J si:?? VACATION MONET FOR CnY SCHOOL CHILDREN Cash Prizes paid for .Writing Articles on Wilmington's" , Shipbuilding .V i The Dispatch, along with" "Wilming ton as a v?hole,;has the utmost confi dence in the cttyV f uture," and be lieves that the sunrise . of greatness is upon us if the men, women and children of the community i will lay aside their petty Jealousies and self ish desires and work together for the development of the city. The oppor tunity is here, knocking with an in sistence that should bring joy to the hearts of everyone desirous of mak ing Wilmington the most important shipping center on the soutJi Atlantic coast. These matters, however, should not be looked upon in the abstract. We must face them as actual concrete conditions, and as such govern our organized efforts. The new shipyards irith all of their attendant industrial artivities have come upon us rather suddenly, and tne city is suu groping Ground in the darkness of generali ties. H tQe pitizens of Wilmington are to make the most or. the oppor tunity they must be keenly awake, to the situation. The Dispatch would arouse the in terest of all Wilmington to the im portance of united and harmonious effort to co-operate with the new en terprises and new citizens coming here, and to bring a full realization nf what all of this means to the peo ple of this city individually and col- lective, nas apprupnatea iu gum to be divided into three prizes, which will he awarded to students in the Wilmington city schools who will write articles setting forth -reasons vhy this city should be the leader in ;hit)building and water commerce among the cities of the south Atlantic states, and what the citizens of Wilr mington should do to bring about this rfpsirable object. The Dispatch has no desire to place too many restric tions upon those who enter this con test .preferring to give them as wide a range as possible in handling this all-important subject, but we-' suggest the following as a general subject: Wilmington's facilities and opportuni ties for development, and what the citizens should do to encourage this development. The rules of the contest are sim ple: Open to the school children of the city of Wilmington; must be writ ten neatly, in ink, or better still,, on a typewriter, and on one side of the paper onlyr-not more than 500 words in length; manuscript must be in the Dispatch office not later than 7 o'clock on the evening or. May 31. -or tne best paper a prize of $20 in gold will be awarded; for the second best, $10 in gold, and $5 for the third. Mayor P. Q. Moore and H. C. Mc Queen haveJbeen asked by the Dis r.atMi n serve aa two mPTribfiVH flf ' tTlR committee of five to make' the awstrds the other three members to be select ed by Messrs. McQueen and ' Moore The committee will pass upon the papers Just as quickly as possible after the close of the time for filing papers, and announcement of the win ners will follow immediately, which will probably be Sunday morning, June 2. Now get busy, all you school chil dren, and write out just why you think Wilmington is eoing to become the queen of south Atlantic ports and what the citizens should do to bring it about. WHITEVILLE WENT OVER TOP LAST SATURDAY. (Special to The Dispatch) Whitevllle. N. C. Mav 21. H. T,. Lyon, chairman of thp second war fund drive for the Red Cross, yes terday sent tha following telegram to ftickes Walboldt, division campaign director of the American Red Cross, AuaHta, Ga.: "Whitevillft Jy'ng squadron reporting $1,240. At ' " i;iock toaay 199 persons have Pledged $1,528.75. We - will more wan double our allotment," .The allotment for Whiteville was ti.ooo. The above teleeram explains tseif. Chairman Lyon reports that ue town will more than double the allotment. Columbus COlint.V to 1rrlHnr fnrwnrd Jth interest to next Saturday, when j we Home Guards, Red Cross and ojner organizations will stage a mon w p?rade here to further the Red uoss drive for new members; Sev eral thousand people are expected to ? fre and two or three thousand iu likely participate in the parade. u ir6nch mcer from the front will re3s the assembly