THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 27, 191 Br r . . ; . 17 ' 1 - ' 1 i ... 11 ." . , , . j. 1 If -" ' - " 1 gl 1 1 Market Review, Marine and Wecet News ft. .b A A A A k .fla A A A , T T - - T COTTON. v t Wilmington Charleston Norfolk . gavannah. 4. (spot) .-. . .. ..321-2 ..321-2 ,.30 1-2 ..32 1-2 NEW YORK COTTON. -.-w York, April 27. One 4 v " STOCKSCN --v 'S44'-?:Ct.a:4.dii New York, April 27. Investment stocks as well as various speculative issues suffered extreme recessions ot one to two points in the course of to day's brief session. - The unfavorable tenor of foreign advices provoked fur ther moderate liquidation and short selling. High grado rails, shinning:;. of the ha? occurred since Jhe present decline I standard issues and the several war groups were equally sensitive to pres sure which relaxed toward the etod, parted developed at the opening of he cotton maritet toaay. it looked r.s though the covering of Friday I leading stocks making lip half their cauouoidu luc juimcuiaiu : luases,. j. ne , closing was neavy. Sales approximated 200,000 shares. fcuvms power, aiiu aiLei siariing ir r.'sjular at an advance of live points on May. but generally, 21 to 31 points lower, the market became sensation ally weak under heavy Liverpool, Wall Street and Southern selling. Before th? end of the first hour July con tracts had sold at 25.20 and October at 24.75. or 105 to 121 points under Friday's closing. The discoviraging character of J he war news, the failure of the veather map to show expected low temperatures and renewed talk of spot liquidation, were the factors most generally mentioned in connection with the break. , "-.V 2(?.fi." Trlv 2Vn , .2K.U ..2:"., ..25.17 Liberty 3 l-2s sold at 99.22 to 9lU0- first 4s at 96.62 to 96.72, and second 4s at 96.64' to 96.80. ':"! Oh" PovmbPr 25 : 2.i!0O 21.25 24.15 21.05 Olosfl 72 3-4 43 1-2 American Beet Sugar" bid) American Can . . American Car and Foundry American Locomotive American Linseed American Smelting arid Ref'g American American Ananeonda Copper 63 3-4 Atchison (bid) 821-2 Atl.. Gulf and W. Indies 100(11-2 Baldwin Locomotive ,o 1-2 Baltimore and Ohio 51 liotnie&eiii Steel "B "..73 r4t f . LOCAL MARKETS. " ff (Wholesale rr!ees.) tssea (scarce) Butter Spring chickens Grown chickens Puddle dufks ,. . Guineas ....48c . .. ..'40 t.c 60c. 7G to 90 . .. 60c .. ..40c Ueef (dresEed) .. IS to 14e. Irish potatoes (bag) $5.00 Irish potatoes, Maine crown, Irish Cobbler deed potatoes, 150 I bag c . . . . $8.25 N. C. Hams, lb 32 to 25: N. C. shoulders and ribs .. 30 to 82c Cabbage, 100 lbs. (scarce) .. ..$4.5u Hlde3, green .. l?o Wool, freo ol burr, 55c. Corn, busneit $2.00 Gees wax. 30 to 32c Salted hides 18c. Tallow JO to 12c 78 1-2! Onions (Ji buscels) $5 j Peanuts, N. C $1.25 to $2.20 7-1 i i Peanuts, Spanish, dull $2.-25 Sugar 103 !.2 ! i eanuts, Virginia -...$z.zo T. and T j)S 1-4 ! Apples, Winesap, bbL, ?' 15 (Jranges, box $5.2i mSHKHIGHT ,11 COMING ohn Foster Fraser, F. R. G. S. on Redpath Chautauqua Program. GREAT WAR LECTURE i. IkWC 25.40 ; Canadian Pacific 25.( : Central Leather 24.42 Chesapeake and Ohio 551-4 ' Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul 37 !