with Bath ' at 2.00 to 3.00 Per Day Is Hard to Find, But the Editor of this Paper will tell you "You can get them at the Hotel Gregorian 35th Street, Bet. 5th Ave. and Broadway. HomelHie, Moflrrp. Fireproof, Cen tral, nr Thoitr-s and Shops. Best of I'v.-wi rt Fair Prices. V.Trk f !kl3t to DANIEL. I 3tfTCH3T. Prop. 31 Open Close 1.27 1.27 1.49" 1.47 18 . .87 3-4 .871-2 . .84 .831-4 47.90 47.85 25.55 25.60 25.85 25.92 24.02 24.05 24:50 24.52 An Atlantic Port, April; -16.-The at Charleston and normal de- rive in the United States, formerly member of the crew, of the subma rine TJ-58, which was sunk by ar American destroyer, arrived here to day on the same vessel on which Secretary of War Baker made his re turn trip from Europe. The number of prisoners was notV given officially; but it is believed 'there were about 20 in the party. They 'will be in terned at Fort MePherson, Ga. DRAFTING OF THE IRISH HOME RULE BILL FIRE DAMAGED BIG RICHMOND HOUSE London, April 16. The committee which is in charge of the drawing of an Irish home rule bill, says The Times, includes J. Austin Chamber lain, former Secretary for India. Thfs, it adds, is a "fact which suggests that he already is or is about to be come a member of the war cabinet." The same jiaper prints an appeal from Unionist members of Parliament urging the Immediate introduction of a measure of home rule as "generous -as can be devised by the light of the recent discussions of the Irish con vention and in harmony with the ul timate goal of Federal devolution." Richmond, Va., April 16. William Croxton, a negro idst his life by suffo cation and several persons were over come by smoke by a fire this after noon in one of the buildings of T. W. Wood & Sons, seedmen, the flames menacing much property in the vicin ity of the old Southern Railway pas senger station. The blaze was gotten under control after damage amount ing to several thousands was done. A. NEW CAR FOR YOUR OLD ONE It is' th FINISH that makes the machine as far as appearance goes What about let ting us repaint your automobile? We agree to give you a quick handsome dur able job, at the low est possible price 0 We agree to. use throughout Valentine & Company's varnishes, colors and other mat erials which are THE MOST. EXPENSIVE in first cost but stand ard vf or excellence the World f over Valentin; & Company 'guarantee quality, J. E. LEWIS & SON Corner Fourth and Princess Phone 896J DRIVE RAURIA OUT OF THE SY5TBJ A GOOD TONXO AND AJPPETIZX& British Missions Arrive. A Canadian Atlantic Port, April 16. Two British missions to the United a bill to give military rank to army Australian Doctor Called. Washington, April 16. Surgeon General Featherstone, director gen eral of the medical department of" the Australian army, has been invited to appear today before the . House Mili tary Committee which is considering 78 7-8 40 40 17 3-S 160 1-8 88 87 . 71-4 51 More Eenemy Propoganda. Mobile, Ala.., April 16. President ordon Smith of the Southeastern tenia v 14 2 feet States arrived here today and proceed soon to New York. will n- WEATHER REPORT '4. 4. 4. . For Wilmington and Vicinity . Fair tonight; Wednesday, probably showers and cooler; light variable winds. Stage of Water: . Stage of water in Cape Fear river at Fayetteville, N. C, at 8 a. m. yes- nurses. The Australian syster al lows, its nurses a ranking as high as major and also permits them to wear the army insignia. Bakers' Association, in his annual ad' dress to that body today Raicl rero-n being circulated that foreign and in jurious substances are being used in baking products is the work okt en emy propaganda and denounced thme as false. t SUNRISE AND SUNSET. Sun rises Sun sets Wednesday: . 6:38 7:45 Naval Laws Modified. . Washington, April 16. Modification of laws requiring two years' sea ser vice tt naval officers before promo tion wag asked of Congress today by Secretary Daniels. If the law is not changed, he said, operating desks of the Navy Department will be vacant, since officers badly needed on land will seek sea duty that they may gei their promotions. Temperature. WEATHZB tt t t. n. " S o "a a 43 e H C4 Asheville, ' raining . , Atlanta, cloudy Charleston, clear .. ,i J3uA. R. in Session. Washington. April 16. Renorts of , Charlotte, cloudy officers and committee chairmen, In- j Chicago, cloudy ... . eluding an exhaustive outline of the . Galveston, cloudy . work of the organization's war relief i Jacksonville, clear . service, today engaged the attention ew Orleans, cloudy of delegations to the 7th annual con- New York, clear . . . gress of the Daughters oft the Amerl- Pittsburgh, cloudy ., can Revolution. Elaborate nlano 1 Raleierh. clear ' nave oeen maae ror tne president-gen- St. L.ouls, cloudy .. 51 eral's reception tonight at the Pan-'Washington, nt. cloudv Lr; ' American buildinf. 1 Wilmington, clear 169 64 74 66 72 60 74 74 80 72 70 74 56 58 58 54 52 70 62 66 54 48 52 55 .0111 0 0 .04 0 0 0 0 0 0 .10 0 0 Warning Against Swindlers. Washington, April 14. Relatives and friends were warned by the War Department today against swindlers who are obtaining money by imper sonating men in the military service. A common practice it was said, was ror swinulers using the name of a soldier to telegraph to hs home for runas ana then to impersonate him and obtain the money when it i sent.. UNITED STATES 4 1-4 PER CENT LIBERTY BONDS This Bank will receive subscriptions up to May 4th for these bonds, which will be issued May 9th. This issue will be free of all taxes, except inheritance tax and surtax on incomes over $5,000. Payment can be made in cash or by installment. You are urged to do your duty to your country by subscribing quickly to the largest possible-amount. A subscription TODAY la worth double one at the end of the campaign. This Bank will, with out charge, arrange all details for you. THE CITIZENS BANK, Corner Second and Princess Sts. Wilmington, N. C. SUBURBAN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 4TH, 1918. WINTER PARK, WRIGHTSVILLF, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH EAST BOUND. WESTBOUND. The military surgeons have found creped paper a very satisfactory sub stitute for cotton gauze bandages. n . -j i: : d'-S'cr SEEDS COWPEAS SOYBEANS and GARDEN SEEDS UISA3 John S. McEachern Son 211 Market Street ..IT? Iw Leave Lear ! Lmt 3-leftrlc "K-lectrU "Electric Bearb WrlghtaVle Winter P'r Center" Centre" Centre" - " in ior for ror or t Winter Prk Wrtchf vi Beach Wilmington Wilmington Wilmington xe:5 x6:S0 m 6715 A. M. 6:28 A. M. 170 - Jf:30 " : xnt - x7:Sl - .S:w 8:00' !8:0O M !8:U - !8:S0 18:30 !80 8:8i 8:41 " 8:0 " a:0ft " !:13 A. M. !95 " :M 10:00 " I0:Pd 10i0 " " 0:41 11:80 " ii;M " 11:80 " 1100 !10:41 " 11:00 " 11:00 T, M. 11:00 P. M. 10:45 44 10:55 M 11:06 " fl:10 xl:10 " 18:11 " 12:25 F. . 12:80 V. XL. ol:65 " el: 65 xl:50 -z:01 ..X80 S:80 " 11:45 !1:M - !2:06 " 8:00 " 8:00 " .9:00 P. M 8: itM m 8:S0 oS:0 o8:ll o4:I0 oS:50 ..4:80 - 4:80 4:80 P. M. 8:45 8:55 - 4:06 M 4:50 , 04:M - 5:80 6:8t - , 05:lt " xt'.U " x:10 5:U . 5:85 " 5:80 - 0:40 6:40 6:00 6:11 " 7:15 - 7:15 , x6: " 8:56 8:15 - 8:15 7:10 " fm - 9:15 - 0:16 - 7:45 7:80 " .i0:15 10:15 8:5 8:60 M lltU " 11:15 9:45 " 95ff - 10:45 10:56 " !11:30 mimShmI hwmimmmA '11 t45 '11 ?56 SPECIAL FOB SUNDAYS Leave Front and Princess streets every half hour from 2 to I P. H Leare Beach every half hour from 2:45 P. M. Daily except Sunday. ISunday only. xBeach transfer car connects wlth.this train at WrightovUl. oSuperceded by half-hour schedule Sunday afternoons. FREIGHT SCHEDULE: ' (TUESDAYS, THURSDA YS. SATURDAYS ONLY) Leave Ninth and Orange Street 3:00 P. M. S-00ephtMDePOt OPn TuesclaV8 Thur8day8. Saturdays, from 2:00 to S.PJfiVIAL.NOTJCBT,!ih ihow tbe nm t wfcfch train, may be ex- pected to arrive at and depart from the several stations, but the arrivals and partures are not uaranieei. mriTaia ana ao 1 ' BRINGING UP FA THER ILL HIDE tMV MfMsie-v IN HERE UNTIL MAiiiE iOEt OUT - bHE MIHT aT We specizdize in the man ufacture of Rubber Stamps and Good Printing Carolina Printingand Stamp Works No. 8 Grade St. UNION PASSENGER STA. TION Arrival and Departure of Trains . February 1st, 1918. SEABOARD AIR LINE DEPART DAILY ARRIV1 3 55 P.M Charlotte 12 30 P.M. Parlor Car. 5:00 A.M Charlotte 12:30 Ail Sleeper opened 10:00 P. M. For Information -Phone 178. ATLANTIC COAST LINZ DEPART DAILY ARRIVE 5:45 A.M.... South and West. . .12 :45 AM. Sleeper to Columbia, (Open 10:00 p. m. 7:45 A.M... North 6:05 FM. Parlor Car to Norfolk 8:45 A.M... Fayetteville 8:00 P.M 3:05 P.M;.. New feern ....., ...12:30 P.I 3;30v P.M...Sojuth and . West 1:00 P.H Sleepers to Augusta. Atlanta 6:45 P.M.. .North 10:15 A.U Sleepers to Washington, Norfolk For Information Phone 160. STEAMER WILMINGTON. schedule Effective March 16th, 1918. Leave Wilmington Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 9:30 A. M. . . Leave Wilmington Saturdays 6:45 A M, and 12:30 P. M. Leave Wilmington Sundays 9 A. M. Leave Southport and Fort Caswell Mon days, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursday! and Fridays, 2:30 P. M. Leave Southport and Fort Caswell Satuv aays :au a. m. ana 3;sn-3 Lieave ort Caswell 3a5 r . rl KTiV?"" port 3:30 P. M. on Soa , T 11T1 1 A. AM stops Detween wilmL .- , NEOUN SOLES. Makes Walkin a Pleasure Attached by SULLIVAN, King of Shoemakers N. Front Str!St. hone 523. J Z3Z1 -a " I f. II II I r BY McMAN US "Cl.LO-rW.Aic, ARE YOU coirs' OOT? MUtT TO rxce.- vjvjt. OP THE. I a v.n i . "Miut im OOT' .111 ! I AAV.n,K.v; t 1 -rr-x- ) xZrfr-t pad, -To, o 1 1 WILL Nrvr ... J r 3L:L. .lx I TOa 2