THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH. SUNDAY, MAY, 1 2; I 9 1 8r 10 Ifl OWE MOTHERS ;V DAY IN THE CHURCHES - i . "J - -: ' ; IRONI1ED pnn!!I!IUUlIlIIIJ:il!!l!lIII!II!iIIIIl!lUI!I!IlI!II!!I!Ii!!l!l!lllinilUU!Iin 4, AW Jnteresting Programs Have ; v Beett Arranged fit Several , . . Churches.: -;, , ' f i - i ! JSJtL' TO WEAR FLOWER 1 ! TiOday i Another's flay" and every viSS will ba -expected to wear a flower "iff memory of she who rocked the israaie, a white flower should be ttrorn in memory of the another whQ 'h2M passed away, while a colored , flower is for the memory of the 'mother who yet lives and continues to sfciifcister to the Wsats of her own who iftra seill children, no matter the age. Exercises wil be held in a number of Mh xhurches and in several instances lalerestlny programs hare been ar- ranged. Below is copies of program that will be offered at the Southside I Baptist, Grace Methodist and Trinity ; Methodist The Southside program to rendered at 11 o'clock is: Opening song ' America." i Praver J. S. Ganady. Bolo "Thinking of Mother and J. Home" Mrs. J. J. Bataon. Address "Mother and the Home' . p Hardy Lanier. ruet "My Mother's Bible" Miss ;Mlra Fales and Mrs. Odis B. Hin stxant. Address "The Boy and His Moth- 'leT'V-C. Walton Johnson. Reading "Somebody Mother" $frs. C. B. King1. Address "The Soldier Boy's Moth- t fcr" J. H. Curtis. j; Solo '"Will the Circle Be Broken , f Miss Edna King. - Address "The Mother Who Has f passed Beyond" Odis B. Hinnant ? Closing Song "Tell Mother IH iBe, There." -' Benediction J. J- Thomas The following program will be ren dered at the tlrace Methodist church this evening at 8 o'clock under di ; recticn of the woman's missionary aurrUiary: Rvtrn No. 649. Devotional service conducted by 'Sire. Melville. ' Hymn No. 639. "A lance Backward" Mrs. M. - 5P. Plyler. i- "The Lord is My Shepherd" Mrs. ' 'Addie B. Jones. s Report from annual meeting Mrs. M. H. Shepherd. Offertory Choir. The . recent . council Mrs . Harvey Boaey, corresponding secretary of the North Carolina conference. Closing hymn No. 652. The exercises at Trinity will be at II a. m- and all members of the Sundav school are asked to assemble ' at 10:45.; The program is: Processional. Song "The Children's Hosanna" ; -By the school. ,: Prayer. l Prayer song - 'r, Recitation "The Savior and the ; Children" Virginia "Cockrell ' Cradle roll exercises. Recitation Elizabeth Clerk and James Peck. ; Song by the beginners. Tweaity-thrid Psalm Edwin Dew- wenOto Wilmington for an X-ray ex amination, where she was forced to remain two days in the hospital.;5 i The scouts, under the supervision of v their scout master, A.J. Blantori, have done excellent work in selling liberty bonds and war savings stamps. In one week tne iitue iei lowi sold more than $t000 of bondB, the time for competing In stamp sell- Inr has not yet closed, but it is un derstood that they have done well so far. y- pn- C Flower exercises First year maxies. "Jesus Our Helper" By five girls. Song Primary department. Story "Jesus Teaching How to ?ra.y" Louise Williams . - Recitation 'fThe Upward Way" Five juniors Song and leson Juniors. Recitation "Wanted" Thomas JSjshop Children's day ode Gladys Sterne. Recitation Eloise King. Address Rev. V. P. Scoville. Offering speech "William Bethea. "The Mission of Jesus as Shown by His Names Intermediates. Song The school. Benediction. WALLACE. A NEW CAB FOR XOURj ' .OLD 0MB Jftvis&he' FINISH, , hat?makes the machine as iarasVappearanco feoesK ;What about let ktingius?repaintju automobile? Wolgree tdYve3-you aqulok . handsome dur- 'aKLe; job, at thelow esipoasible1 priced rm Woagree, touse (throughout Volant in9v fc CojJ3pany,syarnishes ioolors andJothermatT 'erialo which are, THE" 'UOSTEXPENSiyEin t itotjcost but; stand-, ardff or excellence Hfce yorldover, Valentin 5b Company'guaraatee quality J. E. LEWIS & SON Corner Fourth and Princess Phone 898-J RING ME mm 3 POWERFUL FORCES IN 1 The new remedy recommendediby doctors, lawyers, clergymen and thou sands upon thousands of men and women throughout the United States of America, Europe and all civilized Rations. Nux-Iron Tonic makes strong, vogorous, Irpn men and healthy, attractive, rosy-checked women. i One tablesDoonful before meals will promote atroetite. increase . the strength of rundown, weak and nervous people. . Nux-Iron Tonic is put up in liquid form, not tablets, which sometimes the patient cannot easily digest this is why our chemist approves of liquid compound. . . It is sold in Wilmington by Elvington's Dependable Drug Sore. Ironized Paw-Paw, price $1.00, Formula on every bottle. Mail orders promptly attened to. Interstate Drug Co., Inc., New York. Advt. TAX LISTING! We will be at the Court House during the month of May daily, except Sundays, from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. for the purpose of taking Tax Lists of .Wilmington Resi dents and Property Holders. Attend to Tnis Duty in Time to Avoid the Penalty for Neglect B. F.King " H. K. Nash, Tax .Listers for Wilmington Township. JIML.JgmmJMJ,.!i PL im -- MAKE YOUR SELECTION AND PHONE US. Nadine Face Powder Velvetina Face Powder Djer-Kiss Face Powder Fruman Face Powder Swan Down Face Powder LaBlanche Face Powder Sanatol Face Powder Mavis Face Powder Ararea Face -Powder Carmen Face Powder Dagett & Ramdale Face Powder R. & G.