V 'A' . -. T 1 1 - IrVVJU IIVJI l ' ...... . 1 r - : - 1 tt- -: . . . j . - . - " - - - -I irking ASKING CONCERNING sens Additional Buildings Will Be Necessary if Children Are to Be Educated . The Rotary Club is making every effort within its power to get those people to the polls prior to tomorrow afternoon who want to express them- selves on the school bond question vto be voted on early in May. The club is neither favoringnor opposing the bonds, but is seeking to get an oTTirossinn nf t.hft DeoDie on the mat ter. This was thoroughly discuss at last night's meeting of the chio when ' a committee was named to handle the matter. The club is not seeking . to influ ence anyone to register who does not intend to vote and members hope that this policy will not be followed. Even if one opposes the issuance of the bonds club members want them to ' go to the polls and say so by casting a vote and not permit their registra tion to count.' The Rotary 'Club is after an expression of sentiment. It Is 1eing pointed out that the schools are already overcrowded and that additional facilities would be necessary even were the old Union '. ephool in serviceable condition, if the Increased population Wilmir(grton is to receive is to be educated. Super intendent John J. Blair, of the city School system, stated yesterday that Wa office was daily receiving inqul .rtpi from workingmen who expect to! . L A J. A. li i 5 came here, .but who want to know if fit Js going to be possible to put their . children in school. Unless such pro 'r vision Is made it Is going to be im possible, school authorities say, to 'take ope of the increased number of, fttudent& v 'JP ' Baron Rhondda Reelans. I&m, Asvrjl 26 Baron Rhondda, iLeaya it understands, q4 the?offloe of British food Vhlck-ne has held for the He has been absent test for some weeks owing J. John R dynes, parlia- secretary jcor tne rood mm- lea in. charge temporarily. Well Dressed Women Will Wear Oxfords This Season! OXFORD S We aire now showing beautiful new models in these Comfortable Shoes. Shoe . making is certainly making such hansome footwear. EVERY SHOE A PICTURE ? ,vOxfor3s In dull kid, beautiful brown coloring. The Beautiful new toe with the perforated wing tip and with theregular tip in military and your-foot. $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 This house of Good Shoes stands these days as a safe- guard against uncertain shoe values. 128-130 So. Front St. An Illustration of the Best Life Insurance Policy Issued Amonnt $10,000 Double Indemnity If death occur by accident tho policy pays $20,000 instead of $10, 000. Disability Protection. If permanently disabled before age " 65 from any. cause accident, bUn-!-ness. paralysis, tubercuulosis. in sanity, or anything else all further premiums are Tvarvfcd and you re ceive an income of $1,000 a year for life. At (gstb the full $10,000 is paid, regardless of the premiums iM'aived and the income already paid to you. Animal Cash DWidenda This policy pays dividends annu ally after the second year. Had his policy been taken out in 1907 the dividends for 1917 alone would have, been $100.00. The longer it Is carried the cheaper it becomes and the more it is worth. -.- : "' - Loans ? Aftei the second year you can al ways botrow from one-third to two thirds of the amount- you have paid in without Jeopardizing the pqjicy, and you can insure the loan mak 'tag the policy free of debt in : case of death.? ; G. L. DICKINSON, Agt. Telephone 859 BOND SALES HEAVY DESPITE THE Inability of Workers to Equip Float With Pontoons Kept it Indoors Todav's celebration - of "LibertyJ Day" is being featured by heavy bond saw aithoueh committee members i and Liberty Loan workers are conn-j- dent that far more would have been accomplished but for the Inclemency ot-'the weather. Sales, however, nave been strong considering the weather and members of the central commit tee and all other workers are highly gratified with the work accomplished. The merchants of the- city observed a half holiday, closin tholr Honrs at rV v npon. Inability of the committee to equip the Liberty float with pontoons kept that patriotic vehicle indoors during the day, but It will be on the streets tomorrow, the weather permiting, and those who were not given the, oppor tunity of buying bonds today will have