. t - . - . ' 1 ' ' - - - : , " ' ..r' ' 'jr- . - . J. - --vvc 5tVt '-- oOrr-- -s- t - i ' f O-T VvV ; . ' :,:-f . "-; '''y '" ' 1 .H ft " i .! 1 III Ki. i'k'' - la' HE: il l mm 4 ;i I r. il I i If; 4 hK : - Hp If H S' i i. r- m Ax.-, 3S ft 1 1 9" ; r.l a, i I .J Hi p. ft 1 ill: 'f iff - : ''the ttuiqWfc persons, pngse 3q the fan Hrt Vif f nliftAn1 4r 4foT nJrtAK io. J x 1.1. - - . f " ! . t proporcioat'u to lue amount - 01 CMpiiai t employea.. itr that business. rBonds hi to- acco manufacturers, over thejninimutn V'.of : two tht'ijispds'l dos are'-CQmuted ''''accordipjfttb , instruments eipQpioyeat, ana liUjiue biu of other rei able statistics, theF furnish jan appox!malFestinijlte tfie extent 'of production, iji.tn k ; ' . ," ; ' Virginia prcsents.io this branch, of in 'dustry aBsCfifeferimd-exhibits nmnufactutersbqdt Aggregating 2,883 bOfif. TfitieTfifirnlres idlcate establish- r lmejt mucbey6n6nlre UveragQ fsiie of ' .tfthfS m an acr fTn Jft. IN orLn l; aro una exbMts ilplA factories, and $.91 tOOO of VmanoiaejwirrQaeir2orK. oo lac tones and $721,000 of bonds, In ?New York, since the war, the tobacfco manu-. facturing interests has ' become very "consiaeraJfnrheindu of ;. fcaital,,,ia'nd1 bommanct f : ol trade there, Ahave H atfracted t mahy thor oughly-experienced. Southern manufac- l&rere?:''- ijclmi JeJ tNenf!; Sk" is noween torbef ;infendf,m;thwBHttbli ofi r, t mantttactiiTiryg 1ndustrvi, dniyito The two Reading tobacco states tM)sour (ieprts mohe factories but a '.'smaller;' amount'. of ;tcaptQlemrye fjujef'iM t $668,O0armamrfaciires bhd.Mfry- and at of J report ,stil smaller, interest Ti trtnin t h 'manqfactnte of cigars' th.pi o- portions are different. JTnecigarnanu- Democracy how to win victorjes, and on the succeeding day proves that a Repub lican victory in 1872 can certainly be achieved with good management; TbvJSunrliiA reccntfy given (fiwe at tention to the status of parties in the next House ot. Representatives, and its articles have been exceedingly thoughtful and verv entertaininsr. It claims the Hous for the Republicans iy pt teas; ipwiy jority, yet,Dei8arne breathjorbidi Re-, publican "exultation by auggestipg .the possibility J0f t a" TCoaUtidn? between1 the Democracy and a portion of the Republi-1 . f ... t . rl U i-i. j oil-A-i In: -! JCanMlolxteep jjo-epuoucau -votea jw .withr the, powerful pempcramipf)n .wlf deieaVebfifcih1 sq.lengdCeived. ;tbe world,, and that he was bt last overtaken by the fate of all des- ,')efategaerstersf-:--a changeof luck," seems rid Jaba'tbeMstorical verdict in wait- ance ty fortherganj '.. Jt is claimed that there will be in the next House between t wen tyifive and thir-: ty Revenue Peforpirt.lasse inrttftnlkl thelesa Tince hthhSofe6ffhe inilitah resulfs'of the cur- real lrEriiJe airffbst beyond belief. Omit ting allj accountant the morevTecent en gagementa near Paris; and in the neigh-, borhood of Orleans, in which the cap tures made by the ; Germans , ,bvef been considelrabU there are yet in the hands of thdJ?Maa!iWfrdu,r Wtohallifhe Em- publican membersprfi4eOTlfjielc strength in therganlzation; pflithe House bfRfBresepJai: view, hftjNew iWfJmrnerce Bay 4&ls highly bicnayrrigflie Rev enlleforhleYs,,(tliSlM reached it from Tho HorkiiiVIinoria rT rhgr. aonnnl cessions from, both .sides, "will paverl artd otUermntWanf obdfficeir a id an additfona$ipO (o every registered . cigar makm'pl!byd.,S of 1 persons or. firms owning-cigar1 