STOCK MARKETS Atrit. WILMINGTON DISPATCH. TUESDAY. JUNE 11 lQlft ; . , .. . : 1 7 ' I " . 1 1 .;.. V" J-V TEXTILE I ' " - ' - - v , - -. l Hh. WILMINGTON DISPATCH, TUESDAY, 3UNE 1 1. ,l91'8.t"1T"r .7777 r- n frS: Maiiltnorts I BiG APPROPRIATION TB(I1LE MEN ME AT WSWmM jjOivoi. mm xvyi. uwviu : FflP SHIP PPtalWI liraiCMIIP-HIHt 91 PITODAI PflllDT TRIM wsuranceco. rt! '''i i 'ii t nil uiiii i nuiJiiniiii iimun mi ll ll 11 ril l I ill iirii 1 11 ii in i ilium ..---i :t - i r --cljL i r m J . I T ' - - II :.-.- .-..-. -Iff. -- - l . - t w -' New NEW YORK STOCK. r., York, June 1L. Coppers,'-to- . . a nil a were uie uuibuiuuuik baccos t- the firm opening of today's e , market, equipments and rails st0 in" gains. Shippings wem al&o ...10M but displayed strong less c" Exceptions to the upward unde included General Motors - and treDl Leather, both recoring nomfc rpssions. Dealings were tenta 1 re, Lvpr traders awaiting further Wilmington (spot) Charleston . Norfolk 'Savannah . . .. , tire, prices from aroad. fre steady. Liberty bonds Atlantic Coast Lme (bid) iSrican Tobacco . . . .. . Jftcan Beet Sugar . . . Foundry" AS"1-"- t American uripricaii Linseed Linseed Ref. Sugar . . T. & T. Canadia central mpeaDeake & .. 93 . .160 . . . 65 . . . 44 5-8 .. 80 1-8 .. 62 3-4 ...40 5-8 ...75 ...108 1-2 ..991-2 ... 631-4 ... 84; ...107 ' ... 86 7-8 ... 645-8 ... 811-2 ...146 . . . 65 COTTON MARKETS. 281-2 30 . 28 1-2 29 3-4 NEW YORK COTTON." wew Yoric, June 10. The cotton market showed continued lrreeularitv early today. ; The covering movement inspired by. unfavorable crop accounts appeared to pretty well nii its course yesterday and the ' demand for new crop positions was . less active. On the other hand, there was spot house I. .... 1 . B t i y . . . . uuyiug ul ouiy, accompanied oy re ports of an improvement In the snot demand, and the July premium widen. Piez Tells Committee Work at theWmington Plant" T Is Progressing (Special to The Dispatch.) Washington. June 11. Thfi civil appropriation bill, carrying near ly three billion dollars mbst of it for tne emergency ship program was re ported to the house by the appropria tions committee. The appropriations for the shipping board and emergency fleet corporation allows $50,000,000 for concrete ship construction and assures the continuance of the Wilmington, N. C, industry. The bill also contains several ofrV Aniens (niprican aconda Copper ....... West indies Idwm i.rr,. .... Baltimore netUehem Steel B ... ian ratlin- . Leather Ohio 661-4 I .:aan -31U -ot - ...... i? i a- r a.u at n.-,n Popper tU'"" , o t AT 10 ,.i.,oHn KUei CC iiuu P Products 40 7-8 Crucible Steel 61 1-4 OUgai .... . . . . 1KS.S Erie General biecmc feneral Motors Nortnera nu ojri Great onelu uie vtio BUnois Central (bid) 96 kpiration Copper . 491-2 htMer. Marine 281-2 w M-er. Marine ria xu 1-45 foteraational Paper 36 . Knnecott Copper di 0-4 bulsville & Nashville (bid) ..'.115. r ir-i ' Off Harwell jiciuis jlexican Petroleum 94 i-4 Miami Copper (Did) H 'llidvale Steel 481-4 Missouri Pacific 23 Sew York Central 71 1-2 Vorfolk & Western 102 1-2 Northern Pacific 8b 1-8 min Cities Gas ..371-4 ed from 124 to about 150 points, during North Carolina items of more minor d ,ji ij uaumj, lua xii of sec open cnaracier. eu oareiy steaay, an advance of two ;rne hearings show that Chairman points on juiy, but 'generally 14 to 19 Hurley, Charles Piez and Charles M points lower under realizing and Liy- ocnwao, of the shipping administra erpooi selling.