.THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH! SUNDAY MORNING MAY 5, 1918. PAGE FIVE. " " Wll M1NGT0N MAY 1 1 - LAND A TEXTILE ENTERPRISE TOO Ww Yorker Negotiating With Realty Agent for Building Selected ONLY M. DAYS : UNI CLOSE OF COUNTY SCHOOLS Play to-Be Given at Winter Park Nothing Planned Elaborately ESS' OF STATE'S QUOTA GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO LARGE WORKING FORCE Necessary to Remodel the Building Selected Visitor Given to Understand City Wants Him Here Wilmington is to have another in dustry a textile enterprise in event Je owner of the building selected, and the proposed tenant can ar range suitable terms, conditional up on the pjterations and repairs that a,e to be made. Numerous confer ences have been held during the past three days by the agent having the buildirig in charge, and Mr. Cooper, of New York, representing the firm that proposes establishing a branch in the city, and the realty agent, .is confident that terms agreeable to all nirtips concerned can be arranged La that the industry will be estab- ouu " nehfiH here. The realty agent who has been ne gotiating with the New York man tac; not in position to .say when the rnmnanv proposed establishing itself in event it decides to come here, -but trflt! eiven the impression tnat tne building would be wanted at once and that the repair work and - proposed changes should start as 'early as pos sible. Because of this Mr. Cooper was floublv anxious to arrive at some defi nite understanding as to what., he CATLETT SATISFIED WITH WORK IN COUNTY City Schools Closfc Last of May Sixty-three in Graduating Class Mostly Girl Students Failed to Go Over the Top but Blasting Operations Began at No Humiliation Felt by. Anyone LACKED POPULATION NOT PATRIOTISM VOUIQ iiac vJ v. wv.w. It was impossible to learn whether thp enterprise would be of ordinary proportions or whether an effort Mniri hp made to launch out on a iarep scale, but the realty agent with vboni Mr. Cooper is negotiating was inclined to think that the company proposes starting in a modest but sub stantial manner ana graauany aaamg to. The selected building is of good proportions and is sufficiently large to accommodate a large working force. The New Yorker was net with the ner vrilmington spirit, when he came here to investigate conditions and given to understand that the city wanted his company to locate; that he and his associates would De given every consideration and shown every courtesy and that the building select ed waul be rented on: a fair- and reasonable-basis.- He was very much-) impressed with this nature of treat ment for advance ' agents of compa-. nie' are accustomed to encountering sk" hish 'prices and unsatisfactory terms. Fhen the domain' of booming totras is entered. Mr. Cooper soon learned, however, that this condition 4id not exist here and that in event company decided to locate here thar it would be received with open arm;. res of Bonds Were Sold Durincr the Last Few Hours of the CampaignCom mittee Gratified Carolina Yards- Yesterday Morning RUMORED THAT FORD WOULD LOCATE HERE With only five days intervening un- One million six hundred and sixty- til the close of the county schools six thousand seven hundred and fifty the latter part of the vast wbgIt I dollars rr iii'. iana Hhortv found the student bodies of the vari- bonds were subscribed for during the ous schools sweltering through final campaign that closed last night at 9 exams, and this week will set, pfwarrSh" amJTS arauons for commencement AMr. -m.. - . . teuuai cumuiuiee, a. Hiiuru wnue cises, although therte will be no effort after the campaign had closed. These to stage anything on an elaborate figures, may be changed slightly y.iS,. scale. The exercises in prftctlcailvtChirman Dick is of the opinion that all of the schools will be on a small they will that the sum total invest- scale, with Winter Park perhaps fur- ed in bonds will be slightly in- nishing the exception. A nlavlet will creased . and the oal crowded a Ultle be staged at the latter school on Fri- more closely. The county's allotment day evening by memhers of the stu- $1,727,000. dent body and it promises to be4n- '.While railing to measure up to full teresting. The members of the f ac I governmental expectations New Han ulty are anxious that all attend. over has given a splendid account of The city Schools will close May 31 herself and all members of the cen and again there will be no effort to tral committee