E , as m of prayer ' Mayor Issues Proclamation Upon Passage of Reso- lution by Council WILL SUSPEND BUSINESS MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the president of the United States has designated Thursday, the 30th day of May, 1918, as a day of fasting, prayer and intercession, for the people of the United States, asking that they - repair to their respective places of worship and ask aid and comfort of the Almighty in this great cri sis of the affairs of the world; and Whereas, it is eminently proper that the people of the city of Wil mington, accustomed always to the exercise of a proper respect for both Divine and secular law, to make due observance of the day so designated by the president, there fore I exhort and urge all the citi zens of our community to cease from all business and work prompt ly at 6 o'clock p. m., and attend at the places of worship selected by the Ministerial association for the gathering of the people, and then and there join in religious exercises suitable for a people passing through a tremendous ordeal and desiring the help and support which ""Only the Divine power can give. Given -under my hand this 29th day of May, 1918. PARKER QUINCE MOORE, Mayor. The program- as arranged by the union for observance of tomorrow as a day of fasting, prayer and interces- : bodied in presidential proclamation, is ' tmique and will make of May 31 a red letter day n the city's history. vEvery request that has been made by the members of the committee named plied with and they have been re . ceived in a most kindly manner by all c those on whom they have called. J The day will close with services :jin all of the churches, both white and ; "colored, and merchants not closing with the 6 o'clock hour will lock their i;doprs sufficiently early to permit their ,-,'clerks to attend worship in one of -the many churches. Briet prayer serv- ioost will ho lisM in tVio L-ororol fio stations in the city, giving this class of city . employes who work 24 hours to the day the opportunity of attend ing worship. Every effort has been made by the .committee in charge to make all ar rangements without conflicting in any manner with the privileges or work of anyone. The church bells of the Aity will ring for five minutes from "4:15 until 6:20 d. m. and th firo . bell will be sounded every 30 seconds for a period of five minutes at the '.same time. The Tidewater Power company has " ' 'L 3 1 11- A A. . - - r,iigieeu. vu uan every sireei car at o.Ao and allow It to remain standing for a r' A a period qi nve minutes ana request is .made that drivers of all vehicles come -to - a halt at this time and remain u standing., fox - the same length of time. The Howard-Wells Amusement com pany has agreed to suspend programs In all theatres from 6:15. .until 6:30 m the evening. Soda fountains and other similar business places are -urged to discontinue business for a 'like period of 1 time. Further request is made that no telephone calls be made from 6:15 until 6:20. r rev OMOM June 1st 1 - Deposits made with this bank on or before June 2nd will draw interest from June . 1st, receiving credit for four months interest on October 1st. Four per cent, compounded quarterly, paid on all accounts of $5.00 and over. We invite your business. THE PEOPLES CORNER FRONT AND NOL PROS IS TAKEN IN THE HOFFLER CASE The case charging Charles N. Hoff ler, young river man, with registering at a local hotel with Eva Martin, one of the several young women entan gled in the police dragnet during the city's recent clean-up campaign, and who subsequently left for parts un known, as man and wife on the day following his marriage in Marion, S. C, to a young lady of that city, passed into the court records this morning by the nol pros route, upon suggestion and recommendation of Solicitor Bur ton, and in event it is not re-opened within the year becomes a dimsissal. . Although Mr. Hoffler accepted ser vice of the warrant in his room at the hotel and went with the officer to the sidewalk, he was released at that point upon telephonic instructions by the chief