- lJj Chicago, R. I. and Pac. (bid) .. ..18-1-2 NEW ORLEANS COTTON. New- Orleans. April 27. A decline of more than a cent a pound was the result of the heavy selling around the opening of the cotton market here to day. Liquidation ot long cotton and offerings from bearish traders who were unfavorably impressed by the war news overnight broke the mar ket. In the first half of business ac tive months fell 103 to 109 points. Cotton closed weak at a decline of 134 to 171 points. High. Low. Close. Mav ..26.20 24.50 24.48 Julv 25.40 23.90 October .. rr. 24.60 23.18 December 24.31 23.00 January . .. ..23.70 23.70 23.90 23.18 23.00 22'.90 NEW ORLEANS SPOT COTTON. New Orleans, April 27. Spot cotton Eosiinal and unchanged. Sales on the snot. 1.947: to arrive. 200; low mm diinz. 28.50: middling, 30.50; good middling. 31.75. CHICAGO GRAIN. Chicago, April 27. Weakness result ed in the corn --market today from sympathy with setbacks in stocks and cotton. Opening prices which rang ed from the same as yesterday's fin ish to half cent lower, with Mav 1.251-2 and July 1.521-2 to 7-8, were followed by material further losses. Oats went down grade with corn. Higher quotations on hogs gave firmness to provisions. CH1CAG LIVE STOCK. Chicago, April 27. Hogs, receipts, 9,000; strong; bulk 17.10 to 17.65; light 17.15 to 17.75; mixed 16.85 to 17.75; heavy 16.00 to 17.45; rough "16.00 to 16.50; pigs 13.25 to 17.35. Cattle, receipts" 1,000; steady; na tive steers 10.10 to 17.35; stockers ana feeders 8.25 to 12.15; cows and heif ers .75 to 13.80; calves 7.50 to 13.."U. Sheep, receipts 3,000; weak; sheen 33.00 to 17.15; lambs 16.00 to 21.40. : Almost no gasoline TO BE HAD IN SPAIN hiiio Copper Colorado Fuel and Iron Corn Products Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar Erie General Electric , 330 65 1-4 42 JO 3Si-s From Valencia, R4 3- story of shortage 1 Spain, ctmies a of gasoline which 8 5-8 makes anv possible reduction "which ,1A1"4 we might have to suffer in this coun- J4I I . ... - - General Motors 117 T seem like good news. J. U. Great Northern pfd S3 3-S ; Byrne, a Hupmobile distributor in Great Northern Ore Ctf s 28 3-4 ; Spain, in writing to the factory last Illinois Central (bid) 95 1-2 . w.eek says that the stock of gasoline Int. Mer. Marine 23 1-4 Int. Mer. Marine pfd 86 3-8 International Paper 40 1-2 Kennecott Copper 32 Louisville and Nashville (bid) 112 Maxwell Motors (bid) 25 Mexican Tetroleum 93 1-2 Miami Copper 23 1-2 in his country is practically exhaust ed. The little left has been requisi tioned by the government with an absolute prohibition against supply ing any for passenger car use. This applies even to doctors and other in dividuals whose service to the com- The Checkerboard of Europe" Is TopH ! to B Discussed by Famous Brit j j-. Ish- Journalist and Traveler. ' Sir John Foster Fraser, F. R. G. S., chairman of the National War Lec tures committee of Great Britain and England's most famous newspaper spe-i cial correspondent, is to lecture on tma gear's Chautauqua program. ' i He has been with, the British army tn France and Flanders, with the British grand fleet,- has seen Russia jander war conditions, andas trav (ersed the whole of the mountainous re gion . of the Balkans. By the special permission of the British prime- mlnis lster, Mr. Lloyd-George, he has visited the principal government munition ;works in England and Scotland. Sir John, who is a native of Edin burgh, Scotland, has done more varied Missouri Pacific 20 1-8 j munity is largely dependent upon au- Midvale Steel 45 8-4' New York Central 6S7-S orioi. uuu Txeoteiii Northern Pacific 3 tomob'le transportation. Alcohol is being used as a substi tute and, poor as it is, it is the only j i suDstituie avanaDie. its cost is m 1 ': near double that of gasoline and U , the quantity required for a given '.so j amount of service is nearly double. soi-4lIn practice it is found that alcohol as 2T 1-4 1 a