THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH, SUNDAY, JUNE 9 1 9 16 1 rv Ml I 1 ' if ft i i 11 5r !i Society i Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore, of:"WWte ville, were visitors in the city-yesterday. ' , Miss Olivia Cox, of Southpo rt, spent Vest"-:Tay injthe city with friends and relatives. s Mrs. S. Pruitt has gone to Bolton to spend the week-end w.ith her mother, Mrs. A. Edwards. Miss Eunice Mays, of Burgaw, spent yesterday in the city, shopping, return ing home in the afternoon. Miss Lucy Carpenter,- of Kinston, who has been visiting f tiends and rel atives here, returned last night. '.. ' ) Mrs .G. W. Johnson Itas gone' to Malmo to spnd the week-end with "her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ro per: Misses Mae and Musetta FrinI: have gone to Shallotte, where they will spent Sunday with relatives and friends. , Mrs. M. A. Fuller, of Na.vassa, sDent yesterday in the city shopping, returning to her home in the after noon. 4f Mr. and Mrs. John L. Dorsey, of St. Louis, are here as the guest of P. Dorsey, at his home on South Sec ond street. 45- Miss Elsie Thomas returned to the city yesterday from New Bern, vrhere - she spent a - period with friends and relatives. ', Mrs. R. T. Miguel, of Raleigh, -vrho has been visiting here with friends and relatives, returned home yester day evening. 4 Mrs. J. O .Fulcher has. gone to New Berlin, where she will spend sev eral days with her mother, Mrs. A. S. Sommons. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mangum, of Williamston, returned home yesterday after a - delightful stay here , with friends and relatives. -Jr. Mrs. P. C. Dubberly, who has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. R. E. Hewett, at Delgado, retuprned to her home yesterday afternoon- Frends will regret that Edith Claire, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Smith, is very ill at her home on North Fifth street. Jfr 4V" Mrs. D. R. Brady and son, Rudolphs, Jr., leave today for New York, where they will join Mr. Brady, who is now engaged in business there. - Sergeant and Mrs. L. G. Lovett passed through the city yesterday en route from Fort Caswell to Greensboro, where they will visit relatives. 7T "7T 3ff Miss Mary Edwards, of Mullins, was a visitor here yesterday. She was en route home from Ayden, where she spent a period os a trained 3iurse. if. a. a- Miss Edna Warren, of Snow Hill, spent several hours westerds.y in the city, leaving In the afternoon for MuV lins, where she will visit friends. . Mrs . A. B . West, of Savannah, passed through, the city yesterday . afternoon, en route home after a de lightful stay at Fort Caswell with her husband, Mess Sergeant A. B. West. George Nelson, who entered the navy about a year ago, and who has just returned home, is spending his furlough here with his sister at 211 Ann street. Miss Elizabeth Moore is at home for the summer.- She was graduated at Randolph-Macon Woman's college, which she has attended for the 2Kst four years. Friends of Mrs. M. B. Taylor, of Magnolia, who underwent an operation at the James Walker Memorial hos pital a few days ago, will be delighted to know that her conidtion is rapidly improving. Mrs. T. E. Earley, of Florence, was a visitor here yesterday, leaving in the afternoon for New Bern, where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. C. Hamilton. Mrs. Henry Jackson, of Salisbury, passed through the city yesterday en route home from Southport, where she visited her brotherer-in-law, Private W. D. Morgan, who is in training at Fort Caswell. The Woman's Missionary society of the Fifth Avenue Methodist church will meet tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock at the church. All members are urged to be in attendance. - Rev. J. H. McCracken, just back from Durham; where he attended the commencement exercises at Trinity college, will conduct regular services at the Fifth Avenue Methodist church today. Mrs, T. J. Merritt, of Kinston, spent yesterday in the city, leaving in the afternoon for Columbia, where she will spend several days with her husband, Corporal T. J. Merritt, who is stationed at Camp Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Pridgen and three children, Carl, Mildred and Mon roe, have gone to Evansville, Ind., where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anders. They will be away from the city for several days. , ' . Mrs. P. H .Arant and daughters, Misses Katie and Willie, of Cheraw, spent yesterday in the city with friends. They were returning home from New Bern, where they visited their daughter and sister, Mrs. W. R. Riser. 