BASEBALL YESTERDAY'S RESULTS American League. Boston 1; Chicago 0. Philadelphia 2; St. Louis 3. " , Washington 2; Detroit 4. New York 2; Cleveland 4. National League. Pittsburgh 2; Boston 6. (Only one game played.) Virginia League. Norfolk 0; Richmond 1. International League. Buffalo 14 ; JerseyXity 3.. Syracuse 4; Baltimore 0. Rochester 0; Binghampton'3. Toronto 3-2; Newark 2-1. American Association. St. Paul 1; Toledo 2. Kansas City 4; Louisville 3. Milwaukee-Indianapolis, postponed, rain. No others scheduled. - Southern Association. Little Rock ; Mobile 6 (15 innings; darkness). Memphis 2; New Qrleans 3. Birmingham 6; Atlanta 5. . Nashville-Chattanooga; rain. WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY. National League. Cincinnati at Chicago (2), cloudy. New York at Philadelphia, clear. St. Louis at Pittsburgh, clear. Boston at Brooklyn, clear. American League. Washington at Boston (2), clear. Detroit at Cleveland, cloudy. Philadelphia at New York, clear. No others scheduled. Southern Association. Atlanta at Birmingham. Mobile at Little Rock. New Orleans at Memphis. Chattanooga at Nashville. All clear. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. American League. Won. Lost. Pet Boston c2i 13 .629 New York .. .. .. ,..1 15 .559 St. Louis .. .. .. ..17 15 ' .531 Cleveland 19 17 .528 Chicago ..15 15 .500 Philadelphia 14 18 .438 Washington 15 20 .429 Detroit .. ..10 18 .357 National League Won. Lost. Pet. New York .. .. .. ..23 10 .697 Chicago- 22 11 . .667 Cincinnati c-.20 17 - .541 Pittsburgh ...... ..15 16 .484 Boston 15 19 .441 Philadelphia .. .. ..14 18 .438 St. Louis ..12 21 .364 Brooklyn 12 21 .364 THEATRE "SOCIAL BRIARS." Miss Mary Miles Minter, the screens -most, appealing, ingenue,, has been given a fascinating role in her new American-Mutual production, "So cial Briars," one of the cleanest-cut little dramas: recently released, at the Grand tomorrow. Miss Minter plays Iris Lee, a dreamy-eyed little beauty of sleepy Dalton. who chafes under irksome re straints of village life and the crude advances of village beaux and trims her pretty wings for flight when the ills of life become insupportable, only to find that life in a village may be rendered auite enduraDse once that village becomes the abode of love. "Social Briars" was written and scenariorized by Edward Sloman. The picture was 'directed by Mr. Sloman, who has directed several of Miss Min ter's most successful productions. The story involves Iris Lee's deter mination to seek her fortune in New York, her encounters with theatrical managers who desire to star her at a price, her romance with Jack Colwell, a millionaire, who turns out a regu lar fellow, her return to Dalton as a successful soloist with the millionaire in hot pursuit, and the general happy ending of a little girl's dreams that looked dangerous in their beginning. THE GREAT MAZIMOVA; The greats Mazimova, one ot the most powerful figures the screen has ever known, cqmes to the Grand Mon day and Tuesday in a stupenaous seven-act Metro super-production, "Revolution," a worthy vehicle for the great star of the staee and screen. It tells the story of Joline, a model liv ing in theLatin quarter of Paris, who finds a soul throueh the agency of the sacred rose bush. Through Joline, a miracle is performed, when a pious monk who sees her standing beside the sacred bush sees shining in her eyes the pure spirit of the Madonna. The bush bursts into bloom. But this miracle is-BOthing compared to the revelation by which Joline's whole na ture is transformed ana purified. Echoes of the great war are heard in Revelation," and Joline finds her hap Piness first in service and then in love j he Literary Digest, one of the highest class publications in America devoted a whole page in their issue of March 23rd to a commendation of this great photoplay. It says, I, part: "It is a beautiful story, beautifull ytold and wonderfully well acted. Practi cally all the Interest centers in the one character, Joline, played by Mme azimova. In the role of Joline, the yivid, picturesque little model of the atm quarter who, through a miracle "aas ner soul, Mme. Nazimova is suited as she seldom has been before." Wisconsin Has a Birthday. Madison, Wis., May 29. The state Wisconsin. is 70 years old today Aavmg been admitted to the union by ,Lor congress approved May 29 is4S. The anniversary was recalled DV the Stfltft lict-Tiool snniatir al. inough there was no formal observ- In the News Dr. Alexis. Carrel, who has promoted by the French government iu me ranK oi commander of tho.T.' ,Jgion of Honor, is the director of the ivuciteiener institute or Medical Re search. France and America both lay claim to the famous radical scientist, the former for the reason that he is a' Frenchman by birth, the latter because his research work has been done un der the Stars and Stripes in his ca pacity as a member of an American in stitution. Coming to America in tan he associated himself with the i,Wa. tory of McGill university in Montreal, ctuu later movea to jnicago. where he continued -his researches at thp. Uni versity of Chicago. His conoti with the Rockefeller Institute dates from 1909. In 1912 Dr. awarded the Nobel prize for his inves- usd-uoua ana discoveries in medical science. , . . , : I To Race for Harkness Cup. New York, "May 29. Followers of automobile racing are on the tiptoe of expectation in anticipation of the Harkness handicap, the- 100-mile race with which the season at the Sheeps head Bay speedway will be inaugu rated tomorrow. The field of entrants is one of the best that ever competed in an auto speed event in this vicin ity. Among the famous drivers who will strive for honors are the veteran Barney Oldfield, Louis Le Cacq, the young California racer; Louis Chevro let, speedway champion of 1917; Dario Resta, speed king of 1915-16; Ira Vail, the Brdoklyn champion; Omar Tofti, the Pacific coast spring champion, and Arthur Duray, the European cham pion. (PRANTi) hJj tomorrow jLU AR Y ILES INTER IN "SOCIAL BRIARS" How a Beautiful Girl Found Fame in a City and Love in ar Village. oval CLYDE REYNOLDS Presents the Wonderland Girls Featuring "Skeeter" Quinn The Best Blackface Comedian In The Business The De Graces Novelty Jugglers and Tight Wire Performers J.u.iU!UliiHmii.imuJinmm iiiiiimiiimiiiiiimiiimiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiini Look These Over, Men-They'll Please You 'We are. sure they will please you and all we ask is one look and just slip your foot in a pair. The sale will be made and we both will be satisfied. Nettleton Oxfords and Black and Tan at $8.50 to ?10. Slater & Morrill in popular styles, ?7.50 to ?9.00. M R THE: WTCMINGTON DISPATCH. : WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1916. - rPsidntHempstead, - of , - the . New; York Giants, has the major league baseball scores cabled to France every evening.- ? - ... - I - ' JL-....r ' I - , .' I. M imt Wbit Tennessee Foiks Say ABOUT A MEW DISCOVERY " Many local people are glad' to testify to the tood results obtained from Anuric, the discovery of Doctor Pierce of the Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N-Y., for kidney ud bladder, disorders, backache, rheu matism and all uric acid troubles.' This is what Mr. f!. W. iagshaw says: MiTCHLiTaiJD,Tww.--',ThIs is to cer tify that I have used all, or nearly all, of Dr. rierccs .Medi cines. Commenced using them myself and in my family wi. over -30 years ago. III.! TV. a HVrcnrltA . PrV I f scription ' saved the l me 01 my wiie ana daughter 25 years ago, ana 1 nave scarcely ever been without Dr. Pierce's Remedies in my home since. Recently I had occasion to use An-u-rlc, that God -sent remedy for kidncv and bladder troubles, and I can truthfully sav that it has done mo more good than any remody I ever used, and thov are ieeion. No ono'will make a mistake in using any preparation sent out by Dr. Pierce. I have had many years' experience with his institution ana Know wnercoi I speak." When the kidnevs are weak or diseased, these natural filters do not cleanse the blood sufficiently, and the poisons are carried to all carts of the body. There follow depression, aches and pains, heavi ness, drowsiness, lrruaDiiuy, neaaacnes, chilliness and rheumatism. In some peo ple there are sharp pains in the back and loins, distressing bladder disorders and sometimes obstinate dropsy. The uric acid sometimes forms into gravel or kidney stones. When the uric acid affects the tissues, muscles and joints, it causes lmbago, rheumatism, gout or sciatica. Tais is the time to try Anuric, double streueth. the discovery of Doctor 1 Pierce, for kidney trouble and pains in back ana an over Doayi write uoctor Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., and send 10c. for a large trial package this will prove 10 you that Anuric is many times more potent than lithia and elim inates the uric acid from the system as hot water melts sugar or ask your drug- ist now lor a bottle 01 An-u-nc, It's Powdered That's why it saves soap. Use GRANDMA'S Paw dered Soap and stop wasting expensive bar oap by leaving it m water to waste away. Won'tshrink woolens. Won't in jure silk. Larger Packages GRANDMA'S Borax Powdered Soap Ask Your Grocer For It! KEN MVS CHEONTEA The Best Tea on Earth Kenny's High Grade Cof fee 25c lb. Baking Powder, RICE At Cut Price. Buy W. S. S. : - car"- " 1 1 G. D. Kenny Go. Phone 67916 So. Front State of North Carolina, County of New Hanover, In the Superior Court. NOTICE OF SEBVICE OF SUMMONS. W. T. Justice vs Wilmington Chrlsto-Cola Bottling Works, Inc. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of New Hanover cbunty to place the above named defendant in th hands of a receiver on the ground of insolvancy, that is af fairs may be wound up ana tne corporation dissolved, and the said defendant will fur ther take notice that it is required to ap pear at the next term of the Superior Court or sam county to De neia on tne 4th Mon day in June. 1918. at the court house of hi county in Wilmington, N. C., and answer or demur to tne complaint Bled in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court ior tne reiier aemanaea m the com plaint. mis etn aay ot May. iis. W. N. HARRISS, Clerk of the Supterior Court. 5-7-oaw 4w wed BirPTOTf INYlSIBLE.BIfrOCALS Afford a comfort which Is appreciated by those who want near or tar visloa In one pair of glasses. They keep your eyes young in looks as well as in usefulness. No line, seam or lump to blur vision. EYES TESTED FREE Dr. Vineb ue -sunt ana I I ii ffli II' .I For Indigestion, .Constipation -or -. '. Biliousness Just; try one BP-cent bottle of LAX-J'OS WITH PEFSLN. A Liquid Digestive Laxative ( pleasaat to take.--A.dvt, Put your money in 2 in 1 Tires and get more mileage FAIR 2 in 1 901 N. Fourth Phon6 738 A NEW CAR FOR 'YOUfc t0LD ONE. tistth FINISH. Jthat- makes the maohine as ar as : appearance goes What about let ting us t repaintyour automobile? We agree tbTgivelyou aquick ; handsomedur-' able' job, at the 1owa est",possible price. rm .Weagr ee' t o use throughout VUfentine & Companyyarnishes icolors andl other ' mat erials which areTHB MOSTEXPENSIVElia i?at608t but stand- araf orexoeilenceltho Vorldover, Valentine h Company" guarantee Quality J. E. LEWIS & SON Corner Fourth and Princess Phone 898-J 'something about thera youllUke- -1 - nu.mi tm 1 R4 aad nrtallio bo: is. idled with Blm Kibtiom.' S)L I Take etker. Br frmur V Pmtrt. Ask for ciflRs-TZlrtl . "3f, DIAMOND BJUHD MUS, tor yemn fcaowm U Bart, Stet, A1M B1 SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE fins' mx m XL ft ' 1 V.w IJ N Miller's Antiseptic -Oil Known as Accomplishing Most Wonderful Results "I want to thank you for your won derful oil, states Mr. J. C. Gibson, of Jonesboro, Ark. My little girl was low with diphtheria: I had given her two doses of medicine which cost mo 10 with no results. I bought a 25c bottle of your oil and one application relieved her. Now she is well: It is the greatest remedy I ever saw." Mr. Gibson made this statement before humdreis of people. Mrs. Florence Meager, 234 Whitney street, Hartfora, Conn., writes: "I have used your An tiseptic Oil for neuralgia with good effects. Only thing I have ever tried that stopped the pain immediately." Mrs. Williams, Gadsden, Ala., writes. "I have used your great pain oil ror rheumatism, stiff joints, also for sore throat, and want to say that it is the greatest remedy I ever tried. I recommend it to all sufferers." Many cures reported daily from, thousands of grateful users of. this wonderful oil. Every bottle guaranteed. 25c, 50c and $1.00 a bottle, or money refundeu. On sale at Robert R. Bellamy Drug Company. adv. X V if f (NSS 1 ff Lit, . MM- S ' X lththesdeliclous flavor,opure:maple Buy a M AH sizes, all prices, for all purposes. Latest im provements. Largest stock in Wilmington. Good Refrigerators are scarce BUY YOURS TODAY AT TTT7 mm EMPIRE Broadway at 63rd Street ' NEWJYTORK. CITY Room, itA Room $ Cfi useof Bath 1VV with Bath Loll Parlor, bedroom and bath, v one or two PA mm m . persons Add to the above rate. 50c for additional person. All surface ears and Fifth Aye. Busses pass the door. Subway and "L tationa two minntea. Beautiful Central .Parle 1 block. OUR RESTAURANT la noted for ita excellent food and ' ' moderate prioea P. V. LAND Manager each " TAKE the V I fefirnre in the house from Babto Dad feels the benefit j when you serve, delicious LoQabm Syrup1. Delicious Log Cabin Syrup with the flavor of pure maple adds . a new charm to all your delicacies, and gives that dehghtful touch which makes the simplest dish so appetizing. u The Towle Maple Products Company, St. Paul, Minnesota ; Tk Ctntre if North America) s ursine Good Refrigerator ray c N.C. til v I! Makes Robust Health Log Cabin a permanent : nf vnnr table. liverVDOdY : 'WwMM J f-Tilt TT Til f U i-in Ifll TU)TT uY Diiixl i Empire New York I " : t - ; 'i .-. Cl -1 -1 1 'i K - mm If- afr-5 sir -v. -j si?:. mm r;: i mm a in; if, .1 f 10 mm - 1 4. n . '.- 2' f t :V J.i i I if tmm HI iiiiiiiii'j.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiifiiiiiii'iiii IB -um; or the occasion. Masonic Templo

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