rtj J.pJf. -r-.'V. ."."'. ''.. ' "-rr- - ' .- . : -V-s;tftt ,: :- -'.r.-s. :: : . . ' . ' ' :,.' ' . .1 : .... PAGES 7 TO 12 THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH, . SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 1 9 18. "A Gentleman Goes a Courlin9 Plans to Expand, Food Control Board Are Now Being Worked Out 1 -; ffflFHEElG IS SIN MUST BE ELIMINATED Raleigb. June 8 Plans for strength en and very greatly expanding the ...a administration organization iri ivnrth Carolina are being undertaken tt ,r i Pap whn has lust r. food adminisctrators with Herbert Hoover and his staff at Washington. on the impression ami iniunuauon ktmt all governmental . agencies are ettlin? down' to naru worts, in anuci- nation 01 a war at, icasi two or ree years' duration. All agencies or wonting by their pA.t expert- Lee and smoother running and more effective operation may oe anticipated bom now on One important ieature oi ir. .rage s LwpUn calls for the appointment of' a number or inspectors wno win cu riae their entire time to investigations of alleged violations, and to the -ex-aminition of bakers accounts and in voices and other records of wholesale aad retail dealers; bottling works, drug stores, ice cream manufacturing nlaits, ode fountains, flour mills, cot- r . it 111. - i. TTT1 XI rton seed on xnuia, ew;. vv uc ii iub new system of inspection is effective the elaborate reports which have been re quired of all licensed dealers or manu facturer will be very greatly simpli fied. The extension of the organiza tion will impose au many duuiuonai administrative dutes upon Mr. Page and executive secretary Lucas that an increase in the office staff will 'also be necesary. i " In no instance will there be a great er "tightening up" or more rigid en forcement of regulations than with those that apply to sugar. Mr. Page's office is already receiving from re- Dners and shippers of sugar tatement towing in detail every shipment of agar into North Carolina. In the im mediate future every dealer who han dles sugar will be required to keep an absolute record of all sales of su- hit from one pound up. No stated re-. Torts from these particular records hill be required but such records will hi subject to examination "by Food Ldministration inspectors at any and il times. ill commercial users of sugar who begard the rationing plan f sugar ttituted May 15th will be dlscip M. Certificates are beng issued sly for sugar supplies up to July 'A and many commercial users mave Ailed to apply for blanks upomwhich' to vaka theidmtatenients "and to apply for certificates because they have already reached or exceeded their allotments of sugar. Not only win such users have their supplies equalized after. July. 1st but in the absence of their sworn statements by June 15th, theyv will be penalized as well The food .administration de- hands of all commercial users o fu- ja explanation of their status not liter than June 15th, ;&nd no certifi cates will be issued after June 15th aeept under such, circumstances as will satisfy the food '! administration tiatthe delay in. making sworn state pent and applying for certificates was iostified and it Is indicated that some tall explaining wilThe necessary to bring about this conviction. Wholesalers or jobbers who sell su sar or sugar syrup to commercial Kers without receiving In exchange certificates issued by the food admin istration will have ther licenses re voked. Retailers" who' make such les will be blacklisted and put out of business by thai proces. - '; The rule and regulations , of th!i9 food administration With resrard to paxgins of proflt on foodstuffs will cenceorth be more -rigidly enorced iad through the asistance of the In spectors who will be put in the field, Profits will be checked frqm the end nearest the consumer. Wjere the retail price of a commodity seems to be unreasonable the retailer will be Rued upon to show, his margin. If ps margin is reasonable the Inspector fi" so to the wholealer or miller or per producer. It has not been prac- "-aoie to follow this course In the pt because of the lack of force to pake the inveatfcaHnTiH. io stimulate and render effective) e new system, consumers are now layited to renort Fees to their county, or township f"ua aammistrator and TP.t ail pra who f' Ciiareed an-narpntlv atpphhIta pees by wholesalers or jobbers are "ea to bring such prices to the Fention of the same authorities. v)&8 places rf A4iA mtriAMi u a administration proposes to go iter comprises millers and dealers in meal and other cereal substi- es who have taken advantage oof ae flour shortas-p nnfl "Kft-Krt" onmhi. ption sale to extort unreasonable rluUl5 On PnrTl maal a-ntt olmllaT pducts. The wheat conservation Fogram has been held back by profit- ,,v.:.. COrn nieal and other cereal Wi v 8 and these gentlemen evl- l m? have somethiner romine- to them m the food administration. food administration in North tat v i-"iuu5uuui. me umicu .es has determined to make itself a. ; f ent effective," declarred Mr. se today discussing the situation. ,J every instant 15 l leaiel producer, consumer' and vL10nS nf fnA - ! 