fUei jn an internal combustion en- "- 1 o" i r a crivaa enffiioTit TTTnoll in v f nr ro Studebalcer Corporation eia.: a WnrV h.t th tntal .hnpa uri 1 Ohio Cities Gas Pennsylvania Pittsburj: Coal (bid) Kay1 Consolidated Copper Ileadingr & Eep. Iron and Steel Sinclair Oil and Refining (bid) Southern'Pacific Tennessee Texas Co. Tobacco Products Union Pacific United Cigar Stores U. S. Iud. Alcohol United States Rubber . . United States Steel Utah Copper Wabash. Pfd "A" (bid) Westinghouse Electric 401-4 Willys-Overhftid 1 . American Tobacco I66 Atlantic Coast Line (bid) 89 Gulf States Steel Guff States Steel (bid)" 100 SIops. Shef. Steel and Iron (bid) ifo Seaboard Air Line (bl4 " United Fruit 121 14S 53 . 118 1-S 87 1-1 .39 3-S Virginia Caro. Chera 451-2 V ! c. WEATHER FfEFORT DAYLIGHT A BOON TO SAVING IS MOTORIST DAYLIGHT AUT PAGE "Considering the complete succes. of the new daylight saving plan, I of en wonder that it was not put nto effect years ago" says a promin . Oldsmobile dealef "Incidentally, it is remarkable how f T-cyol v thf. ftntirs nation staw of wter'in'cn'S'pear river at made the change. It is quite a stunt at 8 a. m., yesterday, to get a hundred million people to io the same thing at the same time. Sun ris-r .. .. . ' fl.57 There was opportunity ior mucu uuu- B'-n Sets 7:52 fusion, misunderstanding, railroad ac cidents, etc.. but it all moved on as proverbial . Top Wilmlnrton and ylclnity. Rain tonight : Saturday fair, warmer. ! Strong Northeas: winds, backing to north. I N. C. Fayetterill S1.5 feet and falling. Saturday. WEA TITER itlt,a, Temperature, 4-1 ' o v t-3 . a o 5 O y AsheTille, raining .. Atktta, raining .. .. inarleston, raining.. ., t-nirlotte, raining .. .. Cbicajfo, raining .. .. t'eston, clear (jicksonville, clear.. .. rew Orleans, clear .. tew York, cloudy .. .. Mttsburg cloudy.-. .. faleigh, raining IV Louig, cloudy .. .. Washington, pt. cloudy vllmlngton, raining I t ..I 1 72 56 46. .78 58 02 58 46 58 72 44 50 56 42 .88 62 66 66 44 48 42 44 44 52 .14 smoothly as the work that it was. "While it is of course primarily a great industrial conservation measure it will also serve to add much to ev erybody's enjoyment of the summer months. "Automobile dealers are especially enthusiastic. And they have good reason to be, for it means more to them than anyone else. They will of oil in its composition leads to fre quent stalling of the motor. Mr. Byrne .was pleased to say that .mi. 111 U3C Ul KA9UUU1; oU Uft L1VUICO 67 1-2 1 erican motors were far superior to ..94 3-4 European makes and that the Hupmo- 791-2ibilfl. a-monsr others, took first rank among American motors. He names as prime esential for a motor using this particular gasoline substitute an extremely reliable lubricating system, valves operating in an oil bath, and a control capable of fine graduation for supplying air to the carburetor. People inclined to become exoited and see in experiences such as abovy a prophecy of what we in this country may come to, should remember the following facts: Spain, like England, France and It aly imports all of her gasoline. It is not an actual shortage of the prod ucts that Is causing the difficulty, but the impossibility of importing it when ocean transportation is needed so much more for food and other neces sities. The United States enjoys the privilege of being at, or near, the source of the world's greatest gaso line supply. This-supply, according to expert advice from Washington, gives every evidence of being more than ample for the world's needs. Fur thermore, transportation of