;?AZ .WILMINGTON DISPATCH, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 19, 1918. 1 4 . t , . VI i: SEE'NEWl LEGHORNS ' White Milaris ' Wire Frames Just Received eils , 4."- V MISS ALMA BROWN What are You Going to do to Help Boys at the Front? There are so many hings that can be done by you. You who will stay at home and enjoy being with your family should look-at the proposition of helping the Boys and the United States Government wholly as a "business deal, think this over, put forth every effort buy Thr:"t Stamps and Liberty Bonds. . . . S'l PAYNE DRUG CO. PW520 Everything in- Drugs and. Drug Store Goods. Fifth and Red Cross Streets 1870-Isaac Butt became leader of the movement for Irish Home Rule. - 1878 Leadership of the movement passed to Charles Stuart Parnell. ; 1882 Negotiations between Darnell and Gladstone halted by the murder of- Lord Frederick Cavendish and Under Secretary Burke, in . Phoenix Park, "Dublin;" " - . 1886 Gladstone introduced his first Home Rule bill, and it was rejected by 30 votes. 1893 Gladstone succeeded in hav ing his second Home Rule bU! passed by the IJouse of Commons, only ; to have it killed by the House of Lords. Several succeeding attempts ; to Lbring about the enactment of bills to establish self-government in" Ire land met with failure, but with each attempt the movement became stronger. - 1905 Redmond's motion for a-con 22E Bvacin North w as a ind AT the end of a hard day, just sit down to a cup of Luzianne Coffee. See how you pick up with every savory sip. Luzianne is far, far different from any other coffee. It's got something that all the others seem to lack. And it's packed in dust-proof, moisture-proof cans that bring Luzianne to your kitchen just the same as when it left the roaster. Buy a can and try it for yourself. An iron-clad, air-tight guarantee says that if you are not entirely satisfied with Luzianne, your grocer will give you back your money. And he will Home Rule Movement" THIS STATE TO ENTER AVAR SAVIRGS CONTEST Bronze Tablet to Be Given the School-Saving Most ' " v " V ;' Money '"' ""' ASKED TO REPORT ; ,r DISLOYAL ACTS Charleston,; S: C, April ,19. It,-has come to the notice of this office 'that many people fail to report h Jcpletous and disloyal acts of manifestation of sympathy for the enemy, because of uncertainty as to the proper official to approach V: , It'., is very important that the gov ernment - should have the assistance of all citizens In - detecUng enemy propaganda or , suspicious a.ctlvitiel of (Special to The Dispatch.) Winston-Salem. Atiril 19.--To boost Thrift nH Savings amone the 'Individuals,- and you will 4 a service v i" i TT i j jriH in notifying your friends that any schools in the United States, G--tatolMInm-. Mary C. C. Bradford, president of lgence officer," Headquarters South the National Education Association eastern Department. Charleston, S . of the United States,; Is" offering a.C:, will receive attention and be trans bron corat taMe . .JX f & prize to the school that saves the' meg Df informants will not be di largest amount, per capita, of any vulged and there need be no fear,. 'school in the nation. - 'Miss Bradford l0n the part' of anybody, of getting hv sideration of Home Rule defeated In has written to Col. F. H. Fries, State to trouble in case suspicions prove to the House of Commons by 60 votes. (Director of War Savings in NorthDe unfounded. 1907 Government presented a Carolina, asking that he keep her in, informants should indicate the ria- Home Rule bill. Convention of Irish-touch With the progress of the War ture and source of their -Information, men at Dublin rejected it unanimous ly and. the ministry dropped it Savings movement in the various Kas well as the time and place. schools of this State, that she may l.: 1908 Redmond's motion for a con- know what school leads - and which sideration of Home Rule was tarried ghall be the winner. Colonel Fries by 156. No further action taken. has assured Miss .Bradford ttia: ,he , .1911 Parliament passed an act--win co-onerate with her In this fuu abolishing the absolute veto power of damental and patriotic" work by pre the home drink Besides its popularity t drug stores, fountains and restaurants, Bavo has' found a welcome place in the home. A family beverage a guest offering a table drink that goes perfectly with all food. At " uigetion for Smdmy sapper Sweet red or gnwn peppirs mtpffm riH ere mm cIimm mad chopped nvtm pr 'nMrom, served on lettuce Jemvee. Preach dressing. Cold tkemt. Tomsiedcrmckers. BsToforeveryoxis. A beverage that taates like no other soft drink. ture, wholesome and nutritious. BevD- the all-year-round soft drink. SeJd la b&ttUs onlymmd hottleti xeajVy by ANHIUS2R-BUSCH ST. LOUIS the Lords 1912 New Home Rule bill intro duced in the House of Commons. 