are highly gratified at stage commencement exercises elab- the showing made. New Hanover, as orately.. -The sDeaker has. not been one per cent, of the state, there being secured a yet. Class day cscercisesl 99 additional counties, has sub- will be held at. the Lfgh school, scribed 11 per cent, of the state's al- where a class of 63 will be. graduated. I lotment of bonds and yet her quota Thef class includes .a large number of was not rounded out. Tne handicap boys, although the . girls are to the Imposed because of the county Vun- majorfty. . usually heavy banking resources was In speaking, of :the work , that hasimore than the comparatively scant been accomplished in the county population could measure up to and schools during the' term just closing although the per capital subscription yesterday afternoon, Prof. Washing- was very flattering the allotment was ton Catlett. county suoerintendent ofrlnot subscribed public instruction, atated that it had Members of the central and sub- been equally as good as during any committees and liberty loan workers past season, although the. extremely in general are not discourageti, now- Air Permeated With Rumors Concerning Proposed Ac tivities Carloads of Fur niture En Route s With blasting operations actually under way at the yards of the Caro-i lina Shipbuilding company, where fabricated steel ships for trans Atlan tic service are to be constructed, the early part of the week will see. the re moval of all troublesome stumps and the actual construction of the four teen houses that will comprise the plant under way. Shipments of dyna mite were received yesterday and re moval, of the hundreds of stomps dot ting the site was begun immediately. This work will require only a short period as all stumps had been drilled prior to the arrival of the blasting material. Actual construction of the houses will be started when these stumps -are removed. All cut wood, unfit for piling, has been moved. With activities at the yards of both the Carolina and Liberty companies humming the air up-town was liter ally permeated . with rumors of new Industries and activities that are to start at once. It was freely rumored on the streets during the evening that agents for Henry Ford, the De troit automoDiie manufacturer, were negotiating for 100 acres of land at Sunset Park with the object of local ng his recently proposed shipyard for the South Atlantic seaboard . here and another rumor was to the effect that there was a gentleman in the city who holds a government contract fr the building of 1,800 houses. Lit S A F E DE P QiS I TbFOR liberty fc Everybody should OWn Liberty Bonds and War SavirtgsS tamps.- JWheri purchased these should be kept in the safest place. This Company offers to receive from customers for safe keepings in its armor steel fire-proof, burglar proof and mob-proof vault their Liberty Bonds or War Savings Stamps without charge or expense of any kind for this service. Doubtless, more Liberty Bonds and WarSavings Stamps will be purchased when people know that they will be safely cared for without expense. The Wilmington Savings & Trust Company 110 PRINCESS STREET. : "SAFETY AND SERVICE" niimiiniiiinnij mni nuiiuiiiiriuniMiHiiiFniiiuintiniiiniunf iu Hisriiin tinnririirnnnniiiinitniiiii Jiiiuin:iiBiiiirf cold periods during the past winter ver,, nor do they feel humiliated. The 'tie credence was given this report, LIBERTY BOND WAS HANDY. 'ossessicn of One Kept Neflro Wom an Out of Jail Yesterday. Do vagrants ordinarily own Lib erty bonds and in what channels are their minds running when purchase of a government bond is made Sarah Henry, a young colored woman, an gered the roll call in recorders court yesterday on a charge of vagrancy and her case was left open. A $50 bond was required to assure her pres ence in court when the case was called for disposition and Sarah call ed on her Uncle Sam-ln other words, sbe deposited a $50 Liberty bond ith Clerk Home and was allowed to depart the court. There's a moral ttere and almost anyonecan find.it. waiter and Ellerie Stanley, Willie anodes and Willi Brlnklev. four lit tle negro boys, were up, charged with wsoraerly conduct. Because they ere all under the age of 12 years action aeainst them wa HmU(ed. ifle allpe-aHrm tiro a tViat. KS hftVH null nan i. Uu - wj stripped off and went swimmine or er, perhaps, wallowing in a ditch the southern section of the city. J0tin Simnn nnH CZanrtra UMaher. nite- were tried senaratftlv on a charge charged while the latter was re- WBt. Gp-lrcroo TT TT,,fP .