- fTHE WILMINGTON DISPATCH, : FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 26,, 191 8sfi5Z Whenever You. Need- a General nrrainnnnnS-'RAlir llflinvnnill-n Ml " ' . . ,ir- : nrn irt-rt ir- .ni inh imir n if f NOT BE SAV ED BY A GAS nt of That City Learns That There Is Moire Than One Kiri oi Deadly Gas and That There is One Variety A Gas hsk Cannot Stop. n '" if??. " I seldom x obtained a good night'a sleep and was highly nervous at all times. I noticed an advertisement of Peplac and am very glad that I de cided to give it a trial, for it has made a .hew man of me or, rather it has made me feel like a boy again ousand cubic feet of Now I can eat anything that I like of pas in warfare by Ger now wrinkle, but gas as a --vclucing death has been 0. ycrs. Some people, :' ir.k that the world is not -horn sight, attach theru- ,-. one rail oi a piece oi uusm j:;-,) their system. Others : . Ives to become individ iting plants and produce . r iv own bodies which ?s , e'Tnct, if not corrected. N. "p;:, G'l2 West Lee ' streec, I v'o. knows .what it means to V- ;u sas generator and this is )e describes it without distress or the formation of gas. I also sleep well at night and the old feeling of nervousness has left me. I am very sorry that I did not learn of Peplac long ago, and advise anyone who is in the condition that I was to give it a trial." The formation of gas in the stom ach is the result of decomposition, en a victim of indigestion ; which naturally results when food is four or 'five years, which to be heavily u!r4d"wiUi gas nearly all of the 1 H'S lUllUIliVii iiv4uvmij " ;;r !0 belch so Joud that it great-:'-,p( me. All the food that -, p,i to turn to gas. I could terprising druggists in Wilmington S ea- r at and eggs made me sick.jand vicinity-Adv. not properly digested. Peplac is a dependable remedy for disorders of the stomach and puts if In ' condition to perform its functions Peplac is sold in Wilmington at R R. Bellamy's drug store and by all en- 0 Traces of Scrofula Cleansed from the Blood Tnrities Promptly Wiped Out. ia onv trace of Scrofula, or purities in your blood, you 'TZ rwthVW is ca cp?!eat ; B(ffl..vU has been rl!.Mv cleansed and purified of ii traces of impure matter. ellc l L the Wonderful old purely yeleloolrmed Has no equa for removing the last trace of Scrof- ula and other Diooa wmw, auu u is no case that it does not promptly reach. S. S. S. will thoroughly cleanse and remove every disease germ xnM infest3 the blood and give you new- life and vigor. It is sold by all drug gists and you should get a bottle and begin its use to-day. Write a com plete history of your case, and you can obtain expert medical advice free by addressing Medical Director, 30 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. BASEBALL, FOR TODAY. American League. Chicago at St. Louis, cloudy. Boston at Philadelphia, clear. Cleveland at Detroit, clear. Washington at New York, clear. National League. St. Louis at Chicago, rain. Philadelphia at Boston, clear. New York at Brooklyn, clear. Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, clear. Southern League. Mobile at Atlanta, cloudy. New Orleans at Birmingham, cloudy. Chattanooga at Little Rock, clear. Nashville at Memphis, clear. WHY WAIT? . Sooner or later you'll come to us, if you want first class printing. Why wait? It will profit you more to come now. Wilmington Printing Company "Masters in the Delectable Art of Printing." Phone 886 Sacts et The Great War1 I 1M You Should Know ; PRESENTED AT THE "Thee is heckerboard of Europe" By tha distinguished British Knight, Sir John Foster Fraser, F. R. G. S. Sir John is England's most famous official newspaper correspondent and has been with the Allied armies in France, with the British Fleet, and has seen Russia un" der War conditions. ! usiness and the War" Bv Frank Mulholland, past president of Toledo Commerce Club and International Association of Rotary Clubs of the World. He has just re turned from the Western front. ehinsthe Home to Victory" By Mrs. Christine Frederick, the well known writer and founder of the "Applecroft" experi ment station. Her talk is on winning the war in the kitchen. periences on the Battle Fronts" By Sergeant Herman who was three years in the great war and lost his leg at Vimy Ridge.. Exhibit of the Famous Raemakers War Cartoons. Remarkable Display of War Posters of the Allies. 1 1 OTHER BIG ATTRACTIONS 1 1 Zf3 Hi The 100 Per Cent Program WEEKHEREy TO 11 II MAY , . .tMAY Wilmington, N. G. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Results Yesterday. Philadelphia 1, Boston 6. New York 5, .Washington 7. Detroit 4, Cleveland 8. St. Louis-Chicago, rain. Standing of the Clubs. Won. Lost. Pet Boston .8 2 Cleveland . 5 2 Detroit 2 2 New York. . .' 4 6 Philadelphia 3 Washington . . . . ... 