4C- Mrs. A. V. LaVoire, who spent a period with her husband, Private A. V. LaVoire, at Fort Caswell, was a visitor here Saturday, leaving in the afternoon for her home at Grand Forks, N. D. s s Two popular ieutenants, well known in the city, Dr. James F. Roberson and Dr. J. F. Hooper, now lieuten; ants in the United States army1, have, been visiting a short while with their families in the city Mr .and Mrs. A. M. Marsh, accom panied bv Mrs. J. E. Marshburn and Mrs. T. Qv Landen, left yesterday tor Catherine Lake, where tney were call ed because of the serious illness of Mr. Marshburn's sister, Mrs. L. B. Pedrick. v The Winter Park demonstration and war savings stamps clubs will meet tomorrow afternoa at 4 o'clock at the, residence of Mrs. L. P. Latta, at, Winter . Park. . ' All members are urged to attend. Mrs. Anie P . Pret low will lecture and emonstrate on and with wheat substitutes. Called meeting of the board of di rectors of the associated charities will ,be held tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock in the office of the association and as the meeting is of an important nature all members of the board are expected to attend. Miss Nellie Harriss and Peter Van Kleef, this city, were marrie'd at 7 o'cloc klast night by Justice G. W. Bornemann at his Princess street of fice. The ceremony was attended by a number of the couple's friends and the "judge" gave one of his inimitable concerts. Regular weekly sessions of St. Mary's Red Cross unit will be held Tuesday from 10 a. m. until 6 p. m. and in the evening from 8 until 11 o'clock at the rectory. The members of the unit will meet every Friday evening .at 8 o'clock in the Red Crews work rooms in the Murchison build ing to assist in preparing surgical dressings. Every member is expect ed to be present. j i. w. roivogt to. n 1 M GIBSON BORDEN. The wedding of Miss Duralde Bor den, daughter of Mrs. Edwin Bor den and Richard Gibson, of Concord was solemnized at 5:30 o'clock at the First Presbyterian church yesterday afternoon, the Rev. J. M. Wells offi ciating. The church was simply but beautifully decorated, palms being ef fectively used and lighted candles only above the altar. Before the appointed hour E. H. Munson, who presided at the organ, rendered many beautiful and choice selections from McDowell and other composers. To the strains from the bridal chorus from Lohengrin the bri dal party entered, led by little Misses Mary Penelope Cannon and Janie Brown, of Concord, dressed In white organdy frocks and pink brgandy hats, carrying baskets of blue snapdragons tied with pink tulle. These were followed by the ushers, O. T. Wallace, C. B. Lynch, Camerea McRae, Maury Richmond, and W. H. Brander. Preceding the bride came Miss Bessie Craig, attired in pink georgette crepe, with pink picture hat, carrying large bouquet of blue snapdragons and pink roses. The bride on the arm of her brother-in-law, Roger Moore, dressed in a lovely creation of ivory charmeuse and georgette crepe, wearing a wed ding veil and' carrying a shower bou quet of orchids and lilies of the val dey, was met at the altar by the groom with his brother, William Gib son, as best man, and the impressive vows were taken which made them man and wife. The wedding march from "Midsum mer Night's Dream," was played as the recessional. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride, 110 South Fifth street, where the bride and groom received the congratula tions of their many friends. A dainty course of refreshments were served and the bride's cake, a large heart or namented with a mlniatur bride, was cut after the ring, thimble and heart had been drawn by members of the bridal party. Mr. ami Mrs. Gibson left on the northeu train for New York city and will fee at home in Ceacord after a few weeks. - The bride's golng-away gown was of gray periot cloth, and with hat of black and green. A number of out-of-town guests were present at the wedding, among them Mrs. Robert Haynes, Geliiboro; Mrs. Gibson and Miss Ellttseta Gib son, of Concord; Mrs. Leenard Brown. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers, Mrs. Gor man, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Cannon, Mrs. Frank Smith, Maury Richmond, Cameron McRae, of , Concord; H. Bran der, of New York; Captain and Mrs. J. B. Lynch, Fort Caswell. 113 NORTH FRONT ST. Make Your Porch Comfortable With a Polvogt Awning BE PATRIOTIC BUY OLD GLORY Fling It to the Breeze FLAGS OF ALL DESCRIPTION IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER Service Flags Also A COMPLETE UNE OF FINE INTERIOR FURNISHINGS TRAVEL REQUISITES BASKETWARE C. W. Polvogt Co. , Wrightsville Breezes The 1918 beach season was official ly ushered in yesterday afteraeon and while the crourd on opentag day will not be comparable with t;hat of this afternoon, provided the elements aft persons were on the teach. Q The Oceanic hotel, under the able management of Charles E. Hooper, flung wide its doors yesterday and be gan what is believed to be the most successful season in the history of the beach. Lumina charges will be suspended for the day and those who enjoy real concert music will have the opportu nity presented during the afternoon and evening. Elam's programs for the day are nsurpassable. Hundreds of persons are expected to be on the beach this aftemooa aad the rainbow will have difficulty If it attempts to vie with the Is any that will be