- ' " t . ' w . ; .1;, '..-v.', ;. ' - . . ; .' thf. wtLMINGTON DISPATCH, ..FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRR. 26, 1 9t8.A rrir- ; ; , y; ' PAGE SIX piuiiffiiuuuniiipiuiiiiuunujiiRp Latest Fashion Hint i END SPECIALS : ' . ' ' ' 1 " ' I ' " . . j." ' . '.. ' : - '''III Week - V ., LIBERTY BOND ; X Liberty Bond, a Liberty Bond sdme on with the cash for the khaki's : ,f y been donned.. ! : f 33y a million of lads who are men to tH"' the bone, 4&nd every man's son of them needing i t I your loan. lr. A. Liberty Bond, a Liberty Bond; ;?The magic of money democracy's i. : wand f For conjuring power to battle the :iiv . foe. ;For nowhere's a spot that a dollar Iff won't go. tt Liberty Bond, a Liberty Bond, JiflTo carry America over the pond rhrough the forests of France and fit on to the Rhine, lThen over and on to the last battle H line. iM : iU. Liberty Bond, a Liberty Bond, .3?6r hope of the present and hope If 5 that's beyond im the blackness and doubt of a sor-,s- row-torn world, TiJWhen emblems of hatred are furled. ; ; . Little McCIung. 45- f ' ' Mrs. C. H. Fore is spending a pe- J. H. Loftin ; : Mrs. George C. Yoder, of Hickory, 5fe spending a -perio"d in the city with ff friends and relatives. i f Mrs. A. B. Croom has gone to Ra il deigh, where she will spend a period I - with Miss Jane Dinwiddie, on Hills ; boro street. v The usual Friday and Saturday iught dances of the Cantwell dancing jSchool will be held in the Hibernia IfHall at 8:45 o'clock. 5 5 f tj; Friends of Miss Bertie Mae Weav er. 409 Red Cross street, will resrret ; to know that she is seriously ill at her home with pneumonia, i :; .... ll Mrs. Meares Harriss and children n "are in Raleigh for a stay with Mrs. ' Harriss' parents, Colonel and Mrs. ..Charles E. Johnson, Hillsboro street. -. Captain Thomas J. Gause, of 115th ?;lMachine Gun Battalion, who, with .""JJMrs. fJansp has Hpoti in tho iitv oinna ? -Monday, returned to Camp Sevier to-J aay. '' 4f t i i . j iue nea vross worsrooms m tne J tonight because of the Captain Vick- era lecture. The rooms will also be i closed tomorrow night. - - j Captain George W. and Mrs. Gil irjlette and children arrived in the city 5 yesterday to visit friends. Mrs. Gil flette and children leave this after i noon for Jacksonville, N. C, to spend la period with, the parents and erand- iparenta. CATARRH VANISHES v Miss Margaret Thomas . returned yesterday evening from Rocky Mount where she visited friends and rela tives. .( 4f The Junior Auxiliary of St. James church will give a lawn party on the church lawn tomorrow evening from 8 until 10 o'clock. Ice cream, cake and candy will be offered for sale. A distinct feature will be a short enter tainment by the Juniors. The public is invited to attend. 4f 4f North Carolina women had collect ed 20.024 books to be given the sol diers up to April 24, according to re port made by Miss Mary Faison De Vane, of Goldsboro, State director of the campaign to secure reading matters for the men in camp. Wil mington has given 1,500 '", volumes. Asheville heads the list of individual cities contributing. The moonlight joy ride to have been given tonight by the ladies of Immanuel Presbyterian church has been postponed until Monday night because of the inclemency of tho weather and plans formulated for to night will be carried out in detail Monday evening, the weather permit ting. RECEPTION AT BLADENBORO. Bladenboro, N. C, April 26.-rOne of the most elaborate social events of the seasoii was trie reception given Tuesday evening from 9 to 11:30 by Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bridger, Sr., in honor of their son and his bride, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bridger. Mr. and Mrs. Bridger had arranged an evening for their guests long to be remembered for its beautiful formality and also its charming warmth and happy inter mingling of friends. The house, beautifully decorated in pink and white roses with candles in silver candelabra here and there, made a gorgeous spectacle. Ths guests, numbering perhaps a nun dred, were welcomed on the spacious porch by Messrs. Charles O. Bridger, C. C. Dunn and Lieut. L. C. Bridger. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bridger at the door of the library, met and present ed the guests to the honore.es. Mrs. J. L. Bridger. was lovely in a gown of blue charmeuse, with trimmings of silver lace and pearls. Mrs. II. C. Bridger, Sr., was becomingly gowned in grey georgette, trimmed in silver lace. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Bridg--er, assisted by Mrs. C. C. Dunn, con ducted the guests to the punch bowl in a cozy nook of the library where Miss Pettye Bridger and Miss Vera Singletary presided. Receiving in the parlor were Mesdames N. B. Powell and Mrs. N. M. Singletary. Beauti ful piano music together vith Vic trola selections throughout the even ing added much to the happiness of the occasion. Mesdames B. M.. Ed wards, N. M. Singletary and Miss Jet tye Bridgers served delicious refresh ments, consisting of pink and white block ice cream, cakes and pink and white mints. Among the out-of-town guests were Hon. and Mrs. O. L. Clark, of Clarkton, N. C; B. M. Ed- d wards, of Bennettsville, S. C; Mrs. N. m. omgieiary, ana miss ).auib single tary, of Clarkton, N. C, Wlf ill MILITARY CAPE COAT OF T AN -Zibadine with sleeves straps from shoulders. Belt held bytwo pear buttons. Copyright, fJndenvood & Underwood. formed by PITY MARGUERITE! ft BAR HER FROM IS : rl THEY SCHOOL! Here Is OneTreatment That All Sut-, - fererCan Rely' Upon. v If you r antUo drive catarrh and all ..Its disgusting' symptoms from your system in the shortest possible time, jgo to your druggist and ask for a Hy- r.Vimpl outfit? tndav. i Breathe Hyomeftand it will Tid you "of catarrh; it gives such quick relief . r that all who use it for the first time ;fcre astonished. . Hyomei is, a pure pleasant antisep tic, which is breather into the lungs! over the inflamed membrane; it kills the catarrh germs, soothes the sore epots, and' heals all inflammation, j i Don't suffer ' another day with ca tarrh; the disease is dangerous and eften ends in consumption. Start he" Hyomei treatment today. No stohn ach dosing, no sprays or douchej;' . Hust breathe it that's all. Ask R. Hj feellamy. AdT. Now that he is back in the Ameri J an league as coach of the Cleveland Indians, Kilkenny (one-time Ger many) Schaefer's stuff; should go over big. Several years have passed since he used it on the Johnson circuit. Makes the Complexion Beautiful QOFTAND VELVETY Money back if not entirely pleased. NaJlniUpttrtandharmleia. Adhft until tea$hed off. Prevents irtrtbum end return of diaeoXoraHon. A million dmUthtti un prov ft value. Popular tinUi fltth. Pink, BraneiteWhlte. StCdi&s Toilet Comttn r Ka9 Nativul TSet Cmhq. Pari. Ten.. U.S. A. DEPARTMENT OP HEALTH TH CITY Or MEW VOKK ifT "s 3..- 13! 8 -K..clart On JtST- 3... - 1- sy TtBt r 1 - ri ; -u reported u tht Dtputiecat l HtItk at having Mumpi. ' a.T tae " n,J 7 oMttr ckildrta uatil all awallinr ku N. vuil wi!I U ra hy p.r.rtmrel Dwter or Nur ..nlnt Tm ask it. TS Chilafon auffrrirz frair. ih ;h !.,. ,.f .. . . t ' , - - l.v .m,MEHI 1 rnvrni " X? . erzf. c.. a v Jn hrr r.l;.) iivi'r, extondin.g over a f r.'od f y. nrs in Paramount pictures, Mr.r-i:r.ri!c flarS: l.r n.i-.:;-p:vlcc5 marry cIM roll's, but s:ifc recently plcycd ouo in ri'ft.I lite which nc-rlier plr-asant tior proiltal'lo. f-J.r. v,:is rtriclrcn with ri'i:ri-.s, :iv.a i? 13..Ur.. of Her. 1th, not rc::l.'zh)t: Lr.i she was tha 2re.1t star in I'unm-f.urifc pictures, issued thtnr vd'n-t ref:si:s: hrr admission to school for .1 period of tin:o. 3Ii.g Clark re covered her healih in time to do a ppi ;ion of Iior Liberty Lnan tour for the jrnvtrrnniont and raised many millions of do! Jars in subscriptions for the third mi .... Mkw These are values that are typical of . Belk Stores, and that come to us through our tremendous buying power. No other store or chain of stores in the South can offer such Values as these. I $5.00 Plaid Skirts at $3.98 V Made from heavy weight plaid silk serge in up-to-date model with two pockets. Belted or sheered top. All sizes from 26 to 30 waist. Spe cial at $3.98. I $1.50 Middij Blouses at $1.19 Made from good quality medium weight white drill in plain white only, sizes 8 to 20 years, full cut and well made. Special for week end at$1.19. 1 35c Wants' Vests at 25c The "M" quality, made with the flat back seam that is comforta ble for baby, with or without sleeves. Sizes 3 months to 5 years, at 25c 25c Bleacked Domestic at 17c 36 inch soft finished bleached domestic a quality that would cost us about 22 1-2 cents to buy on today's market. We ve only one case left, the entire lot is offered for Friday and Saturday's selling at 17c I 35c Nurses' Clotk at 27c The popular fabric is not only good for nurses uniforms but is fine for children's dresses, ladies' tailored waists and skirts. Is plain white, linen finish and 36 inches wide.Friday and Saturday 27c I Misses 25c Hose at 19 Fine ribbed black hose of medium weight and good quality, all sizes from 6 to