1KB GIN WORK OF MIES THE WILMINGTON , DISPATCH. : TUESDAYUNEl ItflWavi -);i-i,';vV ji,4VU -.2W.'-S-V i'ly??? '.'tf-V'K :8-:i".;;ir .: ..f Si's ---'i - 7 --,"-3 J r ; 4 Courage of Officers and Men Bordered on 1 emeniy SKILLFUL MANEUVERS Enemy They Oppose Resigned Fireman Is Not? Satisfied (Continued From Page Five: - about Sprunt's cotton warehouse, say ing he was an American itizen and asking the undersigned to -get work for him. ; It was: a typewritten slip, giving an address, and saying he sent . s. m . a. j v - ue leiier joy a inena, dui to say nothing about it. I s do not know whether he wrote it or not; it may have been bogus, but I do know that Americans, Says Statement, never seen him and did not know him ' rWiinat trie. carried the letter to J. O. Carr, at tonunu - the time, and told him I had nothing tdv do with the man. Mr. Carr will substantiate this. I gave him the let ter. COURAGEOUS COOLNESS thing was this. some hay from the I had engine 'The other borrowed IVUf in nr Fnr house- After my discharge I asked Resistance Met in uasn ror my wIfe ifsheih.ad returned it she Heights or nautenesnes Stubborn, But Was Broken Down ISiENlGS:JMOWNTDF,POIATO iWSK TOGETHER Letter From Emperor Charles Was Turning Point For Rumania in War Paris, Monday, June 10 Praise is called -the boy, who works for us, and being informed he had not, she direct ed mm to do so at once.- He did so. I never, saw the hay. The next thine I heard was that Mr. Carr was sent for. upon "the report the hay was pois oned. tThe intimation was that I had doctored the hay so as to poison the given the marines and other Ameri--(horses.? On examining the hay, then can troops who took part in the fight- at' the engine house, It was. found to Photon do wet. witn some cnemicais usen at. TT-aoir nuiuincai, ui. iivunu - . fcf iasL . ., x the engine house, but it was apparent, Thierry m an when the hay was moved aside, that giving a summary ui mc vy- tne chemicals had been put on it, at there. It is declared that the engine house, for underneath and irresistible ac-(where It lay, the liquid had dripped down and wet the floor. This could not have been if it had been doctored by me at my house, because the chemicals would have dried on it in a few minutes and would not have wet 7,Hnir our line," the statement I tne noor, alter Deing earned trom my to 11 q a view of the enemy house to the engine house. It was so adas: f,moH us to exploit the I apparent somebody was putting up a v . a n i ) r- i i uiitwv c - - , situation. American continue the adversa- I tonight arations tith "strong will thp American troops tlTU absolutely to aommaie rios they oppose." "" it. V. T rhp operations on me sixm oi j uue 1U . li Ktoiomorl Also in the evening the I job to prejudice the government troops pushing forward to- against me that Mr. Carr and Mr. CR0P10RE ASSURING Phillips did not pay any attention to it. Somebody did it to injure my their line I standing as a loyal citizen. I feel that. a great injustice has been done me; that because of unjust prejudice, Instigated by some evil disposed persons, taking advantage of the German birth. I have been made to lose my job, after v-more than.. 20 years of faithful service in the depart ment. "That is not' alL Having served 20 .. .imn,t ititn vears I am entitled to susnension un- mTL lErc W Uliuscu oiiuuoi. oiuuo uiwi . .s wo it waa catnhHahfid I aer tne nreman s pension law, as i a havine killed its crew, returned I am advised, but this is now denied me, fith the gun over nis snouider, rd Bussiares ana iorcy ana con- nn''ne tO Clean up uaucau uuui jpjal opposition, advanced in, more tnan a muc. Pinal V. tOWiiru. u u Liuv-n- UJ. mo avpnins some vjux uuuyo vu3uv . . in Thourescnes 1 . ( . 9 A "Ths American mianiry saowea git very skillful in maneuvering. -The mnrae 01 me uuiccia suu uieu uur rpd on temerity. One lieutenant, Metered in his advance by a machine (Correspondence Associated Press.) ; London, MayJ 31. A private letter written to King Ferdinand of Rumania by EJmperof Charles, of Austria-Hun gary, in the latter part of February, marked the turning point in Ruma nia's participation in the v world war, and was one of the deciding factors in the long series of , intrigues which eyentually broke the spirit of the Ru manian king. Under this outside pressure Kin Ferdinand changed from an ardent supporters of the war against Ger many, into a lukewarm and vacillating opportunist and finally into a distinct peace advocate. "This is a time when kings must stick together." This is the most striking sentence of the letter of .Emperor Charles. A summary of its contents was com municated to the American minister and to the Associated Press corre spondent in Jasey by a' high official. In intimate terms the Austrian em peror directed the attention of King Ferdinand to the great danger from all monarchiar Institutions from the wave of socialism which was sweeping eastern Europe. He drew a heartfelt picture of the danger to Austria from the spread of Bolshevism across the Russian border and declared the Ru manian dynasty was in equal danger from the same source. Emperor Charles pleaded with the Rumanian king to join with other mon archies in Europe in the death strug gle with democracy and promised that If Ferdinand would abandon the allies Germany and Austria would support him in retaining his throne. Some Anxiety Had Been Felt Because of the Freight-J Congestion Special, to The Dispatch.) " "Washington, June 11. A reassuring statement regarding the movement of the potato crop of eastern North Car olina was made to Senator Simmons by the United States railroad admin Istratlon. Some anxiety has been felt in the state because of the possibility of freight congestion affecting a' crop which must be moved quickly. Sena- cur simmons is now promised tnat a sufficient number of . cars will be pro-: vided and while the crop may not be moved as rapidly as heretofore there will be no serious delay. After urging upon the railroad ad- ministration the necessity of quick ac tion, Senator Simmons issued the fol lowing statement: ' : . - "During the past few days I have had up with director of transportation, Jttr.; unamDers, the- matter or tne move ment of the potato crop ; in eastern North .. Carolina-and have. emphasized to the transportation , authorities . the urgent' need of Mmmedltae? action In furnishing a sufficient number of cars to "the potato growers of the state and in seeing that5 this perishable crop' Is moved promptly and with dispatch. The railroad administration is giving the matter close attention and Mr. Chambers now advises - .me by tele phone that the administration is act ing and that no -alarm need be . felt asto the proper movement of the crop He says that steps have been taken to furnish a sufficient number of cars and that while the movement may not pro ceed as rapidly as in former years, the croD will eet on the market in plenty of time." ': Beverldge the Speaker at Purdue. Lafayette, Ind., June 11. The clas3 of 1918, considerably smaller than in previous years owing to the war, re ceived their degrees at the annual commencement of Purdue university today. Albert J. Beverldge, former Ustted States senator, was the conv- mencement orator. Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllin I Vacation Needs! The courage of tne comDatant tocps was equaiiea oniy Dy ma nagiificent coolness of certain of their nbulanee men wno, amidst a nan oi gave first aid to Qb wounded lefore carrying them to field dressing stations. "(heratins in Liaison with the Jsericans, our troops the next day ltoed considerably the gains of the ij before, while the division on the it nrosxessed northward. Both itffected a very skillful maneuver. Dong the morning our troops cap-terf7euilly-La-PoterIe cemetery and, fmEr, by a single dash, they carried i2u heights southwest of Hautevesnes. to troops met with stubborn reslst- Ece which they broke down complete- Tie Germans suffered Irreparable losses. One of tne companies opposed to is which counted 100 bayonets at beginning yesterday, only muster ed 33, five of whom belonged to an- ether company, and five to the regl- icital reserves. APPEAL TO AMERICA TO SEND FORCES Summer Diarrhoeas ess be controlled more quickly with GROVE'S BABY BOWEL MEDICINE ud It is absolutely harmless. Just as iffective for adults as for children. Adv. w Scoffers and Doubters ly Let Prejudice Bind You to a Life of Rheumatic Torture? Be fair to vourself vou sufferer Pom rheumatism, no matter what form. Go to R. R. Bellamv or any I druer?ist. and eret a najckasre ot Meuma, the guaranteed prescription. K the entire bottle, and if von don't it has eiven vou auick and sure felief, say so, and. you can have your iey tack. isat that a fair offer? Can you see 7 deceit or red tape about it? What dance do you take? Absolutely none. f0en eet a hnttlo nf Rhenma. today. "8 a reputable nhvsiefan's nreacrin- Di altoeethftr different from rem. iies usually prescribed, free from lcotics. and nerfectlv harmless. euma acts nn the VidTioiwi and hp.lnft force the uric acid from the swollen t3 and othfcr lod trim? olacea. It leases you in a day; it makes you JJPeful and happy in a week. It has pleased from bondage rheumatic suf rer3 who thought nothing would give "e- It should do na Tmir.h fnr vou seldom fails. nt miss this Tnnno-c.flrV offer. A ffge bottle, sufficient for two weeks tfeatment. u i TlOT"riiTie4TrA A Air . and on the ground I had 'resigned, when evefyboy knows this resigna tion was brought about by the condi tion of popular feeling and under ad vice that came from the mayor and my attorney, Mr. Grant, because - of it, particularly that of the mayor, who advised, it in order to allay public In dignation. It is said, at the meeting. when my case was to be heard, a number of persons had assembled to demand the board should expel me. If I had been better advised, perhaps, at the time, I would have fought !t out. but under the circumtsances I yielded to and trusted to time to vin dicate me. V1 applied tot "-my pension. The board of trustees, acting upon the advice of the city attorney," Mr, Ruark. declined to allow it. The attorney held that I am not entitled to it because I am not in the active service of the fire force of Wilming ton. "I am advised that, having served 20 years, I am entitled to pension In the spirit of the act, but, in order to relieve all doubt, I feel I should be re instated the resignation allowed to be recalled and its acceptance revoked and if my services then be not con tinued,' I should be "retired" on pen sion, which I have earned by 20 years, service, and it should be given me as my Just due. "I deny that I have been In word, thought or deed, at any time, disloyal to my adopted country; I have not any Interests or atachments to bind me to Germany, and, In this war crisis, both my wife and myself before and since my discharge have done what we could to help support our coun try, not only subscribing to liberty bonds, but soliciting- and .Inducing Washington, June 11. An appeal to the United States and the -allies to send an expeditionary force to Russia to repel the German invaders, for warded by the central committee of the Cadet party in Russia, was trans mitte dto the state department by the Russian embassy. It is asked that the expedition, if sent, be put under inter national control to guarantee the rights of Russia. others to do so, as also to the Red Cross work; and I resent the mpu tations which the government has found to be untrue, that I have not been faithful and true to my alle giance to the United States. 'I therefore respectfully ask that you will re-open my case, hear evl dance on any charges which may be brought against me and I be given an opportunity to exonerate myself; and if so, that I be reinstated in the fire department, on active duty, which prefer, but if my services are not de sired, then that I may be retired and allowed to receive my pension for 20 years service." i--?!IT,SBh73elletA. nervous. run-do-wn people in two weeks" time in many instances. It has been used and en dorsed by euch men as Hon. Leslie M. Shaw, former Secretary of the Treasury and Ex-Gorernor of Iowa; Former United States Senator Richard Rolland Kenney of Delaware at present Major of the U. S. Army: General John L Clem (Re tired) the drummer boy of Shiloh who was sergeant in the U. S. Army when, only IS years of age; also United States Jndge G. W. Atkinson of the Court of Claims of Washington and others. Ask your doctor or druggist about it. How about Suit Cases, Trunks and Bags? Wardrobe Trunks from $35.00 to' $65.00 each. Small Trunks from $3.50 1 to $25.00. Suit Cases from $1.50 to $2.50 1 Give us a look over J.W.H.Fuchs' Department Store !llUIIIIIIIIII!lllllllllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIII!M juitummiufiiiH BY THE SEA The e Tied Mw&i I I NECK WEAR FOR SUMMER WEAR 1 I COOL CLOTH SUITS THAT ARE COOL i 1 STRAW HATS, TOO AT i ED. WEAVERS 1 121 PRINCESS STREET iHiiiHniniimiHiiHHiiiuimaoitmsusiKxniins Br '"COSTM gAI-B blned V 01 tne power of 5Uor a certain warns to the sale con- mortgage made by ead nrt t 8 10 tbe Wilmington Home- boot O,oan Association and registered H r.,,93' Pae 389 of the records .of H, to th. c?unty the undersigned will Hon ?nb highest bidder, at public auc- ,i.at ine courtnouse door in " clfr I; loe courtnouse aoo d.V y1.1111111?. on Friday, 1918, at 12 o'clock the m.. th ''escribed Dronerty situate ... VII V fif TT71 I , westPr. i?lnnin? at the Intersection of t,rthern m, JinS S.f Ei&hth street with the S'fthwarrti , i,iion street; runs tnence Eighth ItlLl0 the western line of !?d Parallel J thence westwardly eo sontw1, Nlxon Btreet 150 feet; 5SWt and Parallel with Mxon feet to the northern line , e northprn :u ' tnjlence easwardly along bSnnii 'Nin "treet 150 feel S mS unA5: DeInS Part of lot 5, U J- QuinlWo .lue same as conveyed to I November i o?7 Avd.ams on the 5th 5? is n,Hi i-17' t0 which deed refer- LTwn. fl h a more particular de Bs ' alfl eed beinz reeistered in TMg i1tpuae 103. ' " ATON HOMESTEAD AND B John n h LOAN ASSOCIATION." u Bellamy, Attorney. 6-ll-30t Earg SL wins'- In Fords IGHXJLY USED One 1917 model which is in fine condition with good tires all around, $425. - One 1916 model touring car with new top; new motor seat covers; in fine condition, $350, One Oakland Six roadster; good as new; run on lv 2200 miles: mice a bargain. New cars are hard to get. Used cars in condition are scarce. Get in and get one of cars now. SEE US TODAY. good these W. B. MacMilMm, Jr. i alliBg After the Days Work a Dip in the Surf Moving Pictures Tonight To the Harmonious Strains of the Conducted By: ir. .Mail Ends a Perfect Day s Cars Half-Hourly to LUMNA - i trml . ---. .(V i il 1 ! i i ' ; ; i - . M : 1 S- -" ; i

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