-2, i" - s I , - U - THE nClGTOfSPffTCB.: tHUR5D7WTM?e RAILROAD AND OTHER WORKERS ORDERED OUT . . Another Bridge Will Likely Be Built Over Savannak River (Special to The Dispatch) Columbia, S. C May 23J Teh rail- BASEBA.BE YESTERDAY'S-RESULTS. American League. hPiladelphia 1, Detroit 3. " v . Washington 2, St. Louis 4. Boston-Cleveland, cold. New York 1, Chicago 0. .I-'.- National League. Chicago 2, Brooklyn 1. St. Louis-New York, rain. Cincinnati 2, Boston 3. : Pittsburgh 6, Philadelphia 5. road men, four wheelwrights, three veterinarians, twenty bricklayers and ten carpenters arer to be sent by the local exemption boards of South Car olina to various camps about the first cf June, according to notification sent out Tuesday by Capt. R; E. Carwile, officer in charge of the selective serv ice regulations. The first three clas sifications are for white men, the la3t two for colored. Under call 504 for railroad brake men, flagmen and conductors, to go to Camp Meade, Md., Florence is to furnish one, Greenwood one, Lexing ton one, Oconee three and Columbia three Under call 538 for, veterinarians, for Camp Lee, Charleston, No. 2 is to furnish one, Clarendon one ana ADpe ville one. Under call 543, for wheelwrights, to go to Camp Johnston, Jacksonville, Charleston, No. 2, is to furnish one, Dillon one and Columbia two. Under call 535, for bricklayers, col ored men only, to be sent to Fort Wayne, Mich., Barnwell is to furnish two, Charleston, No. 1, three; Charles ton, No. 2, one; Dillon one, Dorches ter two, Greenwood two, Newberry four, Orangeburg, No. 1, four, and Richland county one. Under call 536 for bricklayers and helpers, colored men only, to be sent to Fort Wayne, Mich., Anderson, No. 1, is to furnish two; Colleton four, Florence two, Richland county one and Williamsburg one. Another bridge over the Savannah river between South Carolina and Georgia is forecast in- the issuance of a commission by W. Banks Dove, sec retary of state, Tuesday, ' to the Georgia-Carolina Bridge company, of Garnett. ".,' l lie tuiiiio.ij 1 ri capital stock of $100,000. The peti- Boston . Southern Association. Chattanooga 5, Birmingham 3., Little Rock-New Orleans, post poned ; team failed to arrive. Memphis 1, Mobile 4. ' Atlanta 5, Nashville 10. Oil CO STOVES American Association. At Minneapolis 9, Toledo 2. St. Paul 1, Columbus 2 (12 innings). Kansas City-Indianapolisj rain. Milwaukee 0, Louisville 1. International League. Toronto 3jBaltimore 1 (first game). . Toronto Baltimore ,1 (second game). Syracuse 11, Jersey City 2. Rochester-Newark,1 wet grounds. Binghamton 6, Buffalo 4. WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY National League. Brooklyn, at Chicago, clear. Philadelphia at Pittsburgh, cloudy. Boston at Cincinnati, clear. New York at St Louis, cloudy. ' American League. Chicago at New York, cloudy. Detroit at Philadelphia, clear. St. Louis at Washington, cloudy. Cleveland at Boston, cloudy. Southern Association At Chattanooga at Atlanta. Nashville at Birmingham. New Orleans at Little Rock. Mobile at Memphis. All clear. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. American League Won. Lost, 19 and W. F. Maner, Thomas O. LAWton and John S. Baxter of liarneu. ine v. 'r w f t,o rnnrnaTiv is "to build ouviipuis ........... .A4 piuyuBo .v. o Washinenn . IS llZTl Tthe uTttoate nrob- Philadelphia 12 Vduua" x.., - T.S O , !i m vn;ntinor a hridra fnr Ttifi ucwuii .............. o , I mV- t ft. Pamell and her hus- r National League. hand, M. G. Parnell,, lose their, suit 11 12 13 11 13 17 16 16 Pet .633 .538 .552 .53 .519 .433 .429 .333 Won. against the Saxe Gotha Mills, in Lex- New York 22 18 ..........18 ... 15 ...11 ...11 ...11 ... 9 Lost. 7 11 14 12 16 17 19 19 IpmiBiRMiuifflin j :-:'t:::::: mm .jj-:'..;.?':':-! ::: Make Patriotism Pay Save yourself labor and drudgerysave money by using inexpensive kerosene and save coal for your country by using a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove. No coal hods or ash pans, no soot or smoke. A cool kitchen and an all round dependable stove that can be lighted and accurately regulated as easily as a gas range for all kinds of cooking. The long blue chimney gives clean, intense, odorless heat as much or as little as you require. t In 3,000,000 American homes New Perfection U saving coal for the nation and keeping kitchens cool, clean and comfortable. Made in 1-2-3-4 burner sizes, with or without cabinet top and oven. Ask your dealer about the New Perfection Kerosene Water Heater Use Aladdin Security Oil Always available, inexpensive. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEW JERSEY) Free to School Children of Wilmington OFFEREDBYTHE " THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH i FOR THE BEST COMPOSITION. 7 i - Washington. D. C Norfolk. Va. Baltimore, Md. Richmond, Va. Charlotte, N. C Charleston, W. Va Charleston, S. C 7 V, SKlftTYOU TXNCAAD oaoatmuff IB) luimiHiiumi wnunmn himmmiimmiiiiiiiiimmiiiiii i a 13 i $20 In Gold for Best I Composition f $1 0 In Gold for Secondi Best Composition $5 In Gold for Thirdll Best Composition I s Mil: MM PATRIOTIC WALLACE IS Pet .730 .621 .563 .556 .407 .393 .367 .321 ington county, lor tne recovery 01 r;".: damages for injuries sustained when Uncinnatl a house in whicn tney were uvins "7"?" ' was blown down by a storm in March, PhUadphia 1916, through a decision of the South Brooklyn .. Carolina court, filed Tuesday. An in- gostwt ...... terestine legal, point is made by the iouis .. supreme court in its decision revers- . ing Te decision of the circuit court , Black walnut is considered the very in this case The opinion is written best kind of wood for aeroplane pro- hv Assodate Justice T. B. . Fraser. P?ller blades, for, besides being im- 1?gZA nion: Jsely tough it does not splinter Eleven members of tnis year's graa- "J a "j. m ma natine class at The Citadel, Cnaries- manugany, wxute oas, asn1 ton, and 26 members of tne graauai- i"av viucujr. ing class at Clemson college, are re ported as having shown special apti tude for military service and are rec ommended for commissions as lieu tenants in the army. I Assurance is Kiven the people of South Carolina by the conservation and production division of the food administration that not only will there be tin cans in sufficient quantity for canninz during the forthcoming sea son, but that an ample supply of glass jars will also be available. It- is also assured that water glass may De se cured by all who desire to put up eggs for winter use. OVER FOR El Wallace, May 23. Patriotic Wallace went "over the top" at the opening of the war fund campaign for the Red Cross Tuesday night. Rev. V. P. Sco vill, of Wilmington, was the inspira tion of the occasion, in an address never, excelled In Wallace. : The- meetPFho ing was held in the Presbyterian church, Hon. George R. Ward intro ducing the speaker of the evening. A. L. McGowen, chairman of , this cam paign called for the contributions, which amounted to considerably over the assessment for Wallace, which is $400. The negroes, who filled the gallery, had a part in making up this budget. The funeral services of the late D. H. Wallace, Duplin county's clerk , of the court, were held at the home of his daughter here, Mrs. A. L. Mc Gowen. Mr. Wallace, who had been in failing health for the past few months, died at his home in Kenan3 ville Saturday, the remains being brought to Wallace Sunday afternoon. services at the' house were sim ple and impressive.;. At the grave the remains were taken charge of by the Masons. g Those from a distance here to at- tenri th funeral werft? Mr. and Mrs. Willie Ellsworth, of Washington, N. C; Mrs. McCoy Southerland and Mr. Wallace, of Wilmington; Goodwin Ellsworth, Washington, D. C; Judge Oliver Allen, Kinston; Mrs. Joe Snell ings, Portsmouth; Dr. B. R. Graham, Wilmington, and a host of friends from Kenansville and Warsaw. The collection of treasures at Marl borough - House, in the way of gold and silver and works of art, is one of the most valuable in the world. Ad every article at Marlborough Hertise is the personal possession of Queen Alexandra,' with the exception of the famous Gobelin tapestries, which be long to the nation. 4 t,: i , . i Li I M il E BOY IS WOUNDED ACTON Number of South Carolina Lads Named in Army ; " ' , Casualty List Washington, May 23. The army ! v-abuauy list today . contained 86 names, divided as ollows: Killed in action ............ ,.14 uied of wounds ........ . 12 uiea of disease .. , . . , ;n wounded severely .. .. .. .. .. -..39 "Wounded slightly . . 9 Missing in action . . 'i Died of wounds: Sergeant Walter L. rown, yzi uelive St., El Paso Texas. 