of police. The warrant, however, had been served and it was necessary for execution to be shown. It was also necessary, for the case to be disposed of in the proper man nersthrough the court. In a statement given, out this morn ing by Councilman James Hall, com missioner of public safety, he dis claimed connection with the case, say ing that he was merely the council manic head of the police department and knew absolutely nothing about law. The alleged registration of Mr. Hoffler and the Martin woman was reported by Officer Haskett, the war rant drawn by Solicitor Burton and signed by Patrolman Gore on informa tion and belief and was served by Sergeant Joe Lane. MAXIMUM PRICE OF ALUMINUM FIXED Washington, May 29. A maximum base price of 33 cents, a pound for aluminum in lots of 50 tons or more of the ingot 98 to 99 per cent grade, was fixed by President Wilson today under an agreement between produc ers and the war industries board. The new price Is effective June 1 and will continue until September 1. Differentials for sheet, rod and wire will be Increased by about 12 1-2 per cent; differentials for. quantity and grade and. differentials for alloy will remain as approved by the board on March 3 last. '"' ALL YE : SHIP BUILDERS: You need sun glasses. We sell alt" kinds the kind you need. Next to United Cigar Store. , Eyes Examined DR. MILES IV, MALONEY President and Manager 4 SAVINGS BANK PRINCESS STREETS BUSINESS SPECIALS MENSSENGEB SERVICE. For this service we use the Postal Telegraph Cable Company's messengers. They will call for your ''ads." In the same manner and quick time as they now cover the city for telegrams, night lettergrams, cables, etc. For .further information ha to "ads." call 176, but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." SHIPBUILDING SERIES OPENS AT 123 Princess, June 1st. Our liberty is unequaled, so let's take well care of every newcomer -by taking build ing and loan shares so the associa tions can build homes for our in creased population. Carolina Build ing & .Loan Association wants to do that; we pay the taxes. How many shares? Telephone 332 for informa tion. U W. Moore, Secy., E. T Taylor, Prest. 5-29-lt WE NOW HAVE A TRIMMING department to our garage. Come pd see us for all kinds of top work. W. D. MacMillan, Jr. 5-24-5t WANTED SPECIALTY SALESMEN Live, energetic men, who want to make $75 to $100 per week. 'Write us for information. The Buckeye Oil & Paint Co., Cleveland, O. WANTED TWO OR THREE ROOMS near in for light housekeeping. Gentleman and wife with boy 3 years of age. Apply W. W. H. care Dispatch. 5-22-tf TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS OP all descriptions. Tou will find at Cbas.-Finkelstein3 place. Guaran tee you to save money. 6 So. Front St. Phone 642. 4-19-if WHEN YOUR BOY GOES fNTO THE Trenches see that he takes with him your portrait. He will treasure it above all the gold on earth. Foltj and Kendrix. 12-13-tf. HfGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ATTEN- tlon. A few months of specialized training with us may easily double the value of your genral education, he Motte Business College. tf EVAPORATED PEACHES, O Fl anges, lemons, green cabbage, eat ing Irish potatoes, onions, lima and navy beans, black-eye peas, Maras chino cherries, cocoa, Welch's grape juice, fruit jars and a complete line of candies, chewing gum and paper bags. Bear Produce & Mdse. Co. (Wholesale), Phones 452-453. 14-16 Market St. 5-1-tf WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of issue when so requested. Phone your order to 745. Gordon's News Stand. 10-7-tf. MOVING DAY CALL UP TELE- phone 124 and get experienced men. to handle your furniture Big wagg ons, reasonable prices. Schloss, Bear and Davis Co., 15 South Second. FOR SALE PORTO RICO SWEET potato plants, 500, $1.50; 1,000, $2.50. Now ready to set out. E. D. Wil liams, Market St. road. 5-27-3t.j GOOD WAGES COMFORTABLE home for satisfactory cook at Wrightsville Beach; small family. Apply Crescent Candy Co., Wilming ton. 5-29-3t ON ACCOUNT OF INJURY IN MON- day's wreck, will be unable to so licit personally shares in new Lib erty Series, although the Carolina Building & Loan Association, with assets over $170,000, is exceedingly anxious to build houses for our ship workers and to have you a' share holder in this growing association; 25c per share weekly. Telephone 332 and get shares reserved. L. W. Moore, Sec, 123 Princess. 