this presented to them tomorrow. The float will move about the city, halting at various places for the pur pose of making sales. A booth will be operated at the Academy of Music tonight and all will be given the opportunity of buying bonds. In fact, from now until the campaign is closed the latter part of next week It is going to be either necessary for everyone to buy a bond m t . t 1 A J. or .explain why this purchase Is not made. ADVANCE AGENT HERE. Making Every Effort to Dispos of , .Season Tickets. Mr. V. W. Cubbage, advance man for the Redpath Chautauqua, which opens here shortly, reached the -oity today and is lending efforts toward marketing season tickets. Mr. Cub bage will be here several days. These tickets can be had at the Y. M. C. A. and patrons are requested to drop by the association building and get them, helping In this manner to lower the expense of sending them out. 37 an art when it comes to Cuban heel. And we will Phone 800-J Aea st lasa, 88 Pald-Up Kxteasloas -' After you have carried this policy for three years you can stop paying and the Company will carry your in surance fre for six years and lgj days. After 10 years the comatfny will carry you for 21 years and Sll days, and so on. Amount Obtainable This policy may be obtained In any amount from $1,000. to $25,000, the latter sum being the, Company's limit for this particular policy. Pay ments may be iriade anually, semi annually or quarterly. Policy Becomes Full-Paid At age 55 all payments cease and (10,000 goes to your beirs when yon die, or you can have $6,000 in cash for yourself. The Cempaoy The issuing company is the strong est in the world assets $866,988,841. 57 and It does business at a lower cost than any ether, which accounts for the large ' dividends returned to policyholders. " If you need life insurance you want this contract Exact details for your own age gladly furnish ed on request. Office 101 Prince MM VUWU (SI w. THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH, HOLLAND EMBARGOES RAW WAR MATERIALS ' -Washlneton. April 26. Holland has embargoed the exportation from the Dutch East-Indies , of tin, tin ore, cin chona bark, quinine, quinine Daits, and kapok, all of which are needed In ; large quantities by the United States for war purposes. WILL PASS THE TWO A BILLION MARK TODAY Washington, April 26. Liberty Day ODened with a total of $1,956,776,650 l..KrUnnii jilrAnrlv raised for the ' credi, or with. Jn 543 800,000 of the $2,000,000,000 ark which will be passed before to- nignx. CLARK REFUSES TO GO TO SENATE Washington, April 26. Speaker nia-Ar tnAav rieplfnari ffoverniir Gard- ., . , ner s Drotter or tne Missouri osuaiur- 'ship to fill the vacancy caused by Sen- t'nr Stone's death. CAST BREAD ON WATER? YOU HADN'T OUGHTER. Tn other days, between vm two, U may have been the thing to do to cast bread on the waters. But now the rule Is obsolete for we've a need for all our wheat to feed our sons and daughters. We can't afford to waste a bit by going out and casting it on river, lakeW ocean. We're told thtt we must Hooverize and make our- . selves econ omise with patriots' de votion. The biggest ar m i e s we cu raise will strug gle in a hopelesn maze if we neglect, their feed in ? ; vr can't expect that they can fight unless we run the food game right and give them all they're needing. And In this thing we're not alone, for we must feed, be sides our own. the folks of other nations. We've got to fix it, so our crop will bring this cruel war to stop o make your prep arations. We've got to have enough to spare so we can send an ample share t Europe's starving millions. . Wer got to crush the ruthless ttuns bf feed ing those behind the rune, both soldiers and civilians. This task we'll never put across unless we cut the daily loss that comes from over using. We must cut down the use of wheat and go a trine slow on meat, from our own choice and choosing. To do all this and do it right let's get a lot bf things in sight to help us make the saving. Lot's work and grow the garden stuff to give us solid food enough to sat isfy our craving. Oet out and use your hoe and plow; die up your lot and do it now;' use all your brawn and muscle. Oet out and make an early start, for that's the way to do your part So just get out and hustle. Write the National Wax