- July Bold off to 25.59 n tola the house committee that after the call of nine points net lower tne concrete ship had passed the pure but soon firmed up, selling at 25.95 be- ly experimental stage and that $50,- rore the end of the first hour or - 27 wwvwh ior Duiiding these vessels. points . net higher. Later deliveries wnicn can be constructed more cheap- rallied also, working two ,or three 17 tnan steeI and wooden vessels, was Met Here Last Year and It Was Such Success They De ' i tided to Return points above last night's close. The market closed very steady. High. Low. Close January 24.25 23.35 23.50 1 March .24.00 23.50 23.35 July 26.07 25.48 25.93 October 24.70 23.8023.97 December 24.39 23.50 23.66 NEW YORK SPOT. . New York, June 11. Cotton: quiet; middling, 29.95. Spot NEW ORLEAN8 COTTON. New Orleans, June 11. Narrow and nervous fluctuations marked ;the early trading in cotton .today. At one time the active months were 2 to 16 points over yesterday's closed but a little later they 10 to 13 points under. Scat tered rains in the belt caused some justified Mr. Piez said concrete shio work at the government yard at Wilmington was progressing rapidly and the emer gency fleet corporation intended to turn out a number of concrete ships there. Chairman Shirley, of the abDroDria- tions committee, said the bill is so worded that the shipping adminstra- ton may use even more, than fifty mil lions at the various yards in turnine out these vessels. For the shipping construction pro gram the bill appropriates a total of $1761,701,000" in cash. Additional con tract authorizations for $945,000,000 are provided for. makine more than two and a half billions for ships. The bill provides for the expenses of the alien property custodian, the fuel and food administrations and various other sundry civil activities. The program for the annual meet ing of the Southern Textile ' associa tion, which ;Will be held at Wrlghtsville Beach, June 21-22, has been an nounced by the secretary, A. B. Car ter, of Greenville. JThis association held its meeting at Wilmington last year and" it was such a Success that it decided to return again this year. The opening, discussion following the annual address by the president, J. M. Davis, of Newberry1, S. C, will be. on the patriotic subject of "How Can Millmen Help Win the War?" A. .M. Dijon, of Gastonia is one of tne speakers assigned to a place on the discussion of this topic. . The afternoon session of the first day will be taken up with a discucs sion of the evils of the present sys tem of soliciting labor and the sug gestions of remedies for the same. "Conserving the Coal Pile" will be discussed in the closing sessions, and "Management of Card Rooms" will be the subject of an address, by A. F, Briggs; of Camden, S. C. "Selection of Travelers" will be the subject tt an address by P. A. Smith, of Burlington, A series of entertainments have been planned ana the usual outings and good times! will follow the daily meetings. The Southern Textile association is composed of superintendents, over- i m A 1 ' . mm seers, etc., oi cotton muis an over the south. Its membership is in ex cess or 1,200. uuymg, uui uie rainia.ii was nut gen- 1 fnnLeugh to be a very imPrtant REPORT OFMOTHER The market closed steady at-a de- SHIP NOT CONFIRMED cline of 9 to 43 points. High Copper Pennsylvania . Pittsburg Coal jjt Consolidated Heading Sep. Iron & Steel . . ... Sinclair Oil & Refining . . Southern Pacific fethem Railway . . .y Sciebaker Corporation . lessee Copper ..... tos Co !fcco Products Isj Pacific tea Cigar Stores . . . . IIM. Alcohol izei States Rubber . . K'idStates Steel .. Hi Copper Watash Pf d. "A" Westing house Electric . MjOverland Gslf States Steel (bid) . Seaboard Air Line Soss. Shef Steel & Iron . Faited Fruit (bid) . . Virginia Caro. Chem. . . . X.Y.,X. H. & H. .. . .. 