gasoline, as far as this country is concern 3d, is largely taken care of by extensive pipe lines, .which means that suppli-3 can be widely distributed without se riously interfering with the transpor tation of other Vthings Authorities state posiively that there is no like lihood of a gasoline shortage in this country. ; NEW YORK SPOT COTTON. New lork, Aprl 127. Cotton spot, clock 1 13 now be able to get out into the open lso for a long ride during the most en joyable part of the day. Even though ".00 their business hours happen to be !?8 unusually longthey actually gain 60 2-$ good minutes for recreation. l00; "This applies to all three seasons, 04 'spring, summer and fall. At this time of the year, for instance, even after ioe a line day, the evenings are apt to quiet; middling 26.90. Spirits 40 cents. Rosin Nothing doing. Tar $3.00 and 15 1-2 cents. Crude $4.00, $4.00 and $3.00. bo decidedly chilly so that under the old time, it would hardly be worth while to take the family for a drive. Now, however, the extra hdur pro vides ample time for a fine, exhilirat ing ride the most healthful as well as enjoyable recreation for the whole family. SIR JOHN FOSTER FRASER, F. R. Q. S. traveling than any man alive, having been in nearly half a hundred different countries. Sir John has described his wander! Ings in a dozen books. He has long been famous in Great Britain as d speaker with a personality. Indeedj as the London Press says, "He is ni brilliant on the platform as he Is with his pen." When the war began In 1914 his" unique knowledge of foreign lands was1 placed at the service of his countryi These have been publically acknowl edged by the British government. In June, 1917, the honor of knighthood was conferred upon him by King George at Buckingham palace. The subject of his lecture will be: "Tha. Checkerboard of Europe." - . I t'1Mam0"h - 'mrJJi lit ' m sagagr7?yta -IN NEW YORK CITT A Good Room with Batli 2.00 to 3.00 Per Day - Is Hard to Find, But the EcKtbr of this Paper will, tell you "You can get than" at the Hotel Gregorian 35th Street. Bet 5th Ave. and Broadway. HomeI!k. Mo1er, Fireproof. Cen tral, n?r Theatres ard Shops. Bast of V4 ft Pair Prices. Vfrir f 3kl5t to BjAJSTIEL, r. Prop. it tRTTEHAURIA OUT OF THE SYSTE3 L13 THE GIANTS' NEW "LEAD-OFF" MAN. Ros3 Young, who is making good with a vengeance. Copyright, Underwood & Underwood. Can't sleep! Can't eat! Can't even digest what little you do eat! One or two doses ARMY & NAVY DYSPEPSIA TABLETS will make you feel ten years younger. Beit known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomacn and Dyspepsia. 25 cents a package at all Druggists, or sent to any address postpaid, by the U. $. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 West Broadway. N.Y BLUE BONNETS" Jl Neu Fabric with Ntut Feature. Blue Boaneti' neeit the neeikef die vrotnaa who wmtt a beautiful, durable fafene that wear without wrinkling, tepels dust ancHaunden perfectly. Admirably adapted tat tailor-made dmseb sport coati and (kirts, chSdrena carmeats, petticpata. etc Alto drap eriea, furniture covering cte. Guaranteed dye fut and dunble. Wide ntiaty ti ax qukite patteros. If your dealer doesn't carry "Hue Bonnets" send ci this ad wilh name of dealer aad we wiD send him samples and notify him of your requect. LESHER WHITMAN & CO. tae 681 Broadway, Naw York NEWSPAPER MAN IS SALES MANAGER ' :'B!5B1 The Hupp Motor Car Corporaton announces the appointment of Fred eriik Dickinson as assistant sales manager to succeed Harry E. Wester dale, who is leaving the Hupmobile