Garden Com mission, Washington, D. C, for its complete manual on home gardening. It's free for 2-oent stamp for postage. Now that he is back In the Ameri an league as coach of the Cleveland Indians. Kilkenny (one-time Qer- riany) Schaefer's stuff should go over 1 ig. S-everaf years have passed since he, used it on the Johnson circuit The Flower Beautiful 12 1-2c'Each. $1.25 Dozen. One Given complimentary with each I cash purchase of one dollar ytm , April 27th. 6 Peonies with each cash purchase of $5.00. Wilmington Grocery. Company Office Phone 12 - 127 Market St. Phones 13 and 14 Peonies Saturday FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 26, 1918. I SHE 'LOOKJtV RCONCX! ) BUSINESS SPECIALS MESSENGER SERVICE For this service we use the Pos tal Tela"Ph Cable Company's msssengera. They will cl! for your "ads," In the same manner and quick time as they now cover the city for telegrams, night letter grams, cables, etc For further information as to "ads," c 178,-but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." LOST SMALL BLACK PURSE CON- taining two ten-dollar bills and two two and one-half gold pieces. Find er please return to 2006 Pender Ave. or call telephone 1417-W and get re ward. -26-lt FOR RENT UPPER akak i ivi crt 1 Modern and attractive. 000a local ity Southern exposure. For particu lars telephone 693-W. 4-26-2t 11 KENNY' CHEON TEA The Best Tea on Earth Kenny's High Grade Cof fee 25c lb. Baking Powder. RICE At Cut Price. 0 Buy W. S. S: C. D.Kenny Co Phone 67916 Sc. Front "SANS-SOUd" v SAUSAGE Pure Pork Sausage Fresh Sausage Smoked Sausage Frankforts 5ologna Head Cheese Liver Sausage New England Ham Made without cereals Sanitary, clears delicious Take no substitutes For sale at all first-class grocers and markets. CAROLINA PACKING COMPANY S3 LINOTYPE OPERATOR WANTED at once. Address. Foreman Dis patch offl.ee, Wilmington, N. C. 4-25-tf WANTED COMPETENT LADY Stenographer. .State experience and salary expected. "G." Car Dispatch. 4-25-Sti WE ARE OFFERING STEADY EM- ployment to men between the ages of 18 and 45 for Government work and regular commercial lines. Our factory operates six days par week, on three eight-hour shifts. Whie learning operations we pay you 35c per hour, plus 10 per cent on ail wages for steady attendance, com puted in weekly periods. After learning the work, which takes from one to six weeks, you are able to earn from $3 to 6 per day, and better. We have a Housing Depart ment, which will assist our appli cants in securing houses and rooms at the lowest ratss. We also need a large number of girls, ages 21 to 35, for steady, profitable factory employment. Physical examination required. Apply in person, or com municate with Factory Employment Office, The Goodyear Tire and Rub ber Company, Akron, Ohio. 4-22-14U REAL ESTATE, IF YOU WANT TO Rent, Buy, or Sell a house, it will pay you to see me, our facilities are ample to five you good service. H. . F. Wilder, 207 Princess St. 4-21-7ti WANTED COOK AND WAITER AT Atlantic Cafe, opposite Union De pot. 4-25 tf. WANTED AT ONCE COLORED Woman to wait on invalid lady. Apply to Mrs. M. E.Lee, Rocky Pint, N. C. 4-24-ltiJ INVESTMENT OPPORTUN ITY WE will sell a limited amount of our capital stock for the purpose of se curing additional equipment to .take care of our increased business. Our products are staple and in urgent aemana at prom-aoie prices on a cash basis. The stock will quickly increase in value and the dividends are large. Address r, j. Box 87, Wilmington, N. C. 4-26-3t FOR RENT A NEAT, FIVE-ROOM cottage with electricity, gas and por celain plumbing and with deep lot No. Ill South Fifteenth street, onlj ' one and a half blocks from Market street. Price $15 per month; also two-story 6-room residence, No. 617 South Second street, price $15, W M Cumming, owner, or J. D. Mc Carley, agent, 208 Princess street Phone 806. 4-2R-2t WANTED TO BUY A YOUNG'S Analytical Concordance. Second hand will do if in good condition W. M. Cumming. Phone 953-J. 4-2S-2t BE IT REMEMBERED, THAT WHEN opportunity offers, you must have some cash to accpt It. Therefore the New Series of the Cooperative Building and Loan Association, now open at Wright's office, will give you the easiest, surest way ever in vented to get ahead, to save money, series now open. Call in for Shares. 