THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH, SUNDAY, JUNE 30. 1918. TO Churches METHOOIST. Bladen Street, Fifth and Bladen Streets. Rev. E. C Sells, pastor. Serrices at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Morn ing subject, "Effectual, Fervent Pray er." Evening topic, "Loyalty to God and the Church." Sunday school at 3:30 in the afternoon. The public Is cordially invited and all wil be wel comed. Fifth Avenue. Bev. J H. Mo Cracken, pastor Regular services Sunday at 1 a. m. arid 8 p. m., conduct ed by the pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 in the morning. Mid-week pray er service Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Epworth league meets Tues day evening. A cordial welcome to all. BAPTIST. Southsde, corner Fifth avenue and Wooster street. Rev. R. P. Walker, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. by the pastor, anl at 8 p. m. by Rev. A. J. Taylor, of Albemarle. Sunday school at II a. m. Young people's prayer service at 7 p. m. Prayer service at 8 Wednesday evening and B. Y. P. TJ. Thursday evening at 8. Public is cor dially invited to all services. Calvary. J. A. Sullivan, pastor. Sunday worship 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sermon subjects: morning, 'What About Life's Problems;" night, "The Bible Beer." Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; J. W. Hollis, superintendent. Ju nior B. Y. P. U., 7 p. m. Sunbeams, Monlay, 4:30 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday night. Teachers' meeting and senior B. Y. P. U. Thursday night. Home prayer meeting Friday night A cordial welcome to all services. PRESBYTYERIAN. Church of the Covenant; Market and Fifteenth streets. Re. Marion S. Huske, pastor. Services: Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Sunday night services at 8:15 o'clock. Mil-week prayer meeting, Wednesday evening at 8:15 o'clock. " Strangers and visitors are cordially invited to attend services at this church. EPISCOPAL. St. Paul's, Sixteenth anl Market streets, Rev. D. L. Gwathmey, rector. Fifth Sunday after Trinity. Holy communion, 7:30. Sunday school, 9:45; morning prayer and sermon, 11. No evening service "as the rector will officiate at Wrightsville Beach. Serv ice of intercession every Friday, 6:15 p. m. Visitors and strangers cordial ly welcome at every service. Wrightsville Beach chapel, Wrights ville Beach. Sunday, June 30th, serv ice and address by Rev. D. L. Gwath mey, rector St. Paul's church, Wil mington. St. John's, Third and Red Cross tor in charge. Fifth Sunday after Trinity, June 30th. Holy communion, 7:30 a. m. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon, 11. Even ing prayer and address, 8:30. The public is cordially invited to all services. f L' i I L.a.a , . aim K 1 I Mrirminii n m ,,, hi Ct &Wiui''" 'mm,)fJit ""' I Ssj1 CHRISTIAN. Advent, Church and Fourth streets. Rev. J. T. Johnson, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 o'clock, conducted by Elder Clarence JJ Kirby, a stulent at Aurora Alvent Christian college. Subject of sermon, 'Sacrifice." Evening service at 7:45, conductel by Evangelist J. F. Sher ouse, of Jacksonville, Fla. Subject, "Hell." Corlial invitation is extended the public; special attention paid strangers. LUTHERAN. St. Paul's, Sixth anl Market streets. Morning services at 11 o'clock, con ducted by Kenneth Otten. Sunday school at 10 a. m. ADVENT. Sixth Street. Morning service at 11 o'clock will be conducted by Elder Jo seph Sherouse, of Jacksonville. Fla.. who is a speaker of pleasing person ality and rare ability. The evening service at 7:45 will be conlucted by Elder C. L. Kirby, a student of Au rora college, now traveling In the in terests of this institution. The public is cordially invited. NEAR ACCIDENT WHEN CATHni irv st. Mary's Pro-Cathedral, Fifth and Ann streets. First mass at 8 a. m. Last mass at 10:30 a. m. No. evening service. , Star of Sea Chapel, Wrightsville .peach Mass at 9 a. m. THE WAY OF GOD IN THE WOBLD WAR At St. Andrew's Presbyterian church the pastor continues at the morning hour his studies of the way of God in the world war. His subject will be "God's Purpose Concerning Israel." At night the male quartette will lead the singing, using popular Gosnel Hvmns The interest in these services grows steadily. An Over-rips Tomato and other over-ripe vegetables or fmitc often cause very serious bowel trouble In hot weather. Check it as quickly as possible. Get a bottle of Grove's Baby Bowel Medicine, a safe and sure remedy ior summer uia.rrn.oeas. It is just as effective for adults as for chil dren. Adv. Notice to Subscribers All persons paying The Dispatch subscriptions to agents are cau tioned to notice the label on their paper to see if they are . given proper credit. The label shows when the subscription expires and if within a few days afteT making payment your label does not show the proper extension of time notify the circulation department and it will be given immediate attention CIRCULATION MANAGER, .