5-29-3t "My dear, you certainly have a very sharp 'nose." "Well, don't you keep it up to the grindstone all the time?" San Francisco Chronicle. HiJUllllllllllllllllir,lllllllllllllllllllllll!llllUlllllllllllllllE I W AM TED j I A First Class Clothing 1 Salesman I A. DAVID CO, 1 STENOGRAPHER WANTED IN OF- fice for afternoon work. Apply No. 23, care Dispatch, and state salary desired. MARKET STREET HOME FOR SALE New House Part Cash and bal ance arranged if desired. Wilder, 207 Princess street 9 5-22-t YOUNG LADIES, GIRLS, YOUNG gentlemen, boys. There never was a time when there were so many opportunities offered as now. But you must be prepared. Phone 706 or write for catalogue. The Motte Business College tf THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE- time must be seized during the lifetime of the opportunity. The opportunity is offered you now. Are you prepared? If not, phone 706 or write for catalogue. The Motte Business College. tf CRISCO 33c CAN POMEIAN OLIVE Oil 45c can; Eagle Milk 23c can; Rumford Powder 28c pound can; Lux 14c package; No. 2 Tomatoes 14c can; New Potatoes 35c peck; Carnation Evaporated Milk, tall cans 14c. Prompt delivery, CaSh only. Phone 853. C H. Bprnemann. 5-21 WANTED TO BUY SOME CHEAP Second-handed Bicycles. Apply Queen City Cycle Co., 209 Market St. Phone 862. 4-29-tf FOR SALE ONE 20-tt. P., I K C Engine. One 70 saw Continental gin with all equipment furnished. Been used only two seasons. Well taken care of under shed. Anyone, looking for bargain apply W. H. Malpass. Rocky Point, N. C. 4-3-tf IF YOU EXPECT TO DO BETTER work or hold a better position you must prepare and we are now of fering you the opportunity. The Motte Business College. tf INSURE YOUR FUTURE BY TAK- ing necessary training now The important thing is action. Don't put it aff. Phone 706 or write for catalogue. The Motte Business College. y tf HAVE YOU SEEN ANYTHING OF A Valuable package, about 5 inches square, from Coe Mfg. Co., addressed to Southern Sign Shop or to J. M. Satchwell? Reward. Southern Sign Shop, opposite court house. 5-20-tf WANTED CLEAN COTTON RAGS. Dispatch Office. 5-7-tf WANTED A BOY WITH WHEEL TO . carry papers. Good proposition for one who really wants work in after noons. Apply to Dispatch. 5-27-tf WANTED A YOUNG MAN OF IN- telligence and energy to travel. Per manent position; moderate salary; good prospects. Box 588. 5-28-3t FURNITURE FURNITURE FUR- niture For Beds, mattresses, oil cook stoves, refrigerators, parlor sets, all kinds household furniture at lowest prices. Castle Street Fur niture Co., 705 Castle St., phone 198. 5-28-7t FOR SALE EDISON PHONOGRAPH with 160 records; sacred, sentimen tal and comic. Can be seen at 22 S. Second St. No reasonable offer refused. 5-29-3tj FOR SALE MOON ROADSTER. SEE Langenberg, Grand theater. FOR SALE TO QUICK BUYER AT reasonable price, one mule, one horse, two drays, two complete sets harness. Can be seen at Schloss, Bear & Davis stables. Ask for Mr. M. W. Teachy or N. H. Carter. 5-29-3tj For Sale POO Bushels Mixed Feld or Cow Peas. 0,000 "44" Cigars J5,000 Franklin Cigars 5,000 Sub Rosa Cigars 5,000 El Rees So Cigars Complete line Tobacco and Cigarettes. Orders solicited. V Samuel Bear Sr. & Sons Wholesale Grocers. OLD FALSE TEETH WANTED; doesn't matter if broken. We pay you actual value. We pay cash for old gold, silver and platinum. Send to us and receive cash by return mail. If price is not satisfactory, we will return teeth promptly upon request. International eeth Co., 305 West 42nd street, New York, Very truly yours, International Teeth Co. 520-tf For Sale 500 Bays Velvet Bean Meal 3000 Bags Salt 600 Bags Rice Meal 600 Bags Creamo Cotton Seed Mgl1 2000 Kegs Nails 400 Barrels Flour 600 Barrels Molasses 5000 Cases Canned