JO; 25c value for Friday and Saturday 19c 1 Meu-'s $1.25 Dimity Union Suits at 98c Made from fine check good quality white dimity well made, full cut, all sizes $1.25 value, Friday and Saturday's price 98c I F or -Bonds Belk-' Williams Co. Duu-oonas j iiiiiniwiiiiiiiinm For Buu Safety Bonds a WILMINGTON'S OPPORTUNITY. Combine Colleges and Ask Cities to Bid for New Location. Decision of- the Presbyterians of the State to combine Peace Institute, Raleigh and Queens College, Char- otte give3 this city the opportunity of bringing the institution here, sev eral of the princiDal cities of the State, including Wilmington, having been asked to bid on the proposition. This information was contained ni a letter received by the Chamber of Commerce from Rev. J. H. Hender- lite, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, of Gastonia, chairman of the synodioal committee. Messrs. Jesse F. Roache, J. B. Rice and E. T. Taylor have been nam ed by the chamber as a committee to take the matter up locally and pre: sent it to the people of the city. This announcement ' will be of para mount interest to all in this section of the ,State and it is believed that the city has claims that will merit eerlous consideration. Both institu tions are known not only throughout the State, but in other sections of the country and the city that secures the combined college can feel Justly proud of its achievement. MRS. HANNAH F. CLOWE. Funeral Services Will Be Held front Residence TbA Afternoon. J News of the death of Mrs. Hannah F. Clowe, an aged and highly respect ed woman, wMeh Occulted yesterday afternoon at 3 oclock at her home, 310 North Seventh street, will be learned with sorrow by her many friends. Death was due to the natu ral infirmities of advanced age. The deceased it BHrvived by a daughter and son, Mrs. C. E. McCulloch and Mr. Charles Clowe. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 5 o'clock from the home and interment will ba in Oakdale cemetery. Speaking of his pitching corps, Man ager Robinson of the Dodgers says that Grimes will be able to hoH the National league batsmen safe all the way. 'Well, National league batsmen are generally safe all the way when facing Dodger twirlers FY BAY! MME.UNA CAVAUERl ; WELL AND STRONG- WAS A WRECK This Store is Closed This Afternoon. llllllllllillllllllfllll SATURDAY We will Show New White Goods New Silk Hosiery New"S weaters 1 11 pl A. D. Brown Company Buy More Liberty fonds. 5 I sMitiivtiiiiiiiiiinMi"f""''","'i,n"'",,'""!"uululu gnnnmmnnnff 'Tis a Verj" Interesting Story Louisiana Lady Tells About What Cardui Did Fof Her Ir Mme. Lfna Cavallerl, Star in Para mount Pictures. ."Gismomla," the story of the sensa tional fight for democracy made in the fifteenth century, will be the next Paramount picture in which Mme. Lina Cavalieri will be starred. There will be more than 12,000 people used in this gigantic production, which will have many interesting points in it similar to the great war for democracy Which is nowx being waged. Echo, La. "For sixteen years, until a year ago," writes Mrs. J. O. Guer mger, of this place, "I suffered and suffered from all kinds of pain, until I got so run-down and weak I couldn't i walk across the room I was a phys ical wreck. . .1 kept getting worse and worse and was confined to my bed for three months. j. Then some friends of mine advised I me to try Cardui. After using three bottles ... I was much improved . . .In a month I was able to get up... and do a little work, ,and soon after was built-up, well and strong. I used 13 bottles of Cardui all to gether. Have been well and strong esrer since. I am giving Cardui now fo my daughter. It did me so much good. I want her to try it. I am glad to be able to make this statement so other sufferers may be benefited. I can never be thankful enough fof what Cardui did for me." Many thousands of women have had similar experiences with Cardui, .the woman's tonic. Try it, if you suffer pain, feel run down and .weak. . . - - ;, Cardui, taken1 In time, when you feel the first symptoms of trouble, may save you a Jong spell of sick ness. ' "" " " or Friday and Saturday We are displaying an exceptional line of Wash Dozens of various models and materials in plain white or colored stripes and Plaids New fancy Belts and Pockets. Prices range from 98c to $5.98 Ladies' Gingham or Voile Dresses For House and Street Wear at Moderate Prices $3.98 tp $9.98 Buy Liberty Bonds Today And help win a lasting peace: 3 At all druggists. Xadv.)r-' . yi :

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