11. xl 1 - - End . . iuuu auminisirauon ruiea lira .5Ulatl0ns designed as warmeas I . W aSSlSt. ftll r ernvammanl in nrn. 111 S tiro t. m:n x xi 1 tad m 111 not De toierateu wui be punished to the extent of fo law it -: lion V' ur uew Bystemvor .inspec- 1 worced by our authority to require special reports of any dealer, class of dealers or individuals at any time, and the authority of our inspec tors to. examine books, accounts, "in voices and other records of all deal er will enable us to promptly spot violations and punish offenders. This greater effectiveness will redound to the benefit of patriotic and honest and unselfish producers and dealers as well as consumers." MR. PINER WILL BE ASSOCIATED WITH BROTHER Eben Piner, head of the sanitary po lice force for the past ten years or onger, and who resigned this office to become effective June 10, will be as sociated with his brother, T. D. Piner, Norths Second strct - vulcanizer . and garage Than, it was learned yesterday. Mr. Piner was unwilling to say wheth er this association would be of a per manent or temporary nature. Mr. Fi ner is just now erecting a handsome building against. Postoff ice park which will be the home of his business. Mrs. Sheppard III. New York, June 8'.: Mrs. Flnley J. Sheppard, formerly Miss Helen GouM, is seriously ill with appendicitis at her home on Fifth avenue. The attend ing physicians reported today th'at her condition is satisfactory, and it is hoped an operation may be avoided." The publicity page of the National Wholesale Liquor Dealers' association boasts that governments "dare not'5 try prohibition. Are the American people going to stand idly by while this trade threatens the countr? v A True Incident How Civil War Veteran Found Grandson at Fort Caswell. (War Community Service.) .The old Confederate veteran who lost his leg at Gettysburg was at his home in a city far away from Fort Caswell at Southport, N. C, where hs beloved grandson was training for his journey across the sea. His heart hungered for a sight of the boy. He forgot the distance, forgot his age, his rheumatism disappeared like mag ic, and one night he boarded the train for the. long trip across IhV state. The. next night he arrived at Scfttthport; Here he found rest in the community house of the war camp community service, but there were no passes that night and no way of communi cating with his boy. The next morning after breakfast the old man went out on his crutches to see the little town. He found armed guards stretched from the wharf to the railroad station, and saw before the station a long train of cars. Soon he heard the sound of bugles, the sharp commands of offi cers and the yells of men that re minded him of the old days. He knew at once that men were moving toward the front, and that his boy was among them. With . shoulders a little more erect he made his way to the railroad sta tion, but before him was a great crowd of people and a line of armed guards. He looked at the long line of Pullmans into which earnest faced young sol diers were climbing. He wedged him self through the crowds only to en counter the guard to whom orders were orders. To civilians were al lowed to pass. The old veteran scanned in vain the faces of the men who leaned out of the car window The engine snorted and puffed as if eager to be away. For a moment it seemed as though the long journey had been in vain. With a heavy heart he made his way back to the community house There he told his story to the com munity organizer. In a moment a mes sener was in search of the command ing officer. The latter is an old sol dier. As soon, as he heard the story he found the bar In which theyoung soldier (he is a volunteer) was, and told him that his grandfather was waiting to see him, and gave him per mission to leave the train. A few minutes . later in the 'little parlor of the community house the young volunteer found' his grand father. And no one can tell who was the happiest, th grandfather, the sol dier or the community organizer who brought them together. . William E. Johnston wrote to hotel keepers in Oklahoma, asking: "Is the prohibition policy of Oklahoma to the best advantage of the hotel busi ness of the state?" and; only eight re sponded in the negative out of 55 re plies . Some of the hotels, as pictured in "The American Issue," were erect ed since Oklahoma adopted that pol icy anfl at a cost of half a million dol lars each. 1 " BUILT IN WILMINGTON t . iff II J 1 7 h , xt.-i-- xt rcroptTcatprV t.orDedoed off the Virginia Capes a fer days ago, as sne appei eu juo TOQVe w,th o pnaritv that defied the strength of the cable that attached Son Iron wprksi Eagle island. .Slnca she,?as torped and snnk sho has been located and .U be sa, vaged, according. to Norfolk adyi?esf - : - , . ' 1 r vjfrrJ CLOTOIER HABERDASHER ; I " lICv 1 9 North Front Street . - mS SMARTLY TAILORED CLOTHES t I lfci. AUl ' Made by the World's Best Taflors ' ' " DISTINCTIVELY INDIVIDUAL FOR , Wf SURF RECREATION - Wllfh r LOUNGE ROBES WmImA? Seasonable Summer Needs UNDERWEAR HOSIERY MMjlL T PAJAMAS WmllJ SHIRTS SOFT COLLARS NECKWEAR ; R 3 k H "THE PEOPLE'S PLAYGROUND" is temporarily closed while work is being rushed upon its conversion into Wil mington's big playground and pleasure park. Contract has already been awarded to Messrs. Rhodes & Underwood for improve- ments in excess of eight thousand dollars, including the following: j . , - BATHHOUSE BOARDWALKS' PAVILIONS BAND STAND BOAT HOUSE SEATS BENCHES, SWINGS AND MANY OTHER PLEASURE PARK FACILITIES i v : Also Alterations and Improvements to the Dancing Pavilion WATCH FOR OPENlKq DATE Contracts are being signed daily for attractions, concessions, amusement devices, etc. Greenfield Park is to be Wilmington's Amusement Center. While plans are being perfected the management urges that anyone having suggestions which will aid in building it to meet popular favor and fulfill all requirements submit them at once. They will be gladly received and acted upon. HOWARD & WELLS, Lessees ll r x ' r. - . - - I 1