... i'thf. wn.MTMT-.TON DISPATCH. SATURDAY, JUNE 1. 1918. - BRINGING UP FATHER McMANUS f j r v L fL,Vi, I J -w'-tt ) ( ITS ft ACT HER LATE II ; I OHI THATP ) DOESN'T ivvo, .- 0 m WHACTVTHE. if MRS JIS AND I'M AFRO IT WILL THEV T a iw $2Ir NR.-5NITH T 50U4 V 1 WANT YOU TO MATTER? ARE WANT V0U AMNOY YOUKHROR. U ANNOvI mTT I Q PLAY WELL TftMFV? bfo HIM IF HELL PLAY YOU tiORE KM TO PLAY w"POft: ANNOY OS AT N1HT- I .'n L J vJoriT- 101 U AAIN THI5 EVEJilN5 ATYOUR IfijJ ACAIN- J 1 "J ! 7 Churches METHOU?SI. Trinity, Ninth and Market streets. Rev. W. P. Scoville, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.; M. F. Allen, su perintendent. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by the pastor. All are invit ed. Fifth Avenue. Rev. J. H. McCracken, pastor. Services at 11 a. m.; sermon topic, "The Citizenship In Two "Worlds." Preaching at 8 p. m.; sub ject, "The World's Battle for Bread." Sunday-school at 9:45 a. m. Epworth League Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8. Strangers and visitors are cordial ly, invited to all these rrrvices. Bladen Street, corner Fifth and Bla den streets. Rev. E. C. Sell, pastor. Preaching and communion service at 11 a. m. Evening service at 8:15. Sunday school at 3:30 in the after noon. All members of tie church are expected to attend. Strangers and visitors are cordially invited. BAPTIST. Southside, corner Fifth avenue and Wooster streets. Rev. R. P. Walker, pastor. Preaching by the pastor, at 11 o'clock and 8 o'clock p. m. Sunday school at 9:45 and young people's prayer service at 7 p. m. First, Top-o'-the-hill on Market street, Rev. John Jeter Hurt, D. D., pastor Morning worship at 11 o'clock and evening worship at 8 o'clock. Chil dren's day exercises will be observed at the morning hour. The evening hour will be a prayer meeting to beseech Almighty God in behalf of the allied cause. This meeting will be conduct ed by the pastor, and all who believe in the power of God to deliver from danger are invited to come. Calvary, J. A. Sullivan, pastor. Sunday worship, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sermon subjects: morning, "Could Ye Not Watch One Hour?" Night, "Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?" Sun day school, 9:45 a. m.; J. W. Hollis, superintendent. Junior BB. Y. P. U., 6:30 p. m. Sunbeams Monday, 3:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. Teachers' meeting and ;-3nuIor B. P. P. U. Thursday night. A cordial welcome to all services. prayer and address by D. L. Gwath mey, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, at 8:30 o'clock. Christ Church. The congregation that has been meeting at the corner of. Seventh and Grace streets for the past month, will hold services in the court house Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The services will include scripture readin gand the Lord's supper. LUTHERAN. St. Matthew's, Fourth and Harnett streets, Rev. G. W. IcClanahan, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. Subject of morning service, "Neglected Opportunities." The; evening service will be conducted byl Rev. A. D. Hancher, general secre tary of the home mission board of the United Synod. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Luther league Wednesday evening at 8:15 o'clock. A cordial in vitation to all to attend Jhese services. BUSINESS SPECIALS MENSSENGER SERVICE. For this service we use the Postal Telegraph Cable Company's messengers. They will call for your 'ads." in the same manner and quick time as they now cover the city for telegrams, night lettergrams, cables, etc. For further information hs io "ads." call 176, but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." IF YOU EXPECT TO DO BETTER work or hold a better position you must prepare and we are now of fering you the opportunity. The Motte Business College. tf CHRISTIAN. Advent, Fourth and Church streets. Rev. J. T. Johnson, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 'clock, followed by baptismal serv ices. Subject of morning sermon, "Soundness." Evening service at 7:45. Topic of sermon, "The Three Impor tant Things in Communion." Recep tion to new members at close of serv. ice. Public is cordially invited to at tend all these services. First, Dock street, Rev. J. E. Rey nolds, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Morning service will be conducted by the pastor and the even ing service will be addressed by Prof. J. M. Power, who will use as his subject "The Slacker." Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Junior Endeavor at 3:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor at 7:15 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednes day night at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to attend all these services. PRESBYYTERIAN. First, Third and Orange streets. Rev. J. M. Wells, D. D., pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Dr. W7ells having returned to the city, will fill his pulpit at both services. Chris tian Endeavor at 7:15. Mid-week prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8. The public is cordially invited, to attend all services. Immanuel, Front and Queen streets. Rev. D. T. Caldwell, pastor. Morning service at 11 o'clock and evening service at 8. Sabbath school at 3 p. m.; S. A. Matthews, superintendent. Mid-week prayer services Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Brotherhood and ladies' auxiliary Tuesday night at 8. These services are for all. St. Andrew's, Fourtn and Camp bell streets. Rev. A. D. McClure, pas tor. Preaching by the pastor at 11 and 8:30 p. m. Sabbath school at 4:30 p. m. Junior Christian Endeavor after the Sabbath school. Interme diate and senior Christian Endeavor at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednes day at 8 p. m. Seats free. All wel come. Winter Park. Rev. Andrew J. How ell, pastor. Services Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, especially for the chil dren. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Ju nior Christian Endeavor meeting at 4 o'clock." Senior at 7. Visitors cordial ly welcomed. Delgado. Services Sabbath evening at 8 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Public cordially invited. EPISCOPAL. St. John's, Third and Red Cross streets. Rev. J. Hanckel Taylor, rec- tor-in-charge. First Sunday after Trinity. Holy communion and sermon. 11 a. m. Sunday school, 4 p. m. Eve ning prayer and address. 8:15. The public is heartily welcome at all serv ices. St. Paul's, Sixteenth and Market streets. Rev. D. L. Gwathmey. rector First Sunday after Trinity. Sundav school at 9:45 a. m. Holy communion and services at 11, conducted by the pastor. No evening service. All are invited. Wrightsville Beach chapel. Evening Choir Closes Its Season. The full church choir which has done such excellent work since last October in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church closed its season last Sabbath. A male quartet will lead the singing and reader special selections at both services during the summer. Dr. Mc dure will preach on "The Rule of Gd" at the morning hour and on "The Eyes of the Lord Are Upon the Truth at the evening service. Just Received Stock Potato Bug Paste and Dry Powder. Jobn S. McEachcrn Son No. 211 Market St. ' June 1st Deposits made with this bank on or before June 2nd will draw interest from June 1 st, receiving credit for four months' interest on-October 1 st. Four per cent, compounded quarterly, paid on all accounts of $5.00 and over. We invite your business. THE PEOPLES SAVINGS CORNER FRONT AND PRINCESS STREETS BANK WHILE YOU ARE READING THIS we are selling building and loan shares to "beat the band" at 123 Princess, Building and Loan office. This is the day of the great opening of the Liberty Series Carolina Build ing and Loan Association; the asso ciation that its capital of about $170,000.00 was accumulated in 6 1-4 years. Call 332 and ask if you can get in today's series; there must be a limit, so telephone early; 25c share weekly; means a little now, but big business later on. How many is what the secretary wants to know. E. T. Taylor, Prest.; L. W. Moore, Secy. 6-1-lt FOR RENT THREE LARGE ROOMS furnished pr unfurnished on Wrightsville ; sound. Dr. Miles W. Maloney, phone 245. 6-1-ltJ EVAPORATED PEACHES, OR- anges, lemons, green cabbage, eat ing Irish potatoes, onions, lima and navy beans, black-eye peas, Maras chino cherries,, cocoa, Welch's grape juice, fruit jars and a complete line of candies, chewing gum and paper bags. Bear Produce & Mdse. Co. (Wholesale), Phones 452-453. 14-16 Market St. 5-1-tf HAVE YOU SEEN ANYTHING OF A Valuable package, about 5 inches square, from Coe Mfg. Co., addressed to Southern Sign Shop or to J. M. Satchwell? Reward. Southern Sign Shop, opposite court house. 5-20-tf THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE- time must be seized during the lifetime of the opportunity. The opportunity is offered you now. Are you prepared? If not, phone 706 or write for catalogue. The Motte Business College. tf CASH FOR OLD FALSE TEETH Don't matter If broken. We pay up to $15.00 per set; we also buy crowns, bridgework and platinum. Will send cash by return mail and hold goods 10 days for sender's ap proval of our price. Mail to Mazer's Tooth Specialty, 2007 S. 5th St., Phil adelphia, Pa, 5-31-21tj OLD FALSE TEETH WANTED; doesn't matter if broken. We pay you actual value. We pay cash for old gold, silver and platinum. Send to us and receive cash by return mail. If price Is not satisfactory, we will return teeth promptly upon request. International eeth Co., 305 West 42nd street, New York, Very truly yours, International Teeth Co. 520-tf WANTED A BOY WITH WHEEL TO carry papers. Good proposition for one who really wants work in after noons. Apply to Dispatch. 5-27-tf FURNITURE FURNITURE FUR niture For Beds, mattresses, oil cook stoves, refrigerators, parlor sets, all kinds household furniture at lowest prices. Castle Street Fur niture Co., 705 Castle St., phone lit. 6-18-Tt FOR SALE MOON ROADSTER. SEE . Langenberg, Orand theater. Save the increase new Liberty Series Carolina B. and L. Asso. opens tomorrow, 123 Princess. L. W. Moore, Secy. Adv. Save the increase new Liberty Series Carolina B. and L. Asso. opens tomorrow, 123 Princess. L. W. Moore, Secy. Adv. Save the increase new Liberty Series Carolina B. and L. Asso. opens tomorrow, 123 Princess. L. W. Moore, Secy. Adv. WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of issue when so requested. Phone your order to 745. Gordom'a News Stand. 10-7-tt MOVING DAY CALL UP TELE- phone 124 and get experienced men to handle your furniture Big wag ons, reasonable prices. Schloss, Bear and Davis CO., 15 South Second. WANTED TO BUY SOME CHEAP Second-handed Bicycles. Apply Queen City Cycle Co., 209 Market St. Phone 862. 4-25-tf WANTED POSITION AS STENOG- rapher or office work; can give ref erences. Willing to take temporary place and moderate salary. Address "M," Box 565, Wilmington, N. C. 5-29-7tj MARKET STREET HOME FOR SALE New House Part Cash and bal ance arranged if desired. Wilder, 207 Princess street 5-22-t FOR SALE ON ACCOUNT ON HAV ing larger machine I offer Ford runabout, all new parts in last three months, shock absorbers, double radius rod, etc., at a sacrifice. Just the car for the man who wants de pendability and service or for Qt retail dealer-who Is trying to rem edy a faulty delivery system. Henry Ford, Box 415, city. 5-30-3t SWEET POTAO PLANTS PORTO Rico and Northern yams, 45c per 100, $3.50 per 1,000, at C. H. Borne mann's store, Seventh and Orange Sts. 5-30-tf HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ATTEN tion. A few months of specialized training with us may easily double the value of yur genral education. he Motte Business College. tf YOUNG LADIES, GIRLS, YOUNG fm'tlemen. boys. There nsvpr warn a time when there were so many j. tn.. Ac a opponumuca oubibu as now. cut vou must be prepared. Prion 7ftfi or write for catalogue. The Motte Business College tf FOR SALE SODA FOUNTAIN CIV tures ana lease, wood location and rood business proposition eted address communication to Box 474, Wilmington, N. C. 5-30-4tJ W.NTE LLEAN COTTON RAGS. AJispai.cn uiuce. 6-7-tf DANCING AT OVER LAKE THERE will be dancing at Overtake pavilion lomguu v,ooi and comfortable irooa music, aii your friends will be on hand. Come and nfav self. 611t ?'v-JG.E CONTAINING iauDl smrt, at Ninth and rriacess intersection. Reward for ieuirn io uispatch office. 611t FOR SALE ira ci ..o Aun S!!arr' SUita,ble for Ptato ship- THE SUNBEAM CLUB AT THE Academy of Music Thursday might, 8:30. Box sheet at Yates book store Wednesday morning. No ex tra charge for reserved seats. -l-7tj WANTED TWO OR THREE R00M8 furnished for housekeeping, couple without children; modern amd short walking distance from courthouse. Address H. C. Phelps, oar Dlajarteh. GOVERNMENT NEEDS 2&0DO clerks at Washington. Examination everywhere in June. Experience unnecessary. Men and women de siring government positions write for free particulars to J. C. Leonard (former civil service examiner), 842 Kenois bldg., Washington. B-31-8tJ For Sale A carload of snuff SO tons 7 per cent cottonseed meal 1,000 cases tomatoes 600 cases oysters 400 bags velvet bean meal 1,500 bushels Carolina peanuts BOd bushels Spanish peanuts 200 bushels Virginia peanuts 40,000 bungs, all sizes 30,000 pounds Flake White Also a large stock of all other goods usually carried in our line. D.L.GORE CO. Wilmington, N. C. WANTED SINGLE HORSE DUMP carts with drivers at the steel ship yards. Report to timekeeper, ready for work at 7 a. m. Carolina Ship building Corp. 5-30-3tJ INSURE YOUR FUTURE BY TAK Ing necessary training now The important thing is action. Don't put it aff. Phone 706 or write for catalogue. The Motte Business College. tf FOR RENT AT WINTER PARK, 6- room cottage, in good condition, on Masonboro road, near schoolhouse. Apply to W. P. M. Turner, Attorney, 209 Princess st. 6l-2tJ WANTED TWO OR THREE ROOMS near in for light housekeeping GeBtleman and wife with boy S years of age. Apply W. W. H. our Dispatch. 