following the jarade This demonstration would 27 staged for earlier in the ran Si lnabilityto secure a speaker day6 U t0 be PostPoned until Satur- vn?117 Richardson. a Whiteville RirSSer' son of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Jnardson, is a prodigy in the way la.f r.1?8 war sav'ng stamps. Up to oniv nuay the little fellow, who is y j eight years old, had disposed of mm rth of the stamps. He has fair ta 0t since that date and blds In tv d a11 yungsters of his age inis anI adjoining counties. No Caps and Gowns This Year. be!; ? N- Y-' May 21. The mem tot u Cornell's graduating class will .iear- caPs and eowns at the fif- ro-ar annual commencement tomor- the eV j w,usnce witn a decision 01 chan ent counciI- This radical the ,,! as, decided upon in view of and ?l!?e graduating class ten.. V -c UI ine unessential ex- c involved. eaAa!!re88lve campalgn to Ameri bee nn of foreign , birth has Educa?,? ned in Buffal by tfae Civic nation society of that city. BASEBALL 0" YESTERDAY'S. RESULTS. r American ; League. . PhUadelphia, 5J?Detroit; Washington, 2; St. Louis. 4. ; rBostoiv llrr Cleveland, .1 :" ; New -York, 2;Chlcago, ; 6i, A " C National League. . : St Louis. . 3 ; - New York, ' 5. v ? Chicago, 2; Brooklyn 5.-- U " ' Pittsburg 5; Philadelphia, 1. . Cincinnati, 5; "Boston, 2." ' ' 1 Southern Association. - - At Mobile. 2: New Origan n At Chattanooga Teams failArt tn arrive. ' . ,i .v :-; - At Atlanta, 2; Nashville, 6. At Memphis, 4; Little Rock, X2. American Association. At Milwaukee, 2; Columbus, 9. At St. Paul, 4; Indianapolis, 2. At Kansas City. 6: Toledo. 1 Louisville-Mlnneanolis. ua. - . International League. At Syracuse-Jersey City, rain. ' At Rochester. 2; Newark, 7. At Buffalo. 5: Binehamton - A (19. in. nings). At Toronto, 5; Baltimore, 10. WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY. National League. Boston at Cincinnati; clear. Philadelphia at Pittsburg; clear. Brooklyn at Chicago; clear. New York at St. Louis; cloudy. American League. Chicago at New York; cloudy.. St Louis at Washington; clear. Detroit at Philadelphia; cloudy.. Cleveland at Boston; cloudy. Southern Association New Orleans at Mobile. Birmingham at Chattanooga. Little Rock at Memphis. Nashville at Atlanta. All clear. Will H. Hays, the new chairman of me rentlhllr.an nntinnal enmrnfttaa 1 - . urges that women take part in politics' to the fullest extent button trimmed, each .... . . . .$2.48 SHEETING. 7Z,by 90 Seamed Sheets, good quality, each. .... .98c 90 by 90 Unbleached Sheets, heavy pepperell, hem med, special $1.98 Walworth bleaching . . . . . ... .... 19c Magnolia bleaching 25c Reliance bleaching 30c. Lonsdale bleaching, short ends, per yard . . 29p Androscoggin bleaching, per yard . . . . 35c SWEATERS. Silk Sweater Coats in all the new summer shades, each for $10.00 DRESSES. Sample line of Voile and Lawn Dresses, all the new styles in size 1 6 only, each from $4.98 to $12.00 J. W. II liens' Dent. r : Store The Store For Service- fHE WILMINGTON DISPATCH. TUESDAY, STANDING OF THE 'CLUBS. American League l l Won. Lost Pet . .19 10 .655 ...15 13 .536 ...15 14 - .517 ...14 11 .560 ..13 15 .464 Boston . . . . New York ... Cleveland Chicago Washington St. Louis'.. .. Philadelphia-, ...12 13 .480 ...12 ; 15; .444 ,..7 16 .304 Detroit ...... h ; National League. . . ". . ' Won. Lost. Pet New. York ........ .v; 21 7 .750 Chicago .17 10- .630 Cincinnati,.... ..17. ,;, 13 .567 Pittsburg ...........14 ; 12 .538 Philadelphia 11 15 .423 Brooklyn ...10 16 .385 Boston Z ............ 10 18 .357 St Louik 9 18 .333 .. . : Glass factories in Ohio are hiring women as glass-blowers. Over-run with Ants ' Ants are certainly; bothersome. They hav? Tit way ox getting into every conceivable place in which food is kept However, there is a sure Way of destroying them. Sprin kle BEE BRAND INSECT POW DER wherever they gather and every ant or bug that comes in con tact with it will di. Bee Brand Insect Powder tmxt it Into tbm mlr Flies and mosc-uitoea die in a few mnmtes. Will kill ants, fleas, roaches, bed-bugs, lice, and bugs of nearly every kind. Directions on package. Look for the B09 Brand Trade Hark 25e4bCOc EcCEEXXCD,Bki.Ei The Bed Cross Needs Your Help Do not let go empty the hand that asks you to give to.this Great Cause. For Humanity's Sake, for Christianity' Sake, for Democracy's Sake Give, Give, Give. THEN LOOK HERE SKIRTS. All sizes in white Pique Skirt .