Goods of all kinds 400 Bags Land Plaster. Also numerous other goods, car ried in our line. If you cannot come, send us your order. D. L. GORE CO. Wilmington, N. C. . llllllllllllllllllillllllllllll!lllIl!II!IlllllllltIIII!lllllllllIlllUl Builders' j Supplies We Carry High Grade Material and offer our best 1 services. W. B. THORPE & GO. 1 Phone 789. iHiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiniimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Just Received Stock Potato Bug Paste and Dry Powder. Jobn S. McEachern Son No. 21 1 Market St. EH Cotton W eare prepared to sign contracts with responsible parties for October de livery Cotton at good prices. v ; : W. B. Cooper N & Co. Wilmington, N. C. SECURITY AGAINST OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT Four Per Cent i Interest Commercial and Trust Accounts Solicited This Bank welcomes new depositors, no matter how small the account. We encourage the starting of a small account. Begin the day right by opening an account to day. A little put away each week a steady, well planned method of saving is the best habit that, can be formed. SAVE AND BE SAFE American Bank & Trust Co. An Illustration of the Best Life Insurance Policy Issued Amount $19,000 Double Indemnity If death occur by accident the policy pays $20,900 Instead of $10, 000. Disability Protection. If permanently disabled before ajre 65 from any cause accident, blind ness, paralysis, tnbercnalosis, in sanity, or anything else all farther premiums are waiTed and you re ceive an income of fl.OOO a year far life. At death the full $10,000 is paid, regardless of the premiums waived and the income already paid to you. Annual Cash Dividends This policy pays dividends annu ally after the second year. Had bis policy been taken out in 1907 the dividends for 1917 alone would have been $100.00. The longer it is carried the cheaper it becomes and the more it is worth. Loans After the second year you can l. ways borrow from one-third to two thirds of the amount you have paid in without Jeopardizing the policy, and you can insure the loan mak Ing the policy free of debt in case of death. C. L. DICKINSON, Asrt. Telephone 800 A Record to Be Proud Of In 1917 this Bank had about 1,500 Customers, Today our deposi tors are nearly 3,000. Our commercial business has doubled. Our savings business has doubled. Is that not proof in itself that we take care of our customers and giro prompt and efficient service at all times? If you are contemplating changing your account or opening an account, your business will be welcome at the Citizens, whether it be commercial or savings'. THE CITIZENS BANK, Corner Second and Princess Sts. Wilmington, N. C. liiiuiuunnHniHuiiiinunnnininmHirfmTnnnTOTTinmimmTiminnirminninniiJiiniiii Interest Period Our regular , Interest period June. 1st Deposits mad now and through June 2nd draw interest from June 1st and; -your ac count win receive full months est Sept, 1st. 3 " WANT IN OLD AGE Age at Issue, S5 Pald-Cp Extensions After you have carried this policy for three years you can stop paying and. the Company will carry your in surance free for six years and 193 days. After 10 years the company will carry you for 21 yearB and 311 days, and so on. Amount Obtainable This policy may be obtained in any amount' from $1,000 to $25,000, the latter sum being the Company's limit for this particular policy. Pay ments may be made anually, semi annually Or quarterly. Policy Becomes Full'Pald At age 55 all payments cease and $10,000 goes to your heirs when you die, or you can have $6,000 in cash for yourself. The Company The issuing company is the strong est in the world assets $866,9S8,84L 57 and it does business at a lower cost than any other, which accounrs for the large dividends returned to policyholders. If you need life insurance you want this contract. Exact details for your own age gladly furnish, ed on request. Office 101 Princess f iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniii"1111'! Start That ACCOUNT Today INTENTIONS DO NOT EARN OR DRAW INTEREST .....nil fcimnniHiiHiiuuuiiuiM