43 5-8 .. 521-4 . . 23 1-2 .. 87 7-8 .. 83 3-4 .. 28 .. 821-4 .. 23 3-4 .. 44 .. 19 1-2 ..148 .. 62 5-8 ..121 .. 951-4 ..121 3-8 .. 57 3-4 .. 98 80 .. 411-4 .. 417-8 .. 191-2 .. 83 1-2 .. 71-2 . . 65 ..121 ..48 .. 413-4 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. Chicago, June 11. Hogs: Receipts, WO, mostly 15c lower; bulk, 16.35 16.65; packing bags, 16.0016.35; Eght hogs. 16.65 16.80: rough, 15.50 15.75; pigs, 16.2516.75. Cattle: Receipts, 17,000. Slow. Top cattle, steady: others mostly 15 25c lower; calves, strong, 25c higher; beef cattle, good choice and prime, 16.40 I'M; common and medium, 12.50 -"0; butcher stock cows and heif ers, 8.50 14.50: canners and cutters, 8.50; stockers and feeders, good, choice and fancy, selected 11.75 13.55; inferior, common and medium, 5-50ll.75; veal calves, common, me tiam, good and choice, 14.50 16.00. oneep: ReceiDts. 8.000. Lambs, foady to strone: sheeD. weak. 10c ker; bucks, $1, lower; shorn lambs, choice to prime. 17.50 17.85: medium b good. 15.5055)17.40: culls. 12.00 50; spring larnbs 19.O020.00; es. choifiA ttnA rHmpi 14.00)14.50: medium and ennA Htnnfi)14.00: cullS: MO 9.00. January . March . . . July . October ., December .22.98 .23.00 .26.84 .23.86 .23.50 Low. Close. 22.56 22.56J 22.88 26.25 23.02 22.65 22.491 26.39 23.08 22.67 NEW ORLEANS SPOT. New Orleans. June 11. Spot cotton i steady and unchanged. Sales on the snot 177. to arriven onei low mid dling 27.88: middling 30.38; good mid dling 31.61; receipts 2,623; stock 365,- 521. 1.42 1-8 1.43 5-8 .70 3-8 .65 3-8 4U70 41.20 24.12 24:32 WEATHER For "Wilmington and vicinity: Fair "night and Wednesday, preceded by Mdershowers this afternoon or to- noH warm 'KVoa'h artllth inds. Stage-of Water ' 2.Ke Of xcntoT t iT,aT Vaay ivat J Jayetteviiie, N. C, at 8 a.m. yes ay, 5.9 feet. nses " Sua seta Weather Bureau Reports .6:05 8:24 Temperature iS,h6Ville ' ianta fusion .., Sotte .... jcago . . . sonviiie Weston . .clear . . clear .cloudy . . clear! ..foggy . .clear .cloudy . .clear rain ...cloudy! . . . cloudy ... .clear . cloudy! .... clear! d o - S 55 & 9 -3 IS s25 g- "80 58 p 86 66 0 80 70 0 86 66 0 62 52 0 92 72 1.84 78 70 0 88 72 0 74 -56 .98 80 58 .40 86 64 . 0 88 74 0 88 64 .34 80 ) 65 0 CHICAGO GRAINS Chicago, June 11. Eastward exten sion of the warm wave had a bearish influence todav on the corn market. Openins prices, which varied from the same as yesterday's finish to half cent lower, with July 1.39 lw2 to 1.39 34 and August 1.4084 to 1.407-8, were followed by a moderate rally and then a decided downward swing. Oats showed firmness compared with corn After opening l-8c off to 3-:8c up with July 681-S to 68"i4, the market hardened to a, material extent and then reacted somewhat Provisions gave way with hogs and r.nrn. The only support came from shorts. Grain and provision prices follow Corn July 1.391-2 August 1.40 34 Oats v July 68 7-8 August .63 14 Pork July September 41.00 Lard July 24.02 September 24.02 .Ribs Julyfc., 2217 September 22.50 22.62 Thte market closed strong, zi- tc 2 3-4e net hieher. with July 1.48 1-8 to 1.42 3-8. and August 1.43 5-8. Hash: Corn. No. 2 yellow. 1.67: NO. 3 yellow, 1.60O1.61; No. 4 yellow, 1.40 01.51. Oats, No. 3 white, n i-4 77 34: standard. 77 12 78. Rye, nom Inal. Barley. 