$1.25 All sizes in white Middy Voile, pretty styles at ........ . .$1.79 All sizes in striped Ga berdine, belted and THEATRE A Good, Show at the Royal - v Royal patrons had a treat in tie presentation yesterday for the' first time of Lottie LeClalre and her ?Mile- a-Minute gins, v wnicn opened a week's ; engagement, presenting the roaring .musical farce, "Married Life," to large - audiences. r . . The entire company is on the oh every minute the curtain is tip; and the show runs a1 solid hour frothing skimpy or snoix, aDout it from begin ning to end. The music is exception ally good, with some voices with tone and timbre seldom seen or heard on a popular priced show, and the comedy end, Ip the hands of two blackface artists, is especially well developed. The featured attraction is the Pull man quartet, and there was only one kick to be registered against it their act was too short. The audience want ed more of it and called for it re peatedly. Miss LeClalre playing the leads, presented a personality -. that charmed and made friends with every one. The opening Dili goes on today and tonight, tomorrow's bill being a patriotic special bill, "Over the Top. Kissed in the Dark June Caprice is kissed right In the dark and the funny part about the kiss is that she gives credit to the wrong man for the pleasure it gives her. That's the situation In Miss Ca price's latest William Fox photoplay, "A Samouflage Kiss," which will be shown at the Grand theater tomorrow, It is a play brimful of humor. It brings together a manufacturer of beans and a producer of pork, with the natural result of pork and beans. The pork man is prosperous and mixes pork and beans well, but when it comes to love he is not so good a mixer. He is so chy that he coaxes another man to kiss his affianced bride in the dark. The bride-to-be is delighted. It was a wonderful- kiss and, believing the pork man had be stowed it, she beams on him. But as with children, you can't fool woman about them. She knows her own. So that when the real kisser kisses her again she realizes that the pork man's kiss has been camouaged. You can judge for yourself whether the kisser, or the would-be kisser gets the girl. As usual. Miss Caprice plays her, part with gaiety. What Doctors Use for Eczema Prparrinti , - " - : . " m" a full L-9 Kmcdvor akin mw-iiiliiti fan oil .b-t It penetrates the pores, rivea instant nlitf R. R. Bellamy, Druggist. Strength anL How to GainTt INSTEAD OF EXERCISES, PATENT FOdDS AND MEDICINES, TAKE PHOSPHATE WITH YOUR MEALS. The demand today is for men and wo men who are strong in erery sense of the word possessing the physical strength necessary to endure hardships and fatigue; the mental strength to grapple with diffi cult problems; the neryous force which en dows the body with vigor and vitality; the will' power to triumph over adversity ana turn defeat into victory. But such glorious strength is impos sible so long as your nerves are weak and exhausted, and therefore if you would be really strong you must first care for your nerves. Weak, exhausted nerves need food, and for this purpose physicians strongly recommend the use of the organic phosphate known among druggists as bitro-phosphnte and put up in 5-gr. compressed tasteless tablets. If you feel your strength is failing from any cause, get a supply of these bitro phosphate tablets and take one with every meal. Practically all of the minor ail ments afflicting mankind, as well as many of the mora serious maladies, can be trac ed to nervous exhaustion and lowered vi tality, and probably this explains wiiy such a remarkable improvement in tn general health is invariably noticeable when bitro-phosphate is taken as directed, as the nerves are thereby revitalized and made strong. It is sold-by Bellamy, Green, Jarman & Futrelle and all good druggists. Adv. There is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases nut to4 gether, and for years it was Mpjed to be incurable. Doctors prescribes local rem edies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incur able. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly infl uenced by constitutional conditions rnd therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine, manufactured by ! F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is a con stitution! remedy, is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars re-! ward is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Medicine fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. , t F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tohjdo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. 1 Hall's Family Pills for constipation.Adt ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Havington qualified as Administrator of the estate of Mary Gore Penton, this is to notify all Darties having claims against the said estate, to present the same to me, duly' verineu, on or ueiurc iu uaj or iviay W19, or this notice may be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the sai'l estate will please make prompt pay ment. CLAUDE GORE, Address Rockingham, N. O. 5-7-oaw 4w iyt State of North Carolina, Counly of New Hanover. In the Superior Court. RERCICE OF SUM3ION. Agnes Iedwell, vs. Harvey Led well. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of New Hanover coUnty for an absolute di vorce on the ground of abandonment; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the 4th Monday in June, 1A18, at the court house of said county in Wil mington. N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. ( ' This the 7th day of May, 1915. W. N. HARRISS, Clerk of Superior Court, . ' 5-7-oaw 4w tues.. .. . A soin combination of on Of Winter- n. TL TV Pi-MWintinn i. U2, MAY, 21, 1918. COLORED STUDENTS ARE NOW BEHIND HOOVER. (Special to The Dispatch) Greensboro, N. C., May 21. The students of the - Negro Agricultural and Technical College of North Caro line In this city have set a splendid example for similar schools in the state by pledging themselves to not use any more wheat bread until after the coming harvest, "This action was taken by the students of their own accord as an expression of their pa triotism and willingness to serve their country and humanity in the present crisis. The action of the Greensboro insti tution follows closely upon that of Meredith college and Peace Institute. two girls colleges at Raleigh, whose students requested the college author ities to banish wheat products from the menu until the next harvest so that the flour might be released for export to the soldiers ,ot the United States and its allies in France. MUCH RHEUMATISM Local Druggist's No-Cure No-Pay Offer Attracts Many Sufferers. If there are any rheumatic sufferers in town who have not availed .them selves of Mr. Bellamy's generous offer they should do so at once. Mr. Bellamy states, that if Rheuma, the guaranteed prescription for rheu matism, does not give any purchaser quick and joyful relief Mr. Bellamy will return the purchase price without any quibbling or red tape. Rheumatism is a dangerous disease, and anyone who has the slightest taint of it should drive it from the system as soon as possible. Read what Rheu ma did for this eufferer: "For five years I suffered with artic ular rheumatism, havinc bunches on my elbows, feet and wrists. I took everything I could get, with no relief. I saw your ad. and was greatly : im proved before I had used two battles, and was cured before I had finished the third. I thank God for Rheuma and that I am free from rheumatism today, If anyone wishes Information from me I will write them. I think Rheuma is a. miracle." Mrs. Lucia Ryder, 102 Gilbert street, Syracuse, N. Y. Good druggists, everywhere sell Rheuma. A large bottle is inexpensive and sufficient for two week's treat ment. Advt, LOTTIE UCLAIR AND HER -MILE-A-IMTE GIRLS Traveling in Fast Company and Featuring the PULLMAN QUARTET In Clean and Clever Miniature Musical