making 1 'niton Pr , establishments in- the United i States ia . ,10,837 and the. total of tbeirfpenal bonds - registered as 1 cigar nVakers ls'45,858,; Vir ginia stands among the lowest in this branch bf-dndustry, 'witb" 74 f actrfries, and bonds amounting to 57,000 ; and North Carolina has only 2factories,lgiving 2;300 Vthe manufacture of tobacco .and sbqff is the first in cigar making, having-' 2,896 tfius. representing- over a fourth of this rati re-buslness e Mvlvania: Ivmes; -3yitK 34 Cl Jewries, giving f2;61)0W f4ctories?and.' $1008,200 ia i bonds; 6ali- fbrniali57 ' ftorjsTat?f7ft50ft i'in bonds; IlUnois, 553. factories, $504,800 in bonds; Missouri, 452: 'factories, ,$412,700 in. bonds; New Jersey, 569 factories, $39440j); Majfand427 iMpnet $365,000 in bonds; Massadiusetts, Jndiana. Qon- acnvaotfiel sMm&m . amounts,; The District of , Columbia- nas 63 iactories, giving $4,0fJ0inb?t.aibe native tobacco is , mostly, prepared", for -hewing or cut up JorUmoing. Tii r he manufacture of cigars :imported 4 tobacco : from te.TTest todies js ! largely employed. ;;.It is errpnously rapeolbttp''av8 ! upon tobacco effect only the njanufactutexs; In eftect, the tat upon theminWacturer is ft a tax upon the.agncultnral -' product. 'add tell8 seriously .upon the ? planter an d the ,laborv employe'fn--pfo,dtibjpV,;i Itlthe -planter; is to; make & rone pTofit; the wages of ' laborers must be '; deducted ' in order to meet the i heavy taiatibn J It is ontended,.nowever,i that1, the consumer; 1 after all; paft theltax.'ppeaing Ibis to .:betrue; th'e'factl.of :itbe iniuriouVfiect, upon tabafceo productions 6f . tKebreserit system of taxation, is' foot altered. Con4 sumption isMiminish'ed by heavy taxation andthe planter and the laboref ;re both injured by reductidnlof the demand 1 for their mint Trrrl nnfinn . 1 ' ii . THE OPPOSITION IN CONQRFSS. v The hermaphrodite character of the New York Sun, in itspresent "position J . causes it at attimes to lel ugly truths re-j x garding both of JhVgreat pirHes,,eacb of i ujiVU 11 HlLHrnaiRIV mm PB onri ehnoao a yyitnout being n any sense acadidpaper,1 ihe Bun yet frequently Mis the tjuthand Perhaps in a majority; of .instances just f , pecause the truth promises to be disagree V able. It assails the Grant administration crscy ,; In one day's issue it shows the trrk irrrr nirpr fhpir nnmhsra. find themsp.lvps Rn strong tbatroith tjie aid.of the pmqcTats, they think tney can elect the House Speak er, and sq cqptrpthejebairnjanship of the important Cbmmitfeem Ways and Means. We are advised thatit is their plan, the, Democratic Congressmen being willing, to giyfOerJerai Fps wortbtfe 1eker)i i p ceptable man' chairman of that committeeC .'f Th'e 'JbuiTuk of Commerce thinks that he RepublcaaElevenueRef ormrs nd ; the liemCcrals Ire nbff fet "rady for "a cooiplete poliycalrfusion," ,butathat con- he nd that which beinlttvitb the determination that nofossil,f partt .principle ihopldbe sacrificed, may end in throwing overboard alights .etrlaetttidsuis, Und JfofflkOtf&w. party on such a healthful basis as we bave previously "? suggestedi"f w,l 'At TJie same paper adds : if -i . Thus far we have, spoken only off. the House.