- The Dispatch. THIS FUR WRAP IS JUST THE THING TOR A COOL SUMMER EVEN ING. Both becoming and distinctive is this interesting fur of tailless er mine. Surely nothing could be more attractive for a cool summer evening (Copyright, Underwood & Underwood) JONES MADE CAMP WITHOUT EXPENSE TO GOVERNMENT The utter foolishness of questioning the patriotism and loyalty of a Wil- mingtonian, be he white or colored, was shown yesterday when J. A. Od- rell, of the county draft board, was advised that Frank Jones, New Han over registrant, had presented himself to the commanding officer at Camp Taylor, near Louisville, Ky for se lective service and had no papers to show that the nation was entitled to his services. Jones' story is rather unusual. He was notified by Mr. Or- rell that he was to report at Camp Taylor on such a date and Jones re ported without costing the country a nickel. How and when he reached Louisville, Mr. Orrell does not know. He had been mentally classed as a slacker and the sheriff' has bfenvlook ing for him for the past two or three days because Frank was told to pre sent himself for entrainment and neg lected to do so. Another registrant was sent in his place, his action tak ing another man into the service and placing himself in camp without any expense to the nation. BARGE WA LAUNCHED Man Knocked Into Water As Ship Starts Off Secret Service Busy North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering WEST RALEIGH CcatitiQas brought about by tbe world war should remove all doubt as to th value of teehnieal education. Increase of produc tion in all lines Ic the demand of the times. Let your son equip bifiurtf for ful, jroduetire cttltenthip. Let him have an oppor tvfttty to aultrply his aHeUncy la whatever industry be may engage. State Oelltge offers four-year counsel in Agriculture, Agricul tural CbetaUtry, Chemical Bnffbieermx, Civil Engineering, M eon an leal Cnrinarfn, Eleetrtcal Cnctaeer&g, TertHe Industry. Dyeing-. Military TmtnJa under V. 8. Army officer. Unit of Reserve Officers' Training Corps. General government gives allowance to partly pay for uniform. Juniors and Seniors receive pay amount ing to over $100.00 per year. Summer Camp at Plattsburgh, New York, tuli year attended fcy Juniors free of cost. Graduates who take R. O. T. C. course if ealled Into service are assured commis sions. Two hundred and forty scholarship yielding free tuition to needy boys. Young Ilea's Christian Association building- which cost $40,000. ROlar (aid general secretary la charge. Strode atalttlc teams. rerawtts for admission, U units tentfe grade work coa- s Short courses. ftM4 eiftmrs, Catalogues and Entrance Blanks, write E. B. OWEN, Registrar. Rmrofi jrcsaerou DA VID'S What are good clothes ? All clothes are good in the advertise ment; and they all look . good when you first see them. Of course they do; nobody would buy them if they were not good looking. But "good" isn't the looks of 'em. It isn't style only, tho style's part of it. It isn't fit only, tho fit's part of it. Of course, if the clothes don't fit and stay fit, you don't have much style. 'Good" isn't color or pattern, however good these look to you. The important part of good clothes is the part you don't see. Better be on the safe side and come to this store . for f Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes They're as good inside as they look outside; that's a fact, and we guarantee it. The best Palm Beach, Cool Cloth and Mohair Coats and Trousers to be had anywhere, $10.50 p The A. David Co. The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes Blum & Koch Straw Hats Etc. (Special to The Dispatch.) New Bern, June 29. Yesterday morning a gigantic barge was launch ed here. There came near being a serious accident as the craft slipped into the water. One of the men on the runway failed to get out in time and was knocked into the water and remained there until the ship had been launched, a period of more than a min ute and a half. He escaped serious injury. Secret service men galore are visit ing this place and making inquiry in to conditions at the shipyard. "'Sol diering" is not allowed at the plant and when it is found that a man is trying to beat the government by loaf ing on the job he is at once dis charged. There are a large number of sum mer guests here now, both at the At lantic hotel and also at the boarding houses and at, the Hotel Charles, and indications are that many others will come down during the course of the next few months. Considerable interest is manifest here in the primary "(o be held in the fifth judicial district on June 29th at which tinle a solicitor is to be chosen. Rawls, of Pamlico, seems to be the favorite in this section, although Hor ton will get some votes. Carteret county, along with several other counties in this section, today sent a number of white registrants off to training camps. At Beaufort and Morehead City friends and relatives of the men who were going to prepare to fight for America bid them adieu and sent them on their way loaded down with gifts. In New Bern the registrants from all over Craven county attended a When You Give A Box of Candy You Should Give HER Wu hitman9 s Because She is Worthy of the Best J RMAN & FUTRELLE Phone 21 1-212 1 07 Princess Street short service at Christ Episcopal church before- going to the train which they boarded en route to the camp. Comparatively few white men in any of the counties in eastern North Carolina remain in the first class, that being practically exhausted. Decatur Flowers, held in the Cra ven county jail on a charge of aiding Oscar Brothers, of Carteret county, beat and rob Ben and Lathal Leary, two aged residents of the Lolands sec tion some days ago, has lost that air of non-concern which he had when first placed in jail. "I wish I were detttf," Flowers said to one of the jail attendants a few days ago, and there is not the least doubt but that he is worrying over the possible fate that wfll be handed out to him when his case is tried. The two old men who were so badly beaten are said to be recovering from their injuries and will probably live to give evidence against the two men who attacked them. Shipments of Irish potatoes from Pamlico county continue to be large, and yesterday afternoon 14 solid car loads of these were brought up to New Bern, the mixed passenger and freight train being two hours late on that account. The shipment today will probably be heavier than was the case on yesterday. The fast-stepping nags that will per-' form over the "big line" trotting circuit this summer are already fill ing the stables of the North Randall track in anticipation of the opening of the Grand Circuit season there on July j 8. DR.' W. N. WEEKS, Formerly with BALTIMORE DENTAL PARLORS 22J4 FRONT ST., WILMINGTON, N. C. TRAINED DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE Telephone Connection 1 SD A I P f a i a i TV TEETH W A w All Work Guaranteed Separate and Convenient Offices for Whites and Colored WORK DONE IN SAME DAY. TERMS TO SUIT 0R. W. N. WEEKS, Formerly with Baltimore Dental Parlors 22J4 Front St. Across from Kress' and Masonic Temple Look for Large Signs on Front and at Stairs Pacific Coast mermaids are to en gage in their second annual swimming race across the Gollen Gate, at San Francisco, on July 4. The Red Cross trapshooting toura. ment soon to be held at Camp Funstr! promises to be one of the bam, events of the season. NO 1G H To Patrons of Street Cars. New fare box equipment has been installed on street cars to register pen nies as well as nickels. Passengers on city cars are requested to deposit all cash fares in Fare Box. Paper tickets will be collected by Conductor. Tidewater Power C lore Day elk-Williams' Big Sale For Just One We had determined to close this sale out on Saturday night, but so many of our customers pleaded that we let the first of the month roll round with "Pay Day,' so that they could make even more extensive purchases, that we yielded to their requests, and now announce MODAY THE CLOSING DAY OF SALE Domestics At WholesalePrices 25c yard wide Bleaching at 18c 30c yard wide Bleaching at... 23c 36-in. Unbleached Domestic, light weight, at 17c 36-in. Medium Weight Unbleached Do- mestics 22c 27-in. Medium Weight Unbleached ' Do mestics, at 12J4c B6-in. Pure White Embroidery Cloth at.. 29c 27-in. Cannon Middy Twill at 29c 42-in. Pillow- Tubing, 45c value, at 29c $2.50 Bird Eye Diapers, 27 ins. wide, at $1.98 27x27 Hemmed Diapers, $2.50 value, at $1.98 24x24 Hemmed Diapers, $2.25 value, at $1.79 No. 225 Longcloth, 12 yds. to bolt, at $2.69 35c Mamsutta Lingerie Cloth, 111 yds to bolt, at $2.39 No. 300 Longcloth, 10 yds. to bolt, at. .$2.79 12-yd. bolt Nainsook, 27 ins, $3.50 value $2.98 10-yd. bolt Imperial $4.50 value ta. . ...$3.48 10-yd.. bolt Colonial Dame 36-in. $4.50 value .$3.48 10-yd. bolt Oyama 42 in. $4.75 value. .. .$3.98 30c 36-in. Pajama Check igc 35c 36-in. Androscoggin Bleachings 29c 200 36-in. Longcloth, 10-yd. bolt $2.19 10-yd. bolt Chimosa Check, 39 ins. $4.75 value , : $3.90 40-in. Cinderella Pink, 39 in. $5 value $4..0O Friday Is Remnant Day We are going to make Friday a well-remembered day by putting on very special sale a large lot of Ro senmann remnants at pefectly ridic ulous prices. You'll want to be here to get your share of the big bar gains offered then Special Ladies' Underwear Ladies Fine Ribbed Silk Taped Un dervest, without shoulder straps, regular price 50c, Rosenmann Sale Price . . , 25c Ladies Fine Ribbed Undervest, with narrow shoulder straps, regu lar price 50c, Rosenmann Sale Price 25c 35c Quality Ribbed Vest for. .19c 19c Quality Ribbed Vest for. .10c Bed Linens, Towels, etc. 72x90 New Era Sheets, Fair quality, at $1.29 1x90 New Era Sheets, Fair quality, at $1.59 1x90 Wear Well Sheets, best grade, at $1.79 72x90 Wear Well Sheets, best grade, at $1.65 63x90 Pepperell Sheets, good quality, at $1 .63 $2.50 full size Crochet Counterpanes at $1.89 $2.50 full size Crochet Counterpanes at $1.89 25c Turkish Bath Towels at 19 35c Turkish Bath Towels at 25c 25c Cotton Huck Towels at 19c 20c Cotton Huck Towels at 15c 15c Cotton Huck Towels at 9c $4.00 Cotton Blankets, pair, at ....... -$3-39 63x90 Dimity Spreads $1-98 72x90 Dimity Spreads $2 29 50c Fancy Blue and Pink Plaid Turkish Towels 390 9.8c Fancy Plaid Turkish Towels -69c BELK-WILLIAMS COMPANY THE DEPARTMENT STORE 210-212 II. FRONT ST.

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