Comedy. ROYAL TOMORROW ii- Who Kissed Her? She knew when she received the second application! The Romance of a Twentieth Century Girl. Which do you wane- short, kinky Hair or lone, wavy, glossy hair QUEEN Hair Dressing will make your hair Iob. soft and retry. Coforad women evetywnere, are using this wonderful hair grower. Don't take a substitute, be sure you get QUEEN. dtErM,0r en4 NEWBRO MFG. COMPANY Atlanta. Georgia Avnts WanUd Writ for Trms June Caprice in "A Camouflage Kiss" If MANTONE KING OF RECOKSlSUClli n "MAKES YOU FEEC-GOODhA UL OYER Women Appreciate It Too. DAVID'S Your In these days of wool shortage and uncertain quali ty you should choose your clothes dealer "With as much ' care as youvould. select your lawyer. Pick out one "worthy of your confidence. 1 We'd rather "miss" a sale than misrepresent any article. The loss of a sale means little to us ; the loss of your confidence much. 7 That's one reason why we sell Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes ; we can offer them to our customers con fident in the knowledge that they are exactly as repre sented; best all-wool fabrics; latest styles; finest tail--oring and finish. Our guarantee covers all these points. " . . . A. David & Go. Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Oothing Schoble Hats, Metric Shirts Wheatfield Flowers, Roses, Fruits New Hats, New Ribbon, Sport Hose, Collars. 4! 5: miss Alma brown TAX LISTING! We will be at the Court House during the month of May; daily, except SundayarircAamta 5-p. m, for, ,' the" purpose of taking Tax! l2fsts "6f TOIimngton Resi- ' dents and Property Holders. Attend to This Duty in Time to Avoid the Penalty for Neglect. r, B. F. King H. K. Nash, Tax -Listers for Wilmington Township. Can't sleep! Can't eat! Can't even digest what little you do eat! 25 cents a package at all Druggists, or sent to any address postpaid by the U. S. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 West Broadway; K.Y SUBURBAN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MAY 11, 1918. WINTER PARK, WRlGHTSVILLE, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH EA3T BOUND. WtglBOCXD. Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave Leave "Electric ' ''Electric "Electric Beach Wrightsville Winter Park Center" Center" Center" for for for for , for for Wilmington. Wilmington. Wilmington. Winter Park. WrlghtsvUi Beach : fl:80 A. M. -0:30 A. M. 8:30 A. M. - ?:20 A:.M. :50 ' 6:50 6:30 7:10 A. M. 7:50 " g Ol - 7:25 M 7:23 " 7:25 " 7:40 - 8:0O 8:11- 8:00 " 8:00 " 8:00 " ............... 8:25 88 " 8:30 " .8:30 - 8:30 : 8:15 M 5:55 " . 91qq. ..... 8 :45 0 :25 " j) 'Sft 10:00 " 10:00 M 10:00 " 9:15 " 10:20 io-3l - 11:30 - 11:30 " 11:30 105 11:06 11:00 P. M. 11:00 P. M. !1:00 P. M. 10:45 " 12:25 P. M. i2:s p, V 1:10 " 1:10 " xl:10 M 12:15 P.M. 1:50 " 2K)1 " 2:00 " 2:00 " 2:00 " xl:45 " 1:55 " - 2:30 44 2:30 2:30 M 2:45 " 2:55 s:0fi " -3:00 " 8:O0 " 3:00 " ; 3:15 . 35..? 33 - 3:30 " 3:30 " 8:30 3:45 " 3.-55 . " . 4;ui 4:00 " 4:00 - 4:00 " 4:15 4:25 48 ,,4:30 " 4:30 , 4:30 . ' 4:45 " 4055 " - on 5KK) " 5KW " 6:00 " .5:15 5:25 - r6 5:30 " 5:30 5:30 " 5:45 ,5:55 " Qtfl 6:10 " 6:10 " 6:10 " 6) " 6:30 " ' d:41 - 6:40 " M 6:40 " 6:40 44 6:50 44 7:00 7:11 " 7:15 44 7:15 44 7:15 '. 7:20 ' 7:30 , . 7:41 44 8:15 44 8:15 44 750 44 8:00 44 :u . 44 9:15 44 9:15 44 9:15 44 .............. 8:45 44 44 10:15 44 10:15 44 10:00 44 10:10 44 10:21 44 11:15 44 11:15 ,. 10:45 44 105 - E.... 11.45 44 liae 'u pally except Sunday. ! Sundays Only. x FREIGHT SCHEDULE: ':Ci.r Daily Except Sunday. ; Lfeave Ninti and Orange Streets 3:00 P. M. Freight Depot open Daily Except Sunday from 2:00 to 3:00 P. SPECIAL NOTICE This table shows the time at which trains may be expected to arrive jat' and depart from the several -statJohs;buf Xb arrivals and departures are not guarnteed. . rri' -- ' ' , ft at all DrugglrU $1. J Confidence One or two doses ARMY & NAVY DYSPEPSIA TABLETS will make you feel ten years younger. Best 'known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach and Dyspepsia. Does not Run Beyond Station 2. M. IK i r, el l-:r. V. ! ! 5 k I. is . in- V" 'i 'v t