-J'In ithe VBenate the' , .Republican Revenue. Refprmers;, are sp strong! that it is thought practicable by 'enlisting the lutcayi, iu& vcuiuuv'V K7cuaiv9 V vail j the proposed revision : of the tariff in that branch! The strife: betweerr f the new Re-, bitter in the 7 Sen ate, on nccdunt'of the entrance by the brilliant: ; Senator. Schurz upon the leadership ot.tpe reformtwing, of wmcii nef(wuu qeeryeaiy, uetne neaa. The Missouri Senator's late, and seemingly sham? Has nEuropep ioo, for; tw'fjnty yearaJ'fto(HiniTbtmem.iijr tlje merest jShadbw jtfiout, thesubstance of power?; !' j j; i ) ! Tne fact3ot ;tne i war now raging oe tween France and'j jPrnssia, Jnust gtfar ;to. confirm into aVhistoricai efdict the con- UcIUUatlilU - ui- apuicm a .luiuiico;- upvu which his Whatever enemies have always insisted. may wftWjftiry fcri peUCical eventultsjolheaxf -Jhere are certain stubborn facts, which must powerfully aid bef 6re thebistdrTc'ar tribunal, to5 "cSfvict v " . t ... 4. ui i l -i.: l mm rtafecr&Talt aaphazard XtelrtSrily, made the iair and false semblance, which pire, onchundredaand forty generalfytep more than three hundred thousand of the rank and file of the French army. In 4 t V " t r brief it may be assumed that the entire ftfdBtf fjiyifem ttilhefeibiFe raiTeept from the face of t4ie earth. Such enor- captures Wnexamy fed dn a tyview tirey-tnfght be "interpreted to ias! signify an attempt; at least, by the Im perial gorerppaeDt to iiweithTjrJaag-im pending shock ot conflict of war with' Prussia. The facifh-aj; 4be, imperial array waO not adequat p meet tbat t of Germany might be extenuated, if a monarch could everCbe5 idrglVen folr tin(ferralnlng the' strength of his enemy, or if it could be proven that Napoleon had endeavored td gras&tffitiliSe aVti e fnllarrreUurces Qf hteEinpire.t NeUh$rt,f fhee seditions can be conceded. Since the culmination1 of his disasters, Napoleon has compared rises 'and ?sftartling denouementsfto anaftouake." He as good as acknowledges that he did not know the military resources arid , prepara tioni bX rris3, dioV pot utilize the po wancenlt8 lpbse- ! quent to Sedan aodMetz ha ve abundantly pr0ven.:;HQw can at be doubted that the , long .train?of,-.calamitie ftpm t Woerth to etzV;rwoufd;,'-;hay irreconCiiabfe1 arVel.with President J A. ill . ' M t X?uiXi c,ars bad : the V armiesi ' of :BaiainWH and iue more wining, io join nanas wiin mm f v-' m , . . i - . . 3 : i - and- his, -associates,, in refofnV questions where? the' administration :!esrVouses the t If Louis Napoleon . had .died , while, ,an inmateof the dungeon tof iHamthe living world would long since have forgotten? even nis name, ana; me nisionan oi' iue future would' have given trie barest- record of the HfVot p'neho bad died 'the fmdst obscure of all heirs to a princely title.' ' If. theTEmperor. Napoleon the Third had died twelve months since", during hVs 'tedious and critical illness,' he would 1 have 'been ranked; among- the most illustrious of sovereigns and the most able of statesmen, j Tbei I'redkleJs ad venturer, iconfinedt Haml butlired evil nWme nM f fortune anq- supsequenuj! we sum perornOM apoieon slninnau have secured; The1 magnificent fabric, which dazzled the nations with ifs 'Sblen clor, and y for which the Malakoff and Sqlferino had brilliantly, aided a masterly foreign, anrd paestic jppicy;o "create ,ari enduring, foundation ..has. disappeared; !and amid the ruins df the ouce splendid J. ' TTi-l. . til L.i;..' imperial airuciure, niscory win aisuera ,luckless "Man of only the figureof Sedan.7. os i. '"' :'' f 'Vi TnF 1) Hdwiehali 'li)uisNakleon be adj'uaged in a historical senses is already an nteresV Ung and-xotifficuife