4-26-lt Speaking of his pitching corps. Man ager Robinson of the Dodgers says tnat unmes will be able to hold the National league batsmen safe all the. way. Well, National league batsmen are generally, safe all the way when facing Dodger twlrlera. , iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiniiiiiiiimiuuHiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyi 1 J. B. McCABE and CO. f i Certified Public - Accoun- 1 s tants. s Room 906 Nurchlson, Bank Bldo. ?h.one 996. WIDM1NGTON, N. ( WANTED OLD FALSE TEETH Don't matter if broken. I pay $2.00 to $15.00 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check by return mail. L. Mazer, 2007 SL Fifth Street, Philadelphia Pa. 4-21-30tij SALESMAN WANTED WE ARE looking for a high grid- producing salesman capable of handling our famous line of art ad ertising, clendars, and mailing ser vice for . business houses in Wil mington, and Eastern North Caro lina. A permanent exclusive com mission contract awaits the man who can Qualify. The Thos. D. Mur phy Co., Red Oak, Iowa. 4-24-7ti FOR SALE MIXED FIELD OR COW Peas suitable for planting, $3.50 per bushel. Velvet Beans $2.50 per bushel. Samuel Bear Sr., & Sons, 311 North Front St. 4-20-tf FOR THE SOLDIERS IF YOU HAVE Graphophone Records that you would care to give for the use of the soldiers leave them at the Wil mington Talking Machine Co., and they will be forwarded through tho Red Cross to the men in camp. 4-18-tf MEMBERS OF I. O. O. F. AND RE- bekahs are urged to attend anni versary celebration tonight at 8:30, Odd Fellows' Hall, April 26th. J. F. Littleton, Chairman. 4-26-lt WANTED A RELIABLE COOK. Apply 315 South Third. 4-26-ltj WANTED YOUR ROOF REPAIRS and painting. Labor and material is advancing daily. Do it now and we can save you money. Discount for cash. Phone 431. Estimates free. Young & Gorman. 4-26-3t WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of issue when bo requested. Phone your order to 745, Gordon's News Stand. 10-7-tf. s FOR SALE ONE 20-??. P., I H C. Engine. One 70 saw Continental gin with' all equipment furnished. Been used only two seasons. Well taken care of under shed. Anyone looking fOr bargain apply W. H. Malpass, Rocky Point. N. C. 4-3-tf WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Will thank you o phone us your or dlis for p'ancy and Staple Groceries. Phone 922. W. V. Hening & Co. 8th and Dock. 4-2-80tl FANS, FANS, FANS, FANS WE eell em. Clean 'em and repair 'em Call 895. City Electric Co., Every uung Electrical, 206 Princess St. 4-3-lm APRIL SIXTH IS THB DATE THAT the Hanover Building and Loan Aj- sociauon will open its 27th Series. fetooK may be secured now. 25c per week per share, you Day in $52.50 and get 1100 at maturity in about 330 weeks. There is no bet ter way to save money, or buy s home, we are always willinsr to" as sit you. Your money is available at all times. J. W. Yates, President, V Wilder, secretary, and Treas urer. - 3-10-tf WHEN YOUR BOY QOE& INTO THE Trenches see that he takes with him your portrait. He will treasure it above all the gold on earth, Foltz and Kendrix. 12-13-tt TRUNK8 AND LEATHER GOODS OF all descriptions. You will find At Chas. Finkelstein's place. Guaran tee you to save money. 6 So. Front St Phone 642. 4-19-tf Lr 1 "5 )'. KB OF T A fft TTS XTHE JNVISIBLE.BIFOCAU Afford a comrort whicn Is appreciate h-5T thrtSA Who WnTlt TleOT. ny f . . m one pair or gjasses. They keep your eyes young a i00k as well as in usefulness. No line, seam or miny to blur vision. CYES TESTED ?HEB Dr. "Vineberp Masonic Temple n.jili tMia Notice WE OFFER .5 Savings Certi-f ficates, for U.' S. Goveniitiwui Be hind Each Certificate W. B. & Cooper Co. Wilmington, ft. C For Saie 600 Bags Coffee 600 Barrels Flour 800 Bags Rice 200 Baggs Economy Scratch feed 400 Bags Diamond Hog Mei 100 Bags Burt Oats 600 Bags Arab Hors tf&ed 600 Bags King Corn 100 Bags Airat Patys chick Fee4 800 Bags Jtrno Pasture Feed 100 Bags Cotton Seed Hulls 70 Bags Rye and all other goodi in our lin. D. L. GORE COMPANY COWPEAS SOY BEANS and GARDEN SEEDS John S. Son 21 1 Market Street JHIHIIIIIIIHMIIIIIllIIlHIIiniinillllllHIIil''111''' I Let us have your orders for and BUILDERS SUPPLIES BUY Your through the Womnsj Liberty Loan Commit Alb THORPE 1COAL Liberty BonS Xi 7. V

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