- Face Powder Me,lba -Face Powder ''' , Our Soda Fount Menu Ir . Complete, PAYNE DRUG GO. 5 th and Red Cross Streets. Phone 520. i V infill lV npnlnbean tha White Flowers White Hats Milan Trimmed' and Untrimmed, Leghorns, Ribbons, Baby Ribbon 1 0c Spool .Wide Ribbon all widths, MISS ALMA BROWN Wallace, May 11. Liston Mallard, of Camp Sevier, stopped over with fcis cousin, Mrs. DeLeon Wells, for a lew hours Thursday en route to Kenansville. He left in a car in the afternoon, . accompanied by his sunt, ;51rs. Emma Blount, and sister, Miss 1311a Mallard. Aubrey Cavenaugh, of Rocky Mount, who is with the Planter's bank there, spent Sunday with his father, Mr. J. A. Cavenaugh. Mrs. J. . S! Westbrook and Miss Clarlie left Wednesday or a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Robert Ruark, in Wilmington. Miss ; Jessie Jlose, who graduatel at Delway school last week, is at home with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. J. R. Rose. Mrs. John Parker and little daugh ter left this past week for herjipme in Hopewell, Va., called home on account of the illness of her mother, ' Mrs. Dave Newkirk, formerly of Wallace. Mrs- F- P. Powers is spending - several days in Wilmington. Mrs. Nesley Hussey and mother, Mrs. Moran, of Wilson, have returned nome, after a visit to Mrs. C. B. Hussey. Dr. C. S. Sloan has returned from A trip to Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bobbitte, of i wake Forest, stopped over with their eousm, Mrs. J. W. Carroll, for a - short while, en route to Wilmington, through the country in their car. Mr . Wilbert Carter, a - Delway school student, son of Mr. and Mrs. : J . H. Carter, of this place, and win ner of the declaimer medal, , left few days ago to be with his brother, Aimona carter, in Columbus county -r Mrs.. Carl Adams and little son, of -.Akron, Ohio, after a visit to her pa .'rents, Mr .and Mrs, Z. J. Carter, left for their horn Thursday nirht Friecds will regret to learn that HCJiss Anna Car, while crossing a little bridge, was thrown Into the ditch by the bad condition of the bridfire. This Store is Alive to the New Times! Never Lagging. .We keep our Big Store in Step with PROGRESSIVE WILMINGTON :rzTr Shoes For Everybody ! LADIES' SHOES. Grey Kid Oxfords, Military heel, all sizes, value $8.00-$9.00 $6.50 Patent Leather Pumps $4.98 Dong. Kid Pumps, Med. and High heel . . $3.50-$4.50 Mahogany Seamless Pumps $3.93 Special Patent Pumps, sizes 3 to 6 1-2, Cuban heels $1.50 White Canvas Pumps and Oxf $1.50 to $4.00 White Lace Boots, High and Low heel $1.5041.93 MEN'S SHOES. Crawford Shoes for men - $3.00 to $7.50 SHOES FOR LITTLE FOLKS Boys and Girls and Children's Slippers at Low Tide Prices. Buy Next Winter's Supply Now f MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS. All Wool Blue Serge $15.00-$17.50-$25.00 Fancy Worsted .$1250 to $22.50 The World's Best Kirschbaum Young Men's Suits$20.00-$22.50-$25 SEE OUR LINE OF PALM BEACH AND COOL CLOTH SUITS Boys' Blue Serge and Fancy Worsted, 7 to 1 8 years . . . .$2.50 to $8.50 Wash Suits for the Little Fellow, white and colors . . . .50c to $1.98 Scout Suits . . $2.98-$4.50-$6.50 LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Black Taffeta Skirts .$4.50-$7.50 White Wash Skirts .$1.2541.98 Striped Silk Skirts .$5.98 Georgette and Crepe de Chine Waistswhite and black, pink- . ..maiz!f '). . . . . .$3.50-$4.50-$4.9S45.15 Misses Middy Blouses . . .... ......... ... .... . .59-69-98 cents. HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Jap. Matting Art Squares, 9x12 . . . .$5.75; 6x8, $4.50 U-exRugs, .6X9, $4.50; 8x10, $8.50; 9x12, $11.50 Japanese and China Matting . 35 and 40c yard Congoleum Art Squares, 9x1 2 feet $6 98 Porch Screens . . .... .8x8, .$2.50; Sxio,' $40 Mammocks . . . . . . - o n . . . . . . PJ.J Vsp.iJlJ IS 9 Buy War Savings Stamps Here H, Rehderl Go 615-617-619 NORTH 4TH QTRFFT We Refund Car Fare on Purchases of $2100 and Over. Are You Standing Still, Or Going forward with The 5 m as 3 WIL MING TON, Great SMphvldingCity? The Merchant who Advertises is the Merchant who is going forward. cannot get new business unless you tell the thousands of new comers to Wilmington what you have to sell. You Th A ttemoom Newspaper Goes into the homes of the people e, very afternoon, except Sunday, at an hour when it is most convenient for the members of the family to read its 'i columns. Th e Wilmington 5 v isjpalc Has a wide circulation in Wilmington and surrounding territbry. The mer chant who advertises in The Dispatch puts his wares before thousands of people riot only in Wilmington but to those who buy live in near by towns and in the city. "... -L Tell the people what 1 you have to through the advertising columns of The Dispatch. You will get resutls. sell 3 9 a feresUnc her na at. the. elbow, he " ii in 1 i. i .. 't ' "fra 0 . . wniHiumuiiwinHnHHi