questi6piisrei we. -at iipeixy io peueve laai, ior, jpineieen years & Charlatan and azi adteirMW iinpdiejd t . -j-' ...... ..i ... f.. ?: . j ; shrewdest,anpb.jBips1i58ensitive people on artb ? - Aid did: a', jealohs and "Vigilant nation, in noining more conspicuous tnan inits appreciation j of s the; traeikinglyl unaiauwu ,3 vvw,uu: uuiiuiiWiu , iaua jio: geniusand kryellopsly J promiit tax-; pose - and punish . imbecility, during ! all these long years accept this wretched Mac-Mahon , " been 1 sttengthene'd ! .by such a force as that nvhicli I rochu 13 about to surrenderat Pafis, and that whicb ma noeuvres in impotent' endeavor in the ' vi jcinity of Orleans ;;YeV howt;i promptly have these'forces beeh organized and hpw defence, i Far ? more t easily t could ' Napo- leon have created them into an enthusias tic1 afmydf nSrasion,' had': .two appreciated the enormpus power jbf hejad veraary from whbm : he so pf oniptly accepfelire gage of battle, or comprehended" the ; means at hs ewnMcpn)APdiby, which that; adversa ry might have been overwhelmed. : fNo.'gambJtr-fallSjlatrsonie- beriod of his career, to experiences the 1 reverses of fop tunej and Napoleon's adversity isneitber and faithful Senator :! from dhiof'Jud J i i,?!.im .:.- ft !.,! rn, ... r .t TV.rn.mnn l,Jr - a 1 . ' " i uuiu.auu. jrau-anu geniai com- panionship will secure" fori him the samel degree of personal Regard7 which the bluff an witty'lack shire alway3, had. from? tall classes of his Senatorial Collfiftcrnpi!! V .--yuviw. Thkt j&ovV VapceVas a kRebcVV the 3 Radicalewspapers leave us no room to i doubt. All of them insist; indeed, that he is "still a' Rebel.1" ' Senator VanCe can 1 present, mpment, and especially can be af- ford i tole indifferent to thraplicaticm of j .a .termCwHicn; ias ioVi,ramcli',of hrJonner I jeffect upon Northern sentiment Coupled ! '(with''t1iese;pprobiou's'p!teti i iuuuu a uauusumu, inuuie ia aenator i Vanqe pb.aractej and qualpcatiqnsLgiiv If The New Ydrk ?7 notTrfuch giten to , feihrlly refefeb ' exceptionable man. n He; is ..'able, honest,? mulish obstinacy he still, clings 40 bis SAnoiainiq!SnnxEtrQn"4Cheme jiHe Is reluctant to abandon' the expectation , of ipleudiJofisfrokKIg lation. Despite the signal failure ot his. previous bullying and cajoling efforts. to induce acquiescence in his proposition ; to: annex the. mongrel republic, Grant still re:' fuses to surreAder. Whenever Grant, arouses from hishronic stolidity and ordinarily insuperable dullness, and makes 31 display PiTTOT . W me8V e public verdict is th aVth ere is speculatiqn in the.Presidential eye. Nothing but the hope of pecuniary profit has heretofore energies, and people 'are not to be cen sured, if they sjball now shrewdly suspect' that the President, or some of his own, or along the Bay orBamana. ' Excepting the reference to the San Dd-1 mingp, scheme, ttte message nqwjiere disj plays either urgency or even decided in terest in malt'efs 'nlctnow1 'claimiloilu lar -s attent;iqn.t.j Especially ; .ponommitt al regarding the incipient issues of the com ing Presidential cbntesfthe Presidefibe- trays his eage ew jig) be. re-elected, byt6s seat iltnelBenatQDbUjsad-' BIUU1UU8 muiuouto ui buy uwtusaiuu i iv neeas an iniusion into its win it an n TU. H f'iV-! f A-S It '9t i ion,,! .portions, lie flippantly disposes of with a string of f glittering getf enilitiesyas 'devbid of taeaniog-as f'tWiPresidcnt' himself of appreciation of aoy subject 'aboife'lhe dig nity ohihorseflesV 5rV'blaCk -and tan pups." Other questions ot general concern are briefly and stipedally mentioned in paragraphs of platitudes, whichsbow no ft .