-, ,,-n tVt 9n - f -6 me Use nf antnmnhnoa Witt MSfi nds nol prossed. -biu.uLj', was Liie cuiei sui- w of the day, ' receiving a three -""unis marl contnnnn rnnni7infi - wanen ot the fact that she had csu CnnrirtoH arge u uuts ueiure uii this DETAINED IN BALTIMORE. " "iii do neiurncu ns't Within the Week. taitipH v ttWK-ms. colored, is being xe w:;y th Baltimore police upon he ?r the local authorities, and ee 7 returned here within the In? JVanswer to a charge of maim- to thoV v uesro. me . allegation , oe- : -t, ML "iaer be bit off tho" thnmh of an- ad Otherwise "hoot Mm n '-ill be made today upon V urnor of Maryland for Haw tic. Tv.rWarded to Baltimore-by Jus John J. Furlftn. at tv sPend the beach. the Afternoon - Cars every half honr. had cut attendance 'in a marked 1 rally staged yesterday was of the manner, rne sttraents, nowever, m gamegi naiure iiaagmuie iiwsuus the opinion of Mr. Catlett have been bought bonds who were carrying all imbued with a snirit to accomplish they imagined they could a day pre during the season just closing, andlviously took additional bonds be an unusually large number have cause of the president's challenge and made excellent grades during every .because they are anxious to lend the month of the year. Many have passed government every penny they can the examination prepared by Prof es- possibly spare. The county failed, sor Catlett. which entitles them to a but it was an nonoraoie rawure ana licertificate enabling them to nterUack of patriotism was not responsi his-h scnooi. ine unner ciassmen or me n was iac& oi puyuiauuu. tht various schools showed marked in- . The boy scouts lent valuable aw terest in 4his-MexaSininaiion and the during the closing hours of the cam number passing will be' added -toP-ffS paigfi and the women have accom- all papers handed, in have not been pushed a wonaeriui worK since ine graded as yet. " Jcampaign was officially opened by In speaking of the yearly attend- S3 ecretary jucaooo. iuemoers oi me anr.A Mr. Catlett stated that the fre- central ana various suD-commuiees uent epidemics of measiea in tneinave worsea ureiessiy givms w various sections . of the county natmneir time wunoui compiami m m cut into attendance records and that effort to put the county over tne many parents had found it necessary top" and tne central committee is to keep their children,, out of school deeply appreciative of the work that n" fMcmnt occasions for work on has been done. In speaking of the form -m nrntasta train st this matter last nisrht Chairman Dick tliC 4-1-1 aaau .f v. ww vW " I .... . practice was met with the statemit stated that he was nigniy pieasea tiiftt th mm of th children was im with what had been accomplished ana nprative. as it was imoossible to hire that while he would .have been more i.k.. that tv.o irnvpmmPTit bar. than elad had it- been possible for law, "" "" .- " " . . , l. ii. urged that everything possible be tne county to nave suDscnueu u iu AaA xtlA onneorvpd . allotment mat ne reauzea irum ue UiUUUVU ' -w - i m Ac, o wholi however. frolessor -nrst tnat tne usk wb ui a, ucn,u " ' 1 . - 1. . j . 1L1 -U roiQt roii nticf.eri with rne i lean nature ana mat uuimus buuh. uauctb . t kii - r work that has been accomplished, al- of a miracle could have accompasnea thoueh it has been hampered to some! the desired results, ine next cam extent because of the rather poor paign win nna wumingion wilu a. facilities for .teaching. The teachers greatly- increased population ana tne on several occasions have voiced general opinion is mat new nanuver their complaints as regards ' insuffi- will more than make up for that inH Kfn tid. but as a which she failed to accomplish in the whni bA consider his corns of teach- campaign just closed Afi rv i-nmnetent. and feels that I A second announcement, they have given their very Sst to- midnight by the chairman of the cen ward the education of the children, hral committee, was to the effect that after au tne county nugat so over DBirr DiTurp stmfp. ith ton." it navme aeveiouea mat a number of subscriptions nu f War Garden .Pa d TWO- fllea witn various agenwBs aim ui ra Dnt BuaB. renorted wnen tne initial siawemeni. W I W W -mr m m m - W 1 Two dollars and forty cents iot a To Economize Is Patriotic To Buy Here k Economy- glasses i Members of the com FIELD: DAY SUCCESSFUL. J VUVO AVI vm - . . . . iTe M t waDsThe pHce.aidTes: Z tirdav bv a Wflminston business ing out her quota and feel that this man and they were his bugs to fce-LvjU be accompiisnea gin with. The price mentioneaj was the charge made ,for captuVing them. r.aoriTi or iinma in the morninsr tne owner of a Winoca Terrace "war gar- Aubrey Keily Hung Up Athletic Rec p- twA tcowr of nota- ord That Is Without Parallel. t Aao nHiriaArt Mn tw ffrandchildren Thirty-four boys, attended the third that he would pay them a penny each annual picnic and participated in the r n Miro nirirftd from the potato field day events' staged at the Cliff. vines during the day. The Job was yesterday, enjoying themselves in completed before noon and when he mensely ana returning to m my .1 reached home for lunch he was pre- the early evening, tnorougmy area r. with a hill for S2.40 ana tne rmt- but extremely nappy. 1 uuvs axj. iu. 1 ' . At bugs giyea over tohim. NOTIFY MR. COWAN. The attention of persons having rooms to let, furnished or unfur nished, with of without board, is again called to the vital necessity of communicating this informa tion to Industrial Agent James H. Cowan, care of the chamber of commerce,- in order that it may be properly listed. Person are also advised against urging, friends to return here at. onca for employ ment, but should- advise thm to. hold themselves in readiiss to come when notified. This will . pre vent misunderstandings and pissi ble ill feelings': " Mr. Cowan ' has been requested ; by :; one ; of 'he heads of the steel yards to locate a-bed room with sitting Qom i jdininr and ih eevnt any.Talnily in the city can provide such 'an . ar-rangei-;nt they are requested to caramu'iqte this informajion to Mr. Cowtjv. . ' enjoyed two swims in the river, mo tor, boat rides,.: made kodak pictures and .had a good dinner, rne aay was Ideal in -every particular and was tho most successful, yet - attempted. The following positions were won by the clubs hi the athletic events. Standing a broad- jump oiumnia, Princeton. Vanderbilt, Harward and le with Aubrey Kelly claiming the best record. ' ' Running. . broad . jump oiunxDia, Vanderbilt ; Harward, Princeton and Tale Again Anbrey Kelly carried off first -honors. . , , Titty yad dasn uoiumDia, van derbilt, Prtnceton, Harward and Tare. First' honors to Aubrey Kelly. William Hobbs-team carried off honors in the baseball game played in the . afternoon, the score oemg :iv to 3. 'f Leonard Hannah captained the losing team. During 1917 the British captured on all fronts a total of 115,000 prisoners and 781 guns. For bicycle repairs Gerken & Le Ray. Adv. however, members of the shipping board professing to know nothing whatever of it. Many, however, who are in position to know are confident that building operations will get into swing during this week and that the foundations for many new houses will be laid before another Sunday has come. It was learned that C. Van Noppen, who returned to the city last night from Greensboro, had placed con tract for ten carloads of furniture and that this could be expected in the city in the early future.' It is pre sumed that it will be shipped from High Point. Mr. Van Noppen hate the Purcell house leased and it is under stood that be intends converting it Into a rooming house. He also has the second floor of the Tidewater Power company building,. Princesi street, leased, although it. is not known to what use he expects to put it. It was understood last night m certain quarters that the Greensboro man expects to open a furniture store here and it was. said that the Market street building adjoining that occu pied by G. Dannebaum had been leas ed for the' purpose. The authenticity of this, however, could not be deter mined. Members of the board of county commissioners have been in confer ence for the past two days with W. S. Fallis and R. E. Snowden, of Ral eigh and Goldsboro, members of the State highway commission, concern ing the nature of the road that is to be constructed from the Fort Fisher highway to the gates of the Carolina shipyards. The commissioners want expert advice as to the proper mate rials to go into the road as they ex pect the traffic to be unusually heavy. ;un, r: "iTheree is a strong probability of us- mg concrete, uucci, uuo uao uv been thoroughly determined as yet. me ngnx OI way nas aireauy uecu cut and grading operations are pjM ceedinir rapidly although Road fSuper-! Intendent Burnett - is ,u hampered through lack of labor. The county has only 25 able-bodied convicts at the present time and past experience has shown that hired labor for work of this nature Is very unsatisfactory. The county's request for State con vict labor for use on this stretch of road has not been complied with as yet but the commissioners -are hope ful of receiving this aid. Another bit of interesting news is that Engineer Towle, who is pleas antly known here, is to be located here during the construction of the ships at the Carolina yards. Mr Towle visited the city several times when Wilmington was making valiant efforts to land that which she finally succeeded in securing and is Im mensely liked. His assistant, Engi heer Abbott, is already in the city and Mr. Towle is expected within the course of the next fesf days For next week we are featuring a complete t selection s of New Silks and have them priced lower than usual. Striped tub silks, excellent for skirts or shirts allfcok H ors 59c, 98c, $1.25 yard. . j Roman stripe and plaid silks for skirl:?, 56 inches 1 wide, 98c yard. . i j Assorted patterni in New Silk Foulards 98c,$ 1 .50 and 1 $2.00 yard. ( " i! 1 j 36 inch plaid Crepe de Chines, $1.25 yard.. 1 36 inch Crepe Maribou, in all the seasons colors, at j 49c yard. H 36 inch silk Poplin in all colors, $1 .25 value, 98c yd. EE '." Jap Silk, white and black only, 27 inchjand 36 inch fj wide Priced at 50c, 75, 98c, $1.25 yard. j Anchor brand black Taffeta, 36 inches4wide, guar- g i ,a.nteed, $150 yard. ,t I ? t e made at White Milan and Panama Bats For Ladies. 1 Milan Straw Hats, $2.50 to $5.25 Panama Hates, special at $4.98. 4 All Spring i Coat Suits and Dresses At Reduced Prices This Week At The Hotels North Carolina arrivals at the Or trvn hotel vAterdaT included C. Van Noppen. Greensboro; W. C. Creedlc Nfiw Rprn; H M. Croom. Jr., New Bern: J. H Stewart, Bolton; Jt. R Godfrey, New London; F. W. Mahler, Raleteh: J. A. Russell, New London; E l Prtneieton. Durham; Lieutenant James B. Hood, Fort Caswell. North Carolina guests registered at the Wilmington hotel last night In eluded H. H. Blair, Monroe; C. C Crowell. Charlotte; W. W. Bickett, Boardman; W. A.-Ham, Fort Caswell; James R. Townsend, Fort Caswell. Summer Parasols i We are showing a pleas- ing line of Ladies Summer 1 Parasols $1.50 to $6 ech s Express Shipment of 1 Neckwear and J Handkerchiefs Plain white organdies and g Georgette Crepe Collars, E 50c to $L50 each Crepe de Chine Handker- j chiefs in all colors, 25c 1 each. s INVISIBLE. BIFOCALS Afford a; comfort which is appreciated; by those who want near or far vision1 in one pair of glasses. They keep your eyes young in looka 5 as well as in usefulness. No line, seam or lump vision. to blur th - EYES TESTED FREE Dr. Vineberg; Masonic Temple Buy War Savings Stamps Here We Refund Car Fare on Purchases of $2 or over, s ttiiiiiiiiiitiuiaiiiiniiM iiitiiiiiiiiniitt til nt iiuiiii i inn mi mil tnin nun JiiJiiitinuKiuiiiiiiiiiiiinnrriinn nix jii j.'ffniiii inr? Practice Thrift and Economy- 10 Per Cent Discount On Suits made to your measure of fabrics 100 per cent Wool arid colors guaranteed by us and the firm we rep resent. We have demonstrated our ability irl the art of measuring and fitting garments to please all. Fit and style absolutely guaranteed. Palm Beach Suits. Army Uniforms and rain coats made to your measure. I. LOWENTHAL 402 Front St. SHOES-BEST tyADE Douglas Shoes ' SHIRTS NEW SPRING STYLES GENTS FURNISHINGS ARROW BRAND COLLARS "SANS-SOUGr SAUSAGE Pur& Pork Sausage Fresh Sausage Smoked Sausage Frankforts ' ' " Bologna Head Cheese Liver Sausage j New England Ham Made without cereals J . 'Sanitary, clearj delicious Take no substitutes For sale at -all first-class grocers and markets. - CAROLINA PACKING COMPANY For Sale 500 Bags Coffee T 600 Barrels Flour ' 800 Bags Rice 200 Baggs Economy Scratch Feed 400 Bags Diamond Hog Meal 100 Bags Burt Oats 500 Bags Arab Horse Feed j . 500 Bags King Corn 100 Bags Aunt Patsey's Chick Feed 300 Bags June Pasture Feed 100 Bags Cotton Seed Hulls 70 Bags Rye and all other gooda In our line. ( D. L. GORE COMPANY I. & M. HURWITZ 603 North Fourth Just Received 7 Stock Potato Bug Paste and Dry Powder. , j i John S. McEachern Son No. "2 II Market St. H y!!III!l!IIII!IlimilIII!l!!!!IIIll!ll!li!tiHII!,ltlllIIIIIIIIIIl!lIILj' . J. B. McC ABE and CO. Certified Public Accoun- i : - : tants. , s Room 906 Wurchieon Bank Bldg. s SPhone .996. WILMINGTON, N. C.S silIllll!lll!llllIiIIII1lllll!IH!ll!II!I!Il!I!!inil!II!li!!!IIIIIIIIl3 it 'll 'Sill " i -W-.i (adv.) A .V - i

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