1.10O1.45. Timothy, 5.00 iff) 8.00. Clover, nominal. Pork, nomi nal. Lard. 24.87. Ribs, zi.55 gzz.oa. COTTON 8EED OIL, New York, June 11. The cotton seed oil marketx closed quiet; spot, none: June, July and August, 20.00; sales, none. V -TT " NAVAL 8T0RE8. Spirits 60 cents. Rosin Nothing doing. Tar $3.50 and 16 cents. Crude 14.90, $4.90 and $3.90. LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool. , June 11. Cotton: Spot, steady: nrices unchanged; good mid- difnjr 22.5B: middling. 21.95; low mid- dline. 21.41: good ordinary, 20.40; sales. 3,000 bales, including 1,800 American. Receipts, 8,000; American, 9t sno. Futures closed irregular New contracts: June, 22.40; July, 21.89; August, 20.80; September, 19.79; Octo ber. 19.30. Old contracts, fixed prices: June, 20.88; June-July, 0-80. : Youth Draw Four Year. ' Charleston, S. C, June 11. One of .the first sabotage cases ever tried in a federal court, it is believed, under the act recently passed, was heard here Monday, afternoon when Louis D. Boette, a KL year old boy of this city of German extraction, was found guilty with Recommendation to mercy. Judge H. A. M. Smith sentenced iiim to four years in the national training school for boys At Washington, Boette was employed at the Valk and Murdoch plant, where boilers for the govern ment were being made and placed bits w mm of nails in a pneumatic qpjj, - . ... fiiy h " Washington, June 11. Reports from the survivors of the steamer Pinar Del Rio, destroyed by a sub marine off the Virginia coast, that the enemy raiders were accompanied by a mother ship, found no confirmation today at the department. Officials be lieve, however, that the raiders might use a captured vessel loaded with sup plies to prolong their stay off the coast. , As the situation stands today, -the navy department is convinced that no base exists along the Atlantic an dthat the raid is in the nature of a single raid. There is no doubt that it may be repeated at any time. Coming of The Su 13318 An Atlantic- Port, .. June ; ll.-The schooner Edward JL Baird, Jr., report ed to have been sunk off -the Virginia" coast last week by a German subma rine raider was libeled in the federal court here today by agents of the American steamer Harvey H, Brown, which picked up the abandoned schooner at sea and towed her into port. The llbellants allege that at great peril to their vesseFthey brought the Baird to port undamaged and with her valuable cargo intact. The actual value of' the -pronertv involve in the salvage operation is declared to be about $400,000. THE MimJALl LIFr of New;York. v AB, Croom, Jr., Manager Wilmington District. 301 Southern Building. . . ' x Phoned 489-1505 (Life Insurance.Onfy) "That'n AH" Steamer Wilmington leaves every day at 9:30 a, m. for Southport, Fort Caswell and intermediate stops. DOUBLE TRIPS SUNDAYS, 9:30 a;, m., 8:00 P. M, returning last trip 8:00 p. m. Adr. . a - Hcmf to Avoid Tbott Pains and Dhtresa Which so ManrMothera Have Suffered. JIMMIE HASKETT IS DEAD AT SOUTPORT (Special to The Dispatch) Southport, June 11. Jimmie Has- kett, aged 44, died Monday afternoon from blood poison. He suffered in tensely for several weeks, and last Sunday, in. the hope of saving his life, one of his arms was amputated. Surviving him are: His mother, Mrs. Carrie Hasketti a brother, Bennie Haskett, and four sisters, Mesdames John Harker, Clyde Newton, Dick Fraxier and Miss Louise Haskett. Too much cannot be said for a wonderful preparation, familiar, ta &asy womea at Mother's Friend. It Is more