- .Vi- " " . ; . iimprovementvin Grant s 1 mind, save 1 a t gtoiiijappiciatio of the least reputa- '84. anlrfogesf pqliqiipl. Regarding foreign relations the Presl- dedi;ail$d oratbifT If fsMWtShes in, hisl Yoicc ;thel;,6ne yeikigj thus'jthe dther dbwn' so." Vagbe' referetfe td ihe i : iu:i : 1 -jc 11.:. . t.. inviolability itCf this .continent '4'rotn Eu ropean occupation, meet! the; popular ex pe.f tation. of pn annually: repAwea.ep dorse-pVinr)heEu '"Mbfaroe doctri;WI$.teaBrihati6bf of th MouroewdoctrineJ is atwftysrfnost strenuously made .when:, no European power has either capacity' or inclination tav inlsmp m abralioD-1 Truculent hints about Mexieb'in xhe message v.vilh appease tneoraggarts samerican tipinc,. ibicblldeliglit' 1 taflauni ?'-aenance hslnlAca Ann n iin q rr entfy'j'like ft--6ucki8g dove,''- Jroarsihe message regardiDg1 relations with the only jpower, frith faarrei;That is ureal xniain, ana as to iue a Aiaoama claims,.' Grant T recommends : that they le paid by the IJnitedj&tates, and sd held till 'Her Majesty 's gbvef nriien shall en tertain I a aesire ior a( iuu ana irienaiy aujusi menti' t , Vl. 4.,'t' In one feature alone-the . recommenda t ion of encouragement to American . ship building; does v this' ; omnium, ffotherupt '. of plati tud es an d ( ,V fidiculosities ' prben t -any claim to general 'public approbation. f If Senator V ance! is an anxious aspirant jit ttU 1 . M.'.i i .' S :7j- 1 .4f..iM ! ior mcreasea ceieoncy nia cup- 01 ouss jboinit-at r i;h e ; presenjfc rlmbment' ; be? iuUw to tempered nor graduated. War is fteii. of all games in which to depend blindly upon luck; tcseers only Jhe'; cards ii bne's own hand, and to miscalculate or despise the trumps in the hand of the adversary. If matters shall not mend with General Grantjap with Unexampled u rapidity,4 1 the i down grade in public interest' ,4timation. his next annual message will want both commentators; and readers.' On last Mon day, the, President's ' message was sub mitted to Congress, and although several days have passed since the appearance of the document, the signs are yet wanting of that popular interest in the Executive recommendations, which; is ordinarily! so eager and manifest.- And tie popular es timate of Grant's messages as documents HferSLSiejtp'JtfeeL fgepiBral'pnblio, is wnofemi8tadi:eir.ui; 1 ; '-: Grapts ? reCOTtraessage j is: eminently characriltif: itsutati ve i aQtotwe have seriotis doubts i as to his ablfllftrto write halt-adozen pages of consecutive matter,) in one particular at least. With 1 eleoted.tq ttiSe pnit -tae&n'atel' in deed to' any office short of the; presidency, whose personal: and political merits -and 'abtecedents have received siicb f thorough ventilation. North Carolina is;, justly proud of t;he,iQn whom she bas so, highly honored, iabafwhpsel fame arid; character have run the gauntlet of discussion' Tsy the press of the whole ' country without 'the developement of one single circumstance brtfglpgi&e ;V baTe !beebespMialJy'strpiclr complimentary notices of which 'Senator vauij una ueeu tue Buujecbiiu .prominent iwl(riewspapers14i Tiese referencesare sufficient evidences of his almost uri'ex ampled personal e popularity; There - is a magnetism about-Vance - which- no ;gen erpuailrtan istl rAble kncLshrewd as, a-politic sympathetic 7natutA7e that dun newly-elected Senator will be one of the most, popular and influential of the DenQcratuj , and Conservative members ? of the "body to' vyhictf lie has been'chosen. He will lank in ability with the gifted digriifiedV abd' ha cVer beehadcused,! I even by bynpst violent eneme?, pf trick- f ery or corruption."