organization to go with the McCord Manufacturing Company, of Detroit, In charge of a new department, the nature of which will be announred later. Mr. Dickinson has been advertising manager of the Hupp organization for the past three years and in his new position will cintinue to have charge of the corporation s advertising as adverising manager. . Mr. Dickinson came Into the auto mobile business from the newspaper field, having worked for the Chicago Evening Post, Chicago Herald, and newspapers in Denver, Indianapilis, and Louisvlle. SUBURBAN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 4TH, 191A. WINTER PARK, WRIGHTSVILLE, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH EAST BOUND. WESTBOUND. "Electric Center" for tVJnter P'rk Ieave "Eleotrle Centre" tor 1TrI:btsv'T Leave "Electric Centra" tor Beacli x6t5 - x:0 17;30 - if :30 - ,8:00 S:0O " !8:S0 " !8:30 " t9 " fl:0ft " IQjOw 30 :C :S9 - H:0 " !1:00 ' !1:0 T. M. t'ltlt " xl:l ol:55 " el:U ..V80 - S:M " 8;00 " 1:09 " S:80 M o4:I " e:69 - 8)89 " B:t " x6lft " x:10 " :40 - 6t4 - 7:15 7:15 ' " 8:18 " 8:15 " 9:19 ' - .i:18 " 1J:15 " UtU 11:16 " 11)99 P. H. .JttO P. M. 4:89 P. M. mf 1 ......... . Iieave . - Beach for Wilmington I9tl0 A. M. i6:4S M 12 ill '"ri'tis"-'" S:48 -'" B :ii eet (vt ::::t;::::::: Ieav Wrightsv'le Wilmington 6:18 A M. x7:9 " 18:00 " 8:80 " 19:25 ; 110:3 " 30 10:53 Wit P. M., il:98 - 8M o8:W "itii" """" 6:90 x8:4 - 7:19 7:4 " S48 " 9:44 " 19:48 11 :45 lieave Winter- P'rk Wilmington . A COQ TONIO AND APPET"A 9 We specialize in the man ufacture of Rubber Stamps and Good Printing Carolina Printingand Stamp ,Works No. 8 Grace St. UNION PASSENGER STA- TION Arrival and Departure of Train February 1st. 1918. SEABOARD AIR LINE DEPART DAILY' ARRlVij 3:55 P.M Charlotte 12:30 P.M. Parlor Car. 5:00 k.U Charlotte 12:30 A.M. Sleeper opened 10:00 P. M. For Information Phone 178. ASA A. U. x7:81 18:11 M 8:41 1:M 9 .-41 " 110 :41 " 11 :06 " 12:86 P. M. t91 " !iM tt8 o:U o:S0 4:0 4:9 8:19 " 8:89 M :11 " :M 71 7:50 " 8:88 " 9:89 m 106 M 111:80 44 ' 11 U56 44 8PECIAIi FOR SUNDAYS , s Leave Front and Princeas etreets erery half Hour tnm 2 ta 5 P. M Leave Beach every naif hour from 2i5 P. a. Dally except Sunday. -ISunday only. xBeach transfer car connect! with this train at Wrtghta villa. oSuperceded by half-hour schedule Sunday afternoon!. FREIGHT SCHEDULE: (TUESDAYS, THURSDA YS, SATURDAYS ONLY) ' Leave Ninth and Orange Street 3: 00 P. M. Freight Depot open Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, from 2:00 to 8:00 P. M. SPECIAL NOTICE This table showa the time at which tralna may b ex pected to arrive at and depart from the several stations, but the arrivals an6 de partures are not guaranteed. ATLANTIC COAST LINE DEPART DAILY ARRIVB 5:45 A.M.... Booth and Went... 12:45 A.M. Sleeper to Columbia, (Open 10:00 P. M. 7:45 A.M... North 6:05 P.M. Parlor Car to Norfolk 8:45 A.M...FayetteTllle 8:00 P.M. 3:05 P.M... New Bern 12:30 P.M. 3:80 P.M. ..South and West 1:00 P.M. Sleepers to Augusta, Atlanta 6:45 P.M... North 10:15 A.M. Sleepers to Washington, Norfolk Tor Information Phone 60. Str. Wilmington Leaves Daily and - Sunday At 9:30 A. M. NEOLIN SOLES. Makes Waikin a Pleasure Attached by SULLIVAN, King of Shoemakers N. Front Street Phone 523. ar if i , ! ! rtiTTrniTf2 77P FATHER . . r ' : BY McMANUS 'N i tr-r: 1 H QOO' iDEA-rWiOE-l I OMEON'.:: J JUV oECOrsO OH' LOOK ) I TAKE .THli HAT- TWENTV, T , f 2 Wm NO! I LET-b WALK HOHE- ,xtL 06Ub ionS. KEEO.-ON AT TH,ti tbEAUt ,rL HAT V HOW MUCH I5IT" OOLLARS XOU OVri i7VcmFaOP 'N C - i'i mi : .1. 1