1913 Bill passed the third reading in January by 110 votes. Rejected by the House of Lords. 1913 Introduced a second time. in April and passed in July by the Com mons by 109 votes. Lords again re jected it. 1914 Passed the House of Com mons for the third time on May 25. 1914 Signed by King George V on September 18 and went on statute books. 1915 Application' of Home Rule held up pending agreement of the ri val Irish factions. 1916 Revolt in Ireland and mar sentlng the matter' to the" school "bf the State and urging, them to enter whole heartedly: in.ryxe contest. a Today Colonel Fries is e informing the schools both through the press and by direct 'communication of the offer that Miss -Bradford is making. He believes that .North Carolina's chance of winning 'vthls. tablet is ex ceptionally good: He bases his" judg ment on the excellent reports, par ticularly the per capita sales that have already been made - by many of the schools tor State Headquarters. He urges that every ' school in the State enter the 1 contest at once, and that the first step be to organize ev ery pupil in school Ino a War Saving? tial law declared throughout the , Society. A thoroughly organized and kUo ui guiuituuu, uo ga;s, nut uu the method to win in this contest, Colonel Fries is requesting the One hundred and twenty women physicians, surgeons, nurses and at tendants are included in the staff of ine Jjnaeii oireet nospjtai in uin i don. the only military hospital In the r world manned exclusively by women. , island. Arrest and execution of SirUWYO urwwuuun. u . rno tv at rri win - rnio rrYi toct Roger Casement and other revolu tionists. 1917 Irish Nationalists in House schools to make regular monthly re- of Commons presented a resolution' Pna io mm or tneir per capita saies. calling for the immediate application of the Home Rule law. The govern ment replied that Home Rule would not be forced upon Ulster. 1918 Premier Lloyd George an- These reports he will forward to the National Education Association, the National Headquarters of which are at Washington, D. C. Miss Bradford's letter to Colonel nounced the intention of the govern-'Fries, reads, "I am asking you to keep ment to apply conscription to Ireland .me constantly in touch witn the prog and to grant the immediate applica- eion of the Home Rule law. "When It Pours, It Reigns" Lady Duff-Gordon, who has long conducted a prosperous millinery bus iness in London, and who of late has i been giving a "fashion show" on the 'American vaudeville circuit, is a sl iter of Elinor Glynn, the -celebrated English novelist. ress of the War Savings movement in the various . schools in your com monwealth. I am so greatly interest ed -in this movement, that I am offer ing a bronze commemorative tablet as a prize to the school that saves the largest amount, per capita, of any Bchodl. in the nation. In order to learn what school leads, I must ask you to forward promptly, full details of the progress made by your schools in this fundamental and patriotic work." i 5 A Have you tried the wonderful new drink that everyone is talking about? ? Have you made the acquaintance of I the moat palatable of all beverages 1 and the purest? C 0 Cereal f Beverage is.thc ideal beverage. Appetizingly mellow in taste and wonderfully rich in food-value, it stands without an equal. J Better try it today. For sale everywhere, MINT COLA BOTTLING WORKS, DISTRIBUTORS, Wilmington, North Carolina. ; Phone 281 li;. VSchoenhoren Company " Chicago lr ' w mr wm - Tf. -jm- 2.s -Jbi.. W" TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. Two Weeks'. Institute in Progress at "Kenansville. (Special to The Dispatch.) Warsaw, April 19. Prof. J. Henry Highsmith and Miss Hattie Parrott are conducting a teachers' institute in Kenansville. which will continue for two weeks from the date of start ing April 