! wii ti 4 ' ; "These are the very qualities" which; shorn d ensure ynces prompt, ad mi unworthy orgaiiBon of such personal virtues as the Sun ascribes to Senator "The New York Tribuiie closes an ar tide in vhicUsomefiev.ere strictures are; passed uponSMSoveraor Tance's political and "rebel" performances, with the follow-; iog words: " He denounces proscription and retalia- ; tion, with commend able, vigor, He de dlares'that every law, 1 bbiti State' 'and Na tional, should be obeyed and respected by all. He-fi jinboqestiicouAgeonsjard headed man, with good intentions and L imperfect lights. We lielieve thasuch a ( mabifl-theLSeiiate,can do rfroreWotrd than ; harm; and it might be difficult to find ! m FMd "! -I resent the average intelligence and con science of his State. ; f r We are greatly encouraged by these favorable jreferencesvof the Northern press ! to pur,SenatOjelect. They are favorable auguries regarding the question of his f admission to the Senate. v ; " TnE DECLINE OF WEtF ENGLAND. rection ior 1 the r maintenance-ok ihaf ta -grossly e,qnd lnsolentiap-nunation jwhich ? they hhhe.rps ertgd " A"' To uVMrref,3 soraet . ' ' ' Vif.f. " x" ua VUO DUUbll 111 UiH SUIUCUUIC: sometimes i 1 1 slowly, in tbe matter of bringing home ! to 3ew EnglaM the puHcswMcH she has so plUpl' ''ior ? bur section. t- Neverthfiessttpe retribution is at handj ? "'and it is movingar mbrPrprdiy:'ttian we I could have expeeted. "By the new census. ' gress ordn otheriiwqrdsCh aggregate i voting strength in ther House 'of Repre- f seotatives of ,Rii(pe5a cut. Is - not ' tbisdVighifui? contim- j plaf e ? At thei very "'period, too, when '$ iNew lingiand needs acquisition of, power : to enable her to resist the aspirations of antagonlic iWerst4 fwiffh(dimin- ishes, and at he same time, the whole country forsakes her. 1 ti The Western States gain seven mem- bers. They' iiaveati- additibn,,requalto ; anotHer taSe of IbaThe Middle States i lose' a member Tbusjn the nextcPresi-; dential (36ietf&l fanfl elections for J members of Congress, the ! Wst,s?agaiiist j the East, iseinibrfcedTyV a strensrtbfea Pal to that now Dossessed bv the State of In- . - - . A - . i ...... .4- . ..- - t ,...'-:,' diana. The : Southern'" States' hold their ohe for the friends of Democracy and con-' stitutional prindples The loss in New Wi?i,M5H'f; the gam in tie West will be Democratic. ' er the influence of great moral ideas,", this country has become the j abode of piety and the refuge of virtue. : UDuring the Bm v. Alison kept his cuuiiuiaaiyu . as vqioaei . oi jouaves in tne 7 powder .maazihev to prevent Ms "lambs" i from stealing if,, and recently Grant re- i fused to let "bis message be taken but bf i&ti slghl, lt it? SnbJildS beVStolen. resentativcs-if teortbera press. . : .husban oV having q&derel flf , tnnethenightingale .is nowsoredGced as fjfl to be compelled ; to teach music for a liv( ingi -vTbe,ill-piatched pair have separated by mutual consent, and the spendthrift must now shift for himselt iivy "' ! V . 1., " ? ' ... i r: m. "rT5 - -