6-2Mt TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS OF all descriptions. You will And At Chas. Ftnkelstein's place, QumjsB tee you to sirve money. 6 So. TtmmX 6t Fkni Ui. 44t WHIN YOUR ROT QOEfr (NTO TK8 TYenekes tfcat he takes wifk kfcsi ywur perrtarit. He will treora it abort all the told on eaKk VMli FOR RENT HALF OFFICE ' OR desk rocm; centrally located build ing; heat, lights, janitor and eh tot service. Use of telephone; stenog rapher in attendance. Desk, Box 41S. frtttt WANTED SPECIALTY SALESMEN Lire, energetic men, who Wmmt to make $76 to $100 per week, IftCta us for Information. The Bde9to Oil & Paint Co., dsrelaad, O For Sale Lippincott Standard soda foun tain. Price reasonable. Iron safes, all sizes, mew and seooao hand. Samuel Bear Sr. & Sons 311 North Pwat . Street (TpAI j vy y JDX iM 3 j Builders' I Supplies We Carry High Grtsde island Materiel is services. offer our best V.B. THORPE & GO. Phone 789. m Cotton w eare prepared to sign contracts with responsible parties for October de livery Cotton at good prices. W. B. Gooper & Co. Wilmington, N. C SECURITY AGAINST WANT IN OLD AGE OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT Four Per C e nt Interest Commercial and Trust Accounts Solicited This Bank welcomes new depositors, no matter how small the account. We encourage the starting of a small account. Begin the day right by opening an account to day. A little put away each week a steady, well planned method of saving is the best habit that can be formed. SAVE AND BE SAFE American Bank & Trust Co. An Illustration of the Best Life Insurance Policy Issued Xeb Indnoaitr If deata oeQr by asftitMt ta policy pay 3$f00 tmwimmi. f $10. 000. MMbHtty PrtcU. If permaaratly disabled Were 65 from aar caote aadfeat, blind nem. paivtr. tnbtfennlotls. In timity, r aaytalor lBsil foztktr iUfBUas t waiT m ywo e ertre am t fr lift. At IhS U fall SIMM Is p&UL imCNn of t)M prMatnma wtvd and tas tncom alxtady pais to ysn. Amaval CmIi DlTtftmda TMa PUcf paya dMdeaa aamu ally after Um aaeaad yr. H4 kla policy tM taka nt la lit? fcava Wsa COJtt. n hW Ills canted tk Aatptr tt te6Mt ad th mart ft la wortk. Ziaaa After tk Meaad yaar yen eaa 1. waya borrow fna M.tkird to tw. tkirds at 4k Ateotrat fva ha-ra paid ta wUfcavt faapardlsttf tka palter. fear tha paftey fraa f ftbTia mm az Ag at Issue, SS Paid -Up Extensions After you hare carried this policy far tkraa years you can stop paying aad tka Company will carry your in traasca fraa for six years and 193 kya. After 10 years the company will Carry you for 21 years and 311 dayi, and so on. Amount Obtainable TMa policy may be obtained In any amount from $1,900 to $25,000, tka latter sum being the Company'! Ittti for thla particular policy. Pay Baaata may be made acually, semi amatiAlly Or quarterly. Feliay Becomes Fnll-PaJd At affa 55 all payments cease and $10,000 f oea to your heirs when yon Ate, r yon can have $6,000 in cash far yuraalf. The Company Tka lasnlng company is the strong Mt In the world assets $S669SS,8ti. 7 and it does business at a lower coat tkan any other, which accounti far tka large dividends returned to paBey bolder. If yu need life Insurance yon want thii contract. Exact details for yonr own age gladly furnish A en raQnest. C. L. DICKINSON, Agt. . in Office 101 Prin ill A Record to Be Proud Of In lfilT tW tors are nearly 8000. barf abottt XIOQ Customers, Today our deport; toialaess has doubled. Barinsrs buafneaa hu Armhtad. fa h.t tn rwnnf tn itself that we take oare of our cuatomttr and gtr prompt and efficient service at au times? It you are nnnli MitMfTiii ft your account or opening n aeooij yomr bovtoesi w4U be welcome at the Citizens, whether n be CuiULMVCSfcl or Mttogi. THE CITIZENS BANK, Corner Second and Princess Sts. Wilmington, N. C. niniiiniiiniiii"'"1111"11111! ist. ff -V ! Interest Period Our reralar i&terett period Jem teposlte made now sad thrtrefh June 2nd draw Interest from June let end your' ao- oonnt . will recefre 3 fall months' Inter est Sept. let. Start That ACXX)UNT Today r ' r yeacn ana strawberry MOT tARN OR DRAW M&1 INTSimON8 , aa peacn- Daskets. W, 6-i-etj NMunnmilllllinilllllllllllll n. iiDiiniUIUIUUUUUUUU' v

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