in evidence on tke tea meaning the bath costumes, nto rally. v,UiU wmrnxxj aava acra of a mom ua saeeassftfi SIL".6 1 oasdulej will a ttooaftout tie day nlbm and passwrViS not ba tseceivanleaced to aay extent in aaking the trip either way. hJriheitial. ance of "aon was field at Lumina last night with music f Fancy Colored SILK BRESSES J Here is the 33 1-3 per cent is the reduction for this sale of charmingly beautiful fancy colored silk dresses. Here we have Foulsrds, Taffetas, Crepe Meteors, Crepe de Chines, Georgettes and Georgette combinations in stunning designs, just As airy and elf -like as can be, and so de lightfully embroidered in some instances. We'd like to describe these dresses more fully but we realize that we couldn't begin to do Jhem justice. To appreciate their sheer quality you really must see them when they go on sale Monday morning at 9 o'clock, by the way. GREAT REDUCTION itf COLORED MILLINERY Our millinery tables, have a number of truly attractive colored hats hats of charm in wonderful designs and effectsboth untrimmed and trimmed, which we are going to place on jsale tomorrow, morning at sub stantially reduced prices. This will then be your one big opportunity to get a stylish becoming hat at a most economical price. You can easily afford to get another hat at these prices. Price Schedule $20.00 Dresses less 1 $25.00 Dresses less 1 $30.00 Dresses less 1 $35.00 Dresses less 1 $45.00 Dresses less 1 This is the season s -3.. $13.33 -3.. $16.67 -3.. $20.00 -3. .$23.33 -3. .$30.00 best offer. Untrimmed Hats In drooping brims, side rolls, turbans and sailors, in red, grey, tan and blue. Specially priced, $1.95 to$3.50 A Number of Trimmed Hats In poke, sailor and turban, ready to wear, ribbon and flower trimmed, re duced from $1.95 to $4.95 Beik -Williams Co. The Department Store 210-212 N.Front St. furnished by the famous Elam orches tra and unusually large crowds were In attendance. The music, according to one young lady, was 'simply divine." With both hotels going in full blast and with the many cottages and inns doig a land-office business there is nothing to hold the pleasure-seekers from the beach. NUX -iROB OPERATION SUCCESSFUL AND WILL SOON RETURN HOME Friends of Owen C. Filyaw, a for mer lieutenant in the Wilmington ight infantry and a member of the reportial staff of The, Dispatch until mobilization of the army following declaration of war on Germany, will be delighted to know that his recent operation at Fort McPherson, Atlanta, was succesful in every respect and that he expects to be discharged from the hospital within the , next ' two weeks. Mr. Filyaw was recently dis charged from the service because of his health. His last operation was for the removal of his appendix and for gall stones. In sdvicts to his wlf it is stated that his physician believes that he had located the source of his trouble and that the former army man will soon be restored to his usual good health. Locre Hospice Re-taken. With the British Army in France, June 8. Locre Hospice, which the Germans captured on Wednesday night, was re-taken by the French yesterday. They battled their way to this much contested position and com pletel re-established their original line. Ci I I Trde Mirk TONIC With Paw-Paw Added THREE POWERFUL T0RCES IN ONE PUT UP IN LIQUID FORM Mr. John Shull a glazier by trade,! living at 1111 Pentlemon street, Co lumbia, ,S. '!., has had a remarkably happy experience by takimg the advice of frienia who .had bn ratWvei from misery after mith of suwif. He says: "I was treublet vita intiffcs tton aa itaek tiul, wl&k cause a wrmm ftiii 4U v my My. I otitt mt tvtttfct $m kind, an unusually larf mmifcer otMr 81 in owjjWfj B towx i aocicwi mate ifia imt tt r o n v tcirola Mi of y riem mm m Wact by t u f Llfultf ImatMl PFw f try tkis mmtf, vale ksa prr4 a bless it to me. I cam&vt jwk t highly aout ft, as I mm a. well man again. I tried ever so many tablet meicims witkeiut ay stlfmtiom. as lay indi gestioa got wore instead of bttr, w ay stock wuld not staad tablets so I h4 recourse te your lifuii prep aratio which began to relieve me aft er the first oe. You have a great med icine and I want everyone to know my exeriee. I think it is worth its weight in gt)ld. I can eat now what I wmt to, ay aervouenees has disap peared ami I am well a man now as I ever wm. Am deeply gratefil te you for the iatereet fou tek im My cm:" lwnOd Pnwtk Remelly will do XLOm-1 IndghlM the wrli to diel 9?'-2 hm O feW WJiMk MCn all Q Mft- mmmm Mwe.ewak been m w04 "CW Tetle Iffte aad beWs yu. Ifloar inefivb probably 1 ' DUl 11 B doean't, w aeld 1,1PH?dnt Blvtngtns Sewd able Ihrug 8tere. TxmeLmi Paw-Paw price $L0. Fomula on every bot'tli. Mail orders promptly attended to Tntrstjt n,, Company, Ins., New, York. Adv. if COME HEAR THE NEW RECORDS All the Latest Patriotic Band Selections and Songs it BY THE WORLDS GREATEST ARTISTS Our Is FOR THOSE WHO WANT THE BEST IN SOFT DRINKS Wilmington TcMq Kbtftme Co. Second aid . Marl&CZzeH ! V1VTOK HOffte t.-l- v