effective Xxf Its actios than an tha health rule ever laid down for the rnldaace of expectant mothers. It is aa external application that spreads Its influence cpon the cords, tendons and muscles of the abdomen, rendering them pliant, and they expand gracefully without that pecoliax wrenching strain. The occasion Is, therefore one of trtf bounded joyful anticipation and too much stress cannot be laid upon the remarkable Influence which a mother's happy prenatal disposition has upon the health and fortunes of the generations to come. The pain at the crisia is Infinitely lesi when Mother's Friend is used during the period of expectancy for the muscles ex pand -easier and with less strain when baby Is born. Mother's Friend Is for external use only, Is entirely safe and may be had of you druggist. It is prepared by the Bradfield Regulator Co.. Lamar Bid.. Atlanta, Ga. Write them to mailyou their interest lug "Motherhood Book." They will send it at once, without charge, and you win find it very helpful. Do not neglect for a singl night and mornlnr to aonlv Mother's Frieni accord ine to directions around the bottle and thus fortify yourself against pain and discomfort. Good enough for Uncle Sam: good enough for anybody 1VERIASTIC RUBBER ROOFING DO you know that thousand of squares of Barrett's Eve, laetic "Rubber" Roofing have been used on the new army can tonments and on other govern ment jobs? - Uncle Sam is a Tceen buyer. He wants the best quality, but he won'tpay fancy prices. That's why He selected Barrett's Everlastic. Follow his lead and yoq will be sure of the best value in roof ing that money can buy. Come in and let us show you how good this Barrett's Everlastic Roofing is for your job. We have 'it in stock in one-, two- or three-ply. One square to a rolL Noils and cement inside. N. JACOBI Hardware Co. ATLANTIC CITYS NEWESTH FIREPROOF. HOTEL Directly on the Ocean Front Unusually Attractive During All Seasons of the year. American and European Plane Luxurious lobbies, spacious veran das and sun parlors, overlooking the ocean and thoroughly heated. Charming afternoon muslc&tes and erenlng concerts. A palatial resi dence for those seeking rest and recreation. Sea Water Baths. m hi sws sup m Fireproof Gars re. HERB HAIARIA KIT 0? THE SYSH21 M s : GOOD VQVLQ AJfP AjgygggSa McxDveirnse on Sap V GRANDMA'S Map. wastes awmy TiBC arooM ta water. ami out uaamd MA br tha fMonral. tra si safe cm Larger Fackages N waste. GRANDMA'S Borax Powdered Soap Ask Your Grocer For It! Will Answer Unfair Attack Of Postal Telegraph Co. Late Saturday afternoon, June 8th, we learned that the Postal Telegraph Cable Company, a competitor, had made a vicious attack upon this company in a printed pamphlet which had been distrib uted in the cities in North Carolina in which we are seeking an in crease in telephone rates, t. $ j This pamphlet contains many erroneous and misleading state ments, and is expressed in such lariguage as to reveal the violent prejudice of an unfair and unscrupulous author. A complete, detailed refutation of the charges and insinuations contained in this pamphlet will be made when the State Corporation Commission meets again to continue the hearing on our rate cases. I ilJmilflM ii PCoUmsa v Mil Ur Him eosgooa adi da- 7M; J - Bctnntatioo S0)sra iSlllfm W Wilt pafckedin rrery Bfaffe all nf ! w ease. Exehanare- mjfm y aetlaaia - ' J "SANS-SOUCI" SAUSAGE Pure Pork Sausage Fresh Sausage Smoked Sausage Frankforts Bologna Head Cheese Liver Sausage New England Ham Made without cereals.1 Sanitary, clean delicious Take no substitutes For sale at all first-class grocers and markets CAROLINA PACKING COMPANY UNION PASSENGER STATION Arrjrai and Deparrnre of Trains Ttbnmr 1st. 1913. hi SEABOARD AIR LINE A DEPABT DAILT . AaKIVB 3:45 PM Charlotte ...... 