3 5 Chicago. . j 1 2 St. Louis 2 4 NATIONAL LEAGUE. Results Yesterday. Brooklyn 5, New York 6. Pittsburgh 1, Cincinnati 0. Chicago 3, St. Louis 2. Boston 6, Philadelphia 5. Standing of the Clubs. MARGUERITE CLARK IN SUB-DEB. Strangling, gasping and dripping from every fold of her expensive and once-beautiful ball gown, dainty Mar guerite Clark emerged from a bathtub of very cold water the other day to astonish 'the director with the remark that that scene - had ; been, the most enjoyable of the entire picture.; 1 was during .the hot , wave which swept New York recently while the little star was filming "Bab's Diary." a Par amount picture, whichis to be4bown at the Grand theatre today and tomor row . Marguerite Clark hurried her "Sub Deb" scenes in "Bab's Diary," which is the first- of several Mary Roberts Rinehart stories Miss Clark will make for Paramount photoplays and which wiH be shown today and tomor row at the Grand, so as to arrive at one bit of business which she partie ularly fancied during the heat wave which was' sweeping the country at that time. In hiding from her pursuers, Bab, oftO luuy cioineu, iuw ichiro m a. uaiu 71 a. tub full of very cold water. J. Koa Searle Dawley, director for Margue- jvvliitn- Clark, remarked" that the enthu- '375 siasm with which the star -performed 375 this "stunt" was truly remarkable as, vi in doing it, she ruined one of the most aitractive s"" ui- uei eipea- Odd I . . ml x i slve wararoDe. iu -star, noweyer, declared it wr worth it. MUSK' ..- LiSKar.ai!Ss WFRF IT NOT FOR M&NTHNF IILIIL II MUI I Ull IIIIIIIIUIIU Lady, Well Known In The Carolinas, Suffered Terribly For 1 6 MonthsLost 70 Pounds 'Tis Different Story Now If anv neraon haa rftaaon to believe . terert from headaches. My blood in Mantone 'that person is Mrs. Eliza- pressure was high. There was numb- beth Riggsbee. Her experience 'with ness of the hands and arms. My Mantone is little short of wonderful back ached. I was nauseated, my Take . the Old Standard GROVE'S - :' TASTELESS chill TONIC. It coa- -tains the well-known tonic properties - ' of QUININE and IRON and is very) valuable .as a general strengthenings ' tonic. It purifies and enriches he -blood and you can soon feel its Strengthening, Invigorating effect. 60c. New York . Philadelphia Cincinnati . Chicago . . Pittsburgh . St. Louis . Boston . . 6 4 4 3 2 2 2 3 -3 3 4 6 ACME COMPANY LOSES. "THE LIGHT WITHIN." "The Light Within," to.be screened shortly at the Grand theatre is Mme. Petrova's second picture made by her own producing company. It is a do- Won. Lost. Pet. mestic drama 'done in a scientific, o a 1 mn memcai aimospueic. .mine, retrova O V J..VVVI . . . Ji . , . 750 taKes tne pan ut . uuciui uausni-Br ct- who renounces a marriage for love K71 in favor of one for money In order KAQltnat sne may uuiuyieie . bicpuuhc 333 discovery her recently deceased fath- Kft er Iiau lUSl itmcu m uxuxu iu iiur 4DJ I . . . il.. : j: tion. A SOn IS uuni ui uio uuiuu, uie and in his passing so embitters the wealthy husband that he turns against Supreme Court , Decides Againtt tne he seeks to Defendant Company. compromise them. Failing in this he The Supreme Court has ruled pi0t8 the young man's death with dis- against the Acme Manufacturing Com a6trous results to himself, pany, of this city, in the case of An- Thomas Holding plays opposite Mme. drew Krachanake, who brought suit petrova. Lumsden Hare is the in an effort to collect damages for in- wealthy "husband. The cast includes juries received by a minor son when clarence Heritage, Evelyn Dumo and dynamite caps, being carried off the a new child star Freddie Verdi. DroDertv. exploded. The Superior Court jury gave the plaintiff $7,000 a Child 2 or 3 Years Old damages and the defendant company requires something stronger than the appealed. It was contended that the sweet liquid laxative now on the mar plaintiff wag an enemy alien and fcet which are prepared especially for therefore coul not maintain an action, infants. A number of opinions are cited and LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN fills this the court says: long-felt want. It acts on the liver and "The statement is oten made by regulates the bowels without griping the law writers that an alien enemy 0r disturbing the stomach. A Liquid cannot sue upon the ground that to Digestive Laxative, pleasant to take, permit a recovery would strengthen jqc per bottle. Good for the child, and add to the resources or the hostile KOOd for the Mother, . good for the government and correspondingly Household weaken the government, but when reference is made to the facts, it is found that the principle Is predicat ed upon residence in the country at I war with ours and that It has no ap plication to an alien enemy resident here who may be interned, held a I prisoner of war, without the right to I apply for writ of habeas corpus and whose property may be taken into custody by the government. ''It appears therefore that undr the common law and in accordance with the spirit and declared purpose of the president in his proclamation and by congressional interpretation the father against whom nothing is urged" except that he was born in Hungary, if he were the real plain tiff, would be entitled to maintain the action. The father, however, is not a nartv In the sense. He Is an official appointed by the court to protect the nterest of his son, who la the real plaintiff and the son is ten years of age and was born in. Canada, a prov ince of Great Britain which we ure in alliance and while most of .118 European countries have adopted th.3 rule that nationality follows paren tage, the United States ana ur -at Britain follow the older territo. -1 rule, according to which nationality s primarily