THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH. WEDNESDAY; MAY 29, 1918. 5 TTTST f. 'i "K. ": ' f ; - f ,7- : DISPLAY EFFORT AND AWARD RECEIVE OF LIFE TIME DESIRE 1 fThe Dispatch New Era Campaign Affords That Opportunity pjficf Awards Twelve Other Useful Awards Start . Today Make Each Moment Mean Some thing Clip Coupons From Papers i The various gifts that The Dispatch ? is going to award on August 17 should cause intense rivalry. There' never ' has or probably there never will be '.'.again an opportunity like now to se ". cure something worth wnne with com vparatively little display of effort. The 'opportunity to secure subscriptions to ! The Dispatch should be greater now . ' than there ever has been. Everyone ' wants to keep posted upon ,the hap penings of the World Wide War and there is only one way in which that information of what is happening can ?lbe secured and. that is through the medium of a newspaper. With the dif ference of time "over there" from four ', r to five hours earlier than the time 'here, news of the war from the battle ' front of France is secured, and an : - nounced in the afternoon newspaper. ;The Dispatch being an afternoon newspaper naturally secures the very latest news in time to announce it in the different editions every afternoon, and then the news can be read at the supper table, on the porch after sup - per, and in the twilight of the even ting, and the news is secured and an nounced while it is news. More Readers of Newspapers Now. - ' To illustrate our-point so the differ--ent participants understand thorough ly that more people are reading news papers now than ever in the history of '.his country, and subscriptions are sasierto secure, which is not difficult, " there is not a subscriber to The Dis patch that probably will not renew their subscriptions if approached. Even if they are not readers of The " Dispatch the participant by outlining 1 the points covered in above para- graph will have no diff icvulty in se "luring a new scriber who possibly has v . lever been a subscriber to The Dis u : patch. rhe Dispatch and Merchants Extend Invitation. " The Dispatch previously announced '- the various gifts that are to be dis- tributed and again The Dispatch states that Clayton & Lassitef, located at 111 Chestnut street, would be glad lor anyone to call and view the grand t capital awards, the Studebakei; Six, ind the Chevrolet Five Passenger Touring. Car that are on display at their show rooms. The Wilmington .. ; Talking Machine Company, from : v yhom the two $215 Victor Victrolas ; vere purchased, and located on Mar ; :et and Second, would be glad to lemonstrate these wonderfully per fected machines, which are the first division awards of each division. A. O. Schuster extends a liberal invlta tion. for everyone to call and view the four chests of silver that are the third and fourth division awards of each division. The jewelry establishl ment of A. O. Schuster is located on Front street at Princess; The Singer Manufacturing company, located on Market street at Front, would be glad for any one to call and view their large asosrtment of sewing machines of which choice of any two 'machines this company manufacture, are, going to be distributed in each division as second division awards. There can also be seen at the store of Northam's the Eastman Autographic Kodaks that are on display which are going to be awarded as fifth division award for each of the two divisions. Also at the store of A. O. Scnuster the two ladies' solid gold wrist watches can be observed, that are going to be awarded as the sixth division awards of each of the two divisions. , After these different places have been visit ed, The Dispatch will gladly assure every participant that remains active to the end and does not receive an award that they will be tendered a check calling for 5 per cent, commis sion on each dollar that they secure. Now, does not the plan, seem a fair one? The gifts are practically of qual ity that the most aspiring would ap preciate, and the way in which many of the candidates can secure these gifts is by taking advantage of the present special vote offer, and for the first $12 collected in new or renewal subscriptions in addition to the regu lar votes there will be issued a spe cial ballot calling for 100,000 extra votes. This extremely liberal induce ment is good until Saturday, June 1st, and each participant that sends in to The Dispatch by that date $12 in sub scriptions will receive 100,000 extra votes in addition to the regular votes. If an" yone is still considering whether or not they will become ac tive they should reach the decision to day, clip the nomination coupon from the paper, fill in their name and send to The Dispatch without delay. There will also be noticed a special free vot ing coupon good for 300 votes, and just as many of these coupons that Is possible to secure should be sent in connection with the nomination cou pon. Do not delay giving this matter attention. The awards are valuable CAPT. CAMPBELL NOTED AVIATOR. SHOT IN P More New Bern Selects Leave For Service at Camp Jackson (Special to The Dispatch.) New Bern, N. C, May 29. Friends throughout the state will regret to learn of an accident which occurred to Captain Rowland Qampbell, who has been making a touf of the United States during the course of the past few weeks in the Interest of the Red Cross society and war work in gen eral. Captain Campbell, who was with the French forces on the western front and who was taken seriously ill, later recovering and coming to Amer ica, his home, for a few weeks, during which time ho was thought to fully recover his health, and who made n address in this city last Friday, was accidentally shot at Robersonville last Saturday afternoon. Captain Campbell was demonstrat ing with a captured German pistol. The weapon had refused to fire when suddenly it blazed away. The bullet entered the top of one of his feet, w.?nt through, struck the sole ani re bounded, lodging In his foot. Regard less of his injury Captain Campbell continued his address and at the con clusion fainted from the pain and loss of blood. Saturday night- the bullet was re moved and Sunday he made a long trip in an automobile to Washington, where he. made another address and then came on to New Bern and enter ed the New Bern general hospital for treatment. Another delegation of Craven coun ty registrants, composed of J. Z. Toler, Fred Gilllkin and he Roy Parsons, left Monday morning for Camp Jack son, where they will go into training for service in the United Etates armyl There are three or four more men who should have departed with the delegation last Saturday but who have been delayed on account of sickness. They will leave in a few days. Joseph Ablen, special agent for the government and who left a few days ago for Camp Jackson, having in his charge several deserters from the army, has returned to the city. While at Camp Jackson Mr. Ablen had rather a thrilling experience. He had turned his men over to the proper authorities and had received a receipt for them and was on his way to the and can be secured with a display of effort that will not interfere or incon venience any young ladies' daily rou tine of life. SO WHAT IS WORTH WHILE IS WORTH EFFORT, but not much effort will be required to secure one of the New Era Gifts. WILL THERE BE ANYONE TO APPRECI ATE AND REALIZE UPON THIS HINT? A word to the wise should train to go back to Columbia:,- s. C, when he was accosted by a guard who wanted to know who he was and what he was doing there. He explained to the ; best of his f ability but the guard would not take his word for it and he was held for more than an hour while an investigation was being made. Finally everything was smoothed over and an apology, made for the In convenience that had bee' ncaused him. "They are certainly in the job down at Camp Jackson," said Mr. Ablen, and there is no doubt but that such is the case. A marriage of interest to the numer ous friends of the contracting parties took place in this city Sunday night when Miss Sadie Atta, of Baltimore, became the bride of Mr. A. Solomon, of this city. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a large number of rela tives and friends by Father Gallagher and the young couple were the recip ients of numerous gifts and the best wishes of all their friends. They will make their home in New Bern. Hon. Charles L. Abernethy, candi date for congress from the third con gressional district, made an address yesterday at Kenansville before the pupils of the James Sprunt school. Mr. Abernethy spent a short time in the -city en route to Carteret county from Goldsboro and in an interview given out to newspaper men he stated that he felt absolutely confident of being nominated next aturday. Oil Mill Superintendents. Atlanta, Ga., May 29. The ninth an nual convention of the Interstate Oil Mill Superintendents' association met here today for a three-day session. In keeping with the war spirit, the pro gram will e devoted to a discussion Practically very Style, Shape and Leather that your exacting taste requires 'at etersoo &: Rul Wilmington's Largest and Best Shoe Store. IS THIS IS THE DAY OF THE MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WHO LOOKS YOUNG Her experience, her ripened judg ment, enable her to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities for women which the war has created. But to succeed she must appear young. Gray, streaked with gray or faded hair gives the look of age and keeps many women from the success they deserve. If gray hair is your handicap you can easily overcome it with Q-ban ! Hair Color Restorer, just as have ; thousands of other women. It will gradually bring back all the natural color and Tgloss and take years from your looks. Q-ban is not a dye, but a delightful toilet preparation a neces sity for every woman who understands the value of keeping young. It will not stain the scalp, wash or rub off or Interfere with washing or waving the hair. Also removes dandruff, keeps the hair healthy and is easily applied by simply combing or brushing through the hair. Sold by all good druggists every where on money-back guarantee. Price, 75c. Adv. of plans for the most efficient hand ling of the products which are turned out by the oil mills of the south. In connection with the convention there is an elaborate exhibition of oil mill machinery in the municipal auditorium. G. O. P. Birthday Celebration. Bloomington, 111., May 29. Repub lican leaders of state and national prominence assembled here today to take part in a celebration commem orating the birth of their party. The occasion was the anniversary of the Illinois state nominating convention of "1856. which "met in Bloomington, and which is said to have been the ft political gathering to formally adopt the name of ''republican." It 6 at this convention that Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous "lost speech." Commencement Day at Brown. Providence, R. I., May 29. Com mencement day at Brown university was brought to a close with the grad uation exercises today. The univer sity is closing nearly a month earlier than usual to give the students an op portunity to enlist for farm and fac tory work and other branches of the nation's service. The chief speakers at the graudation exercises and com mencement dinner wer Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts and Dr. William Allen Neilson, the newly elected president of Smith college. IROM D PAW-PA THE IDEAL SPRING MEDICINE 3 POWERFUL FORCES IN 1 The new Remedy recommended by doctors, lawyers, clergymen and thousands upon thousands of men and women throughout the United States' of America, Europe and all civilized nations. 1 Nux-Iron Tonic makes strong, vigorous, Iron men and healthy, attractive, rosy-cheeked women. One tablespoonful before meals will promote appetite, increase the strength of rundown, weak and nervous people. Nux-Iron Tonic is put up in liquid form, not tablets, which sometimes the patient cannot easily digest this is why our chemist approves of liquid compound. It is sold in Wilmington at Elvington's Dependable Drug Store. Nuxlron Tonic price 1.00. Formula on every bottle. Mail orders promptly attended to. Interstate Drug Co., Inc., New York. Adv. .1 S isiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiB I he .Has Tl VO tied. Out Way .hi. w IF THE SHIPBUILDING- PLANTS Double the Population of Wilmington, Will They Not Also Double the Population of 3 Ml CAROLINA BEAC i l A cottage at Carolina Beach can be occupied all the ear in perfect safety, because it is a main land resort. The proposition is worthy of your consideration. Talk it over with your wife or sweetheart tonight and see us tomorrow. A number of very desirably located building lots for sale. Reasonable Prices. I Liberal Terms I " B New Hsmiover Transit Go0 1 A. W. PATF Office 7th Floor American Bank Bids. iiwiii'iiiiiiiiii 1 i;ii:mialltliinin?imiiiiimutinniiminnmnmimm.......-- .... 33 , ,.,,,,II?,,,M I"111"' n

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