1O0 PJkf. Parlor Car. BOS A3f.. ...... Charlotte 12 $Q AJi. Steeper opened 10$d P. MJ Fsr bforxaasisn rkesa ATLANTIC COAST LINE! DSPAKT DAILY AJSX2T&' 645 AM South and West. . .12 (45 A.M. Sieeoer to Columbia, (Open 10 .-00 P. M. Ixtft A-M-.-KortU oBOi.- Parlor Car to Morzols : S:4S AL..Sra7etteTin 8K P.M. 3:05 PwM...New Bern ..12:30 P.M. j 30 P.M.. .South, and West l:OU p. I: ... Sleepers to Augusta, Atlanta C:4C P.M... North 10:15 AJtf. . F-leepars to Washtnjrton, Norfolk . For Xatoratatlon fkent la. Suburban Schedule IN EFFECT SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1918. f? ?! WEEK-DAYS j Lv. Center Lv. BeacK: 5:40 A.MJ -6:15 A.M. - 6:10A.M.v 6:55 A.M. 7:10A.M.j 7:25 A.M. 7:40 AM. 8:00 AM. 8:15 AM. j and every half and every halfl hour thereafter hour thereafter. until 5:30 P.M. 6:10P.M. 6:30 P.M. and every half until 5:45 P.M. 6:20 P. 6:50 P.M. 7:15 P.M. When you want the one best drink for good taste and good health. Bear" In Mind . We shall not engage in a newspaper controversy and our friends, our patrons and the public may Jeal assured thst the confidence they have reposed in our integrity will be fully justified, arid that at the proper time, before tne State Corporation . Commission, a - full and complete answer to every statement contained in this printed circu lar will be made, - 1 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Enjoy the good taste of hops, the foana and the eparljje. Drink all yon want it's non-intoxicating. At grocers, at druggists,' in fact at all places where good drinks are soli LEMP Manufacturers , ST. LOUIS 1 .J -V By M. B, SPEIH? General Manager A moed forinfactiona : the urinary tract. Painieas. BMHXiisonotia sod villnot strictnrt Belieresia 1 to o dan. PRICE $1.20 Bold By Dragglsts Treatise with, each bottle r ma3ed aa reqaest. - PREPARED BX ' . THEVAf5j;H5MJCAL C0 CiNClNKATL a hour thereafter and every half until hour thereafter 11:00 P.M. until 12:10 AM. "11 :45 P.M. Local trains stopping at all stations (on request) may be expected to leave the Center and Lumina at the tlmesi indicated. , The 6:10 express leaves daily ex cept daturdays and Sundays stopping at Fifth. Ninth, Seventeenth "and Mir. ket streets, Wilmington; Winter Par! Gardens; Sea Gate, Wrlghtsville and' all stations on beach. ' FREIGHT:- Lv. Wilmington 5:30 AM. 9:30 A.M. , 9:30 P.M. Lv. Beach 1 7 :05 AM. 12.15 P.M. 6:15 P.M. Freight depot open daily except San- day, from -7.30 a. m. until JL: 00 p. and from 2:00 p. m. until 6:00 p. m. Freight depot telephone No. 96. SUNDAYS: S Lv. Center Lv. Beach 7:00 AM. 6:40 A.M. 8:30 A.M. 7:45 A.M. and every half 9:15 A.M. hour thereafter and every, half until hour thereafter 11:00 P.M. until 12: JO AM. 11:45RM. Local trains stopping at all stations Yon request) may be expected to leave the. Center and Lumina at the tlme3 Indicated, - v FREIGHT: Lv, Wilmington , Lv. BeacW 11:00 A.M. 12:15 P.M. Freight' depot open 10 to 11 a. m. : Freight depot telephone No. -96.' Puring period of heavy travel ex press trains operated between Wilmington and Lumina,- stopping only at Fifth, Ninth, Seventeenth. and, Mar ket" streets, Wilmington; Oeefaio Ho tel, 6e ashore Hotel, Caroling Yac) r " 4 i mm Li '01 1 i - 4 - -1 S N

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