determined by place of birth." and her story brings hope to the num berless people, especially women, who are . discouraged, having tried medicine after medicine without re ceiving any benefit fronF their long, drawn-out sufferings. Mrs. Riggsbee, is well known in the Carolinas, hiving lived in both States. For years she has been Identified with the work of the Methodist church and the Daughters of the Confeder acy, being a member of the Winnie Davis Chapter. She now lives in By num, N. C. Her husband, the late S. M. Riggsbee, as a member of the Wm. G. Hill Lodge, was active in Masonic circles. Her story follows: "Were it not for M'antone I feel that I could not have lived much longer. For 16 months I suffered ter ribly. My blood was poisoned with impurities. I had a complication of liver, kidney and nerve trouble, also a severe case of Intestinal, indigestion. My sleep was broken and did not rest me. My weight fell off from 212 to 142 pounds in a few weeks. I suf- tongue was coated and spells of diz-U ziness attacked me frequently. .1 was in this distressing condition when I learned how Mantone helped an old friend. "I took the full treatment of Man tone. The headaches left me, my di gestion has improved, numbness has disappeared, my nerves are stronger. I do not suffer from backache and dizziness has gone and I sleep well. "Mantone, I am thankful to say, has done all of this -for me and, while I have never befete given praise to any medicine, I feel it my duty to make known my -story for the bene fit of other sufferers." The proof of Mantone is in the tak ing of it. It is all medicine and free from alcohol. It does the work; that's why it is sold on this guarantee no benefit, no cost. You can't get stung on Mantone. Mantone "Makes You Feel Good All Over." Men marvel at Mantone, women wonder why. At all drug stores. (Adv.) TOMORROW '"l ' it " 1 Paramount Presents Marguerite Clark In Mary Robert Rlnehart'e Fa- mous Sub-Deb Story , "Bab's Diary" The Most Enjoyable Marguerite Clark Pierre Yet. IROYAL NEW BILL TODAY. ROY V. TROY LEADING ATHLETES-rEarl Thompton of Dartmouth College, hurdle t champion. AND HIS ALL GIRL JAZ SHOW A Military Malange of Music, Melody ana Mirth, Featuring Miss Beb. Barbeau AND Ray V. Troy - JAZZ BAND CONCERT In Front of Theatre, Twice Daily, 2:45 and 7115 p. m. WON'T ADOPT PLAN NOW. One Delivery a Day Plan Discussed by the Retailers. The one delivery a day plan was not adopted by the retail merchants of the city last night, although it was thoroughly discussed at their meet ing at the Chamber of Commerce and may be instituted later. The mer chants are agreed that postponement of inauguration at no radical a change would be best for the time being be cause of the unusual conditions ex isting, although' many believe that It will eventually be, necessary. The meeting was well attended and was presided over by Mr. A. M. Hall, of the , Wilmington Grocery Company. The movement has been instituted in many cities of the State and has worked successfully and there has been much agitation of it here, the principal advantage being the releaee of man power for other necessary work and it has been hinted that, re duction of the merchants' expense would result in the lowering of the cost of living. Patrons of stores, however, are to be urged to co-oper ate with stores In dlmniishing thej number of deliveries made. , When yotJ sell privately, how 3o you know what price to put on your property, ox tfiat someone would not have given more money? If your price is coo high it won't sell, if you put it too low, you lose the profit the other fellow to whom you sell it, makes. Is there a remedy? Yes, j PHILLIPS IS BACK. Agent of Department of Justice Re turns From Charlotte Meeting. Mr. Dorsey Phillips, special agent of the Department of Justice, has re-1 turned from Washington where he went on official business and during which time ae also visited Charlotte where he attended a meeting at which time methods for dealing with vice were discussed. He was able to gath er much valuable 'nrst-hand informa tion which will be of material assist 0 We are entering our 1 0th year in the business, have sold property of every description in 22 States, and have, we think, the best organization in the "business; have the exclusive services of Col. W. H. Matthews, the highest paid and by far the best real estate auctioneer in the country. We are first, last and all the time, a Wilmington Company; members of the Chamber of Commerce, and back of all local enterprises for the upbuilding andjfure offtlje city. Our home is here, we expect to remain here and are thoroughly aquip ped to take care of the auction business. -' We Have Sold Property for the Following Local People: Hugh MacRae & Co. James & James, Tidewater Power Company, , W. N. Royall, Estate, American Bank & Trust Co., D. N. Chadwick, Jr., D. R. Foster & Co., W. A. Dick, Trustee, and others. If you have suburban property you wish developed and sold, business property, or anykind of property, you wish to turn quickly, see us. - United Realty Oumpsiy O. T. WALLACE, General Manager Home Bank Building Telephone 1045. ance to him in the future in dealing with local situations, s t i. ,

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