'Died of disease: Privates James Cotheran, R. F. D. No. 1, Bradley, v,.; jonn W. Jones, R. F. D. No. o. vox 56, Spartanburg, S. C: Walter unter, Laurens. S. C. Severelv wnnndofl' Ssrini wfi. Ham O. Williamson, Blanchard, Caddo I uniy, La.; Privates Mack Anderson, ""nan, S. C; Ross 5i. Brown, Look eba, Okla.; Dolphus C. Cooper, Jack- uaviue, M. c. Officers included r . Lieutenants James Palache, Farm- g'on, conn., died of wounds. Louis, Mo., and Hugh L. Sutherland, wuQii, miss., severely wounded. The happiest day in the year to the "apaneSG hav fnlla In Mav fin a chosen day of this month they all celebrate their birthdays, whether l&ey happened to be born in May or not. Everv clothes and all, rich and poor alike, 'ear dark blue socks. Their homes are gayly decorated with leaves and Paper lanterns and th dav ia snent in feasting, in merrymaking and in the -i-tiua. oi me latest toys. A llPPTiao llonal service is now required before ucw reran business or any nature n i . - M To make a home y ou have to build a house Make a home To make Wilmington grow, Build more homes! To make Wilmington a great shipbuilding city, Build more homes! To make Wilmington the first city in the Old North . State, Build more homes! To make a place they can call home for the ship builders, Build houses! Wilmington is about to Enter upon a New Era. A Great Industry has come to stay. Men of all trades and professions will soon be seeking a place to live. A place to call home. Let us profit by the mistakes of others who have failed to provide these needed homes. Subscribe to the Building and Loan. If you,now are a subscriber -invest again. Wilmington and its people have been called upon to house many newcomers. Wilmington is not going to fail in its task. You are taking a great step forward in your duty to your country by building a home. If not for your self for one of these workmen that will build the ships to make Wilmington grow to help crush the hun horde. The building and loan associations will gladly lend the money to build these hpuses- ' m Today is the day to take action. Send in that subscription. This situation is not one for thinkingAction m is wanted. THIS competition is open to all J the school children of Wil- j mington. The article must be j wrirten on one side of the paper 1 only, and neatness and legibility j I will be considered in awarding I the prizes. All copy must be in 1 the office or the Wilmington Uis- J f I m m m " - HI - I patch not later than o clock 11 m t-. . i t n n 1 . m - l it l l-iinilrtr MTArirnf IIOXT T I CT SI'S l i l iiuay evening, ivxy icu g. j-jM Award of the onzes will be i made as shortly therearter as tne , 1 compositions can1 be read and the i .c. - I winners decided. ..fjiij A 1 .11 1 '. Si 1 . I t lly UillU VClll OllUIlllL CIO 1X10.11V s; i I articles as she or he desires. Every; Brooklyn Building and Loan Association. Carolina Building and Loan Association. Citizens Building and Loan Association.' City and Suburban Building and Loan Association. Co-operative Building and Loan Association. Hanover Building and Loan Association. Mechanics Building and Loan Association. North Carolina Home Building Association. Orton Building and Loan Association. People's Building land Loan Association. Progressive Building and Loan Association. . .. Rural Building and Loan Association. Wilmington Homestead and Loan Association. Metropolitan Trust Company. Workers Building and Loan Association. I one will be read and classified ac- 1 cording to their desirability. Con n 1 sideration will be given theage n , . ' I i i i i t .i i 'ijft'':;r Ai'X&ii 1 and scnooi class or tne cnua sud- n mining composition. The names of the winners and sg their communications will be pub I 1 lished in the Wilmington Dispatch., j I f l - V , '. t -i u t . Hi !5 i What to WAV ITtlTQ Y Y JLJL ILp SI S3. m an i What Advantage docs Wilmineton Offer as the Chief s I Shipping Port on file South Atlantic Coast ? g I What the City of Wilmington and its people should 3 i vvr.i .in. ol l ! j? n s i do to matte Wilmington tne Jesi onipDuuamg roru l ! ! tnr1 ' : Tr-l"-'. 3 LJ ; ' 1 i s. . I ' ' i IV, ADDRESS Shipping Editor, Wilmington Dispatch, on, iV. C H k , 4 i i " mix '! i Wilmingi -mi ; i J I WRITE NAMES AND ADDRESSES CLEARLY AT 1 1 I inniiiininHiicBuiiiimniuiiinniiHinnniniiinn mm iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMtiimiitw v established in England.