15. There are 28 teachers in attendance all of whom are show ing much interest in the lectures. Professor M. H. Wooten announces April 26 as the "Big Day" when all the teachers and committeemen of the county are expected to meet in Kenansville. On that day there will also be a great rally in the interest of the sale of liberty bonds and War Savings stamps, when it is expected that a number of prominent speakers will be present. FUNERAL OF MRS. LOFTIN. Highly Esteemed Woman Burled at Warsaw. (Special to The Dispatch.) Warsaw, April 19. Services over the body of the late Mrs. Sarah Lot tin, who died In' Fayetteville Monday, were conducted here at the home of her spn, Mr. Joel M. Loftin, Tuesday afternoon at 4 o clock, and interment was made in the local cemetery, Rev. K. W. Cawthon, 'pastor of the War- i saw Baptist church, assisted by Rev. IR. M. Herrlnsr. of Mount Olive, eon- jjinuctlng the services. The deceased TToo auuu( I m J cai 3 ui agU auu was a woman of most estimable charac ter, the high esteem . In . which she was held bftlnar avidenced both bv tha number or -zhotos rrpm a .distanoe, who attended tie funeral, as well as the number of lovely floral tributes Sbe is immediately" survived by two daughters. Mrs. Lon -Davis, of Seven Springs, and Mrs. 'Nannie Herring, of Burgaw; a son, Mr. Noel M. Loftin; of Warsaw -ff5MrtA ,v v-.. ' M Otxse of Good A GREAT SPEECH. John Sprunt Hill Makes Speech at - FaJson. . CStjecial to' The DisDatch.'J Faison, Ni-d.Apfll WQn hls.Aiu uve heath, this whole-souled man E-aVs his ftMfJ fiends und tha rm inunlty one of the best sneechea of the many good speeches tliat have been made her0 as; to the war. Fai son having "gone over the top" with its 30 men from so small a place, backs those men. with their monev in Investments in Liberty bonds anjd War savings certificates, tne quota as signed having befm subscribed.. Such a speech as ' Mr. Hill1 delivered ahouM be heard by all,: thenthja.tmaa whb- De convinced or nis roily, and bend every energy, material and mental, to win. Duplin county, grand in the Past, will maintain lier renntaHAn nt jnannood in, this hour of trial. Life insurance experts contand that. a woman who is in good health at the age of 45 Is likely to outliv a man of the same age, because she is apt to be more teimterat. ta 11 HTKi-.. I Ji1iTiTTrrVr -CLUE BONNETS" Jl Nca Fahric with New Fcalum. KaBeee . Meeti & Beedi of rfie wenma wba ob beautiful, durtb! AX vms ridaMt wriaUix. rcpek duit as! Unatkrt perfectly . Adaunbiy dn(!i L tt&ar-mmim jf" f caatiutd tkut. dUroif fnnti, petocoti, etc AUS fmjfageoTgmff etc CwutKd dyUA Wie. U'id. V4rwy ft TetieAt doaa't eury "BJu Bonneti" tad tu tkk d -with Baae of ij WiwflMBd t tinplr wi notify kirn f your teqaaK. USHER WHITMAN m CO. lae SSI BroKry. New Yorft Another Lot just received of - dark CORDO TAN OXFORDS They Are Dandies $5.00-$8.00 All Sizes and Widths The hind of a Shoe that looks right feels right because ifs MADE RIGHT iMFnm. The Cadet PETERSON &RULFS Wilmington ' s Largest and Best ShoeStore S&P i6 KHt tt VI 1-3 S-4 fife Riaslh Hours The curve in the right-hand corner of the illustration shows approximately the fluctuations of telephone calls at a central office in the average busy city. The high spots rep resent the rush hours for which additional operators and ade quate equipment must always be ready. To get easier hauls, the railroad engineer lowers grades and straightens curves, cutting through hills and filling valleys. If the telephone traffic curve could be flattened by dis tributing a percentage'of calls over less busy periods, it would effect a material saving and assist us to meet the extraordi nary demands for telephone service. Important business calls cannot be deferred, but there are many calls, social and less urgent, which might be made at other times? without loss to the subscriber. By avoiding these high spots in telephone traffic, gener ally speaking, around ten o'clock in the morning and three o clock m the afternoon, and by making telephone calls of a k9e; urgent nature before or after these'rush hours, the telephone user will be co-operating with us in the patriotic service we are rendering the Government and help us to meet the constantly increasing demands for telephone service. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY