i Si ' THE ' WILMINGTON DISPATCH,' THURSDAY, JUNE X3T 1918: 2 X, if"- t0 v'. a- I, f.;, V- i ( ;fe ',.0 ,-- IB' I I - "5. fc : 4 . 1 :- ;$ i 1 Nomination Coupon Good for 5,000 Votes in Wilmington Dispatch New Era Circulation Campaign. I nominate Address St. ' 1 No. Nominated tiy ... NOTE1 Only the first nomination blank received -when properly filled out, will count 5,000 votes. The management reserves the right t o reject any objectionable, nominations. Those who make the nominations can upon request have their names withheld by The Wilmington, Dispatch, who will under no cir cumstances divulge same. Any one can make nominations. Nominate yourself or a friend. , Not Good After June 15, 1918. Special Voting Coupon Wilmington Dispatch New Era Circulation. Good For 200 Votes Address District For Good for 200 votes when filled out and sent or mailed to the Cam paign Department of The Wilmington Dispatch on or before expira tion date. Trim carefully and not roll or tcI3 and fasten together and write name on first coupon. Allen's Foot-Ease Does IW Wbtt your shoes tlnelr or your-corns ao4 bunions ache bo that you are tired all over, gtt Allen's Joot-Ease, the antiseptic powder to be shaken Into the snoes ana sprinkled in the footbath. It will take the stint; out ef corns and bunions and give instant relief to Smarting, Aching, Swol len, Tender feet. Qrer 10,000 packages are being nssd by the American, umisn ana French troops. 8old erery where, 25c Don't fceeepf mmr substitute. AfiY. 'v CROP GREATEST WHEAT ON RECOROFOR STATE For Politicless Race, Bost Would Swap Clark and Bynum ... . NEW ENTRIES EACH DAY FOR VALUABLE AWARDS IN NEW ERA CAMPAIGN Candidates Entering Campaign Almost Every Moment Begin Activity at Once and Secure Many Subscriptions to The Dispatch 250,000 Extra Votes For Each Club of $25 in New or Renewal Subscrip tions This Week Special Votes Good Until Saturday, June 15, 10 P. M. he 250,000 special vote ofsr for each club of $25.00 secured in new or re newal subscriptions to the Dispatch this week up to and inclusive of the 'hour of 10 P. M. on Saturday, June 15th has proven to .be just the stimu lant that the different participants needed in the Dispatch Campaign. The special vote offer has also caused many new nominations to be received by the Dispatch and many young la dies are nominating themselves each day to besome a participant for the various awards that the Dispatch will distribute on August 17th, naturally with the quality of the various awards there should be great interest and the Dispatch is very much pleased to note that the interest is general in every respect. The activity of the v.-' 13 . candidatesis not solely confirm to V points near Wilmington but within a I, radious of 100 miles of Wilmington - and furthermoro a greater majority of new subscrlptians to the Dispatch have been received to date instead of renewal of old subscriptions. This fact should be appreciated fully by advertisers who so generously adver their wares in the colums of the Dis patch. What they have to offer to the public is going into the home that the Dispatch did not go into previous ly. So with this condition there can - very readily be observed that the dif ferent merchants of Wilmington can look for an entree into a new terri tory that rtghtfully belongs to Wil ; mington, but possibly Wilmington has i never been in position to enjoy the ; volume of business that they are en- . ; titled to before, but times have chang i ed now ar3 the-opeh dor, and the wel I come sign is exhibited every where i for Wilnihigton. ! Votes for Participants Again Sunday The Dispatch publishes again Sun day the vote standing of the different IS NEW PRESIDENT OF SMITH COLLEGE i Northampton, Mass,, June 13. The 'inauguration of William Allen Neil- sbn, formerly of Harvard university, fas president of Smith college, was a great day for the iamous institution for the higher education of women. The formal installation exercises were held this morning as a feature of the commencement week program. Smith ; alumnae and friends were present from all parts of the country. The at tendance also included the heads or (faculty members of Vasaar, Byrn fMawr, Wellesley, Mount Holyoke and ; other prominent women's colleges. Dr. Neilson is 48 years old and a native of Scotland. His first academic degree was from the University of Edinburgh. He came to the United States to do post-graduate work at Harvard university, specializing in English literature. But this was after he had taught for a season, first in - Scotland and then in ' Canada. His first academic post in the United Si.ates was at Bryn Mawr college. , v Then he joined tire-Harvard faculty as instructor in the English depart- . ment, and then was won away forJ iwo years by Columbia university. In 1906 he was-called back to Harvard "as a full professor. Dr. Neilson holds the medal of the University of Paris in recognition of Ms services to it in 1914.-15, when he - was exchange professor. He is the ' author of a number of books and is -s widely known as a Shakespearian ed ' itor and commentator. He is a f el 's low ..of the American academy of arts and sciences and has been vice president or tne American folk-lore :v society and of the Modern Language , association or America. (Special to the Dispatch) Raleigh, June 13. North Carolina has its greatest wheat crop, according to reports received in Raleigh and pre dictions of a 13,000,000 bushel ctop are made by not a few patriots who pick the absence of Henry Page, food for these optimistic outbursts. Governor Bickett is not one of the cheery bugs who hope to give the allies several millkms extra next year, but he is back from the state farm where a crop of 1,000 acr3 promises 40,000 bushels. In the spring of 1915 the state threshed nearly 25,000 bushels, cutting the crop of cotton to the bone and tilling the land in grain. This was done that yea,r on account of panicky times and cotton was very low. The state's big farm tilled by peni tentiary workers nevertheless sets a patriotic example. It has done better than doubling its 1917 crop. It will make three times as much bread in 1918 as it did in 1917. The price will be higher and .the farm will make money In addition to paying wages to the workers. Politicless suggestions of Governor Bickett, James H. Pou, - Henry A Page, Herbert F. Seawell, Henry B Varner and Buncombe county demo crats get a mighty heft by a discovery in State circles, to wit: Chief Justice Clark, equal suffragist, is running on an anti-suffrage platform, and Judge W. P. Bynum, anti-suffragist, is runing on a platform committed to it. The test of the. politicless party would be this: Take Bynum off the republican platform and nominate him as candidate for chief justice on the democratic ticket. Take Chief Jus participants and there can be very4 tice Clark off the hostile platform and easily noticed the different amount , Dut him on the republican ticket of votes that each of the participants 1 where sentiment supports him heart! will have. These votes will represent j ly. The democracy did not utter- on to a great extent the clippings from 1 the suffrage question, albeit Chairman the different issues of the Dispatch E. L. Travis, of the corporation com of the special free voting coupons, mission, dropped in from Washington, and also many are drawin upon their d. C. to enunciate a few sentiments against it and Cameron Morrison with a capacious quid of tobacco managed to saved the great American home Suffrage got nowhere; the delegates killed It. and Judge Bynum would have no difficulty composing his suf frage differences on a democratic plat form. Chief Justice Clark is such a suffra gist that he has been known to betray it over the strictest judicial prohl bitions. Whether he could be beguil ed into making a fl .'. for the cause on a platform committed to It does nqt seem to have occurred to any body who- would like to see the party platforms occupied by persons who stand on them as well as they got in on them. If Chief Justice Clark and Judge Bynum will yield, the politic ess millennium will be preciously near and advocates win nave au opportunity to vote as they pray. The suggestion is more serious and more "practical as Chairman Tom Warren says, than that of certain awyers whe placed in nomination for chief justice a woman lawyer of North Carolina. These barristers &e sired to play a Jbke on Judge Clark There was no way for him to support woman chief justice. But here is the chance to fit man to platform and make running and. acquisition har monious. With the Wake county primary set tied and no contests before a second the Jones and Bailey forces are count ng the spoils and Bailey, whipped in the late contest for control of the machinery, has the offices In lare measure. The Bailey people are nearer con trol in city and county than they have been since the Bailey-Jones feud be gan. The Bailey men in the city abso lutely dominate, all three commir sioners being anti-Jones: In the coun ty Bailey has taken the sheriff, audi tor, register of deeds, clerk of the court, two, of the three representative? n the lower house and as Senator Bai ley gets the best Simmons man in the country.. The Jones men were anni hilated in their judgeship race, they lost the sheriff, their legislative ticket in the country failed and their for tunes have been swept away. It is true they and the Balleyites Indorsed some of the same men, but the trouble is that they have lost control. With the machinery in their hands they fallen down on their candidates. The county commissioners seem to be pretty much anybody's but the on ly pronounced Jones man ' is Carey Brewer and there are four others. The Jones men have had one of their own to beat in nearly all contests re- sently and trying It with another of their own, they have failed. Theirl mary was a rput for them. But they generally come back within six or eight months. reserve votes to bost their standing in the paper while they are not so fortunate os some of the other san didates in securing the special voting coupons in the Dispatch today, also the nomination) coupon, and either nominate yourself, or some friend so their name can be enrolled as an active participant" and begin to dis play interest, and if possible secure the Studebaker Six or the Chevrolet Five Passenger Touring Car. Or one of the many other costly and. valuable awards that are announced at the top of each division as being exclusive awards for that division. Ii ather words the two capital awards, the Studebaker Six and theChevrolet will be awarded to the two candidates irrespective of the two divisions that possess the two greatest amounts of votes. After the capital awards have been made, then the candidate that stands first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth in their respective divisions will receive the awards as announced at the head of each division. This should be very clearly unlerstood by all so they will thoroughly understand just what they will receive for display of effort. Effort is what counts in this Campaign and is one of the greatest essentials for the success of any undertaking. By lisplaying ef fort be well awarded on August 17th. Do not forget the special vote offer for this week and every participant should display great activity and have every possible subscription at the Campaign Department of the Dispatch by 10 P. M. Saturday, June 15th. CHARLOTTE WINS FROM GREENSBORO Greensboro, ,N. C, June .13. By a vote of 34 to 26 the committee repre senting the North Carolina Presbyte rian synod, decided to locate the synodical school in Charlotte. Greens boro had a strong bid for the Insti tution, offering a site and $200,000, but as Queens college in Charlotte al ready has grounds and buildings newly erected, that city was given the decision by the committee. Charlotte citizens have pledged themselves to wipe out the Queens college debt, and place enough money at the command 01 tne synoaicai scnooi to insure it a high standing. It is not believed that Peace Insti tute in Raleigh will be continued as a denominational school. STATE INSURANCE AGENTS IN SESSION s Charlote, NOTICE V- .Hot supper rolls, hot bread, every evening at 6 o'clock. Call at bakery. . rio delivery or not bread. lp-lS-7t FARMS BAKERY. N. C, June 13. The North Carolina Association of Insur ance Agents opened a two days' ses sion here this morning and it ?as es timated that the attendance would reach nearly 100 by night. The ad dress of welcome was delivered by Paul Whitlock, of Charlotte, and the response was by W. B. Merrimon, of Greensboro. Among the addresses booked for tomorrow's session is ono by Colonel Walker Taylor, ,of Wil- mingtoa. The election of officers wil be held this afternoon and this evening a social session rlll be held at the -country club. Despite the handicap of having a weak hitting team behind him, Wal ter Johnson manages to squeeze out victoriee for the Grtffmett. Give the great Washington flinger .some rea batting and he would rip up the league ...yj qUAMij2&; Sills4 Installed at Bowdoln. Brunswick, Me., June 13. With all of the ceremonies which custom has prescribed for the occasion, Dr. Ken neth -A. Sills was formally Installed today as. president of Bowdoln col lege, succeeding Dr. William DeWitt Hyde, deceased. The inauguration ex- erciaes uiuugui 10 orunswicK repre sentatives 01 an or tne prominent uni versities and colleges of New England, together with a number from other parts, pi tne united Statea and from Canada. Many alumni also returned to do honor to the new president of tneir anna mater. The top of the list of NMrtti A batsmen was jammed with Giants a shot umo ago. now Benny Katlff ilAJ? onl? McQratrite able to buuo. yui seiect hitters. The next time you buy calomel ask for aiotahs The purified calomel tab lets that are entirely free of all sickening and sali vating effects. Medicinal virtue vastly improved. Giutntetd fcy your drngiiit. Sold ealy in sealed packages. Price 35c University Summer Schools FOR TEACHERS ' June 11 July 26 LAW, ' June 1 3 Augusts 23 MILITARY CAMP, June 1 4 July 26 . (Asheville, N. C.) FORC INFORMATION WRITE The University of North Carolina CHAPEL HILL, N. C tarn Can't sleep! Can't eat! Can't even digest what little you do eat! WiV ARMY & NAVY will make you feel ten years younger. Best known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach and Dyspepsia. 25 cents a package at all Druggists, or sent to any address postpaid, by the U. S. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 Wst Broadway. N.Y H Lovipg Rivals They share the secrets that help the younger to add to her youthful charm and the older to keep hers. Tonight it is the secret of Pompeian BEAUTY Powder, the powder that adheres so smoothly to the face and neck, imparting an exquisite pearly luster and fragrance to the skin. Thethree new Pompeian preparations shown here have met with great success in New York. They can be used separatoly, or to getheras a "Complete Complexion Toilette." They are guaranteed pure and safe by the makers of Pompeian MASSAGE Cream. (?) u Beauty pouter Adds a pearly clearness Stays on unusually on SPomprian BEAUTY Powder teptrta pearly clearness to the skin. Stars on unuso Uy ten. Has a delicbtinc frag ranca. White, flesh, aad brunette. In a beautiful purple and geU box. 50c at the tores. Pompeian BLOOM a Sta mM Ik. ffrt.i tanrH rv V perceptible when properly applied. Do you know that a tauchei color in the cheeks beautifies the eyes, maktnf routhful bloom. Inv them darker and mere lustrous? Comes in three shades. lifht, dark, aad medium (Uu popular shade), and ea mThr Mi fumW Md in a cake that won t break.- So a raxuty box with French puff and mirror. SOc at the stores. ma used as si Powder. 1 Pompeian DA Y Cream keeps the skin smooth and velvety. Protects !e weather and dust. Daintily fragrant Casbe undatien before applying Pompeian BEAUTY 9c jars at the stores. THE POMPXIAN MANUFACTURING CO MPXL 5UFEX1 SI0 Sortaiwa Ava, Clsvslxndi, Ohio An' T':,: re mvMJ&ir't w Parang. r m. T with LOCAL APPLICATION'S cannot reach the seat of thJ tbeJ Catarrh Is a local disease Ll? fluenced by constitutional cond? la and In order to cure it you mutt an internal remedy, wr A lak Medicine is taken internally through the blood on the mUco, faces of the system. Hair n SUr" Medicine was prescribed h .1 drrl1 the best physicians in this countr, ff years. Jt is comnnsp - Icr best tonics known, combine some of thf hst hinn uu nof rr.. nerfect combination nf tv, . l " vuc Eome of th9 with 1 01. 1T1 O-vrt J; in Hall's Catarrh Medicine is vh T 8 rinr.ftfi All Ah TtrnnHnrfiil tarrnal conditions. Sen als, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Ohio. All druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. OR HAIMA WT OF THE SBEJ 1 Do you want your hair to " stow long-, soft and sUky? Look at the picture here of Mary Harris, and seo what beautiful lair she has. You.too.caa have long, straight Hair of using QL'ININE POMADE Do not be fooled by using soma fake preparation. Exelento i3 Guaranteed to da as -we Bay or you get your money back. Price 25cbymaiL S tamps or coin. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Write for particulars EXELENTO MEDICINE CO. ATLAKTA, ftt, afla as saw v- . . . i&V Yoa tlmsfy sji?!y to yscr z? wur. TBI mafio Herein remcs i it rr-irj. i wnica r.as in eirtct or s:::..; .':r.!nj eirt kinky, aaarly, early, iratty hiir, nakinj : jriw eaurs ncaa or n:r tct, 5ic:y, tiliy. stBMtii, to yoa ca . c:mv hansi; oit htlr and it It as in airy ci the Roiitrr. tMti irrmTM pomade y JLaVfi-iJLVrJUaj. HAIR DRESSING 1 i vltasaitly nerf amed. It Ii an Lp-b-iht! m Mir Ortmnf of per!or ntr!L It mnm wnwr s)ir si vw - r y ana u?&vmin; mw ItcblDg fCstlp, tl&ndrirff anri faiiaj hair. Sent for 25 CENTS h Mi3 HEROLIM MED. CO.. ATLANTA, EA. f Agents iraoted Wrtto Icr Wi V raverffaeu Balr from mmy part at tne bouy. SAX IS ftmel RaCI.iaWLB. Larce bottle, $. MBiaie, io. aiv JVJJa " I I JT gend M Sold it all XX and Detirtai;m Store Josephine Le Ferre C( PhUadelpala. fa, BOLD BI 4 V ta r a ce m O 4S ess 5'rJ c .. : : i f N Jacobi Buy a Good Refrigerator M cCtay bmmr Puritan All sizes,) all pricesr JS K for ew or all purposes. Latest iffl- prbvements. Largest stock' in Wilmington. Good Refrigerators are scarce BUY YOURS TODAY AT WILMINGTON, N. C. Ill I IMI.1H I II I J 11 CJ-Hiw o s MSB